
Software Status Bulletin

OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition     M83xxAA

Known Problem Report as of Oct 21 2024 8:50PM

This Software Status Bulletin (SSB) documents all known problems in the software
product designated above. The SSB is derived from Known Problem Reports (KPR)
which result from user problems that have been classified as documentation
problems or software defects. When a KPR is written, an identifying number is
assigned to it, and the KPR is added to the next edition of the SSB.

User inputs that have been classified as Enhancement Requests are not documented
in the SSB. User problems that have been submitted, but that have not been
classified by the time the SSB is generated are not included in the SSB.

How to use the SSB
When you experience a problem with a product, first check this SSB to see if the
problem has been reported already, and if there is a temporary workaround
available for the problem, or if the problem has already been fixed by a new
revision. If the problem is not listed in this SSB then you may wish to report
it to the Response Center or to your field support representative.

To determine if your problem is documented in this SSB, first look in the
Keyword Index section of the SSB. Under each keyword is a listing of one-line
descriptions of related KPRs. If any of these sound like yours, locate the KPR
# in the Known Problem Reports section of the SSB, and read the full KPR. The
KPRs in the Known Problem Reports section are sorted by KPR #.

There are two sections in the SSB:
Keyword Index: This index is categorized by keyword. For each KPR there is a
brief description and a KPR #. A KPR may be associated with more than one

Known Problem Reports: This section contains KPRs, with all the available
information relevant to the problem. KPRs in this section are sorted by KPR #.

Keyword Glossary

1100 Control
1100 Control , 1200 Control
1100 Control,1200 Control
1200 Control
1200 Control , Method Scouting Wizard
35900 Control
6890 Control
68xx Driver
7890A Control
78xx Driver
78xx Driver , 68xx Driver
Administration,User Interface
Agilent GC Driver
Audit Trail
CE Control
CE Method
Client Report Rendering
ColumnComp Driver
Control Panel
Custom Fields
Custom Reports
DAD/MWD Driver
Data Analysis
Data Analysis , Programming
Easy Sequence
ECM Integration
ELSD Driver
FLD Driver
GC Autosampler
Globalization,Pump Driver
Installation , 35900 Control
Installation , Initialization
Localization (Japanese)
Localization,Report Template Design
MSD Analysis
MSD Control
Navigation Pane
Navigation Table
Pump Driver
Report Generation
Report Template Design
Report Templates
Reports , 1100 Control , 1200 Control , 7890A Control
Reports , Custom Fields
Reports , ECM Integration
Reports , Localization
Reports , MSD Analysis
Reports , SEQ
Reports - IR
Retention Time Locking
Roles and Privileges
Run Control
Run Control , SEQ
Sampler Configuration
Sampler Driver
Sampler Method
SEQ , Custom Fields
Spectra Analysis
User Interface
User Interface , 7890A Control
User Interface , Audit Trail
User Interface , Data Analysis
User Interface , ECM Integration
User Interface , SEQ , ACQ , ECM Integration
User Privileges
Utilities , Spectra Analysis , MSD Analysis

Keyword Index

Keyword: 1100 Control

KPR#:2022 Signals from different LC modules show a shift in the Online Plot
KPR#:2133 Online spectra not available for some instruments
KPR#:1840 Instrument communication error may cause incorrect injection time stamp on subsequent run

Keyword: 1100 Control , 1200 Control

KPR#:2133 Online spectra not available for some instruments

Keyword: 1100 Control,1200 Control

KPR#:89210 Online spectra not available for some instruments

Keyword: 1200 Control

KPR#:2133 Online spectra not available for some instruments
KPR#:1892 Missing error handling for errors during fraction collection
KPR#:1894 Manual Fraction Collection: Delay time not applied
KPR#:1926 Multidraw injection volume >1000ml cannot be entered from the context menu.
KPR#:1928 Stopping a run is sometimes executed as Abort
KPR#:1968 LC Column information is not transferred to the data file
KPR#:100941 In ChemStation "CP Macro" errors are added as logbook entry for Fraction Collectors, when a run has been completed
KPR#:339647 The MSD goes not ready (NRDY) and the sequence and queued sequences are aborted
KPR#:354548 After an Upgrade to C.01.10, no Fraction Tickmarks shown in the Online Plot
KPR#:1720 Cluster information can be overwritten from the offline session
KPR#:1840 Instrument communication error may cause incorrect injection time stamp on subsequent run

Keyword: 1200 Control , Method Scouting Wizard

KPR#:1720 Cluster information can be overwritten from the offline session

Keyword: 35900 Control

KPR#:1623 35900E - Error The Current Event Name is the same for a special event
KPR#:1677 Cannot start two instruments using the two channels of one ADC at the same time
KPR#:1702 35900E A/D converter cannot be split into two instruments from a ChemStation client
KPR#:1721 View ACQ method from Data Analysis does not list acquisition parameters for the 35900 AD converter.
KPR#:2073 Activity log for 35900E will truncate last leter in errors or status messages
KPR#:92291 Sequence stops when pushing the 35900 stop button during sequence
KPR#:2121 35900E ADC-instrument cannot be configured with RC.Net driver after reinstalling the OpenLAB CDS application

Keyword: 6890 Control

KPR#:1412 6890 RC.NET driver: instrument diagram not updated to show configuration
KPR#:1464 Addition of new columns to the column catalog (database) is not possible after upgrade
KPR#:1933 Data file of sequence with manual inject of 6890 may be incomplete
KPR#:1993 Only one 6890 instrument with GPIB connenction can be configured on one controller
KPR#:2003 Migrating a classic 6890 instrument to RC.Net does not work smoothly after upgrade

Keyword: 68xx Driver

KPR#:16 Vial Missing Error Message
KPR#:17 How to Change Column Dimensions
KPR#:18 If One Signal Needs to be Saved, it Must be Assigned as Signal 1
KPR#:20 Instrument Diagram Does Not Match Installed Column in Method
KPR#:22 In 68XX driver revision 5.02 - 6.11, it is not possible to Modify a Method During a Run to Extend the Run Time or Change the Oven Temp
KPR#:23 Info in Edit instrument parameters\Columns is incomplete
KPR#:31 Ignore missing vial option is not present in GC
KPR#:33 Instrument Setup graph has incorrect column legend
KPR#:38 ALS errors abort sequence; no Retry/Abort dialog box option offered with 68xx RC.NET Driver
KPR#:55 Opening 68xx RC.NET GC types result in 'FetchCPVar cannot talk to application'
KPR#:59 In 68XX Driver Version 5.02, it is not Possible to Start the 6890 RC.NET from the Front Panel Start Key
KPR#:66 CIS4 inlet is not recognized with 6890 GC RC.NET
KPR#:83 Only Fast Plunger Speed is available for PTV Solvent Vent multiple injections
KPR#:87 IQ1.CFG file of 6890/6850 instrument corrupted after regional setting change
KPR#:89 Incorrect injection volume shown in method report if PTV solvent vent is used
KPR#:92 Instrument Diagram Does Not Match Column 2's Inlet Configuration
KPR#:94 68xx Method Download Times Out
KPR#:95 "Method modified after loading" occurs when running a sequence (6890 RC.NET)
KPR#:98 GC Column Catalog File Cannot be Opened When Using the 68xx Driver Version 6.10
KPR#:99 Sequence continues while GC temperature is not ready
KPR#:100 A Method Can be Created Which Will Not Download to the Instrument and the Sequence Does Not Run
KPR#:101 GC Back Injector Not Present in Edit Method Screen
KPR#:102 Validation failed shown on left corner of Resolve Method screen
KPR#:103 Injector Panels in GC Edit Method Show as Uninstalled When an Injector is Installed.
KPR#:105 Plunger Speed is Not Saved with 6850 GC Methods
KPR#:106 Opening the GC method parameters to only look (no change made) and selecting OK to close stops the sequence or single run
KPR#:109 Method Contents Report Displays the Incorrect Configuration of Front and Back Detectors for 6890 GC
KPR#:113 Cannot Run a Packed GC Column with a 6890
KPR#:116 Pulsed Split/Splitless Injection Does Not Wait For Ready on a 6890.
KPR#:117 In 68XX GC Driver Version 6.01, 2 Injections are Made When Using the PTV
KPR#:119 Vial left in gripper; no message shown to alert user about the problem
KPR#:120 6850 vial numbers are not consistent with standard numbering system.
KPR#:122 Method Resolution Changes Oven Temperature Program
KPR#:123 Column info is missing with 6890
KPR#:124 Method Modification Flag is Set after Edit Method: Occurs on first connection or after upload from GC.
KPR#:128 Method Ddownload Failure Occurs Due to Column Calibration Limits
KPR#:129 Instrument actual value for COC inlet does not display correctly
KPR#:130 Instrument actual value for anode purge flow on an ECD does not display correctly
KPR#:132 6850 Support of Column Compensation
KPR#:134 Easy SamplePrep reset of one or any group of resources creates log entry: 'User reset all resources'
KPR#:136 Data Files do not Contain the Correct Signals if the Front Inlet is Connected to Back Detector
KPR#:137 Slow download speed from GC Datafiles stored on network drive
KPR#:138 C.01.06: 6850 classic driver will not accept valid vial locations in Run Method, Sequence, or Easy Sequence
KPR#:140 The Oven Ramp table does not display correctly in IR with Acquisition method selected.
KPR#:141 6890 PTV Inlet not recognizable in OpenLAB EZChrom
KPR#:142 Multiple errors when the 6890 doesn't have any inlets
KPR#:143 Sequence table Inj Vol Override goes to wrong stops for 6890/7683: C.01.05, A.04.05, C.01.06, A.04.06
KPR#:145 Often get two or more ChemMain.exe's running following shutdown of Control Panel or online session.
KPR#:146 PDID Valco Detector isn't recogonized in the driver in OLCS EZChrom
KPR#:147 6890N with 7693 barcode scanning checksum mismatch does not return vial to tray and skips a vial.
KPR#:148 Customer can't install colum information from catalog if column description is blank
KPR#:149 EZChrom: Installation of GC Drivers A.03.02 breaks a 7697 configuration if installed
KPR#:150 Setting a Hold time of 0.0 does not work correctly with GC6890
KPR#:155 Instrument session continues to run in background after session is closed.
KPR#:159 6890 online help has the bad strings in Injector page.
KPR#:163 6890, 6850 session start up hangs or is very slow to start up with Windows 10 version 1511 as the operating system
KPR#:336 GC instrument Help page cannot be displayed

Keyword: 7890A Control

KPR#:1239 7890A Runs cannot be started until the GC and injector are idle, view GC Status
KPR#:2126 GC Backflush Wizard does not work properly in C.01.07 SR1 HotFix01 [113]
KPR#:1840 Instrument communication error may cause incorrect injection time stamp on subsequent run
KPR#:2041 Unprivileged users can change instrument setpoints using the "GC Instrument Diagram"

Keyword: 78xx Driver

KPR#:5 Error Message when certain methodsare loaded onto an offline configured 7890.
KPR#:15 Shutdown events are not displayed on the software Status screen
KPR#:17 Barcode mismatch error
KPR#:26 Sample Prep Program with only a 7693A Back Injector does not save
KPR#:37 ALS Errors Abort Sequence; no Retry/Abort dialog box option offered
KPR#:54 Method edit: Must click twice with the mouse on each data field to change number
KPR#:67 ChemStation does not show "Hydrogen Safety Shutdown" in 7890A status
KPR#:75 7890A valve names added in the config screen but are not available in the method
KPR#:76 7820 method printout includes parameters and setpoints unavailable for PP inlet
KPR#:77 7820 method printout inserts negative number for Septum Purge Flow, invalid parameter
KPR#:80 If 7890 gets into an error status (flame off) this is NOT reported within the 7890 status window
KPR#:84 Read barcode just before injection and use barcode as sample name in report
KPR#:85 7890A: Column part number is not included in the method report
KPR#:90 Partial data collection is not available on the signals screen
KPR#:91 Need ability to do Digital switching for detector signals in Runtime events
KPR#:93 Read barcode just before injection and use barcode as the sample name in the report
KPR#:98 Park during sequence with Overlap causes unresponsiveness
KPR#:100 7890GC: inlet pressure unit inconsistency - method audit trail vs instrument setup
KPR#:103 RTL: New calculated pressure doesn’t update column 2 - 6 on current 7890A methods
KPR#:107 New Abort Behavior
KPR#:115 7890A: Shutdown events are not published to the software GC Status screen
KPR#:117 Upgrading B.01.03 to B.04.02 GC ChemStation: Addition of new columns to the column catalog (database) is not possible; error occurs
KPR#:118 Electrometer on/off not needed for FID or NPD
KPR#:124 Freeze Signal Value and Resume Signal Value missing from runtime events
KPR#:126 The Override Column Max Temp Checkbox Behavior
KPR#:127 Cryo Trap Run Time Event Support
KPR#:132 Error in flow setpoint upload when method has more than 100 events
KPR#:134 Running a sequence requires the arm from the tray, G4514A to be in the UN-PARKED position
KPR#:137 Extended Parameters does not disable the BCR when no hardware is present
KPR#:139 Switched and standard mode for septum purge not available on MMI
KPR#:140 Negative Split Splitless inlet Pressure values during Post Run Backflush
KPR#:154 Column compensation menu is available during the sequence
KPR#:166 Column: need to include Ramped and Constant pressure and flow modes as selection
KPR#:167 GC goes offline momentarily because of SOAP Exception
KPR#:170 No indication of inlet pressure shutdown in software status with 7890A
KPR#:174 GC Keypad Lock Behavior
KPR#:182 GC Instrument Status for Detectors
KPR#:189 It is not possible to set a positive pressure when column outlet is set to "other"
KPR#:190 FID Flame out; no feedback in software
KPR#:195 uECD and TCD report printout for makeup flows is wrong
KPR#:200 GC continues when STOP on 7820 is pressed
KPR#:203 Open GC edit parameters and close it without changes; method modification flag is set
KPR#:204 7890A logbook shows 7693A turret, plunger errors as GCI1 did not start a run
KPR#:209 Unable to set equilibration time for LTM columns from Edit Parameters
KPR#:211 Changes made to 7890 method from GC instrument diagram result do not load.
KPR#:223 Backflush icon is not displayed when the outlet of the column configuration is set as "Other".
KPR#:227 When running Backflush from ChemStation with segmented columns only the in-segment is taken into account in the calculation.
KPR#:228 The display of the parameter setting screen of the method setup is small.
KPR#:229 After editing the GC method and selecting ok - validation error message is displayed.
KPR#:230 7820 Back Injector Only Resets Injection Source to Manual
KPR#:238 PCM Inlet Heater Shutdown
KPR#:247 Multiposition valve resets to position # 1 between injections
KPR#:252 MMI in Split or Pulsed Split Mode does not allow editing of Total Flow value
KPR#:266 The GC Maintenance View May Not Change Until the Software is Closed and Re-Opened
KPR#:267 Description of How to Delete Columns from the Inventory
KPR#:268 Behavior of the Maintenance Screen When Adding Modules to the GC
KPR#:269 ALS Behavior When Aborting a Sequence
KPR#:270 7890B GC Column Maintenance Counter Behavior
KPR#:271 Update GC Column Catalog dialog is limited to 10 items; no way to display the rest (...)
KPR#:272 Method Differences Viewer Behavior with Scanned Columns
KPR#:273 7890B GC Method Compatibility
KPR#:274 Logbook Messages for Scanned Consumables Items
KPR#:275 The Syringe and Liner are Not Shown in the Method
KPR#:276 The PC and GC Clocks Need to be Synchronized to Account for Daylight Savings Time
KPR#:277 Logging of Injection Tower Location
KPR#:279 Explanation for How Default Early Maintenance Feedback Counters Work
KPR#:280 7890 back injector only sequence is missing Acq.txt and acq.macaml in data directory
KPR#:281 The 7890 GC Goes Offline When Non-English Characters are Entered into the Column Information
KPR#:282 Instrument Actuals Show "GC is Offline" Quickly at the Method or Sequence Start, then Returns Back Online and the Method Does Not Run
KPR#:283 78xx GC configuration fails; Failed to Create Instance
KPR#:284 Data not collected, sequence stopped when vial removed from turret after injection
KPR#:285 C.01.06: Import eMethod or Export eMethod freezes system
KPR#:287 0-volume blank run in overlapped sequence causes injection
KPR#:291 Backflush Wizard never advances past Ready to add backflush screen
KPR#:293 7890A ALS Recoverable Error Actions cannot function after upgrading to latest GC driver build on OpenLAB CDS before A.02.01
KPR#:294 Standard and Easy Sample Prep programs run incorrectly in a calibration sequence (run for unknown samples only) when overlap is involved.
KPR#:295 7890B configuration, model number serial number and IP address change after restart
KPR#:296 Makeup Gas mode terminology should be consistent with the GC front panel
KPR#:297 Agilent Solvent Elimination Wizard issue
KPR#:299 Clicking OK after making changes to Events does not save the changes made to the events.
KPR#:300 OL CDS ChemStation C.01.06 does not download the run time events to the 7890 correctly.
KPR#:301 Can't select uECD makeup mode to "Does not affect Makeup Flow"
KPR#:302 Can't save "Included in Makeup Flow" on uECD setting screen.
KPR#:303 GC7890B IP address changes when loading default method
KPR#:305 7820 GC: Method modification flag set after starting a sequence or method
KPR#:308 Method printout missing column parameters: flow or pressure, setpoint On, (Initial), and post run
KPR#:309 There is an incorrect character when displaying temperature information in the method report in Japanese
KPR#:310 MMI Cryo Fast Cooldown not saved
KPR#:311 Method is always seen as modified, nothing can be added to the queue.
KPR#:312 Oven Slow fan will be off after method is downloaded the slow oven mode on to 7890
KPR#:313 During a pulsed splitless run, the purge time shorter than the pulse time cannot be entered.
KPR#:314 Method print out with 7890 configured does not show total GCc run time.
KPR#:315 There is no "Inlet Septum Purge" event in Runtime Events table - EZChrom
KPR#:316 External Device "Not Ready" ignored by OpenLAB CDS ChemSataion and EZChrom
KPR#:318 Aux Flow Limited to 150 mL/min even when pressure is less than Maximum
KPR#:319 Post Run Flow Rate has default that out of range and value seems not to be stored
KPR#:320 Method User Interface does not correctly load the content of a method.
KPR#:321 Sample Prep Audit Trail is not logging changes.
KPR#:323 Sample Prep steps of previous method are included in printout of methods saved from SP methods, if checked but no steps are specifed.
KPR#:324 Does not delete previous open GC method event table when load method. Wrong injections can be created.
KPR#:325 Method download to GC while in sequence causes it to disconnect and sequence stops.
KPR#:326 7890 method print doesn't include post run time
KPR#:333 Elite: Overlap injection no longer working on EZChrom Elite with GC Drivers A.03.02
KPR#:335 Crash of Software after check "Show Threshold Value as remaining time" in EMF Options
KPR#:339 Not allowed to set proper GC column max temp because it is less than 150degrees.
KPR#:340 FID signal subtraction setting changes spontaneously from "Nothing" to "Column Compensation" during run.
KPR#:341 "Extend Run" in GC settings does not work correctly
KPR#:342 Cannot configure a 7890B on an existing client server system
KPR#:343 Copy to Clipboard Function in Instrument Actuals throws exception error
KPR#:344 The column flow calculator calculation is off by almost 3x the flow rate for the system
KPR#:345 Sample Overlap settings can not be edited after driver update, but are still part of the method.
KPR#:347 Incomplete Method Parameters for xCD in Acquisition Method Report
KPR#:349 Actual flows displayed by CDS aren't the same as the setpoint flows
KPR#:350 Print method does not include all MMI setpoints: Purge time, Post Run Temp, Time, Flow
KPR#:351 Extend run does not extend the acquisition of the Intuvo 9000 GC
KPR#:352 Cannot Add User-Defined EMFs on Intuvo 9000 GC
KPR#:355 ChemStation Instrument actuals showing D2 Bus Temperature with no D2 bus installed
KPR#:356 Method print is showing Solvent wash mode as A-A2, B-B2 when it should be A,B since it is a 16 vial turret
KPR#:357 Inlet pressure setpoint displayed assuming all thermal zones are turned ON, results in confusing mismatch when heated zones are Off.
KPR#:360 Method Editor for PP inlet & Packed Column incorrectly allows both flow and pressure setpoints to be entered
KPR#:361 ChemStation can lock up when changing Intuvo Bus Flow Chip types with ChemStation session running.
KPR#:367 Right Clicking on Method Editor makes UI hide behind Instrument Screen
KPR#:368 Incorrect Values in 9000 Pressure/Flow Calculator
KPR#:369 Make changes to guard chip on Intuvo 9000 GC, audit trail just says temperature changed
KPR#:370 Backflush Wizard illogically sets trial backflush times after the elution time of last peak of interest
KPR#:371 Should not be able to download a method while a in a GC run or sequence.
KPR#:372 GC Dashboard does not get populated for ChemStation
KPR#:374 Cannot download GC set points to 7820 configured with a Nickel Catalyst heater and no inlets.
KPR#:375 No indication that the AutoSampler tray is in park mode.
KPR#:376 The Local User Interface(LUI) on the Intuvo 9000 GC shows long name for connected data system.
KPR#:377 For both the 7890 and Intuvo 9000 there is no change in the UI to show the user that a rack is not present.
KPR#:378 Post Run Backflush. The Guard Chip temperature was not set to the Post Run Oven Temperature.
KPR#:379 Location of Intuvo 9000 GC System Health Report should be moved
KPR#:380 Link to Intuvo 9000 GC help does not work.
KPR#:381 Event drop downs are black when creating a new method
KPR#:382 Cannot install B.01.03 on ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 by Welcome.html
KPR#:383 PCM will not control in constant flow.
KPR#:388 RTL for OpenLAB CDS 2.X does not calculate the pressure correctly when locking or re-locking the method when setting a Target retention time.
KPR#:422 HS Sleep/Wake mode should sync with GC Sleep/Wake mode
KPR#:425 Script error when starting help for "Runtime Events"
KPR#:431 Overlap injections on the 9000 uses only the injection volume from the first injection for subsequent injection.
KPR#:435 GC Method Resolution results in “Object Reference” error message and occasional crash
KPR#:439 Downloading method parameters (like oven temperature) on a 6890A does not work with OpenLab CDS 2.4
KPR#:472 Chromeleon: Intuvo trigger two instrument notification for configuration changed
KPR#:473 Chromeleon: GC: Change of column length (and related parameters like flow etc) via calibration in online method sometimes reported in audit trail sometimes not
KPR#:474 Chromeleon: GC: Column length can only be calibrated once in Online Method Editor
KPR#:475 Chromeleon: Setting Liner on Intuvo triggers two config change messages in audit trail
KPR#:476 8860 Open Lab CDS EZChrom compact license is invalid.
KPR#:477 Selecting Partial Data for the 6890 causes the retention times and areas to be wrong.
KPR#:478 6890 - cannot set post run flow for packed column
KPR#:479 Chromeleon: GC 6850A and 6890A: GC online method is not editable
KPR#:480 Chromeleon: GC 6890A: Wrong temperature shown in chromatogram for signal GC_OvTempe_Act
KPR#:481 Chromeleon: GC 6850A: Cannot create instrument method
KPR#:482 Chromeleon: GC8890: Current Signal Value in 'Blank evaluation' shows incorrect value in Method editor
KPR#:483 Chromeleon: GC8890: Blank evaluation setpoints missing in method report
KPR#:484 Signal Scaling is incorrect for the 6890
KPR#:485 Chromeleon: Intuvo: Help button in window 'Configure Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC' opens 78xx Series GC Help
KPR#:486 Chromeleon: GC8890: Issues during sequence execution
KPR#:487 Chromeleon: Changes made in 68xx Edit Online Method not applied or reported
KPR#:488 Error when loading GC method without Blank Run Analysis setpoint
KPR#:489 Chromeleon: Corrected column length will not save after manual method resolution
KPR#:490 Chromeleon: Signals from previous method persist in new method
KPR#:491 Chromeleon: ECD Help page cannot be accessed
KPR#:492 Chromeleon: All 8860 signals not displayed or available in report
KPR#:493 Chromeleon: Error occurred at several points of operation
KPR#:494 Chromeleon: GC6890: Front Injector parameter change in Online method not applied
KPR#:495 Chromeleon: GC6890A: Method download fails
KPR#:496 8860 on Chromeleon -Unhandled exception in Chromeleon Driver Host (CmDDKHost): AgilentTechnologies.DdkIcfAdapter|Agilent
KPR#:497 Chromeleon does not recognize the tray with Back Injector installed.
KPR#:498 Chromeleon: Automatic de-activation of not supported feature blank evaluation cannot be saved
KPR#:499 Getting multiple Errors in the PC Event Log for AgGC7890 after disconnecting and Reconnecting LAN cable.
KPR#:500 GC6890: Valid vial ranges are not correct for 6890 in some cases
KPR#:501 Chromeleon: GC6890A: Error 'The communication FIFO of the DDK driver is corrupted.' after connecting and disconnecting several times.
KPR#:502 When click the "Apply the Option" in GC Chromatographic Column Directory under Column Configuration, an exception occur on Openlab 2.4
KPR#:503 Upgrade installation from GC B.01.03 to 3.0 SR2 fails to install Ag7697WS.dll (and .pdb)
KPR#:504 Chromeleon: GC6850A: Changing method parameter creates method inconsistent to configuration
KPR#:505 Chromeleon: GC6850: Partial Data option causes issues during sequence execution
KPR#:506 Chromeleon: GC6890: Unexpected audit trail entries during endurance run
KPR#:507 SR1 for the GC3.0 drivers breaks the connection between an 8890 and 7000D transferline temperature reading in MH ACQ 10.
KPR#:508 Not able to download flow setpoints to 6890 VI inlet.
KPR#:509 Chromeleon: Incorrect conversion and missing unit when using pressure setting bar
KPR#:510 68xx: Chromeleon: System with G4513 won't make 1.1 uL injection
KPR#:511 Chromeleon: System crash: system slow and then crashing
KPR#:512 8860 with Headspace/PAL does not consume correct VL license for OpenLAB 2.4
KPR#:513 B,04.03 SP2 will not connect to an 8890 GC.
KPR#:514 Chromeleon: 6890GC Oven temperature disabled in method - Run does not start.
KPR#:515 3.0 SR2 driver fails SVT on OL CS C.01.09.144
KPR#:516 OLCS C.01.09 with Driver 3.0.650 will not launch any instrument.
KPR#:517 Chromeleon: SVT Chameleon 2.1.30 Fails
KPR#:518 Function_build number not display in SVT report in EzChrom and OpenLab CDS 2.4
KPR#:519 8890: the MS transfer line temp displayed is 0 C but its actual temp is 250 C.
KPR#:564 Calculated Pressure for Relock is not updated for the 6890 in C.01.10.
KPR#:1196 7890A: Shutdown events are not published to the software GC Status screen
KPR#:336 GC instrument Help page cannot be displayed

Keyword: 78xx Driver , 68xx Driver

KPR#:336 GC instrument Help page cannot be displayed

Keyword: ACQ

KPR#:1660 No special characters should be used for names of methods, data files or sequences
KPR#:1701 Terminal Service can close under high workload
KPR#:1747 Queue Method vial range reflects range of loaded method, not the method browsed to
KPR#:1811 7890 back injector only data file is missing acq.txt and acq.macaml in the data directory
KPR#:1841 Run time for unsynchronized modules is shortened
KPR#:1842 Memory leak in RDPShell.exe may cause significant performance decrease on OpenLAB CDS ChemStation AICs
KPR#:1853 GC7890 acquisiton methods cannot be reported with Intelligent Reporting of OpenLAB CDS ChemStation
KPR#:1960 Chromatograms of manually stopped runs are shorter than expected
KPR#:1962 LCDIAG.REG content incomplete
KPR#:1964 Data system uses the currently loaded method to validate the vial range in the Sequence table
KPR#:1969 Using FIle> Snapshot causes the software to become unresponsive on systems with a Varian Prep Star module
KPR#:2067 Missing data points in chromatogram can be perceived as retention time shift.
KPR#:2072 Incorrect XML import of MultiSampler vial positions
KPR#:2077 Duplicate or corrupted files or unresponsive software after stop/abort
KPR#:2102 Order of data points in instrument signals is inverted
KPR#:2108 ChemStation Scheduler hpsched.exe fails to start on Windows 2008 Server R2 SP1
KPR#:2110 Error 17923 occurred for both LC and GC
KPR#:2136 Order of data points in instrument signals is inverted
KPR#:2147 Sequence Start button is enabled when sequence is paused.
KPR#:2159 G7100A Wait time after loading new method is applied to every run
KPR#:2186 "Error 41092 occurred" is shown in the system activity logs
KPR#:89225 Calibration run was canceled during injection, File/Path error message – could not save method with data shown
KPR#:105304 ChemStation does not set the Device Master-Runtime correctly to the ELSD RC.Net driver
KPR#:123728 Cannot start the FIA Method in the Single Sample Information down menu with G7129A Vial sampler
KPR#:124268 Intermittent signal lost of HPLC with G7115A
KPR#:132730 Fractions missing in Data File after Instrument Error
KPR#:149080 Instrument driver error crashes the ChemStation
KPR#:168241 Intermittently the signal is missing or saved in wrong data folder for runs not started from the ChemStation
KPR#:172406 Intermittently the signal is missing or saved in wrong data folder for runs started at GC
KPR#:218783 Counter used for single data file naming does not increment correctly with multiple runs in C.01.08 [216]
KPR#:232469 Counter used for single data file naming does not increment correctly with multiple runs in C.01.08 [216]
KPR#:239891 Data saved in reverse order for multiple single runs specified in Sample Info
KPR#:399554 Missing error method in sequence parameters
KPR#:451930 Snapshot does not work: Error "Data file does not exist"
KPR#:474709 When doing Fraction Collection without sampler it can happen that the fraction start locations is wrong
KPR#:519791 Performance problems with OpenLab ChemStation C.01.07 and C.01.08 with 8890 and 8860 GC instruments
KPR#:523782 Column table continues to grow each time a column is changed in GC and LC
KPR#:524638 Column table grows over time when changing column settings
KPR#:603801 Sample naming counter issue
KPR#:694563 Commands setup in the Command Scheduler window also used in the Offline session
KPR#:770071 Cannot remove custom wellplate definitions
KPR#:962756 ChemStation hangs and stays in "running" state after multiple snapshots
KPR#:1996 A missing vial error in an LC system with two samplers can be irrecoverable
KPR#:1763 In Sequence Parameters dialog a missing backslash of remote data path needs to be corrected.

Keyword: Administration

KPR#:36 Windows Domain tab is grayed out in OpenLAB Server Utility
KPR#:39 Cannot stop Shared Serviceshost service on computer after changing the Domain Account password
KPR#:119981 Users with privilege of view and run instrument can take over instrument used by another user
KPR#:128072 Microsoft Windows 10 update (build 1703) may result in bluescreen
KPR#:129420 Software Verification Report does not include Hotfix04 in the base revision number
KPR#:149886 EMF help information not available using the Instrument Control Framework
KPR#:149890 Do not install msi files by double-clicking the file
KPR#:165543 Administrative Break Session lock functionality from ChemStation Admin tool is not working correctly
KPR#:217785 Installation Qualification Test fails when a newer RapidControlIF.dll is installed than has been expected by the LC Driver
KPR#:274555 Installation Qualification Test fails when A.02.19 SR2 is installed on OpenLab Chemstation Edition C.01.09
KPR#:431252 Driver release note states wrong firmware revision for G7104C
KPR#:764090 Secure File IO cannot be set

Keyword: Administration,User Interface

KPR#:267323 Activity Log in OLCP does not record the Application name when login from the Web UI

Keyword: Agilent GC Driver

KPR#:683 Unable to download temperature setpoint to Gasifier II

Keyword: Audit Trail

KPR#:1749 Method Audit Trail does not include change of Injection source when HS/PAL is no longer configured
KPR#:1819 UIB II - set a timetable and control "Method Audit Trail"
KPR#:1876 Automatically saving of method is missing in audit trail
KPR#:2053 Selection of storage of instrument curves is not reported in method audit trail
KPR#:2059 Sequence Audit Trail is not written for 2D LC instruments
KPR#:2092 Update Master Method with DA settings does not copy the full list of changes to the audit trail
KPR#:2099 Pre-run changes to sequences are not captured in the sequence audit trail
KPR#:2116 Sequence audit trail reports outdated sequence line number
KPR#:123232 Sequence Method audit trail is missing entries for some runs
KPR#:203019 Changes of integration events in combination with preview results may not be tracked correctly in method audit trail
KPR#:291500 Severity levels of activity log did change and need explanation
KPR#:292364 Snapshots are not recorded in the audit trail
KPR#:293333 Snapshot not disabled when “After any data modification” is checked
KPR#:296074 Time stamps of method audit trails are printed in ISO format
KPR#:317916 Instrument error stopped sequence, but log also states “stopped by user”
KPR#:431170 Sequence audit trail can be closed without entering a reason for the update
KPR#:488786 Acquisition method last change timestamps do not match between Intelligent and Classic reports
KPR#:58 Activity Log not displayed in web browser when using Chrome 5.1

Keyword: Autosampler

KPR#:338 EZChrom: PAL XT module not available after installation

Keyword: Batch

KPR#:1860 Cannot open batch - specified range parameter is bad
KPR#:1903 Getting errors when selecting any Classic Performance report templates in Batch Review
KPR#:360620 Batch Reporting does not allow the same compound name to be used for both signals

Keyword: CE Control

KPR#:694004 Acquisition Method changed by user without required privileges

Keyword: CE Method

KPR#:149884 CE Method not working for CEC Mode and/or MSInstalled soft configuration option
KPR#:150050 Using timetable setting Internal Pressure in CE/p and CEC mode is not applied

Keyword: Calibration

KPR#:1089 Run a sequence with recalibration, only the first ISTD is updated
KPR#:1817 Sequence run for bracketing standard which is started with blank completed without creating data files
KPR#:1827 C.01.04 Hot Fix03 : incorrect calibration curves legend in calibration curves printout
KPR#:1923 Compounds without ISTD correction are not reported
KPR#:2118 0.000 amount in Sequence summary report using ISTD% report
KPR#:2178 Wrong vial number in intelligent report with bracketing calibration
KPR#:153540 Chromatograms extracted from UV iso-absorbance plot cannot be directly used for quanitfication
KPR#:171163 in Signal Details and Calibration tables has an old functionality of "Clear" instead of "Copy"
KPR#:253208 Include/ignore origin in default calibration settings shows a warning

Keyword: ChemStation

KPR#:49 LC/MS data acquired on Chinese or Japanese OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 cannot be reported with Intelligent Reporter.
KPR#:52 LC/MS data acquired on Chinese or Japanese OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 cannot be reported with Intelligent Reporter.
KPR#:53 LC/MS ChemStation - Intelligent Reporting would report a red cross when using Analytical Studio Reviewer
KPR#:55 Intelligent Reporting template migration from OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.04 or C.01.05 to C.01.06 or higher

Keyword: Client Report Rendering

KPR#:41 Data Peak without Apex Spectrum cannot render IR report with Apex Spectrum selected
KPR#:46 Intelligent report of English openlab chemstation can not show chinese name in PDF report
KPR#:628 Large matrix reports may produce additional empty pages
KPR#:653 Calculating the standard deviation of identical numbers may return NaN
KPR#:657 Changes in report templates are not immediately shown on report printouts
KPR#:659 Rendering error when using a template containing a large result matrix

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

KPR#:149860 TCC CLuster remains offline with message "Initialization of ColumnCompCluster failed
KPR#:149912 Position number after run is reported wrongly for Multicolumn Thermostat G7116B in the report and audit trail
KPR#:149913 Field sizes for column description and comment have been increased from 16 to 32 characters for G7116B Multicolumn Thermostat
KPR#:149914 Method transfer from G1316A/B/C to G7116B failed if option "next position after run" was chosen
KPR#:149917 Wrong display for 2pos/10port and 2pos/6port valves in method UI for G1316A/B/C modules
KPR#:149918 No tooltip displayed if linked detector is missing for G7116B Multicolumn Thermostat
KPR#:149921 Incompatible change in behavior of 2-position/6-port and 2-position/10-port valves in G1170A, G7116B and G4227A compared to Thermostatted Column Compartments G1316A/B/C
KPR#:149925 Error dialog and error logbook entry for TCCs G1316A/B/C
KPR#:149929 Control UI for G1316C does not work when using the Instrument Control Framework ICF in client/server setups.
KPR#:149930 Changing control settings like switching on/off the Column Compartment Thermostat or Leak Detection in the instrument control UI does not work
KPR#:149943 Import/export functionality in Column Assignment dialog of MCT has been removed
KPR#:149962 No comments can be entered for virtual tags
KPR#:149976 Column information may get lost within VTCs during auto-configuration in some cases
KPR#:149977 Last injection date and injection counters are not updated in VTC in some cases
KPR#:149978 Valve-Thermostat-Cluster time table can be edited in read-only mode
KPR#:149985 Maximum column void volume is 50 mL
KPR#:149998 Auto configuration fails when changing the valve type in an MCT for an existing valve thermostat cluster
KPR#:272678 G1316C does not recognize 800 bar Quick Change Valve Heads configured in LabAdvisor

Keyword: Companion

KPR#:1609 Companion fails to run blank run for valved/ALS injections

Keyword: Control Panel

KPR#:117721 Exception when login in OpenLab Control Panel. ECM does not display all the subfolders when browsing for Project Path during project creation; exception displayed
KPR#:217841 Unable to configure multiple instruments with the same name in different locations (on the same AIC)
KPR#:283789 Create new instrument causes error "System.Net.Sockets.SocketException.."

Keyword: Custom Fields

KPR#:1905 Default value for a custom field is not cleared
KPR#:2106 Custom Fields can disappear after acquisition
KPR#:105305 Ability to store results in sample or compound custom fields
KPR#:1837 Empty Custom Fields are not printed in Intelligent Report
KPR#:2098 Custom Field values can be accessed during acquisition of a sequence.

