
Software Status Bulletin

OpenLAB CDS     M84xx

Known Problem Report as of Jul 22 2024 4:00AM

This Software Status Bulletin (SSB) documents all known problems in the software
product designated above. The SSB is derived from Known Problem Reports (KPR)
which result from user problems that have been classified as documentation
problems or software defects. When a KPR is written, an identifying number is
assigned to it, and the KPR is added to the next edition of the SSB.

User inputs that have been classified as Enhancement Requests are not documented
in the SSB. User problems that have been submitted, but that have not been
classified by the time the SSB is generated are not included in the SSB.

How to use the SSB
When you experience a problem with a product, first check this SSB to see if the
problem has been reported already, and if there is a temporary workaround
available for the problem, or if the problem has already been fixed by a new
revision. If the problem is not listed in this SSB then you may wish to report
it to the Response Center or to your field support representative.

To determine if your problem is documented in this SSB, first look in the
Keyword Index section of the SSB. Under each keyword is a listing of one-line
descriptions of related KPRs. If any of these sound like yours, locate the KPR
# in the Known Problem Reports section of the SSB, and read the full KPR. The
KPRs in the Known Problem Reports section are sorted by KPR #.

There are two sections in the SSB:
Keyword Index: This index is categorized by keyword. For each KPR there is a
brief description and a KPR #. A KPR may be associated with more than one

Known Problem Reports: This section contains KPRs, with all the available
information relevant to the problem. KPRs in this section are sorted by KPR #.

Keyword Glossary

68xx Driver
78xx Driver
Admin Reports
Administration,User Interface
Audit Trail
Data Analysis
GC/MS Driver
Instrument Control
LC/MS Driver
Performance,Roles and Privileges
Report Template Design
Report Templates
Roles and Privileges
Roles and Privileges,User Interface
User Interface
User Interface , Audit Trail

Keyword Index

Keyword: 68xx Driver

KPR#:147 6890N with 7693 barcode scanning checksum mismatch does not return vial to tray and skips a vial.
KPR#:148 Customer can't install colum information from catalog if column description is blank
KPR#:150 Setting a Hold time of 0.0 does not work correctly with GC6890
KPR#:156 GC Driver and OpenLAB CDS 2.2 Version Number clarification.
KPR#:157 OpenLAB 2.1: Unable to download syringe change to GC
KPR#:159 6890 online help has the bad strings in Injector page.

Keyword: 78xx Driver

KPR#:308 Method printout missing column parameters: flow or pressure, setpoint On, (Initial), and post run
KPR#:312 Oven Slow fan will be off after method is downloaded the slow oven mode on to 7890
KPR#:313 During a pulsed splitless run, the purge time shorter than the pulse time cannot be entered.
KPR#:314 Method print out with 7890 configured does not show total GCc run time.
KPR#:315 There is no "Inlet Septum Purge" event in Runtime Events table - EZChrom
KPR#:316 External Device "Not Ready" ignored by OpenLAB CDS ChemSataion and EZChrom
KPR#:318 Aux Flow Limited to 150 mL/min even when pressure is less than Maximum
KPR#:319 Post Run Flow Rate has default that out of range and value seems not to be stored
KPR#:320 Method User Interface does not correctly load the content of a method.
KPR#:324 Does not delete previous open GC method event table when load method. Wrong injections can be created.
KPR#:325 Method download to GC while in sequence causes it to disconnect and sequence stops.
KPR#:326 7890 method print doesn't include post run time
KPR#:335 Crash of Software after check "Show Threshold Value as remaining time" in EMF Options
KPR#:346 Error Unhandled Exception when changing columns and a Gerstel CIS4 in installed in the 7890.
KPR#:347 Incomplete Method Parameters for xCD in Acquisition Method Report
KPR#:349 Actual flows displayed by CDS aren't the same as the setpoint flows
KPR#:350 Print method does not include all MMI setpoints: Purge time, Post Run Temp, Time, Flow
KPR#:351 Extend run does not extend the acquisition of the Intuvo 9000 GC
KPR#:352 Cannot Add User-Defined EMFs on Intuvo 9000 GC
KPR#:355 ChemStation Instrument actuals showing D2 Bus Temperature with no D2 bus installed
KPR#:356 Method print is showing Solvent wash mode as A-A2, B-B2 when it should be A,B since it is a 16 vial turret
KPR#:357 Inlet pressure setpoint displayed assuming all thermal zones are turned ON, results in confusing mismatch when heated zones are Off.
KPR#:360 Method Editor for PP inlet & Packed Column incorrectly allows both flow and pressure setpoints to be entered
KPR#:362 GC driver is missing for the current build installed while upgrading from 2.1 to 2.2.
KPR#:367 Right Clicking on Method Editor makes UI hide behind Instrument Screen
KPR#:368 Incorrect Values in 9000 Pressure/Flow Calculator
KPR#:369 Make changes to guard chip on Intuvo 9000 GC, audit trail just says temperature changed
KPR#:370 Backflush Wizard illogically sets trial backflush times after the elution time of last peak of interest
KPR#:371 Should not be able to download a method while a in a GC run or sequence.
KPR#:373 Method Resolution Does not take into account default column temperature limits.
KPR#:376 The Local User Interface(LUI) on the Intuvo 9000 GC shows long name for connected data system.
KPR#:379 Location of Intuvo 9000 GC System Health Report should be moved
KPR#:380 Link to Intuvo 9000 GC help does not work.
KPR#:381 Event drop downs are black when creating a new method
KPR#:383 PCM will not control in constant flow.
KPR#:385 RTL for OpenLAB CDS: Calibration Runs dialog shows no chromatogram or compound table for loaded data or Results from calibration runs
KPR#:386 RTL Wizard crashes when run with OpenLAB 2.2 and mandatory sample is selected.
KPR#:387 Acquisition crashes when user clicks on RTL Import/RTL wizard
KPR#:388 RTL for OpenLAB CDS 2.X does not calculate the pressure correctly when locking or re-locking the method when setting a Target retention time.
KPR#:422 HS Sleep/Wake mode should sync with GC Sleep/Wake mode
KPR#:431 Overlap injections on the 9000 uses only the injection volume from the first injection for subsequent injection.
KPR#:432 Defect: there is an empty tooltip on the button "maintenance" in the "control" ribbon in ACQ.
KPR#:435 GC Method Resolution results in “Object Reference” error message and occasional crash
KPR#:438 When attempting to save the method in OpenLab CDS 2.2, a dialog box appears with the title "[debug] Surprise Dirty!".
KPR#:439 Downloading method parameters (like oven temperature) on a 6890A does not work with OpenLab CDS 2.4
KPR#:472 Chromeleon: Intuvo trigger two instrument notification for configuration changed
KPR#:473 Chromeleon: GC: Change of column length (and related parameters like flow etc) via calibration in online method sometimes reported in audit trail sometimes not
KPR#:474 Chromeleon: GC: Column length can only be calibrated once in Online Method Editor
KPR#:475 Chromeleon: Setting Liner on Intuvo triggers two config change messages in audit trail
KPR#:476 8860 Open Lab CDS EZChrom compact license is invalid.
KPR#:477 Selecting Partial Data for the 6890 causes the retention times and areas to be wrong.
KPR#:478 6890 - cannot set post run flow for packed column
KPR#:479 Chromeleon: GC 6850A and 6890A: GC online method is not editable
KPR#:480 Chromeleon: GC 6890A: Wrong temperature shown in chromatogram for signal GC_OvTempe_Act
KPR#:481 Chromeleon: GC 6850A: Cannot create instrument method
KPR#:482 Chromeleon: GC8890: Current Signal Value in 'Blank evaluation' shows incorrect value in Method editor
KPR#:483 Chromeleon: GC8890: Blank evaluation setpoints missing in method report
KPR#:484 Signal Scaling is incorrect for the 6890
KPR#:485 Chromeleon: Intuvo: Help button in window 'Configure Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC' opens 78xx Series GC Help
KPR#:486 Chromeleon: GC8890: Issues during sequence execution
KPR#:487 Chromeleon: Changes made in 68xx Edit Online Method not applied or reported
KPR#:488 Error when loading GC method without Blank Run Analysis setpoint
KPR#:489 Chromeleon: Corrected column length will not save after manual method resolution
KPR#:490 Chromeleon: Signals from previous method persist in new method
KPR#:491 Chromeleon: ECD Help page cannot be accessed
KPR#:492 Chromeleon: All 8860 signals not displayed or available in report
KPR#:493 Chromeleon: Error occurred at several points of operation
KPR#:494 Chromeleon: GC6890: Front Injector parameter change in Online method not applied
KPR#:495 Chromeleon: GC6890A: Method download fails
KPR#:496 8860 on Chromeleon -Unhandled exception in Chromeleon Driver Host (CmDDKHost): AgilentTechnologies.DdkIcfAdapter|Agilent
KPR#:497 Chromeleon does not recognize the tray with Back Injector installed.
KPR#:498 Chromeleon: Automatic de-activation of not supported feature blank evaluation cannot be saved
KPR#:499 Getting multiple Errors in the PC Event Log for AgGC7890 after disconnecting and Reconnecting LAN cable.
KPR#:500 GC6890: Valid vial ranges are not correct for 6890 in some cases
KPR#:501 Chromeleon: GC6890A: Error 'The communication FIFO of the DDK driver is corrupted.' after connecting and disconnecting several times.
KPR#:502 When click the "Apply the Option" in GC Chromatographic Column Directory under Column Configuration, an exception occur on Openlab 2.4
KPR#:503 Upgrade installation from GC B.01.03 to 3.0 SR2 fails to install Ag7697WS.dll (and .pdb)
KPR#:504 Chromeleon: GC6850A: Changing method parameter creates method inconsistent to configuration
KPR#:505 Chromeleon: GC6850: Partial Data option causes issues during sequence execution
KPR#:506 Chromeleon: GC6890: Unexpected audit trail entries during endurance run
KPR#:507 SR1 for the GC3.0 drivers breaks the connection between an 8890 and 7000D transferline temperature reading in MH ACQ 10.
KPR#:508 Not able to download flow setpoints to 6890 VI inlet.
KPR#:509 Chromeleon: Incorrect conversion and missing unit when using pressure setting bar
KPR#:510 68xx: Chromeleon: System with G4513 won't make 1.1 uL injection
KPR#:511 Chromeleon: System crash: system slow and then crashing
KPR#:512 8860 with Headspace/PAL does not consume correct VL license for OpenLAB 2.4
KPR#:513 B,04.03 SP2 will not connect to an 8890 GC.
KPR#:514 Chromeleon: 6890GC Oven temperature disabled in method - Run does not start.
KPR#:515 3.0 SR2 driver fails SVT on OL CS C.01.09.144
KPR#:516 OLCS C.01.09 with Driver 3.0.650 will not launch any instrument.
KPR#:517 Chromeleon: SVT Chameleon 2.1.30 Fails
KPR#:518 Function_build number not display in SVT report in EzChrom and OpenLab CDS 2.4
KPR#:519 8890: the MS transfer line temp displayed is 0 C but its actual temp is 250 C.

Keyword: Acquisition

KPR#:597 68xx: Chromatogram for channel randomly offset, shifted

Keyword: Admin Reports

KPR#:940702 Roles and Privileges Report causes error

Keyword: Administration

KPR#:244534 New users don't see data and projects in Content Manager
KPR#:376731 Not possible to delete project related files form the Content Management user interface.
KPR#:477707 No specific privilege is required to access the CM Admin console
KPR#:487437 Java JMX RMI vulnerability
KPR#:534773 Restore fail when the new server is on a different subnet
KPR#:539989 A new domain user can't create projects
KPR#:549030 Archive fails if a file with the same name has already been archived
KPR#:567527 Backups can fail if the available C disk storage space is too small
KPR#:567986 Backup aborts due to timeout error
KPR#:577035 Installation stalls at Agilent Distributed Transaction coordinator install step
KPR#:582137 Backup Utility fails if IP address is used for DB server connection
KPR#:588447 If one archive job fails, the others should continue
KPR#:588450 Archive jobs get stuck, requiring a cleanup
KPR#:588458 Archive job in a sub-folder should be removed when manually archiving a parent
KPR#:600186 Data files with names including semicolons (;) cannot be uploaded to Content Management
KPR#:663493 OpenLab ECM XT not affected by security issues in log4j-1.2.17
KPR#:687074 Customer IT scan identified vulnerability CVE-2021-4104
KPR#:708407 Version mismatch in SVT for Data Collection Agent and Service
KPR#:954003 Cannot resotre FB database
KPR#:954006 Rest API crashes with domain users in CP but removed from domain
KPR#:1048901 The AGTOL.log file is missing from 2.7 systems
KPR#:1058057 Supporting OpenLab v2.8 in multi-domain environments where Clients/AICs are members of a different domain than the OpenLab Server/ECM XT server

Keyword: Administration,User Interface

KPR#:267323 Activity Log in OLCP does not record the Application name when login from the Web UI

Keyword: Audit Trail

KPR#:378080 E-Signature description not automatically updated for new created user
KPR#:58 Activity Log not displayed in web browser when using Chrome 5.1

Keyword: Calibration

KPR#:395508 Help and Learning needs updated statement regarding all calibration options or levels are supported with timed groups

Keyword: Configuration

KPR#:1 Instrument opened with a channel conflict is in a quasi-Not Connected state
KPR#:2 COM port information for clients does not match AIC COM port information
KPR#:146950 Using OpenLAB CDS Waters Acquity driver the PDA ( 3D option) is pre-set as default values as well for 2D Detectors
KPR#:195581 Unconfigured Sample Scheduler Agent causes Windows logs on CDS 2.3 AIC's
KPR#:592977 Logon to OLCP is not possible
KPR#:733079 Slow login performance when server and user domain don't match forest name

Keyword: Data Analysis

KPR#:286264 The Retention Time definition in the Data Analysis Reference Guide is misleading because of a wrong drawing
KPR#:297380 Manually extract UV Wavelength chromatograms is part of Privilege control on the manual but this function does not exist
KPR#:689877 Reviewing or adding a manual entry to the audit trail no longer triggers a new result version

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

KPR#:1 Setting source temperature as a Timed Event does not change the setpoint on the Dashboard
KPR#:2 Selecting a SIM or Scan time segment line highlights the entire row
KPR#:7 Starting EI 5977A Tune does not wake up a sleeping 7890B GC after it was in sleep mode.
KPR#:9 While in Vented, Venting or Pumping down and network connection is lost, on re-connection the UserInterface state goes to Idle.
KPR#:11 Manual Tune Scan plot does not show all of the information
KPR#:12 Prepare to Vent disappears from MSD LUI
KPR#:13 Vacuum fault not clearing on turbo pump without Lcomm, 5977B and 7890B system.
KPR#:15 Manual Tune profile plot does not show all the information
KPR#:18 Signals acquired in "SIM" mode or "SIM and Scan" mode can drop out below the baseline
KPR#:117113 Unable to close Acquisition if connection is lost while tuning or in Tune Control
KPR#:134542 Filament selection is not updated when changing methods
KPR#:139960 It is possible to acquire data with un-tuned tune files.
KPR#:160081 Tuning and Tune related activities are not recorded in activity log
KPR#:177340 GC/MS method update change from 'Version 100' to 'Version 101'
KPR#:177496 Data file is collected but cannot be opened in Data Analysis
KPR#:223710 AcquisitionServer.exe process does not close when Close Connection is used
KPR#:224414 Acquisition Method Report does not show exact MSD model configured
KPR#:231685 GC/MS autotune using a saved atune file results in manual tune report template
KPR#:234855 Discrepancy in "Run time" value user entered in Acquisition UI vs displayed in the Acquisition Method Report
KPR#:235934 Acquisition Method Report shows generic "Detector EMV Override" label in SIM Table
KPR#:264274 Autotune report always shows the default masses for PFTBA even if the selected masses are changed
KPR#:267319 Switch Filament options should not be shown for CI GCMS configurations
KPR#:306994 MS stays in a not-ready status following autotune if using JetClean in Acquire & Clean mode
KPR#:347742 PCI autotune fails to complete on some instruments after an initial successful autotune
KPR#:366073 Aborting bakeout during equilibration may cause the timing problems
KPR#:370668 Autotune icons are grayed out after clicking "Cancel" in Delete Tune File dialog
KPR#:370684 User created tune files cannot be deleted if a default tune file is currently loaded
KPR#:387039 No warning message after method is loaded with invalid tune file
KPR#:389009 Actual values for bakeout and equilibrium time are incorrect
KPR#:389044 Vacuum Control: If the acquisition client is closed during vent and then reconnected, the time elapsed value is lost
KPR#:389509 Vent: Turbo speed may not be accurate below 3%
KPR#:392073 Tune Report PDF may not display in some situations
KPR#:392865 Cannot release Tune Control
KPR#:394987 Using "Generate Report" in PCI mode the calibrant valve is not opened
KPR#:396350 Custom Tune: Correct masses will not be displayed in report if changed
KPR#:398529 Custom Tune: Using masses that are fewer than 100 amu apart will abort with error
KPR#:412557 Acquisition can't be closed during GC-MSD venting

Keyword: Headspace

KPR#:181 Cannot get 7697 Comm setup in OpenLab CDS; Connection always makes the HS's GC IP revert to previous setpoint
KPR#:194 Sequence aborts with "address may not be null" error

Keyword: Installation

KPR#:53 Data Store server synchronization fails if the computer hostname contains an underscore.
KPR#:55 Old icon displayed for links after upgrading your Data Store server to rev. 2.0
KPR#:146953 OpenLAB CDS IQ report may generate/show an aborted IQ after uninstalling the Waters Core and Waters Acquity Add-on driver

Keyword: Instrument Control

KPR#:146982 OpenLAB CDS crashes after power cycling the Waters Acquity instrument

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

KPR#:218620 Changes to Manual Tune parameters have no respond in spectrum display windows LC/Single Quad
KPR#:246022 Charging voltage displayed as Nozzle Voltage in the check tune report for MultiMode Source
KPR#:246030 AJS source Sheath Gas Temp & Sheath Gas Flow parameters not validating in the Method Override
KPR#:246035 Single Quad UI always display "Not Ready" state when the instrument in "Standby"
KPR#:246037 Cannot close OpenLab CDS Acquisition if connection to server is lost during LC SQ tune check
KPR#:257678 Missing Data Point crossed the chromatographic peak on G6135C SQ
KPR#:269242 'Review Tune Report' dialog may freeze UI
KPR#:320141 APG remote triggering LC shutdown
KPR#:339311 Abundance change with dwell time when changing detector gain factor
KPR#:347214 Shutdown method leaves LCMSD iQ actively scanning and not "Off"
KPR#:349670 Getting prompted to save method when no change is made in the method
KPR#:359660 Divert valve may not switch to waste during hardware fault
KPR#:371542 SQ online signal is missing after windows restart
KPR#:385359 Autotune report results are incorrect on FWHM
KPR#:394789 Heaters faults cannot be cleared on LC/MSD iQ
KPR#:402489 Embedded Software (ESW) crash during autotune
KPR#:409473 AIC installation was cancelled during install of LCMS driver, which caused it to roll back. After relaunching installer, LCMS driver install failed
KPR#:438688 Unstable spray warning in EMF
KPR#:474201 Applying LogAmp calibration coefficients
KPR#:478099 Mismatch between gain factor in acquisition method and gain displayed in DA
KPR#:481643 Quad resolution during SIM mode (Wide & Widest).
KPR#:482908 New EM Horn caused estimate Gain to jump around with low abundance
KPR#:527627 527627 - Mass shifted issues on 400ms dwell time in Acquisition
KPR#:581848 Running Sequence with LC/MSD gets stuck in Not Ready
KPR#:737754 Checktune fails when FastScan is checked
KPR#:750291 Checktune Icon grayed out

Keyword: Performance

KPR#:178350 New domain users can't access content management to save methods or any other file
KPR#:401255 SQL Server Database - 100% CPU Usage
KPR#:492041 C:\ProgramData\Agilent\SecureFileSystem is growing significantly
KPR#:628048 SQL Parameter xact abort prevents Data from being uploaded
KPR#:638587 Improvements to address archive problems
KPR#:651438 Excessive logins can cause com.agilent.datastore.cache file to grow and impact performance
KPR#:711663 Instrument client times out intermittently when browsing open an acquisition method in a heavily loaded folder
KPR#:726704 Sample Scheduler Acquisition can get slower over the time with CDS 2.5, 2.6, 2.7
KPR#:767591 Unable to open method, sequence, and result files in Data Analysis
KPR#:954001 OutOfDate is not reset after first instrument's data is read (multi-instrument)
KPR#:954005 Loading Sequence from result set takes >1 minute for Browse box to appear
KPR#:954008 OpenLab Shared Services Crashes frequently
KPR#:962671 Unable to process result sets with big ACAML files from Terminal Server

Keyword: Performance,Roles and Privileges

KPR#:304709 New domain users can't access content management to save methods or any other file

Keyword: Report Template Design

KPR#:56 Error seen in Intelligent Report header (#error) if any related data field is used in an expression
KPR#:58 Intelligent Reporting - Stacked Chromatograms do not display the time axis in reports
KPR#:59 Intelligent Reporting - Square brackets cannot be used in filter expressions

