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Corporate Citizenship Report 2010


Workforce Initiatives

Health and Safety

Agilent is committed to health and safety practices and work environments that enable our people to work injury and illness free. Agilent recognizes its responsibility to provide a safe working environment for employees and realizes that they are most productive when they are healthy.

Agilent's occupational health and safety programs are targeted at the prevention of work-related injuries and illnesses through continual mitigation of risk and hazards. Our wellness programs raise awareness of health issues and encourage employees to adopt healthy lifestyles. Health and wellness approaches at Agilent include on-site and online classes, availability of educational materials about health risks and travel health, awareness events such as health fairs, and, at larger sites, fitness centers with instructors. Agilent Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) training is provided to all employees through our online Learning@Agilent system and class room training. The training courses are specifically designed for Agilent jobs.

Agilent records and investigates work-related injuries and illnesses to identify root causes and apply appropriate corrective and preventative actions. At Agilent, the primary health and safety metrics monitored are the lost workday case rate (the number of work-related injuries/illnesses that result in time away from work per 100 employees working a full year) and the occupational recordable rate (the number of lost-time and no-lost-time recordable cases per 100 employees working a full year). Both metrics have remained relatively stable over the last five years and continue to benchmark favorably relative to Agilent competitors and industry leaders. Over the past four years there has been a concerted global effort to address office ergonomic risk factors which have represented a large percentage of injuries and illnesses at Agilent. Agilent instituted an online training and assessment process, resulting in a 65 percent reduction in both high-risk office workstations and reported discomfort levels from employees.

EHS Compliance During 2010

Agilent's global EHS organization establishes companywide EHS operational standards for our locations worldwide. These standards are consistent with those that prevail in developed countries and often exceed what is required by local regulations. It is Agilent's policy to comply with applicable EHS legal requirements in the markets where we operate. Even with many safeguards, some concerns may be identified in our operations during the course of regulatory inspections. We work cooperatively with government authorities to resolve reported violations. When applicable, Agilent investigates the reported violations in order to gain insights and initiate new policies and programs that might prevent similar incidents in the future. During our 2010 fiscal year, zero fines and penalties were assessed against Agilent for regulatory violations associated with EHS operations at our sites worldwide.


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