Keyword: Custom Reports

KPR#:980 Relative Retention Time solution does not work for uncalibrated peaks
KPR#:1995 FIltering syntax has changed
KPR#:2012 Calibration Levels and the corresponding amounts might not match in Intelligent Reporting
KPR#:471016 Sample order number change in C.01.10
KPR#:602877 Topology report considers real instruments only

Keyword: DAD/MWD Driver

KPR#:149820 In localized CDS for ELSD detector G4218A no signal data is shown or stored
KPR#:149830 High load on CAN may cause "Spectra runbuffer overflow" entries and a loss of spectra
KPR#:149837 Autobalace executed although in Sequence table set to "OFF"
KPR#:149851 Occasional shift in retention times for G1315A/B or G1365A/B
KPR#:150000 Retention times may be slightly too high for DAD data acquisition rates below 1 Hz

Keyword: Dashboard

KPR#:149949 Module stays offline after a configuration change using the "Modify" function

Keyword: Data Analysis

KPR#:1578 Reprocessing copy starting as a background window.
KPR#:1639 Data System will not "Autoscale" a TCD data file to the correct peak
KPR#:1652 Y-axis labeled incorrectly when loading GC signals acquired with MSD ChemStation
KPR#:1654 ChemStation B.04.03 [54] will not "Autoscale" the TCD data file
KPR#:1785 C.01.05: no longer possible to print reports directly from the DA.M in Recalculate Last Result mode
KPR#:1796 Report template not found when reprocessing with a master method
KPR#:1843 Snapshot runs cannot be integrated manually
KPR#:1863 ChemStation CDS client appears to freeze after hiding a save as dialog
KPR#:1879 Sample parameters for sequence runs are not copied to a self-assembled result set
KPR#:1884 Relative Retention Time calculation differs from the EP definition.
KPR#:1897 Japanese ChemStation: Intelligent report template settings are not getting saved
KPR#:1975 AIA export/import for MS-data does not work
KPR#:1980 Selection of signals does not work in Japanese ChemStation
KPR#:1999 Negative spike can appear in some zoom range
KPR#:2000 Plate number and Resolution of negative peaks is not calculated
KPR#:2010 IR Sequence Summary Report is always created
KPR#:2049 Calibration time stamps may differ by a few seconds
KPR#:2101 Bracketing calibrations are not performed when runs other than samples are used in a sequence
KPR#:2151 6890 GC data acquired with ChemStation B.04.03 cannot be loaded with ChemStation C.01.07
KPR#:2161 Display of fraction annotation in chromatogram depends on the signal options
KPR#:2171 Fractions in MSD traces are only annotated for the first signal
KPR#:89199 Cannot read Spectra (*UV) files from OpenLab CDS 2.x
KPR#:89262 Reprocessing in online session automatically paused after third (3rd) line
KPR#:117028 Data Analysis remains busy when trying to generate a report
KPR#:119120 ChemStation stopped working after deleting UIB signal in Data Analysis
KPR#:124571 Data Analysis remains busy when trying to generate a report
KPR#:156495 Pressure signal is not shown when "high pressure" is selected in Data Analysis
KPR#:176783 Macro error prevents 2DLC DA plugin from loading and EIC extraction fails when Instrument Curves loaded
KPR#:242519 Cannot view Isoabsorbance Plot for DAD2, DAD3 detector
KPR#:262772 G7117 detector data does support calculated purity threshold function with rev. C.01.07
KPR#:274472 Loading data takes 20 times longer
KPR#:292505 Split peak on MS data generates error message stating "NO peak detected"
KPR#:295747 Fraction Data from classic cluster configurations cannot be loaded
KPR#:300364 ChemMain crashes when reprocessing with method containing huge number of events in audit trail
KPR#:318693 RX files missing in the resultsets acquired with MS instrument
KPR#:359503 ChemStation crash during delay calibration if instrument name is too long
KPR#:385216 ADFExport for ChemStation result may contain invalid instrument description
KPR#:408053 Character missing in signal label when loading data imported from OpenLab CDS 2.x
KPR#:472767 Macro Verftest.mcx for Verftest will not run on AIC instrument 10
KPR#:599531 Column length value in the report has the wrong value
KPR#:679265 System suitability not calculated for some peaks when using tail tangent skim timed event.
KPR#:715384 Un-zooming chromatogram does not go back to the defined scale settings
KPR#:732976 CP Parsing error when using Recalibrate from Quantitation icon in the System Diagram
KPR#:810089 LTS 01.11 Chinese version: "Not a string" error shown during DAD1A signals overlay
KPR#:955269 Newer Peak codes are not correctly rendered by File Export
KPR#:964199 Checkbox for ISTD Compound Group remains checked
KPR#:1093764 Chromatogram zoom-level is not kept the same when switching between single and all signals
KPR#:1097299 Data Analysis method information modification date shown as 0:00:00 AM on the 1st of January 1970
KPR#:1101901 Data Analysis method modification data is shown as 0:00:00 AM on the 1st of January 1970
KPR#:1106583 Completed single runs do not show in sample navigation table when configured to be saved in a subdirectory
KPR#:1845 Garbage characters can appear in English LCMS reports
KPR#:1688 Preferences set in offline overwrite online Preferences and vice versa

Keyword: Data Analysis , Programming

KPR#:1845 Garbage characters can appear in English LCMS reports

Keyword: Documentation

KPR#:1575 HTML Help requires Internet Explorer revision or higher
KPR#:2018 M8301-96025 Japanese references manual has wrong formula for PeakValleyRatio
KPR#:2190 Insufficient description of regression coefficient in the OpenLAB CDS ChemStation reference manual
KPR#:101356 Peak Model Retention Time used but not saved or documented
KPR#:139546 Wrong description about “Correlation coefficient” in Reference Manual
KPR#:194088 ChemMain.exe crash and the LCMS instrument window closes automatically
KPR#:311116 OpenLab Chemstation 1.10 Release notes sets incorrect Allotrope expectations
KPR#:410634 ChemMain stopped working and other instabilities due to Adobe Acrobat Reader and updates pushed by Adobe
KPR#:434199 After Any Data Modification is selected – not all restrictions are listed in Help
KPR#:721701 Automation Interface documentation updates were not included for LTS 01.11

Keyword: ECM Integration

KPR#:1611 Path definition in OpenLab Control Panel is not used in ChemStation
KPR#:1659 The storage path for files in ECM is user-specific
KPR#:1667 Cannot switch current ECM authentication to a different ECM server
KPR#:1672 it is not possible to remove AIC from networked workstation
KPR#:1794 ECM user licenses not released when user is changed in OLCDS ChemStation
KPR#:1814 In file information of a datafile the Operator name shows as "Disconnected"
KPR#:1818 Submitting multiple sequences to queue, the User token in upload path is resolved to current user - not to submit user
KPR#:1833 In Sequence Parameters dialog a missing backslash of remote data path needs to be corrected.
KPR#:1844 Single runs in self-assembled data sets cannot be integrated
KPR#:1856 Instrument access rights are not enforced after user change
KPR#:1867 Incomplete Result Set package (sc.ssizip) was sent to ECM: versions do not contain the data files
KPR#:1873 Instrument access rights are not enforced after user change
KPR#:1893 OLCDS Chemstation - DynaZip Zip error in ECM Queue management
KPR#:1901 Result Sets with a % in the folder name cannot be uploaded to backend storage
KPR#:1912 ECM upload may fail with warning: Could not read VCS insformation for 'C:\Chem32\1\VcsCache\
KPR#:1925 incomplete versions of result sets are uploaded to the back end storage.
KPR#:1939 File permissions set incorrectly after backup on OpenLAB Secure Workstation
KPR#:1987 ECM data path status in ChemStation C.01.05 (41) HF6 is not always updated correctly
KPR#:1992 ChemStation with no access to any menu or icon.
KPR#:1997 ECM path not recognized in preferences after upgrade
KPR#:2004 Sequence name using special characters does not upload to ECM
KPR#:2019 Wrong take over message can be displayed in a Distributed System when a user had online and offline session
KPR#:2050 The Upload path can edited for a running sequence
KPR#:2058 Sequence not uploaded to the correct location in backend after user change
KPR#:2076 Queue maintenance after shutdown could conflict with short inactivity lockout
KPR#:2094 Runs in a sequence with bracketing can be accessed too early
KPR#:2113 Sequence/single runs manually uploaded to ECM still shows the asterisk
KPR#:2115 Number of function arguments is invalid when loading data from backend
KPR#:2127 Files names containing special characters are scrambled after downloading SSIZIP from Data Store / ECM
KPR#:2135 Shortutl.mac needs modification to show the ECM path
KPR#:2155 Notification for data not uploaded to database backend not clear
KPR#:2162 Path Preference issue with C.01.07 SR2 and ECM LCDF-applied role
KPR#:2174 Sequence upload to ECM leaves an incomplete progress bar, ECM Uploading in Process
KPR#:123515 "Error 41092 occurred" in the system activity logs
KPR#:135793 LCDF applied role prevents download
KPR#:161869 ECM Uploading in Process dialog box does not close in offline session after Resultset is uploaded to ECM
KPR#:166923 Error occurred after clicking on Save Report Template on ECM tab
KPR#:193594 No “Connection Error” message displayed if "save data in ECM" function is performed while ECM is disconnected
KPR#:263762 Not able to configure ECM data path in ChemStation C.01.09 with ECM 3.6 as backend
KPR#:321577 If data exceeds the maximum size it cannot be uploaded to ECM
KPR#:524634 ECM forced upload dialog box always shown even after result set was loaded
KPR#:527213 ECM Chemstation XML Filterpack is failing to filter ssizips when instrument includes fraction collector
KPR#:541911 Logon to OpenLab Control Panel and unlock ChemStation is slow with ECM 3.6 storage
KPR#:570626 Enhanced SSIZIP file modification detection
KPR#:716634 Exception of type 'System Out of Memory Exception' when data > 550Mb uploaded to ECM at SSIZip checksum generation
KPR#:2065 Report Upload from Review View fails with error
KPR#:2112 Error 16420 occurred while printing a report
KPR#:1957 Local files are not stored securely with ChemStation Edition
KPR#:1763 In Sequence Parameters dialog a missing backslash of remote data path needs to be corrected.

Keyword: ELSD Driver

KPR#:149823 ELSD G4218A can not handle change of Sample Time during run
KPR#:149825 The ELSD method cannot be called by a right-click from the context menu
KPR#:149856 Runtime of a G4218A ELSD cannot be changed during a run

Keyword: Easy Sequence

KPR#:1917 Easy Sequence: Running back table headspace seq, select front table, add sample name, click back table and select cell causes seq to hang
KPR#:2014 Error message when Blank with Vial is entered in Easy Sequence Setup
KPR#:2082 Vial values not accepted for 96 well plate tray in Easy Sequence Setup
KPR#:516688 Easy Sequence is not added to the Run Queue when resources are insufficient

Keyword: FLD Driver

KPR#:149862 FLD G1321 Scan ranges and threshold under certain conditions not available

Keyword: GC ACQ

KPR#:1608 FetchCPVar Cannot Talk to Application Error
KPR#:1628 FetchCPVar Cannot Talk to Application Error
KPR#:1630 Column compensation cannot be started from the Data System with 68xx RC.NET
KPR#:1683 OpenLab CDS, C.01.02, 7820A run continues when STOP on 7820A is pressed
KPR#:1868 After switching the injection source from front to back it is no longer possible to change the counter part of the Prefix/Counter naming scheme
KPR#:1887 After switching the injection source from front to back it is no longer possible to change the counter part of the Prefix/Counter naming scheme
KPR#:1986 GC Back injector only used, the sequence specified volume is ignored and the method setting is used
KPR#:2066 Wrong Error Message Used When GC Method Download Fails
KPR#:2103 Instrument session continues to run in background after session is closed
KPR#:205926 ChemMain stopped working during running sequence; 'Out of Memory' in acquisition logs
KPR#:260731 Unexpected abort of a sequence with GC dual injection
KPR#:368024 Event table not in chronological order, not all events executed
KPR#:380477 Reports generated based on snapshot data do not contain column information
KPR#:453813 Overlapped injection enabled for a dual sequence run is not handled correctly for back injection
KPR#:502630 GC sample diagram shows red vials for successfully completed injections
KPR#:514410 Headspace not ready condition hold up non-HS injections invalidly
KPR#:534214 Failed to create instance! error message when launching GC
KPR#:540016 Run queue will show Front injector on Pending runs when method actually uses back
KPR#:583491 Detector signal name change causes recalibrate
KPR#:593325 Misleading warning is displayed if the barcode reader writes the barcode in sample name field
KPR#:677663 Resource Library dialog is not working correctly
KPR#:711328 Method Resolution Wizard does not work when loading 6890 or 6850 methods to other GC Types
KPR#:736317 'Parsing Error' on ChemStation taskbar after resolving method
KPR#:1966 Sequence stops for no apparent reason

Keyword: GC ACQ , SEQ

KPR#:1966 Sequence stops for no apparent reason

Keyword: GC Autosampler

KPR#:375261 Pause/Retry after ALS error re-numbers locations can abort sequence with HSS

Keyword: Globalization

KPR#:150035 Content of localized Online Help texts may not be complete (Japanese, Chinese and Portuguese version)
KPR#:150072 Flow Modulator requires regional settings in English

Keyword: Globalization,Pump Driver

KPR#:149973 Pressure range settings may seem to change when using unit psi

Keyword: Headspace

KPR#:90 Methods Must be Stored on the C Drive
KPR#:164 Injection Volume is reported as 0 uL or blank in report for headspace
KPR#:171 ChemStation crashes on start-up if the headspace is in an error state
KPR#:179 7697A temperature(Oven,loop and Tr line) loaded with the method parameters of line 1 after the end of the sequence.

Keyword: Help

KPR#:699742 OpenLab Control Panel help launches in English
KPR#:717784 ChemStation Online Help needs updated to include the changes in USP 2022

Keyword: Initialization

KPR#:1618 Sporadically launch of an online session will not proceed
KPR#:1869 ChemStation does not initialize when system paths are not accessible
KPR#:1898 Software does not initialize properly when the last method used, was located on an unaccessible drive
KPR#:1959 Running processes can prevent instruments from being deleted
KPR#:2023 Misssing GC license message even though system has enough GC licenses
KPR#:2032 Misleading message about missing license during session takeover
KPR#:2100 “Autostart Macro failed, error #999 occurred”
KPR#:2158 A configuration change to one of the DA-only instruments causes configuration panel to pop-up every session start
KPR#:89201 "Autostart Macro failed, error #999 occurred"
KPR#:131104 AutoStart Macro error on start up when using min/max dimensions within the SampleContainerDevice
KPR#:147982 Offline MS ChemStation hangs during startup
KPR#:393124 Corrupt Sample Containers cannot be deleted from the Sample Container database
KPR#:2045 Error during Secure Workstation installation

Keyword: Installation

KPR#:22 FTP protocol is enabled by default on OpenLAB Data Store A.01.02 systems
KPR#:42 OpenLAB Control Panel does not open after upgrading Windows Server 2008 R2 to Windows Server 2012 R2
KPR#:45 Not possible to uninstal DataStore in a Secure WorkStation after doing a repair
KPR#:1627 AIC ports not opened for 7890A acquisition
KPR#:1885 Software upgrades from a share will not work
KPR#:1938 An error occured after clicking the 'Configure Instrument' Button twice
KPR#:2130 Secure Workstation: User is not prompted to change password on first log in
KPR#:120427 Wrong OpenLAB Shared Services database type installed when selecting PostgreSQL with C.01.07 SR3
KPR#:173564 Installer wrongly detects the presence of OpenLAB Data Analysis
KPR#:176707 Warning message “The installed OpenLAB software is incomplete” or “Repair is not possible as no complete topology”
KPR#:193962 Error occurred for OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Drivers shows red in status during upgrade via DVD
KPR#:224734 Cannot access GC configure instrument in Control panel after upgrading from C.01.08
KPR#:243280 Error occurred for OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Drivers shows red in status during upgrade via DVD
KPR#:298255 AIC Installation from DVD is not supported
KPR#:318797 Japanese Installation of ChemStation after the OpenLab CDS 2.4 product fails
KPR#:366738 Fail to Register Instrument Controller
KPR#:372511 With C.01.10 Update 1, it is no longer possible to disconnect from a running instrument session and a launching failed error occurs
KPR#:384350 Install will fail if user name contains a #
KPR#:414556 Installaton of AIC fails due to security policies with internal default CSI user password length of 12 characters
KPR#:416759 Use of pain text passwords for CSI users unclear
KPR#:470764 For disabling TLS 1.0 on AIC's with Server 2016, SQL with high availability DB is needed
KPR#:674125 System preparation step sometimes hangs at the Tcp Port Sharing and Activation step
KPR#:698383 System Preparation Tool: Check Pending Reboot step fails even after rebooting computer
KPR#:758423 C.01.10 Site Preparation Tool fails the Microsoft Hyper-V check
KPR#:785114 GPO "turn on script execution" prevents AIC registration
KPR#:2121 35900E ADC-instrument cannot be configured with RC.Net driver after reinstalling the OpenLAB CDS application
KPR#:2045 Error during Secure Workstation installation

Keyword: Installation , 35900 Control

KPR#:2121 35900E ADC-instrument cannot be configured with RC.Net driver after reinstalling the OpenLAB CDS application

Keyword: Installation , Initialization

KPR#:2045 Error during Secure Workstation installation

Keyword: Integration

KPR#:1534 User is not asked to save manual integration events when manual events are stored in the method
KPR#:1744 Misleading display of tangent peak width
KPR#:1838 GC compound peaks might be labelled as solvent peaks
KPR#:1854 Background subtraction does not work on chromatograms with manual events
KPR#:1921 Manual integration changes need actively to be saved, when the method contains stored events.
KPR#:1932 Manual integration may become slow when Results Audit Trail is switched on
KPR#:2095 Baseline not shown in IR report when baseline end too near signal end
KPR#:2120 Foley-Dorsey Plate calculation formula uses incorrect asymmetry factor
KPR#:2128 Adjacent featureless peaks might be reported with the same retention time.
KPR#:2150 User privileges are not properly transferred to the offline session
KPR#:182387 Unexpected baseline and peak integration when using GC demo data file
KPR#:193315 Integrator timed event: Split peak can cause integrate to show a misleading error message box
KPR#:283472 Manual integration events not available with ECM connection and µ in data file name
KPR#:454723 Number format of Area% column in integration results is set back to default when selecting a row in the table
KPR#:1035284 Area% values are not immediately updated on screen when manual integration is done

Keyword: Localization

KPR#:385410 Some Japanese or Chinese character are replaced by "_" in the data file name
KPR#:398646 ChemStation Admin Tool settings have been changed when no modification was done; Translation issue
KPR#:693289 Truncation: improve to show the error icon for target mass out of range in Sample Information dialog
KPR#:2040 Peak Purity Report in Chinese Version Wrongly use Peak Number as Peak's Retention time

Keyword: Localization (Japanese)

KPR#:1668 Japanese characters from saved pdf report are garbled when copied and pasted to another application
KPR#:2164 Data file name has Japanese character if data system create data file

Keyword: Localization,Report Template Design

KPR#:277791 Composite group saved with special character in the name

Keyword: Logbook

KPR#:803 Only 20000 lines are kept in the sequence log
KPR#:1637 'Method not downloaded to device' message when PAL is present
KPR#:1889 User log off is not recorded in the logbook
KPR#:2039 Unresolved controllers interrupt status updates and system activity logs
KPR#:2140 OpenLAB Control Panel activity log and current log book are missing entries for GC Back injector
KPR#:2146 System activity log shows a failed user change as a successful login (private session lock)
KPR#:2179 Differences between Offline Instrument Logbook and OLCP Activity log after connectivity loss to ECM
KPR#:241458 Incorrect run logbook information about unauthorized integration parameter change
KPR#:256761 ChemMain aborted when printing instrument logbook
KPR#:281314 Internal server error after long query
KPR#:300470 Entry in logbook appears multiple times for one parameter change
KPR#:300963 "stop by user" in sequence log will not affect data integrity
KPR#:303382 User selection "Stop" for ALS error, it is not logged in sequence log
KPR#:370213 Unwanted log entries: Method not found: 'Void Agilent.Windows.Forms.SampleContainerControls
KPR#:432950 Valve switch information missing in logbook
KPR#:570794 Logbook viewer does not display correctly if logbook entries contain the '>' character
KPR#:726331 File accessed at same time by both online and offline sessions result in a Logbook File error

Keyword: MSD Analysis

KPR#:1958 "AgilentAddOnMSDeconvolution" license is requested although it is not configured
KPR#:142695 No ability do fast polarity switching on G6125B LC/MSD
KPR#:156401 LC/MS Peptide tools incompatibility
KPR#:156987 Value for Polarity Switch Delay was not updated if user presses "Enter" key
KPR#:157119 LC/MSD ChemStation terminates during run
KPR#:158433 Printout from LCMS method does not include the MSD model
KPR#:162667 C.01.08: NIST Library searches are not automatically loaded; NIST Library search is not possible
KPR#:162907 NIST Library search stopped working
KPR#:168054 NIST library searches are not automatically loaded
KPR#:170285 C.01.08 ChemStation crashes when loading a method with 10 or more SIM ions
KPR#:189566 Delay Sensor Correction in Delay Evaluation is incorrect
KPR#:218911 RMS Signal-to-Noise specification should be 100:1 on the report for ES-API source
KPR#:234463 List Content of MS Spectra Window produces Parameter 1 Invalid in type or name
KPR#:258401 Extracting ion chromatograms from TIC can lead to an unresponsive ChemStation
KPR#:276189 Walkup rejects any injection volume as invalid with G2258A dual-loop autosampler
KPR#:297893 Sample Purity Options dialog becomes read-only when ASR File Generator is installed
KPR#:298455 Chemstation hangs when calling classic LCMSQual report preview from the Sample Table's context menu
KPR#:370173 Crash occurs when DAD or MWD is configured and WalkUp user submits sample with wavelength at lower or upper end
KPR#:375369 Vial location column missing on classic report with FIA
KPR#:480544 Error extracting MS spectra: "There are not enough points in the object to do the operation"
KPR#:499793 If the tune name is too long, it is not correctly presented on classic report
KPR#:638529 LCMS spectrum not visible in 'write data to CSV" box
KPR#:654884 LCMS Chemstation hangs when noise intervals are outside of the chromatogram range
KPR#:722644 Target masses greater than 18,000 can't be entered in the Sample Entry User Interface
KPR#:724794 Permission missing to control UV Spectra Library deletion
KPR#:740710 EIC extracted signal of Abundance greater than 999.9 cannot be calibrated
KPR#:755236 Walkup: Intermittently, an unexpected exception is thrown when submitting a sample
KPR#:1074256 MSD spectra plot Yaxis label and unit are misleading
KPR#:2125 Peak Performance calculations are off when data points are not equidistant
KPR#:1616 Shortcut to ChemStation Real-Time Display not included in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition program group

Keyword: MSD Control

KPR#:1675 Automated Delay Calibration of the MS signal for Fraction Collection is not supported in the RC.Net environment
KPR#:1686 MSD Tune View will awlays load ATUNES.TUN if tune file loading is cancelled
KPR#:1730 LC/MS may remain in a run state after Method/Sequence termination due to an HPLC hardware error
KPR#:1910 A missing vial in the sampler can cause the MSD to be non responsive
KPR#:1916 Automated LC/MS Delay Time Calibration does not work with Preparative Fraction Collector (G1364B) using RC.NET drivers
KPR#:2001 LC/MS selection valve delay time set at 4.0 minutes cause intermittently no signals in the MS
KPR#:120188 "Instrument Error occurred": FIA run does not complete when “Edit FIA Series” Dialog box is open
KPR#:213171 Logbook error when saving LC/MS method
KPR#:280527 Sequence hangs from Method Scouting Wizard A.02.09 generated campaigns/sequences
KPR#:286295 LC-MS system goes not ready and aborts the sequence and queued sequences with method Instrument nRdy timeout occurred
KPR#:339648 ChemStation MSD driver remains in NRDY forever and aborts the currently running sequence
KPR#:348537 Not applicable MSD warning “NozzleVolt/VCharge is not active” in MSD Dashboard
KPR#:357697 Internal error occurs when switching MS divert valve in MSD user interface

Keyword: Method

KPR#:1353 GC Offline Data Analyisis checks for ALS location when loading method
KPR#:1473 CTC portion of method printout does not include overlap settings
KPR#:1624 Undefined symbol: PrDARep error displayed when selecting Export e-Method
KPR#:1643 Open GC edit parameters and close it without changes; method modification flag is set
KPR#:1650 Headspace or PAL Sampler sequence with methods saved to a location other than C:\ does not run
KPR#:1663 No information around handling for special characters
KPR#:1710 Cannot transfer an English method to a Japanese or Chinese ChemStation and vice versa
KPR#:1748 Add/Removal of 7697 HS from 7890 does not show a change occurred; not displayed in Method Load options; method not shown as modified
KPR#:1846 [DEL] key in time tables does not work
KPR#:2021 ACQ.txt file contains Column(s) information that does not match actual column used and leads to confusion
KPR#:2131 Secure File IO enabled blocks Export eMethod... and Import eMethod: 'Invalid File Path'
KPR#:2138 G7167B dual needle: injector program set from context menu is not visible in Instrument method setup
KPR#:2168 Method modification date in classic reports is the sequence acquisition date
KPR#:2177 Method listing from [View Method] contains parameters from method loaded in Method Run Control
KPR#:2181 G4218A method parameters cannot saved when SecureFileIO is enabled
KPR#:123270 Method listing from [View Method] contains parameters from method loaded in Method Run Control
KPR#:141882 6850, 6890 with PAL or headsapce: method not saved and logbook shows 'Checksum error: uncontrolled method modification'
KPR#:197219 C.01.09 method loaded on C.01.08 session gives many error messages (due to Custom Commands feature added in C.01.09)
KPR#:297466 report incorrectly shows method modified after generating an LCMS classic report with an old method
KPR#:408346 Method resolution unclear for DAD after reconfiguration
KPR#:489525 Changing state of Enable SamplePrep Program does not set dirty method flag
KPR#:717061 Graphical range option for signal display of the method is not loaded correctly and defaults to autoscale at method reload
KPR#:725145 No Negative Nozzle voltage with AJS Source

Keyword: Method Scouting Wizard

KPR#:1720 Cluster information can be overwritten from the offline session

Keyword: Navigation Pane

KPR#:1911 Loading result sets or methods with long names causes errors

Keyword: Navigation Table

KPR#:1752 Changing the sample type in a sequence with cyclic calibration corrupts the sequence structure
KPR#:1836 Date Time entries can be incorrect for aborted fraction collection runs
KPR#:1865 For back injection samples, the Acq. Method column of the Navigation Table incorrectly displays the analysis method
KPR#:1878 Autofilter function is not implemented
KPR#:2143 Reprocessing of old (C.01.05 or earlier) result sets might skip runs from the Navigation Table

Keyword: Output

KPR#:1612 Printing fails if printer name exceeds 100 characters
KPR#:1855 Unable to perform "XML Export" with the tenth instrument on an Agilent Instrument Controller (AIC)
KPR#:506719 Chemstation spectra CSV extraction not properly rounding the decimal places
KPR#:516136 Format for XML export of location changed
KPR#:946408 Print out of CM search results has the wrong message stating that there is no search result. But there are results found and printed.

Keyword: Performance

KPR#:392755 Usage of "Next location" does not work as expected when using multiple Recovery Collectors in a cluster

Keyword: Programming

KPR#:1845 Garbage characters can appear in English LCMS reports
KPR#:1617 AIC can experience communication loss if Application Experience service is running
KPR#:1761 The command "macro " cannot be used to select *.mac files
KPR#:2025 The csv export of tables results in an error
KPR#:89227 Acq-svc.log shows: permission denied in VC_CopyOneDataFiel line 1678 code 41084 at copy
KPR#:91024 Instrument driver error crashes ChemStation
KPR#:370835 Long annotation text cannot be read using .Net libraries for register access
KPR#:371551 "CoreAddCmd redefining Alert!" error displayed during instrument launch
KPR#:371555 "Empty list" problem in Show dialog for Chinese and Japan Systems
KPR#:371556 Inconsistent handling of illegal characters in file names
KPR#:1049557 Apache HTTP Server version 2.4.x vulnerabilities
KPR#:1094956 Microsoft XML parser updated to address vulnerabilities
KPR#:1097996 ChemStation hangs after starting notepad using ExecNoWait

Keyword: Pump Driver

KPR#:149819 Pump overpressure: impossible to turn off pump via UI
KPR#:149838 Misrepresentation of Bottlefillings in Dashboad of PumpValveCluster
KPR#:149840 Solvent compositions during run do sometimes not sum up to 100%
KPR#:149845 PumpValveCluster with ISET - Solvent composition: resulting %A is wrong (at 1 line in timetable)
KPR#:149868 Blend Assist : Timetable not persisted properly
KPR#:149879 Unused solvents are handled differently for 1100/1200 Series/1260 Infinity vs. 1290 Infinity/Infinity II pumps
KPR#:149881 Prep-pump cluster stays not ready after restarting OL ChemStation (reconnect)
KPR#:149885 The 1290 Quaternary Pump G4204A is specified for a maximum flow rate of 5 ml/min
KPR#:149895 Purge function has been improved for Preparative Pump Clusters
KPR#:149909 Solvent type may change during a method transfer from 1290 Infinity/II Quaternary Pumps G4204A or G7104A to 1290 Infinity/II Binary Pumps G4220A/B or G7120A
KPR#:149928 Recorded Acquisition Method has Incorrect Pump Parameters
KPR#:149938 Implementation of seal wash behavior has been improved for G4220A/B and G4204A
KPR#:149950 Warning "No matching ISET solvent combination" for G4220A/B pump as emulated pump
KPR#:149951 Using the OpenLAB CDS EZChrom edition feature "Extend run" will disable ISET features in the 1290 pumps
KPR#:149986 Seal wash for Preparative Pump G1361A or Preparative Pump Cluster is displayed as "off" even when it's on
KPR#:149989 Wrong purge flow and duration shown in prepare pump dialog depending on regional settings
KPR#:149992 Shutdown recovery does not work for Preparative Pump Clusters in a Multi-Controller environment

Keyword: Report Generation

KPR#:397976 Reporting matrix not correctly exported to csv report output

Keyword: Report Template Design

KPR#:25 Intelligent Reporting : Last displayed digits might be cut off, in cases where the number is zero
KPR#:40 Missing named peaks are reported in Intelligent Reporting for all the channels or signals
KPR#:42 The Fixed Text field in IR Templates does not accept Chinese characters
KPR#:45 After installation of LC Dissolution AddOn the Report Template Editor is no longer functional
KPR#:50 Intelligent Reporting - Spaces are stripped from filters when they are saved
KPR#:51 .NET Framework 4.6.1 update not recommended for OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07 SR2
KPR#:54 Mean summary calculation with report parameters in Intelligent Reporting on OpenLAB CDS A.01.04
KPR#:56 Error seen in Intelligent Report header (#error) if any related data field is used in an expression
KPR#:58 Intelligent Reporting - Stacked Chromatograms do not display the time axis in reports
KPR#:59 Intelligent Reporting - Square brackets cannot be used in filter expressions
KPR#:60 Cannot calculate summary statistics on columns containing variable or aggregator
KPR#:63 The sorting option of MS spectra report item in Intelligent Reporting is not functional
KPR#:620 Error message when adding a chromatogram to a report template
KPR#:621 Internal grouping of tables and usage of calculation variables cannot be applied at the same time
KPR#:622 Summary Calculations cannot be applied to table columns containing calculation variables
KPR#:623 Adding a template description to a previously erased and saved description field causes a KeyNotFoundException
KPR#:627 Customized composite groups should have a unique name
KPR#:662 Filter definition does not always allow usage of OR operators
KPR#:668 Reporting time format does not offer an option of (dd/mm/yyyy and time)
KPR#:385844 Reporting method information snippets are duplicated in summary report outputs

Keyword: Report Templates

KPR#:36 Min and Max column summary calculations report GMT and not local time for date fields
KPR#:37 Only Main peaks for a compound are shown in Intelligent Report.
KPR#:39 The report date is printed incorrectly in the Agilent supplied intelligent reports
KPR#:43 The template fields "SignalToNoise_EP" and "SignalToNoise6Sigma" do not work in Japanese version
KPR#:44 The Chinese and Japanese templates for the Extended Performance Report need updating
KPR#:47 Center of triangular calibration point labels do not represent the measured value
KPR#:48 XLS export of intelligent reporter templates generate hidden rows
KPR#:57 The subtract blank feature used in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation does not match with the Intelligent Reporting report generated
KPR#:658 Customized chromatogram or axis lables may not display correclty
KPR#:117645 Migration of templates from C.01.04 to C.01.07 SR2 - Aggregator with category corruption -
KPR#:362808 Using a variable expression in conditional formatting
KPR#:383434 Export to excel does not export the report header logo
KPR#:401975 Report template containing multi-line expressions fail to generate printout

Keyword: Reports

KPR#:1305 Group sum results are not exported to the result.xml
KPR#:1572 Batch mode does not allow usage of intelligent reports
KPR#:1579 Report Templates newly added to a Result Set do not appear in the list of available templates
KPR#:1582 Mismatch in drawing of peak performance between Classic Report and Intelligent Report
KPR#:1619 Intelligent Reports do not contain ECM specific information in Review mode
KPR#:1634 B.04.03 DSP1 [54] Data Analysis, Graphics, response range does not work
KPR#:1673 CSV, DIF, and EMF files are not generated for some Classic report styles
KPR#:1703 ChemMain.exe can crash when a long file path is used
KPR#:1705 Chinese/Japanese characters cannot be searched in the Report Viewer
KPR#:1722 Tangent peak width not correctly evaluated.
KPR#:1751 eSignature data file privilege is missing from the ChemStation lab manager, analyst, and operator roles
KPR#:1754 The structure of the reports to file has changed
KPR#:1756 CP3: Number format error in: %d when printing report to screen in Data Analysis
KPR#:1778 'Number Format error' in Sequence log file after printing report to screen
KPR#:1779 Peaks are calculated by area only or height only in a report
KPR#:1786 A Sequence Summary Report after Partial Sequence reports all the runs of the full sequence
KPR#:1821 Classic detailed report does not show calibration curves after encountering a compound with invalid calib curve
KPR#:1823 Default column information report shows incorrect GC column information and labels
KPR#:1839 File corruption may cause sequence runs appearing as single runs
KPR#:1850 Calibration curve plot shows only the order of the calibration level but not it's label.
KPR#:1875 "ISTD and Reference Not Found " and "Reference compound(s) not found" printed on ESTD report when peak summing activated
KPR#:1881 Multiplier in method cannot be smaller than 0.0001
KPR#:1883 Peak Summing, Use Reference does not work for Norm% report
KPR#:1895 Some reports end without the *** End of Report ***
KPR#:1900 "Result Set Templates" group window is unavailable while selecting the IR report template
KPR#:1907 Some method parameters are reported with a limited number of digits
KPR#:1909 Peak width cannot be reported in Intelligent Reports (Chinese ChemStation only)
KPR#:1913 Injection volume and instrument name are not reported in case of aborted data acquisition
KPR#:1922 Manipulation of chromatograms has no effect on Intelligent Reports
KPR#:1930 Width of the integration line is not an element in IR template editor
KPR#:1950 Intelligent Report does not print the 6890 oven ramp
KPR#:1961 Datastore/ECM path under sequence parameters is not reported in sequence template printout
KPR#:1965 Norm% calculation normalizes per channel
KPR#:1972 The y axis for ISTD calibration curves is always displayed as height
KPR#:1974 Cannot change the Report Name for the Signal in the Classic Sequence Summary Report
KPR#:1983 Summed Peak reports adds ISTD amounts to the Total Amount
KPR#:1985 Missing parameters on reports, if files were acquired with a packed column
KPR#:2017 Barcode option 'Write Barcode to Sample Name' does not write if back injection
KPR#:2044 Data files are named odd or even when using the same data file Prefix in Sequence Parameters
KPR#:2051 Intelligent Reporting: The fields for Sample_OrderNumber cannot be used to group replicates
KPR#:2052 LCMS Qualitative Classic Report. EIC signals missing in some Data files
KPR#:2062 Using GC back injector, ISTD 2 - 8 are not included in report when Dual Simultaneous checkbox is unchecked
KPR#:2063 Sample and compound specific custom fields are listed in the sequence but not in reports
KPR#:2064 ChemStation shuts down when Report viewer cleans up temp files
KPR#:2080 The theoretical plates per meter are reported as plates per mm
KPR#:2085 C.01.06 HF03: Classic Extended Performance report is missing information
KPR#:2086 Incorrect method modification date shown on IR reports
KPR#:2088 Data files are named odd or even when using the same data file Prefix in Sequence Parameters
KPR#:2089 The sample information that is input in three lines is displayed in one line in C.01.06
KPR#:2093 Sample Type "Blank" is reported as "2"
KPR#:2111 Session freezes generating Intelligent Report During Sequence Acquisition
KPR#:2119 Single Peak's Peak area is different from Total area for classical built in report
KPR#:2132 490 micro GC column information is not available for Plates per Meter or Peak Performance calculations
KPR#:2134 Intelligent Report snippet for instrument module: 35900 reports incorrectly 'Auto Sampler'
KPR#:2152 Classic Report area% calculation can provide incorrect results
KPR#:2167 Column information missing for G7116B Multi Column Thermostat
KPR#:2169 Column information is not printed, if the Column Description is empty
KPR#:2170 Operator name is reported as disconnected or blank in both classic and IR reports
KPR#:2173 Sequence reprocessing updates and rounds the numeric sample parameters
KPR#:2184 Preprocessing Results stuck in the upload queue will not match what is in Content Management
KPR#:2185 Sequence Method audit trail is missing entries for some runs
KPR#:89195 C.01.06: Sim by Target masses show wrong targeted masses on first injection only
KPR#:102753 Preprocessing Results stuck in the upload queue will not match what is in Content Management
KPR#:114422 Significant figure limit for compound group amount values in calibration table
KPR#:115779 G1364E cluster: Fraction report is mixed; the first fraction is from recovery
KPR#:117643 Report "print to file" of subtracted chromatogram fails
KPR#:123241 Use another sequence method to preview report won't generate new Central storage version
KPR#:126672 Self-assembled Result set, incorrectly lists (F) when the injection was originally done with the Back injector
KPR#:130917 Printing 2 report files causes flickering of screen and no access to ChemStation
KPR#:131124 Blank Subtraction changes the sample name in the Classic report
KPR#:149972 Columns are not reported correctly when switching valves
KPR#:150046 Not acquired signal A (VWD) leads to a "Manual Control" entry in the Result Set Audit Trail
KPR#:151390 Labeled peaks of a mass spectrum are shown with red peak integration lines when printed
KPR#:160573 ASTM -Long-Term Noise Calculation is not done
KPR#:165636 FCC: When switching Fraction Collectors during a run in an asymmetrical setup, unexpected fractions might be collected and reported
KPR#:180068 In generating report the injection number of a seqLine replicate can be wrong or missing
KPR#:187755 3D stack overlay does not report the correct time
KPR#:187890 Error message appears when adding Report Styles or removing Report Styles
KPR#:188182 Interactive PeakPerformance efficiency result is too low
KPR#:202614 Waters Alliance working directory no longer ChemStation’s CORE folder causes issues
KPR#:203100 Waters Alliance: error when loading IR template
KPR#:267383 Operator name is "Disconnected" during unlocking ChemStation
KPR#:277843 Unnecessary calibration warnings appear if report is generated a second time
KPR#:291121 Printing time is 1 second different in the exported report from in the printed report
KPR#:293854 Missing Signal Descriptions for LCMS Signals on Intelligent Reports
KPR#:300787 Calibration Curve last modified date may appear with ambiguous date format
KPR#:301635 Separator date may change in OpenLAb CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.10 for customized OS date formatting
KPR#:302286 Recalibration date is incorrect on IR using ExtendedPerformance.rdl
KPR#:342383 Analytical Studio Reviewer show duplicate peaks on report
KPR#:359409 Intelligent Report extended sequence report missing units in acq method listing
KPR#:361138 Intelligent Report lacks data in the Advanced Run Information
KPR#:371553 Garbage: Error message for File name length of Classic Report template
KPR#:376839 PDF extraction failing
KPR#:419459 Fraction location label is not flexible in C.01.09 and C.01.10
KPR#:421132 Blank subtraction: chromatogram issue in IR
KPR#:467325 Custom report created in C.01.04 is loaded on C.01.10 has all audit trail entries with current date and time
KPR#:476514 Unable to print sample description and Lims ID for IR when Load Signal
KPR#:495250 Reported injection time follows time zone and daylight saving setting and reports wrong time
KPR#:499383 Report item becomes uneditable in Intelligent Reporting editor
KPR#:508000 UV spectra data from CDS2 does not work in IR reporting of spectra when loaded in ChemStation
KPR#:538317 IR report error when loading template that includes composite group
KPR#:568535 XLSX sequence summary file creation crashes for IR template when large batch is processed
KPR#:610844 Sample amount value in IR-report not updated after change in quantitation settings
KPR#:695912 Sequence ACAML has fraction result from a previous run
KPR#:728830 "Print Sequence Template" does not work when the barcode option "On barcode mismatch don’t inject" is selected in Sequence Parameters
KPR#:747935 The xml result file is not correctly formatted if the "Add fraction table and ticks" option is enabled in "Specify report"
KPR#:751862 Incorrect Title of Fraction List in classic report
KPR#:752405 Incorrect Title of Fraction List in classic report
KPR#:776923 Topology report missing server, client, and instrument information
KPR#:788216 LIMSID fields are missing in XML exported result for back injection
KPR#:794750 LC slave module reports the host firmware revision
KPR#:801193 Missing compounds are not reported when using the IR report snippet "not-found compounds"
KPR#:1039479 MS Spectra snippet no longer has option to report average peak spectra via Intelligent Reporter
KPR#:1073881 Wrong detector (MSD) reported as first detector in Purify Task and classic report
KPR#:1111356 No longer possible to copy text from pdf reports generated in Review, Report, Print Report
KPR#:1840 Instrument communication error may cause incorrect injection time stamp on subsequent run
KPR#:1837 Empty Custom Fields are not printed in Intelligent Report
KPR#:2065 Report Upload from Review View fails with error
KPR#:2112 Error 16420 occurred while printing a report
KPR#:2040 Peak Purity Report in Chinese Version Wrongly use Peak Number as Peak's Retention time
KPR#:2125 Peak Performance calculations are off when data points are not equidistant
KPR#:1715 Sequence Summary Report does not do statistics when the first compound is not present
KPR#:2145 Incorrect Sample location reported for bracketing