Keyword: Report Templates

KPR#:61 Sequence Summary Extended template in Excel format not reporting the acquisition or processing method information correctly
KPR#:62 Generating a report to word file format may generate a report containing not aligned report items

Keyword: Reports

KPR#:73111 Description on unsaved entries is incomplete in Audit Trail dialog
KPR#:249784 Non-identified peaks may be missing in reports with non-Agilent instruments data
KPR#:299468 "Delete" entry in the audit trail raises an audit concern
KPR#:389530 Tune Report: The autotune report does not include instrument name

Keyword: Roles and Privileges

KPR#:187399 User with empty password cannot unlock Acquisition or Data Analysis
KPR#:207007 Users can delete their own data without deletion permission via web client
KPR#:580868 Folder move requires Everything role
KPR#:976277 Users added to a domain group can't access content management

Keyword: Roles and Privileges,User Interface

KPR#:318470 Orphan Property ID leading to sync failure

Keyword: User Interface

KPR#:56 Chinese, Japanese, or Russian file names corrupted after download as a compressed zip
KPR#:79117 SIM table is disabled if the last method loaded was SIM
KPR#:90053 Copy paste a row in the SIM table causes the acquisition Client to crash
KPR#:99440 Cannot unlock session locked by user from different domain
KPR#:119122 One UIB II channel is acquired but two signals are displayed in Data Analysis
KPR#:130075 Search cannot handle Metadata which contains a µ
KPR#:131472 EI tune evaluation report displays incorrect limit for 502/69 ratio
KPR#:168842 PDFs Which Include Localized Characters Can Appear Garbled in Web UI Previews
KPR#:180338 First time login to the Content Management Web UI can take up to 60s
KPR#:225514 Activity Log Not Viewable in Chrome 67 or later (ECM XT 2.2, 2.3)
KPR#:296392 No Tree in DA after CDS 2.3 Update 06 installation with CM
KPR#:306783 The information of the modified person on the folder is incorrect in the Datastore WebPage
KPR#:307134 Pagination disappears when search returns more than 250 results
KPR#:372530 Incorrect rendering of MS Office documents in preview
KPR#:576609 Backup Utility is failing fail at verification step due to exhausting connections to the MS SQL server
KPR#:623684 "modified" timestamp after sequence has been archived triggered by filtering for PDF
KPR#:665419 Japanese Language Files are not included in Content Management Security Update 01
KPR#:58 Activity Log not displayed in web browser when using Chrome 5.1

Keyword: User Interface , Audit Trail

KPR#:58 Activity Log not displayed in web browser when using Chrome 5.1

Keyword: Workflow

KPR#:354011 Data acquisition is interrupted on GCMS SQ when system is in failover mode

KPR#:1  Product:Agilent 6100 Series SQ  G6130C  B.01.00


One-line Description:

Source Parameters are not part of the tune file and are not saved/reloaded when loading tunes


The users is allowed to change and download the source parameters when doing manual tune to run experiments, but those values will not be part of the tune file saved and will not be replaced with the source defaults with atunes is loaded

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1  Product:NGA/RGA  NGA/RGA  2.7


One-line Description:

NGA/RGA Add-on Software revision 2.7 has wrong characters in Chinese font


The characters of Chinese font in NGA/RGA Add-on Software revision is wrong.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This defect is planned to be fixed when the Gas Analyzer 2.7 is run on future OpenLab CDS version.

KPR#:1  Product:OpenLAB Acquisition  OpenLAB Acquisition  2.0


One-line Description:

Network issues with DHCP may cause unexpected behavior on a Workstation installation


On a Workstation installation when the main network which is connected through DHCP drops and the network IP can change to default non-reachable IP address, communication with Shared Services/Automation Service could stop. This will adversly affect acquiring runs and the client application.

Temporary Solution:

Use STATIC IP address to avoid DHCP failures.

Fix Information:


KPR#:2  Product:Agilent 6100 Series SQ  G6130C  B.01.00


One-line Description:

Delta EMV relations may not be obvious to users


In the time segments table there are entries for positive and negative Delta EMVs.  The values entered by the user get stored with scan segments of the same polarity.  If the user sets up a method that is only positive polarity scan segments and enters a negative Delta EMV value, there are no scan segments to associate it with.  When the method is saved, the negative Delta EMV value is not saved as it would have no meaning.  Likewise the audit trail will not log an entry for this change in negative Delta EMV.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:2  Product:OpenLAB Acquisition  OpenLAB Acquisition  2.0


One-line Description:

Submitted or Validating run items will get aborted if connection to Shared Services is lost


Any submitted or validating runs will get aborted if connection to Shared Services is lost in the mean time. All the pending runs will go to completion.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:3  Product:Agilent 6100 Series SQ  G6120C  B.01.00


One-line Description:

Charging voltage displayed as Nozzle Voltage in the check tune report for MultiMode Source


The Charging voltage displayed as Nozzle Voltage in the check tune report for MultiMode Source.

Temporary Solution:

Users beware that there is a typo in the Checktune Report, it should be Charging voltage on the MultiMode Source(MMI)  NOT Nozzle voltage.

Fix Information:

No fix available at this time. To be fixed in a later version

KPR#:3  Product:OpenLAB Acquisition  OpenLAB Acquisition  2.0


One-line Description:

A mismatch of configured custom plate will throw invalid location message.


If user launches a pre-configured instrument where the configured custom plate does not match the hardware, then invalid location message is seen while validating the vials.

Temporary Solution:

Close instrument connection and re-configure the instrument to update the configuration, so it matches the hardware.

Fix Information:


KPR#:4  Product:OpenLAB Acquisition  OpenLAB Acquisition  2.0


One-line Description:

Connection problems with hardware could put the instrument in indeterminate state


During an acquisition run, If connection problems are encountered between the hardware and the application, the software would abort the runs. The hardware is not aware of the disconnection and reconnecting to the hardware could put the instrument in indeterminate state.

Temporary Solution:

Perform a close connection and stop the hardware. Relaunch the application to get to a good state.

Fix Information:


KPR#:4  Product:Agilent 6100 Series SQ  G6120C  B.01.00


One-line Description:

SmartCard 4 disk failure


When the SmartCard 4 disk stop working, it require to reboot the SmartCard 4, closed the instument online conneciton and flash the firmware.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:5  Product:Agilent 6100 Series SQ  G6130C  A.01.01


One-line Description:

LC/MS SIM/Scan parameters information are inaccurate in the report function


For SIM/Scan time segments, both Scan and SIM rows will appear in the same scan segment table.  Scan rows will appear first with their column information and SIM rows will be appended below and the columns appended after the Scan columns.  Cells that do not contain information for the scan type will be blank.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:5  Product:OpenLAB Acquisition  OpenLAB Acquisition  2.0


One-line Description:

In case of overlap injections, "Stop sequence after current run completes"  aborts the current run ONLY and discards the already prepared sample


In the case of overlap injections, when user performs "Stop sequence after current run completes", only the current injection will complete its data acquisition. The already prepared sample (already in the autosampler's sample loop) for the next run will be discarded, the sequence will be aborted. When user run a subsequent sequence, an error will occur depending on the instrument technique (LC or GC) due to the leftover sample in the injector loop, user has to re-submit the same sequence to be able to continue.

Temporary Solution:

Re-submit the sequence to continue

Fix Information:

It is fixed in OpenLAB CDS 2.1. When user performs "Complete current run and abort sequence", sequence will be aborted after the data acquisition has completed for the already prepared sample (the overlapped sample).

KPR#:6  Product:OpenLAB Acquisition  OpenLAB Acquisition  2.0


One-line Description:

Printing administrative reports from OpenLAB Control Panel directly to a physical printer does not work properly


As a system administrator, when user prints the administrative reports from OpenLAB Control Panel directly to a configured printer, the hard-copy printouts are blank pages.

Temporary Solution:

User has to print the reports as PDF files and then print the PDF reports on the configured printer to obtain your hadr-copy printouts.

Fix Information:

This issue has been solved in OpenLAB CDS 2.1.

KPR#:6  Product:Agilent 6100 Series SQ  G6130C  B.01.00


One-line Description:

Activity Log does not show the negative values of method override parameters for LC/MS


In the time segment, if there are scan segments with both polarity, the log will have two lines to say parameter name changes from xxx to xxx. One is for the positive polarity, the other one is for negative polarity. Whether the Positive comes first or negative comes first will depend on which polarity comes first in the scan segment.
If there is only one polarity, there will be only one line in the log to specify the value has been changed to xxx to xxxx.
There will be no indication to specify which polarity. User will need to find that out.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:7  Product:Agilent 6100 Series SQ  G6120C  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Selecting multiple ranges of cells will not fill down as expected


In the scan segments table, if the user selects a range of cells and clicks filldown (click-drag), the first cell selected will be the value used.  If the user selects a range of cells and additional individual cells (click-drag followed by Ctrl-clicks), the first cell select will be the value copied.  But if the user selects 2 ranges of cells (click-drag and Ctrl-click-drag) and clicks filldown for some reason the 1st cell of the *2nd* range is copied.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:7  Product:OpenLAB Acquisition  OpenLAB Acquisition  2.0


One-line Description:

Same injection time for multiple runs if Review data during running


Customer performed a "Review Completed Injections", then the injection audit trail show different injection time but in the DA and the reports show the same injection time for followed runs.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:8  Product:Agilent 6100 Series SQ  G6120C  B.01.00


One-line Description:

Adjust Mass Peaks in Manual Tune does not automatic set the peak width back to 0.7 FWHM


The Adjust Mass Peaks in Manual Tune does not automatic set the peak width back to default 0.7 FWHM it set will peak width to 0.8 FWHM.
The peak width has a tolerances of  +/- 0.1 FWHW

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:11  Product:Agilent 6100 Series SQ  G6130C  A.01.01


One-line Description:

AJS source Sheath Gas Temp & Sheath Gas Flow parameters not validating in the Method Override


If the user overrides either the sheath gas temp or sheath gas flow in the sequence method override, the system will not validate this against the allowable ranges for the other parameter. The override parameters that cannot be achieved, the firmware will prevent unsafe conditions and the system will remain “not ready”. Sequence override parameters have a single validation range and no way to check validation of another parameter.   Users who use the sequence override conditions should be aware of the conditions they are using and the affect they have on the system; relationship between the Sheath Gas Temp and Sheath Gas Flow.

Temporary Solution:

Both parameters need to changed at same time.

Flow :  Temp
7.5,      400.0
6.5,      350.0
5.5,      300.0
4.5,      250.0
3.5,      200.0
2.5,      150.0
0.0,       20.0

Fix Information:

N/A- The information will be  included in the Help file

KPR#:12  Product:Agilent 6100 Series SQ  G6130C  B.01.00


One-line Description:

Post-run diverter position information is missing when creating a LC/MS report


Post-run diverter position information is missing when creating a LC/MS report.  Since the post run box did not get "checked", it means users do not want to setup for the post run therefore, the post-run diverter position information is not in the report.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:13  Product:Agilent 6100 Series SQ  G6120C  A.01.02


One-line Description:

Changes to Manual Tune parameters have no respond in spectrum display windows


Changes to Manual Tune parameters have no respond in spectrum display windows on all 61xxC  Single Quad LC/MS.  
When making changes to the width gain/offset, mass axis/offset,  or ion optics voltages, the spectrum display windows have no affect to the  tune peaks.

Temporary Solution:

The workaround :
1)  Switch ion polarity from Positive to Negative mode
2)  Make change to MS parameters (i.e. width gain/offset, mass axis/offset or ion optics)
3)  Download tune parameters to instrument icon button
4)  Switch ion polarity back to Positive mode
5)  Download tune parameters to instrument icon button

Fix Information:

Fix will be in the future release of LC/MS drivers.

KPR#:14  Product:MicroGC490  MicroGC490  2.1 (FR1)


One-line Description:

Signal Plot frozen and Run Queue shows "Acquiring" and data is inaccessible


Online plot signal window can be frozen and the run queue can be stuck in "Acquiring" state even though the run is done. 
The data is not accessible. In DA the icon for the data set shows up as a folder icon, but will not have any results to open. The data structure is incomplete, but there is usually dx data and sometimes RX data.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fix in 1.12.2

KPR#:14  Product:Agilent 6100 Series SQ  G6130C  A.02.00


One-line Description:

Single Quad  UI always display "Not Ready"  state when the instrument in "Standby"


Single Quad  UI always display "Not Ready"  when you put the instrument in" Standby" or turn off the device button because the "Standby" the Drying Gas Flow is 3.0 L/min.
If the current method has a Drying Gas Flow settings greater than 3.0 L/min, then the UI always "Not Ready" when users put the Single Quad in Standby.

Temporary Solution:


1) Create a "Standby" SQ method with the Drying Gas Flow 3 L/min, Drying Gas Temperature 300C, and Nebulizer pressure 15 psi
2) Save the method
3) Download Standby method to the  instrument before putting the Single Quad in Standby

Fix Information:

Fix will be in the future release LC/MS drivers.

KPR#:15  Product:Agilent 6100 Series SQ  G6130C  A.02.00


One-line Description:

LC/MS data acquired with ions ending in .9 m/z will appear in EIC as two ions ending in .9 m/z and .91 m/z


If your LC SQ acquisition method has ions that end in .9 m/z, the Extracted Ion Chromatogram (EIC) in Data Analysis will show two ions, one ending in .9 and one ending in .91 that is not part of the acquisition method. 

For example, 1696.9 m/z is specified in acquisition method to collect, but 1696.91 m/z also appears in the EIC even though this ion is not part of the method.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is resolved by the LC/MS Driver that is included in OpenLAB CDS 2.2.

KPR#:158  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  B.01.01


One-line Description:

User is not able to save 'Column Parameter' changes at the same time when change is made


User is not able to save 'Column Parameter' changes at the same time when change is made unless they click on another field on the screen

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.02

KPR#:160  Product:68xx Driver Software  ICF (68xx)  6.33


One-line Description:

Invalid Resource Item implementation for oven program


Invalid Resource Item implementation for oven program

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.02

KPR#:44358  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

PDF preview in DataStore is truncated in Chinese and English Secure Workstation


PDF preview in the DataStore User Interface is not rendered properly and may look misaligned or truncated in Chinese and English Secure Workstation. The pdf document opens properly with any pdf reader when downloaded from the Data Store repository

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed with OpenLAB Server revision 2.1

KPR#:44359  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

"Value contains illegal character' message is displayed while typing a new folder name


While typing a folder name, the software will provide instant feedback and warn the user when an invalid character is entered.
If you continue typing the "red" field will disappear until an invalid character is again detected. 
Folder names can't start or end with a space.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue will be addressed in the next version of the software

KPR#:44372  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

Deleted content doesn't release space from the disk storage when using PostgreSQL as database engine


Deleted content doesn't release space from the disk storage when using PostgreSQL as database engine
Affected version: OpenLAB Data Store A.02.02 and OpenLAB Data Store 2.0 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is resolved with OpenLAB Server 2.1

KPR#:44397  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

FIltering in File Details page does not work for ZIP filenames with Japanese character


The problem is caused by Java interpreting the encoding from non-English Windows.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:52288  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

Folder icon is missing on content page when using Internet Explorer 11


This is can be fixed by changing the rendering in the Intenet Explorer options
 "Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering*

Related issue reported here:
Steps are given here:

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:57014  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

Clicking on the "Browse" button to Upload Files does not trigger the "browse window" in IE11/Win10


This is a known issue and will be fixed in the next revision of the software.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:58559  Product:  Shared Services  2.0


One-line Description:

Users can't log in with domain authentication - Message User must change Password


When using Windows Domain Authentication, the message  "User must change the password" is displayed even when this is not correct. 

Temporary Solution:

When using Domain Authentication, the application needs to read user attributes like userAccountControl ( and pwdLastSet ( In order to get information whether or not a user must change password. When read permission is not granted to the user, the application will assume that the password of the user expired and will refuse the access
Steps to enable the permissions to read attributes:
1	Open Active Directory Users and Computers
2	In the View menu, click Advanced Features
3	Under Users, select a user that is not able to log in to OLCP
4	Right click and go to properties
5	In the Security tab, click select 'Authenticated Users'
6	Check 'Read' checkbox below and click OK

Fix Information:


KPR#:59567  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

WEB User Interface returns Error 500 after rebooting the server


If rebooting the OpenLAB Server, and the tomcat service starts before the database instance is up and running, you will have a database connection issue returning  and error 5600 on the web interface. 
There are no dependencies between Tomcat and external databases  resources.

Temporary Solution:

Ensure the dabase server is up and running before rebooting the OpenLAB Server. 

Fix Information:


KPR#:62028  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

Deletion of Files in Content Management - Freeing of Disk Space


When you delete contents in DataStore or OpenLAB Server
1) DataBase: Contents in database will be deleted. Database size might not be reduced due to activity log information being written to the database and also some database size might not be reduced even the contents are deleted.

2) Solr index: Solr index size will not be reduced unless you click on the "optimize now" button in Solr Admin user interface

3) Content Store: Content Store size will be reduced when you delete files in DataStore. A clean-up job runs everyday at 11:00 PM to clean the content store folder.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:68692  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

Preview not available if size is larger than 10MB for certain files.


In Content Management, preview feature is not available for certain file types that exceed a size limit. This limit is 10 MB for the file types mentioned below
Office Documents ( .doc, docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx )
CSV files ( .csv )
TXT files ( .txt )
XML files (.xml)

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:72645  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

Web UI - Characters are not being previewed and some are correctly converted


Alfresco expects UTF-8 encoding on all documents for previews to work correctly on extended characters.

Cause: Notepad saves .txt files as ANSI by default, which is incompatible with Alfresco.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

In Notepad, do "Save As..." to save the file in UTF-8 format instead of the default ANSI, and upload the file to CM for extended characters to be previewed correctly.

KPR#:73118  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

Reprocessing on an archived project should generate error


OpenLAB CDS does not check when a project is archived in OpenLAB Data Store 2.0 or in OpenLAB Server 2.1. 
It is therefore possible to select the archived project to load results, modify and save them. The application will then try to upload the modify results and an upload error will occur in the upload queue. 

As a temporary solution, we recommend to remove the Project_Edit_Content permission on archived projects.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:73361  Product:OpenLAB    2.1 (FR1)


One-line Description:

After an upgrade to CDS 2.1,  the reporting tab is missing for some users


When a custom role for creating and modifying Reports is assigned to users. After an  upgrade to CDS 2.1, Any user assigned this role will no longer be able to create reports. The Reporting tab will be completely missing for them

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is planned to be fixed with CDS 2.3

KPR#:73829  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

RDL files downloaded via the web interface through Internet Explorer are saved with the wrong extension


When a user chooses to download an RDL file from the web interface in Internet Explorer, the file itself is saved with the wrong extension (typically a .bin or .txt extension).

Temporary Solution:

as a temporary solution, yo can download using a different browser (such as Chrome), you can also choose to right-click and "Save As" instead of a standard click to to download or rename the file back with the correct extension.

Fix Information:


KPR#:85485  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

Software Verification report of Agilent Data store Fail While upgrading Server of A.04.07 SR1 to A.04.07 SR2


Running the Software Verification Tool (SVT) with a user other than the user who did the upgrade will result in a failed report.

Temporary Solution:

The user performing the upgrade should be the user that runs the SVT tool.

Fix Information:


KPR#:87873  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

Old DS Icon visible on Internet Explorer Tabs after an upgrade


The original DS favicon (icon) is visible in the Internet Explorer Tabs and address bar if the system was updated from version 2.0 to  2.1 or 2.2 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Clearing manually browser's cache forcing it to download all latest data from a website, and this is done only one time after the system is upgraded with latest version.

KPR#:92136  Product:OpenLAB    2.1 (FR1)


One-line Description:

When two Agilent LC instruments with VWD are running sequences on one Workstation or AIC, the sequence aborts after 55 minutes of runtime on one of the LC instruments.


With multiple instruments starting at about the same time, longer run times, sequence or single runs may abort with the error “Store must be open for this operation” in the Activity Log. For example, with an Agilent VWD detector or 1220  LC Compact System, a run time of 55 minutes or higher can cause this condition.
This error occurs due to a Microsoft .NET issue with multiple program threads writing to a temporary Windows file where the signal size exceeds 10MB. For the VWD or 1220 in particular, the reference and sample intensity instrument traces store enough data to exceed this size in about 55 minutes.
This issue only occurs when more than one instrument will exceed the required signal size. For example, if using one instrument with a VWD detector and one with PDA, the PDA may not generate the required signal size and the issue will not occur.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is resolved in OpenLAB CDS v2.1 SR1, and OpenLAB CDS v2.2.

KPR#:102320  Product:    1.1


One-line Description:

Running a method with a tune file that has never been tuned will crash the acquisition Client


If a GC/MS method is run with a tune file that has not yet been tuned, the acquisition Client will crash.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue will be resolved in a future release of GC/MS driver for OpenLAB CDS.

KPR#:103557  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

Result type "Unknown" in Data Analysis search results after an upgrade to CDS 2.1


After upgrading  a Workstation or a Client Server environment from 2.0 to 2.1
Searching results in Data Analysis will show "unknown" for results acquired with CDS 2.0.  

