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GlykoPrep Technology

Part Number:

GlykoPrep digestion module, 24-ct. GlykoPrep N-glycan sample prep is a cartridge based workflow. Module for rapid, nonselective release and recovery of intact N-glycans from ≤50 μg of glycoprotein. The N-glycanase (PNGase F) provided with GlykoPrep is the same formulation as GKE-5020 N-glycanase, ≥ 10 U/mL and EDTA-free.

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List Price:
$2,510.00 /24 Pack

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  • 24
Equipment & Reagents Provided by User
  • Centrifuge with a deep-well plate rotor (minimum 44 mm height)
  • Heater and incubation blocks (GS150)
  • Starter labware kit (AM200)
Kit Configuration
  • Sample Prep Module
Protein Load Range
  • 1-50 µg
User Manuals

GS24-RX GlykoPrep Digestion Module

User manual for GS24-RX Digestion Module