Keyword: Reports , 1100 Control , 1200 Control , 7890A Control

KPR#:1840 Instrument communication error may cause incorrect injection time stamp on subsequent run

Keyword: Reports , Custom Fields

KPR#:1837 Empty Custom Fields are not printed in Intelligent Report

Keyword: Reports , ECM Integration

KPR#:2065 Report Upload from Review View fails with error
KPR#:2112 Error 16420 occurred while printing a report

Keyword: Reports , Localization

KPR#:2040 Peak Purity Report in Chinese Version Wrongly use Peak Number as Peak's Retention time

Keyword: Reports , MSD Analysis

KPR#:2125 Peak Performance calculations are off when data points are not equidistant

Keyword: Reports , SEQ

KPR#:1715 Sequence Summary Report does not do statistics when the first compound is not present
KPR#:2145 Incorrect Sample location reported for bracketing

Keyword: Reports - IR

KPR#:228201 Spectra cannot be reported in Intelligent Reporting with MS profile data
KPR#:245690 Report generation hanging when the report template has a custom scaling

Keyword: Retention Time Locking

KPR#:131756 Update Master Method from Data Analysis view does not update RTL calibration
KPR#:345843 Calculated Pressure for Relock is not updated automatically for the 6890 in C.01.10

Keyword: Roles and Privileges

KPR#:207007 Users can delete their own data without deletion permission via web client
KPR#:976277 Users added to a domain group can't access content management

Keyword: Run Control

KPR#:1851 Unexpected shifts in the Online Plot
KPR#:1857 In Chinese and Japanese versions the counter function in sample info dialog is not incrementing when the start button is used.
KPR#:1918 Instrument not ready time out message box may block other dialog boxes
KPR#:1919 Single runs do not turn to 'Not Ready time out' automatically and OpenLAB Control panel shows 'running' status
KPR#:1920 ChemStation Shutdown may not update instrument status in OpenLAB Control Panel
KPR#:1927 Systems under heavy load can miss raw data inside the data folder
KPR#:2024 Submission of single runs to the queue blocks the queue
KPR#:2047 Queuing a modified sequence cannot be undone
KPR#:2056 Fraction preview does not work for UIB II as peak detector
KPR#:2075 Japanese ChemStation: The Sequence Table cannot be evoked from the sequence context menu
KPR#:139793 Using double quotes in the sample name for signal runs will not run with no error
KPR#:1936 Only sequences from the default sequence path can be used in a queue plan

Keyword: Run Control , SEQ

KPR#:1936 Only sequences from the default sequence path can be used in a queue plan

Keyword: SEQ

KPR#:1966 Sequence stops for no apparent reason
KPR#:1715 Sequence Summary Report does not do statistics when the first compound is not present
KPR#:2145 Incorrect Sample location reported for bracketing
KPR#:1936 Only sequences from the default sequence path can be used in a queue plan
KPR#:778 Change of sample type during sequence acquisition is ignored
KPR#:1514 The path to a data file has a limited length
KPR#:1604 HeadSpace sequence method will not load when it follows a Valve sequence
KPR#:1648 Sequence parameter subdirectory overwrites sample info parameters during run
KPR#:1670 Queue Planner will not run PAL Autosampler sequences that follow a valve
KPR#:1725 Sample statistics are not done, when the first compond in the calibration table is not detected.
KPR#:1787 78xx: Sequence stops when pushing the GC STOP key during sequence
KPR#:1822 Sequence parameters: Changes to Fraction start location ignored
KPR#:1824 After upgrade, Sequence modified flag is set even if no changes are made before reprocessing
KPR#:1847 C.01.03: Opening the back sequence table, click on a cell, make no changes, and select OK causes headspace sequence to stop
KPR#:1849 Opening the back sequence table, click on a cell, make no changes, and select OK causes headspace sequence to stop
KPR#:1858 Queue Sequence will not run sequences with different injection sources
KPR#:1859 No new lines can be added to running sequence when Unique Folder is set to Off
KPR#:1862 C.01.04 Custom Field Values cleared for back sequence table
KPR#:1864 Method of front injector incorrectly used for Data Analysis of the back injections when vial conflict occurs
KPR#:1870 Well Plate locations are not accepted in offline sequences
KPR#:1871 Opening the back sequence table, click on a cell, make no changes, and select OK causes headspace sequence to hang
KPR#:1872 No new lines can be added to running sequence when Unique Folder is set to Off
KPR#:1880 Editing of a running online sequence can lock the table cells
KPR#:1882 With UFC off, sequences will halt the queue
KPR#:1888 Selected data path in sequence template is not remembered.
KPR#:1915 Sequence subdirectory not working with unique folder creation OFF for GC
KPR#:1931 Data files from different sequences can end up in one result set
KPR#:1934 CSV sequence import does not validate vial positions
KPR#:1937 The icon for barcode reader does not get active after a sequence is finished
KPR#:1940 Changing the sample type in a running sequence does not activate the Apply button
KPR#:1951 Queue Sequence will not run sequences with different injection sources
KPR#:1954 GC/G1888 headspace data is missing or partially missing with ChemStation C.01.05 with HotFix installed (Hotfix 01 – 08)
KPR#:1955 Paste function in Sequence Table does not support Datafile names
KPR#:1976 Methods from different paths are not accepted in Sequences
KPR#:1978 Fill Down wizard increment logic is inverse for 100 vial plates
KPR#:1979 Sequences do not execute all runs when they contain Calibration runs for 10 levels
KPR#:1982 Fraction collection location in the sequence table vanishes
KPR#:1988 Client session frozen if user clicks "start" on paused sequence instead of "resume" for a paused sequence
KPR#:1991 Printing Sequence table with old layout shows front injector but actual injector is on back
KPR#:1998 Sequence has a Blank Option in Part of the Methods to Run in the Sequence Parameter Dialog
KPR#:2002 Entry of Numeric Sample Parameters is Not Allowed for Injections of Sample Type Calibration
KPR#:2006 Message The sequence is already running unbalanced Front/Back injector runs, therefore all remaining runs must be on the ‘Front’ Injector Location. appears
KPR#:2007 C.01.06 and higher: Sequence template changes are not saved to the \Sequence directory when ‘Unique Folder Creation Off’ is used
KPR#:2008 Cannot append a sequence line using copy, paste or append to a sequence running back injector only samples for GC
KPR#:2015 C.01.07 Vial range shown as invalid (even though they are valid) when appending sequence lines (no tray used)
KPR#:2016 C.01.07: GC back turret location (no Tray) flagged as invalid in the Filldown Wizard
KPR#:2026 The Sample Entry Properties do not retain a selected data path
KPR#:2028 “Write barcode to Sample name” does not update the Sample Name in the Sequence table during editing
KPR#:2030 C.01.07: Data file name overwritten and changed to OnlineEdited.D when updating sequence table
KPR#:2031 Incorrect message "Sequence is in use by online Session"
KPR#:2034 Sequence table locks if a dialog box is about to open while current run is completing.
KPR#:2035 Headspace sequence will not stop or pause from the ChemStation menu
KPR#:2036 C,01.06: Samples added to running sequence are named OnlineEdited<counter>.D
KPR#:2037 Number of samples "Done" count is incorrect under "Hide/show sample information" table
KPR#:2048 The maximum calibration level of 99 is not enforced
KPR#:2054 GC Data File naming is limited by the currently loaded method
KPR#:2055 Sequence rollout no longer possible, after closing first instance
KPR#:2057 Editing a sequence table during acquisition can cause the software to become unresponsive
KPR#:2070 C.01.07: GC back turret location (no Tray) flagged as invalid in the Filldown Wizard
KPR#:2071 Data file name overwritten and changed to OnlineEdited.D when updating sequence table
KPR#:2074 Cannot append a sequence line using copy, paste or append to a sequence running back injector only samples for GC
KPR#:2079 Resume button for a paused sequence is not active
KPR#:2081 Start position for fraction collection in sequence table is ignored
KPR#:2083 The Undo function does not undo changes made in dropdown cells
KPR#:2084 ChemStation hangs at the end of a run
KPR#:2087 ChemStation hangs at the end of a run
KPR#:2090 Adding lines to sequence table for Dual GC injection are in the wrong order
KPR#:2091 Duplicating the currently running sequence line can lead to overwriting of data files
KPR#:2096 Sequence stopped for unknown reason; Error 41300 occurred: invalid path shown in logfile
KPR#:2097 Incrementing locations does not work well for some samplers
KPR#:2105 Sequence hangs
KPR#:2107 Copy/paste of rows in sequence table fails, when sample information contains line breaks
KPR#:2109 Print sequence template does not show correct parameter for Data file naming
KPR#:2114 Result Set name pattern with trailing or leading blank causes issues; sequence does not start
KPR#:2117 Unable to edit the sequence table while the sequence is running in localized versions.
KPR#:2129 Sequence hangs, instrument remains in postrun
KPR#:2141 Sample Overlapped injections not possible with a GC back injector
KPR#:2144 Intermittently, sequence aborts after multiple successful runs without errors
KPR#:2154 Option to Clear Calibration Curve in Sequences does not work for multiple Calibration runs
KPR#:2165 Partial sequence does not support run-to-run relations
KPR#:2166 Nested Data folders in Preferences conflict with sequence subdirectories
KPR#:2176 Dual injection GC bracketing sequence uses incorrect method for quantitation and reports
KPR#:2180 Copy paste operations do not work as expected for locked sequence lines
KPR#:2189 Chemmain.exe crashed unexpectedly during sequence
KPR#:100307 ChemMain has stopped working, crashed when trying to read barcodes for > 100 samples
KPR#:121987 Data is not saved for PAL3 Barcoded vials; Barcodes are not written to sample name when specified
KPR#:127744 Write Barcode to Sample Name fails and the sequence does not continue
KPR#:135530 Partial Sequence fails to initialize if the default data folder is not selected
KPR#:141775 Sample type specified in the sequence table as 'control' but it is reported as 'sample'
KPR#:145403 Performance becomes very slow after deleting sequence lines in which an injection volume value was added
KPR#:148739 Modified sequence needs to be saved
KPR#:150620 Partial Sequence fails to initialize if the default data folder is not selected
KPR#:160318 Not ready timeout within sequence parameters no longer available
KPR#:161847 sequence template editing using copy and paste of large sequence tables takes too long
KPR#:163945 Opening large sequence table takes too long
KPR#:176251 User can delete pending samples in run queue when multi selection is done
KPR#:182210 Run Queue will abort if sequence uses different method with custom fields
KPR#:187826 Sequence Template (ChemStation\1\Sequence) does not match sequence that was saved with data set
KPR#:200061 Reprocessing very large result set fails to upload to Content Management (CM) with error message
KPR#:202056 Renaming a sample name in Sequence Table does not update the sample name in File Information
KPR#:206905 Running sequence aborts while scheduling another sequence
KPR#:222874 Pipe character "|" is removed from sequence table fields
KPR#:250899 Not able to print the report to the screen and to a file at the same time during a sequence run
KPR#:295239 Sequence Table cannot be closed after clearing errors
KPR#:341079 Sequence won't abort with the mismatch barcode vial containing calibration samples
KPR#:341084 No overlap observed between sequential front injection and back injection
KPR#:351385 Reprocessing very large result set fails to upload to Content Management (CM) with error message
KPR#:360927 Run queue injection location does not match sequence table of pending runs when dual blank run is the first run
KPR#:370254 Manual integration done on the Front data are showing up in the RUN.log for the back data file after reprocessing
KPR#:371040 Deadlock when closing Sequence Table user interface
KPR#:371069 Post-Sequence command was active, not executed
KPR#:375252 Sequence table that contains a Manual injection with blank vial location aborts sequence 'due to an error'
KPR#:388820 Fraction collector start field is not populated using a CSV imported sequence
KPR#:388823 Fraction collector start field is not populated using a CSV imported sequence
KPR#:484053 Screen refresh issue in the sequence table, far right columns show dark gray wipe over when edited
KPR#:665860 Unable to 'View Original Sequence' using data acquired from an earlier software revision
KPR#:789186 ChemStation freezes if user clicks on start sequence button instead of resume when sequence is paused
KPR#:1035810 Run Queue user interface does not correctly update when a running sequence is modified
KPR#:1048772 Sequence Parameters not in ACAML file if sequence crashes
KPR#:1996 A missing vial error in an LC system with two samplers can be irrecoverable
KPR#:2098 Custom Field values can be accessed during acquisition of a sequence.
KPR#:1763 In Sequence Parameters dialog a missing backslash of remote data path needs to be corrected.

Keyword: SEQ , ACQ

KPR#:1996 A missing vial error in an LC system with two samplers can be irrecoverable

Keyword: SEQ , Custom Fields

KPR#:2098 Custom Field values can be accessed during acquisition of a sequence.

Keyword: Sampler Configuration

KPR#:444022 Issues when re-configuring capillaries in Dual Loop and High Performance Autosamplers

Keyword: Sampler Driver

KPR#:149821 Control of Tray illumination missing for G1329B & G4303A
KPR#:149822 Parameter mismatch for custom-defined Well Plates
KPR#:149824 Control of Tray illumination missing for new G1329A
KPR#:149826 Control of tray illumination missing for G1329A/B & G4303A in Japanese and Chinese ChemStation
KPR#:149827 Larger injection volume with 90 ul head may be incorrectly displayed after injection
KPR#:149831 LC driver starts run with ALS Chiller turned off
KPR#:149841 ICF A.01.04 - No method download, if method contains pretreatment/injector program steps.
KPR#:149843 Injection specific injection volumes may get propagated to following injections
KPR#:149844 Dua Loop Sampler: ACQ method shows wrong loop with overlap injection
KPR#:149847 Bouncing menu
KPR#:149850 Wrong Inj Volume with German settings
KPR#:149852 the "edit Wellplate type" could not work in OpenLab ChemStation Edition Japanese .
KPR#:149855 Wrong Injection Volume using overlapped injection and setting InjVol in sequence table
KPR#:149863 Carry over with dual Loop Sampler: Injection cleaning: Rinse volume not set in Firmware
KPR#:149880 For overlapped injections in vial samplers G1313A and G1329A/B, injection volumes and sample locations are not updated synchronously in the status UI
KPR#:149940 In OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07 and below, vial positions larger than 50 are not allowed for Vialsamplers G7129A/B
KPR#:149941 Description in user interface has been improved for Smart Overlap and Overlapped injections
KPR#:149948 How to handle configuration changes in EZChrom and OpenLAB 2.0
KPR#:149954 Older versions of ChemStation cannot handle trays in Vialsamplers G7129A/B with cartesian coordinates
KPR#:149990 G1329A Autosampler tray types are not updated in Thermo Chromeleon
KPR#:149999 Sampling diagram has been removed for Infinity II samplers
KPR#:150004 Do not use instructions Inject, Valve and Remote in injector programs in case of overlapped injections
KPR#:150005 Do not change injection method parameters during overlapped injection
KPR#:150009 Under special circumstances, wrong injection volumes may be reported for ChemStation sequences of overlapped injections by the Multisampler
KPR#:150014 When a method specifies a wash position, that is physically not available, the method will not be sent to the instrument
KPR#:350975 Sampler goes offline in rare cases during run

Keyword: Sampler Method

KPR#:187313 Method download fails when cooler is controlled in method

Keyword: Spectra Analysis

KPR#:1973 Overlaid spectra are not properly displayed
KPR#:2069 Incorrect message: No spectra available in data file
KPR#:2156 Data points of UV spectra can carry inaccurate wavelength values
KPR#:343647 Load Signal dialog fails to load spectra because of case sensitive name comparison
KPR#:406883 No Spectra within peak available when OpenLab CDS 2.x exported UV spectra is loaded into ChemStation
KPR#:1616 Shortcut to ChemStation Real-Time Display not included in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition program group

Keyword: Uitilities

KPR#:117797 No sample name for imported AIA
KPR#:158465 RegisterCS.bat is not working with C.01.08 default path

Keyword: User Interface

KPR#:731 Error Fetching CP Variable observed sometimes when starting the chemstation
KPR#:1574 OpenLAB Control Panel does not prevent connecting to an instrument already in use
KPR#:1577 Slow performances observed while loading datafiles when a networked printer is not accessible
KPR#:1583 Additional information about the [ChemStation:Sequence][Save Sequence] privilege
KPR#:1644 PAL Sampling diagram always shows 'Vial Status: Normal' for every vial
KPR#:1674 Graphic artifacts/software crashes caused by graphic settings
KPR#:1682 7890A, 7820A missing sampling diagram when only a rear injector is installed
KPR#:1745 Finish Queue Sequence Help is hidden behind dialog
KPR#:1746 Sampling diagram for 68xx Classic driver appears, but if selected and reselected, disappears; also when switching betw Meth&Run and DA
KPR#:1764 Run-time error ‘282’: No foreign application responded to a DDE initiate
KPR#:1815 OLCDS Chemstation - No warning before taking over session for DA (data analysis only) instruments.
KPR#:1852 Display of connected user is not updated after user switch
KPR#:1874 Takeover without privilege can result in a locked session
KPR#:1877 OpenLAB CDS client: Scrambled user interface after unlocking locked Windows session
KPR#:1886 Several dialogs are not usable with screen resolutions higher than 100%
KPR#:1947 Zoom range of chromatogram is not used when a new file is selected.
KPR#:1981 Pasting selected cells into a sequence table omits empty cells
KPR#:1984 Chinese/Japanese ChemStations: Scrollbars in Partial Sequence Dialog not fully functional
KPR#:2005 Browse method button unavailable in offline sequence table
KPR#:2033 With Unique Folder OFF a running sequence cannot be loaded in Data Analysis view
KPR#:2043 For single runs, the vial is not displayed in white in the sampling diagram
KPR#:2060 Sequence Parameters grayed out in LC sequence context menu
KPR#:2153 Zooming out of the active window can set the focus to the negative time range
KPR#:2182 Start and abort buttons on the override GC start dialog box are available when session is locked
KPR#:105359 Sample Entry User Interface does not update MultiSampler Layout
KPR#:106507 Create instrument shortcuts missing Chinese and Japanese systems
KPR#:128630 Injection info not available and Sample "Location" or "Sampling Diagram" are not updated when running an FIA Method
KPR#:130832 After time based lock, ChemStation hangs when trying to unlock
KPR#:132001 After time based lock, ChemStation hangs when trying to unlock
KPR#:135644 Sample diagram for G1329B is blank when system is configured as type LCMS
KPR#:140355 “The target path is invalid” error message is displayed when no privilege to upload files to ECM
KPR#:146183 Locked sessions appear unresponsive when minimized and cannot be accessed, must end processes
KPR#:148467 ChemStation crashes when locking or unlocking session with ECM authentication in C.01.07 SR3, SR4, C.01.08
KPR#:149082 Frequent ChemMain.exe crash or hang when unlocking sessions that were minimized in Windows Taskbar
KPR#:149911 Time table graph of UV Detector ends before run time of system
KPR#:150246 Sample Entry User Interface: Injection volume shows warning after updating location
KPR#:160280 ChemStation crashes when locking or unlocking session with ECM authentication in C.01.07 SR3, SR4
KPR#:168139 Locked sessions appear unresponsive when minimized and cannot be accessed, must end processes
KPR#:168367 Dashboard Buttons disabled when starting a run with Edit Integration Events UI open
KPR#:168842 PDFs Which Include Localized Characters Can Appear Garbled in Web UI Previews
KPR#:178249 Method used during reprocessing changed for no reason
KPR#:180338 First time login to the Content Management Web UI can take up to 60s
KPR#:196708 Deadlock occurs when dialog box is open while sequence is finishing
KPR#:298860 Sample Name is not displayed on the 8890 display
KPR#:303876 Data displayed in sequence table is not consistent with navigation table
KPR#:307134 Pagination disappears when search returns more than 250 results
KPR#:348531 Sample Operator shown on reports doesn't show up in user interface
KPR#:413147 Graphical controls which visualize the sampler and fraction collector bed-layout in an LC instrument environment need update
KPR#:445628 GC Sampling Diagram does not display on load
KPR#:487484 Cosmetic changes in the edit integration events UI
KPR#:490394 Resizing chromatogram window does continuous resize jumps even after let go of the mouse
KPR#:554961 Adobe Reader 2020 "sign in" dialog causes ChemStation to become unresponsive when left open
KPR#:740714 Instrument status dashboard missing important information about the module
KPR#:799726 LC module reports the host firmware revision
KPR#:993485 Overlay of the pressure curve displays mAu when it should be bar
KPR#:2041 Unprivileged users can change instrument setpoints using the "GC Instrument Diagram"
KPR#:58 Activity Log not displayed in web browser when using Chrome 5.1
KPR#:1688 Preferences set in offline overwrite online Preferences and vice versa
KPR#:1957 Local files are not stored securely with ChemStation Edition
KPR#:1763 In Sequence Parameters dialog a missing backslash of remote data path needs to be corrected.

Keyword: User Interface , 7890A Control

KPR#:2041 Unprivileged users can change instrument setpoints using the "GC Instrument Diagram"

Keyword: User Interface , Audit Trail

KPR#:58 Activity Log not displayed in web browser when using Chrome 5.1

Keyword: User Interface , Data Analysis

KPR#:1688 Preferences set in offline overwrite online Preferences and vice versa

Keyword: User Interface , ECM Integration

KPR#:1957 Local files are not stored securely with ChemStation Edition

Keyword: User Interface , SEQ , ACQ , ECM Integration

KPR#:1763 In Sequence Parameters dialog a missing backslash of remote data path needs to be corrected.

Keyword: User Privileges

KPR#:2157 Manual integration tool is still accessible after a user change
KPR#:2163 Removal of "Edit integration events" permission will not disable access to the "Specific Event For Signal"
KPR#:2172 "User"s and Group's Role Assignment Report" will not display users with group but no roles assignment
KPR#:2183 Missing ChemStation privileges when connected to OpenLAB Server 2.1 with OpenLAB CDS 2.1
KPR#:115034 Users with only the view and run instrument privilege can take over the online/offline used by other user
KPR#:116731 User can switch to DA-view when method change flag is set and run queue is paused
KPR#:120340 C.01.07 SR1 User can delete pending samples in run queue that is paused when multi selection is done
KPR#:123269 Missing privileges for NWS chemstation connected to OpenLAB 2.1 server with OpenLAB CDS 2.1
KPR#:130664 Lock and Unlock during running sequence may lead to deadlock / user permission loss
KPR#:146287 User without save method changes privilege can save changes to the method
KPR#:146402 User without save method changes privilege can save changes to the method
KPR#:165817 User with more privileges cannot preview report without saving method than a User with less privilege
KPR#:187099 Exception to "Edit Calibration Table" privileges
KPR#:381733 Orphan Property ID leading to sync failure
KPR#:801721 User without specific Project Group access can see the name of the Project Group
KPR#:971357 Upgrades from earlier versions to LTS will fail if the System Administrator Role is renamed or removed

Keyword: Utilities

KPR#:1902 The "Import worklist" feature does not work when Chinese characters are present
KPR#:1990 Error message when selecting "Print Report" for an AIA imported file, report not shown
KPR#:2046 Zoom level is lost when overlaid UV and MSD data are copied
KPR#:2124 No sample name for imported AIA
KPR#:1616 Shortcut to ChemStation Real-Time Display not included in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition program group

Keyword: Utilities , Spectra Analysis , MSD Analysis

KPR#:1616 Shortcut to ChemStation Real-Time Display not included in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition program group

KPR#:1  Product:Purification Software  M8368AA  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Custom DPI Setting


When increasing the dpi settings, the purification software cannot be used
since many controls overlay each other and error icons are not visible.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The supported DPI Setting is the default one, 100%.
No other DPI settings is currently managed by the Purification software.

KPR#:1  Product:MicroGC490  MicroGC490  Unknown


One-line Description:

Common & channel# tab order mixed up when a channel is deactivated


[OpenLAB driver] common & channel# tab order mixed up when a channel is deactivated

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1  Product:Prep LC  Varian Prep LC  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Pump settings not set to initial value after run and/or after loading a Method


During run a stop is requested to the Software.
Opening the User Interface where the system is shown the Initial pump parameters were not loaded.
It was still  A: 99.84%  B: 0.16% instead of A:100% and B:0%.
Loading the Default method still the gradient is wrong displayed in UI.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

there's any fix for this issue.
The simptoms was very seldom and random.
Restarting the PC and the Modules will erase the wrong information displayed on the User Interface.

KPR#:2  Product:MicroGC490  MicroGC490  N/A


One-line Description:

4 Channel 490 Micro GC is not configured properly


Tried to configure a four channel 490 micro GC. After clicking on Activate Communication button, the Configure screen indicates that communication has been established, but the information for the 4 channels has not been uploaded. Information is provided when connecting with PROstation.

Temporary Solution:

Config 490GC remotely, but need to wait about 60 seconds for driver to get all configuration from remote 490GC

Fix Information:

This defect is fixed in build .

KPR#:2  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  A.01.01


One-line Description:

LC-3D, CE, and MSD technique-specific columns missing


The columns that are missing include:

LC-3D and MSD:  Target Masses (number, range, list) and AutoBalance (blank or ‘OFF’)

CE: Voltage (number), StopTime (number), and User1-10 (1-48 or blank)

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:3  Product:Easy SamplePrep  Easy SamplePrep (G7300)  2.01


One-line Description:

6890: Add\Advanced Tower Selection Syring Volume does not update


6890: Add\Advanced Tower Selection Syring Volume does not update until session is closed/reopened.

For any Add step, select Advanced. The volume determines which tower will be used if automatically select by volume is selected (default). The Syringe Volume of that injector is displayed read-only below it.
If you go to the Configuration and change the syringe size for any tower, then add a new Add step, save and return, this syringe Volume change is not detected or displayed. It is only refreshed by closing and reopening the online session of ChemStation.

Temporary Solution:

Close and reopen the session to update the syringe volume.

Fix Information:


KPR#:3  Product:MicroGC490  MicroGC490  N/A


One-line Description:

Methods can not be stored in Micro GC after rebooting


After a power shutdown, the uGC does not load the last active method, but remains in the default settings (temp 30C). A method download is required.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This defect is fixed in build .

KPR#:4  Product:Easy SamplePrep  Easy SamplePrep (G7300)  2.01


One-line Description:

Calibration Blanks from Easy Sequence using an Easy SamplePrep program with 'Use for unknowns only' checked reserves resources


No Injection Calibration Blanks from Easy Sequence using an Easy SamplePrep program with 'Use for unknowns only' checked reserves resources, even though the Easy SamplePrep program does not run in this case.

Temporary Solution:

Supply an excess of resources to allow the sequence to be submitted to the Queue.

Fix Information:


KPR#:4  Product:Purification Software  M8368AA  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Multiple fractions collected by MSD within one peak due to ionic species


Multiple fractions could be collected within one peak due to different ion species of similar intensity for the same target.

Temporary Solution:

Check results of analytical results evaluation, what adducts apply to what compounds / samples.
Create separate tasks for each ionic species.
Uncheck "Use same ion species as in analytical run" in preparative system ion species of the task.
Within one task you select only one adduct in preparative system and select all samples, which compounds have
a good response for this adduct.

Fix Information:


KPR#:5  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Sequence location directory selection is not correct


When creating an Easy Sequence template and select the sequence location funcion, the software displays the normal windows function for selecting a directory / sub-directlry. This is wrong. The software should show the selection of sequence locations as specified in the sequence preferences.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:6  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  A.01.01


One-line Description:

ChemStation: Vials are validated against the currently loaded method


In the Easy Sequence Setup, a method is selected and then the vial numbers are entered. These vial numbers are passed to the data system to be validated.  

The validation occurs against the currently loaded method, not the method used in the template that will actually use the vials.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in Easy Sequence 2.4[002].

KPR#:6  Product:Purification Software  M8368AA  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Logbook file: no string 4234


Empty Bottles will cause the window with the "no string 4234" to popup during a Task execution.

Temporary Solution:

Verify the level of solvents prior to execute the task.

Fix Information:

Fixed in ChemStation C.01.06 requires Purification Software A.01.02.

KPR#:6  Product:Easy SamplePrep  Easy SamplePrep (G7300)  2.01


One-line Description:

Calibration Blanks with injection run Sample Prep when 'Use for unknowns only' is checked


Calibration Blanks with injection run Sample Prep when 'Use for unknowns only' is checked

Temporary Solution:

Use a different methods for blanks that has 'Use Sample Prep program' unchecked

Fix Information:


KPR#:7  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Custom Fields are missing in Extended Parameters dialog


Sample Custom Fields and Compound Custom Fields are missing for Extended Parameters.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:9  Product:Purification Software  M8368AA  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Stop running tasks in purification Software


When a Task is running the "Stop" will lead to a Task contents to be not complete.
The ACAML file created at the end of the acquisition is not present.
The sample present during the acquisition is not listed.

Temporary Solution:

Analytical runs by purification software, will not display analytical results in case of STOP.
Workaround: Create a new task and import the analytical run as result set:
Stopped sample and later samples will be missing, but first samples will be displayed.

Preparative runs by purification software will not display stopped sample and beyond.

Fix Information:

Fixed in ChemStation C.01.06 requires Purification Software A.01.02.

KPR#:9  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Bracketing with unique folders off


When bracketing is used with Easy Sequence with Unique Folder Creation OFF, data file names can not be generated for the calibration runs. The potential exists to overwrite files when using Bracketing with Unique Folder Creation OFF with Easy Sequence.

Temporary Solution:

When using Bracketing with Easy Sequence, use Unique Folder Creation ON from Preferences.

Fix Information:


KPR#:10  Product:Easy SamplePrep  Easy SamplePrep (G7300)  2.10


One-line Description:

6890 Easy SamplePrep Add step fails for both by use and by volume resources


If there is an ‘Add’ step in Easy SamplePrep program with just the ‘Solvent Wash’; even though the Back injector is to be used, it may not use the Back injector.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:11  Product:Easy SamplePrep  Easy SamplePrep (G7300)  A.02.02


One-line Description:

Resource layout on 7890A GC instrument dialog is not translated


Resource layout on 7890A GC instrument dialog is not translated into Chinese and Japanese.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision A.02.03.

KPR#:11  Product:CTC PAL3  CTC PAL3  A.01.01


One-line Description:

PAL3 method fails at runtime when an inject amount is out of range for the installed syringe


If you have a 10 ul syringe installed and specify a 10 ul injection volume, the system will not indicate any problem until runtime. This is because the driver cannot look into the script to determine total volume (ie sample volume and air gap). This calculation is done at run and the error shows then.

Temporary Solution:

Use has to calculate total volume required when setting up the method.

Fix Information:


KPR#:12  Product:Easy SamplePrep  Easy SamplePrep (G7300)  A.02.02


One-line Description:

Easy SamplePrep Method printout is not translated


Easy SamplePrep Method printout is not translated.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in Revision A.02.03.

KPR#:12  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Manual/Valved/HS templates cannot be loaded if inj source does not match loaded method


6890 with no ALS or tray. Configured to a HeadSpace.
Create a front valve method, a back manual method, and a HeadSpace (front) method.

Depending on the method loaded, load an .est and this fails with:
Inconsistent Easy Sequence Setup
Sequence requires a back injector not present on the instrument.


The message really does not advise the user of what should be done to correct this situation.

Temporary Solution:

This is current ChemStation behavior.  The template created in Easy Sequence must use the currently loaded method.

Fix Information:


KPR#:13  Product:Easy SamplePrep  Easy SamplePrep (G7300)  A.02.02


One-line Description:

Resources replenished on 7890A GC instrument dialog not translated


Resources replenished on 7890A GC instrument dialog not translated

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision A.02.03.

KPR#:14  Product:Easy SamplePrep  Easy SamplePrep (G7300)  A.02.03


One-line Description:

Certain combination of setpoints cause setpoint error from tower


The software allows the user to enter invalid parameters for the draw and dispense speeds for the syringe.

Using an "Add" command it generates a "Command to XXX Tower failed: XXX Tower Prep Failure Code: 142: Autosampler setpoint error..."

The error message is limited and it takes effort to find the "invalid" parameter.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01.

KPR#:14  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Easy Sequence Setup does not display dual sources on method load; must Clear All to activate


Open online session to a 6890 with dual ALS (Plasticman 6890A/7693).
DEF_GC.M is configured by default to front injector.
Set injection source to Dual and save as a new method, now loaded.

Select Easy Sequence Setup. No injection sources are displayed, (presumably because of the injection source selection of the previously loaded method had one injector.)

Load the Dual method. Still no injection sources.

Temporary Solution:

The user must select 'Clear All' to refresh the screen in order to display the Front/Back injection source checkboxes after loading the dual injector method.

Fix Information:


KPR#:14  Product:Purification Software  M8368AA  A.01.01


One-line Description:

No Fraction Results Table if sample name + data path length exceeds 103 characters


[EDTAB60: could not set window title because register was locked]

With or without Purification Software having a combination of sample name
and result set path, which exceed the ChemStation limit of 103 characters.
In that case no fraction results table is displayed in ChemStation Data Analysis View:
Purify and error message in the ChemStation status line: 
"EDTAB60: could not set window title because register was locked"

Temporary Solution:

Use short sample and folder names.
Use purification software to review fraction results instead of ChemStation.

Fix Information:


KPR#:15  Product:Purification Software  M8368AA  A.01.01


One-line Description:

No peak detector - Fraction Collection tab inaccessible


When a task evaluation results in No peak detector error (e.g., MSD was on and UV off but no mass was entered)
the appropriate error occurs but Fraction Collection tab is Task Configuration is inaccessible

Temporary Solution:

Change any parameter on systems or scale up task configuration pages. This will reset the run state of the task and
the fraction collection task page will be accessible, again.

Fix Information:

Fixed in Purification Software A.01.02.

KPR#:15  Product:Easy SamplePrep  Easy SamplePrep (G7300)  2.01


One-line Description:

Need ability to 'shake' with Mix command


The Mix command needs some more detailed control. The mixer to is used to shake a vial (Mix 2500 rpm 1 sec, stop 1 sec , and change direction mix 2500 1 sec, repeat), this cannot be done with the current mix command.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision 2.3.

KPR#:16  Product:Purification Software  M8368AA  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Clear fraction collector delay volumes for unused peak detectors


Using the "Time table" > "Trigger time windows" for fraction triggering and a [Peak Detector] is setup for fraction collection,
which is not used for triggering but has a non-zero delay volume setup in the fraction collector configuration could happen
that fractions are not collected.

This happen, if you were using the fraction collector in a previous instrument configuration with a different peak detector or
with another detector connected to UIB. If the previous [Peak Detector] is no longer in the current instrument configuration,
but its delay volume has not been reset to zero in the fraction collector by LabAdvisor, then the delay volume still contributes
in correcting time windows. 
Time windows are shifted (corrected) by the maximum delay time of all peak detectors, which are setup in the fraction collector.

Temporary Solution:

If you remove a peak detector from your instrument configuration, make sure that any delay volume that is set to it in fraction collector
is reset to zero using LabAdvisor.

Fix Information:

Fixed in Purification Software A.01.02.

KPR#:16  Product:MicroGC490  MicroGC490  1.12


One-line Description:

Driver installation may cause error in RCNet


The direct cause of this issue is the absence of the VC++ runtime library.

Temporary Solution:

A quick solution is to manually install the missing runtime lib.


Please download the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 (x86) installer and install it.

Fix Information:

Update gc_dll to, downgrade the dependency runtime to VC100 to avoid some runtime missing issue.

KPR#:17  Product:Purification Software  M8368AA  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Instrument ChemStation Logbook entry for DAD Internal error 10010


Randomly the ChemStation logbook is reporting the "DAD internal error 10010".
The issue is due to few spetra lost during the acquisistion.
The Automated Purification Software is capable to manage this small lack of data.
Calculations and "Target Compound" identification are working as expected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:17  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Easy Sequence Setup does not validate HeadSpace vial ranges


HeadSpace Method loaded in ChemStation.
The Injection Source is set to HeadSpace Sampler

Easy Sequence Setup
Sample Information
Starting Vial Location

Any number entered into this location will error with the following error message:
The vial position could not be validated against the current configuration

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in Easy Sequence 2.4[012].

KPR#:17  Product:2D-LC  2D-LC  A.01.02


One-line Description:

Subsequent cuts require a short gap


If multiple cuts are scheduled adjacently (i.e. start time + sampling time = next start time), some cuts may got lost randomly because the valve needs a short time for switching. The gradient preview does not show a warning in such cases.

Temporary Solution:

Leave a gap of at least 0.01 minutes (0.6 s) between each two adjacent cuts. This can be done by either slightly decreasing the sampling time or increasing the start time for the next cut.

Fix Information:

This has been fixed in firmware A/B/C/D.07.01

KPR#:18  Product:Purification Software  M8368AA  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Export selected fractions with long ChemStation sequence file names cause ChemStation crash, at end of execution


Export a fraction reanalysis file as ChemStation sequence file for selected fractions.
Have the specified file name longer than 40 characters, or at least long enough that together with the maximum automatic appendix
"_collectorX_Y", where X is the collector number, Y is the file number in case of 4 plates, the complete sequence file name exceeds 40 characters in length.
Execution of such sequence file will run, but at completion time it will cause ChemStation to crash.

Temporary Solution:

Do not specify sequence file names longer than 27 characters in the export fraction reanalysis dialog box.

Fix Information:

Fixed in Purification Software A.01.02.

KPR#:18  Product:Easy SamplePrep  Easy SamplePrep (G7300)  A.02.02


One-line Description:

Add step fails to execute due to mismatch in # injections/volume/syringe size/solvent allowed by firmware


Method with a single add step of 1000 uL. Syringe size is 10 uL. Vials are moved to turret and then error message displays: method not running.

This is a mismatch in # injections/volume/syringe size/solvent allowed by firmware.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:19  Product:Easy SamplePrep  Easy SamplePrep (G7300)  A.02.03


One-line Description:

A method using Easy Sample Prep cannot be used to create a method not using Easy Sample Prep


Create a method which has the "Use Sample Prep Program" checkbox enabled. Use this method to create a method which does not have the "Use Sample Prep Program" checkbox enabled. Load the method which does not have the checkbox enabled. Error message displays: Configuration mismatch: Default parameters loaded for 'Agilent 7890'.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 3.1[21]. This revision will only fix with Openlab Chemstation C.01.03.

KPR#:19  Product:Purification Software  M8368AA  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Export selected fractions injection in CS sequence file is set to 10 uL ignoring the re-analysis method injection volume


When exporting fraction reanalysis sequence file in ChemStation format, the injection volume is set to 10 ul as default.

Temporary Solution:

Open the sequence table of the exported sequence in ChemStation and fill down the desired injection volume.

Fix Information:

Fixed in Purification Software A.01.02.

KPR#:20  Product:Purification Software  M8368AA  A.01.02


One-line Description:

Unable to unlock ChemStation / Purification Software, if purification software dialog is displayed


If an inactivity time to lock application has been set in OpenLAB Control Panel, administration,
then Chemstation usage will be protected by a lock dialog after the set time of inactivity.
Purification software dialogs hide the lock dialog, but are locked themselves.
Therefore it is not possible to unlock the application (ChemStation and purification software).