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The result type field extraction has been added in version 2.1. Search will properly populate this field for newly acquired results or after reprocessing results acquired in CDS 2.0

KPR#:105862  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

Installed Start Menu Shortcuts (on the Server) will not work if the Default Browser on the Server is not set


Clicking on the shortcuts for Bulk Import Utility and Content Browser will bring up an explorer app with an error saying the page cannot be displayed.  

Affected versions: OpenLAB Data Store 2.0 and OpenLAB Server 2.x

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

If the default browser is not set on the server, these errors will occur for this application (and all applications that have internet shortcuts on the start menu).  Set the default browser to Internet Explorer to avoid this problem.

KPR#:106063  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

Double upgrades from DataStore A.0x to OpenLAB Server 2.1 will cause "Alfresco_administrators" group to be missing. 


During the upgrade to OpenLAB Data Store  2.0, a group called    Alfresco_administrators is added to the application, but when  an additional upgrade is done  before like  for instance from A.01.02 to A.02.01 and then to 2.0, the group will not be created and will cause the upgrade to OpenLAB Server 2.1 to fail.

Temporary Solution:

As a temporary solution, the following two steps need to be done before upgrading to OpenLAB Server 2.1 

1. The missing group "ALFRESCO_ADMINISTRATORS" needs to be created manually in the Alfresco Share.
2. The DataStore_System user and the Administrators group must be added to the newly created group.

Fix Information:


KPR#:119021  Product:    


One-line Description:

Delete file action in content management does not ask for a reason for deletion


Delete file action in content management  will not ask for a reason for deletion nor ask for a second login. 
Deletion of files can only be done from users having the "Manage Security" privilege or the "Everything" Role. The deletion will be traced in the Content Management Activity Log

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:121773  Product:OpenLAB  Shared Services  2.2


One-line Description:

System Timeout Exception error occurs when OpenLAB Control Panel is kept open


On a Client, after closing the instrument connection but keeping the OpenLAB Control Panel open, the system times out and throws a System Timeout Exception error. No data is lost.

Temporary Solution:

The user can simply start OpenLAB CDS Control Panel again.

Fix Information:

This issue will be resolved in future OpenLAB CDS release. 

KPR#:122106  Product:OpenLAB  OpenLAB Help & Learning  2.2,2.3


One-line Description:

Some LC Help contents not shown


Some LC instrument topics are not shown in Help and Learning.

Temporary Solution:

Press F1 in the Acquisition method window to access .CHM formatted Help. Topics are available in this format.

Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLab CDS v2.3.

KPR#:123550  Product:    2.1 (FR1),2.2,A.02.02


One-line Description:

Exception when logging in OpenLab Control Panel. ECM does not display all subfolders when browsing for Project Path during project creation; exception is displayed 


When the user creates projects, the standard procedure is to browse to the folder Location when selecting the Project Path. However, there are more than 100 sub-folders, it is not possible to set the project path correctly, because when browsing, the ECM window displays only the first 100 folders. 
The following exception is displayed: 
"Agilent.OpenLab.SharedServices.SharedServicesInternalException: The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters..." 
An exception also occurs when logging into OpenLab Control Panel: "Agilent.OpenLab.SharedServices.SharedServicesInternalException: The incoming request has too many parameters..."

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The issue is resolved in OpenLab CDS 2.3. It is also resolved in OpenLab Shared Services (OLSS) 2.1 Hotfix 4.

KPR#:124628  Product:    ECM XT v2.4


One-line Description:

Network disconnection prevents result set from being completely uploaded to Content Management 


If a network disconnection occurs while uploading a result set via the Failover Uploader Tool, then a result set will be partially uploaded to Content Management (CM). Partial result set cannot be opened in Data Analysis. The whole result set is still cached locally on the AIC. However, re-upload the result set is not possible if the partial result set exists on CM server.

Temporary Solution:

The temporary fix is to first delete the partial result set from the Results folder under the project directory on CM server and then use the Failover Uploader Tool again to upload the complete result set.

Fix Information:


KPR#:139916  Product:OpenLAB    2.0,2.1 (FR1),2.2,2.3


One-line Description:

Current acquiring and pending runs get aborted during database disconnection


When using an external database server, if the database is disconnected, but the communication between OpenLAB Server and AIC stays intact, the current acquiring and pending runs will get aborted.

Temporary Solution:

The communication to database server should not be interrupted during data acquisition.

Fix Information:


KPR#:150855  Product:OpenLAB    2.1 (FR1)


One-line Description:

Data lost after sequence completed successfully but .dx files cannot be found


The sequence completed successfully, however, the result set contains sequence and method files, but no .dx files.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLab CDS v2.3, v2.2 Update 2, and v2.1 SR1 Hotfix 5.

KPR#:169503  Product:OpenLAB  Client Framework  2.2


One-line Description:

MS signals may not appear in Data Analysis after acquisition


MS signals acquired with a LC/MS or a GC/MS may be missing in Data Analysis due to an inconsistent signal information stored in the results (time segment information).

In such cases, the online signals can be seen in the Acquisition signal plot, but would not be accessible in Data Analysis. 

The issue can occur intermittently or persistently depending on the considered system and method used for acquisition.

Temporary Solution:

Please contact your local Agilent Technologies support representative.

Fix Information:

The issue will be fixed in OpenLab CDS v2.2 Update 03, and in further major software releases, starting from OpenLab CDS v2.3.

KPR#:171732  Product:OpenLAB    2.2


One-line Description:

Cannot start Acquisition and Data Analysis on Terminal Server for all users


Every couple days, Acquisition and Data Analysis cannot be started on Terminal Server for all users. In both cases, the start up process is stuck after calling AddServicesLogMessageAboutApplicationStarted.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLab CDS v2.3 and v2.2 Update 4.

KPR#:180260  Product:OpenLAB    2.3


One-line Description:

Reason for changes - OK button not available


When a reason for changes has to be entered, the OK button in the window is disabled.

Temporary Solution:

In the "Reason for changes" window, select the check box for "Apply same reason for all injections". This will enable the OK button. After that uncheck the "Apply same reason for all injections" and the OK button remains enabled.

Fix Information:

This issue will be fixed in a future release of OpenLab CDS.

KPR#:193387  Product:OpenLAB    2.2


One-line Description:

Cannot launch Data Analysis or Acquisition due to corrupted user configuration file


When Data Analysis or instrument client was launched from OpenLab Control Panel, an exception occurred due to a corrupt user.config file. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS v2.4, OpenLab CDS v2.3 Update 03, and OpenLab CDS v2.2 Update 05.

KPR#:200758  Product:    ECM XT v2.3,n/a


One-line Description:

Upgrade from v2.1 fails when the application is installed on a folder name with short name


Upgrade from v2.1 fails when the application is installed on a folder name with 2 or less characters

Temporary Solution:

Do not install the application on folder where the name is  less than 3 characters

Fix Information:


KPR#:246023  Product:    Ultivo Lite


One-line Description:

Adjust Mass Peaks in Manual Tune does not automatic set the peak width back to 0.7 FWHM


The Adjust Mass Peaks in Manual Tune does not automatic set the peak width back to default 0.7 FWHM it set will peak width to 0.8 FWHM.
The peak width has a tolerances of  +/- 0.1 FWHW

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:249538  Product:    ECM XT v2.3


One-line Description:

On systems with OpenLab CM installed (workstations or client / server) using a PostgreSQL database, the Windows application log contains many errors.


On systems with OpenLab CM installed (workstations or client / server) using a PostgreSQL database, the Windows application log contains many errors like ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "idx_alf_conturl_cr"
 DETAIL: Key (content_url_short, content_url_crc)=(574d8e0d.bin, 643884882) already exists.
 STATEMENT: insert into alf_content_url (id, content_url, content_url_short, content_url_crc, content_size, orphan_time) 
values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)

Temporary Solution:

As a workaround you can change the type of logging PostgreSQL does:
 In the file postgresql.conf change the line with the parameter log_min_error_statement to 
 log_min_error_statement = fatal 
 This would prevent application-level failed statements from being logged at all. 
 The DB startup/shutdown messages can also be toned down to only include errors:
 log_min_messages = fatal

Fix Information:

The error messages: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "idx_alf_conturl_cr" can be ignored
 This is a known issue. According to Alfresco Engineering, do not worry about it if you are ONLY seeing this issue:
 1. in PostgreSQL database and not other databases (eg. MySQL, etc)
 2. logged in PostgreSQL locking' policy means that sometimes concurrent transactions collide and hit unique constraint errors. These are normally silently retried by alfresco. But unfortunately, the default PostgreSQL configuration logs these to their log.
 The "duplicate key violation" exceptions are produced by copy/paste, versioning and a number of other well-handled conditions, including ANY concurrency violation. 

KPR#:268327  Product:OpenLAB    2.4


One-line Description:

Error loading data (invalid or missing checksum) if one of ACAMLs is corrupted


When loading bunch of single injections, "error loading data (invalid or missing checksum)" occurs if one of the injections has ACAML that is corrupted. As a consequence, nothing is loaded.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS v2.4 and OpenLab CDS v2.3 Update 11.

KPR#:268655  Product:OpenLAB  UA - OpenLAB Data Store  2.3


One-line Description:

 License error: Content Manager cannot be used in cluster system intermittent


Intermittently the error "There is no Content Management Server license" is displayed when the OpenLab Control Panel is started.
This is caused by the fact that only three servers can be used as license servers in a cluster. In case the fourth server of the cluster is interrogated by the client to provide a license, the error is displayed.

Temporary Solution:

Only configure three servers to be used for load balancing. The third server can be used as a separate index server. This requires OpenLab CDS 2.3

Fix Information:


KPR#:274106  Product:OpenLAB    2.3


One-line Description:

Data cannot be loaded after a previous "Load Data" cancelation


After a prior "Load Data" that was canceled while loading, sometimes Data Analyisis is not able to load the data anew.  Instead it shows a message that this data is already loaded when trying to load. 
As a temporary workaround until this defect will be fixed in CDS 2.5 the user can close Data Analysis, restart it and load the data again. Prior to closing, all unsaved data should be saved. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:274897  Product:OpenLAB    2.3


One-line Description:

E-signature information may get lost from a signed result set


E-signature information may get lost from a signed result set due to a timing issue. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Agilent has identified the issue and this issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS v2.4, OpenLab CDS v2.3 Update 07 and OpenLab CDS v2.2 Update 08.

KPR#:289388  Product:    ECM XT v2.3,2.4


One-line Description:

The "Modifier" value of a folder created by a project creation in OpenLab Control Panel is set to "System" a few minutes after the folder is created. 


In Content Management, the "Modifier" value of a folder resulting of a project creation in OpenLab Control Panel is set to "System" a few minutes after the folder is created. The "Modified Date" is also updated, even if there was no change done to the folder.

This change is caused by the synchronization between the OpenLab Control Panel and the Content Management happening every 5 minutes. 
This scheduled sync process runs as the 'system' user. It updates the permissions on the folder performed by user 'system' and also updates modifier" to 'system' and "modified date" to current timestamp .

Affected version(s): v2.3, v2.4

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLab Server v2.5 and Openlab ECM XT v2.5

KPR#:294392  Product:    2.3


One-line Description:

Instrument models type not being updated when method is saved


If user opens an G61XXC method on a different model G61XXC and save the method, the new model information is not saved in the method on OpenLab CDS 2.2, 2.3, or 2.4.  The audit trail will display the incorrect instrument model.

For example:

a. Create a method in G6120C system with LCMS 2.2\2.1 driver.

b. Open the method in G6135 C system in LCMS 2.2\2.1 driver. Save it.

c. Now, open the method on a LC/MSD iQ, the Audit trail shows. "Model changed from G6120C to LC\MSD iQ".

Which is not correct because it was G6135C method which is opened in LC/MSD iQ not G6120C. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:295891  Product:    2.3


One-line Description:

Incorrect wording in Audit trail when method migration into OpenLab CDS 2.4


a. Created method with 2.1 LCMS driver with “Calculate scan times from peak width (min)” set to 0.5.
b. Migrated the method to LC/MSD iQ. Audit Trail has entries “Targeted Points Per Second changed from 0.5 to 1” and “Targeted Points Per Second Enabled changed from True to False”.
While migrating the 2.1 driver method to LC/MSD iQ 2.3 driver, the Audit Trail shows 'Calculate scan times from peak width (min)' as 'Targeted Points Per Second'. This is not correct because peak width is different than points per second. It also shows that “Targeted Points Per Second Enabled changed from True to False”, which is not correct because there is no ‘Targeted Points Per Second’ in 2.1 LCMS driver.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:297723  Product:OpenLAB    2.3


One-line Description:

"Manage Security" is restricted to delete files/folders outside of a project


With the privilege "Manage Security" you can delete files/folders in Content Management - as long as the files/folders are not within a project!  When in a project, only projects related privileges are applied, therefore it will not be possible to delete files in a project if you have the Manage Security privilege
 Inside a project, there is also a role called everything. If you grant this role to a user within that project, he will be able to do everything, including deleting files.  
Manuals and online help will be improved to point this behavior out more clearly. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:300405  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

CDS2.3 Update 5 cannot be installed


In case customer is using an external NAS ... the user for the Tomcat service is not local system but as example openlabadmin
This leads to the problem that the installation of CDS 2.3 Update 5 stops at 33% because the user for the Tomcat service is switching to local system during the installation and  therefore was not able to start the service (got stuck at 700 MB).

Temporary Solution:

Stop the Tomcat service manually and change the user to e.g.: openlabadmin again. Afterwards the service started and the update will proceed. 

Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in the OpenLab CDS v2.5  OpenLab ECM XT v2.5
This issue is fixed in the following updates:
OpenLab CDS 2.4 Update 6 and OpenLab ECM XT 2.4 Update 02
OpenLab CDS 2.3 Update 10 and OpenLab ECM XT 2.3 Update 07
OpenLab CDS 2.2 Update 07 and OpenLab ECM XT 2.2 Update 01

KPR#:311401  Product:    2.4


One-line Description:

Data are not present in ECM after the run completed successfully


On a client/server system integrated with ECM 3.x, there are cases where the run completed successfully but the data are not present in ECM. 

1. Missing ECM privileges. A CDS user who submitted the run does not have read/write permission to the folder (CDS project) created on ECM.
2. ECMAPI service stopped on the AIC 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue has been fixed in OpenLab CDS v2.5 and OpenLab CDS v2.4 Update 07.

KPR#:313546  Product:    2.3


One-line Description:

Sequence run get aborted upon submission when downloading failed due to network disconnection


On a client/server system, a sequence run may get aborted immediately upon submission at the time when there is network disconnection between AIC and OpenLab Server/ECM XT. The network disconnection will cause file downloading failure, which will further leads to abort the sequence. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:318584  Product:OpenLAB    2.3


One-line Description:

Missing documentation for the Deleted Objects filter in the System Activity Log


In the OpenLab Control Panel System Activity Log there is an "Object Deleted" filter for the Subsystem Instrument which is not explained in the OpenLab Help. This item is used for viewing activity log entries for instruments that have been deleted (there is a separate activity log entry for the administrator action to delete the instrument). The entries with "Object Deleted = Yes" are about actions that have been taken on the instrument. They do not relate to items created by the instrument such as sequences, methods, results, etc.  As Activity Log entries themselves are never deleted, this way also entries for deleted instruments can be reviewed.

Temporary Solution:

Use this software status bulletin as documentation of the Deleted Object filter.

Fix Information:

OpenLab Help will be updated in a future version to describe the Deleted Object filter.

KPR#:321740  Product:    Ultivo SR1,Ultivo Release 1


One-line Description:

Instrument electronics may not be ready during the first measurement in a method


Instrument electronics may not be ready during the first measurement in a method

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

LC/MS Driver 2.4.452 / ESW 6.72.28

KPR#:361593  Product:    ECMXT 2.4 Update 01


One-line Description:

Alfresco Tomcat Service Credentials Lost


The installation of OpenLab Server 2.4 Update04 / ECM XT 2.4 Update 01 on respective server will fail / get stuck if the customer’s server is using UNC paths to store data or uses domain users to run alfrescotomcat/content management search service. During the installation of the patch, the users will be reset to the respective service System accounts of the local machine.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in the OpenLab CDS v2.5 OpenLab ECM XT v2.5
This issue is fixed in the following updates:
OpenLab CDS 2.4 Update 6 and OpenLab ECM XT 2.4 Update 02
OpenLab CDS 2.3 Update 10 and OpenLab ECM XT 2.3 Update 07
OpenLab CDS 2.2 Update 07 and OpenLab ECM XT 2.2 Update 01

KPR#:396900  Product:OpenLAB    2.4,PL 1.4


One-line Description:

Data failed to upload when reprocessed in failover mode


Failover Results Uploader failed to upload raw data files reprocessed in failover mode to the Content Management. As a result, when the result set is loaded in DA, no chromatogram can be viewed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Agilent has identified the issue. A fix is provided in the following release:

OpenLab CDS v2.5
OpenLab CDS v2.4 Update 07

KPR#:400157  Product:    3.0


One-line Description:

"Injection aborted" information may not be recorded in its injection audit trail due to unstable network


Sequence or single sample analysis will be interrupted hence aborted when running an Agilent LC due to unstable/flaky network. However, in some cases, the reason why the injection was aborted may not be recorded in its injection audit trail due to the timing issue. 

Temporary Solution:

Ensure a stable network

Fix Information:

The issue has been fixed.

KPR#:406328  Product:LC and CE Drivers    3.2


One-line Description:

Purification in OpenLab CDS 2.5 - Error when using legacy Fraction Collector Cluster with added Recovery collector


When using OpenLab CDS 2.5 together with the legacy Fraction Collector Cluster (supporting G1364A/B/C and G5664A), an error can occur during sequence setup. The error is caused by using the graphical "Sample Trays" UI when one of the collectors in the cluster is used as Recovery collector. 

Temporary Solution:

As a temporary workaround, users are asked to not use the graphical "Sample Trays" UI when setting up sequences for the Legacy Fraction Collector Cluster.

Fix Information:

There is no fix for this issue at the moment.

KPR#:456076  Product:OpenLAB    2.5


One-line Description:

Port 6629 is required for communication


Port 6629 is required to be open on the Agilent Instrument controller. This port is used for secure HTTPS data transfer to and from the remote work area.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Documentation updated in version 2.6

KPR#:475739  Product:OpenLAB    2.4 Update 07


One-line Description:

Sporadically the "OpenLab Shared Services" service on the OpenLab Server is turned off


During the replication of data to the AICs (for operational continuity / failover), OLSS server may crash with “OutOfMemoryException” because the data being replicated are too big and there is not enough memory for the OLSS process to handle this.  The likelihood of the issue increases with the number and type of instruments, for example if Mass Spectrometers are involved.  In that case you can reduce the likelihood by deleting unnecessary tune files. 

Temporary Solution:

The replication can be turned off.  Please contact Agilent Support for details. 
Note that under this condition there is only limited operational continuity on the AICs,

Fix Information:

The issue is fixed in CDS 2.4 Update 10 and CDS 2.5 update 05. 
The fix will also be in CDS 2.6. 
At this time there is no fix for CDS 2.3.

KPR#:480532  Product:OpenLAB  Sample Scheduler  2.5 Update 1


One-line Description:

IQ report fails after the installation of update 1 for Sample Scheduler 2.5


After the installation of the Update 01 package for Sample Scheduler 2.5, the IQ report fails, reporting 3 deviations: 
.\Sample Scheduler for OpenLab\documentation\xml\sample_scheduler_for_openlab_command_guide.chm
.\Sample Scheduler for OpenLab\bin\zh-hans\agilent.scheduler.cds.icdsinstrument.resources.dll
.\Sample Scheduler for OpenLab\bin\ja-jp\agilent.scheduler.cds.icdsinstrument.resources.dll
These deviations can be ignored.  Update 01 does not contain / replace these files, The error is caused by an erroneous IQ xml reference file of Update 01. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The issue will be fixed with a future update. 

KPR#:531028  Product:OpenLAB    


One-line Description:

Uploading many files causes the web UI to freeze with 0% progress


Uploading a large number of files using drag and drop in the content management web interface may result in a frozen interface showing no progress  

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

There is a limitation on the number of files one can drag and drop via a browser at one time, and this is due to a limitation on the browser type and OS combined that we have no control over. Each browser type may have a different limitation. If you have thousands of files and folders to upload via a browser, please consider upload them in separate batches.

The documentation in the next release will be updated to include this information.

KPR#:536412  Product:    2.6


One-line Description:

After restoring backup, the Instrument service is not started


After a restore operation on a Workstation Plus, the Agilent OpenLab Instrument Service is not re-started.
This will prevent starting an instrument in the OpenLab Control Panel.

Temporary Solution:

Manually restart the Agilent OpenLab Instrument Service after a restore or Reboot the workstation.

Fix Information:


KPR#:538346  Product:    ECM XT v2.3,ECM XT 2.3 Update 08


One-line Description:

Data collection Service does not start after upgrade


After the Upgrade of an OpenLab 2.3 Server with external SQL DB the Data Collection Service could not be started anymore after the upgrade is finished.

Temporary Solution:

A repair of the Data Collection Service will solve the issue. Navigate in the Windows Control Panel to Programs and Features and execute a repair on "Agilent OpenLab Data Collection Service". A reboot will be required after the repair.

