Our Net-Zero Commitment

Since our founding more than 20 years ago, we've worked to reduce our energy, waste, water and CO2 emissions. Now we're taking it a step further. We're proud to announce that we will achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Our comprehensive approach to net zero includes Paris Agreement climate targets, clearly defined interim goals, and a commitment to the Science-Based Targets Initiative.

Why We're Committing to Net Zero

Hear from Agilent's head of ESG Programs, Neil Rees, about why we're committing to net zero and how it's changing the way we do business in large and small ways.

Watch video
Our Strategy for Achieving Net Zero

What Is Our Path to Net Zero?

Learn how we will reduce Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions by 2030 and the progress we've already made reducing our carbon footprint over 20 years of setting goals and reporting on progress.

Read fact sheet