Temporary Solution:

Set the “Inactivity time before locking the application” to zero in OpenLAB Control Panel > administration > security policy;
if this complies to your security policy.
If ChemStation and purification software got locked, you can access the unlock dialog with help of the Windows Task Manager.
Start the task manager, go to the applications screen and select the Purification Software task window,
which is called Task XY - Set Up and Run Purification Tasks. Right-click this application and select "Minimize".
Then select the Agilent OpenLab Login window from the application list of the task manager, right-click and select "Bring to  Front".
Then log in as normal for getting back access to ChemStation and purification software.

Fix Information:

Fixed with Purification Software A.01.03.
It is possible that the ChemStation lock dialog appears behind a Purification Software (system or task) dialog.
In such case, you can move or minimize the Purification dialog, or select the ChemStation window from the Windows Taskbar
in order to access the ChemStation lock dialog to unlock.

KPR#:21  Product:Purification Software  M8368AA  A.01.02


One-line Description:

Delay volume setting can cause delay in method download for preparative runs


Purification Software sets the fraction collector peak detector delay volume in fraction collector firmware,
if the current volumes in firmware do not match the preparative system settings in the purification task.
This causes a configuration change of the fraction collector, which could lead to a delayed download
of the initial method of the preparative run and temporary offline status of the fraction collector.
This could take up to a few minutes. During this time, the pump will run with the set preparative flow rate.
The likelihood of this situation increases with the number of delay volumes to be set,
i.e. are different from the actual settings in the fraction collector;
and the number of peak detectors or fraction collectors which are configured.

At the end of the standby sample run, all delay volumes that had been changed before the preparative run
are restored to their previous values - as part of the post-run actions. This could lead to a timeout and thus
failed reporting of the standby sample run. The run queue is paused during post-run. Due to a delay volume restore,
it is possible that the queue is still paused while another scheduled task is trying to start.
Task runs are rejected with a message box, when the queue is paused.

Temporary Solution:

The delay volume setting by purification software is needed for changes in delay volumes by different flow rates.
If your flow rate is fix or does the delay volume does not depend on the flow rate (no usage of active splitter),
set all peak detector delay volumes by LabAdvisor for your configured fraction collectors. If a UIB is configured as well,
but not used as  auxiliary peak detector for fraction triggering, then set its fraction collector delay volume to zero in LabAdvisor.

Fix Information:

With Purification Software A.01.03 there is no need to run LabAdvisor to perform the delay volume calibration
or set the peak detector to fraction collector delay volume.
The delay time/volume calibration can be executed from the "Preparative Systems" dialog.
If you want to apply the delay times/volumes from your preparative system parameters to the next purification runs,
just click the "Write delay times" button from the "Preparative Systems" dialog.
This avoids setting for the values before the purification sequence run and restoring the previous values afterwards.
If you want the values to be set and restored for only one purification run,
purification software is waiting for the configuration change to finish displaying
"Waiting for configuration update in ChemStation" in its status line, before submitting the purification run.

KPR#:22  Product:Purification Software  M8368AA  A.01.02


One-line Description:

Results from stopped analytical runs are not used for preparative runs


If an analytical run has been stopped, the result may be incomplete. The purification task logbook tracks the run states.
Analytical data source is set to "read analytical data" on task configuration page "Analytical run" after the (stopped)
analytical run to indicate where data had been produced. If you proceed with the purification task run and "read analytical data"
for the stopped analytical run, the analytical run will be restarted.

Temporary Solution:

If you like to restart the analytical run anyway, then purification software is behaving as expected.
If you would like to use the available data from the stopped analytical run, please set up a new task
from the same template as your original task and set the analytical data path of your stopped analytical run
in the "read analytical data" field on the on purification task configuration page "Analytical run".

Fix Information:

With Purification Software A.01.03, results from stopped or failed (analytical) runs are kept with the task.
Therefore, you can proceed with a preparative run for the available samples from a failed or stopped analytical run.
If you wish to (re-)run the missed analytical samples of a failed or stopped analytical run:
Create a new task as a clone from the task with the failed or stopped analytical run.
In the analytical run setup of the cloned task: Click on "Revert to sequence" and select the samples to re-run by editing the sequence.

KPR#:24  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  A.01.01


One-line Description:

HeadSpace Injection Volume is accepting negative numbers; no checking; no meaning


Create an Easy Sequence Template for a G1888/6890. There is no error checking for Injection volume for this injection source in either the Setup or Sample List. All values are accepted, including negative numbers.
There is no place to setup an 'injection volume' for a HeadSpace. There is only a time and pressure.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:25  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Easy Seq and Setup Starting Vial Location and Number of Samples do not check for limits


Starting Vial Location and Number of Samples do not do any range checking against any method or configuration.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision 2.3

KPR#:26  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  A.01.01


One-line Description:

Easy Seq Setup: Sample Name text entry should check for a Counter if used as Data File name


Easy Sequence Setup: Entry of text in the Sample Name combo box does not check for and advise that a counter token is needed if the user also uses the token 'Sample Name' for the Data File Name.

The user will find out when sending to the queue 'Error: Sample Name xxxx occurs more than once.'

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:29  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

Easy Sequence Setup not refreshing the Injection Location


7890/7693: Create methods for front, back, and dual ALS injection sources.
Easy Seqeunce Setup does not refresh to show the correct injection location of the loaded method until user loads the corresponding method in ChemStation.

Even loading a different method, the previous injection source is kept.

Temporary Solution:

If the injection source has been changed, use the "Clear All" button and reload the method.

Fix Information:


KPR#:31  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

No error checking for vial ranges in Easy Sequence Setup; fails at runtime


There is no error checking within Easy Sequence Setup to determine if the vial range of the loaded method's injection source is accurate.

The method can be saved and submitted to the queue.  It fails at this time with:

Invalid location found in FRONT sequence, line 1
There may be others

This defect occurs because there is a difference between the loaded method's injection source and the method that is selected in the Easy Sequence Template.

Temporary Solution:

Load the method in ChemStation from Method > Load Method menu that will be used to create the Easy Sequence Setup Template.

Fix Information:


KPR#:32  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

Pause/Resume button is in the wrong state after a sequence is edited and then pauses


Send a sequence to the Queue and while it is running, edit it. This modified/changed sequence pauses the Queue, but the first blue button is still in a 'Pause||' state. Click the button and change it to Resume, but it does not do anything as it is waiting for the current sequence to be saved before starting the next sequence.

In this case, because the sequence has been modified, the ChemStation is not accepting sequences. If you click pause || button, you pause the queue and it does not do any thing. The message on the active queue is red and the message says the sequence has been modified.

Temporary Solution:

Save the sequence that has been modified.  Once the sequence has been saved, the queue will resume running the next sequence.

Fix Information:


KPR#:33  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

7890A with no ALS shows Read Barcode button in Easy Sequence Sample List


Load an Easy for a valve or HeadSpace Injection Source and the Sample Name cell in the Sample List shows a Read barcode button.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:34  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

HeadSpace Simple Calibration Blank type should only allow 'Blank with injection'


HeadSpace software will not run a sequence without a vial location.  Therefore, the Easy Sequence Setup\Calibration\Simple Calibration options should only allow Blanks with Injection and not allow blanks without injection.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:35  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

Calibration Blank with no injection loads with Inj Vol as 0


Create a setup with a blank with injection and a blank with no injection.
Save and load to Easy Sequence. The Injection volume for the Blank with no injection is entered as 0. Native sequence table also shows this as zero.
This is not consistent with the volume for the blank with injection

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision 2.2

KPR#:39  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

Calibration table clears on method reload from Samples tab


Create a Setup with Calibration. Return to Sample tab and load the same or a different method with the same injection location. Return to Calibration tab and all has been cleared. Reloading a method does not clear entries made on the Samples tab.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:40  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

Queue displays running vials incorrectly when initial HeadSpace vial not found


Start a 3 line headspace sequence from the queue, but remove the FIRST vial in the sequence. Queue does not update correctly, showing the first vial as running, though the HeadSpace has moved on to vial 2.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:41  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

Aborted HeadSpace run displays Status as 'Complete' in Queue History


HeadSpace aborts, but ChemStation does not. Select the Abort Run button from the Waiting for ready dialog and ChemStation aborts the sequence.
Queue History shows this run as 'Complete' instead of 'Aborted'.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:44  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

Easy Sequence does not advise of invalid vial locations until sequence is fully loaded into Queue


There is no advisory about the invalid vial locations until the sequence has been added to the queue.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision 2.3

KPR#:45  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

Sequence submitted to queue but will not run and can not be removed/deleted


Sequence submitted to the queue but will not start and cannot be deleted.

Temporary Solution:

As a workaround, delete the following file:  SequenceQueue.que from the C:\Chem32\4\TEMP directory.

Fix Information:

Fixed in revision 2.4.

KPR#:47  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

Injection Volume on ES Setup should show units (uL); valved inj are in mL and user must convert


The Easy Sequence Setup dialog should show Injection volume units, which in ChemStation always seem to be uL. 

When the user uses EasySequence with a Valved injection, the volume, which for valves is mL, must be multiplied by 1000 to get a value that will be accepted.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:48  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

Easy Sequence Setup should check for Sample Name length and not allow invalid entries


Enter a long Sample Name in Easy Sequence Setup and add a counter.
Save and load to Easy Sequence. Fill Samples. Not until then is the user warned (with a red X) in the Sample list that there is a 40 character limit.
It is possible to save this but it will not be possible to add to the Queue.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in Easy Sequence 2.4[014].

KPR#:50  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.2


One-line Description:

Easy Sequence Setup: Change Inj/vial to a value >1; all labels and menu bar disappear


Select Easy Sequence Setup.  Enter a number greater than 1 in the Inj/vial cell on the right side and then tab. All labels and menu items disappear.

Temporary Solution:

Restart the session.

Fix Information:


KPR#:51  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.2


One-line Description:

Vial Status shows first run as completed for Easy Sequence following Run Method


Run a single vial using Run Method.

Send sequence to queue vials 2-4. When the run method completes and the sequence loads and then the first vial in the sequence starts, Vial status shows the first line (vial 2) as immediately 'completed'.

The system stalls at Sequence running.  The GC is in prerun state and the system cannot start another run until it is shutdown and restarted.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:52  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

Easy sequence actions are not included in the audit trail and no separate audit log exists


Any changes done on Easy Sequence are not included in the audit trail; there is no separate audit log present for Easy Sequence.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:53  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

Vial not found reported in software Status not consistent with instrument status


Run an Easy Sequence using a HeadSpace injection source. When a Vial not Found event happens, the final Status for this run, which did not start a run, is reported as 'Completed'. The status being reported by the HS device is 'Run Aborted'.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:54  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.01


One-line Description:

PAL autosampler plate/vial locations not accepted in Setup location box


Easy Sequence 2.01.41 on Chemstation B.04.03 DSP1 will not accept plate designations of PAL injection source in the Setup location combo box. (P1A1)
The user should be able to choose the location designation.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision 2.4 [12].

KPR#:60  Product:Easy Sequence  Easy Sequence  2.4


One-line Description:

Print preview screen does not appear when blank is added to calibration program


1. Method and Run control screen> easy sequence settings tab > calibration tab
2. Select "simple calibration" for calibration mode, add Blank to the sequence. click print button to print preview easy sequence settings. 

Print preview screen does not appear.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in Easy Sequence 2.4[30].

KPR#:109  Product:Headspace Driver Software  RC.Net  B.01.03


One-line Description:

Headspace continues after stop sequence is clicked from the ChemStation menu or Sampling Diagram


Select Stop Run/Inject/Sequence from the ChemStation menu or from the Sampling Diagram. This shows yellow 'Sequence Stopping//Data Acquisition' but the headspace sequence continues running.
Headspace continued to process vials and generate data until end of sequence.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned.  
The headspace (G1888 or 7697) cannot be stopped or paused from the ChemStation menu or Sampling Diagram. It can/must be paused from the headspace (HS) Status bar ‘Pause Sequence’.

KPR#:127  Product:Headspace Driver Software  G2924AA  B.01.04


One-line Description:

Injection Volume is reported as 0 uL or blank in report for headspace


The injection volume is reported as 0 uL or blank in the data system report. This works by design since headspace loops are not calibrated and the sample injected is not known by the data system.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:144  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.21


One-line Description:

6890 method does not allow SAVE DATA to be checked


It is not possible to save data in a 68xx method.

Temporary Solution:

A workaround is to edit the column nominal dimensions (length and diameter) to different values and download them.  The method editor will change the internal values stored in the methd to valid values.  The column nominal dimensions can then be edited to the correct values and downloaded to the GC.  The problem should not recur if that is done once and all parameter values are edited through the data system with driver version 6.21 from then on.

Fix Information:

Resolved in 68xx Driver 6.23 [009].

KPR#:151  Product:Headspace Driver Software  G2924AA  B.01.05


One-line Description:

C.01.06 ChemStation with GC/G1888: last run completes but the ChemStation remains in the run state


OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.06 with a G1888 sequence never finishes.  The last vial completes but the sequence continues to be in the run state and must be stopped manually.  Once stop has been selected, allow time for the system to process and cleanup.  Try to avoid using abort.
Use of ABORT almost immediately terminates all ChemStation activities and processes. This has the potential to leave any currently running sequence in a strange state. Also any consecutive Data Analysis is aborted. When the ChemStation is connected to central storage (OpenLAB ECM or OpenLAB Data Store), no files will be uploaded to the repository after aborting the sequence. Loss of data may occur.
After using the Abort function, close and restart the ChemStation Application.
Always try STOP first and allow enough time for consecutive processing and cleanup.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This problem is addressed with Integrated Headspace Software revision B.01.06.

KPR#:156  Product:Headspace Driver Software  G2924AA  B.01.06


One-line Description:

Headspace system acquires all data into a single data file


Intermittently, all of the headspace runs are collected in a SINGLE GC data file.

The ChemStation never closes the raw data file for the first run and all further runs are acquired into the first data file.  The first run never completes in the ChemStation, but the Headspace continues with further injections.

Temporary Solution:

Increase the GC cycle time.

Fix Information:


KPR#:158  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  B.01.01


One-line Description:

User is not able to save 'Column Parameter' changes at the same time when change is made


User is not able to save 'Column Parameter' changes at the same time when change is made unless they click on another field on the screen

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.02

KPR#:160  Product:68xx Driver Software  ICF (68xx)  6.33


One-line Description:

Invalid Resource Item implementation for oven program


Invalid Resource Item implementation for oven program

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.02

KPR#:615  Product:RTE  RTE  A.02.04


One-line Description:

The peak inflection point position does not match classical ChemStation reporting.


The peak inflection point position is drawn different compared to the classic reporting. This is because there are multiple valid positions where the point can be drawn. 
The effect can be observed for peaks that show only very small changes of the slope over a "longer" time range and the 2nd derivative is close to 0 over that range.

Temporary Solution:

The reported peak performance values are the same in classic and Intelligent Reporting. Users who prefer the old drawing need to use classic reporting which is still available in ChemStation C.01.01.

Fix Information:

There is currently no fix planned

KPR#:617  Product:RTE  RTE  A.02.04


One-line Description:

Exponential calibration curve plot isn't shown in Calibration Report when using Intelligent Reporting.


Exponential calibration curve plots cannot be reported with Intelligent Reporting. An empty plot is shown instead.

Temporary Solution:

If exponential calibration curves plots need to be reported, the (old) classic reporting needs to be used in ChemStation. 
EZChrom users need to use the EZChrom standard reporting.

Fix Information:

A potentially fix is currently under investigation.

KPR#:1731  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03


One-line Description:

LC/MS spray chamber temperatures are no longer be applied to the spray chamber heated zones following a spray chamber open/close action.


After an LC/MS spray chamber has been opened and closed, temperature will no longer be applied to the Spray Chamber heated zones until the spray chamber parameters are  updated (by clicking "ok" in the Spray Chamber Parameters dialog box or loading a method) or the system is turned "off" or to "standby" and then back to on.  This occurs with the APCI, APPI and Agilent Jet Stream spray chambers.  The MultiMode source will set the system to "Standby" if opened & closed, however.

Temporary Solution:

Turn the instrument to "off" or to "standby" in ChemStation, then back to "on" if this condition is encountered.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1782  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04


One-line Description:

UNC paths are not supported as report file storage loaction


The "copy to" function of the intelligent report method setup does not support usage of UNC paths.

Temporary Solution:

Map the network path as a drive letter and select the new drive letter as a report destination.

Fix Information:

There is no fix planned.

KPR#:1941  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04


One-line Description:

Multiplier is applied on compound group ISTDs


Create a compound group, select it as ISTD.

In dialog "Specify Report...", tab "Quantitation Settings", uncheck "Use multiplier and dilution factor with ISTDs"
Select "Use sample data From Sample Defaults below
Enter multiplier different from 1.0.

Multiplier is still applied on compound group. It should not be applied, as for normal ISTD compounds

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1942  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03 HF05


One-line Description:

Intelligent Report Method Information does not correctly display calibration units when units changed in Calibration Table


When adding the Method Information section to an Intelligent Report, the calibration amounts units are not correctly displayed if the value was changed in the method.

Temporary Solution:

This issue is in the method information section of the Intelligent Report template. There is no way to modify this value in the report template.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1943  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.04.01 SP1


One-line Description:

78xx Stop button pressed no longer continues to the next run in the sequence


Pushing the stop key at the GC keyboard will stop the current run and generate a report but does not continue to the next line in the sequence.  

This occurs beginning on ChemStation version B.04.01 SP1.

In revisions B.03.01 - B.04.01, pushing the stop key at the GC Keyboard would stop the current run and generate a report and continue to the next line in the sequence.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

Setup conditional System Behaviors for the 78xx in Manage Rules & Alerts found under the Instrument menu

KPR#:1944  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04 HF03


One-line Description:

Signal options "Each in full scale" does not work correctly


Under Data Analysis, select Graphics
Range :select time range
Scale:Each in Full Scale

Each in Full Scale does not get used

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1945  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05


One-line Description:

acq.macaml for 7890B is displayed as 7890A


In the acq.macaml of an 7890B, there is always the > ModuleDisplayName 7890A

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1946  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05


One-line Description:

Sequence is aborted soon after the start and must be restarted


Started a sequence (55 injections), but the sequence was aborted soon after the start. Chemstation showed status "ready" and instrument showed status "idle". The sequence could be restarted and ran without error after the restart.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1949  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03 HF09


One-line Description:

Baseline not displayed properly when using ChemStation AIC’s


A nearly horizontal baseline is not displayed or printed completely when doing a Remote Desktop connection to a ChemStation WorkStation or to a ChemStation AIC.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1953  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03 HF06


One-line Description:

User without Permission to Change Transfer Location Can Change Transfer Location in Sequence Parameters


In OpenLAB Shared Services, the user does not have any [ChemStation Security] privileges, specifically they do not have the [Modify Storage Transfer Settings].  But in [Sequence Parameters] the user can still uncheck [Remote Data Path] [Use Preferences] and then select the [Browse] function to select a new LCDF location for the instrument data transfers.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB C.01.06.

KPR#:1971  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF01


One-line Description:

The Active Splitter does not always stop at the end of a sequence when "Run Sync" is enabled in the Active Splitter Software


The Active Splitter is not always stopping at the end of a sequence when Run Sync is enabled .

With "Run Sync" enabled, the operation of the Active Splitter should be controlled through ChemStation/Active Splitter software.  Intermittently, the software control of the Active Splitter does not stop its operation at the conclusion of a sequence/run, even with "Run Sync" enabled.

Temporary Solution:

An external Contact Closure card, G1351A, can be used to Start/Stop the Active Splitter independently of the Active Splitter software.

Fix Information:


KPR#:58559  Product:  Shared Services  2.0


One-line Description:

Users can't log in with domain authentication - Message User must change Password


When using Windows Domain Authentication, the message  "User must change the password" is displayed even when this is not correct. 

Temporary Solution:

When using Domain Authentication, the application needs to read user attributes like userAccountControl ( and pwdLastSet ( In order to get information whether or not a user must change password. When read permission is not granted to the user, the application will assume that the password of the user expired and will refuse the access
Steps to enable the permissions to read attributes:
1	Open Active Directory Users and Computers
2	In the View menu, click Advanced Features
3	Under Users, select a user that is not able to log in to OLCP
4	Right click and go to properties
5	In the Security tab, click select 'Authenticated Users'
6	Check 'Read' checkbox below and click OK

Fix Information:


KPR#:85485  Product:    n/a


One-line Description:

Software Verification report of Agilent Data store Fail While upgrading Server of A.04.07 SR1 to A.04.07 SR2


Running the Software Verification Tool (SVT) with a user other than the user who did the upgrade will result in a failed report.

Temporary Solution:

The user performing the upgrade should be the user that runs the SVT tool.

Fix Information:


KPR#:105227  Product:    - SBM,From Teamtrack


One-line Description:

Copy/Paste of text fields or character failing from reporting output to another text editor


Copying, and pasting text fields from the intelligent report printout onto notepad or any other text editor may not give the expected results. 

This report generation uses a Microsoft component which does not allow all character or text field to be reportable from the output to another text editor.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in another product release: OpenLAB CDS v2.1 or higher.
A fix in OpenLAB ChemStation Edition is for now not possible

KPR#:110757  Product:    A.01.11


One-line Description:

Report export to doc or txt file fails when using data fields in the report header and footer


C.01.08 and higher allows users to add data fields in the report headers and footers. 
However this functionality will not be functional when the report output chosen is a DOC or TXT file extension. In this case an error message will appear in the report file.

Temporary Solution:

The temporary fix would be to modify the existing report template, and delete the data fields from the report header and footer.

Fix Information:

No fix is for now possible.

KPR#:127346  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06


One-line Description:

Injection order lost for replicates when reprocessing with a different analysis method


The report does not show the correct injection order number for replicates if the processing method is changed for a replicate and the sequence is reprocessed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:137964  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08


One-line Description:

OLSS Upgrade error with MS SQL 2012


Trying to upgrade an Shared Services using SQL server windows authentication with a user who is not the owner of the already installed OLSS DB will lead to an error. Microsoft does not support such an update with a different user.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

For installs or upgrades using SQL server windows authentication, please make sure that the SYSTEM user is the owner of the OLSS Database.

KPR#:139838  Product:    A.01.10


One-line Description:

EIC generation fails in Intelligent Reporting report printout (intermittent)


In some circumstances which will be described below, the EIC generation in the report printout may fail. In the cases this extraction are failing, a blank space will be displayed at the area where the EIC should appear.

This can only occur when using one decimal digit (such as m/z = 721.3) in the "Extract Ion..." in the "File" menu, or by modifying the signal description in the signal details in the ChemStation Data Analysis view.
However, not all EIC with one decimal digit would fail. This is only intermittent in the case that the ion chromatogram description required is not matching to what the report template algorithm would expect.

Temporary Solution:

There are several ways to temporary fix the misleading ion chromatogram extraction:
1. Move the one decimal value with a m/z shift of 0.1 (higher or lower value)
2. Change the m/z extraction range in "signal options" in the "graphics" menu. Default mass defect values are: [-0.3; +0.7]. This can be changed to another value to allow fine EIC extraction

Fix Information:

This will be fixed in C.01.08 as part as other new EIC extraction functionalities.

KPR#:149817  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.01


One-line Description:

Installing a lamp with tag may invalidate "alway use lamp" setting in detector's control


Installing a lamp with tag may invalidate the detector's control setting "always use lamp" and silently modify it to "use lamp only if lamp tag is available".

Temporary Solution:

Check detector's Control setting after installing a new lamp.

Fix Information:

Fixed in A.02.04

KPR#:149833  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.02 SP1


One-line Description:

Flexible Cube G4227A does not work with HiP ALS G1367E


On Chinese or Japanese CDS only the 1290 Infinity Flexible Cube G4227A does not work with High Performance Autosampler G1367E. 

On English CDS the operation of 1290 Infinity Flexible Cube G4227A with High Performance Autosampler G1367E is not affected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision A.02.02

KPR#:149839  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.03


One-line Description:

Lamps and cells of G1314F show incorrect dates in the RFID tags


Lamps and cells of G1314F show incorrect dates in the RFID tags

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed with the driver version A.02.06

KPR#:149842  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.06


One-line Description:

Cannot Check "Pump and solvent selection valve installed" Box for Flex Cube if Once Clear it


LC Driver version: A.02.06 [363] (Test application/Install on Japanese ChemStation)
1. Open Instrument configuration dialog
2. Select Flexible Cube
3. Open Flexible Cube Configuration dialog
4. Clear the "Pump and Solvent selection valve installed" check box, then press OK
5. Re-open Flexible Cube Configuration dialog
6. Thick that check box and press OK
7. Open Flexible Cube Configuration dialog again -> check mark is gone

Temporary Solution:

Workaround: use autoconfig to set up the FlexCube

Fix Information:

Fix in the next rev RC.Net A.02.07.

KPR#:149846  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.07


One-line Description:

AFC & UIB II: AFC does not fractioning as expected


System configuration:
2 AFCs -> 1 AFC Cluster
Analog out of DAD connected to Analog In of UIB II
Simulated signal of DAD was used

Method settings for modules (expect threshold for UIB II signal): see attached method

1. Created a data file with the simulated signal recorded by the UIB II
2. Loaded data file into Fraction Preview
3. Used Fraction Preview to collect peakbased fractions with threshold > 0.12 V
4. The value 0.12 V is written into the table on the left side without conversion (the table shows mV as unit)

Using this method will cause that the AFC will fractioning all the time.

The firmware interface expects the threshold in mV but the driver writes 0.12 (V) to the AFC
This causes that the AFC is fractioning all the time.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in UIB II signal is delivered as mV signal similar to  UIB I since LC Driver Release A.02.07.

KPR#:149848  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.07


One-line Description:

Use Vial as Fraction collections


Started a run with fraction collection.

The fraction collector config does not show 10 vials but only trays.

Temporary Solution:

If you have installed a 2 WP-Tray, vials are allways forbidden to use for fractionation, regardless if there are wellplates inserted or not.

Fix Information:

Issue fixed with LC and CE Driver revision A.02.07

KPR#:149849  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.07


One-line Description:

Recovery volume and fraction volume: behaviour for reset volume


I worked with one AFC.
Configured 2 wps +10 vials and 15 vial tray for recovery.

Started multiple runs. 
For each run a new Recovery location was used.
Then removed the recovery tray and entered it again.

Next run started with first recovery location --> this was already used.

Temporary Solution:

If you want to reset the Funnel Trays only, use "Reset Funnel Tray Volume"

If you want to reset Wellplates and vials (all except funnels), use "Reset Fraction Volume"

Fix Information:

Issue fixed with the LC and CE driver revision A.02.07

KPR#:149853  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.06


One-line Description:

Wrong datarate for Vwd Aux signals for 'Board Temperature' and 'Optical Unit Temperature'


Wrong lookup values in VwdDeviceCapabilities.xml.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition - SP2 for LC RC.Net Driver A.02.05 and A.02.06

KPR#:149854  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.07


One-line Description:

Fraction collector stop times do not end runs


For previous firmware revisions, fraction collectors could be stop time masters same as pumps and injectors. If a stop time is set for a stop time master, this will end the run after the time set. In case of multiple possible stop time masters, the shortest time will apply. Other modules can refer to the stop time master (option as pump/injector) or set their own stop times. For other modules, the stop time will not end the run but the module activity, e.g. if the detector has a shorter stop time than the pump, signal acquisition will end before the run.

Since firmware A.06.54, fraction collectors can no longer be stop time masters, i.e. their stop times will no longer end a run.

Temporary Solution:

If a stop time is set for the fraction collector, this change may cause a changed method behavior. If a run stop time is needed, please set it for the pump or injector.

Fix Information:


KPR#:149857  Product:    C.01.10


One-line Description:

Method parameters are applied by module order, not by type, serial number or name


If there are several modules of the same type (e.g. two pumps, detectors or column thermostats), method parameters are applied by their order in the configuration. If order changes e.g. because of newly configuring a system, parameters may be applied to the wrong modules.

Temporary Solution:

Ensure to keep the same order of modules in a system.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:149858  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.08


One-line Description:

SFC remains in "Ready" (Idle) state while pump is in Error.


Have set up a long sequence (600 injections). 
Pump run out of solvent in channel B und stopped with Error as it was defined in "Bottle fillings" UI. SFC remained in "Ready" (Idle) state. 
Should go to "Standby". 
System was in "SFC mode".

Temporary Solution:

Workaround could be to not use bottle fillings with SFC

Fix Information:

Solved with LC & CE Drivers A.02.08 SP1

KPR#:149859  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.08


One-line Description:

Turning off the SFC device G4301A while connected to an online OL ChemStation will lead to an application crash


If you turn off your SFC device while the OL ChemStation is connected to this instrument this will crash this application.

Temporary Solution:

Close the OL ChemStation before switching off the SFC module.

Fix Information:


KPR#:149865  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.08 SP1


One-line Description:

Changing the backpressure method parameter of the SFC pump during a run does not work properly


If you try to change the back pressure of the SFC pump during a run, this change will be applied correctly to the module, i.e. the instrument control changes as requested. However the method parameter will not be updated correctly and if the method is saved, the original setting will be used.

Temporary Solution:

Change the method parameter outside a run.

Fix Information:

Since driver version A.02.16 backpressure can no longer be changed during a run.

KPR#:149866  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.08 SP1


One-line Description:

Analytical SFC System (G4301A) delivers still CO2 even if the SFC binary pump has flow 0


The 1260 Infinity Analytical SFC System (G4301A) still delivers CO2 even if the SFC binary pump has flow 0.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Upgrade to the most recent firmware version (minimum A.03.09) of the 1260 Infinity Analytical SFC System.

KPR#:149867  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.08 SP1


One-line Description:

Driver does not start the run / CS stays in Run in Progress / Data Acquisition


The ChemStation has prepared the run as expected but the driver didn't start the run from CS / User perspective.

It can be reproduced by opening the door of the sampler after the run preparation was done (need some tries to have the correct timing)

Temporary Solution:

Solved with LC & CE Drivers A.02.09

Fix Information:


KPR#:149869  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.07


One-line Description:

Fraction start location in a sequence parameter cannot accept the number "1" when using 2P+10Funnel tray at driver.


The customers want to use 10 Funnels at the tray 2P+10Funnel without plates.

Temporary Solution:

Solved with LC & CE Drivers A.02.09

Fix Information:


KPR#:149870  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.08 SP1


One-line Description:

Analytical SFC System (G4301A) looses method settings when the module is powered off and on again while the application is connected


The Analytical SFC System (G4301A) looses method settings when the module is powered off and on again while the application is connected. This may lead to a changed method depending on the used CDS.

Temporary Solution:

Do not turn off the Analytical SFC System (G4301A) while connected to a CDS.

Fix Information:

No fix available

KPR#:149877  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.09


One-line Description:

Data acquisition rate changes when importing old methods to new detectors


The definition of data acquisition rates/peak widths changed between detector types. This is because the data rate is saved as an index number (0 = 20 Hz, 1 = 40 Hz, ...) rather than the actual data acquisition rate and the index definition was changed.

DADs G1315A, B and D use the same indexing scheme. DADs G1315C, G4212A/B use a different indexing scheme.
MWDs G1365A, B and D use the same indexing scheme. MWD G1365C uses a different indexing scheme.
VWDs use several different indexing schemes.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Verify data acquisition rates/peak width settings when migrating to a different detector type.

KPR#:149878  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.09


One-line Description:

HDR Cluster does not allow using additional detectors


Using several detectors creates a large amount of data, which is communicated at the same time. In a HDR cluster setup, spectral data is communicated via LAN but single wavelength data is communicated via the internal CAN bus.

If detectors are used in addition to the HDR cluster, the very high data volume may impair data integrity, e.g missing data points.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Do not connect additional detectors to HDR clusters via CAN.

KPR#:149888  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.09


One-line Description:

Incorrect lamp type settings for VWDs


The G1314A/B/C VWDs allow the use of either VWD or DAD lamps, which can be configured in the module driver. In driver revisions A.02.09 and below the selection of DAD or VWD lamp is reversed.
The different lamps use a different lamp ignition process. The DAD filament heating is turned off after ignition while the VWD lamp filament heating is kept on a lower level.
                       RC.NET LC Driver (<= A.02.09)      CLASSIC driver
G1314A/B/C     REVERSED                                 OK
G1314D/E/F     OK                                               OK

Temporary Solution:

In case of noise and ignition issues please verify the setting. In ChemStation or LabAdvisor, you may use the command line command to check the actual setting in the VWD.
ChemStation: print sendmodule$(lvwd,"ltyp?")
LabAdvisor: send ltyp? to VWD module

Following instrument answers are possible:

0 = DAD lamp
1 = VWD lamp

Fix Information:

This issue has been fixed in LC Driver version A.02.10. If the correct setting has been used before (i.e. VWD lamp present and VWD setting has been chosen), the behavior will now be correct and has previously been wrong.

If a wrong setting has been used before (i.e. VWD lamp is present and DAD setting has been chosen) as a workaround, the behavior will then be wrong for A.02.10 and following and needs to be changed.

KPR#:149892  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.10


One-line Description:

Tube heights and volumes are overwritten for inserted tube trays for G1364A/B/C/D, G5664A fraction collectors and their clusters


Module firmware and driver store settings for tube heights and volumes for each tube tray type. If tray of any type is replaced by a tube tray, settings for this tube tray may be overwritten by a previous tray setting. These new and potentially wrong settings are stored in firmware and driver.

Temporary Solution:

After inserting a new tube tray, please verify settings for height and volume in the fraction collector configuration and correct them if needed.

Fix Information:

This has been fixed with driver release A.02.11 SP1. Additionally, height and volume settings need to be verified for each fraction collector and tube tray type.

KPR#:149899  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11


One-line Description:

HDR stays offline if one DAD of the HDR cluster has been switched off and on again


HDR stays offline if one DAD of the HDR cluster has been switched off and on again

Temporary Solution:

Restart the CDS after switching on both HDR modules

Fix Information:


KPR#:149907  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11


One-line Description:

Status display for wavelengths and absorption values are not updated in dual wavelength mode for the VWD G7114B.


For the dual wavelength mode of the VWD G7114B, both set wavelengths and measured absorptions are not updated in the extended status UI after switching between single and dual wavelength mode.

Temporary Solution:

not available

Fix Information:

Fixed with driver release A.02.11 SP1.

KPR#:149924  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11 SP1


One-line Description:

1290 Infinity II VWD G7114B shows only "Signal" instead of "Signal A"


When using the dual-wavelength mode for the 1290 Infinity II VWD G7114B, the user interface for instrument curves shows signal A as "Signal without reference" and "Reference only"  for the reference wavelength of signal A. Signal B is shown correctly as "Signal B without reference" respectively "Reference B only"  for the reference wavelength signal.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:149926  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.09 SP1


One-line Description:

Method screens may not be displayed correctly if the Windows text size is increased


Windows allows adjusting the text size. If this size is increased beyond 100%, the display may distorted and become partially invisible or inaccessible.

Temporary Solution:

Please use the default Windows text size.

Fix Information:


KPR#:149935  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11 SP1


One-line Description:

Resetting tray volumes does not reset the fraction start location


Resetting tray volumes does not automatically reset the fraction start location unless a dedicated start location is set. The fraction collector will continue from its current location.

Temporary Solution:

Set a fraction start location.

Fix Information:

Will be fixed in G1364A/B/C firmware A.07.01

KPR#:149957  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.13


One-line Description:

Changed stoptime behavior for G1364x devices


Due to different FW implementation (introduced with FW A.06.54 or later) of the stop time behavior, it can happen that, in case of defining the stop time ONLY in the fraction collector method, a run will not stop after the specified time.

Temporary Solution:

Define the stoptime in addition in the method of another device e.g. the pump or the sampler.

Fix Information:


KPR#:149979  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.13


One-line Description:

ChemStation runs may not finish for SFC systems which are not operated in SFC mode


In SFC systems, the SFC mode may be disabled for running a pump in normal HPLC mode (SFC off in instrument control). Such runs may not finish correctly

Temporary Solution:

Abort the run if the run has finished (by time).

Fix Information:


KPR#:149987  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.14


One-line Description:

Pump pressure is limited by lowest pressure of a valve in a valve thermostat cluster


If a valve thermostat  cluster is configured using one or multiple valves, the valve with the lowest possible maximum pressure determines the maximum pressure of the entire cluster, e.g. a 2-pos/6-port valve with 1300 bar is used for switching between to multicolumn thermostats with column selector valves of 600 bar and 800 bar. Then 600 bar would be the maximum pressure for that cluster and would limit the pump pressure accordingly.

In case of two 8-pos/9-port valves using topology 5 (V-C-V), one valve is before the column in the high pressure flow path and the other one after the column in the low pressure flow path. In that case, the valve in the low pressure flow path should not limit the pump pressure but it does.

In all other topologies, all valves are as well in the high pressure as low pressure flow path.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This has been fixed with driver version A.02.16.

KPR#:149997  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.15


One-line Description:

Changing multiple trigger settings for Infinity II Fraction Collectors at the same time did not work properly


When loading a method from the instrument, trigger settings with the same time are discarded.

Temporary Solution:

Avoid duplicate times for trigger settings in the method.

Fix Information:

This has been fixed with driver version A.02.16.

KPR#:150006  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.16


One-line Description:

Unexpected run may start if the Analytical SFC System (G4301A) is switched on


Unexpected run may start if the 1260 Infinity Analytical SFC System (G4301A) is switched on and the LC modules of the system connected via APG remote cable may also start the run.

Temporary Solution:

Ensure that the Analytical SFC System is the first module that is switched on in the entire system.

Fix Information:

Not available

KPR#:150023  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.17


One-line Description:

The delay calibration does not work for the G1364A with preparative setup in ChemStation CDS


The delay calibration does not work for the G1364A Automatic Fraction Collector with preparative setup in ChemStation CDS. The proposed steps for delay calibration are not provided. This results in a failure of the calibration process.

Temporary Solution:

Agilent Lab Advisor Software can be used for a delay calibration of the G1364A with preparative setup.

Fix Information:

This issue has been fixed in LC driver version A.02.17.

KPR#:150034  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.17


One-line Description:

Pressure Limit Cluster is set to auto for any valve that is not used as switching valve in the VTC


For any valve, which is not used as switching valve in the VTC, the pressure limit cluster is set to "auto", which is also displayed in the Control UI.
This means, that the valves, which are not used in the VTC determine nevertheless the pressure limits for all pumps because of the "auto" setting.

Temporary Solution:

Make sure to configure all connected valves either in a Cluster or as stand alone device.

Fix Information:


KPR#:150039  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.17


One-line Description:

Tubing Kit cannot be modified from Dashboard for new Fraction Collectors


The LC dashboard provides a Modify-dialog called "Needle and Tubing". It is not possible to modify the tubing kit of the G1364E/F or G5664B Fraction Collectors using this function.

Temporary Solution:

Modify the Tubing Kit with the ChemStation command line instead. 

The commands are as follows:

For a single fraction collector:
print sendmodule$(AFC,"AFC:CAPILLARYKIT 'G1364-68723' "), replace G1364-68723 with the desired Tubing Kit part number.

For G1364E/F and G5664B clustered:
print sendmodule$(AFC,"G1364E:AR42351409@AFC:CAPILLARYKIT 'G1364-68723' "), replace G1364E:AR42351409 with <Type>:<SerialNumber> of the Fraction Collector in a cluster for which the tubing kit should be set and G1364-68723 with the desired Tubing Kit part number.

Fix Information:

The behaviour will be changed with LC driver version A.02.18 so that the Tubing Kit can be set in the LC dashboard "Modify... Needle and Tubing" dialog.