Fix Information:

This Problem is addressed in Version 2.6 of OpenLab

KPR#:625578  Product:    2.6


One-line Description:

TCP port 5443 required during installation 


TCP port 5443 is required during installation for the reverse proxy setup. This port is not mentioned in the manual.  During operation port 443 is used and port 5443 is no more needed. 
This will be fixed in CDS 2.7.  From then on, TCP port 5443 will not be required any longer. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:715010  Product:    2.6


One-line Description:

A logging library running on the remote host has multiple vulnerabilities.


A customer found multiple vulnerable versions of Log4j in their security scans, specially the one which were reported in CVE-2021-4104, CVE-2019-17571 nor CVE-2021-4104 and are affecting
Alfresco, the underlaying Product of Agilent OpenLab.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

According to the Alfresco support ( Alfresco is not affected by CVE-2021-4104, CVE-2019-17571 nor CVE-2021-4104. In order to be exposed to those vulnerabilities you need to enable explicitly some Log4j services that are off when using Alfresco by default in Agilent OpenLab.

KPR#:745418  Product:Thermo Fisher SII  M8244BA Thermo Fisher SII  1.2


One-line Description:

"Invalid floating point operation" error upon importing Thermo U3000 data from OpenLab CDS into a 3rd party software


Upon importing an AIA file (obtained with the Thermo U3000 LC) from OpenLab CDS into a 3rd party software, one gets an error message:
"Invalid floating point operation".

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

There is no fix.

KPR#:761203  Product:OpenLAB    2.7


One-line Description:

Unexpected termination in OpenLab Shared Services


Intermittently, OpenLab Shared Services stops running and needs to be restarted. In the Windows Event Log, an error occurs such as “The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception”. 

Agilent Engineering has identified two causes for this problem:
- In large systems, the replication of AIC instrument configuration information required to support failover operation exceeds the available memory.
-The Lucene search indexer used for the System Activity Log is consuming excessive memory with a large number of search results.

Temporary Solution:

Agilent technical support can provide instructions for disabling the replication of AIC instrument configurations and adjusting the activity log search index memory usage. These steps significantly reduce the frequency of unexpected termination events. 

Reducing the use of keyword searches in the System Activity Log and limiting searches to a narrow time range should also reduce the frequency of unexpected termination events.

In case the OLSS service crashes that are neither caused by replications nor by searches, the recommendation is to go to OLSS Service properties, switch to the "Recovery" tab and select "Restart the Service" for the "First failure", "Second failure", and "Subsequent failures". 

Fix Information:

Agilent Engineering is developing a fix for this issue for version 2.7. 
For versions 2.5 and 2.6, the status of a fix will be communicated later.

KPR#:937244  Product:OpenLAB    2.7,2.6


One-line Description:

Content management fails to start after restore 


After a data restore to a new installation, Content Management does not start. The alfresco.log file shows, for example,
Module 'amp-olss' version 2.6.2-REL_2.6.2.15 is currently installed and must be uninstalled before version 2.6.0-REL_2.6.0.664 can be installed.
This happens when the software installation does not match the patch level of the source software installation where the backup was generated.

Temporary Solution:

There are two restore scenarios that use the Restore Utility outlined in the OpenLab CDS Workstation Plus Guide and the OpenLab ECM XT Administration Guide: restore on a system where the OpenLab application is already installed or restore on a clean machine and then install the application afterward. Both approaches work without issue when the backup's source system does not have any OpenLab updates installed. However, if OpenLab updates have been installed on the source system, then the following procedure should be used:
Install the application on the target system (Workstation Plus or OpenLab Server / ECM XT server) and apply the same OpenLab CDS or OpenLab Server updates that were installed on the source system when the backup was performed. After this is done, restore the system successfully.

Fix Information:

This problem will be addressed in future releases of OpenLab software.

KPR#:949688  Product:    ECM XT 2.2 Update 02,2.4,2.3


One-line Description:

A restored System can create a Cluster with the Source System


In cases where a restored system will run at the same time as the source
system (where the backup was taken,) it is imperative that the restored system is on a network isolated from the source system. For example, if a test system is created from a backup of the production system, it must be on a network that is isolated from the production system. If the test system and the production system are on the same network, it may cause the two servers to create a cluster and interact with each other. This can lead to data corruption and loss and upgrades on the restored system may fail.

Temporary Solution:

To prevent this you can do the following steps:
1.- On the restored server, open C:\Program Files (x86)\Agilent Technologies\OpenLAB Data Store\tomcat\shared\classes\
Find the alfresco.cluster.enabled property and set it to false, as follows:
2.- Restart the AlfrescoTomcat service.

Alternatively you can isolate the restored system and the source system by adding a firewall rule, that the system cannot access each other.

Fix Information:

This Problem is fixed in Version 2.6 onwards.

KPR#:976259  Product:OpenLAB    PL 1.7


One-line Description:

Match Compare files cannot be saved to expected locations within Workstation Plus systems.


In a Workstation Plus or Client/Server system, MatchCompare files are supposed to be in the Data Store. While this is the case for some O/S and MC combinations, for some it is not.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:979508  Product:OpenLAB  OpenLAB Help & Learning  2.7


One-line Description:

Windows 10 LTSC support


CDS 2.7 is fully supported on Windows LTSC 2019 and LTSC 2021. 
On page 27 of the CDS requirements guide, there is contradicting information from what is on  The requirements guide states that the use of OpenLab CDS 2.7 requires a custom SMA agreement if running on Windows 10 LTSC.  This information is outdated and incorrect.
The website contains the corrected information: "For OpenLab CDS version 2.7, support for LTSC 2019 has been added."
There is no requirement to maintain a custom SMA in this configuration.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1027045  Product:OpenLAB    PL 1.8


One-line Description:

When starting "OpenLab Configuration" or "Shared Services Maintenance" an error is shown


The error is "A referral was returned from the server" and is caused when the GPO "Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options\User Account Control: Only elevate executables that are signed and validated" is enabled.

Temporary Solution:

The "OpenLab Configuration" can be started from the OpenLab CDS 2 setup program, in the Installation section with the "Configure Client/Server" option.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1030515  Product:OpenLAB  Sample Scheduler  2.7


One-line Description:

Communication error occurs while trying to reach Agilent.Scheduler.Agent


A private key for the certificate that gets generated by the CertTool for the port used by REST APIs on the AIC (52088) gets deleted by an Acquisition SDK process. After that no network communication to that port is possible, breaking the functionality.
The issue manifests in two user observable symptoms:
-	Sample Scheduler services cannot be remotely restarted through Sample Scheduler configuration
-	Opening Data Analysis from CDS Acquisition client doesn’t work

Temporary Solution:

Take the following actions to temporary fix the problem:
1. Delete the certificate on the AIC.
Open certmgr.msc and delete under "Trusted Root Certification Authorities/Certificates" the "OpenLab Root CA". 
2. Renew certificate.
Open a command prompt as administrator and change to the installation directory of the Certificate Service Tool binaries, default path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Agilent Technologies\Certificate Service Tool\Bin" and run from there: "Agilent.OpenLab.CertService.CertTool.exe RegisterRootCert -h <servername>".
3. Reboot AIC .

Fix Information:

A fix is planned for OpenLab CDS 2.7 Update 06.

KPR#:1104769  Product:    CDS 2.7 Update 02,CDS 2.8 Update 01,CDS 2.8


One-line Description:

After a cleanup of a user's temp directory the OpenLab and instrument's activity log shows error: Activity log is not ready.


It has been reported that after a cleanup of a user's Windows temp directory the OpenLab and instrument's activity log index is no longer ready for usage and the activity log is not accessible.  
This error can be seen if the OpenSearch service is not running.

This defects potentially affects OpenLab CDS 2.8 and patched OpenLab CDS 2.7 systems only.

Temporary Solution:

Navigate to the Windows services panel and start up service OpenSearch 2.11.1.  In case the service does not start up successfully, open Windows explorer and navigate to folder
"C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Temp\opensearch".  The <USERNAME> is the user that installed OpenLab CDS.

If the folder "opensearch" does not exist, the "OpenSearch 2.11.1 (opensearch-service-x64)" service is not starting.  Create the folder "opensearch" manually and start the service OpenSearch 2.11.1 again.

Fix Information:

This issue will be fixed in a future release.

KPR#:147  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.25

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

6890N with 7693 barcode scanning checksum mismatch does not return vial to tray and skips a vial.


There was a timeout in the driver; if the reading of the bar code was not complete by the time that the timer timed out, the driver would declare that the reading had terminated.  This was misleading the data system into advancing to the next vial.  The time required to finish reading the bar code or declare that the attempt had finished is indeterminate.  If the tray is parked, the system will sit there waiting to move until the tray is unparked.  The timeout was removed from the code.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:148  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  5.03

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Customer can't install colum information from catalog if column description is blank


OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.06 and 6890N 
1, Customer selects 122-10BE column. this column doesn't have description.
2, Error message appears when you try to install this column.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:150  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  A.03.01

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Setting a Hold time of 0.0 does not work correctly with GC6890


Setting up Hold Time of 0.0 does not work correctly with GC6890.

Temporary Solution:

No fix planned.

Fix Information:


KPR#:156  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  B.01.02

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

GC Driver and OpenLAB CDS 2.2 Version Number clarification.


GC Driver versions do not display correctly in OpenLAB CDS. The leading alpha character does not get displayed. This makes the "B" version appear to be older than previous "A" version.

Temporary Solution:

This is a cosmetic defect only. It does not affect the operation of the software. The version numbers are still unique.

Fix Information:


KPR#:157  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.33

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

OpenLAB 2.1: Unable to download syringe change to GC


OpenLAB 2.1: Unable to download syringe change to the 6890 GC.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.02

KPR#:159  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  B.01.01

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

6890 online help has the bad strings in Injector page.


6890 online help has the bad strings in Injector page.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.02

KPR#:308  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method printout missing column parameters: flow or pressure, setpoint On, (Initial), and post run


Using Print Method from the ChemStation Software C.01.05, the method printout is missing column parameters: flow or pressure, setpoint On, (Initial), and post run.

Column #1
Flow or Pressure
Setpoint On
(Initial) 2.3922 mL/min
Post Run 2.1209 mL/min
Agilent 19091J-413: 496.46579
HP-5 5% Phenyl Methyl Siloxan

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in A.02.05.024.

KPR#:312  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Oven Slow fan will be off after method is downloaded the slow oven mode on to 7890


OL CDS EZChrom A,04.05 and 7890B 02.03.1
step1. turn on Oven Slow fan, 
step2. click "Download Method to GC".
step3. 7890B turned Oven Slow fan on correctly. then "Method Download Complete" message appeared on OL EZChrom.
step4. instrument set up screen refreshed.
step5. Oven Slow fan check box turned off.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:313  Product:DSA  7890B  5.04

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

During a pulsed splitless run, the purge time shorter than the pulse time cannot be entered.


On a 7890B one of the modes of operation is pulsed splitless. In some cases the purge time needs to be shorter than the pulse time.
Recent changes in GC driver has invalidated this parameter change. Many customers need to turn the purge time shorter than the pulse time.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:314  Product:DSA  7890B  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method print out with 7890 configured does not show total GCc run time.


With 7890 configured; printing the method does not show total GC run time, however if 6890 configured it does show total run time.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:315  Product:DSA  7820A  5.05

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

There is no  "Inlet Septum Purge" event in Runtime Events table - EZChrom


Method setting;
On OpenLAB EZChrom Online session, 
Click dropdown list on Runtime events table, there is no "Inlet Septum Purge" event in this list.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:316  Product:DSA  7890B  A.02.05

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

External Device "Not Ready" ignored by  OpenLAB CDS ChemSataion and EZChrom


When doing a valve injection with a Multi-Position valve and an external device the system ignores the external device readiness. When the external device is "Not Ready" the sequence will continue to make the injection and ignore the APG readiness. If a sequence is initiated locally at the front panel of the 7890 with the external device being "Not Ready" the sequence will wait for the external device to become ready prior to making the injection and starting the run. (This is the correct behavior.)

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:318  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  5.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Aux Flow Limited to 150 mL/min even when pressure is less than Maximum


Aux Flow Limited to 150 mL/min even when pressure is less than Maximum

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.02.05

KPR#:319  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  5.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Post Run Flow Rate has default that out of range and value seems not to be stored


Post Run gas flow defaults to 250 mL min even though the highest allowed value is 150 mL min. 
Even if you change it to save the analysis method as soon as you re-open the method it defaults back to 250 mL min.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:320  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  5.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method User Interface does not correctly load the content of a method.


The content of a loaded method is only partly reflected in the method user interface. I seems that only the visible tab is updates.   
Steps to reproduce:
1.) Create a new method 
2.) Change Oven Ramp, Events table or Signals 
3.) Go back to the ALS Tab and save the method 
4.) Create new method or load a different one
5.) Load the method saved in step 3

Verify the content of Oven Ramp, Events table or Signals. It does not display the correct content. 
See also attached document. 

This issue was found during the integration in Waters UNIFI and could also be reproduced in ICF TestApp and Shimadzu LabSolutions.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:324  Product:DSA  7890A  A.02.05

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Does not delete previous open GC method event table when load method. Wrong injections can be created.


Open instrument setup panel
Create method with some lines into the event table. 
Save method
Create a second method with empty event table.
Click detectors tab to see detectors info.
Save this method.
Open the first method, detectors tab is shown.
Go to events table and it is blank.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.02

KPR#:325  Product:DSA  7890B  5.05

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method download to GC while in sequence causes it to disconnect and sequence stops.


When a method is downloaded to the GC while running a sequence the GC disconnects and the sequence stops.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.02

KPR#:326  Product:DSA  7890B  6.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7890 method print doesn't include post run time


When printing a method the GC setpoints section does not include the post run time as expected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.02

KPR#:335  Product:DSA  7890B  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Crash of Software after check "Show Threshold Value as remaining time" in EMF Options


Once you check the "show threshold value as remaining time" in EMF options, and close the EMF dialog. Once you re-enter the dialog, software freezes and has to be closed by task manager.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.02

KPR#:346  Product:DSA  7890B  5.32

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Error Unhandled Exception when changing columns and a Gerstel CIS4 in installed in the 7890.


If e a Gerstel CIS4 installed and the columns is reconfigured, a msinctl error occurs and the MassHunter software shuts down.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:347  Product:DSA  7890B  5.04

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Incomplete Method Parameters for xCD in Acquisition Method Report


When we do an Acquisition report, not all the xCD parameters are stored. The Reaction Cell Pressure and the Flow through the Ozone generator should also be reported. Can be confusing to customer.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:349  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Actual flows displayed by CDS aren't the same as the setpoint flows



Setpoint     Actual

3.000          3
2.998          3
2.95            3
2.92            2.9

The display for the 7890 shows three digits to the right of the decimal for both the setpoint and the actual. 
As shown above, the data system sometimes shows one digit to the right of the decimal and sometimes nothing to the right of the decimal (e.g. just "3")

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:350  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Print method does not include all MMI setpoints: Purge time, Post Run Temp, Time, Flow


Print method for the Intuvo 9000 GC doesn't have any MMI Purge time or Post Run temp or Post Run total Flow or time.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:351  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Extend run does not extend the acquisition of the Intuvo 9000 GC


Intuvo 9000 GC on C.01.07.255 SR2. Extend run does not extend the run. LUI shows Idle during the extended part of the run.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:352  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Cannot Add User-Defined EMFs on Intuvo 9000 GC


Unable to created a user defined EMF Intuvo 9000 GC. Enter a name and tracking type, but nothing appears on the User-defined panel or any other panel.  There are five user defined (seemingly blank) entries on that panel.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

To Be fixed in B.01.02

KPR#:355  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

ChemStation Instrument actuals showing D2 Bus Temperature with no D2 bus installed


ChemStation Instrument actuals showing Second Detector Bus Temperature with no second Detector.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:356  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method print is showing Solvent wash mode as A-A2, B-B2 when it should be A,B since it is a 16 vial turret


Intuvo 9000 with a ALS and a 16 vial turret.  MassHunter software, the configuration of the ALS is set to Solvent Wash Mode A,B.  Saved and printed the method.  Solvent Was Mode on the method print shows A-A2, B-B2.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:357  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Inlet pressure setpoint displayed assuming all thermal zones are turned ON, results in confusing mismatch when heated zones are Off.


CDS displays inlet pressure setpoint assuming all thermal zones are turned ON, results in confusing mismatch when heated zones are Off.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:360  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method Editor for PP inlet & Packed Column incorrectly allows both flow and pressure setpoints to be entered


When in flow mode, pressure should not be allowed. Entering a value messes up the flow setpoint.
When in pressure mode, flow should not be allowed. Entering a value messes up the pressure setpoint.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:362  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

GC driver is missing for the current build installed while upgrading from 2.1 to 2.2.


GC driver is missing for the current build installed version while upgrading from 2.1 to 2.2 using the OpenLAB CDS Upgrade Wizard. This only occurs with "A" versions of the Agilent GC Drivers.

Temporary Solution:

The fix is to continue with the upgrade as it will still complete successfully.

Fix Information:


KPR#:367  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Right Clicking on Method Editor makes UI hide behind Instrument Screen


Right Clicking on Method Editor makes UI hide behind Instrument Screen

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:368  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Incorrect Values in 9000 Pressure/Flow Calculator


The values within the pressure/flow calculator when initializing from "Inlet 1" still do not match the instrument parameters.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:369  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Make changes to guard chip on Intuvo 9000 GC, audit trail just says temperature changed


With Audit trail enabled, I make changes to the GC parameters panel of the Intuvo 9000 GC.  Changed the guard chip temperature and hold time and saved the method.  Looked at the audit trail and it showed events but it just said Temperature setpoint changed and Temperature hold time changed.  There was no reference to the guard chip.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:370  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Backflush Wizard illogically sets trial backflush times after the elution time of last peak of interest


Backflush Wizard illogically sets trial backflush times after the elution time of last peak of interest

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:371  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Should not be able to download a method while a in a GC run or sequence.


Downloading a method while a in a GC run or sequence can cause issues.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:373  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method Resolution Does not take into account default column temperature limits.


Methods from a 7820 do not have either a minimum temperature or a program maximum temperature. Hence these methods specify the use of default values for these parameters. When such a method is imported into a 7890 that support these parameters, the optional flags need to be cleared.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.02.059

KPR#:376  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

The Local User Interface(LUI) on the Intuvo 9000 GC shows long name for connected data system.


The front panel LUI shows the PC name with other information appended to it. Customers would like to see just the PC name.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in B.01.03

KPR#:379  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Location of Intuvo 9000 GC System Health Report should be moved


Location of Intuvo 9000 GC System Health Report is not consistent with the location on the LUI of the GC.

Temporary Solution:

The System Health Report location has been moved to the  Maintenance/Diagnostics screen.

Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.03

KPR#:380  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Link to Intuvo 9000 GC help does not work.


Click on options > Show 9000 Help and Information. This gives a message that the 9000 cannot be found.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.03

KPR#:381  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Event drop downs are black when creating a new method


When creating a new GCMS method and adding events, drop downs are black. If the screen is switched and you go back to events, it works.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.03

KPR#:383  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

PCM will not control in constant flow.


PCM will not control in constant flow. Configured two packed columns using PCM Module to a single detector. The PCM will control in pressure mode but not flow mode. This was reported by a customer using OpenLAB 2.2 and tested using OpenLAB CDS ChemStation. .

Temporary Solution:

Use pressure control mode and ramp the pressure.

Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.04

KPR#:385  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.04

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

RTL for OpenLAB CDS: Calibration Runs dialog shows no chromatogram or compound table for loaded data or Results from calibration runs


Select GC Plugins\RTL Wizard. Advance to the Calibration Runs dialog. There is no chromatogram or table shown for my loaded data, which was real data, from which to select my target compound.
Enter vial numbers, RT and compound name. Start RTL sequence and at conclusion, the three resulting chromatograms are empty.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in B.01.03.096

KPR#:386  Product:DSA  7890A  B.01.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

RTL Wizard crashes when run with OpenLAB 2.2 and mandatory sample is selected.


RTL Wizard crashes when run with OpenLAB 2.2 and mandatory sample is selected. If a mandatory parameter was found, when the user clicks "RTLWizard" to start up the wizard, an error message would appear explaining the problem.  RTLWizard would then not continue.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in B.01.03.096

KPR#:387  Product:DSA  7890A  B.01.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Acquisition crashes when user clicks on RTL Import/RTL wizard


Acquisition crashes when clicked on RTL Import/RTL wizard.Configure and launch a GC 7890
Navigate to GC plugins layout and click on RTL Import. An unexpected error happens and crashes the acquisition client.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in B.01.03.096

KPR#:388  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

RTL for OpenLAB CDS 2.X does not calculate the pressure correctly when locking or re-locking the method when setting a Target retention time.


RTL for OpenLAB CDS 2.X does not calculate the pressure correctly when locking or re-locking the method. This only occurs when the Target Retention field is set to a different retention time than the peak in the chromatogram.

Temporary Solution:

The work-around is to not update target retention time when selecting the peak for RTL locking. Use the retention time of the peak selection and the calculations are correct.

Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.05

KPR#:422  Product:DSA  7890A  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

HS Sleep/Wake mode should sync with GC Sleep/Wake mode


When a 7697 is configured to a 7890B, it should communicate such that the Sleep or Wake state of either one should be mimicked on the other.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.05

KPR#:431  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.04

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Overlap injections on the 9000 uses only the injection volume from the first injection for subsequent injection.


Overlap injections on the 9000 uses only the injection volume from the first injection for subsequent injection.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.05

KPR#:432  Product:DSA  7890B  Future

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Defect: there is an empty tooltip on the button "maintenance" in the "control" ribbon in ACQ.


Defect: there is an empty tooltip on the button "maintenance" in the "control" ribbon in ACQ.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in 3.0

KPR#:435  Product:DSA  7890B  2.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

GC Method Resolution results in “Object Reference” error message and occasional crash


GC Method Resolution results in “Object Reference” error message and occasional crash

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in 3.0

KPR#:438  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.07

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

When attempting to save the method in OpenLab CDS 2.2, a dialog box appears with the title "[debug] Surprise Dirty!".


When attempting to save the method in OpenLab CDS 2.2, a dialog box appears with the title "[debug] Surprise Dirty!".

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in 3.0

KPR#:439  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Downloading method parameters (like oven temperature) on a 6890A does not work with OpenLab CDS 2.4


Downloading method parameters (like oven temperature) on a 6890 does not work with OpenLab CDS 2.4. The GC is connected (current values are correctly displayed) and setting these parameters from the keyboard does work. Settings are updated in the method when selecting "Upload method".

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:472  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Intuvo trigger two instrument notification for configuration changed


Chromeleon: Intuvo trigger two instrument notification for configuration changed. Configure an Intuvo with guard chip feature and open the online method in context menu of status panel and get two config changed events with a timely distance of 30 seconds.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:473  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC: Change of column length (and related parameters like flow etc) via calibration in online method sometimes reported in audit trail sometimes not


Chromeleon: GC: Change of column length (and related parameters like flow etc) via calibration in online method sometimes reported in audit trail sometimes not

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:474  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC: Column length can only be calibrated once in Online Method Editor


Chromeleon: GC: Column length can only be calibrated once in Online Method Editor

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:475  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  B.01.05

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Setting Liner on Intuvo triggers two config change messages in audit trail


Chromeleon: Setting Liner on Intuvo triggers two config change messages in audit trail

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:476  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

8860 Open Lab CDS EZChrom compact license is invalid.


8860 Open Lab CDS EZChrom compact license is invalid.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:477  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.1

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Selecting Partial Data for the 6890 causes the retention times and areas to be wrong.


Selecting Partial Data for the 6890 causes the retention times and areas to be wrong.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:478  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.1

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

6890 - cannot set post run flow for packed column


6890 - cannot set post run flow for packed column

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:479  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC 6850A and 6890A: GC online method is not editable


Chromeleon: GC 6850A and 6890A: GC online method is not editable

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:480  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC 6890A: Wrong temperature shown in chromatogram for signal GC_OvTempe_Act


Chromeleon: GC 6890A: Wrong temperature shown in chromatogram for signal GC_OvTempe_Act

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:481  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC 6850A: Cannot create instrument method


Chromeleon: GC 6850A: Cannot create instrument method

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:482  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC8890: Current Signal Value in 'Blank evaluation' shows incorrect value in Method editor


Chromeleon: GC8890: Current Signal Value in 'Blank evaluation' shows incorrect value in Method editor

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:483  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC8890: Blank evaluation setpoints missing in method report


Chromeleon: GC8890: Blank evaluation setpoints missing in method report

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:484  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.1

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Signal Scaling is incorrect for the 6890


The real time plot scaling is incorrect. The offset shown in the GC Status is 10.2. The Real time plot shows the signal level to be about 7.8 x10^4. It appears that the signal is not being scaled correctly, but is using the signal directly.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:485  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Intuvo: Help button in window 'Configure Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC' opens 78xx Series GC Help


Chromeleon: Intuvo: Help button in window 'Configure Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC' opens 78xx Series GC Help

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:486  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC8890: Issues during sequence execution


Chromeleon: GC8890: Issues during sequence execution. During the execution of a sequence (using the blank evaluation) I observed some issues: audit trail entry if blank evaluation was used or not ( was performed as blank run, blank evaluation option enabled)
2.during execution of sequence the GC8890 reported high CPU usage
3.The blank evaluation failure was reported during : 16.04.2019 17:20:29 +02:00 2,059 Agilent Blank Evaluation Failed, Failure Action is Continue

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:487  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0.2

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Changes made in 68xx Edit Online Method not applied or reported


Chromeleon: Changes made in 68xx Edit Online Method not applied or reported.
1. With Chromeleon open, selected to open Instrument Actuals
2. Right click in window and select Edit Online Method
3. Attempted several changes to online method.
4. Clicked Set Method Button.
5. No change in instrument actuals reflecting changes to method
6. No audit trail entries for changes made.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:488  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.1

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Error when loading GC method without Blank Run Analysis setpoint


Error when loading GC method without Blank Run Analysis setpoint

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:489  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Corrected column length will not save after manual method resolution


Chromeleon: Corrected column length will not save after manual method resolution

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:490  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Signals from previous method persist in new method


Chromeleon: Signals from previous method persist in new method

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:491  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: ECD Help page cannot be accessed


Chromeleon: ECD Help page cannot be accessed

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:492  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: All 8860 signals not displayed or available in report


Chromeleon: All 8860 signals not displayed or available in report.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:493  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Error occurred at several points of operation


Chromeleon: Error occurred at several points of operation.

1. Open instrument, select instrument (8890) and choose Create Method

2. Error pops up (see pic)

3. Click OK and proceed setting method parameters

4. Finish method; new instrument method opens. 

5. Error appears again

6. Click OK, check method and save. Method saves

7. Right click on Status window and select Edit Online Method

8. Error appears again

9. Click OK and proceed with method edit

10. No time in this instance did the error impede actual saving method or running a sequence

Expected behavior: Method creation and editing proceed without error

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:494  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC6890: Front Injector parameter change in Online method not applied


Chromeleon: GC6890: Front Injector parameter change in Online method not applied.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:495  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC6890A: Method download fails


Chromeleon: GC6890A: Method download fails

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:496  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

8860 on Chromeleon -Unhandled exception in Chromeleon Driver Host (CmDDKHost): AgilentTechnologies.DdkIcfAdapter|Agilent


8860 on Chromeleon -Unhandled exception in Chromeleon Driver Host (CmDDKHost): AgilentTechnologies.DdkIcfAdapter|Agilent

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:497  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon does not recognize the tray with Back Injector installed.


Connected to a Back inlet only 8890 with a Back Injector and Tray. Was not able to use a vial position on the tray as the vial number in the sequence for Chromeleon.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:498  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Automatic de-activation of not supported feature blank evaluation cannot be saved


Chromeleon: Automatic de-activation of not supported feature blank evaluation cannot be saved

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:499  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Getting multiple Errors in the PC Event Log for AgGC7890 after disconnecting and Reconnecting LAN cable.


Getting multiple Errors in the PC Event Log for AgGC7890 after disconnecting and Reconnecting LAN cable.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Unable to duplicate the issue.

KPR#:500  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

GC6890: Valid vial ranges are not correct for 6890 in some cases


GC6890: Valid vial ranges are not correct for 6890 in some cases

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:501  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC6890A: Error 'The communication FIFO of the DDK driver is corrupted.' after connecting and disconnecting several times.


Chromeleon: GC6890A: Error 'The communication FIFO of the DDK driver is corrupted.' after connecting and disconnecting several times.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:502  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.1

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

When click the "Apply the Option" in GC Chromatographic Column Directory under Column Configuration, an exception occur on Openlab 2.4


When click the "Apply the Option" in GC Chromatographic Column Directory under Column Configuration, an exception occur on Openlab 2.4.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:503  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0.2

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Upgrade installation from GC B.01.03 to 3.0 SR2 fails to install Ag7697WS.dll (and .pdb)


Upgrade installation from GC B.01.03 to 3.0 SR2 fails to install Ag7697WS.dll (and .pdb)

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:504  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC6850A: Changing method parameter creates method inconsistent to configuration


Chromeleon: GC6850A: Changing method parameter creates method inconsistent to configuration

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:505  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon:  GC6850: Partial Data option causes issues during sequence execution


Chromeleon:  GC6850: Partial Data option causes issues during sequence execution

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:506  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC6890: Unexpected audit trail entries during endurance run


Chromeleon: GC6890: Unexpected audit trail entries during endurance run

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:507  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

SR1 for the GC3.0 drivers breaks the connection between an 8890 and 7000D transferline temperature reading in MH ACQ 10.


SR1 for the GC3.0 drivers breaks the connection between an 8890 and 7000D transferline temperature reading in MH ACQ 10.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:508  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.1

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Not able to download flow setpoints to 6890 VI inlet.


Not able to download flow setpoints to 6890 VI inlet. Set up a method at the 6890. The column flow as set to 3 ml/min and the split ratio to 20 giving a total flow of 66.26 ml/min. Changed the split ratio to 10 and downloaded the method. The total flow did not change.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:509  Product:DSA  7890B  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Incorrect conversion and missing unit when using pressure setting bar


Chromeleon: Incorrect conversion and missing unit when using pressure setting bar

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:510  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0.2

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

68xx: Chromeleon: System with G4513 won't make 1.1 uL injection


68xx: Chromeleon: System with G4513 won't make 1.1 uL injection

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:511  Product:DSA  7890B  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: System crash: system slow and then crashing


Chromeleon: System crash: system slow and then crashing. Chromeleon was unreactive and then suddenly the instrument connection was lost. After restarting the instrument controller the instrument was online again.

Audit trail showns an OutOfMemory exception.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:512  Product:DSA  7890B  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

8860 with Headspace/PAL does not consume correct VL license for OpenLAB 2.4


8860 with Headspace/PAL does not consume correct VL license for OpenLAB 2.4

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:513  Product:DSA  7890B  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

B,04.03 SP2 will not connect to an 8890 GC.


B,04.03 SP2 will not connect to an 8890 GC.There is no way to configure an 8890 and if you try to connect as a 7890 it will not start the instrument session.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:514  Product:DSA  7890B  3.0.2

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: 6890GC Oven temperature disabled in method - Run does not start.


Chromeleon: 6890GC Oven temperature disabled in method - Run does not start.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:515  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

3.0 SR2 driver fails SVT on OL CS C.01.09.144


3.0 SR2 driver fails SVT on OL CS C.01.09.144

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:516  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

OLCS C.01.09 with Driver 3.0.650 will not launch any instrument.


OLCS C.01.09 with Driver 3.0.650 will not launch any instrument.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:517  Product:DSA  7890B  3.0.2

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: SVT Chameleon 2.1.30 Fails


Chromeleon: SVT Chameleon 2.1.30 Fails

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:518  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Function_build number not display in SVT report in EzChrom and OpenLab CDS 2.4


Function_build number not display in SVT report in EzChrom and OpenLab CDS 2.4

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:519  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

8890: the MS transfer line temp displayed is 0 C but its actual temp is 250 C.


8890: the MS transfer line temp displayed is 0 C but its actual temp is 250 C.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:597  Product:DSA  6890 (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: Acquisition

One-line Description:

68xx: Chromatogram for channel randomly offset, shifted


In the GC Drivers 3.0 version, the chromatogram for the channel is shifted when a signal is saved which was not saved in the previous run using 68xx.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in GC driver 3.1.205.

KPR#:940702  Product:OpenLAB    2.6H2

Keyword: Admin Reports

One-line Description:

Roles and Privileges Report causes error


With MassHunter Walkup software the Roles and Privileges Report causes error

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Is fixed in OpenLab CDS 2.7

KPR#:244534  Product:    ECM XT v2.3

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

New users don't see data and projects in Content Manager


New users don't see data and projects in Content Manager. The alfresco.log file shows errors like
ERROR [org.quartz.core.JobRunShell] Job DEFAULT.ldapPeopleJobDetail threw an unhandled Exception: org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: No property value exists for ID 2393922 at org.alfresco.repo.domain.propval.AbstractPropertyValueDAOImpl.getPropertyById(
This error prevents successful synchronization between Content Management and Shared services database, so new users do not get the permissions assigned that were set in the OpenLab Control Panel.
The cause of this problem are competing synchronization processes were one process fails as the other process already did start deletion of ID's.

Temporary Solution:

To resume synchronization between Content Management and Shared Services database again, use the following commands to delete the orphaned ID's:
delete from alf_prop_unique_ctx where prop1_id = 2393922 
delete from alf_prop_root where id = 2393922
The commands have to be adapted for the ID listed in the alfresco.log file.
These commands might have to be repeated several times for other ID's until synchronization works again. 

Fix Information:

Fixed in 2.4

KPR#:376731  Product:    2.4

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Not possible to delete project related files  form the Content Management user interface.


Delete processing method, delete sequence templates or delete reports templates isn’t working via DA. Even when all available privileges except “everything” are given to the user. Directly from CM it’s also possible.

With the privilege "Manage Security" you can delete files/folders in Content Management - as long as the files/folders are not within a project! When in a project, only projects related privileges are applied, therefore it will not be possible to delete files in a project if you have the Manage Security privilege
 Inside a project, there is also a role called everything. If you grant this role to a user within that project, he will be able to do everything, including deleting files.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Manuals and online help have been improved to point this behavior out more clearly in the version 2.5

KPR#:477707  Product:    

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

No specific privilege is required to access the CM Admin console


The Admin Console of the Content Management Web page can be opened by any user with the privilege "Project - Access Content using Web client".

Temporary Solution:

The Admin Console is read only and no information that compromises security is available on the Admin page

Fix Information:


KPR#:487437  Product:    ECM XT v2.5

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Java JMX RMI vulnerability


Java JMX RMI is accessible with common credentials (unauthenticated check). This could be a security issue on an OpenLab CDS Workstation Plus, an OpenLab Server or an OpenLab ECM XT Server.

Temporary Solution:

On OpenLab Server or ECM XT v2.5, add the following line to the file to resolve the issue.

Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in version OpenLab Server v2.6 and OpenLab ECM XT v2.6

KPR#:534773  Product:    ECM XT v2.6

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Restore fail when the new server is on a different subnet


When you have a 2-server system with postgres, restore fail with the Agilent OpenLab Restore Utility when the new server is on a different subnet or you try to restore on a All-in-One server.

The restore will fail at the end while running the Server Configuration Utility.

Temporary Solution:

Workaround1:  When the new 2-server environment is in a different subnet 
Edit the pg_hba.conf on the new db server to reflect the correct subnet
Run the Server Configuration Utility (from the start program menu)Run the restore utility and select to run the Verification Only

Workaround2:  When you restore on an All-in-one server
Rerun the Restore utility and use the hostname of the new server (don't use localhost)


Fix Information:


KPR#:539989  Product:    ECMXT 2.4 Update 01

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

A new domain user can't create projects


Although a user has the required privileges assigned via a domain group, it is not possible to create a new project.

Temporary Solution:

The user will be able to create a new project after the server is restarted. In case of a cluster system, the complete cluster needs to be restarted.

Fix Information:

This is fixed in OpenLab CDS 2.5

KPR#:549030  Product:    ECM XT v2.5

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Archive fails if a file with the same name has already been archived


If a user attempts to archive a file that has the same name as a file that already exists in the archive location, the archive will fail. 

Temporary Solution:

Dearchive the original file before uploading the new file with the same name. Then upload the new file as a new version of the original file. All versions of that file can then be archived without error. 

Fix Information:


KPR#:567527  Product:    ECM XT v2.6H2

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Backups can fail if the available C disk storage space is too small


During the backup process, the database is cached on the C drive before it is moved to the specified backup destination. If the C drive is too small to store the database cache, then the backup will fail. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is resolved in the 2.6 Backup & Restore update.

KPR#:567986  Product:    2.6

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Backup aborts due to timeout error


In case of a slow connection between the OpenLab or ECM XT Server and an external Microsoft SQL Server, the backup execution might run into a timeout error.  This is due to a built-in timeout of 30 sec. for a SQL command execution.  The issue has been observed sporadically for servers with version 2.6. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The issue will be fixed by a separate release of the backup tool, which is planned for Nov. 2021. 

KPR#:577035  Product:    PL 1.7

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Installation stalls at Agilent Distributed Transaction coordinator install step 


The installation stops at the Agilent Distributed Transaction coordinator install step. The distributed-transaction-coordinator-configurator.log shows:

[ERR] MigrateSchema:
Configuration step has failed.
System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.

The CertService.log shows
[ERR] CustomServiceBase - OnStart error
System.InvalidOperationException: Requested domain name 'CSM' does not match the service's domain 'CSM'
at Agilent.OpenLab.CertService.CertServiceCore.Certificates.CertFactoryService.GetServerCert(String hostName, String domainName, IEnumerable`1 dnsSuffixes) 

The problem is caused by a domain name that does not conform to the RFCs/standard. In this case it was missing the top level domain.
Two letter domain names that are not routed on the internet cause the same problem.

Temporary Solution:

Change the domain name to a domain name that matches the RFCs/standards for non routable domains.

Fix Information:

Will not be fixed

KPR#:582137  Product:    2.6

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Backup Utility fails if IP address is used for DB server connection


The backup Utility fails if the IP address of the database server is used for the DB server connection in the server configuration.

Temporary Solution:

Do not use the database server IP address for configuration. Always use the host name.

Fix Information:

OpenLab Server/ECM XT uses standard TCP/IP protocols to communicate
between the server and client computers. For optimum performance, the
network must meet the design criteria for available bandwidth, IP address
assignment, name resolution, and appropriate isolation of the lab subnet from the corporate network. The usage of the Hostname for the Database server is required in case of a separate DB-Server is required.

KPR#:588447  Product:    2.5

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

If one archive job fails, the others should continue


If multiple folders are queued to be archived, the failure of one archive job will prevent the remaining folders in the queue from being successfully archived. Any new folder selected to be archived will also fail if there is currently a failed archive job in the queue. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS 2.5 Update 11 and OpenLab ECM XT 2.5 Update 06, as well as OpenLab CDS 2.7 and OpenLab ECM XT 2.7

KPR#:588450  Product:    2.5

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Archive jobs get stuck, requiring a cleanup


If an archive job fails, it will remain in the archive queue until it is manually cleaned up.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS 2.5 Update 11 and OpenLab ECM XT 2.5 Update 06, as well as OpenLab CDS 2.7 and OpenLab ECM XT 2.7

KPR#:588458  Product:    2.5

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Archive job in a sub-folder should be removed when manually archiving a parent


If a successfully archived folder contains a sub-folder with an automatic archive task assigned to it, the sub-folder's automatic archive task will remain listed in the Automatic Archive Tasks page of the Content Browser Admin Console. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS 2.5 Update 11 and OpenLab ECM XT 2.5 Update 06, as well as OpenLab CDS 2.7 and OpenLab ECM XT 2.7

KPR#:600186  Product:    ECM XT v2.7,2.6

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Data files with names including semicolons (;) cannot be uploaded to Content Management


In OpenLab CDS 2.6, semicolons (;) should not be used when naming a data file. Data files with names including semicolons will trigger a system error in the File Upload Queue and will not be automatically uploaded to Content Management

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This defect is fixed in OpenLab ECM XT 2.6 Update 06 / OpenLab CDS 2.6 Update 09 and is also fixed in the 2.7 release of OpenLab ECM XT, OpenLab Server, and OpenLab CDS.

KPR#:663493  Product:    ECM XT v2.5

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

OpenLab ECM XT not affected by security issues in log4j-1.2.17


OpenLAB ECM XT is not using non-default logging configurations that include the JMS Appender. So it is not vulnerable to the known exploits. See

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned

KPR#:687074  Product:    2.4

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Customer IT scan identified vulnerability CVE-2021-4104


After a regular vulnerability scan the OpenLab Server / ECM-XT system is classified as Vulnerable to CVE-2021-4104 NVD - CVE-2021-4104 (

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

According to OpenLab Server / ECM-XT is not vulnerable to CVE-2021-4104 NVD - CVE-2021-4104 (

KPR#:708407  Product:    PL 1.6

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Version mismatch in SVT for Data Collection Agent and Service


On running the SVT tool, the Software Verification Report returns different versions for:

OpenLab Data Collection Agent and
OpenLab Data Collection Service

The Base Revision Number on the header of the SVT Report is reported as 1.5.0 while on the detailed table for the dlls and under the Programs and Features of the Windows Control Panel Panel version is reported.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The correct base version is: 1.6.0.

Version mismatch was corrected in later CDS versions.

KPR#:954003  Product:    ECM XT v2.7

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Cannot resotre FB database


When restoring a backup of the OpenLab Shared Services database using the OpenLab Shared Services Maintenance tool, the restore can fail with the following error: "Database cannot be accessed right now." 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLab Server 2.8, OpenLab CDS v2.8, OpenLab Server 2.7 Update 04 and OpenLab CDS 2.7 Update 04. 

KPR#:954006  Product:    ECM XT v2.7

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Rest API crashes with domain users in CP but removed from domain 


On OpenLab CDS 2.7 client/server systems using OpenLab Sample Scheduler, the Rest API used by Sample Scheduler to query for users can crash if the OpenLab authentication provider is set as the domain and a user that was added to OpenLab has since been removed from the domain. 

