Guard Column |
Hardware |
Inner Diameter (ID) |
Length |
Maximum Temperature |
Molecular Weight Lower Limit |
Molecular Weight Upper Limit |
Pressure Rating |
Shipping Solvent |
pH Range |
- Applications
More Sensitive Quantification of PFAS by LC/MS with the Agilent 1260 Infinity II Hybrid Multisampler
In this application note, the sensitive quantification of PFAS by LC/MS is described, using the Agilent 1260 Infinity II hybrid multisampler.
A Comprehensive Workflow for Analysis of PFAS in Wastewater per EPA Method 1633
This application note demonstrates a comprehensive workflow, including sample preparation, consumables, data acquisition/analysis, and reporting for PFAS listed in EPA Method 1633 Draft 4 and in E.U. and U.K. regulations.