KPR#:150047  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.18


One-line Description:

Overfill Behavior unclear


The Fraction Collectors (G7159B, G1364E/F, G5664B and G7166A) provide  a setting for "Overfill Behavior" with which it is possible to specify the action to be taken if the fill volume of a location reaches the max. fill volume per location. This can lead to samples / fractions being switched to waste. In case of using pooling the behavior is unclear to the user.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

With driver version A.02.19 the parameter "Overfill Behavior" is removed, in order to prevent a loss of sample / fractions and to make the behavior more clear. The LC drivers now imply the following behavior: 
When Pooling: in case the fill volume of a location reaches the maximum fill volume, the run or sequence is stopped with an error.
When not Pooling: in case the fill volume of a location reaches the maximum fill volume, the collection switches to the next available location.

KPR#:150048  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.18


One-line Description:

Fraction Collector Cluster: Vial 1-10 and right tray can now be used for fraction collection - consider behavior when working with "Next Location"


With LC and CE driver A.02.18 and a Fraction Collection Cluster with 2 well plates + 10 Vials (or 2 well plates + 10 collecting funnels) configuration, the positions Vial 1-10 and the ones on the right tray can now also be used for fraction collection (in addition to P1 and P2 on the left tray).
Please consider that when working with "Next Location" as Fraction Start Location, locations may be used for fractioning, that were ignored with previous driver versions (Vial 1-10 and the right tray). In order to prevent that these locations are used for fractioning, specify Vial 1-10 and Vial 201-240 in the Collection Settings as "Forbidden Location" for all fraction collectors in the cluster. 

The modules affected are: G1364A/B/C and G5664A.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

In order to prevent that locations that were previously ignored are now used for fractioning, specify Vial 1-10 and Vial 201-240 in the Collection Settings as "Forbidden Location" for all fraction collectors in the cluster.

KPR#:150177  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11


One-line Description:

Start location for fraction collection is reset when removing a tray and closing the fraction collector front door


Start location for fraction collection is reset when removing a tray and closing the fraction collector front door. This behavior may not be wanted, if the same tray is inserted afterwards.

Temporary Solution:

If the same tray shall be inserted again, do not close the front door in order to retain the fraction collection start location.

Fix Information:


KPR#:154729  Product:    A.02.19


One-line Description:

Fraction Collector Method Timetable must be empty in order to perform a delay volume calibration


In order to perform a delay volume calibration with the Fraction Collectors G1364A/B/C it must be made sure that the timetable within the Fraction Collector Method is empty.
If this is not the case, the Fraction Collector will execute the timetable and collect fractions. 

Affected modules are the Agilent Fraction Collectors G1364A/B/C. Newer modules are not affected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Make sure that the timetable in the Fraction Collector method is empty in order to perform a delay volume calibration.

KPR#:200758  Product:    ECM XT v2.3,n/a


One-line Description:

Upgrade from v2.1 fails when the application is installed on a folder name with short name


Upgrade from v2.1 fails when the application is installed on a folder name with 2 or less characters

Temporary Solution:

Do not install the application on folder where the name is  less than 3 characters

Fix Information:


KPR#:206979  Product:OpenLAB - CDS2    2.3


One-line Description:

Integrator timed event: Split peak can cause integrate to show a misleading error message box


When the Split Peak timed event happens to be at a very front edge of a peak start,
it can cause an error message on the message line or logbook or show an error message box 
when the edit integration user interface is open.  The error message is: "Could not integrate signal.  Probably too many peaks found!  Please adjust integration events for less sensitivity ".  There are critical times when the Split Peak timed event can cause the integrator to return a misleading error message.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:229333  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08


One-line Description:

Snapshot file will be created but not displayed if long data paths are used


Snapshot file will be created but not displayed if long data paths are used. 

The following error message is displayed:  Display File not set

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation C.01.09 Update 1 and C.01.10.

KPR#:253960  Product:    A.01.11,A.01.12


One-line Description:

MS Spectra not always reported in Intelligent Reporting when acquiring with high mass range 


When acquiring with high mass range (for example m/z: 150 - 3000), some peaks may not have reported spectra in the report printout. 
Because of the number of mass peaks to scale in the spectra plot is so high, the report generation may fail for few peaks.

Temporary Solution:

Modification of the report template would be necessary.
As a temporary solution, increasing the spectra plot size in the report template will resolve the issue for non-reported peaks.

Fix Information:

This issue will be fixed in OpenLab CDS ChemStation Editon C.01.10.

KPR#:370274  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  3.1


One-line Description:

Purification - When the same recovery start location is used multiple times in a sequence, the instruments uses "Next Location" instead


When a sequence is set up with the same absolute Recovery Start Location value in multiple sequence lines, then the instrument ignores these absolute settings and instead uses the next empty recovery location for each run. This is done to protect existing recovery locations from used multiple times accidentally.

Temporary Solution:

None, works as designed currently. 

Fix Information:

None. Works as designed currently. A logbook entry has been created to show that a specified Recovery Start Location has been skipped by the instrument. 
An additional behavioral change to enhance usability will be implemented in a future revision.

KPR#:373406  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  3.1


One-line Description:

Purification - G1364A-C - Using the Fraction or Recovery Start Location "Next Plate" in the first line of a sequence leads a sequence abort before injection


When a sequence is created that has the Fraction Start Location or Recovery Start location value "Next Plate" and all fill volumes of the Purification instrument have been reset right before executing that sequence line, then the sequence execution will abort. No loss of sample is to be expected.

Temporary Solution:

Do not use the Fraction Start or Recovery Start Location value "Next Plate" in a sequence line.

Fix Information:

The issue has been fixed.

KPR#:374789  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  3.1


One-line Description:

Purification - Specific Recovery Start Locations are currently ignored by the instrument when using OpenLab CDS Chemstation Ed. C.01.10 Update 1


When using LC Drivers within Chemstation C.01.10 Update 1, specific Recovery Start Locations are ignored by the instrument. The driver instead defaults to "Next Location" and proceeds to the next free position.

Temporary Solution:

Either do not upgrade to OpenLab CDS ChemStation Ed. C.01.10 Update 1 or do not use specific Recovery Start Locations for the time being when upgrading to LC Drivers 3.1 at the same time. 

If your workflows do require OpenLab CDS ChemStation Ed. C.01.10 Update 1, then a workaround is to use Update 1 with LC Drivers 3.0 instead. 

Fix Information:

None currently. Will be fixed in a future release of OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition.

KPR#:405438  Product:    5.0.0


One-line Description:

Missing Signal Descriptions for LCMS Signals on Intelligent Reports


In the chromatogram displayed in Data Analysis for a MS signal, the signal description is displayed as: "MSD1 TIC, MS File, Pos Scan, MM-APCI, Frag: 70, "Scan" ". The same signal displayed on an Intelligent Report will only display as: "MSD1 TIC, MS File". 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:406328  Product:LC and CE Drivers    3.2


One-line Description:

Purification in OpenLab CDS 2.5 - Error when using legacy Fraction Collector Cluster with added Recovery collector


When using OpenLab CDS 2.5 together with the legacy Fraction Collector Cluster (supporting G1364A/B/C and G5664A), an error can occur during sequence setup. The error is caused by using the graphical "Sample Trays" UI when one of the collectors in the cluster is used as Recovery collector. 

Temporary Solution:

As a temporary workaround, users are asked to not use the graphical "Sample Trays" UI when setting up sequences for the Legacy Fraction Collector Cluster.

Fix Information:

There is no fix for this issue at the moment.

KPR#:411089  Product:OpenLAB  Client Framework  PL 1.4


One-line Description:

Missing Signal Descriptions for LCMS Signals on Intelligent Reports


In the chromatogram displayed in Data Analysis for a MS signal, the signal description is displayed as: "MSD1 TIC, MS File, Pos Scan, MM-APCI, Frag: 70, "Scan" ". The same signal displayed on an Intelligent Report will only display as: "MSD1 TIC, MS File". 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:438880  Product:LC and CE Drivers    3.2


One-line Description:

Peak based fraction collection does not work


If a pump time table starts with 0 flow and peak based fraction collection starts with RT=0 no fractions are collected.

Temporary Solution:

Either start the peak based faction collection with RT>0 or start the pump time table with a flow > 0

Fix Information:


KPR#:485283  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10


One-line Description:

Nozzle Volt is not active warning message


Nozzle Volt is not active warning message on G6120B and G6130 Single Quad.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

ChemStation C.01.10 Update 4

KPR#:554874  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1


One-line Description:

Instrument configuration change is not registered in Activity Log


If the instrument configuration is changed from the Online session (from Method and Run Control --> Instrument --> Instrument Configuration --> Autoconfiguration ), nothing is registered in the Activity Log.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:967884  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11


One-line Description:

Import XML worklist does not include target mass


Import XML worklist does not include target mass

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 02.

KPR#:1065160  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  3.7-SR1


One-line Description:

Pretreatment Valve function reverts to default "Bypass" when switching UI


The parameter of the pretreatment Valve function will always revert to its default value of "Bypass" as soon as the user switches method interfaces.
Contrary to the value shown in the user interface the method script shows the parameter as set to "Mainpass".

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:2022  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: 1100 Control

One-line Description:

Signals from different LC modules show a shift in the Online Plot


LC modules running on a firmware A.xx.xx will interrupt the data transfer between runs. LC modules running with a firmware B.xx.xx will send data without interruption between runs.
When traces from modules of different firmware generations are overlaid in the onliine plot, there will be a visible shift of signals, because they are synchronized after every injection.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned

KPR#:2133  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: 1100 Control , 1200 Control

One-line Description:

Online spectra not available for some instruments


In some cases the online spectra windows do not display the spectra for some detectors.
In systems with more than one or two DADs spectra have been missing for one detector and not for the other.
The reason was that the plot has only been designed for ten modules. Any detector with an internal number >9 will not be able to deliver the spectra.

Temporary Solution:

Change the order of modules in the Instrument Configuration. Use the Up arrows to move the detectors to the top of the list.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:89210  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: 1100 Control,1200 Control

One-line Description:

Online spectra not available for some instruments


In some cases the online spectra windows do not display the spectra for some detectors.
In systems with more than one or two DADs spectra have been missing for one detector and not for the other.
The reason was that the plot has only been designed for ten modules. Any detector with an internal number >9 will not be able to deliver the spectra.

Temporary Solution:

Change the order of modules in the Instrument Configuration. Use the Up arrows to move the detectors to the top of the list.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09

KPR#:1892  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: 1200 Control

One-line Description:

Missing error handling for errors during fraction collection


Logical errors are not handled well, when locations in fraction collection cannot be accessed.
An example would be a next location command, when the arm is already at the last position.
Various symptoms can occur, like macro errors (Error in Hook RepPreChrom ) or duplicate injection times.

Temporary Solution:

Plan ahead to avoid these situations. They will cause loss of sample even with better software handling.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1894  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: 1200 Control

One-line Description:

Manual Fraction Collection: Delay time not applied


The delay time of a signal is not applied to the fraction table. The fraction annotation in the chromatogram is correct.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1926  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: 1200 Control

One-line Description:

Multidraw injection volume >1000ml cannot be entered from the context menu.


The module context for a sampler does not allow entering an injection volume higher than 999.99 ml. Use the topic: Set up Instrument Method... from the Instrument menu to enter volumes up to the allowed maximum.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1928  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF06

Keyword: 1200 Control

One-line Description:

Stopping a run is sometimes executed as Abort


Systems with RC.Net drivers sometimes interpret a Stop command as an Abort command.
The symptom is a system with strange status combination, like all modules IDLE (yellow), but the overall status is still "RUN" (blue).

Temporary Solution:

Restart the online session and the instrument hardware.
Fixed with Hotfix08 for C.01.05.

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.06.

KPR#:1968  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: 1200 Control

One-line Description:

LC Column information is not transferred to the data file


The column information from tagged LC columns is sometimes not written to the data file. Without column information no capacity factors or plates per meter can be calculated in reports.

Temporary Solution:

Enter the column information manually each time a column changes.
Capacity factors or plates per meter can be calculated with the interactive Peak Performance tool, if the column dimensions are known.

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.06

KPR#:100941  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: 1200 Control

One-line Description:

In ChemStation "CP Macro" errors are added as logbook entry for Fraction Collectors, when a run has been completed


When a run has been completed, "CP Macro" error logs will be added to the logbook in ChemStation C.01.07 SR3, in case a Fraction Collector is used. 
The error logs do not indicate an actual problem. 

These error logs can safely be ignored by the user.
Besides these logbook entries, no other side effects are observed.

The error logs can safely be ignored by the user.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:339647  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08 Update 02

Keyword: 1200 Control

One-line Description:

The MSD goes not ready (NRDY) and the sequence and queued sequences are aborted


In an 1200 LC-MS system, the MSD goes not ready (NRDY) and aborts the sequence and any queued sequences.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 1.

KPR#:354548  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: 1200 Control

One-line Description:

After an Upgrade to C.01.10, no Fraction Tickmarks shown in the Online Plot


For better performance and memory usage of ChemStation, the ChemMain.exe was split into two processes, ChemMain.exe and a ChemMainAcq.exe in C.01.10. 

After an upgrade to C.01.10, the ChemMain.exe process split is not active, due to a missing ChemStation.ini key.  The ChemStation is running in a single process instead of two.  Due to the missing key, the online instrument does not start the ChemMainAcq.exe process. 

Possible symptoms:
- No fraction tickmarks shown in on-line plot of LC prep
- Large LC configurations with 10 or more modules may terminate after several days of usage

The problem does not occur on a new install of ChemStation C.01.10.

Temporary Solution:

Adding the new line "AcqRemoteServer=1" at the end the PCS section of the Chemstation.ini file will enable the second ChemStation process.

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 2

KPR#:1720  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03

Keyword: 1200 Control , Method Scouting Wizard

One-line Description:

Cluster information can be overwritten from the offline session


Changes in a TCC or pump cluster configuration (like e.g. changing a solvent name) usually cause method resolution. 
The changes will also be updated, even when the configuration dialog is closed by pressing Cancel. This is true for online and offline. This will consequently modify methods, although nothing has actually been changed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision B.04.03 SP1.

KPR#:1623  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03

Keyword: 35900 Control

One-line Description:

35900E - Error The Current Event Name is the same for a special event


B.04.03 GC ChemStation with a 35900E configured. Select the CHANGE, DEFINE EVENTS tab in device configuration and you get an error "The Current Event Name is the same for a special event. Please change the current event name." 
This error is reported on a clean install of B.04.03 [16].

ChemStation B.03.02 works correctly.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

 Fixed in revision B.04.03 SP1.

KPR#:1677  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.02

Keyword: 35900 Control

One-line Description:

Cannot start two instruments using the two channels of one ADC at the same time


When two instruments are configured that use channel A and channel B of the same ADC converter, respectively, the two instruments cannot be running at the same time. When the second instrument is started, both ChemStation instruments will freeze and can no longer be operated.

Temporary Solution:

The two instruments will work when using only one of the instruments at a time.

Fix Information:

Resolved in ChemStation Edition C.01.07 SR1 Hotfix01 [113].  Use the 35900E RC.NET driver if you need to split the channels between 2 instruments on an AIC distributed system.

KPR#:1702  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: 35900 Control

One-line Description:

35900E A/D converter cannot be split into two instruments from a ChemStation client


The two channels of a 35900 ADC cannot be part of two different instruments when controlled from a ChemStation client.

Temporary Solution:

When the 35900 is connected to an AIC and its two channels need to be part of two different instruments, they need to be setup from a networked workstation.

The two instruments will work when using only one of the instruments at a time.

Fix Information:

Resolved in ChemStation Edition C.01.07 SR1 Hotfix01 [113].
The latest 35900E RC.NET driver must be used to split the channels between 2 instruments on an AIC distributed system.  The latest 35900E firmware must be used.

KPR#:1721  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.04.03

Keyword: 35900 Control

One-line Description:

View ACQ method from Data Analysis does not list acquisition parameters for the 35900 AD converter.


The acquisition parameters of an AD converter are not listed in the method printout from Data Analysis view.

Temporary Solution:

Use the Print Method... option from Method&Run Control view.

Fix Information:

Resolved in ChemStation Edition C.01.07 SR1 Hotfix01 [113] and with the Agilent 35900E RC.Net Add-On driver.

KPR#:2073  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: 35900 Control

One-line Description:

Activity log for 35900E will truncate last leter in errors or status messages


When you view the Activity log from OpenLAB Control Panel for a given instrument with a 35900 attached, some of the status messages and error messages will truncate the last letter of the message.  For example, Power Failure will be displayed as Power Failur, or Power On will be displayed as Power O.  The actual run.log and other logbooks will display the complete error message correctly.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in ChemStation Edition C.01.07 SR1 Hotfix01 [113] and with the Agilent 35900E RC.Net Add-On driver.

KPR#:92291  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06,C.01.07

Keyword: 35900 Control

One-line Description:

Sequence stops when pushing the 35900 stop button during sequence


With the driver, pushing the 35900 stop button will stop the current run and generate a report but does not continue to the next line in the sequence.  

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

There is no fix planned.

KPR#:1412  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.02

Keyword: 6890 Control

One-line Description:

6890 RC.NET driver:  instrument diagram not updated to show configuration


In the 6890 RC.NET driver, changed the GC column configuration to have the back inlet go to the back column to the back detector.  This change was not reflected in the instrument diagram as it is still showing the back inlet going to the front column to the back detector.

Temporary Solution:

After the configuration change is made to the column connections, the workaround is to shut down the ChemStation software and restart to reflect the new configuration changes.

Beginning with  B.04.03 DSP1 [54], after updating the column configuration, save and reload the method will update the instrument diagram.

Classic 68xx driver works correctly.

Fix Information:

No fix Planned.

KPR#:1464  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.02

Keyword: 6890 Control

One-line Description:

Addition of new columns to the column catalog (database) is not possible after upgrade


Upgrading from B.01.03 to B.04.02, it is no longer possible to add new columns to the GC column catalog (database) in Rev. B.04.02.

The following error is shown:

The Catalog File cannot be opened.  If needed, you may obtain an appropriate replacement file from Agilent.

Temporary Solution:

The problem is that there are several columns that have the same manufacturer and model number. Our new database software doesn’t handle this.

The newer database software (in B.04.02 for example) no longer allows duplicates of manufacturer + model number. i.e., there can only be one HP HP-5 in the database.  Note: the new software will inform the user that the model number “xxx” is already in use and request that a different value be chosen. (The user is returned to the original entry screen with all the info filled in.) 

In theory, customers should not be creating more than one catalog entry with the same model number.  It’s like having two items in the LLBean catalog with the same order number!  But, of course, the older software allowed the duplicates.

Fix Information:

Before upgrading, fix the problem with the column database duplicates while running B.01.03 for example.  Review the column catalogs and make sure there are no duplicates and fix any that exist before the upgrade.

KPR#:1933  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF04

Keyword: 6890 Control

One-line Description:

Data file of sequence with manual inject of 6890 may be incomplete


Data file created by sequence with manual inject , with 6890 only, may be incomplete and not useable.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1993  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: 6890 Control

One-line Description:

Only one 6890 instrument with GPIB connenction can be configured on one controller


It is not possible to configure more than one 6890 with GPIB in OpenLAB CDS.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned.

6890s controlled via the GPIB interface must be updated to LAN. The LAN kit to order is G2335A.
Re-configure the 6890 to use the RC.NET driver beginning with OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.  
Reference service note: OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition-047

KPR#:2003  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: 6890 Control

One-line Description:

Migrating a classic 6890 instrument to RC.Net does not work smoothly after upgrade


The C.01.07 ChemStation no longer supports the 6890 GC with classic drivers. Customers upgrading from earlier revisions of OpenLAB CDS ChemStation may want to switch their classic instruments to the new drivers.
Removing the Tickbox "Use classic drivers" does not offer a configurable instrument.

Temporary Solution:

Toggle the check box in front of Enable Intelligent Reporting, meaning: uncheck, then check it again.
Uncheck Use classic drivers.
Leave the Configuration dialog by clicking OK.
Call the Configuration dialog again. The 6890 instrument will now be available for configuration.

Fix Information:


KPR#:16  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  5.03

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Vial Missing Error Message


When the 6890 GC encounters a missing vial, the IALog displays Stop key pressed error #1 instead of "Missing Vial."

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in 68XX Driver version 6.21 which is included in C.01.05 OpenLAB ChemStation and A.04.05 OpenLAB EZChrom.

KPR#:17  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  1.01

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

How to Change Column Dimensions


Changing Column Dimensions requires being logged in as an administrator.

Temporary Solution:

Column dimensions are part of the GC Configuration and the end user must be logged on as an Administrator to change these parameters.

Fix Information:

This is fixed in GC Driver version 6.01/6.02 which is included in OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.01 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.01 and later.

KPR#:18  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  5.02

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

If One Signal Needs to be Saved, it Must be Assigned as Signal 1


If only one signal needs to be saved, you must assign it as signal 1.

Temporary Solution:

If only one signal needs to be saved, you must assign it as signal 1.

Fix Information:

Fixed in 68xx driver revision 6.11[008].  This driver is included in B.04.03 SP1 ChemStation and C.01.03 OpenLAB CDS.

KPR#:20  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  5.10

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Instrument Diagram Does Not Match Installed Column in Method


The Instrument diagram of the GC instrumentation indicates a different column configuration than is set in the method.  The GC keyboard will reflect the new changes, only the software instrument diagram is affected.

Temporary Solution:

Beginning with B.04.03 DSP1 [54], after the configuration change is made to the columns, the workaround is to save the method and then load it.  This will update the displayed column configuration.  

Another workaround is to shut down the ChemStation software and restart to reflect the new configuration changes.  

These workarounds may not work for all configurations.

Classic 68xx driver works correctly.

Fix Information:


KPR#:22  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  5.02

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

In 68XX driver revision 5.02 - 6.11, it is not possible to Modify a Method During a Run to Extend the Run Time or Change the Oven Temp


It is possible to the software edit parameters screen and change the oven hold time or oven temp and select OK.  The GC does not accept the updates.  The method in the software is changed to the new values; the GC ignores all.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

68XX Driver 6.11 is included in B.04.03 SP1, OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.04 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.04.

KPR#:23  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  5.02

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Info in Edit instrument parameters\Columns is incomplete


Edit instrument parameters; columns

Applies to GC’s: 7890A, 6890N, 6850A

The window displayed is incomplete; it shows the column type and flow/pressure parameters, but does not give the length, ID or film thickness.  These are critical parameters, and should be displayed just as they were in the previous ChemStation revisions.  To find these parameters, the user now has to look on the configuration window.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 68xx driver revision 6.11[008].  This driver is included with OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.03 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.03.

KPR#:31  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  5.11

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Ignore missing vial option is not present in GC


Run a sequence with 11 runs and the 11th vial is missing.  The sequence aborts and SSIZip file was not uploaded to ECM as the 11th vial was missing.

The ignore missing vial option is not present in GC.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in GC Driver version 6.21, which is included with OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.05 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.05.

KPR#:33  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  5.10

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Instrument Setup graph has incorrect column legend


In the 6890, the legend for the Instrument Setup graph says Column 2, irrespective of which column is highlighted.  The graph is correct, it is just the legend that is wrong.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This has been fixed in 68XX Driver version 6.21, which is included with OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.05 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.05.

KPR#:38  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  5.02

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

ALS errors abort sequence; no Retry/Abort dialog box option offered with 68xx RC.NET Driver


6890A RC.NET driver with ALS. 

If an ALS error occurs such as a Vial not found event, there is no dialog box option presented to Retry/Abort.  The sequence simply aborts.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in GC Driver version 6.21, which is available with OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.05 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.05.

KPR#:55  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.01

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Opening 68xx RC.NET GC types result in 'FetchCPVar cannot talk to application'


Configure 6850 RC.NET or 6890N RC.NET GC. 

Open an online session, initial or any subsequent try. This results in a benign pop-up error:  'FetchCPVar cannot talk to application'.

Temporary Solution:

Go to view menu and turn off the sampling and instrument diagrams.  This will keep hpgcui00.exe from starting up.

Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 6.02.
Driver included in OpenLab C.01.01.

KPR#:59  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  5.02

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

In 68XX Driver Version 5.02, it is not Possible to Start the 6890 RC.NET from the Front Panel Start Key


In 68XX Driver Version 5.02, it is not possible to start the 6890 RC.NET from the front panel Start key.  Software configuration is Injection source = manual.  6890 is READY, press start and get error message "ERROR Start Key disabled".

Temporary Solution:

The workaround is for the user to start the run from the "run control" then "run Method" in the Chemstation software and then press start at the GC.

Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 6.10.  This driver is included with B.04.03 DSP1 ChemStation.  It is also included with OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.02 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.02.

KPR#:66  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.10

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

CIS4 inlet is not recognized with 6890 GC RC.NET


CIS4 inlet is not recognized with 6890 GC RC.NET

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in GC Driver version 6.21, which is available with OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.05 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.05.

KPR#:83  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.01

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Only Fast Plunger Speed is available for PTV Solvent Vent multiple injections


The fast plunger speed is only available when using multiple PTV Solvent Vent injections.  Most users of multiple PTV Solvent Vent injections need to use Slow or Variable plunger speed, not Fast.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 6.10.  This driver is included with B.04.03 DSP1 ChemStation and OpenLAB C.01.02 ChemStation and OpenLAB A.04.02 EZChrom.

KPR#:87  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.02

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

IQ1.CFG file of 6890/6850 instrument corrupted after regional setting change


From Control panel\Regional settings: change the decimal separator from a period to a comma.

It is not possible to open a 6890/6850 ChemStation.

Temporary Solution:

1.  Backup data, methods, sequences, column databases (found in C:\Chem32\DRIVERS), etc 

Record GC IP addresses

2.  Delete IQ1.CFG located under the Chem32\1 directory for example

3.  Uninstall Chemstation

4.  Reinstall Chemstation

Fix Information:

Period is required in Regional Settings.

KPR#:89  Product:68xx Driver Software  6850  5.10

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Incorrect injection volume shown in method report if PTV solvent vent is used


6850 with a PTV inlet

The method specifies PTV solvent vent mode with 3 injections, ten seconds apart.  The method volume is 5 µL.  Specify the method to use method volume for three injections.  Each injection is 5 µL.  However the report shows the injection volume as 1 µL.  This is incorrect.  The report should show the injection volume as either 5 µL or 5 µL x 3, or 15 µL.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in software driver 6.10 [023].  This fix is included in B.04.03 DSP1 and later versions of ChemStation.  It is included in OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.02 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.02 and later.

KPR#:92  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.01

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Instrument Diagram Does Not Match Column 2's Inlet Configuration


Column 2 inlet configuration will never be correct if column 2 is connected to anything other than inlet 2.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 68xx driver revision 6.10[044].  This fix is included in these minimum versions:B.04.03 SP1 ChemStation, OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.03 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.03.

KPR#:94  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.01

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

68xx Method Download Times Out


Connect to 6890N GC.

Within seconds of successfully opening an online session, logbook logs the following simultaneously with the loading of the method.

'Logbook      Welcome to ChemStation                         12:17:12 06/28/10
   0 1da6 4c28cb1f    0
6890       1 Timed out waiting for method download to fin>  12:17:35 06/28/10
   0 1da6 4c28cb1f    0
6890       1 ish.                                           12:17:35 06/28/10
7da 41e0 4c28cb1f    0
Method       Loading Method LCV_GCCONTROL.M                 12:17:35 06/28/10'

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in GC Driver revision 6.10 [027].  This driver version is included in B.04.03 DSP1 ChemStation and C.01.02 OpenLAB ChemStation and A.04.02 OpenLAB EZChrom.

KPR#:95  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  5.02

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

"Method modified after loading" occurs when running a sequence (6890 RC.NET)


The "Method modified after loading" flag occurs after lauching the sequence.

Started the sequence from the ChemStation software.  The method modification status indicates that the method has changed when it was not changed and the report will indicate 'modified after loading'.

The GC had a calibrated capillary column that was changed to a packed column.  When using this method that now has a packed column, the GC reports an error in the length parameter, and that is causing the method download not to reset the 'modified after loading' flag.

Temporary Solution:

There is a workaround: bring Method into MethodEdit UI, and "reconfigure" column (Packed to Packed would be OK) to get new structure.

Fix Information:

Fixed in GC Driver revision 6.10 [027].  This driver is included in B.04.03 DSP1 ChemStation and OpenLAB C.01.02 ChemStation and OpenLAB A.04.02 EZChrom.

Note, this fix will only apply to new methods, not to current methods.

KPR#:98  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.10

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

GC Column Catalog File Cannot be Opened When Using the 68xx Driver Version 6.10


It is not possible to add new columns to the GC column catalog (database) using the RC.NET driver.  It is possible to add columns to the same column database using the Classic driver.  User switched back to classic on same system and could add columns without error.

The following error is shown:

The Catalog File cannot be opened.  If needed, you may obtain an appropriate replacement file from Agilent.

The RC.NET driver is prevented from opening the db because you can’t have two column entries with the same model number!

Temporary Solution:

Start with a new, “stock” db column catalog file from another system.

Fix Information:

This has been fixed in 68XX Driver version 6.21, which is included with OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.05 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.05.

KPR#:99  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  1.01

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Sequence continues while GC temperature is not ready


When running a sequence where consecutive runs use the same method using the ALS on a data system containing 6890 driver version 6.10.027 or earlier, the data system may proceed to start a new run before the GC has equilibrated after the conclusion of the previous run.  This is more likely if the method contains a post run period of sufficient length that the GC equilibrates to the post-run conditions and the data system has completed data analysis well before the end of the post-run period.

This could result in a (retention time) RT shift.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Patch available for RC.NET GC driver revision 6.10 [027] for B.04.03 DSP1 [54].

Fixed beginning in: B.04.03 SP1 [87] and OpenLAB C.01.03 [37].

KPR#:100  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.10

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

A Method Can be Created Which Will Not Download to the Instrument and the Sequence Does Not Run


Method download fails, sequence aborts after start; no injection made

Error reported in logbook:
Attempt to download method to GC failed.

The Data System will not allow the run to continue when the method download has failed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This fix is in the 68xx driver version 6.10.032 and 6.11.001.  

This fix is included in B.04.03 SP1 and OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.03 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.03.

KPR#:101  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.10

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

GC Back Injector Not Present in Edit Method Screen


After successfully running a sequence with a back method, another back method is loaded. The back injector is not present in the edit method screen.

Temporary Solution:

Change a parameter at the GC keyboard and click "upload from instrument" in the edit method screen. The back injector will show in the edit method screen.

Fix Information:

This has been fixed in 68XX Driver version 6.21, which is included with OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.05 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.05.

KPR#:102  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.10

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Validation failed shown on left corner of Resolve Method screen


Load a method which was developed for both detectors and has the front detector signal chosen under signals tab.
Load this method on a GC with no front detector - method resolution. 

Changes made to the detector signal tab are not detected, tab remains yellow (invalid).

Temporary Solution:

Click on a different tab and modify the value of any field to a valid value or click on the configuration tab and then click away. Change the signals tab to a valid value or turn it off to resolve the method.

Fix Information:

This has been fixed in 68XX Driver version 6.21, which is included with OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.05 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.05.

KPR#:103  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.10

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Injector Panels in GC Edit Method Show as Uninstalled When an Injector is Installed.


The front injector was unplugged. Close software, plug injector in, restart software.  Method Configuration/ALS panel and Injector panel both say: Front Injector Not Installed. The GC shows that it is installed.  Software inlet and injection parameters panel show that it is installed as well.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This has been fixed in 68XX Driver version 6.21, which is included with OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.05 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.05.

KPR#:105  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  5.02

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Plunger Speed is Not Saved with 6850 GC Methods


Plunger speed parameters are not saved in methods.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 6.11[002].  This fix is included in B.04.03 SP1 ChemStation, C.01.03 OpenLAB ChemStation and A.04.03 OpenLAB EZChrom.

KPR#:106  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.10

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Opening the GC method parameters to only look (no change made) and selecting OK to close stops the sequence or single run


During a run, the GC method parameters are opened via the instrument diagram icon.  Select OK after looking at the oven parameter to close the screen.  The sequence or single run will just stop and the method is dirty.  See Log File for error message.

Log File:
  67 41e2 4e69f8b3    0
Method       Method started                                 07:29:55 09/09/11
  67 41e2 4e69f8b4    0
Method       Instrument running sample Vial 1 (front)       07:29:56 09/09/11
  67 41e2 4e69f8b4    0
Method       Instrument running sample Vial 2 (back)        07:29:56 09/09/11
   0 1da5 4e69f91a    0
6890       1 Attempt to download method to GC failed.       07:31:38 09/09/11
  67 41e2 4e69f91a    0
Method       Instrument Error - Method/Sequence stopped     07:31:38 09/09/11
  67 41e2 4e69f91a    0
Method       Method aborted                                 07:31:38 09/09/11

Temporary Solution:

Click the Cancel button rather than the OK button if the intent was to check the values of some of the instrument setpoints.  This would not interfere with any run which is in progress.

Fix Information:

Fixed in 68xx driver revision 6.11[008].  This is included in B.04.03 SP1 and OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.03 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.03.

KPR#:109  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.10

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method Contents Report Displays the Incorrect Configuration of Front and Back Detectors for 6890 GC


The report displays the incorrect configuration. With signal-1 selected as the back detector and integration events for back detector. The method contents report displays the integration events for the front detector and the remaining paramaters are for the back detector are configured to the front detector.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 68xx driver revision 6.11[003].  This fix is included in B.04.03 SP1 ChemStation, C.01.03 OpenLAB ChemStation and A.04.03 OpenLAB EZChrom and later.

KPR#:113  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.10

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Cannot Run a Packed GC Column with a 6890


Method download fails, sequence aborts after start when trying to run a 6890 with a packed column.  
Error reported in logbook:
Attempt to download method to GC failed.

The Data System will not allow the run to continue when the method download has failed.

Temporary Solution:

This can be run by setting the column as a capillary column but that changes the chromatography.

Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 6.10[032] and 6.11[001].

This fix is included with B.04.03 SP1 GC ChemStation, C.01.03 OpenLAB ChemStation and A.04.03 OpenLAB EZChrom

KPR#:116  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.10

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Pulsed Split/Splitless Injection Does Not Wait For Ready on a 6890.


The GC does not wait for the inlet pressure to increase to and stabilize at the pulsed pressure before injection and data acquisition. The GC starts and injects sample at the same time, then starts data acquisition and increase of inlet pressure to pulsed pressure.

Temporary Solution:

If the 6890 is operated from the GC keyboard, the GC has the expected result.

Fix Information:

Fixed in 68xx driver revision 6.11[007].

This fix is included with B.04.03 SP1 ChemStation, OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.03 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.03

KPR#:117  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.01

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

In 68XX GC Driver Version 6.01, 2 Injections are Made When Using the PTV


Set up the injector to make 1 ul injection x 1. The number of injections will revert to 2 even if the user enters 1.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in driver revision 6.10 [27]  which is included in B.04.03 DSP1 [54] GC ChemStation, C.01.02 OpenLAB ChemStation and A.04.02 OpenLAB EZChrom.

KPR#:119  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.10

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Vial left in gripper; no message shown to alert user about the problem


After a stop, if there is a vial in the gripper it is not returned to its original location, it is kept in the gripper until the start of a new run. In the interim, if a new vial is placed in the open location, during the next run the system runs into an error because the gripper wants to return the vial to its original location which is now occupied.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in GC Driver version 6.21, which is available with OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.05 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.05.

KPR#:120  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.11

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

6850 vial numbers are not consistent with standard numbering system.


A 6850 with a G2613A tower and a three vial turret will accept only single digit vial locations, ie., 1, 2, 3 instead of 101, 102, 103. Attempts to enter the correct vial number generates an error message "The vial 101 is not allowed with the current device configuration."

The also occurs when entering correct vial locations in a sequence table.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixedi n 68XX driver revision 6.11.  This driver is included with B.04.03 SP1 ChemStation, OpenLAB C.01.03 OpenLAB ChemStation and A.04.03 OpenLAB EZChrom.

KPR#:122  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.10

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method Resolution Changes Oven Temperature Program


Load a method from a 6890 GC with a fast oven on a 6890 GC with different hardware and a normal oven. Method resolution occurs. The oven temperature program from the fast oven GC has not been loaded on the normal oven GC.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 68xx driver revision 6.11[002].  Fix is included in B.04.03 SP1 ChemStation, OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.03 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.03.

KPR#:123  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.11

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Column info is missing with 6890


The column specified as being used is missing information: description, Manufacturer and Model Number.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 68xx driver revision 6.11[005].

This fix is included in B.04.03 SP1 GC ChemStation, C.01.03 OpenLAB ChemStation and A.04.03 OpenLAB EZChrom.

KPR#:124  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.11

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method Modification Flag is Set after Edit Method: Occurs on first connection or after upload from GC.


1. First Connection to an online GC and save the method OR connect to an instrument and save the method, open method editor, click on ‘Upload from instrument’. Click ‘Ok’.
3. Click ‘Edit entire Method’, go on clicking ‘Ok’ without making any change.
4. Method is dirty at the end.

This only occurs on 6850 GCs with G4513A injectors.

Temporary Solution:

Save the method as a new name after initial connection or subsequent method upload.

Fix Information:

Fixed in 68xx driver revision 6.11[008].  This is included in B.04.03 SP1 and OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.03 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.03.

KPR#:128  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.11

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method Ddownload Failure Occurs Due to Column Calibration Limits


A valid column calibrated using calculate diameter function will result in a method download failure if the change from the original diameter is more than 20 microns. 

This occurs after OKing method changes that are downloaded, and will occur even if the column values are valid dimensions.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in 68XX GC Driver Version 6.21, which is included with OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.05 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.05.

KPR#:129  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.11

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Instrument actual value for COC inlet does not display correctly


6890N GC with COC inlet connected to FID. The COC inlet pressure setpoint reflects the correct pressure set for the column, however the instrument actual value (blue text) in the setup method screen is displayed as 0.0.

Temporary Solution:

Enable setup actuals (inlet) in the setup method screen, the inlet pressure is properly displayed.

Fix Information:

Fixed in 68xx driver revision 6.11[018].  This driver is included in B.04.03 SP1 ChemStation and OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.03 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.03.

KPR#:130  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  Monitoring

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Instrument actual value for anode purge flow on an ECD does not display correctly


The ECD anode purge flow setpoint reflects the correct value, however the instrument actual value (blue text) in the setup method screen is displayed as 0.0.

Temporary Solution:

Enable setup actuals in the setup method screen, the actual anode purge flow displayed properly.

Fix Information:

Fixed in 68xx driver revision 6.11[018].  This driver is included in B.04.03 SP1 ChemStation and OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.03 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.03.

KPR#:132  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.21

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

6850 Support of Column Compensation


The 6850 GC does not support column compensation from the software. This is only able to be done with the G2629A handheld controller which is now obsolete.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in 68XX GC Driver Version 6.21, which is included with OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.05 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.05.

KPR#:134  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.11

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Easy SamplePrep reset of one or any group of resources creates log entry:  'User reset all resources'


Create a resource layout. Select menu item Reset Resources... From the list, select one or several resources and OK. The logbook always logs 'User reset all resources' no matter how many resources are actually reset.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

There is no fix available.

KPR#:136  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  5.02

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Data Files do not Contain the Correct Signals if the Front Inlet is Connected to Back Detector


Data files do not contain the correct signals if front inlet is connected to back detector

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in GC Driver version 6.21, which is available with OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.05 and OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.05.

KPR#:137  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  5.01

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Slow download speed from GC Datafiles stored on network drive


Loading GC6890 data files stored on a network drive to a ChemStation C.xx version is very slow when the operating system is Windows 7.  The data is loaded in small chunks instead of reading one big block. Only 6890 GC files are showing this issue.
Agilent does not support the usage of a mapped network drive during data acquisition. 

Accessing and loading a data file from a mapped network drive will take few seconds longer than the same file stored locally in the ChemStation computer.

Active file scanning done by an antivirus software may also impact the loading speed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:138  Product:68xx Driver Software  6850  6.22

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

C.01.06: 6850 classic driver will not accept valid vial locations in Run Method, Sequence, or Easy Sequence


It is not possible to change the default '1' Vial location in Run method.  Changing the vial entry in the sequence table results in red text 'Invalid Injection Location: Front'. It is not possible to enter vial locations in Easy Sequence Setup which results in either 'Injection Location not available' or 'Obj Reference not set to an instance of an object'.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Customers upgrading to C.01.06 must re-configure their 6890/6850 to use the RC.NET driver.

