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GlykoPrep Technology

Part Number:

GlykoPrep H Cleanup Module, 24-ct. Contains GlykoPrep HC solid-phase extraction spin cartridges packed with ~5 mg of Hypercarb porous graphitic carbon (PGC). These are designed for purification of glycans from non-carbohydrate material, including salts and proteins. When samples are loaded on the column, salts pass through, while glycans and protein adsorb onto the matrix. The glycans may then be selectively eluted from the column.

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  • 24
Equipment & Reagents Provided by User
  • Centrifuge with a deep-well plate rotor (minimum 44 mm height)
  • Starter labware kit (AM200)
Kit Configuration
  • Sample Prep Module
Certificate of Analysis

GS24-HC, GLYKOPREP H CLEANUP MODULE (24-ct), 946 001, Certificate of Analysis

GS24-HC, GLYKOPREP H CLEANUP MODULE (24-ct), 946 001, Certificate of Analysis

User Manuals

GlykoPrep H Cleanup Module User Manual

User Manual for GlykoPrep H Cleanup Module