Temporary Solution:

Remove all users from CDS which are no more available in the domain when the Rest API consuming application crashes or stops.

Fix Information:

This issue has been resolved in OpenLab Server 2.8, OpenLab CDS v2.8, OpenLab Server 2.7 Update 04 and OpenLab CDS 2.7 Update 04. 

KPR#:1048901  Product:    ECM XT v2.7,CDS 2.7

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

The AGTOL.log file is missing from 2.7 systems


The AGTOL.log file is usually generated after a license file is added to an OpenLab system but fails to generate on 2.7 systems. Its location is dependent on the Installation Folder specified when installing the system. On systems using the default Installation Folder, it can be found at the following path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Agilent Technologies\OpenLab Services\Licensing\Flexera\logs.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab Server 2.8, OpenLab CDS v2.8, OpenLab CDS 2.7 Update 06 and OpenLab Server 2.7 Update 06. 

KPR#:1058057  Product:    CDS 2.7,CDS 2.8

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Supporting OpenLab v2.8 in multi-domain environments where Clients/AICs are members of a different domain than the OpenLab Server/ECM XT server


By default, the Agilent OpenLab Certificate Service provides certificates with a list of Subject Alternative Names (SAN) containing entries strictly belonging to the domain in which the Agilent OpenLab Certificate Service resides. This prohibits the generation of certificates for foreign domains and provides higher level of trust.

When attempting to install a new client or AIC in a different domain, the installation will fail and the following message will be found in the %ProgramData%\Agilent\LogFiles\OpenLab Certificate Service\CertServiceTool.log:
Processing finished with error #202: Malformed response from service. Possibly the requester's domain does not match the server domain. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

To support installations of OpenLab v2.8 client/server systems across trusted domains, the Agilent OpenLab Certificate Service can be configured to operate in a less restrictive mode. While this working mode is activated, no domain names are checked and the certificates created can contain different domains in the SAN list.

If required, this working mode should be activated right after installing and configuring an OpenLab Server/ECM XT server, OpenLab Shared Services server, or any server node that hosts the Agilent OpenLab Certificate Service.

On the specified server, create a new registry key as detailed below.  
•	Registry Path: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Agilent\OpenLab Platform\Certificate Service
•	DataItemName: WorkingMode
•	DataType: REG_SZ
•	DataValue: 1
The registry key can also be created by running a .reg file that contains the below lines (between the #'s):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Agilent\OpenLab Platform\Certificate Service]
"WorkingMode" = "1"

The Agilent OpenLab Certificate Service must be restarted after adding the registry key.

This mode can be de-activated by changing the value of the mentioned registry key to 0 and restarting the Agilent OpenLab Certificate Service

If the mentioned changes should be applied to an already installed client/server system (e.g., after installation of clients or AICs in a different domain, or moving an AIC to a different domain), the related server certificates must be re-created. 

To accomplish this, on each server hosting the Agilent OpenLab Certificate Service:
•	Rename the following folder: %ProgramData%\Agilent\OpenLab Certificate Service\v1\hosts
•	Restart the Agilent OpenLab Certificate Service

After following those steps on the server(s), reboot each client and AIC outside the server's domain to request a new certificate. 

Please note that this procedure will only work on OpenLab v2.8 and does not apply to previous versions. 

KPR#:267323  Product:    ECM XT v2.3,2.4

Keyword: Administration,User Interface

One-line Description:

Activity Log in OLCP does not record the Application name when login from the Web UI


The Activity Log in the OpenLab Control Panel does not record the Application Name (e.g. Content Management) when a user connect to the Content Management web interface, only the action of login in and the user name is recorded.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLab Server v2.5 and Openlab ECM XT v2.5

KPR#:378080  Product:OpenLAB  Shared Services  2.3,2.4

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

E-Signature description not automatically updated for new created user


In case the descriptions of the different e-signature levels got changed and a new user gets created, the old descriptions might appear for this user.

Temporary Solution:

After creating a new user open the Edit signatures settings in the OpenLab Control Panel (Projects -> Edit Signature Settings). Check in the levels and users/groups tab for the updated description. Close the window with ok.

Fix Information:


KPR#:395508  Product:OpenLAB    2.4

Keyword: Calibration

One-line Description:

Help and Learning needs updated statement regarding all calibration options or levels are supported with timed groups


In OpenLab CDS v2.4 in Help and Learning, the following statement is true for linear curve, but not for quadratic curve with a negative power. Further clarification is needed to supplement this statement.

"A timed group can be quantified according to its own calibration curve. All calibration options or levels are supported." 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS v2.5. In OpenLab Help and Learning, under Data Analysis > Calculations and Background References > Quantitation > Quantitation of groups > Definition of a timed group, the following paragraphs have been added:

Caution: As Timed Groups use the calibration parameters of the whole group, caution should be taken when using with non-linear and/or calibration curves with a large offset.

Usage of a Timed Group with non-linear calibration curves is not recommended as it will calculate potentially imprecise results due to the non-commutative nature of the calculations.

If a group calibration curve has a significant off-set (i.e. a large intercept (b) value), the offset gets equally distributed across all peaks found within the time group windows. The equal distribution may not describe each compound adequately.

KPR#:1  Product:SS420x  SS420x RC.NET driver  A.01.01

Keyword: Configuration

One-line Description:

Instrument opened with a channel conflict is in a quasi-Not Connected state


When a specific SS420x channel has been configured to more than 1 available instrument an expected conflict occurs however the OpenLAB CDS instrument connection is not closed automatically and stays open. The user must close the instrument connection manually in order to resolve the conflict.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:2  Product:SS420x  SS420x RC.NET driver  A.01.01

Keyword: Configuration

One-line Description:

COM port information for clients does not match AIC COM port information


When configuring the SS420x Interface in a distributed (AIC) system, you must configure an available COM port only on the AIC. Configuring a COM port shown as available on a client will not work.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:146950  Product:Waters LC  M8505AA/BA Waters ACQUITY/Alliance  ACQUITY_A.01.01

Keyword: Configuration

One-line Description:

Using OpenLAB CDS Waters Acquity driver the PDA ( 3D option) is pre-set as default values as well for 2D Detectors


Using OpenLAB CDS Waters Acquity driver the PDA (3D option) is pre-set as default values as well for 2D Detectors.
In case a 2D detector is used the system will ask the user to enter a 3D license.

Temporary Solution:

Deselect the checkmark from the PDA/3D option in the configuration dialog box of the OpenLAB CDS.

Fix Information:


KPR#:195581  Product:OpenLAB  Sample Scheduler  2.1

Keyword: Configuration

One-line Description:

Unconfigured Sample Scheduler Agent causes Windows logs on CDS 2.3 AIC's


On CDS 2.3 AIC's a Sample Scheduler Agent gets installed by the CDS installer as default. This Agent is not configured to a Sample Scheduler installation. As long the Sample Scheduler Service is running without being configured it will cause frequently windows log entries of termination and restart. 

Temporary Solution:

Disable the Sample Scheduler Agent Service when it is not needed

Fix Information:

This problem is fixed in OpenLab CDS 2.4 and in OpenLab CDS 2.3 Update 04

KPR#:592977  Product:OpenLAB    PL 1.6

Keyword: Configuration

One-line Description:

Logon to OLCP is not possible


In case of a OpenLab Server in the cloud (A SaaS implementation) in some instances the logon to the OLCP is not possible from an on-premise client. The olcp_main.log on the client shows Exception: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (No such host is known).
This problem can reoccur after the Server configuration utility is run, as the changes implemented following the "OpenLab CDS / Configuration in the Cloud" (Document No: D0010651 Rev. A April, 2021) manual will be reverted when the Server configuration utility is run.

Temporary Solution:

A solution for this is available in the "OpenLab CDS / Configuration in the Cloud" (Document No: D0010651 Rev. A April, 2021) manual.
Follow the procedure from the OpenLabCloudConfiguration.pdf manual in the section "Update OpenLab Shared Services Configuration"

Fix Information:

A solution for this is available in the "OpenLab CDS / Configuration in the Cloud" (Document No: D0010651 Rev. A April, 2021) manual.
Follow the procedure from the OpenLabCloudConfiguration.pdf manual in the section "Update OpenLab Shared Services Configuration"

KPR#:733079  Product:OpenLAB    2.6H2

Keyword: Configuration

One-line Description:

Slow login performance when server and user domain don't match forest name


The login performance is slow and the server.log file on the OpenLab Server shows the entry "Global catalog for the domain <AAA.BBB> was not found".
This is caused when the user and server domain name don't match the forest name, for example.
Doman name:
Forest Name:
In cases like this, CDS and ECM XT do not use the Global Catalog, hence login slowness can be observed. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in version 2.7Update02

KPR#:286264  Product:OpenLAB    2.2,2.3

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

The Retention Time definition in the Data Analysis Reference Guide is misleading because of a wrong drawing


The RT value in DA and reports is the highest point of the internally calculated peak curve. The Retention Time associated with the highest data point is called the PeakModelRT in the DA and reports. In the drawing of the OpenLab help and the Data Analysis Reference Guide under “Performance test definitions” the 2 data points are shown reversed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:297380  Product:OpenLAB  OpenLAB Help & Learning  2.4

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Manually extract UV Wavelength chromatograms is part of Privilege control on the manual but this function does not exist


The Agilent OpenLab CDS Workstation Installation and Configuration manual is by fault stating that the privilege "Do manual chromatogram extraction" would include to manually extract UV wavelength, but it is only working with chromatograms or MS (TIC-SIM/TIC-SCAN) chromatograms from your data. In the UV spectrum UI, there is no way to extract manually a UV chromatogram, and in the Isoabsorbance plot, it is neither possible to extract manually a UV chromatogram.

Temporary Solution:

It is possible to add a line to the processing method in order to "plan" an extraction when processing.

Fix Information:

The manual should be corrected for the next software revision. 

KPR#:689877  Product:OpenLAB    2.7

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Reviewing or adding a manual entry to the audit trail no longer triggers a new result version


The release notes state the following:
“Reviewing or adding a manual entry to the audit trail no longer triggers a new result version”
This statement is incorrect.

Temporary Solution:

The correct statement is:
“For methods and cc files, reviewing or adding a manual entry to the audit trail no longer triggers a new version”

Fix Information:


KPR#:1  Product:GC/MS RC Drivers  GC/MS RC Drivers  A.01.00

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Setting source temperature as a Timed Event does not change the setpoint on the Dashboard


When you set up a method with a Timed Event that changes the MS source temperature, the temperature changes at the appropriate time. However, the setpoint field on the Dashboard does not reflect the change.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:2  Product:GC/MS RC Drivers  GC/MS RC Drivers  A.01.00

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Selecting a SIM or Scan time segment line highlights the entire row


When a SIM or Scan time segment line is selected, the entire row is highlighted which makes it difficult to see which fields are editable.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:7  Product:GC/MS RC Drivers  GC/MS RC Drivers  A.01.01

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Starting EI 5977A Tune does not wake up a sleeping 7890B GC after it was in sleep mode.


While running a GC/MS system  with communications established. 
Create Sleep, Wake, and conditioning methods. Put GC to sleep. While asleep, start an Autotune. This does not wake up the GC.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:9  Product:GC/MS RC Drivers  GC/MS RC Drivers  A.01.01

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

While in Vented, Venting or Pumping down and network connection is lost, on re-connection the UserInterface state goes to Idle.


The Tune UserInterface state should go to the previous state upon re-connection to the instrument due to network disconnection. 
But if the previous state is no longer valid, it should go to the new corresponding state.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:11  Product:GC/MS RC Drivers  GC/MS RC Drivers  A.01.00

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Manual Tune Scan plot does not show all of the information


In Manual Tune set Acquisition Mode to Scan and set the scan range and scan speed.  Turned on the cal valve and selected Start acquiring data. 
The values Low, High, Step, Sample, Threshold, Peaks, Base, Abundance and Total Ion should be displayed on the top and Mass, Abund, Rel Abund, and Iso Mass should be displayed on the bottom.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:12  Product:GC/MS RC Drivers  GC/MS RC Drivers  A.01.00

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Prepare to Vent disappears from MSD LUI


With a 5977A and a 7890B with DCOMM, selected Prepare to Vent from the MSD LCP.  GC loaded the Vent method and vent completes.  MSD LCP shows Vent complete, can turn off MSD power.  Then select Pump down from the Maintenance menu of the LCP.  Pumpdown started and complete.  GC and MSD showed ready.  While in the Maintenance menu of the MSD LCP,  Prepare to Vent item is missing; need to reboot to recover missing task.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:13  Product:GC/MS RC Drivers  GC/MS RC Drivers  A.01.00

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Vacuum fault not clearing on turbo pump without Lcomm, 5977B and 7890B system.


Able to see fault 'Error' when performing Vent/Pump Down operations.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:15  Product:GC/MS RC Drivers  GC/MS RC Drivers  A.01.00

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Manual Tune profile plot does not show all the information


In the Mnaual Tune selected Profile.  Used the default settings of masses 69, 219 and 502.  Set Windows +/- to 6 and started acquiring data.  Visually seeing the masses and the correct window.  On the right the plots should be summarized and "normalized".  Also the values of Mass, Abundance, Rel Abundance and PW50 should be displayed on the bottom.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:18  Product:GC/MS RC Drivers  GC/MS RC Drivers  A.01.00

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Signals acquired in "SIM" mode or "SIM and Scan" mode can drop out below the baseline


In OpenLAB CDS 2.0, when you acquire in "SIM" mode or "SIM and Scan" mode, the signals can drop out below the baseline (upside down peaks below the baseline). These drop out signals may interfere with integration.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This defect was resolved in OpenLAB 2 GCMS Driver A.01.01.

KPR#:117113  Product:    1.1

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Unable to close Acquisition if connection is lost while tuning or in Tune Control


If the connection to server or instrument is lost while tuning or in Tune Control, the user cannot close Acquisition.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue fixed in GC/MS driver v1.2 which is included in OpenLab CDS v2.3.

KPR#:134542  Product:    1.1

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Filament selection is not updated when changing methods


If a user specifies two different methods in a sequence which use different filaments (ie, Method A uses Filament 1 and Method B uses Filament 2) the filament selection was not being changed when the load method action occurs for Method B.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This defect is resolved in GC/MS Driver 1.4 released as part of OpenLab 2.5.

KPR#:139960  Product:    1.1

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

It is possible to acquire data with un-tuned tune files.


Selecting a tune file that has never been tuned should prevent the user from acquiring data until the tune file is modified in manual tune or a full autotuned is performed. This was not occurring and has been fixed in GC/MS Driver 1.4.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This defect is resolved in GC/MS Driver 1.4 released as part of OpenLab 2.5.

KPR#:160081  Product:    1.1

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Tuning and Tune related activities are not recorded in activity log


When a tune is performed, this action is not recorded in the system activity log.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in GCMS driver v1.3 which is included with OpenLab CDS v2.4. 

KPR#:177340  Product:    1.2

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

GC/MS method update change from 'Version 100' to 'Version 101'


In OpenLab CDS with GC/MS driver 1.2, loading a method that was previously saved with GC/MS driver v1.1 resulted in the following pop up warning:

Inconsistencies: Method update change from 'Version 100' to 'Version 101'   

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in GC/MS driver v1.3 which is included with OpenLab CDS v2.4. The pop up warning message is now changed to:

Inconsistencies: The method has been updated to be compatible with current version of the software.

KPR#:177496  Product:    1.2

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Data file is collected but cannot be opened in Data Analysis


At the end of the chromatographic run, it is possible for a data record to be saved with a retention time that is very close to 0 minutes. This will prevent the data file from being opened in Data Analysis.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This defect is fixed in GCMS driver v1.3 which is included with OpenLab CDS v2.4. 

KPR#:223710  Product:    1.2

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

AcquisitionServer.exe process does not close when Close Connection is used


In OpenLab CDS v2.2 and v2.3 with GC/MS driver v1.2, when the Close Connection button is used, the process AcquisitionServer.exe does not close the GC/MS instrument connection and must be manually killed using Windows Task Manager.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in GC/MS driver v1.3.54 which is included with OpenLab CDS v2.4.

KPR#:224414  Product:    1.2

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Acquisition Method Report does not show exact MSD model configured


The Acquisition Method Report from OpenLab CDS v2.3 with GC/MS driver v1.2 and earlier shows "Agilent 597x MSD" instead of the exact MSD model "Agilent 5977 MSD" that is configured. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in GC/MS driver v1.3 which is included in OpenLab CDS v2.4.

KPR#:231685  Product:    1.2

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

GC/MS autotune using a saved atune file results in manual tune report template


In OpenLab CDS v2.2 with GC/MS driver v1.2, when a saved atune file is used to perform auto tune, the tune report looks like a manual tune report displaying "Tune Parameter Report" in the title instead of "Autotune Report". The content however displays the correct tune type as "Atune".

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in GC/MS driver v1.3 which is included with OpenLab CDS v2.4.

KPR#:234855  Product:    1.2

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Discrepancy in "Run time" value user entered in Acquisition UI vs displayed in the Acquisition Method Report


In OpenLab CDS v2.3 and earlier with GC/MS driver v1.2 and earlier, if the user enters "21.25" in the Run time field, the Acquisition UI shows "21.3" but the Acquisition Method Report shows "21.25".

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in GC/MS driver v1.3 which is included with OpenLab CDS v2.4. Both the Acquisition UI and Acquisition Method Report now display the Run time value with one decimal place, regardless of how many decimal places the user enters. 

KPR#:235934  Product:    1.2

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Acquisition Method Report shows generic "Detector EMV Override" label in SIM Table


In OpenLab CDS v2.3 with GC/MS driver v1.1 and earlier, the Acquisition Method Report shows generic "Detector EMV Override" label in the SIM Table Row instead of the exact EM mode override like "Gain Factor Override", "Delta EMV Override", or "EM Volts Override".

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in GC/MS driver v1.3 which is included with OpenLab CDS v2.4.

KPR#:264274  Product:    1.2,1.3

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Autotune report always shows the default masses for PFTBA even if the selected masses are changed


Selected autotune mass(es) in Custom Tune panel are totally ignored in the autotune. The autotune report always show default masses for PFTBA.

Temporary Solution:

This is fixed in GC/MS driver v1.3.54, released as part of OpenLab CDS v2.4.

Fix Information:


KPR#:267319  Product:    1.2,1.3

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Switch Filament options should not be shown for CI GCMS configurations


The CI source only has one filament, and so any "switch filament" options shown while a CI source is configured are invalid and should not be used. These options will be removed in the GC/MS driver v1.3.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This defect is resolved in GC/MS driver v1.3 released as part of OpenLab CDS v2.4.

KPR#:306994  Product:    1.3

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

MS stays in a not-ready status following autotune if using JetClean in Acquire & Clean mode


Following a successful autotune or tune evaluation the MS will not return to a ready state until the acquisition client is closed and the connection to the instrument is closed. This only occurs when JetClean is being used in Acquire and Clean mode.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This defect is resolved in GC/MS Driver 1.4.16, released as part of OpenLab CDS v2.5.

KPR#:347742  Product:    1.2

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

PCI autotune fails to complete on some instruments after an initial successful autotune


After an initial successful autotune, subsequent PCI autotunes fail to complete on some instruments.

The PCI tune algorithm used for OpenLab CDS v2.4 and earlier was based on the algorithm used by the Agilent 7000 series Tandem Quadrupole MS rather than the 5975 or 5977 Single Quadrupole MS. Differences in these two algorithms have been shown to cause problems completing positive CI autotune with OpenLab CDS.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This defect is resolved in GC/MS Driver v1.4.16, released as part of OpenLab CDS v2.5. The PCI tune algorithm has been re-written to match what is used for MassHunter GC/MS Data Acquisition with 5975 and 5977 SQ instruments.

KPR#:366073  Product:    1.3

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Aborting bakeout during equilibration may cause the timing problems


If a bakeout is aborted during the final temperature equilibration and then resumed it will cause misleading timing information to be displayed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This defect is resolved in GC/MS Driver 1.4 released as part of OpenLab 2.5.

KPR#:370668  Product:    1.3

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Autotune icons are grayed out after clicking "Cancel" in Delete Tune File dialog


In the "Delete Tune File" dialog, if you click "Cancel" to exit the dialog and return to the "Autotune" UI, all icons are grayed out, except "Release Tune Control" button and "Delete Tune" button.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in GC/MS driver v1.4.16, released as part of OpenLab CDS v2.5.

KPR#:370684  Product:    1.3

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

User created tune files cannot be deleted if a default tune file is currently loaded


When a default tune file, such as "atune," is currently loaded it is not possible to delete other user-created tune files. 

Temporary Solution:

Load a user-created tune file and then delete the necessary tune files.

Fix Information:

This defect is resolved in GC/MS Driver v1.4.16, released as part of OpenLab CDS v2.5

KPR#:387039  Product:    1.3,1.4

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

No warning message after method is loaded with invalid tune file


If a method is loaded and references a tune file that has been deleted, no warning message appears and consequently the method can be saved with invalid (non-existing) tune file.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This defect is resolved with GC/MS Driver v1.4.16, released as part of OpenLab CDS v2.5.