KPR#:140  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.23

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

The Oven Ramp table does not display correctly in IR with Acquisition method selected.


When you specify an Intellignet Report with Method Info report added to the  Sample Summary report to get the Acquisition method it is formatted incorrectly..

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The rows in tables now have the same names and IDs so that the data system can organize them into a table. Fixed in revision 6.25 (GC Driver revision A.02.05).

KPR#:141  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  Monitoring

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

6890 PTV Inlet not recognizable in OpenLAB EZChrom


The Extracted configuration shows PTV back inlet and AIB Back Detector. Launching the instrument offline shows the column connected to the Back Inlet and the Back Detector.The Module Configuration Lists the PTV Back Inlet with Blank Back Detector, however the Back Inlet is seen as  Unrecognized inlet type.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The code wasn't checking for the right inlet type code for a PTV mounted in the back. Fixed in revision 6.25

KPR#:142  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.23

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Multiple errors when the 6890 doesn't have any inlets


The OpenLAB CDS ChemStation gives errors when the 6890 doesn't have inlets installed and both inlets are configured as none on the 6890 GC.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The error was occurring in the code which set up the possible inlet connections for columns. Fixed in revision 6.25

KPR#:143  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.23

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Sequence table Inj Vol Override goes to wrong stops for 6890/7683: C.01.05, A.04.05, C.01.06, A.04.06


If an Injection volume is entered into the Sequence which overrides the method injection volume setting the injector goes to the wrong stops for a 6890 with a 7683 ALS. The injection volume will be incorrect for versions C.01.05, A.04.05, C.01.06, A.04.06 of the software

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 68xx Driver Version 6.23 [011].

KPR#:145  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.22

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Often get two or more ChemMain.exe's running following shutdown of Control Panel or online session.


Run Task manager always on top.  With no ChemMain.exe's running, open a 6890 online session. Close session and the ChemMain.exe does NOT go away.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.02.05

KPR#:146  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.11

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

PDID Valco Detector isn't recogonized in the driver in OLCS EZChrom


Customer running a a 6890 with OLCDS EZChrom A.04.05.  The 6890 that they have has a 3rd party detector, PDID from Valco.  The old EZChrom driver recognized the detector, but the new driver does not recognize it.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.04.06

KPR#:147  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.25

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

6890N with 7693 barcode scanning checksum mismatch does not return vial to tray and skips a vial.


There was a timeout in the driver; if the reading of the bar code was not complete by the time that the timer timed out, the driver would declare that the reading had terminated.  This was misleading the data system into advancing to the next vial.  The time required to finish reading the bar code or declare that the attempt had finished is indeterminate.  If the tray is parked, the system will sit there waiting to move until the tray is unparked.  The timeout was removed from the code.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:148  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  5.03

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Customer can't install colum information from catalog if column description is blank


OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.06 and 6890N 
1, Customer selects 122-10BE column. this column doesn't have description.
2, Error message appears when you try to install this column.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:149  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.31

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

EZChrom: Installation of  GC Drivers A.03.02 breaks a 7697 configuration if installed


Installation of  GC Drivers A.03.01 breaks a 7697 configuration if installed.

Temporary Solution:

Uninstall the 7697 HS driver and install the latest HS driver.

Fix Information:


KPR#:150  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  A.03.01

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Setting a Hold time of 0.0 does not work correctly with GC6890


Setting up Hold Time of 0.0 does not work correctly with GC6890.

Temporary Solution:

No fix planned.

Fix Information:


KPR#:155  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  6.23

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

Instrument session continues to run in background after session is closed.


When an instrument session is closed the ChemMain.exe process continues to run in the background when an instrument connection isn't made or lost. This can lead to multiple ChemMain.exe processes running at the same time causing performance issues.

Temporary Solution:

Close the ChemMain.exe process in Task Manager.

Fix Information:

Fixed in GC Drivers version A.02.05.024

KPR#:159  Product:68xx Driver Software  6890  B.01.01

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

6890 online help has the bad strings in Injector page.


6890 online help has the bad strings in Injector page.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.02

KPR#:163  Product:68xx Driver Software  6850  B.01.02

Keyword: 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

6890, 6850 session start up hangs or is very slow to start up with Windows 10 version 1511 as the operating system


Online 6890, 6850 ChemStation session startup hangs on "Loading Toplevel Menu and view" , initializing start up Macros when using Windows 10 version 1511 as the operating system. The session hangs up when initializing the sampling and instrument diagrams. The Online session start up could take more than 30 minutes to initialize.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Upgrade to Windows 10 version 1703.

KPR#:1239  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.01

Keyword: 7890A Control

One-line Description:

7890A Runs cannot be started until the GC and injector are idle, view GC Status


Occassionly, when trying to start a run or sequence on a GC whose front display and ALS are Ready, fails to start. Logbook shows:
'Runs cannot be started until the GC and injector are idle'.
This can occur after an abort or stop of sequence, or connecting to a GC that is controlled by another PC.

Temporary Solution:

Pressing "stop" on the GC front panel enabled the GC to makes runs again.  Power cycling the GC may be necessary.

Fix Information:

Fixed in revision B.04.03.

KPR#:2126  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1 HF01

Keyword: 7890A Control

One-line Description:

GC Backflush Wizard does not work properly in C.01.07 SR1 HotFix01 [113]


The Backflush Wizard starts and runs the first sample but at the end of the run does not bring up the box to select the last peak of interest. It then goes into a loop where it only runs the sample and never completes the backflush set up.

Temporary Solution:

Backflush Wizard works in C.01.07 [27] and C.01.07 SR1 [110].

Fix Information:

Resolved in revision OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:5  Product:DSA  7890A  1.11

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Error Message when certain methodsare loaded onto an offline configured 7890.


If methods ISTD_EX.m or DEF_GC.M are loaded onto a configured 7890 offline session an error message (Exception in command "translateMethod$" occured).
These 2 methods are 6890 specific and should not be loaded onto a 7890.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in GC driver 4.01 [047].  

This driver was included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 SP1 [87] and OpenLab CDS C.01.02
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02

KPR#:15  Product:DSA  7890A  1.10

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Shutdown events are not displayed on the software Status screen


Shutdown events, such as a thermal or pneumatic shutdown, displayed on the GC Keyboard are not reported to the software and therefore not displayed on the “Agilent GC Status” screen.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01.  7890A requires a minimum Firmware revision of A.01.12.

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC ChemStationB.04.03 DSP1 [52] and OpenLAB C.01.02
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02

KPR#:17  Product:DSA  7890A  2.12

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Barcode mismatch error


When a barcode mismatch occurs with overlapped injections (option of do not inject on barcode mismatch), the mismatched vial is taken to the turret and chemstation stalls with the sequence running and waiting.  An abort is required to recover from this error.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 78xx driver revision 4.02[023].

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 SP1 [87]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 SP1
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.03

KPR#:26  Product:DSA  7890A  2.12

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Sample Prep Program with only a 7693A Back Injector does not save


The problem occurs when a 7693A Tray is installed and there is an injector in the Back and no injector in the Front. If a Sample Prep Program is created, the default values for a Move command are incorrect, and cause erratic behavior.

Temporary Solution:

See Service Notes 7693A-002 and 7693A-002A for available patch which is used with the 2.12.040 driver.

Fix Information:


KPR#:37  Product:DSA  7890A  1.08

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

ALS Errors Abort Sequence; no Retry/Abort dialog box option offered


The setting is selected by opening the Tray/Overlap tab in Method Editor.  

The Instrument Status must be opened to view the dialog box.

Pause is the default setting for ChemStation and MassHunter.
Skip is the default setting for EZChrom.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in the 5.01 Driver.
This driver is included in:
A.01.05 OpenLAB CDS
B.07.00 MassHunter

KPR#:54  Product:DSA  7890A  2.13

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method edit: Must click twice with the mouse on each data field to change number


In Method Edit of GC setpoints, the user has to click twice with the mouse on each data field to change a numerical entry.  The first click highlights the field, the second click highlights just the number, and then the number can be changed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This problem is fixed in Software Driver Version: 3.01.

This driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.02 SP1 [208]
Ezchrom Elite 332 SP2 
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:67  Product:DSA  7890A  2.12

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

ChemStation does not show "Hydrogen Safety Shutdown" in 7890A status


When the 7890A goes into hydrogen safety shutdown the ChemStation shows "Front inlet flow shutdown" and other messages, but not  "Hydrogen Safety Shutdown".

The chemstation does not report the hydrogen shutdown but it does list the other causes. In addition, the heated zones can be turned on from the chemstation. Since a hydrogen shutdown should require operator intervention AT THE GC remote control from the (any) chemstation should be disabled.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01.  7890A requires a minimum Firmware revision of A.01.12.

The 4.01 driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:75  Product:DSA  7890A  2.21

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7890A valve names added in the config screen but are not available in the method


The 7890A valve names can be added in the configure screen but the valve names are not available in the method.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in GC driver version 3.01.

This driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.02 SP1 [208]
Ezchrom Elite 332 SP2 
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:76  Product:DSA  7890A  2.13

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7820 method printout includes parameters and setpoints unavailable for PP inlet


Purged Packed Inlet includes parameters:
'Pressure  On  20.261 psi'
'Total Flow, On, 5.4077 mL/min'
'Septum Purge Flow On -0.0089673 mL/min'

Pressure, Total Flow, and Septum Purge Flow are parameters that are  not available for this GC.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01.

This driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:77  Product:DSA  7890A  2.13

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7820 method printout inserts negative number for Septum Purge Flow, invalid parameter


7820 method printout for a Purged Packed (PP) inlet includes not only the invalid parameter 'Setptum Purge Flow', but inserts a negative number as its setpoint.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in Driver revision 3.02.

This driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.01
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:80  Product:DSA  7890A  2.12

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

If 7890 gets into an error status (flame off) this is NOT reported within the 7890 status window


If the 7890 gets into an error status (such as flame off) this is NOT reported within the 7890 status window 

The flame failed to ignite at the FID but the status window ONLY 
displays that the GC is Not Ready.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 78xx driver revision 4.02[009].

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 SP1 [87]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 SP1
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.03

KPR#:84  Product:DSA  7890A  2.13

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Read barcode just before injection and use barcode as sample name in report


Users want to add vials to the tray as they go and have the vial bar code read just before injection and recorded as the name of the sample. 

Reading the vial ahead of time into the sequence table for each vial is time consuming.  Read the barcode just before injection since users are adding samples as they go.

This is working with the 6890 Classic driver.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This problem is fixed in Software Driver Version: 3.01.

The driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.02 SP1 [208]
Ezchrom Elite 332 SP2 
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:85  Product:DSA  7890A  2.13

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7890A: Column part number is not included in the method report


The 7890A column part number is not printed in the method report (English, Japanese, Chinese).

Revision B.03.01 SR1.1 does include the column part number in the method report.  B.03.02, B.04.01, B.04.01 SP1, and B.04.02 do not include the part number of the column in the method report.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This problem is fixed in Software Driver Version: 3.01.

The driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.02 SP1 [208]
Ezchrom Elite 332 SP2 
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:90  Product:DSA  7890A  1.05

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Partial data collection is not available on the signals screen


On the signals screen, need the ability to collect partial data for specified times.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01 [31].
This driver version is included with the following data systems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [54]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02

KPR#:91  Product:DSA  7890A  1.08

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Need ability to do Digital switching for detector signals in Runtime events


The ability to do digital switching of detector signals in the Runtime events table is needed.

It is only possible to do analog switching.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01.  7890A requires a minimum Firmware revision of A.01.12.

Driver version 4.01 is included with the following data systems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02

KPR#:93  Product:DSA  7890A  2.13

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Read barcode just before injection and use barcode as the sample name in the report


It is not possible to add vials to the tray and have the vial barcode read just before injection and recorded as the name of the sample. 

Reading the vial ahead of time into the sequence table for each vial is time consuming.  It is not possible to read the barcode just before injection and have the barcode used as the sample name in the report for 78xx.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 78xx driver 3.01.

The driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.02 SP1 [208]
Ezchrom Elite 332 SP2 
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:98  Product:DSA  7890A  2.13

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Park during sequence with Overlap causes unresponsiveness


Running ChemStation B.04.02.96. Start a sequence with overlapped injection set to immediately after injection. While the sample is being delivered to the turret, the Park button is pressed on the 7693A Tray. After delivering the vial, the tray is put in the Park position and the Injector completes the injection. At this point the ChemStation is unresponsive. (For example, when the ChemStation is in this state, any report printed to the screen can not be closed.)  

The ChemStation responds after the Park button is pushed and vial is returned.

Temporary Solution:

The ChemStation responds after the Park button is pushed and vial is returned.

Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01.

The driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:100  Product:DSA  7890A  3.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7890GC: inlet pressure unit inconsistency - method audit trail vs instrument setup


Problem with the Agilent 7890GC inlet pressure unit:

With method audit trail turned on, make changes to the inlet pressure (configured in psi in this case), save the method, check method audit trail log, it recorded the pressure in pascal.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 3.02.

The driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
Ezchrom Elite 332 SP2 
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:103  Product:DSA  7890A  2.13

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

RTL: New calculated pressure doesn’t update column 2 - 6 on current 7890A methods


RTL: New calculated pressure doesn’t update column 2 - 6 on current 7890A methods.

Only Column 1 is updated

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.02[034].

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC OpenLab CDS C.01.01
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 SP1
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.04

KPR#:107  Product:DSA  7890A  3.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

New Abort Behavior


Once it detected a vial not found, everything would abort, including samples that were in process (that have already been injected and are being analyzed).  

The new behavior, is that the vial that is currently being processed will be finished.  Everything else will abort, if the abort option is selected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in the 5.01 Driver.
This driver is included in:
A.01.05 OpenLAB CDS
B.07.00 MassHunter

KPR#:115  Product:DSA  7890A  3.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7890A: Shutdown events are not published to the software GC Status screen


The thermal inlet shutdown is not reported in the software “Agilent GC Status” screen.  

Only the first event, which is 'not ready', is reported to the Agilent GC Status screen.  The second event, which is the shutdown, is not displayed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01.  7890A requires a minimum Firmware revision of A.01.12.

The driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:117  Product:DSA  7890A  2.10

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Upgrading B.01.03 to B.04.02 GC ChemStation:  Addition of new columns to the column catalog (database) is not possible; error occurs


Upon upgrading from B.01.03 to B.04.02 it is no longer possible to add new columns to the GC column catalog (database).

The following error is shown:

The Catalog File cannot be opened.  If needed, you may obtain an appropriate replacement file from Agilent.

Temporary Solution:

The problem is that there are several columns that have the same manufacturer and model number. Our new database software doesn’t handle this.

The newer database software (in B.04.02 for example) no longer allows duplicates of manufacturer + model number. i.e., there can only be one HP, HP-5 in the database.  Note: the new software will inform the user that the model number “xxx” is already in use and request that a different value be chosen. (The user is returned to the original entry screen with all the info filled in.) 

Temporary Fix:

Before upgrading, fix the problem with the column database duplicates while running B.01.03 for example.  Review the column catalogs and make sure there are no duplicates and fix any that exist before the upgrade.

Fix Information:

This is fixed in GC Driver version 4.01.

The driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:118  Product:DSA  7890A

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Electrometer on/off not needed for FID or NPD


The software shows an on/off checkbox for the electrometer on both the FID and NPD. This setting is not available in the normal local user screens in 7890A. The checkbox should be removed from the edit parameters screen.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in driver version 3.01 which started to be included in the following data system packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.02 Driver Service Pack 3 (DSP3)  [256]
Ezchrom Elite 332 SP2 and OpenLab EZChrom
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:124  Product:DSA  7890A

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Freeze Signal Value and Resume Signal Value missing from runtime events


Freeze Signal Value and Resume Signal Value missing from runtime events

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01.  7890A requires a minimum Firmware revision of A.01.12.

The driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:126  Product:DSA  7890A  3.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

The Override Column Max Temp Checkbox Behavior


The override column max temp checkbox in the oven parameter screen is automaticaly checked by default in versions of the driver prior to 5.01.  In driver version 5.01, it will not be checked and the box will by highlighted in yellow if the column maximum temperature exceeds the value that is recommended for the column that is installed.  

To make the box not yellow, either check the "override column max temp" checkbox, or enter a value that is lower than the recommended maximum temperature for the installed column.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Change of Behavior in Driver Version 5.01

This driver is included in:
A.01.05 OpenLAB CDS
B.07.00 MassHunter

KPR#:127  Product:DSA  7890A  3.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Cryo Trap Run Time Event Support


When a thermal aux zone is configured as a Cryo Trap, the cooling of the trap is accomplished via a run time event entitled Cryo trap cooling with an ON an OFF state.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in the 5.01 Driver.
This driver is included in:
A.01.05 OpenLAB CDS
B.07.00 MassHunter

KPR#:132  Product:DSA  7890A  3.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Error in flow setpoint upload when method has more than 100 events


When  a method with more than 100 events is uploaded from the GC, all the steps above the 100th event that are related to flow (ml/min) are multiplied by a factor 1000.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 7890A firmware A.01.11.  No software update is necessary.

KPR#:134  Product:DSA  7890A  3.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Running a sequence requires the arm from the tray, G4514A to be in the UN-PARKED position


The tray "Park" status overrides the start of a sequence.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The G4514A arm from the tray must be UN-PARKED in order for a sequence to proceed. User must press Park button to UN-PARK arm.

KPR#:137  Product:DSA  7890A  2.20

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Extended Parameters does not disable the BCR when no hardware is present


Extended Parameters for both the native sequence Parameters and for Easy Sequence Setup does not disable the Bar Code Reader section when no such hardware exists.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01.

The driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:139  Product:DSA  7890A  4.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Switched and standard mode for septum purge not available on MMI


For the split/splitless inlet, it is possible to run the septum purge in either standard mode or "switched" mode. In the switched mode, the septum purge is turned off during the injection cycle so that the only flow out of the inlet is through the column. The MMI would benefit from having this mode as well, particularly for splitless and solvent vent modes. In both modes on the MMI, the septum purge does not remain off until the inlet switches back to the purge state.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01.

The driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:140  Product:DSA  7890A  3.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Negative Split Splitless inlet Pressure values during Post Run Backflush


When using a 7890A GC with Split Splitless inlet to perform backflush the Inlet Setpoint and Actual Pressure assume negative values on the GC and Chemstation display during backflush. This occurs with a splitter (>2 columns) or with a purged union (Primary column plus restrictor). The columns must be running in "Flow" mode. 

A similar symptom is the inlet pressure gets set to "0.00" PSI during backflush rather than the wizard recommended value of "1.0" PSI.

Temporary Solution:

The workaround is to set the columns to "pressure" mode then back to flow and re-save the method.

Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01.

The driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:154  Product:DSA  7890A  1.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Column compensation menu is available during the sequence


The Column compensation menu is available during the sequence and if selected will stop the sequence.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01.

The driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:166  Product:DSA  7890A  1.08

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Column:  need to include Ramped and Constant pressure and flow modes as selection


User interface needs Constant Flow, Constant Pressure, Ramped Pressure, and Constant Flow for the Control Mode selections.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01.

This driver was included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02

KPR#:167  Product:DSA  7890A  1.10

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

GC goes offline momentarily because of SOAP Exception


Setup 7693 injector and Tray. Put Tray in Park and then tried to start a run. The ChemStation showed that the GC went offline momentariily. The Event Log showed the following events :

Disconnecting because a System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException was caught when sending a command; 29: GC refused to do an injection
The connection state of the GC at is now Offline
Attempting to connect to
In DataChannel[1].SetRunStartTime, nTime (321.148156 seconds) should be >= time sent last time 391.300000
In DataChannel[2].SetRunStartTime, nTime (321.148156 seconds) should be >= time sent last time 391.300000
In DataChannel[3].SetRunStartTime, nTime (321.148156 seconds) should be >= time sent last time 391.300000
In DataChannel[3].SetRunStartTime, nTime (321.148156 seconds) should be >= time sent last time 391.300000
The connection state of the GC at IP address is now Online
Connected to 7890 at, using license key 

Cannot start runs until GC and injector are idle.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01.

The driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:170  Product:DSA  7890A  1.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

No indication of inlet pressure shutdown in software status with 7890A


Inlet pressure shutdown advisories indicating a problem with the instrument not shown in software status user interface.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01.  7890A requires a minimum Firmware revision of A.01.12.

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52] and OpenLab CDS C.01.02
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02

KPR#:174  Product:DSA  7890A  1.09

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

GC Keypad Lock Behavior


In configuration we  now offer the option to configure how the keypad lock will behave.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The driver with this new behavior is included in:

A.01.05 OpenLAB CDS
B.07.00 MassHunter

KPR#:182  Product:DSA  7890A  4.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

GC Instrument Status for Detectors


In previous versions of software, only the temperature of the detectors was shown in instrument status.  In driver version 5.01, we show all GC detector status in instrument status.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in the 5.01 Driver.
This driver is included in:
A.01.05 OpenLAB CDS
B.07.00 MassHunter

KPR#:189  Product:DSA  7890A  3.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

It is not possible to set a positive pressure when column outlet is set to "other"


If the colum is configured from one inlet to other (in case for a non-purged CFT or other applications) it's not possible to define the pressure of the outlet.  It's possble to set it from the GC keyboard.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in the 5.01 Driver.
This driver is included in:
A.01.05 OpenLAB CDS
B.07.00 MassHunter

KPR#:190  Product:DSA  7890A  1.05

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

FID Flame out; no feedback in software


The GC status and instrument actuals list the signal value as 0.0 but does not provide feedback if the flame is out.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 78xx driver revision 4.02[001]

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 SP1 [87]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 SP1
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.03

KPR#:195  Product:DSA  7890A  4.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

uECD and TCD report printout for makeup flows is wrong


7890A has a uECD detector with flows configured.
With the following method settings...
    Makeup Flow(N2)               :  30 mL/min
    Constant Column + Makeup : 31 mL/min

... the method printout reads:
    Makeup Flow(N2)               :  31 mL/min
    Constant Column + Makeup :    0 mL/min

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 7890A SW Driver 4.01 [048].

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 SP1 [87]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 SP1
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.03

KPR#:200  Product:DSA  7820A  4.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

GC continues when STOP on 7820 is pressed


User makes a manual injection and waits until the peaks of interest elute, then hits the STOP on the 7820 front panel the GC stops (and resets the initial GC settings) but the chemstation continues and reports the system is running data analysis but does not go into data analysis. System appears to hang up waiting on the expected run time and report is generated at that point rather than directly after STOP is pressed.

Temporary Solution:

Use STOP run from the software.

Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.02[11].

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 SP1 [87]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 SP1
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.03

KPR#:203  Product:DSA  7890A  4.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Open GC edit parameters and close it without changes; method modification flag is set


Saved a method.  Open the GC edit parameters to review a setpoint and  made no changes or changed the view.  Selected OK and the method modification flag indicates a change was made.  No changes were made.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 78xx driver revision 4.02[019].

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 SP1 [87]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 SP1
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.03

KPR#:204  Product:DSA  7890A  3.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7890A logbook shows 7693A turret, plunger errors as GCI1 did not start a run


7693A ALS errors, e.g. turret, plunger, door open, etc. show a non-specific logbook entry: GCI1 did not start a run.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 78xx driver revision 4.02[023].

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 SP1 [87]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 SP1
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.03

KPR#:209  Product:DSA  7890A  4.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Unable to set equilibration time for LTM columns from Edit Parameters


The LTM column's equilibration time is shown as 0. Change the equilibration time by entering 0.5 and downloading the method. This does not change the value at the GC.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 78xx driver revision 4.02[005] and GC Firmware revision A.01.13.

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 SP1 [87]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 SP1
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.03

KPR#:211  Product:DSA  7890A  4.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Changes made to 7890 method from GC instrument diagram result do not load.


Open the instrument parameter from GC Instrument Diagram and confirm sample prep is off. Set inlet heater - save changes. Open the instrument parameter from the GC Instrument Diagram and confirm sample prep is off. Change the inlet heater temp and save as a new method. Load the new method  - a configuration mismatch message is displayed.  

Requires Easy Sample Prep

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 78xx driver revision 4.02[004].

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 SP1 [87]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 SP1
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.03

KPR#:223  Product:DSA  7890A

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Backflush icon is not displayed when the outlet of the column configuration is set as "Other".


When the outlet of the column configuration is set as "Other", there is no backflush icon displayed in the 7890 Edit Parameter Screen.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 78xx driver revision 4.02[009].

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 SP1 [87]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 SP1
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.03

Please note, when the configuration is changed from backflush not available to backflush available, the user must exit the method editor and begin the edit a second time in order for the backflush icon to be shown.

KPR#:227  Product:DSA  7890A  4.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

When running Backflush from ChemStation with segmented columns only the in-segment is taken into account in the calculation.


If you run Backflush from Chemstation with segmented columns (usually associated with LTM), only the in-segment portion of the configuration is used in the backflush flow rate and void volume calculations. This leaves the user unable to calculate the backflush time.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.02[023].

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 SP1 [87]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 SP1
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.03

KPR#:228  Product:DSA  7890A  4.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

The display of the parameter setting screen of the method setup is small.


In the Edit Parameter screen for the oven and the inlets, the display of this screen is small. Adjusting the method setup screen will not resize this screen.

Temporary Solution:

Right click on  parameter setting screen, and go to "show graphical plots". The display will resize to a normal size.

Fix Information:

Fixed in 78xx driver revision 4.02[006].

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 SP1 [87]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 SP1
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.03

KPR#:229  Product:DSA  7890A  4.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

After editing the GC method and selecting ok - validation error message is displayed.


In driver revision 4.01, after editing the GC method and selecting ok, a "Validation Error" error message flashes in the left hand corner of the screen. User must select cancel to exit the GC parameter screen. 

No method resolution occurs when loading method
Software loads fine and can make runs. Methods cannot be edited in online or offline mode.  

The configuration includes 4 packed columns that flow to the Back TCD Detector. Column 1's inlet is PCM C-2 (@ const pressure); 4's inlet is Aux EPC 5 (@ const pressure); and both 2's and 3's inlet is PCM C-1. Column 2's mode is constant flow; and 3, since it is also connected to PCM C-1, is reported as being controlled by #2.

Temporary Solution:

Workaround for customers with driver revision 4.01:  replace columns #2 and #3 with a single undefined (e.g., packed) column, suitably described as being a parallel combination. The user can then set either a flow or a pressure setpoint to the new combined column #2.

Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.02.  

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 SP1 [87]
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 SP1
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.03
OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.04

KPR#:230  Product:DSA  7890A  4.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7820 Back Injector Only Resets Injection Source to Manual


On a 7820, with only a Back Injector Installed the following message is displayed when launching the 7820: 

Upon launching the 7820A, the following message appears:

DEF_GC.M: 7820
Resetting to Manual injection.
For method 'DEF_GC.M, injection source 'GC Injector' conflicts with injection location.

This does not happen when there is only a Front Injector installed.

Temporary Solution:

Open the injection source and change it to GC Injector.

Fix Information:

Fixed in the 5.01 Driver.
This driver is included in:
A.01.05 OpenLAB CDS
B.07.00 MassHunter

KPR#:238  Product:DSA  7890A  4.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

PCM Inlet Heater Shutdown


7890 GC with PCM controlled inlet heater. Open Edit Parameters, enable PCM inlet heater checkbox and make a change to the heater settings. Download the method to the GC or hit apply and the inlet heater is turned OFF at the GC. If the user closes edit parameters, and then re-opens edit parameters the PCM inlet heater checkbox is disabled.

Temporary Solution:

Create your method, save, and download to the GC (the PCM inlet heater will shutdown). At the GC, set the PCM inlet heater to the desired setting. Upload the method from the GC (Instrument, Upload Method), and save your method as a new method (Save method as …). This method can now be used and loaded successfully in the future.

The workaround will need to be performed any time changes are made to the method.

Fix Information:

This driver is included with the following datasystems:
OpenLab GC ChemStation C.01.04
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02 SP1
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.04

KPR#:247  Product:DSA  7890A  4.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Multiposition valve resets to position # 1 between injections


The set position of the gas streams used for a multiposition valve is controlled in the sequence. The user can run from different gas streams by entering the different numbers in the sequence table. The position is not stored as part of the method. The MPV set position is always reset to start from position #1 between runs.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in 7890A firmware revision A.01.14.  No software update is required.

KPR#:252  Product:DSA  7890A  4.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

MMI in Split or Pulsed Split Mode does not allow editing of Total Flow value


MMI in Split or Pulsed Split Mode does not allow editing of Total Flow value. The Total Flow combo box is active, but any entry made there reverts to its original entry.

Temporary Solution:

Total Flow is editable in this mode from the GC keypad in driver versions prior to 5.01.

Fix Information:

Fixed in the 5.01 Driver.
This driver is included in:
A.01.05 OpenLAB CDS
B.07.00 MassHunter

KPR#:266  Product:DSA  7890A  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

The GC Maintenance View May Not Change Until the Software is Closed and Re-Opened


The Maintenance View May Not Change Until Software is Closed and Re-Opened

Temporary Solution:

In the Maintenance menu, the user has the option to change the view of the menu by changing it under the Options button.  

Sometimes the change may not go into effect until the software is closed and re-opened.

Fix Information:


KPR#:267  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Description of How to Delete Columns from the Inventory


Editing can only take place in the catalog file and you can edit both the inventory data and the catalog data.

For an inventory item, you can edit the actual length and the comments.  
For a catalog item, you can edit the keywords, comments, and check/uncheck favorites.  You can only delete from the catalog, this is where you delete your items from inventory.  You can remove a column or an inventory item by clicking on the minus sign in the navigation bar.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:268  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Behavior of the Maintenance Screen When Adding Modules to the GC


You will not see the module ID that is installed, but the module location will be identified 

If you add a back injector, the back injector tab will come up and all relevant counters will show.  The module ID will not be shown.  To make it show up, you have to close the data system and reopen the datasystem.

Temporary Solution:

Add hardware modules when the hardware is turned off and the data system is disconnected.

Fix Information:


KPR#:269  Product:DSA  7890A  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

ALS Behavior When Aborting a Sequence


If a sequence is aborted in the middle of a sequence, the vial will be left in the turret until the next run is started.  At that time, it will be put back in the tray.

Temporary Solution:

This is expected behavior.

Fix Information:


KPR#:270  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7890B GC Column Maintenance Counter Behavior


If you move a column from one GC to another that is using a different database, you will not see the current Maintenace Counters for the column.  

If you return the column to the original GC, it will have the old values.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:271  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Update GC Column Catalog dialog is limited to 10 items; no way to display the rest (...)


Update Column Catalog dialog is limited to 10 items; no way to display the rest (...)

When you view the catalog, all items will appear.

Temporary Solution:

Description of behavior in driver version 5.01:  when you view the catalog, all items will appear.

Fix Information:


KPR#:272  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method Differences Viewer Behavior with Scanned Columns


When you scan a column in to the GC when you are not connected to the datasystem, and you connect with the data system, you will see differences in your method viewer upon opening the data system.  

The change will not be shown in highlight differences.

No matter what is selected, the column that was scanned into the GC will be the column that is configured.

Temporary Solution:

Scan the column in with the data system connected.

Fix Information:


KPR#:273  Product:DSA  7890A  4.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7890B GC Method Compatibility


The7890B GC driver included in the new data systems (A.01.05 OpenLAB CDS and B.07.00 MassHunter) supports up to 12 valves.  The GC driver in previous data systems only reported 8 valves.  Because of this difference, you cannot develop a method on a new data system and run it on an old data sytem.  You can take a method loaded on an old data system and run it on the new data system.

If you try to load a new data system method on an old data system, the behavior that you will see is that after starting a run, the software and the GC just sit there waiting for prerun to start, but nothing happens.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Documented Behavior for GC Methods Developed Using A.01.05 OpenLAB CDS and B.07.00 MassHunter.

KPR#:274  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Logbook Messages for Scanned Consumables Items


There is no logbook message about scanned consumables or reset of Maintenance Counter values if the consumable is scanned when the Data System is Offline.

Temporary Solution:

In order for the logbook to capture messages about the scanned consumables or reset of Maintenance Counter values, make sure the Data System is connected when scanning the barcode of the consumable.

Fix Information:


KPR#:275  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

The Syringe and Liner are Not Shown in the Method


The syringe and liner not shown in method.  This is expected behavior for the 5.01 GC driver that is included in the C.01.05 OpenLAB CDS and B.07.00 MassHunter.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:276  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

The PC and GC Clocks Need to be Synchronized to Account for Daylight Savings Time


For the resource conservation feature, the GC and PC clocks need to be set to the same time(synchronized).  After daylight savings time, make sure the GC and PC clocks are synchronized by pressing the synchronize clocks button, which is available from the configuration screen and from the maintenance screen.  The times will not be synchronized automatically.

Temporary Solution:

Synchronize the clocks by opening the Maintenance Window, select the Maintenance Actions tab and synchronize the clocks.

Fix Information:


KPR#:277  Product:DSA  7890A  3.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Logging of Injection Tower Location


When the injector tower is moved from front to back position (or the opposite way) the method and sequence run correctly.  However, on the report there is still the original (back) position printed, the change of the position is not tracked.

Temporary Solution:

Recommended steps:  Move the injector to the new location, click "Don't resolve" (DO NOT RESOLVE THE METHOD) and then load the method for that injector position.

Fix Information:


KPR#:279  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Explanation for How Default Early Maintenance Feedback Counters Work


When "set default recommended values for limits" is selected for the first time, and if those values are not changed, the Maintenance window needs to be closed and re-opened for the values to take effect.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:280  Product:DSA  7890A  4.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7890 back injector only sequence is missing Acq.txt and acq.macaml in data directory


Version 4.02.23 of the 78xx driver did not support the XML interfaces for reporting the method. These interfaces are used to populate acq.macaml.

There is no acq.txt nor acq.macml in the data directory.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.04, (78xx Driver 4.02 [043]).

KPR#:281  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

The 7890 GC Goes Offline When Non-English Characters are Entered into the Column Information


The 7890 GC goes offline when non-english characters are entered into the column information screen.  The issue has to do with the number of characters that the column description accepts.

Temporary Solution:

If non-english text is entered in the column information field and the GC can not connect to the data system, reboot the GC by holding the clear button down.  Do not enter the column information in non-english text.

Fix Information:


KPR#:282  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Instrument Actuals Show "GC is Offline" Quickly at the Method or Sequence Start, then Returns Back Online and the Method Does Not Run


Instrument actuals show that the "GC is Offline" quickly at the start of the method and/or sequence and then returns back online.  The method and/or sequence does not run.  This is likely caused by a difference in the method parameters and what is loaded on the GC.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Open a brand new Def.M and create a new method and/or sequence.  Download the method to the GC from the software.

KPR#:283  Product:DSA  7890A  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

78xx GC configuration fails; Failed to Create Instance


There is an issue with the GC Drivers Install Package that is included on the "July 2013" Disk 3 and Disk 5 of OpenLAB CDS.

When Configuring the 78xx GC, failed to create instance error message appears.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Use the August 2013 Disk 3 and Disk 5 when installing OpenLAB CDS with a GC.
Disk3_M8301-60035     OpenLAB ChemStation Drivers C.01.05 (Aug 2013)
Disk5_M8201-60029     OpenLAB CDS EZChrom Edition Drivers A.04.05 (Aug 2013)

KPR#:284  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Data not collected, sequence stopped when vial removed from turret after injection


After the sample was injected, the vial was removed from the turrett.  The tray showed an error and the log file reported that there was no vial in gripper.  The Sequence was stopped when the vial was removed and the data was not collected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver 5.03.

KPR#:285  Product:DSA  7890B  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

C.01.06: Import eMethod or Export eMethod freezes system


In GC ChemStation C.01.06, the system will freeze when selecting either "Export eMethod" or "Import eMethod".  The status line in the ChemStation will show PrintMethod macro completed, but the system will be frozen and task manager must be used to close ChemStation.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision 5.05

KPR#:287  Product:DSA  7890B  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

0-volume blank run in overlapped sequence causes injection


In EZChrom, a blank run can be specified by specifying 0 as the injection volume.  If a blank run is so specified following an ALS non-blank run in a sequence and the sequence is run with overlap enabled, the injector makes a zero-volume injection for that run.  This means the sample will be moved from its location in the tray and subjected to any heating, mixing, bar code reading, sample washes, and sample pumps specified in the method, as well as having the vial's septum pierced and the syringe needle stuck into the sample.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision 5.05 Fixed in revision 5.05

KPR#:291  Product:DSA  7890B  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Backflush Wizard never advances past Ready to add backflush screen


For a GC with a column configuration that should allow backflush (though this is not necessary), select to launch Backflush Wizard. This displays the ‘Welcome to the Backflush Wizard’ dialog. Select the ‘Ready to add backflush to the current method?’ button and it closes, never advancing to the wizard itself.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Existence of Headspace methods were causing the problem. Fixed in revision 5.05

KPR#:293  Product:DSA  7890B  5.05

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7890A ALS Recoverable Error Actions cannot function after upgrading to latest GC driver build on OpenLAB CDS before A.02.01


OpenLAB CDS EZChrom A.04.03, ALS Recoverable Error Actions setting is under ALS Tab from Instrument Parameters, but from OpenLAB CDS A.02.01, the setting has been changed to EZChrom Sequence Action tab. This leads to the problem that after upgrading to latest GC Driver build, since the platform EZC A.04.03 doesn't support ALS Recoverable Error Actions setting in Sequence Action tab, therefore 7890A ALS Recoverable Error Actions cannot function since you cannot find where to set up.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The DVD will make a config available to address this issue. Fixed in revision 5.05

KPR#:294  Product:DSA  7890B  5.05

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Standard and Easy Sample Prep programs run incorrectly in a calibration sequence (run for unknown samples only) when overlap is involved.


Standard and Easy Sample Prep programs run incorrectly in a calibration sequence (run for unknown samples only) when overlap is involved. Sample Prep is correctly run for samples only when overlap is NOT involved. Also works fine with overlap inv lved and NO calibration. Also happens the same way in Easy Sample Prep. Calibrated sequences using Sample Prep/Run for Unknown Samples only/Overlap method do not execute correctly.

Temporary Solution:

None. Do not use 'don't prep calibration vials' and 'overlapped prep' together, as they don't work.

Fix Information:


KPR#:295  Product:DSA  7890B  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7890B configuration, model number serial number and IP address change after restart


During installation the 7890B is configured with an IP address, the instrument configured in ChemStation and the details are confirmed. The ChemStation is restarted and the GC rebooted. The 7890 IP address changes and the Model and serial numbers change in the configuration to 7890A and CNxxxxxxxx..

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision 5.05 [019]

KPR#:296  Product:DSA  7890B  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Makeup Gas mode terminology should be consistent with the GC front panel


Makeup Gas mode terminology should be consistent with the GC front panel display. Causes confusion when setting up the system.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Also changed wording for ECD and TCD to be consistent with the GC display Fixed in revision 5.05

KPR#:297  Product:DSA  7890A  5.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Agilent Solvent Elimination Wizard issue


When select Solvent Vent mode in MMI, select 10uL syringe and Injection Volume 5uL in Solvent Elimination Calculator on first window. In second window, injected volume 5uL is out of the range. Because the range is 0.01-0.25uL. This is solvent elimination calculator issue.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision 5.05

KPR#:299  Product:DSA  7890B  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Clicking OK after making changes to Events does not save the changes made to the events.


Clicking OK after making changes to Events does not save changes made to the events. If you click Apply first the events get saved.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision 5.05

KPR#:300  Product:DSA  7890B  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

OL CDS ChemStation C.01.06 does not download the run time events to the 7890 correctly.


OL CDS ChemStation C.01.06 connected to a 7890A with firmware A.01.16. 
Select the Runtime Events screen in the software. 
Enter multiple valid events and APPLY, does not download events to the 7890. 
Exit screen and re-enter the Runtime Events screen.
Enter multiple valid events and OK, does not download events to the 7890.
Exit screen and re-enter the Runtime Events screen.
Enter multiple valid events and OK. 
Again, Select the Runtime Events screen in the software, after the OK, the Events are deleted from the table.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision 5.05

KPR#:301  Product:DSA  7890A  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Can't select uECD makeup mode to "Does not affect Makeup Flow"


Can't select uECD makeup mode to "Does not affect Makeup Flow"

If you select "Included in Makeup Flow" on uECD setting screen can't select "Does not affect Makeup Flow".    
If you remove column configuration from uECD both selection appear but, these are grayed out.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision 5.05

KPR#:302  Product:DSA  7890A  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Can't save "Included in Makeup Flow" on uECD setting screen.


Can't save "Included in Makeup Flow" on uECD setting screen.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision 5.05

KPR#:303  Product:DSA  7890B  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

GC7890B IP address changes when loading default method


GC7890B IP address was configured to an IP address on instrument configuration. Whenever you open the ChemStation and  load the default method the IP address of the GC in instrument configuration will change to a different address every time. Need to manually change the  IP address back to the original address via instrument configuration was required every time the ChemStation was restarted and a hinder to daily routine work.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision 5.05 [019]

KPR#:305  Product:DSA  7820A  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7820 GC:  Method modification flag set after starting a sequence or method


Method is saved.  Start the 7820 sequence.  The method modification flag is set indicating the method was changed, however, no changes were made.
The report will indicate the method was modified when it was not.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in 5.05.019.

KPR#:308  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method printout missing column parameters: flow or pressure, setpoint On, (Initial), and post run


Using Print Method from the ChemStation Software C.01.05, the method printout is missing column parameters: flow or pressure, setpoint On, (Initial), and post run.

Column #1
Flow or Pressure
Setpoint On
(Initial) 2.3922 mL/min
Post Run 2.1209 mL/min
Agilent 19091J-413: 496.46579
HP-5 5% Phenyl Methyl Siloxan

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in A.02.05.024.

KPR#:309  Product:DSA  7890B  5.05

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

There is an incorrect character when displaying temperature information in the method report in Japanese


There is an incorrect character when displaying temperature information in the method report in Japanese.  There is a question mark instead of a dash.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:310  Product:DSA  7890B  A.02.06

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

MMI Cryo Fast Cooldown not saved


The MMI has a parameter called Cryo fast cool down that turns the coolant on as soon as the run is finished to cool the inlet down quicker.
When this parameter is checked in the Method set up screen and then applied and OK it is not downloaded to the GC and when Method edit is launched the check box is unchecked again.
There is a workaround which is to manually turn it on from the GC Keyboard, check the fast cool down box and Press Upload from Instrument. This is the only way that the parameter stays in both GC and ChemStation.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in a.03.01

KPR#:311  Product:DSA  7820A  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method is always seen as modified, nothing can be added to the queue.


The septum purge on/off state and flow value were being considered as part of the method, although the 7820 does not allow these items to be changed by software. The flow value for the septum purge (and total flow, which has the purge as a component), obtained by uploading the method is thus an actual and not a setpoint.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.02.05

KPR#:312  Product:DSA  7890B  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Oven Slow fan will be off after method is downloaded the slow oven mode on to 7890


OL CDS EZChrom A,04.05 and 7890B 02.03.1
step1. turn on Oven Slow fan, 
step2. click "Download Method to GC".
step3. 7890B turned Oven Slow fan on correctly. then "Method Download Complete" message appeared on OL EZChrom.
step4. instrument set up screen refreshed.
step5. Oven Slow fan check box turned off.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:313  Product:DSA  7890B  5.04

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

During a pulsed splitless run, the purge time shorter than the pulse time cannot be entered.


On a 7890B one of the modes of operation is pulsed splitless. In some cases the purge time needs to be shorter than the pulse time.
Recent changes in GC driver has invalidated this parameter change. Many customers need to turn the purge time shorter than the pulse time.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:314  Product:DSA  7890B  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method print out with 7890 configured does not show total GCc run time.


With 7890 configured; printing the method does not show total GC run time, however if 6890 configured it does show total run time.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:315  Product:DSA  7820A  5.05

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

There is no  "Inlet Septum Purge" event in Runtime Events table - EZChrom


Method setting;
On OpenLAB EZChrom Online session, 
Click dropdown list on Runtime events table, there is no "Inlet Septum Purge" event in this list.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:316  Product:DSA  7890B  A.02.05

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

External Device "Not Ready" ignored by  OpenLAB CDS ChemSataion and EZChrom


When doing a valve injection with a Multi-Position valve and an external device the system ignores the external device readiness. When the external device is "Not Ready" the sequence will continue to make the injection and ignore the APG readiness. If a sequence is initiated locally at the front panel of the 7890 with the external device being "Not Ready" the sequence will wait for the external device to become ready prior to making the injection and starting the run. (This is the correct behavior.)

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:318  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  5.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Aux Flow Limited to 150 mL/min even when pressure is less than Maximum


Aux Flow Limited to 150 mL/min even when pressure is less than Maximum

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.02.05

KPR#:319  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  5.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Post Run Flow Rate has default that out of range and value seems not to be stored


Post Run gas flow defaults to 250 mL min even though the highest allowed value is 150 mL min. 
Even if you change it to save the analysis method as soon as you re-open the method it defaults back to 250 mL min.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:320  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  5.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method User Interface does not correctly load the content of a method.


The content of a loaded method is only partly reflected in the method user interface. I seems that only the visible tab is updates.   
Steps to reproduce:
1.) Create a new method 
2.) Change Oven Ramp, Events table or Signals 
3.) Go back to the ALS Tab and save the method 
4.) Create new method or load a different one
5.) Load the method saved in step 3

Verify the content of Oven Ramp, Events table or Signals. It does not display the correct content. 
See also attached document. 

This issue was found during the integration in Waters UNIFI and could also be reproduced in ICF TestApp and Shimadzu LabSolutions.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.01

KPR#:321  Product:DSA  7890B  Future

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Sample Prep Audit Trail is not logging changes.


Create and save a Easy Sample prep method, reopen and make same changes and save it. Go to Audit Trail and the Description says:
Saved method - no changes.

Expected behavior: Changes made in Easy Sample prep method should be recorded in the Audit Trail.

Temporary Solution:

Easy Sample Prep does not currently support the audit trail.

Fix Information:


KPR#:323  Product:DSA  7890B  5.31

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Sample Prep steps of previous method are included in printout of methods saved from SP methods, if checked but no steps are specifed.


Create a resource layout and simple method with Add Sample Prep steps. Run this method. Remove the steps but leave the 'Use Sample Prep Program' checkbox checked. Save As a new method. Print method. The Sample Prep steps of the original method are included.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.02

KPR#:324  Product:DSA  7890A  A.02.05

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Does not delete previous open GC method event table when load method. Wrong injections can be created.


Open instrument setup panel
Create method with some lines into the event table. 
Save method
Create a second method with empty event table.
Click detectors tab to see detectors info.
Save this method.
Open the first method, detectors tab is shown.
Go to events table and it is blank.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.02

KPR#:325  Product:DSA  7890B  5.05

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method download to GC while in sequence causes it to disconnect and sequence stops.


When a method is downloaded to the GC while running a sequence the GC disconnects and the sequence stops.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.02

KPR#:326  Product:DSA  7890B  6.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7890 method print doesn't include post run time


When printing a method the GC setpoints section does not include the post run time as expected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.02

KPR#:333  Product:DSA  7890B  5.32

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Elite: Overlap injection no longer working on EZChrom Elite with GC Drivers A.03.02


Overlap injection no longer working on EZChrom Elite with GC Drivers A.03.02. EZChrom Elite with the latest GC Drivers does not support this feature.

Temporary Solution:

No fix planned.

Fix Information:


KPR#:335  Product:DSA  7890B  5.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Crash of Software after check "Show Threshold Value as remaining time" in EMF Options


Once you check the "show threshold value as remaining time" in EMF options, and close the EMF dialog. Once you re-enter the dialog, software freezes and has to be closed by task manager.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in A.03.02

KPR#:339  Product:DSA  7890A  A.03.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Not allowed  to set proper GC column max temp because it is less than 150degrees.


Problem when a column has the following restrictions:
The maximum allowable operating temperature Isothermal: 130 °C
The maximum allowable operating temperature Programmed: 150 °C
When they want to enter this number in this configuration the field becomes yellow.

This value can can't be entered in the field due to value limitations of related field. Maximum value should be in the range of 150 ≤ °C ≤ 450.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in B.01.01

KPR#:340  Product:DSA  7890B  A.03.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

FID signal subtraction setting changes spontaneously from "Nothing" to "Column Compensation" during run.


When customer set FID - > Subtraction from signal value to "Nothing". Save method and upload method to instrument. Function is automatically changed to option "Column compensation run. During measure, there is activity log settings that the settings for method was changed in Subtract from signal function.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in B.01.01

KPR#:341  Product:DSA  7890B  A.03.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

"Extend Run" in GC settings does not work correctly


Setting the run time to extend the run for a length of time is not handled correctly. The length of time is longer than the setpoint.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in B.01.01

KPR#:342  Product:DSA  7890B  A.03.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Cannot configure a 7890B on an existing client server system


Error in configuration panel  "There are unconfigured modules"

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in B.01.01

KPR#:343  Product:DSA  7890B  5.32

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Copy to Clipboard Function in Instrument Actuals throws exception error


Customers have reported encountering an exception when using the "Copy to Clipboard" function.
Intermittent errors when clicking the ‘copy to clipboard’ button in the Status UI on the 7890 – which gives an exception error.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in B.01.01

KPR#:344  Product:DSA  7890B  A.03.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

The column flow calculator calculation is off by almost 3x the flow rate for the system


The values which are setup for the column and the flow rates which were entered. The problem is when you look at the GC for the values they don't match the column flow calculator.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in B.01.01

KPR#:345  Product:DSA  7890A  5.32

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Sample Overlap settings can not be edited after driver update, but are still part of the method.


With OpenLAB EZChrom A.04.07 SR1 Update2 and GC driver version A.02.05.021 (from OpenLAB installation media) on a 7890A+ with 7693 sampler under ALS/ [Tray/Other] Sample Overlap parameters can be configured and saved to the method. Those settings are still active after upgrading to GC Drivers A.03.02.019 in the method and can cause that 2 methods behave in terms of sample overlap totally different. But they can no more been edited with the new driver.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:347  Product:DSA  7890B  5.04

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Incomplete Method Parameters for xCD in Acquisition Method Report


When we do an Acquisition report, not all the xCD parameters are stored. The Reaction Cell Pressure and the Flow through the Ozone generator should also be reported. Can be confusing to customer.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:349  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Actual flows displayed by CDS aren't the same as the setpoint flows



Setpoint     Actual

3.000          3
2.998          3
2.95            3
2.92            2.9

The display for the 7890 shows three digits to the right of the decimal for both the setpoint and the actual. 
As shown above, the data system sometimes shows one digit to the right of the decimal and sometimes nothing to the right of the decimal (e.g. just "3")

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:350  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Print method does not include all MMI setpoints: Purge time, Post Run Temp, Time, Flow


Print method for the Intuvo 9000 GC doesn't have any MMI Purge time or Post Run temp or Post Run total Flow or time.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:351  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Extend run does not extend the acquisition of the Intuvo 9000 GC


Intuvo 9000 GC on C.01.07.255 SR2. Extend run does not extend the run. LUI shows Idle during the extended part of the run.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:352  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Cannot Add User-Defined EMFs on Intuvo 9000 GC


Unable to created a user defined EMF Intuvo 9000 GC. Enter a name and tracking type, but nothing appears on the User-defined panel or any other panel.  There are five user defined (seemingly blank) entries on that panel.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

To Be fixed in B.01.02

KPR#:355  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

ChemStation Instrument actuals showing D2 Bus Temperature with no D2 bus installed


ChemStation Instrument actuals showing Second Detector Bus Temperature with no second Detector.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:356  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method print is showing Solvent wash mode as A-A2, B-B2 when it should be A,B since it is a 16 vial turret


Intuvo 9000 with a ALS and a 16 vial turret.  MassHunter software, the configuration of the ALS is set to Solvent Wash Mode A,B.  Saved and printed the method.  Solvent Was Mode on the method print shows A-A2, B-B2.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:357  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Inlet pressure setpoint displayed assuming all thermal zones are turned ON, results in confusing mismatch when heated zones are Off.


CDS displays inlet pressure setpoint assuming all thermal zones are turned ON, results in confusing mismatch when heated zones are Off.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:360  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Method Editor for PP inlet & Packed Column incorrectly allows both flow and pressure setpoints to be entered


When in flow mode, pressure should not be allowed. Entering a value messes up the flow setpoint.
When in pressure mode, flow should not be allowed. Entering a value messes up the pressure setpoint.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:361  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

ChemStation can lock up when changing Intuvo Bus Flow Chip types with ChemStation session running.


ChemStation can lock up when changing Intuvo Bus Flow Chip types with ChemStation session running. If replacing the flow chip with the same type then the problem will not occur.

Temporary Solution:

Workaround for now is to disconnect ChemStation, then turn off GC, do work, turn on GC, then connect ChemStation.

Fix Information:


KPR#:367  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Right Clicking on Method Editor makes UI hide behind Instrument Screen


Right Clicking on Method Editor makes UI hide behind Instrument Screen

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:368  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Incorrect Values in 9000 Pressure/Flow Calculator


The values within the pressure/flow calculator when initializing from "Inlet 1" still do not match the instrument parameters.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:369  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Make changes to guard chip on Intuvo 9000 GC, audit trail just says temperature changed


With Audit trail enabled, I make changes to the GC parameters panel of the Intuvo 9000 GC.  Changed the guard chip temperature and hold time and saved the method.  Looked at the audit trail and it showed events but it just said Temperature setpoint changed and Temperature hold time changed.  There was no reference to the guard chip.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:370  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Backflush Wizard illogically sets trial backflush times after the elution time of last peak of interest


Backflush Wizard illogically sets trial backflush times after the elution time of last peak of interest

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:371  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Should not be able to download a method while a in a GC run or sequence.


Downloading a method while a in a GC run or sequence can cause issues.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02

KPR#:372  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

GC Dashboard does not get populated for ChemStation


GC Dashboard does not get populated for ChemStation

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.02.059

KPR#:374  Product:DSA  7820A  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Cannot download GC set points to 7820 configured with a Nickel Catalyst heater and no inlets.


Cannot download GC set points to 7820 configured with a Nickel Catalyst heater and no inlets. Without the Ni catalyst configured everything works fine however once the Ni catalyst is configured the ChemStation fails to download parameters to the instrument.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision B.01.02.059

KPR#:375  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

No indication that the AutoSampler tray is in park mode.


From the data system there isn't a way to determine that the AutoSampler tray is in park mode.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.03

KPR#:376  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

The Local User Interface(LUI) on the Intuvo 9000 GC shows long name for connected data system.


The front panel LUI shows the PC name with other information appended to it. Customers would like to see just the PC name.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in B.01.03

KPR#:377  Product:DSA  7890B  Future

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

For both the 7890 and Intuvo 9000 there is no change in the UI to show the user that a rack is not present.


For both the 7890 and Intuvo 9000 there is no change in the UI to show the user that a rack is not present.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.03

KPR#:378  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Post Run Backflush. The Guard Chip temperature was not set to the Post Run Oven Temperature.


Using an Intuvo 9000 with Post Column Restrictor. The Backflush Wizard to set the Post Run Backflush. The Guard Chip temperature was not set to the Post Run Oven Temperature.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.03

KPR#:379  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Location of Intuvo 9000 GC System Health Report should be moved


Location of Intuvo 9000 GC System Health Report is not consistent with the location on the LUI of the GC.

Temporary Solution:

The System Health Report location has been moved to the  Maintenance/Diagnostics screen.

Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.03

KPR#:380  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Link to Intuvo 9000 GC help does not work.


Click on options > Show 9000 Help and Information. This gives a message that the 9000 cannot be found.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.03

KPR#:381  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.02

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Event drop downs are black when creating a new method


When creating a new GCMS method and adding events, drop downs are black. If the screen is switched and you go back to events, it works.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.03

KPR#:382  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Cannot install B.01.03 on ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 by Welcome.html


Using Welcome.html, GC Driver B.01.03 is not installed on ChemStation C.01.07 SR4

0. Uninstall previous GC Drivers.
1. Open Welcome.html by IE11.
2. Select Language  (Japanese) and move to INSTALL GC DRIVERS tab.
3. Click on the hyperlink "OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition (C.01.07, C.01.06, C.01.05"
4. Select "Run"

Expected Result:

InstallShield wizard should start

Actual result:

A error Message is displayed. "To install this software, ChemStation must be installed on the system in advance."

Temporary Solution:


Install the driver from OpenLAB Additional Software and Drivers.

Fix Information:


KPR#:383  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

PCM will not control in constant flow.


PCM will not control in constant flow. Configured two packed columns using PCM Module to a single detector. The PCM will control in pressure mode but not flow mode. This was reported by a customer using OpenLAB 2.2 and tested using OpenLAB CDS ChemStation. .

Temporary Solution:

Use pressure control mode and ramp the pressure.

Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.04

KPR#:388  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.03

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

RTL for OpenLAB CDS 2.X does not calculate the pressure correctly when locking or re-locking the method when setting a Target retention time.


RTL for OpenLAB CDS 2.X does not calculate the pressure correctly when locking or re-locking the method. This only occurs when the Target Retention field is set to a different retention time than the peak in the chromatogram.

Temporary Solution:

The work-around is to not update target retention time when selecting the peak for RTL locking. Use the retention time of the peak selection and the calculations are correct.

Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.05

KPR#:422  Product:DSA  7890A  5.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

HS Sleep/Wake mode should sync with GC Sleep/Wake mode


When a 7697 is configured to a 7890B, it should communicate such that the Sleep or Wake state of either one should be mimicked on the other.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.05

KPR#:425  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  B.01.04

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Script error when starting help for "Runtime Events"


Script error when starting help for "Runtime Events"

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.05

KPR#:431  Product:DSA  All GCs  B.01.04

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Overlap injections on the 9000 uses only the injection volume from the first injection for subsequent injection.


Overlap injections on the 9000 uses only the injection volume from the first injection for subsequent injection.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in B.01.05

KPR#:435  Product:DSA  7890B  2.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

GC Method Resolution results in “Object Reference” error message and occasional crash


GC Method Resolution results in “Object Reference” error message and occasional crash

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in 3.0

KPR#:439  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Downloading method parameters (like oven temperature) on a 6890A does not work with OpenLab CDS 2.4


Downloading method parameters (like oven temperature) on a 6890 does not work with OpenLab CDS 2.4. The GC is connected (current values are correctly displayed) and setting these parameters from the keyboard does work. Settings are updated in the method when selecting "Upload method".

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:472  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Intuvo trigger two instrument notification for configuration changed


Chromeleon: Intuvo trigger two instrument notification for configuration changed. Configure an Intuvo with guard chip feature and open the online method in context menu of status panel and get two config changed events with a timely distance of 30 seconds.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:473  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC: Change of column length (and related parameters like flow etc) via calibration in online method sometimes reported in audit trail sometimes not


Chromeleon: GC: Change of column length (and related parameters like flow etc) via calibration in online method sometimes reported in audit trail sometimes not

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:474  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC: Column length can only be calibrated once in Online Method Editor


Chromeleon: GC: Column length can only be calibrated once in Online Method Editor

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:475  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  B.01.05

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Setting Liner on Intuvo triggers two config change messages in audit trail


Chromeleon: Setting Liner on Intuvo triggers two config change messages in audit trail

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:476  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

8860 Open Lab CDS EZChrom compact license is invalid.


8860 Open Lab CDS EZChrom compact license is invalid.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:477  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.1

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Selecting Partial Data for the 6890 causes the retention times and areas to be wrong.


Selecting Partial Data for the 6890 causes the retention times and areas to be wrong.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:478  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.1

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

6890 - cannot set post run flow for packed column


6890 - cannot set post run flow for packed column

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:479  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC 6850A and 6890A: GC online method is not editable


Chromeleon: GC 6850A and 6890A: GC online method is not editable

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:480  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC 6890A: Wrong temperature shown in chromatogram for signal GC_OvTempe_Act


Chromeleon: GC 6890A: Wrong temperature shown in chromatogram for signal GC_OvTempe_Act

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:481  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC 6850A: Cannot create instrument method


Chromeleon: GC 6850A: Cannot create instrument method

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:482  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC8890: Current Signal Value in 'Blank evaluation' shows incorrect value in Method editor


Chromeleon: GC8890: Current Signal Value in 'Blank evaluation' shows incorrect value in Method editor

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:483  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC8890: Blank evaluation setpoints missing in method report


Chromeleon: GC8890: Blank evaluation setpoints missing in method report

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:484  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.1

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Signal Scaling is incorrect for the 6890


The real time plot scaling is incorrect. The offset shown in the GC Status is 10.2. The Real time plot shows the signal level to be about 7.8 x10^4. It appears that the signal is not being scaled correctly, but is using the signal directly.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:485  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Intuvo: Help button in window 'Configure Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC' opens 78xx Series GC Help


Chromeleon: Intuvo: Help button in window 'Configure Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC' opens 78xx Series GC Help

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:486  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC8890: Issues during sequence execution


Chromeleon: GC8890: Issues during sequence execution. During the execution of a sequence (using the blank evaluation) I observed some issues: audit trail entry if blank evaluation was used or not ( was performed as blank run, blank evaluation option enabled)
2.during execution of sequence the GC8890 reported high CPU usage
3.The blank evaluation failure was reported during : 16.04.2019 17:20:29 +02:00 2,059 Agilent Blank Evaluation Failed, Failure Action is Continue

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:487  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0.2

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Changes made in 68xx Edit Online Method not applied or reported


Chromeleon: Changes made in 68xx Edit Online Method not applied or reported.
1. With Chromeleon open, selected to open Instrument Actuals
2. Right click in window and select Edit Online Method
3. Attempted several changes to online method.
4. Clicked Set Method Button.
5. No change in instrument actuals reflecting changes to method
6. No audit trail entries for changes made.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:488  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.1

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Error when loading GC method without Blank Run Analysis setpoint


Error when loading GC method without Blank Run Analysis setpoint

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:489  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Corrected column length will not save after manual method resolution


Chromeleon: Corrected column length will not save after manual method resolution

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:490  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Signals from previous method persist in new method


Chromeleon: Signals from previous method persist in new method

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:491  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: ECD Help page cannot be accessed


Chromeleon: ECD Help page cannot be accessed

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:492  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: All 8860 signals not displayed or available in report


Chromeleon: All 8860 signals not displayed or available in report.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:493  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Error occurred at several points of operation


Chromeleon: Error occurred at several points of operation.

1. Open instrument, select instrument (8890) and choose Create Method

2. Error pops up (see pic)

3. Click OK and proceed setting method parameters

4. Finish method; new instrument method opens. 

5. Error appears again

6. Click OK, check method and save. Method saves

7. Right click on Status window and select Edit Online Method

8. Error appears again

9. Click OK and proceed with method edit

10. No time in this instance did the error impede actual saving method or running a sequence

Expected behavior: Method creation and editing proceed without error

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:494  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC6890: Front Injector parameter change in Online method not applied


Chromeleon: GC6890: Front Injector parameter change in Online method not applied.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:495  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC6890A: Method download fails


Chromeleon: GC6890A: Method download fails

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:496  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

8860 on Chromeleon -Unhandled exception in Chromeleon Driver Host (CmDDKHost): AgilentTechnologies.DdkIcfAdapter|Agilent


8860 on Chromeleon -Unhandled exception in Chromeleon Driver Host (CmDDKHost): AgilentTechnologies.DdkIcfAdapter|Agilent

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:497  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon does not recognize the tray with Back Injector installed.


Connected to a Back inlet only 8890 with a Back Injector and Tray. Was not able to use a vial position on the tray as the vial number in the sequence for Chromeleon.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:498  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Automatic de-activation of not supported feature blank evaluation cannot be saved


Chromeleon: Automatic de-activation of not supported feature blank evaluation cannot be saved

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:499  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Getting multiple Errors in the PC Event Log for AgGC7890 after disconnecting and Reconnecting LAN cable.


Getting multiple Errors in the PC Event Log for AgGC7890 after disconnecting and Reconnecting LAN cable.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Unable to duplicate the issue.

KPR#:500  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

GC6890: Valid vial ranges are not correct for 6890 in some cases


GC6890: Valid vial ranges are not correct for 6890 in some cases

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:501  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC6890A: Error 'The communication FIFO of the DDK driver is corrupted.' after connecting and disconnecting several times.


Chromeleon: GC6890A: Error 'The communication FIFO of the DDK driver is corrupted.' after connecting and disconnecting several times.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:502  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.1

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

When click the "Apply the Option" in GC Chromatographic Column Directory under Column Configuration, an exception occur on Openlab 2.4


When click the "Apply the Option" in GC Chromatographic Column Directory under Column Configuration, an exception occur on Openlab 2.4.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:503  Product:DSA  ICF (DSA)  3.0.2

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Upgrade installation from GC B.01.03 to 3.0 SR2 fails to install Ag7697WS.dll (and .pdb)


Upgrade installation from GC B.01.03 to 3.0 SR2 fails to install Ag7697WS.dll (and .pdb)

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:504  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC6850A: Changing method parameter creates method inconsistent to configuration


Chromeleon: GC6850A: Changing method parameter creates method inconsistent to configuration

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:505  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon:  GC6850: Partial Data option causes issues during sequence execution


Chromeleon:  GC6850: Partial Data option causes issues during sequence execution

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:506  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: GC6890: Unexpected audit trail entries during endurance run


Chromeleon: GC6890: Unexpected audit trail entries during endurance run

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:507  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

SR1 for the GC3.0 drivers breaks the connection between an 8890 and 7000D transferline temperature reading in MH ACQ 10.


SR1 for the GC3.0 drivers breaks the connection between an 8890 and 7000D transferline temperature reading in MH ACQ 10.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:508  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.1

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Not able to download flow setpoints to 6890 VI inlet.


Not able to download flow setpoints to 6890 VI inlet. Set up a method at the 6890. The column flow as set to 3 ml/min and the split ratio to 20 giving a total flow of 66.26 ml/min. Changed the split ratio to 10 and downloaded the method. The total flow did not change.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:509  Product:DSA  7890B  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: Incorrect conversion and missing unit when using pressure setting bar


Chromeleon: Incorrect conversion and missing unit when using pressure setting bar

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:510  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0.2

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

68xx: Chromeleon: System with G4513 won't make 1.1 uL injection


68xx: Chromeleon: System with G4513 won't make 1.1 uL injection

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:511  Product:DSA  7890B  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: System crash: system slow and then crashing


Chromeleon: System crash: system slow and then crashing. Chromeleon was unreactive and then suddenly the instrument connection was lost. After restarting the instrument controller the instrument was online again.

Audit trail showns an OutOfMemory exception.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:512  Product:DSA  7890B  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

8860 with Headspace/PAL does not consume correct VL license for OpenLAB 2.4


8860 with Headspace/PAL does not consume correct VL license for OpenLAB 2.4

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:513  Product:DSA  7890B  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

B,04.03 SP2 will not connect to an 8890 GC.


B,04.03 SP2 will not connect to an 8890 GC.There is no way to configure an 8890 and if you try to connect as a 7890 it will not start the instrument session.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:514  Product:DSA  7890B  3.0.2

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: 6890GC Oven temperature disabled in method - Run does not start.


Chromeleon: 6890GC Oven temperature disabled in method - Run does not start.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:515  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

3.0 SR2 driver fails SVT on OL CS C.01.09.144


3.0 SR2 driver fails SVT on OL CS C.01.09.144

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:516  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

OLCS C.01.09 with Driver 3.0.650 will not launch any instrument.


OLCS C.01.09 with Driver 3.0.650 will not launch any instrument.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:517  Product:DSA  7890B  3.0.2

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Chromeleon: SVT Chameleon 2.1.30 Fails


Chromeleon: SVT Chameleon 2.1.30 Fails

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:518  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.0

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Function_build number not display in SVT report in EzChrom and OpenLab CDS 2.4


Function_build number not display in SVT report in EzChrom and OpenLab CDS 2.4

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:519  Product:DSA  All GCs  3.00

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

8890: the MS transfer line temp displayed is 0 C but its actual temp is 250 C.


8890: the MS transfer line temp displayed is 0 C but its actual temp is 250 C.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in version 3.0.652

KPR#:564  Product:DSA  7890B  3.1

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

Calculated Pressure for Relock is not updated for the 6890 in C.01.10.


Calculated Pressure for Relock is not updated for the 6890 in C.01.10.

Temporary Solution:

Need to update manually.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1196  Product:DSA  7890A  3.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver

One-line Description:

7890A: Shutdown events are not published to the software GC Status screen


The thermal inlet shutdown is not reported in the software “Agilent GC Status” screen.  

Only the first event, which is 'not ready', is reported to the Agilent GC Status screen.  The second event, which is the shutdown, is not displayed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver revision 4.01.  7890A requires a minimum Firmware revision of A.01.12.

The driver is included in the following datasystem packages:
GC ChemStation B.04.03 DSP1 [52]
OpenLab CDS EzChrom A.04.02
GCMSD ChemStation E.02.02

KPR#:336  Product:DSA  7890B  B.01.01

Keyword: 78xx Driver , 68xx Driver

One-line Description:

GC instrument Help page cannot be displayed


Access to GC instrument HELP topics only available from the GC user interface

Temporary Solution:

GC help topics can be reached directly from the GC user interface

Fix Information:


KPR#:1660  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.04.03 LC DSP

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

No special characters should be used for names of methods, data files or sequences


Names for data files, methods and sequences should only contain alphanumeric characters. Special characters like ",#,$, %, &, @, ? and others should not be used and can in general cause trouble. The same is true for trailing blanks.
While this is outlined in the written documentation several times, it is not enforced for all dialogs inside the software. There are still the occasional loop hole where such a character can be entered or imported.

Temporary Solution:

The possiblity of entering special characters does by no means imply that it is safe to do it.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1701  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.02

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Terminal  Service can close under high workload


It has been observed that the terminal service on an AIC can terminate under high workload.
This is a limitation of Windows 2008 server. Since this only affects the remote session control to the ChemStation Client, no data will be lost.

Temporary Solution:

No fix available.

Fix Information:

Will not be fixed for Windows 2008.

KPR#:1747  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Queue Method vial range reflects range of loaded method, not the method browsed to


Load a method in ChemStation. Select Queue Method. Within that dialog, Browse... to load another method with a different vial range. The vial range (Sample Parameters: Vial/Location) is not updated to reflect the range of the method loaded in Queue Method, though the Signal (1 and/or 2) Data File info is correctly loaded from the browsed to method.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in C.01.07 SR2

KPR#:1811  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.01

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

7890 back injector only data file is missing acq.txt and acq.macaml in the data directory


There is no acq.txt and acq.macml in the data directory for the 7890 back injection only data file.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

OpenLAB CDS intelligent reporting of GC 7890 acquisition methods was introdcued with GC driver version 4.02.043 and OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.04.

OpenLAB CDS  ChemStation C.01.03 and earlier and GC 7890 driver 4.02.023 and earlier do not allow creating Intelligent Reporter templates including GC7890 settings.

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.04 which includes 78xx Driver 4.02 [043].  The 78xx driver 4.02 [043] supports the XML interfaces for reporting the method.

KPR#:1841  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Run time for unsynchronized modules is shortened


The runtimes of modules on a CAN bus (1260, 7100, integrated LCs) are handled internally to synchronize start and stop. The same applies to devices attached to the remote bus (e.g. 35900 or MSD). 
Devices that are not synchronized might be either stopped too early which leads to data loss, or too late which causes time-out errors. This affects ELSD detectors, SFC modules, modules with GCI drivers or 3rd party modules with RC.Net drivers, e.g Waters Alliance modules.

Temporary Solution:

Make sure the runtimes of all modules producing data are identical and no other module has a longer runtime.

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.05 and C.01.04 HF04 by introducing a master runtime for all modules.

KPR#:1842  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Memory leak in RDPShell.exe may cause significant performance decrease on OpenLAB CDS ChemStation AICs


The following problem has been reported for OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.0x Acquisition Instrument Controllers (AIC) operated on Windows 2008 R2 SP1 operating systems. Windows 7 or Windows XP operating systems are not affected.

A memory leak in RDPShell.exe may cause significant performance decrease as the overall memory usage may exceed 80% after several weeks of operation. This unintended and permanent memory allocation is triggered by moving the ChemStation application window over the client desktop. 

This problem is acknowledged by Microsoft ( and hot fix is available on request. 
NOTE:  The hot fix is not deployed as part of the automated update procedure.

Temporary Solution:

Unpatched AIC machines should be rebooted every 2nd week to release the allocated memory. Note: ChemStation instances need to be shutdown (rather than disconnected) before rebooting the AIC.
Use the remote application window in full screen mode only and avoid moving the application window on the client screen.

Shutting down the ChemStation instances does not release the memory on the Windows 2008 server as the RDP sessions remain in an idle state untill they are re-used.

Fix Information:

Microsoft offers a hot fix that is not autmatically distributed by the update process.  The patch needs to be explicetly requested from
Please follow the back-up and installation recommendations from Microsoft.

Agilent performed limited tests with the mentioned hot fix and no negative impact was found.

KPR#:1853  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.01

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

GC7890 acquisiton methods cannot be reported with Intelligent Reporting of OpenLAB CDS ChemStation


OpenLAB CDS intelligent reporting of GC 7890 acquisition methods got introdcued with GC driver version 4.02.043 and OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.04.

OpenLAB CDS  ChemStation C.01.03 and earlier and GC 7890 driver 4.02.023 and earlier do not allow creating Intelligent Reporter templates including GC7890 settings.

Temporary Solution:

Use the classic reporting functionality of OpenLAB CDS ChemStation to print GC7890 methods.

Fix Information:

OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.03 HF08 introduces functionality to allow the 7890 GC driver 4.02.043 to store the instrument parameters to be used with intelligent reporting.

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.04 which includes 78xx Driver 4.02 [043].  The 78xx driver 4.02 [043] supports the XML interfaces for reporting the method.

KPR#:1960  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Chromatograms of manually stopped runs are shorter than expected


User sometimes stop runs as soon as the expected peaks have eluted as seen from the online plot.
The run on disk might not contain those last peaks.
The online plot uses a different channel which is unfiltered. Stopping a run will finalize the chromatogram immediately. When the detector has a high filter width (response time), the last data points are not yet stored to the chromatogram.

Temporary Solution:

With low data rates (and long filter widths) the online plot might be up to 30 seconds ahead of the data collection in the data file. Consider adding this time span before stopping a run.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1962  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

LCDIAG.REG content incomplete


The run contains LCDIAG.REG files which are missing vital information, like the sampler information.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.05 HF04 and OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1964  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.04.02 DSP 2 (FireAnt)

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Data system uses the currently loaded method to validate the vial range in the Sequence table


Sequence does not run or will abort if the currently loaded method vial range is different than the vail range of the next method in the sequence table.

Set up two methods:
Method E with injection source set to headspace (valid vials 1-111)
Method A with injection source set to ALS sampler with tray. (valid vials 1-150)

Construct a sequence
Vial      Method
1            A
1            E
130        A
2            E

If method E is the currently loaded active method then this sequence will not validate because the first method in the sequence (method A) has a vial range that is valid for an ALS.  The vial numbers are checked against method E which has a vial range for the headspace. The sequence cannot be run.

If method A is the currently loaded active method, then this sequence will validate and start running. When the datasystem attempts to move to the 3rd line it validates the vial against E with a headspace injectorID and fails, aborting the sequence.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1969  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF03

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Using FIle> Snapshot causes the software to become unresponsive on systems with a Varian Prep Star module


Creating a file snapshot on an instrument with a Varian Prep detector can result in an unresponsive software.

Temporary Solution:

Adressed in in hotfix-09 for C.01.05

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:2067  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Missing data points in chromatogram can be perceived as retention time shift.


Under certain circumstances data points can be missing in chromatograms. This happens when the instrument is sending data, but the software has not yet acknowledged the start of the run. As a result data points are not recorded from the beginning of the chromatogram.
The data points are not time stamped by the hardware. Due to the design of the data protocol they are sorted into the chromatogram starting at 0 minutes. Therefore it appears that data points are missing at the end of the chromatogram. For the user it appears as a retention time shift.
The missing part of the chromatogram can range from seconds to over 10 minutes.

Factors that make the problem more likely are run start from the hardware (handheld controller, front panel, manual injector, remote start).
Fast network and high load on the instrument controller also increase the risk.
The problem has so far been observed on FID and VWD signals.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Revision C.01.05 SP1 HF02.
Fixed in Hotfix 05 for ChemStation C.01.06.

Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Revision C.01.07 by redesign of the acquisition engine.

KPR#:2072  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Incorrect XML import of MultiSampler vial positions


The vial positions of the Infinity II MultiSampler like D1F-A1 (for Drawer 1, Front, position A1) cannot be imported correctly from an XML file. The XML Import Table will show the correct Vial positions but the Import report will state "invalid Location in line".  Also Sample Location field in the Sequence Table will be blank.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.07 SR1 HF1

KPR#:2077  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Duplicate or corrupted files or unresponsive software after stop/abort


An inconsistency in the communication between instrument and software has been found during sequence runs. 
The defect is triggered in situations when external interaction occurs at state transitions.
External interaction can mean: Stopping or  aborting a run by user interaction, hardware error (Power fail, leak, communication loss), missing vial, barcode mismatch, etc.
State transition can mean: at the time of injection, between runs, in situations that should be covered by rules and alerts, etc.
As a result of such a conflict the same file (acaml file, method folder, logbook...) can be accessed by two instances, leading to a corrupted file or to unresponsive software.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This defect is addressed with HF03 for C.01.06.

KPR#:2102  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Order of data points in instrument signals is inverted


On systems under heavy load, it can occur that the data points coming from the instrument are not sorted in the chronological order. 
This occurs typically with the instrument traces. In that case, the data points are sorted correctly on screen, but the line that connects the points appears to loop backwards.
There is one known case where the issue occurred on the detector signal. In that case the connecting line was straight forward, but the order of data points was not correct. The issue might be more frequent, since a wrong order of data points will not be obvious outside of a peak.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.05 SP1 HF02.

KPR#:2108  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

ChemStation Scheduler hpsched.exe fails to start on Windows 2008 Server R2 SP1


Upon start of HPSHED.EXE (either form ChemStation's View menu or by double-click on C:\Chem32\Core\hpshed.exe) only a plain dialog box titled "HPSHED" with this error text appears: "Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range".

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

 Resolved in revision OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2110  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Error 17923 occurred for both LC and GC


During acquisition, error message "Error 17923 occurred: Parameter 3: A value is outside the legal range" are displayed in instr.log

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2136  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Order of data points in instrument signals is inverted


On systems under heavy load, it can occur that the data points coming from the instrument are not sorted in the chronological order. 

This occurs typically with the instrument traces. In that case, the data points are sorted correctly on screen, but the line that connects the points appears to loop backwards.
There is one known case where the issue occurred on the detector signal. In that case the connecting line was straight forward, but the order of data points was not correct. The issue might be more frequent, since a wrong order of data points will not be obvious outside of a peak.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06 HF05.

KPR#:2147  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF03

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Sequence Start button is enabled when sequence is paused.


When a locked online session is unlocked and the currently running sequence was paused, the Start button is enabled. Pressing it would start the same sequence a second time. The resulting conflict could make the software unresponsive or even lead to a crash.

Temporary Solution:

Adressed in Hotfix 05 for ChemStation C.01.06.

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.07.