KPR#:389009  Product:    1.2,1.3

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Actual values for bakeout and equilibrium time are incorrect


The “actual” time displayed during bake out always count down from 3 hours, regardless of the duration specified. The correct duration is used, but the countdown displays an incorrect value.

Temporary Solution:

This is fixed in GC/MS driver v1.4.16, released as part of OpenLab CDS v2.5.

Fix Information:


KPR#:389044  Product:    1.4

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Vacuum Control: If the acquisition client is closed during vent and then reconnected, the time elapsed value is lost


When venting, the vacuum status window will display the time elapsed since the vent process was initiated. If the acquisition client is closed and reopened this time elapsed value will be cleared.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:389509  Product:    1.4

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Vent: Turbo speed may not be accurate below 3%


When venting, the turbo speed readback can be inaccurate between 0-3%. Rather than showing a speed of 0.1% the display should show a speed of "----"

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:392073  Product:    1.2

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Tune Report PDF may not display in some situations


If the acquisition client PC is low on available resources (CPU, memory, etc), then in some cases the PDF viewer will not be launched to display the Tune Report following a successful autotune.

Temporary Solution:

If this occurs, freeing up resources and re-triggering the display of the tune report manually will work.


Fix Information:

This is resolved in GC/MS driver v1.4.16, released as part of CDS OpenLab v2.5.

KPR#:392865  Product:    1.3,1.4

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Cannot release Tune Control


If the GC goes into a fault state, such as inlet pressure shut down, while the acquisition client has tune control, releasing tune control is not possible until the tune control request times out due to inactivity.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in GC/MS driver v1.4.16, released as part of OpenLab CDS v2.5.

KPR#:394987  Product:    1.2,1.3

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Using "Generate Report" in PCI mode the calibrant valve is not opened


When operating in PCI mode, if the user runs the "Generate Report" function the PFDTD valve does not open and the resulting report is invalid.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:396350  Product:    1.4

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Custom Tune: Correct masses will not be displayed in report if changed


If the masses used for custom tune are changed (ie, changing 502 to 414) the right mass (414) would be used to perform the autotuned but the incorrect mass (502) would be shown on the tune report

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in GC/MS driver v1.4.16 that released with OpenLab CDS v2.5.

KPR#:398529  Product:    1.4

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Custom Tune: Using masses that are fewer than 100 amu apart will abort with error


When using Custom Tune and tuning masses are chosen that are less than 100 amu apart, the tune will abort with an error message. Until this problem is resolved avoid using ions that are within 100 amu of each other.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:412557  Product:    1.3

Keyword: GC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Acquisition can't be closed during GC-MSD venting


While a GC-MSD is venting, the Acquisition client can't be shut down. This is confusing in a Client/Server environment as the user is forced to have two Acquisition windows opened in order to work on another instrument while the MSD is venting.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in GC/MS driver v1.4.16, released as part of OpenLab CDS v2.5.

KPR#:181  Product:Headspace Driver Software  G7320AA  B.01.07.3

Keyword: Headspace

One-line Description:

Cannot get 7697 Comm setup in OpenLab CDS; Connection always makes the HS's GC IP revert to previous setpoint


Set up communications between a 9000 and a 7697 via both keypads. Enable comm on the 9000 LUI, 9000 GC with FW A.01.04.205 to 7697 HS Follow GC from the 7697. From OpenLab CDS . with HS A., configure the two instruments. Get Config for both after LUI setup. Open an online session, and as soon as it makes connections, the 7697 LUi shows the GC's IP revert to Inst Status always then shows HS Comm as Off.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The problem is fixed in B.01.07.3.

KPR#:194  Product:Headspace Driver Software  G5350AA  B.01.09

Keyword: Headspace

One-line Description:

Sequence aborts with "address may not be null" error


when “No injection” lines are included in the sequence, the system aborts immediately (as soon as you click “Run” sequence) throwing an “address may not be null” error message. This behavior has been observed after upgrading the core OpenLAB software to 2.4. It can be reproduced with driver B.01.09 – driver B.01.07.3 does NOT give the error."

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision B.01.10.

KPR#:53  Product:OpenLAB Data Store  OpenLAB Data Store  2.0

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Data Store server synchronization fails if the computer hostname contains an underscore.


Data Store server synchronization fails if the computer hostname contains an underscore.

Temporary Solution:

An underscore "_" should not be used in the computer hostname.

Fix Information:


KPR#:55  Product:OpenLAB Data Store  OpenLAB Data Store  2.0

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Old icon displayed for links after upgrading your Data Store server to rev. 2.0


After upgrading your Data Store server to rev. 2.0. the links created in the OpenLAB Control Panel will still show the previous application icon.
Newly created links will show the new icon.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:146953  Product:Waters LC  M8505AA/BA Waters ACQUITY/Alliance  ACQUITY_A.01.02

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

OpenLAB CDS IQ report may generate/show an aborted IQ after uninstalling the Waters Core and Waters Acquity Add-on driver


The Agilent OpenLAB CDS IQ report when run reports an Abort message after the Waters Core Driver Pack 4+ and the Waters Acquity add-on driver are both uninstalled. The Workaround is to leave the drivers installed or uninstall the drivers and provide a copy of this SSB to the customer as a deviation report to any IQ service being perfomed thereafter.

Temporary Solution:

Please follow the un-install instructions in the OpenLAB CDS Waters Acquity Driver Installation and User Guide . Still, some driver components may remain that will cause the IQ to report a failure. The remianing compoents/fragments remaining on the system does not prevent re-installation or an upgrade to an higher version of the Waters Acquity Driver. Re-Installing or updating the driver will result in a passing OpenLAB CDS IQ report .

Fix Information:


KPR#:146982  Product:Waters LC  M8505AA/BA Waters ACQUITY/Alliance  ACQUITY_A.01.02

Keyword: Instrument Control

One-line Description:

OpenLAB CDS crashes after power cycling the Waters Acquity instrument


After power cycling a Waters Acquity it is possible to launch the instrument again within OpenLAB CDS and to execute a run or sequence, but because the Waters driver is not restarted the instrument is not connected properly with the driver and this can lead to OpenLAN CDS crashing.

Temporary Solution:

Workaround: After power cycling the Waters Acquity instrument, it is necessary to reboot the AIC. If this is not practicable, it is necessary to terminate the following Acquity processes manually in the Windows Task Manager on the AIC. First delete the  ACQUITYServer.exe*32 (red framed). After this delete all the other Acquity processes (blue framed). During the launch of the instrument the processes are restarted and the instrument should work without crashing.

Fix Information:


KPR#:218620  Product:    A.01.02

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Changes to Manual Tune parameters have no respond in spectrum display windows LC/Single Quad 


Changes to Manual Tune parameters have no respond in spectrum display windows on all 61xxC  Single Quad LC/MS.  
When making changes to the width gain/offset, mass axis/offset,  or ion optics voltages, the spectrum display windows have no affect to the  tune peaks.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLab CDS v2.4

KPR#:246022  Product:    B.01.00

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Charging voltage displayed as Nozzle Voltage in the check tune report for MultiMode Source


The Charging voltage displayed as Nozzle Voltage in the check tune report for MultiMode Source.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixes in LC/MS Driver 2.3

KPR#:246030  Product:    A.01.01

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

AJS source Sheath Gas Temp & Sheath Gas Flow parameters not validating in the Method Override


If the user overrides either the sheath gas temp or sheath gas flow in the sequence method override, the system will not validate this against the allowable ranges for the other parameter. The override parameters that cannot be achieved, the firmware will prevent unsafe conditions and the system will remain "not ready". Sequence override parameters have a single validation range and no way to check validation of another parameter.   Users who use the sequence override conditions should be aware of the conditions they are using and the affect they have on the system; relationship between the Sheath Gas Temp and Sheath Gas Flow.

Temporary Solution:

Both parameters need to changed at same time.

Flow :  Temp
7.5,      400.0
6.5,      350.0
5.5,      300.0
4.5,      250.0
3.5,      200.0
2.5,      150.0
0.0,       20.0

Fix Information:

N/A- The information will be  included in the Help file

KPR#:246035  Product:    A.02.00

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Single Quad  UI always display "Not Ready"  state when the instrument in "Standby"


Single Quad  UI always display "Not Ready"  when you put the instrument in" Standby" or turn off the device button because the "Standby" the Drying Gas Flow is 3.0 L/min.
If the current method has a Drying Gas Flow settings greater than 3.0 L/min, then the UI always "Not Ready" when users put the Single Quad in Standby.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLab CDS v2.4

KPR#:246037  Product:    A.01.02

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Cannot close OpenLab CDS Acquisition if connection to server is lost during LC SQ tune check


If the Acquisition client loses connection to the server while LC SQ tune check (evaluation) is running, an error "Acquisition has stopped working" occurs and clicking "Close the program" from the error message does not close the program. The program also cannot be closed by clicking X from top right corner of the window.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in LC/MS driver v2.2 which is included in OpenLab CDS  v2.4.

KPR#:257678  Product:    2.2

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Missing Data Point crossed the chromatographic peak on G6135C SQ


There is error on the MADLY calculation on LC/MS firmware 2.14 with OpenLab CDS 2.3.  The issue is that multiple SIM’s with less than 20ms dwell time methods which cause data points missing crossed the chromatographic peak on LC/MSD XT G6135C model. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Upgrade to LC/MS Firmware 2.18.  The LC/MS Firmware 2.18 is included in  OpenLab CDS 2.4 media. 

KPR#:269242  Product:    2.2

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

 'Review Tune Report' dialog may freeze UI 


When LC/MSD, LC/MSD XT, and 6100C Series instrument is configured and user right clicks on device image to open 'Review tune report window and leaves it open for a long time without clicking the 'Take' or 'Release' buttons or while 'Review Tune Report’ dialog is open and the instrument control is released and then taken control by user, it may freeze UI.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Users should close the ‘Review Tune Report’ dialog before Taking or Releasing instrument control. Also, ‘Review Tune Report’ dialog should not be left open for extended period.

KPR#:320141  Product:    Ultivo,ESW 6.72

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

APG remote triggering LC shutdown


If hardware error occurs during a method , instrument will trigger APG Remote shutdown.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

ESW 6.72.38

KPR#:339311  Product:    ESW 5.71.1

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Abundance change with dwell time when changing detector gain factor


On LC/MSD iQ, when running method with multiple gain factors, changing dwell time will change the abundance response. This is likely due to insufficient inter-measurement delay when EMV changes.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

LC/MS Driver 2.4.452 / ESW 6.72.28

KPR#:347214  Product:    2.3

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Shutdown method leaves LCMSD iQ actively scanning and not "Off"


With OpenLab CDS Acquisition 2.4 - using the shutdown feature on the LC/MSD iQ will remain in the "On" position, actively acquiring spectra and maintaining high voltage even after the LC stack has gone into standby/shutdown.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

LC/MS Driver 2.4.452

KPR#:349670  Product:    2.3

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Getting prompted to save method when no change is made in the method


Getting prompted to save method when no change is made in the method on LC/MSD iQ system. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

LC/MS Driver 2.4.452

KPR#:359660  Product:    ESW 5.71.1

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Divert valve may not switch to waste during hardware fault


Divert valve may not switch to waste during hardware fault

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

LC/MS Driver 2.452 / ESW 6.72.28

KPR#:371542  Product:    2.5

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

SQ online signal is missing after windows restart


SQ online signal is missing after windows restart

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

LC/MS 2.4.452

KPR#:385359  Product:    2.2

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Autotune report results are incorrect on FWHM


 Autotune report results for incorrect tolerance on Full Width Half Mass (FWHM) G613XC LC/SQ models

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

LC/MS Driver 2.4.452 and Firmware 2.19

KPR#:394789  Product:    ESW 5.71.1

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Heaters faults cannot be cleared on LC/MSD iQ 


Unable to clear heaters faults  on the UI with LC/MSD iQ 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Driver 2.4.452/ESW 6.72.28

KPR#:402489  Product:    ESW 6.72

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Embedded Software (ESW) crash during autotune 


During autotune, if the webpage is refreshed at certain time, the Embedded Software (ESW) could crash.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

LC/MS Driver 2.4.452/ ESW 6.72.28

KPR#:409473  Product:    2.3

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

AIC installation was cancelled during install of LCMS driver, which caused it to roll back. After relaunching installer, LCMS driver install failed


While installing an OpenLab CDS system with ECM XT as the back end and with AIC configured as the instrument controller, the installation was cancelled during install of LCMS driver.  This results in the installer to roll back the installation. After relaunching installer, LCMS driver install failed to install. 

Temporary Solution:

If this occurs, delete the C:\Program Files (x86)\Agilent Technologies\OpenLAB Acquisition\LCMS\Firmware directory and all its contents.  Then, restart the installation process for OpenLab CDS.

Fix Information:


KPR#:438688  Product:    ESW 6.72

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Unstable spray warning in EMF


Reset unstable spray counter at beginning of tune procedure. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

ESW 6.72.38

KPR#:474201  Product:    ESW 6.72

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Applying LogAmp calibration coefficients


The instrument should apply the Log Amp coefficients consistently to achieve a baseline of ~40 (instead of ~600)

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

ESW 6.74.3

KPR#:478099  Product:    2.2

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Mismatch between gain factor in acquisition method and gain displayed in DA


Mismatch between gain factor in acquisition method and gain displayed in DA with OpenLab CDS 2.4  and LC/MS Driver 2.2.2260.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

2.4.468.1 Driver in SR1

KPR#:481643  Product:    Modi Release 1,ESW 6.72

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Quad resolution during SIM mode (Wide & Widest).


Quad resolution for Wide & Widest is not functional during SIM mode acquisition. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

ESW 6.74.3

KPR#:482908  Product:    ESW 6.72

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

New EM Horn caused estimate Gain to jump around with low abundance


The new EM Horn caused estimate Gain to jump around with low abundance and missed target abundance.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixes in LC/MS 2.4 Driver and ESW 6.74.3

KPR#:527627  Product:    2.4

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

527627 - Mass shifted issues on 400ms dwell time in Acquisition


527627 - Mass shifted issues on 400ms dwell time in Acquisition.
Users can't select 5K or 10K FastScan tune files to make the adjustment for 400ms dwell.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

2.4.468.1 Driver in SR1 

KPR#:581848  Product:    2.4

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Running Sequence with LC/MSD  gets stuck in Not Ready 


When a method has a Dry Gas Temp @ 275C and another harsh Dry Gas Temp @ 350C. It takes longer to heat up setpoint.  The Digital Signal Processor (DSP) in the SmartCard did not set to next method temp settings and sometime when running the alternative methods in the sequence.   The driver already expect the next method temp settings, therefore, the system never gets ready in the sequence run sometime. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed with LC/MS Driver 2.5 and Firmware 2.22.0

KPR#:737754  Product:    2.5

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Checktune fails when FastScan is checked


Checktune fails when FastScan is checked because the Fastscan feature is only supported with Autotune.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixes in LC/MS 3.0 Driver 

KPR#:750291  Product:    3.0

Keyword: LC/MS Driver

One-line Description:

Checktune Icon grayed out


When dual polarity fastcan autotuning is completed on 61XXX LC/SQ the Checktune Icon grayed out.   LC/MS Driver 3.0

Temporary Solution:

Users need to load a standard atune.tune files.

Fix Information:

fixed is future release. 

KPR#:178350  Product:    ECM XT v2.2

Keyword: Performance

One-line Description:

New domain users can't access content management to save methods or any other file


It has been observed in rare occasions that after adding new domain users or after editing roles and privileges of existing users, these users can't access the content management to save files or that new permissions are not taken. 

The alfresco.log file , usually located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Agilent Technologies\OpenLAB Data Store\tomcat\logs,  will show the following error(s): 
" ERROR [org.quartz.core.JobRunShell] Job DEFAULT.ldapPeopleJobDetail threw an unhandled Exception:
org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: No property value exists for ID <ID Number> "

This issue is caused by the DEFAULT.ldapPeopleJobDetail and the propTablesCleanupJobDetail jobs running at the same time and leaving incomplete entries in two tables. These incomplete entries will prevent further automatic or manual synchronization with the content management database.

Temporary Solution:

As a temporary solution you can perform the following steps:

1. Delete the orphaned ID's in the datastore tables. 

These IDs are safe to delete as they do not contain any values/properties related to existing Chromatographic results or files.

Use the Alfresco log to get the affected ID's and run the following SQL commands to remove them:

     DELETE FROM alf_prop_unique_ctx WHERE prop1_id = <ID> 
     DELETE FROM alf_prop_root WHERE id = <ID>

2. Reconfigure the propcleaner job as implemented in version 2.3 to avoid the 2 jobs to run at the same time

a) Edit the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Agilent Technologies\OpenLAB Data Store\tomcat\shared\classes\

b) Add the following 4 lines at the end of the file

     # Scheduled job to clean up unused properties from the alf_prop_xxx tables.
     # Default setting of "0 0 3 ? * SAT" is to run every Saturday at 3am.
     # Changed to run every Saturday at 3:03 am to avoid conflicting with OLSS sync that runs every 5 minutes.
     attributes.propcleaner.cronExpression=0 3 3 ? * SAT

Note: There is a space after each character and after ?

   c) Restart AlfrescoTomcat Service

Fix Information:

This issue is resolved with OpenLab Server v2.3 and OpenLab ECM XT 2.3 by changing the schedule of the propTablesCleanupJobDetail job.

KPR#:401255  Product:    ECM XT v2.5

Keyword: Performance

One-line Description:

SQL Server Database - 100% CPU Usage


On heavily used OpenLab Server or ECM XT using Microsoft SQL Server 2014 or newer, the CPU can go to 100% making the system very slow and unusable.

With Microsoft SQL Server 2014, Microsoft introduced a new mechanism to plan and execute queries and due to the new Cardinality Estimator (CE), certain type of queries slows down due to plan regression.

Plan regression happens when SQL Server starts to use a sub-optimal plan to execute a query. This behavior impacts the CPU (or Memory) resources of the system.

Temporary Solution:

While the recommended weekly maintenance plan  to update database statistics and rebuild indexes  works for the majority of the OpenLab Server or ECM XT implementations, systems with many instruments and user sessions running concurrently or systems with high throughput instruments may need to increase the frequency of the “Update Statistics” maintenance plan to keep the SQL Server statistics up to date such that the plan regression does not occur. 
Queries involving the alf_prop_value and alf_prop_string_value tables will show plan regression as they are widely used by applications integrating with OpenLab Server or ECM XT such as OpenLab CDS Acquisition or OpenLab CDS Data Analysis. 
To bring back performance to normal
1.       Review the currently implemented maintenance plan(s) on the SQL Server. 
2.       Check if the maintenance plan(s) is/are set as per our recommendation and adjust as needed.
3.       Check when was the last time maintenance plan(s) got executed. 
If the 100% CPU on the SQL Server continues to appear:
4.        Create an additional maintenance plan to update the statistics and rebuild the index [optional] of the alf_prop_value and alf_prop_string_value tables 
5.       Start with a twice a week schedule for the new plan and then to daily as the load to the system increases. 
A > Weekly General Maintenance Plan scheduled to run on Sundays.
B > Intermediate Maintenance plan for the alf_prop_value and alf_prop_string_value tables
Day   S  M  T  W  T  F  S  S
Plan   A      B          B      A 
Day   S  M  T  W  T  F  S  S
Plan  A  B  B   B   B  B  B  A

The other solution is to upgrade to Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Edition or Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Enterprise edition and enable the Automatic Tuning feature. 

Upgrading Microsoft SQL Server may require an upgrade of the OpenLab Server or ECM XT application (see the Extra Information section for details)
In response to the performance degradation observed with Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and 2016, Microsoft introduced a new feature in Microsoft SQL Server 2017 called Automatic Tuning that addresses plan regression automatically. The Automatic Tuning feature is only available with the Enterprise Edition.

To enable Automatic Tuning on Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Edition or Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Enterprise edition, run the following 3 statements:

      MAX_STORAGE_SIZE_MB = 1000,
      MAX_PLANS_PER_QUERY = 200,

 The weekly general maintenance as instructed in the OpenLab ECM XT Administration guide is still needed to update statistics and check index fragmentation.

Additional Information:

OpenLab Server / SQL Server Compatibility 

         2014  2016  2017  2019
v2.3      Y      Y
v2.4      Y      Y      Y
v2.5      Y      Y      Y       Y
Microsoft Documentation: Additional Information on Database Statistics, Automatic Tuning and the Query Store database can be found at the following links:


Fix Information:

Upgrade SQL Server to 2017 Enterprise version and enable auto tuning

KPR#:492041  Product:OpenLAB  Shared Services  PL 1.4

Keyword: Performance

One-line Description:

C:\ProgramData\Agilent\SecureFileSystem is growing significantly


The folder C:\ProgramData\Agilent\SecureFileSystem contains the secure workarea for OpenLab products. When OpenLab ECM 3.X is used as a storage backend and the data is stored in SSIZIP format the cleanup process of temporary files within the workarea might fail. This leads to unlimited growth of this folder. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The issue is fixed in the following releases:
OpenLab CDS 2.5 Update 05
OpenLab CDS 2.4 Update 10

KPR#:628048  Product:    2.6

Keyword: Performance

One-line Description:

SQL Parameter xact abort prevents Data from being uploaded


SQL Server has  a variety of settings to optimize the transaction behaviour of the Database. It turns out that if the parameter xact abort is checked in the SQL Server configuration a Data Upload to the ECM-XT/OpenLab Server is not possible anymore

Temporary Solution:

Recommendation is to set the xact abort value back to the default setting (not checked).

Fix Information:

The reason is that the Application needs to manage the transaction and do multiple updates within a single transaction, and by turning XACT_ABORT on, it hands the transaction management over to the database, which causes the error.

KPR#:638587  Product:    ECM XT v2.5

Keyword: Performance

One-line Description:

Improvements to address archive problems


Archive tasks can take a long time to complete and consume a lot of memory, which can negatively impact system performance.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS 2.5 Update 11 and OpenLab ECM XT 2.5 Update 06, as well as OpenLab CDS 2.7 and OpenLab ECM XT 2.7

KPR#:651438  Product:    ECM XT 2.5 Update 05

Keyword: Performance

One-line Description:

Excessive logins can cause com.agilent.datastore.cache file to grow and impact performance


Excessive logins to the web interface of content management by automated processes can cause the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Agilent Technologies\OpenLAB Data Store\tomcat\temp\com.agilent.datastore.cache to grow. This will affect startup performance of of the content management system. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned

KPR#:711663  Product:OpenLAB    2.5 Update 09

Keyword: Performance

One-line Description:

Instrument client times out intermittently when browsing open an acquisition method in a heavily loaded folder


When opening an acquisition method in a heavily loaded method folder, intermittently user is prompted with "Lost Connection" message, indicating the client will shut down for the system to go into failover mode. This occurs when there are thousands of methods in the folder. The precise number depends on the speed of the system.

This is due to a communication time out between the client PC and the server. It occurs when it takes longer than 30 seconds to load the full list of methods.

Temporary Solution:

Use subfolders to organize stored methods so there are fewer methods in a folder. Where system speed is a factor, ensure database maintenance is performed regularly and address any network bottlenecks.

Fix Information:

Improvement in the speed of loading a large number of methods will be considered for a future version of OpenLab CDS.

KPR#:726704  Product:OpenLAB  Sample Scheduler  2.5,2.6,2.7

Keyword: Performance

One-line Description:

Sample Scheduler Acquisition can get slower over the time with CDS 2.5, 2.6, 2.7


Sample Scheduler uses the CDS Acquisition API which gets slower over the time depending on the number of connections made over the API. With a new connection to the instrument, a user change, or change of the CDS project, another registry entry gets written by the Diagnostics Dashboard under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Agilent\Diagnostics. With the growing amount of registry entries, the Acquisition API may get remarkable slower, depending on the overall system performance.

Temporary Solution:

Excessive registry entries created by the Acquisition API can be cleaned up by running following PowerShell script with Administrator privileges:

$agenteCount = (get-process Agilent.OpenLAB.Acquisition.AcquisitionAgente* | measure-object).count
if ($agenteCount)
     Write-Host "Please first close your $agenteCount Agilent.OpenLAB.Acquisition.AcquisitionAgente process(es)"
gci -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Agilent\Diagnostics\ | %{get-itemproperty -path $_.pspath} | ?{$_.application.Contains("AcquisitionAgente-")} | %{"Cleaning $($_.pspath)";remove-item -path $_.pspath }

Fix Information:

The problem will not occur in CDS 2.8 due to a change in the architecture. Fixes are planned in Updates for CDS 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7. 

KPR#:767591  Product:    CDS 2.7

Keyword: Performance

One-line Description:

Unable to open method, sequence, and result files in Data Analysis


It was observed on an OpenLab CDS client/server system where the CDS clients were installed on laptops that some larger result sets could not be opened in Data Analysis after they were acquired. Attempting to open one of these result sets would trigger an error message stating that the .acaml file has an invalid or missing checksum.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed OpenLab ECM XT 2.6 Update 06 / OpenLab CDS 2.6 Update 09 and in OpenLab Server 2.7 Update 06 / OpenLab CDS 2.7 Update 06. 

KPR#:954001  Product:    ECM XT v2.7

Keyword: Performance

One-line Description:

OutOfDate is not reset after first instrument's data is read (multi-instrument)


On OpenLab CDS AICs with multiple instruments configured, there is the possibility that instrument replication for failover will fail for all instruments if there is an error in the first instrument's replication. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLab Server 2.8, OpenLab CDS v2.8, OpenLab Server 2.7 Update 04 and OpenLab CDS 2.7 Update 04. 

KPR#:954005  Product:    ECM XT v2.7

Keyword: Performance

One-line Description:

Loading Sequence from result set takes >1 minute for Browse box to appear


In OpenLab CDS Acquisition when using OpenLab ECM 3.x as the configured storage type, it can take over one minute for the Browse window to be displayed when attempting to load a sequence from a result set. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLab Server 2.8, OpenLab CDS v2.8, OpenLab Server 2.7 Update 04 and OpenLab CDS 2.7 Update 04. 

KPR#:954008  Product:    ECM XT v2.5,ECM XT v2.7

Keyword: Performance

One-line Description:

OpenLab Shared Services Crashes frequently


On systems with large numbers of entries in the System Activity Log, instabilities in OpenLab Shared Services and the OpenLab Control Panel could lead to the system crashing. This would cause all user sessions to disconnect and for any currently running or queued samples to be acquired in Failover mode. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLab Server 2.8, OpenLab CDS v2.8, OpenLab Server 2.7 Update 04 and OpenLab CDS 2.7 Update 04. 

KPR#:962671  Product:    ECM XT v2.6

Keyword: Performance

One-line Description:

Unable to process result sets with big ACAML files from Terminal Server


It was observed on systems using thin CDS clients installed on a Terminal Service that large .acaml files (~200MB) can get stuck in the File Upload Queue when reprocessing result sets with the error message: "A system error occurred while uploading a file. Please contact the system administrator." 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS 2.6 Update 11, OpenLab ECM XT 2.6 Update 08, OpenLab CDS 2.7 Update 06, and OpenLab Server 2.7 Update 06.

KPR#:304709  Product:    ECM XT v2.3,ECM XT v2.4,ECM XT v2.2

Keyword: Performance,Roles and Privileges

One-line Description:

New domain users can't access content management to save methods or any other file


New domain users can't access content management to save methods or any other file and Synchronize in OpenLab Control Panel fails.

Temporary Solution:

As a temporary solution you can perform the following steps:

1. Delete the orphaned ID's in the datastore tables. 

These IDs are safe to delete as they do not contain any values/properties related to existing Chromatographic results or files.

Use the Alfresco log to get the affected ID's and run the following SQL commands to remove them:

     DELETE FROM alf_prop_unique_ctx WHERE prop1_id = <ID> 
     DELETE FROM alf_prop_root WHERE id = <ID>

2. Reconfigure the propcleaner job as implemented in version 2.3 to avoid the 2 jobs to run at the same time

a) Edit the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Agilent Technologies\OpenLAB Data Store\tomcat\shared\classes\

b) Add the following 4 lines at the end of the file

     # Scheduled job to clean up unused properties from the alf_prop_xxx tables.
     # Default setting of "0 0 3 ? * SAT" is to run every Saturday at 3am.
     # Changed to run every Saturday at 3:03 am to avoid conflicting with OLSS sync that runs every 5 minutes.
     attributes.propcleaner.cronExpression=0 3 3 ? * SAT

Note: There is a space after each character and after ?

   c) Restart AlfrescoTomcat Service

Fix Information:

The application has a job to clean obsolete property values in the database (Prop Cleaner Job) and one to synchronize users from LDAP to the Content Management (User Sync Job).

The Orphan Property ID issue occurs when the Prop Cleaner Job runs at the same time as (or within close time proximity of) the User Sync Job, resulting in deletion of property values that should not have been deleted and causing dangling references inside the database that prevents the application from doing further user synchronizations.

This issue affects the following Products and Versions:
OpenLab CDS v2.2, v2.3 and v2.4
OpenLab Server v2.2, v2.3 and v2.4
OpenLab ECM XT v2.2, v2.3, and v2.4

KPR#:56  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.05

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Error seen in Intelligent Report header (#error) if any related data field is used in an expression


This note is about Intelligent Reporting template design

In the reporting editor, the report header could not used related injection data information such as "Sequence Name", "Sample name", "Vial location", or any information or results that are contained in the data file.
If the drag and drop functionality is used to placed one of this information inside the report template header, the editor will show that this is not allowed. But if a text field is added and edited with an expression like "=Sequence_Name". The report generated from this template will lead to an error message during the report generation.

Temporary Solution:

Such information cannot be displayed in any report header

Fix Information:

Will be announced in a separate note when this functionality will be available

KPR#:58  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.06

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Intelligent Reporting - Stacked Chromatograms do not display the time axis in reports


If a chromatogram display is set to show multiple chromatograms in a stacked display, the time axis is no longer displayed.  

Due to the 3D perspective effect that the sacked mode induces, the time axis is no longer displayed.

Temporary Solution:

The time can be displayed on the peak level by using the peak label functionality.

Fix Information:


KPR#:59  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.06

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Intelligent Reporting - Square brackets cannot be used in filter expressions


Intelligent reporting use Visual Basic expression in the report template edition. This note is related to the limitations of this language expressions. 
When a reporting item is filtered on a specific expression such as  Sample_Name like "Standard [1]", the filter will provide the desired effect to hide or show this specific sample name.
All expression using text condition with "[1]" will not be functional.

Temporary Solution:

Replace the all square brackets "[]" by round brackets "()".

Fix Information:


KPR#:61  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  2.0

Keyword: Report Templates

One-line Description:

Sequence Summary Extended template in Excel format not reporting the acquisition or processing method information correctly


When exporting the sequence summary report to Excel, the Excel cells may be collapse when loading the generated excel file

Temporary Solution:

Manually resize the cells in Excel

Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLAB CDS 2.1

KPR#:62  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  2.0

Keyword: Report Templates

One-line Description:

Generating a report to word file format may generate a report containing not aligned report items


If the report is generated with a word document file format, it can happen that report items from the report would not be aligned anymore to the rest of the items.

Temporary Solution:

Modify the report and slightly move the items which are not aligned in the word file format.
Generate the report and see if the alignment to the other reporting items is correct.

Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLAB CDS 2.1

KPR#:73111  Product:OpenLAB  Client Framework  2.1 (FR1)

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Description on unsaved entries is incomplete in Audit Trail dialog


The description for entries currently in editing mode (and not yet saved) is incomplete. The PDF Export and Print buttons are enabled in Audit Trail dialog containing unsaved entries. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLAB CDS 2.2. The "Review", "PDF Export", and "Print" buttons are enabled only when all entries in the Audit Trail dialog are saved.

KPR#:249784  Product:OpenLAB  Client Framework  2.3

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Non-identified peaks may be missing in reports with non-Agilent instruments data


For data acquired from non-Agilent instruments (such as Waters Acquity UPLC), the non identified peaks may be missing in the reports. 
This only affects non-Agilent instruments, and report templates including tables with non-identified peak reporting.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS v2.4 and OpenLab CDS v2.3 Update 06.

KPR#:299468  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.19

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

"Delete" entry in the audit trail raises an audit concern


With OpenLab CDS and a G7129A ALS sampler, a change to the instrument method from the default Flush Port to Wash Vial records the following entries in the audit trail:
* Added Needle Wash Location with value <vial location>
* Added Wash Cycles with value <value>
* Deleted Wash Time with value 3 s
* Changed Needle Wash Location from Flush Port to Wash Vial
The entry for Deleted Wash Time refers to the wash time in the Flush Port mode which does not apply to the Wash Vial mode. Since this value does not apply, it is deleted from the method.

Temporary Solution:

Agilent recommends users recognize that, when changing the ALS wash mode from Flush Port to Wash Vial, the Wash Time value no longer applies and is deleted from the method. Refer to the Wash Needle topic in the OpenLab Help & Learning documentation.

Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:389530  Product:    

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Tune Report: The autotune report does not include instrument name


Autotune reports will contain the instrument IP address and serial number, but do not contain the configured instrument name.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:187399  Product:OpenLAB    2.2

Keyword: Roles and Privileges

One-line Description:

User with empty password cannot unlock Acquisition or Data Analysis


When Acquisition or Data Analysis UI is locked out, a user who was created without a login password cannot unlock the UI.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS v2.4 and OpenLab CDS v2.3 Update 11.

KPR#:207007  Product:    ECM XT v2.3

Keyword: Roles and Privileges

One-line Description:

Users can delete their own data without deletion permission via web client


Users who have only "read" and "write" permission (Edit content of project) in OpenLab CDS 2.3 with content management can delete their own generated data via content managment web client. 

Temporary Solution:

For workstation plus and client/server system, we recommend restricting user access to content management client by removing the permission "Access content using web client" from the users.

Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS v2.4 and OpenLab CDS v2.3 Update 05. 

KPR#:580868  Product:    2.5

Keyword: Roles and Privileges

One-line Description:

Folder move requires Everything role


Only users that have the role Everything are able to move a folder.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This Problem is solved in Version 2.6 where new Delete Content of Project permission are introduced which provides ability to delete and move content associated with projects

KPR#:976277  Product:    ECM XT 2.5 Update 05

Keyword: Roles and Privileges

One-line Description:

Users added to a domain group can't access content management


After an OpenLab system is moved to a new domain, users that are added to domain groups can't access content management.
The alfreso.log file shows the error
[] User authenticated but failed to sync with user registry com.agilent.datastore.olss.service.ServerDownException: Not Found {"error":"The object was not found.","errorCode":"ObjectNotFound"}
This will be the case if the old domain is no longer available.

Temporary Solution:

As a workaround, manually cleanup the table ExternalUsers of the OLSharedServices database. Remove all entries for users of the old domain.

Fix Information:


KPR#:318470  Product:    ECM XT v2.3,ECM XT v2.4,ECM XT v2.2

Keyword: Roles and Privileges,User Interface

One-line Description:

Orphan Property ID leading to sync failure


The application has a job to clean obsolete property values in the database (Prop Cleaner Job) and one to synchronize users from LDAP to the Content Management (User Sync Job).

The Orphan Property ID issue occurs when the Prop Cleaner Job runs at the same time as (or within close time proximity of) the User Sync Job, resulting in deletion of property values that should not have been deleted and causing dangling references inside the database that prevents the application from doing further user synchronizations.

This issue affects the following Products and Versions:
OpenLab CDS v2.2, v2.3 and v2.4
OpenLab Server v2.2, v2.3 and v2.4
OpenLab ECM XT v2.2, v2.3, and v2.4

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab Server v2.5 and OpenLab ECM XT v2.5

This fix is also available in the following Software Updates:  
- OpenLabCDS v2.4 Update 04  and ECM XT 2.4 Update 01
- OpenLab CDS v2.3 Update 10  and ECM XT 2.3 Update 03
- OpenLan CDS v2.2 Update 07 and ECM XT 2.2 Update 01

KPR#:56  Product:OpenLAB Data Store  OpenLAB Data Store  2.0

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Chinese, Japanese, or Russian file names corrupted after download as a compressed zip


File names are corrupted after you decompress a .zip file in Windows 7 using the windows 7 decompression tool. 
The issue is not observed when using other decompression tools.
The problem has been acknowledged by Microsoft and an hot fix is available. See for more information

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:79117  Product:    1.1

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

SIM table is disabled if the last method loaded was SIM


If the last method loaded was SIM, then when Acquisition is launched the SIM table is disabled. 

Temporary Solution:

Changing "Acquisition type" to Scan and then back to SIM enables the SIM table.

Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in GC/MS driver v1.2 for OpenLab CDS.

KPR#:90053  Product:    1.1

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Copy paste a row in the SIM table causes the acquisition Client to crash


If you copy paste a row in the SIM table, the acquisition Client will crash.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue will be resolved in a future release of GC/MS driver for OpenLAB CDS.

KPR#:99440  Product:OpenLAB    2.1 (FR1)

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Cannot unlock session locked by user from different domain


If Acquisition or Data Analysis session is locked by a user from one domain, it cannot be unlocked by another user from a different domain because the "Domain" field is not available in the login window.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLAB CDS 2.2. The "Domain" field is available in the login window.

KPR#:119122  Product:OpenLAB    2.1 SR1

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

One UIB II channel is acquired but two signals are displayed in Data Analysis


Only one UIB II signal channel is acquired, however, in Data Analysis the chromatogram displays two signals. The extra signal is the instrument trace that has the same name.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLAB CDS v2.2. Only one signal is displayed for each injection.

KPR#:130075  Product:    ECM XT v2.3,ECM XT v2.2

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Search cannot handle Metadata which contains a µ


When a document containing a µ symbol is uploaded, searching the document with a string using that symbol ( e.g. >5µl ) will not return any hit.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:131472  Product:    1.1

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

EI tune evaluation report displays incorrect limit for 502/69 ratio


The EI tune evaluation report displays "Ratio of 502 to 69 should be > 2%" but should actually say > 2.4%.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:168842  Product:    ECM XT v2.3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

PDFs Which Include Localized Characters Can Appear Garbled in Web UI Previews


PDFs containing localized characters can appear garbled when viewed through the Web UI preview screens.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The PDFs can be downloaded and viewed through any PDF reader application.  They will show up correctly.

KPR#:180338  Product:    ECM XT v2.3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

First time login to the Content Management Web UI can take up to 60s


After a reboot of the server or a restart of the services, login in to the Content Management Web UI can take up to 60 seconds. This is mainly caused by the Access Control List and permissions checks on repository objects required to build the dashboard.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned for this issue.

KPR#:225514  Product:    ECM XT v2.3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Activity Log Not Viewable in Chrome 67 or later (ECM XT 2.2, 2.3)


Using Chrome 67 or later to view the Activity Log in ECM XT 2.2 or ECM XT 2.3 is not possible. UI elements are not rendered.

Temporary Solution:

For ECM XT 2.2 or ECM XT 2.3 - if the customer needs to view the Activity Log, please use Internet Explorer or Edge. 

Fix Information:

Fixed in Version 2.4

KPR#:296392  Product:    ECM XT v2.3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

No Tree in DA after CDS 2.3 Update 06 installation with CM


After installing OpenLab CDS 2.3 Update 06 with Content Management, the Data Selection tree in Data Analysis is not visible.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS v2.3 Update 07.

KPR#:306783  Product:    n/a

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

The information of the modified person on the folder is incorrect in the Datastore WebPage


In the Datastore Web-Page the user who has a Folder created is displayed as the modified User, even if other users have modified the Content of the Folder (added Files).

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The Issue is fixed in OpenLab Server 2.1.

KPR#:307134  Product:    ECM XT v2.3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Pagination disappears when search returns more than 250 results 


The pagination on the search results page disappears when more that 250 hits are found.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The Search User Interface as been redesigned in version 2.4, pagination is no longer displayed. User needs to keep scrolling down to see the search results

KPR#:372530  Product:    ECM XT v2.5

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Incorrect rendering of MS Office documents in preview


MS Office documents previews are not showing up correctly.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No Fix planned for this issue, As a workaround, download the files and view in their native office applications.

KPR#:576609  Product:    2.6

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Backup Utility is failing fail at verification step due to exhausting connections to the MS SQL server


If you use the Backup Utility for OpenLab 2.6 with an SQL Database Engine, the Verification at the end of the Backup will fail if the Number unique files in Content Management exceeds 5000+  Files and the default verification setting is at 10%.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This  Problem will be fixed in an upcoming OpenLab 2.6 update

KPR#:623684  Product:    ECM XT v2.5

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

"modified" timestamp after sequence has been archived triggered by filtering for PDF


It has been observed that if you Filter for .pdf Reports in an archived Sequence some sequences display a "Modify by ...." date/time subsequent to the "archived" date/time. The Activity log and version history correctly state that no changes have been committed after the sequence has been archived.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The Problem will be  fixed in OpenLab CDS 2.7 and OpenLAB ECM-XT 2.7

KPR#:665419  Product:    2.6

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Japanese Language Files are not included in Content Management Security Update 01 


With the release of Content Management Security Update for OpenLab CDS 2.6 or OpenLab ECM XT 2.6 some language related Files (Japanese) are not included in the underlying Product (Hyland Alfresco). Users might see a "Failed to load plugin" warning on the left-hand side when accessing specific Pages in the Content manager WEB-UI. The Functionality of the software is not affected

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This problem is fixed in OpenLab CDS v2.6 Update 07 / OpenLab ECM XT v2.6 Update 04 and in OpenLab Server / ECM XT v2.7.

KPR#:58  Product:OpenLAB Data Store  OpenLAB Data Store  2.0

Keyword: User Interface , Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Activity Log not displayed in web browser when using Chrome 5.1


Google Chrome version 51.0.2704.63(64-bit) will not display the Activity log in Data Store Browser

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Update Chrome to 51.0.2704.103 or newer

KPR#:354011  Product:OpenLAB    2.5

Keyword: Workflow

One-line Description:

Data acquisition is interrupted on GCMS SQ when system is in failover mode


Data acquisition on GCMS SQ is interrupted when the system goes into failover mode.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fix is in OpenLab CDS v2.5, OpenLab CDS v2.4 Update 07, and OpenLab CDS v2.3 Update 12.