KPR#:2159  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

G7100A Wait time after loading new method is applied to every run


Using the Sequence Parameter " wait x minutes after loading a new method" has been applied to every run within a sequence (e.g. multiple injections within a sequence line using the same method). This added extra time to the execution of a sequence.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The issue has been fixed with OpenLAB ChemStation Edition C.01.07 SR3. The wait time behavior has been corrected to be executed the same way as for other techniques. The wait time in applied once when a different method is loaded.
In case that users made an advantage of the additional time added between each run (e.g. additional equilibration), either the methods post time (applied after a run is finished) or a preconditioning step (wait xx seconds) as a post run command can be used to apply the additional equilibration time.

KPR#:2186  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

"Error 41092 occurred" is shown in the system activity logs


This error intermittently happens when the sequence upload is stuck and the system must be shutdown.  This is a general error that indicates that the system failed to get the correct response echoed back to it.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:89225  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2 HF01

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Calibration run was canceled during injection, File/Path error message – could not save method with data shown


When a calibration run is cancelled during the injection, the calibration dialog is closed automatically.  A File/Path error - could not save method was shown and the run was removed from the run queue.  The modules become idle again, but chemstation remained in the state: Ready/Saving method with data.  Had to restart chemstation to remove the “Saving with data” state.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:105304  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

ChemStation does not set the Device Master-Runtime correctly to the ELSD RC.Net driver


If the initially loaded method has a Master-Runtime of exactly 10.0 minutes, the ChemStation does not propagate the Master-Runtime to the instrument driver. Thus, the instrument driver uses a wrong runtime for acquisition. The problem was seen with an LC stack together with an ELSD.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4.

KPR#:123728  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Cannot start the FIA Method in the Single Sample Information down menu with G7129A Vial sampler


In the Sample Information form, the Vial location always has a "vial 1 location" by default. It needs to blank to able the start FIA method since the method has a P1-A1 vial location on the G7129A Vial sampler. 

Temporary Solution:

Before loading the FIA method, edit the vial location field to be ‘blank’ in the Single Sample Information down menu.

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 1

KPR#:124268  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF01

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Intermittent signal lost of HPLC with G7115A


Intermittent signal loss of G7115A in a networked CDS system.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:132730  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Fractions missing in Data File after Instrument Error


An instrument error occurs due to insufficient available locations causes an 'Abort Run' which closes the data files immediately (without collecting the remaining rawdata/fractions). 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:149080  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06,C.01.07,C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Instrument driver error crashes the ChemStation


A instrument driver error can cause a crash in the ChemStation. The ChemStation should handle this situation more reliable and report valid error messages and not crash.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix 1.

KPR#:168241  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Intermittently the signal is missing or saved in wrong data folder for runs not started from the ChemStation


The instrument start is triggered by an external device based on its ready state. The instrument is not started first via "Run Control, Run Method from the ChemStation.  Intermittently the signal is missing or saved in a wrong data folder for single runs that are not started via the ChemStation.

Temporary Solution:

Optional workflow: 
-	Select Injection Source “Manual”
-	Before each device-run, first start a ChemStation-Run via “Run Control -> Run Method”
-	…ChemStation is now waiting for the instrument to start a run…
-	Trigger the instrument run (e.g. Start key) or via remote start

With this approach it should be ensured the data path/file variables are set correctly before the instrument run starts. 

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 2.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09.

KPR#:172406  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Intermittently the signal is missing or saved in wrong data folder for runs started at GC


The instrument start is triggered by an external device based on its ready state. The instrument is not started first via "Run Control, Run Method from the ChemStation. Intermittently the signal is missing or saved in a wrong data folder for single runs that are not started via the ChemStation. 

Temporary Solution:

Optional workflow: 
- Select Injection Source “Manual” 
- Before each device-run, first start a ChemStation-Run via “Run Control -> Run Method” 
- …ChemStation is now waiting for the instrument to start a run… 
- Trigger the instrument run (e.g. Start key) or via remote start 

 With this approach it should be ensured the data path/file variables are set correctly before the instrument run starts. 

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix 1.

KPR#:218783  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08 Update 01

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Counter used for single data file naming does not increment correctly with multiple runs in C.01.08 [216]


When running single runs from RunControl > Sample Info, the counter used for the single data file naming does not increment correctly when multiple runs are selected. 

Steps to reproduce it:
1.	Single Injections at RunControl->Sample Info.
2.	Signal1 Field = Any Field + Counter (i.e. counter =1, Length=any, Increment=1) with Number of Runs = more than 1
3.	Result: If Run number is set as 3 and length=4, first injection data name of counter become 0003.D and second injection data become 0001.D. Also, the third injection naming becomes 0001.D again with notice for data overwriting.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 2 for LC only.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 3 for LC and GC.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 1 for LC and GC.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 for LC and GC.

KPR#:232469  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Counter used for single data file naming does not increment correctly with multiple runs in C.01.08 [216]


When running single runs from RunControl > Sample Info, the counter used for the single data file naming does not increment correctly when multiple runs are selected. 

 Steps to reproduce it: 
 1. Single Injections at RunControl->Sample Info. 
 2. Signal1 Field = Any Field + Counter (i.e. counter =1, Length=any, Increment=1) with Number of Runs = more than 1 
 3. Result: If Run number is set as 3 and length=4, first injection data name of counter become 0003.D and second injection data become 0001.D. Also, the third injection naming becomes 0001.D again with notice for data overwriting. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 2 for LC only.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 3 for LC and GC.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 1 for LC and GC.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 for LC and GC.

KPR#:239891  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08 Update 02

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Data saved in reverse order for multiple single runs specified in Sample Info


Data is saved in the following format when running multiple single sample runs:

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:399554  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Missing error method in sequence parameters


When Fraction Collector runs in Error during a sequence, the error method is not loaded.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 3 and documented in help.

KPR#:451930  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10,C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Snapshot does not work: Error "Data file does not exist"


When a subdirectory is configured in the sequence parameters or the sample info dialog, the snapshot function does not work.
The error message is
/ Data File "C:\Users\Public\Documents\ChemStation\1\Data\snaphot.d" does not exits. /

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 4

KPR#:474709  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

When doing Fraction Collection without sampler it can happen that the fraction start locations is wrong


When doing Fraction Collection without sampler it can happen under certain configuration and unlucky timing that the fraction start locations is wrong. 

Temporary Solution:

Configure the G7166A or other AFC to the first module in the configuration

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 4

KPR#:519791  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3,C.01.08

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Performance problems with OpenLab ChemStation C.01.07 and C.01.08 with 8890 and 8860 GC instruments


The 8890 and 8860 GCs were released after OpenLab ChemStation C.01.07 and C.01.08 and are not properly recognized as an Agilent instrument in some column related functions. When running an unrecognized GC, every time a run is performed 6 lines are added to the columns table which causes it to grow with each injection. Delays related to reading the column table become noticeable when the column table gets too large.

Temporary Solution:

There are 2 workarounds available:

1.	Delete the column table in the instrument folder,

DRIVE:\Chem32\n\ for OpenLab ChemStation C.01.07, or 

DRIVE:\Program Data\Agilent Technologies\ChemStation\n\ for OpenLab ChemStation C.01.08

where n is the instrument number for the instrument.  

The column table is COLUMNSDB.CINV.REG and copies of this information may be stored in the configuration files for the online and offline sessions of the instrument: Config.Reg and Conf_Off.Reg.  

Make sure all instrument sessions in the ChemStation are closed.  

Delete COLUMNSDB.CINV.REG, Config.Reg, and Conf_Off.Reg.  When the instrument sessions are launched the required files will be rebuilt.

2.	Enter the following command on the ChemStation command line:

 if TabHdrVal(_config[1], "Columns", "NumberOfRows")  > 250 then ; DelTabRow _Config[1], "Columns", 251:-1;  endif ;

The frequency of using either of these workarounds depends on system usage and performance.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation C.01.08 Update 3, C.01.07 SR4 PP02, C.01.07 SR3 PP04

This issue no longer occurs beginning with:
OpenLab ChemStation C.01.09

KPR#:523782  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09,C.01.10

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Column table continues to grow each time a column is changed in GC and LC


Column table continues to grow each time a column is changed in GC and LC.  

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:524638  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10,C.01.10 Update 4

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Column table grows over time when changing column settings


Every time a column setting is changed (for example, changing the name), a new row is added to the column table causing the table to grow:

a) when the column does not have a serial number, or 
b) when the column has a serial number but not in the column table

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved In OpenLab ChemStation C.01.10 Update 5.

KPR#:603801  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09 Update 01,C.01.10 Update 3,C.01.10 Update 4

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Sample naming counter issue


When runs are submitted to the beginning of the queue, the counter token for the first entry will have the highest value.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:694563  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Commands setup in the Command Scheduler window also used in the Offline session


If a data set is loaded in an offline session, that data set will be reprocessed in addition to the new data being collected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 7.

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:770071  Product:    C.01.10,LTS 01.11

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

Cannot remove custom wellplate definitions


Deleted custom wellplate definitions will reappear upon relaunching ChemStation.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:962756  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: ACQ

One-line Description:

ChemStation hangs and stays in "running" state after multiple snapshots


The “After any data modification” (full data tracking) is unchecked in the ChemStation Administration Tool to enable snapshot. With an ECM data back-end, the ChemStation hangs when multiple snapshots are taken to get a real-time look at the data. The sequence remains in 'running' status, but the next sample is not injected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 02.

KPR#:36  Product:OpenLAB Data Store  OpenLAB Data Store  A.02.01

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Windows Domain tab is grayed out in OpenLAB Server Utility


When the authentication provider is set to domain authentication, the user account used to browse the active directory is stored in the OpenLAB Shared Services database and can be modified or updated using the OpenLAB Server Utility.
The OpenLAB Server Utility will then update the databse with the new information. 
When starting the OpenLAB Server Utility as a domain user which is not a database administrator, the information in the windows domain tab will be greyed out because the tool can't connect to the database.

Temporary Solution:

Login to windows as an user account which is granted database administration privileges

Fix Information:


KPR#:39  Product:OpenLAB Data Store  OpenLAB Data Store  A.02.01

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Cannot stop Shared Serviceshost service on computer after changing the Domain Account password


After changing the Domain Account password on the OpenLAB Server Utility, you may occasionally get an error message, “Cannot stop Shared Serviceshost service on computer”.

Temporary Solution:

As a temporary solution, restart the Agilent OpenLAB Shared Services service or reboot the shared services server.

Fix Information:


KPR#:119981  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Users with privilege of view and run instrument can take over instrument used by another user


Users with the privilege of view and run instrument can take over the online/offline session used by another user in Chinese and Japanese Systems.  English systems are not affected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4.

KPR#:128072  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Microsoft Windows 10 update (build 1703) may result in bluescreen


Microsoft has published a so called "creators update", a patch for Windows 10. The internal build number for this build is 1703. To find out the currently installed patch click the start button and enter "winver". Customers who haven´t deactivated those updates and have patched their  C.01.07 SR3 installation will get a bluescreen when navigating to the detectors screen while editing a 7890B method. More issues may exist that we haven´t found yet.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Microsoft has provided two fixes that can be found here (install both patches): 
Or find it here as a cumulative update:

KPR#:129420  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR4

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Software Verification Report does not include Hotfix04 in the base revision number


The Software Verification Report (SVT) does not show the correct base revison number for OpenLab Shared Services Server when Hotfix04 is installed.  Hotfix04 is not included in the base revision number; only 2.1 is shown.

Temporary Solution:

Go to Windows Add/Remove Programs to verify that the OpenLab Shared Services Service Hotfix 4 is installed.

Fix Information:


KPR#:149886  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.06

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

EMF help information not available using the Instrument Control Framework


Currently the EMF help information not available using the Instrument Control Framework

Temporary Solution:

The EMF (Early Maintenance Feedback) can only be used in conjunction with Agilent Lab Advisor.
Within ICF, the EMF (Early Maintenance Feedback) status of the module is displayed by its EMF-specific color-coding. The tooltip gives further information about the EMF status.  To modify EMF limits or clear EMF values, use the Agilent Lab Advisor.

Fix Information:


KPR#:149890  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.10

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Do not install msi files by double-clicking the file


Drivers and add-on software products are provided in .msi files (Microsoft Windows Installer). Double-clicking such files seems to create a valid installation. While the software may work correctly, this may create problems:
- the OpenLAB Additional Software and Drivers Deployment Wizard does not register and list this software product. This information is needed for getting support from Agilent Technologies
- uninstallation of the software may fail
- upgrade of the software may fail

Temporary Solution:

Do not use a double-click for installation. Use instead the OpenLAB Additional Software and Drivers Deployment Wizard, which can be started by going to Windows Start > Agilent Technologies > OpenLAB > OpenLAB Additional Software and Drivers. Follow steps described in the Wizard for installation or software upgrades.

If a software cannot be upgraded or uninstalled because of an invalid installation, it may help to install the software again using the procedure recommended here. Then uninstall the software using the wizard and try an upgrade again.

Fix Information:

Since LC and CE driver version A.02.18 a warning message appears which says that manual installs are not supported and the installation aborts.
This only affects OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition and OpenLab CDS EZChrom Edition. With OpenLab 2.x manual installations are supported.

KPR#:165543  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR4

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Administrative Break Session lock functionality from ChemStation Admin tool is not working correctly


In the "ChemStation Administration Tool" select the check box "Break session lock" in the login section.  It is not possible to unlock ChemStation with ‘Cancel’ if Break session lock was activated in the ChemStation Administration Tool.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in Openlab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hot Fix 1.
Resolved in Openlab CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

It is now possible to unlock ChemStation with 'Cancel' if Break session lock is activated in the ChemStation Administration Tool.

KPR#:217785  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.2.19,3.0

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Installation Qualification Test fails when a newer RapidControlIF.dll is installed than has been expected by the LC Driver


Due to a mismatch within the Installation Qualification Test (IQT) setup of the LC Driver Installation Package, IQT may fail, if the A.02.19SR2 LC Driver package is installed.
The issue occurs, when a previous installation of either the data system or another software package has installed the shared component "RapidControlIF.dll" with a more recent file version than expected by the LC Driver (Expected file version is

IMPORTANT: This issue does not affect proper function of the LC driver. It is an issue within the logic of the IQT files as it is being processed after the installation of an LC Driver package.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This IQT issue can not be fixed for LC Driver versions below A.02.19 SR3, if it already has occurred once. That is, if IQT has failed once for the reasons mentioned in the description.

The issue can be PREVENTED, by directly installing A.02.19 SR3 onto a fresh installation of Chemstation C.01.09. 

KPR#:274555  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.19-SR2

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Installation Qualification Test fails when A.02.19 SR2 is installed on OpenLab Chemstation Edition C.01.09


When trying to update the LC Drivers on an existing installation of OpenLab Chemstation Edition C01.09, Installation Qualification Test (IQT) fails with an unexpected file version of a RapidControl component. 

Temporary Solution:

None available.

Fix Information:


KPR#:431252  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.18-SR2

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Driver release note states wrong firmware revision for G7104C


The LC and CE Driver release note wrongly mentions "D.07.20" as the minimum required firmware revision. The correct minimum required firmware revision is "B.07.20".

The issue is not impairing correct function or firmware installation on G7104C. It is a documentation-only issue and will be fixed in a later release of the LC&CE Drivers.

Temporary Solution:

Should you require evidence for the correct firmware revision of G7104C for documentation purposes in the meantime, please consider adding a copy or reference for this bulletin entry to your documentation. 

Fix Information:

The issue has been fixed.

KPR#:764090  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Administration

One-line Description:

Secure File IO cannot be set


Secure File IO file protections cannot be set on folders outside of users\public.

If the user does not have local admin privileges, the folders outside of the users\public will not be secured when enabling Secure File IO.

Temporary Solution:

The user needs to have local admin privileges in order to secure folders outside of users\public or start the ChemStation Administrator Tool as an administrator.

Fix Information:


KPR#:267323  Product:    ECM XT v2.3,2.4

Keyword: Administration,User Interface

One-line Description:

Activity Log in OLCP does not record the Application name when login from the Web UI


The Activity Log in the OpenLab Control Panel does not record the Application Name (e.g. Content Management) when a user connect to the Content Management web interface, only the action of login in and the user name is recorded.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLab Server v2.5 and Openlab ECM XT v2.5

KPR#:683  Product:DSA  8890  3.3

Keyword: Agilent GC Driver

One-line Description:

Unable to download temperature setpoint to Gasifier II


Unable to download temperature setpoint to Gasifier II. This is a driver issue only, the function works from the browser interface.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in 3.3.70

KPR#:1749  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Method Audit Trail does not include change of Injection source when HS/PAL is no longer configured


GC with HS or PAL as the injection source. Close the session and remove the external device. Open the session and select Compare. No differences are seen in the method.

Download the original method. The  injection source has been changed to Manual. No change is logged to the Method Audit Trail.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1819  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

UIB II - set a timetable and control "Method Audit Trail"


If a timetable of UIB II  is set and stored via "Save Method as..", the time of the change should be stored in the "Audit Trail".
But the time of the method change is not correct.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1876  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04 HF02

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Automatically saving of method is missing in audit trail


Method changed during the sequence is automatically saved but not recorded in audit trail.  This automatic saving should be visible in the audit trail of the method but it is missing.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:2053  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Selection of storage of instrument curves is not reported in method audit trail


Selection of storage of instrument curves is not logged in method audit trail.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS C.01.07 SR2 and in OpenLAB CDS C.01.07 SR1.

KPR#:2059  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Sequence Audit Trail is not written for 2D LC instruments


Sequence Audit Trail is not written for instruments without 3DUV Addon license in C.01.07.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in C.01.07 SR1.

Fix Information:


KPR#:2092  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF09

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Update Master Method with DA settings does not copy the full list of changes to the audit trail


When method audit trail is activated the changes made in data analysis are listed in full detail. This is usefull to correlate result versions with method versions.
For a master method it is enough to have the current status at the time of acquisition. 
When the Data Analysis parameters are changed, the full audit trail is stored with the sequence method. When the master method is updated from Data Analysis, the audit trail of the master method contains only a link to the sequence method.
With a certain combination of privileges, a user can update the master method, but discard the changes to the sequence method.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Beginning with rev. C.01.08 only saved methods can be used to update the master method.

KPR#:2099  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Pre-run changes to sequences are not captured in the sequence audit trail


The current design of the sequence audit trail introduced with OpenLAB CDS C.01.07 does not cover the modification of sequence templates. Sequence template development is not considered to be traced as it happens before the validation process.
Templates can be protected by user privileges and storing the master templates in OpenLAB DataStore or ECM provides versioning to track the history of validated templates. For the sake of usability, the sequence template can be modified before starting the sequence. These changes are currently not tracked in the audit trail.

Temporary Solution:

The pre-run changes done by the sequence submitter can be detected by comparing the sequence template, the final state of the result sequence and the sequence audit trail.

Fix Information:

With revision C.01.07 SR2, the audit trial will keep track of the number of sequence lines so the net changes can be interpreted easier.

KPR#:2116  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Sequence audit trail reports outdated sequence line number


The design of the sequence audit trail introduced with OpenLAB CDS C.01.07 traces all committed changes to the sequence table while the sequence is acquiring data or when data gets reprocessed.
The changes are traced when the sequence table gets closed and the net changes are written to the audit trail. As multiple insert, move and delete operations changes the sequence line numbers, the audit trail needs to refer to the line number at the begin of the operation.
This may lead to artefacts where e.g. the original line #x is reported as being deleted, while other entries refer to line #x as being added and modified.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Begining with revision C.01.07 SR2, the audit trial contains additional information about how many lines have been added, deleted or moved in total. These entries are grouped together for increased readability.

KPR#:123232  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Sequence Method audit trail is missing entries for some runs


The sequence method audit trail will capture all the method changes during data acquisition.  For some sequences, the sequence method audit trail is missing entries for some runs.

For example, the sequence log shows re-calibration was done by calibration standard, but the sequence audit trail does not capture it.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:203019  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1,C.01.07 SR2,C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Changes of integration events in combination with preview results may not be tracked correctly in method audit trail


In case a user with appropriate privileges is working on the integration events in data analysis view and click immediately on ‘identify peaks, calculate and preview results’ it can happen that the changes are not tracked correctly in the method audit trail.

Temporary Solution:

To ensure all changes done in the integration events are tracked correctly in the method audit trail, it is strongly recommended to close the integration event window before generating a report.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 1.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10.

KPR#:291500  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Severity levels of activity log did change and need explanation


There is a mapping of old severity levels to new severity levels which is not well explained in the manuals. The old activity log severity level "Normal" and "Info" are both corresponding to the new severity level "Info". 

Definitions of the activity log severity levels: 

Info - Used for all informational logs generated by the system.  Most application and instrument activities fall into this severity level.

Warning - Used for entries describing activities or conditions that could lead to failure.  Useful for instruments that want to record a consumable reaching a set limit.

Error - A failure has occurred.  Some examples: The software did not behave as expected, an instrument has prematurely shut down, or a run was prematurely ended.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:292364  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Snapshots are not recorded in the audit trail


There is no audit trail for snapshots.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:293333  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Snapshot not disabled when “After any data modification” is checked


Users are able to take multiple snapshots overwriting the previous snapshot which is not captured in an audit trail.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The Snapshot mode is disabled when “After any data modification (full data tracking)” is selected in the ChemStation Administration Tool beginning in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 1.

KPR#:296074  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Time stamps of method audit trails are printed in ISO format


Beginning with rev. C.01.10, the time stamps of printed method audit trails appear in ISO format (global time), whereas all other time stamps used in ChemStation reflect local time.

This issue is visible if data gets reviewed in a time zone different to the time zone where or when the data was acquired.

The ISO time format was introduced with a new reporting component.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

There is currently no design change planned.

KPR#:317916  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Instrument error stopped sequence, but log also states “stopped by user”


The sequence did not complete due to an instrument error but the log states the sequence was also 'stopped by user' which is incorrect.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 1

KPR#:431170  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Sequence audit trail can be closed without entering a reason for the update


The sequence audit trail is enabled.  The sequence table is opened, and edits are made.  The sequence audit trail can be closed without entering a comment by right-clicking on ChemStation in the taskbar.  This action will close the audit trail without entering a reason for the change done in the sequence table. 

Temporary Solution:

Implement or update a procedural control (SOP) describing the meaning and usage of the audit trail comments in the workflow.  

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:488786  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09,C.01.10,C.01.08 Update 02 Point Patch 1

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Acquisition method last change timestamps do not match between Intelligent and Classic reports


Made changes to the sequence method and then updated the master method, (using the menu item in DA view : "Method"->"Update Master Method"). Ran this method and checked the audit trail, classic report, and IR report. The audit trail and classic report show a matching time for the acquisition method "Last Modified Date" due to the update. The IR report shows a few seconds earlier than the other 2 for the acquisition method last modified date time.

Last method update time stamps do not match between IR and classic reporting audit trails.

Temporary Solution:

Workaround:  The problem can be avoided by directly saving the master method via the sequence parameter option "Master Method Updates"->"Update data analysis parameters only" to update the master method from the data set method. 

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation C.01.10 Update 5.

KPR#:338  Product:DSA  7890B  A.03.02

Keyword: Autosampler

One-line Description:

EZChrom: PAL XT module not available after installation


1. Uninstalled existing PALxt driver. Driver was removed from Programs and Features

2. Installed PALxt B.01.07 using Gold Master disk. (dated 10/1/15)

3.  Driver appeared in Programs and Features.

4. Restarted because it is EZChrom.

5. Opened EZChrom Control Panel and selected to configure.

6. PAL XT (CTC Sampler) was not present in modules window. (see pic)

7. PAL3 and HS were already present.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in B.01.01

KPR#:1860  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Batch

One-line Description:

Cannot open batch - specified range parameter is bad


An error occurs when loading newly modified and saved batch files.

A batch file that is created in an earlier revision does not save the modifications from batch review correctly. When the modified file is loaded again, the error occurs:  "specified range parameter is bad"
The original batch file will load without error, only the newly modified and saved batch file will not load.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in Hotfix 04 for C.01.05

Fix Information:


KPR#:1903  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF04

Keyword: Batch

One-line Description:

Getting errors when selecting any Classic Performance report templates in Batch Review


Using Extended Performance Report (classic) in batch review does not work. An error message shows: "ERROR Processing Run:  The name given was not found"

Temporary Solution:

Use recalculate in Data Analysis

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:360620  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Batch

One-line Description:

Batch Reporting does not allow the same compound name to be used for both signals


The same compound name is used for the front and back detector signals in the calibration table. When a batch report is generated, the front injection results are being reported for the back injection.  The same compound name can no longer be used for both signals without causing a problem with the batch report.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1089  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.01.01

Keyword: Calibration

One-line Description:

Run a sequence with recalibration, only the first ISTD is updated


The ASTM method for biodiesel uses two internal standards in the calibration table, but when you run a sequence with recalibration only the first ISTD gets updated.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06. Up to 8 ISTD compounds can be updated during one run.

KPR#:1817  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Calibration

One-line Description:

Sequence run for bracketing standard which is started with blank completed without creating data files


When a sequence is started with blank data files, data files are not generated.  

When the sequence is started with standard as bracketing std. (line 1) and sample (line 2), sequence completed and data files are generated

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1827  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04 HF03

Keyword: Calibration

One-line Description:

C.01.04 Hot Fix03 : incorrect calibration curves legend in calibration curves printout


When using "ISTD" as "Calculation mode" and "Area" for "Based on", the calibration curves x-axis and y-axis shown on the calibration curves were :
"x-axis=amount ratio"
"y-axis=area ratio”

but the report printout for calibration curves have the following incorrect legend in English version: 

And incorrect legend in Japanese version:
"x= amount"
"y= height"

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1923  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Calibration

One-line Description:

Compounds without ISTD correction are not reported


In reports with calculation type ISTD or ISTD% amounts for compounds without ISTD reference are 0.
If an ISTD compound is not detected, all compounds that use this reference are reported as 0.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

None. This is the intended outcome of the calculation. A mix of corrected and uncorrected amounts must be avoided.

KPR#:2118  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1 HF01

Keyword: Calibration

One-line Description:

0.000 amount in Sequence summary report using ISTD% report


Intermittently, when generating the report after a sequence with 0.000 amount, reprocessing the sequence gives 0.000 amount in Sequence summary report for ISTD% report when the amount should not be zero.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

 Resolved in revision OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2178  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1 HF01

Keyword: Calibration

One-line Description:

Wrong vial number in intelligent report with bracketing calibration


The wrong vial number is reported when using intelligent reporting with bracketing calibration.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:153540  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2,C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Calibration

One-line Description:

Chromatograms extracted from UV iso-absorbance plot cannot be directly used for quanitfication


Calibration tables and associated corresponding signal descriptions generated based on extracted UV chromatograms cannot be directly used to generate quantitative reports.
The signal description in the signal detail and the chromatogram window do not necessarily match precisely.

Temporary Solution:

If you aim to use the calibration table for compound identification or quantification, you need to ensure the signal description shown in the signal details window matches the signal description in the header of the chromatogram window.  For certain UV detectors you need to manually adjust the precision of the wavelength numbers.  
After all, quantification based on extracted signals need to evaluated very carefully due to the reduced signal/noise ratio and its impact on quantification precision. 

Fix Information:

There is currently no fix planed.

KPR#:171163  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition    C.01.08

Keyword: Calibration

One-line Description:

 in Signal Details and Calibration tables has an old functionality of "Clear" instead of "Copy"


In Method and Run Control view, through the method editing steps the Signal Details window is prompted. A Signal Table Editor is available and rows with new Signals could be inserted, appended and added. Once a row is selected and the Keyboard function Ctrl+C is used, the entire sub-window is no longer available. An error message is generated ("Unknown error for register TempClipReg!")
 The same behavior was noticed for the Calibration Table and integration results table in Data Analysis view, with the error message "EDTAB 24: Unknown error for Register TempClipreg!" (EDTAB 65 for integration results table)

Temporary Solution:

Attached are macros that add a simplified menu item to copy the integration results to the clipboard.

Installation: Just make sure there is no User.Mac file in the \Chem32\Core folder or \Program Files (x86)\Agilent Technologies\ChemStation\Core. If there is, provide a copy so it can be reconciled to the content of the attached User.Mac.  If there is no existing User.Mac copy both macro files to \Chem32\Core or \Program Files (x86)\Agilent Technologies\ChemStation\Core folder. Restart the ChemStation and when you go to [Data Analysis] there will be a new [Clip] menu.

Operation: Under the [Clip] menu is an item for [Integration Results]. When you click this item the current integration results are copied to the ClipBoard using the default settings.

Note: This item copies the integration results for the currently loaded data file. It is not designed to handle more than one signal.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09.

KPR#:253208  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Calibration

One-line Description:

Include/ignore origin in default calibration settings shows a warning


A situation can happen when the value of how the origin should be handled is different in the default calibration settings and the value in the calibration table. E.g. in the calibration table the value is “include” and in default calibration settings is “ignore” then a warning comes up, that a point is missing to generate the calibration curve.

Temporary Solution:

Change the values manually to have consistency or uncheck the Def check-box in the calibration table, then the default settings will not apply.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.10

KPR#:694004  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: CE Control

One-line Description:

Acquisition Method changed by user without required privileges


When an instrument becomes online while an online session is running, instrument parameters in the method might be changed. This can happen, even if the logged on user does not have the privilege to change acquisition parameters.

Temporary Solution:

In order to protect a acquisition method from implicit method changes:

- Prohibit usage of handheld LC instrument controller by a procedural control
- Protect GC front panel keyboard by locking it in the configuration settings
-  When performing an instrument cold start the instrument method parameters are rest to factory defaults. Upon start-up of ChemStation or the user gets the option to load the instrument method. This needs to be prevented by choosing the configuration setting "New method from instrument". It is advised to load a stand-by method when closing ChemStation and shutting down the instrument.  Upon re-start the stand-by method is loaded again.

Fix Information:

No design change planned.

KPR#:149884  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.09

Keyword: CE Method

One-line Description:

CE Method not working for CEC Mode and/or MSInstalled soft configuration option


The pressure settings are not shown and therefore not working in the CEC Mode and/or MSInstalled soft configuration options. Vialtable implementation is not reliable.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in driver A.02.09 SP1

KPR#:150050  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.14

Keyword: CE Method

One-line Description:

Using timetable setting Internal Pressure in CE/p and CEC mode is not applied


In CE/p and CEC mode, the method timetable offers the possibility to set internal and external pressure values. This function cannot be applied currently. 

When using CE in CEC mode, the timetable parameter "Internal pressure" can be set, but is not applied during run. 
When using CE in CE/p mode the parameter can be set, but results in a "download method failed" error during method download.

Temporary Solution:

As a workaround, make sure not to use the timetable parameter "Internal pressure".

Fix Information:

There is no fix available currently, It is planned to remove the "Internal pressure" parameter from the CE timetable in a future driver release.

KPR#:49  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.07

Keyword: ChemStation

One-line Description:

LC/MS data acquired on Chinese or Japanese OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 cannot be reported with Intelligent Reporter.


When LC/MS data acquired with a Chinese or Japanese revisions of the ChemStation C.01.07, any intelligent report that contains a chromatogram in the template will show an error at the report generation (red cross).

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Wait for this Service Release: OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition A.02.02 SR2. Once available, install the software service release.

KPR#:52  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.06

Keyword: ChemStation

One-line Description:

LC/MS data acquired on Chinese or Japanese OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 cannot be reported with Intelligent Reporter.


When LC/MS data acquired with a Chinese or Japanese revisions of the ChemStation C.01.07, any intelligent report that contains a chromatogram in the template will show an error at the report generation (red cross).

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Wait for this Service Release: OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition A.02.02 SR2. Once available, install the software service release.

KPR#:53  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.07

Keyword: ChemStation

One-line Description:

LC/MS ChemStation - Intelligent Reporting would report a red cross when using Analytical Studio Reviewer


This affects all ChemStation release from C.01.05 to C.01.07.

Analytical Studio reviewer is often used with the MassHunter Walkup Add-on Software for the ChemStation.
After report generation, you will observe a red cross in the Intelligent Reporting chromatograms section in the case of simultaneous use of Analytical Studio Reviewer and Intelligent reporting.

Temporary Solution:

Switch off either the Analytical Studio Reviewer report generator, or the intelligent reporting (by switching to classic reporting)

Fix Information:

For ChemStation release C.01.07:
Wait for this Service Release: OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition A.02.02 SR2. Once available, install the software service release.

For ChemStation releases from C.01.05 to C.01.06: 
Switch off either the Analytical Studio Reviewer report generator, or the intelligent reporting (by switching to classic reporting)

KPR#:55  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.07

Keyword: ChemStation

One-line Description:

Intelligent Reporting template migration from OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.04 or C.01.05 to C.01.06 or higher


With the C.01.06 release of the ChemStation, the schema how vial positions are used changed.
While with the C.01.04 or C.01.05, "Vial 104" was still a valid vial position, this is no longer true for C.01.06.
In C.01.06 and above, the vial position that is recorded in the result set does no longer contain the text "Vial ".

Therefore any report template which uses the vial position for example in a filter, needs to be modified and use the correct vial position scheme in the filter value(s).

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Modification of the report template:

In a filter or a group repeating which contains the expression "Vial 102" for example.
Change the filter or the group repeating to "102" to be valid in the new version of the OpenLAB CDS ChemStation. see comment:

KPR#:41  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.06 HF01

Keyword: Client Report Rendering

One-line Description:

Data Peak without Apex Spectrum cannot render IR report with Apex Spectrum selected


Data without Apex Spectrum,  used to generate a report with a fresh template  hangs during report generation, with the spectrum objects below.
Spectra Plot, Spectra Plot All Peaks, Spectra Plot Compounds and Spectra Plot per Peak, the reports hangs and chemstation is unresponsive.
Changing the IR template from Apex to All Peaks renders the IR report.  If there is no Apex Spectrum for an identified Peak, and Apex is selected in the IR template, the report will not render.

Temporary Solution:

There several options to avoid this issue:
- change the detector settings to collect all peak in spectra, not just the apex spectra
- lower the detector threshold for the apex determination
- add a area or height  filter to the integrator or template that matches the detector threshold

Fix Information:

This defect is planned to be fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07.

KPR#:46  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.04

Keyword: Client Report Rendering

One-line Description:

Intelligent report of English openlab chemstation can not show chinese name in PDF report


Intelligent report of English openlab chemstation can not show chinese name in PDF report,but priview and export report as word report is ok ,only PDF report use "?" instead of chinese characters.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Customer needs to install the SimSun font on the English windows system

KPR#:628  Product:RTE  RTE  A.02.04

Keyword: Client Report Rendering

One-line Description:

Large matrix reports may produce additional empty pages


Large matrix reports may produce additional empty pages.
The issue is in the Microsoft Report Viewer control and cannot be fixed in the current product.

Temporary Solution:

Matrix reports easily exceed A4 or Letter sized paper formats and printing to a larger PDF paper format could be used as alternative.

Fix Information:

There is currently no fix planned.

KPR#:653  Product:OpenLAB ECM Intelligent Reporter  G4635AA  A.02.01 SP1 HF01

Keyword: Client Report Rendering

One-line Description:

Calculating the standard deviation of identical numbers may return NaN


When calculating the standard deviation or relative standard deviation of multiple identical numbers, the calculation may return "NaN" rather than 0.

The problem is caused by the small delta derived from the rounded result of the average calculation and the individual values. Summing up these small numbers may result in a floating point exception.

Temporary Solution:

Do not apply standard deviation calculations to series of identical  values.

Fix Information:

There is currently no fix planned.

KPR#:657  Product:OpenLAB ECM Intelligent Reporter  G4635AA  A.02.04

Keyword: Client Report Rendering

One-line Description:

Changes in report templates are not immediately shown on report printouts


Changes in report templates are not immediately  shown on the printout if the user does not preview the report and save the template first.

Temporary Solution:

Always preview the report printout after applying changes to the template.
Or save and reload the template from disk, if a preview should be avoided.

Fix Information:

There is no fix planned.

KPR#:659  Product:OpenLAB ECM Intelligent Reporter  G4635AA  A.02.04

Keyword: Client Report Rendering

One-line Description:

Rendering error when using a template containing a large result matrix


A template having a matrix inside a list may show a rendering error - The value 'x' is invalid. Valid values are between '0' and 'x'
This error occurs when there is large data used for rendering and due to this the matrix data spans across multiple pages.

Temporary Solution:

For large result matrices it is recommended to print the results to PDF files, rather than paper.
The paper format should adjusted to display large matrices on a single page.

Fix Information:

There is currently no fix planned.

KPR#:149860  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.08

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

TCC CLuster remains offline with message "Initialization of ColumnCompCluster failed


After starting the application \ connecting to the instrument, the TCC Cluster remains offline.

HowTo reproduce:
- Configure an instrument with the single TCCs
- In all single TCC method UI select the Combined mode for the right temperature zone and download it to the instrument
- close \ disconnect the instrument
- Configure a 2nd instrument with a TCC cluster. Just one column (no waste or bypass) and put in the upper right corner of one TCC.
Trying to connect to this TCC cluster. It remains offline.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

LC & CE Drivers A.02.08 SP1

KPR#:149912  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

Position number after run is reported wrongly for Multicolumn Thermostat G7116B in the report and audit trail


The Multicolumn Thermostat G7116B allows setting a valve position to which the valve is switched after a run. This switch has been done correctly but was not reported correctly as well in the report as in the method audit trail. Offset between reported and actual valve position is 1, i.e. position 2 has been reported as 1.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue has been fixed with driver release A.02.11 SP1.

KPR#:149913  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

Field sizes for column description and comment have been increased from 16 to 32 characters for G7116B Multicolumn Thermostat


For driver release A.02.11 and the corresponding firmware revisions, the maximum length for the column description and comment has been limited to 16 characters, which may not be sufficient for some columns. 16 characters apply to Latin characters, symbolic languages like Chinese or Japanese may require more memory for internal representation, which further limits the length of possible descriptions.

Temporary Solution:

not available

Fix Information:

This has been fixed with driver release A.02.11 SP1. Please note that this fix requires a firmware update for all relevant modules, which are the G7116B MCT module itself, which requires firmware C.06.72 as a hosted module and B.06.72/D.06.72 for all potential hosts. Please update all modules to the latest available firmware set including this fix. For details about the hosted module concept, please refer to the Firmware Update Manual.

KPR#:149914  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11 SP1

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

Method transfer from G1316A/B/C to G7116B failed if option "next position after run" was chosen


If a method with option "next position after run" was chosen for G1316A/B/C was loaded for a G7116B module, such a method became invalid and was rejected by the CDS and a CDS specific error message may be displayed or written to the log book.

Temporary Solution:

not available

Fix Information:

This issue has been fixed with driver release A.02.11 SP1.

KPR#:149917  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11 SP1

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

Wrong display for 2pos/10port and 2pos/6port valves in method UI for G1316A/B/C modules


For G1316A/B/C modules using the 2pos/10port valve or 2pos/6port valve, the method UI shows different port connections than the written connections, e.g. 1->2 is written but 1-> 10 is depicted. The description is correct but the display is wrong.

Temporary Solution:

Rely on written description.

Fix Information:

Fixed with A.02.11 SP1

KPR#:149918  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11 SP1

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

No tooltip displayed if linked detector is missing for G7116B Multicolumn Thermostat


If a detector has been linked optionally to a G7116B Multicolumn Thermostat (MCT) for aligning temperature control of MCT and detector flow cell and this detector is not present, the G7116B does not become ready as indicated by a yellow status LED. No tooltip is shown which would explain that reason.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed with driver release A.02.11 SP1.

KPR#:149921  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11 SP1

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

Incompatible change in behavior of 2-position/6-port and 2-position/10-port valves in G1170A, G7116B and G4227A compared to Thermostatted Column Compartments G1316A/B/C


Multicolumn Thermostats (MCTs) G7116B, External Valve Drives G1170A and Flexible Cubes G4227A are controlling 2-position/6-port valves and 2-position/10-port valves differently from similar Thermostatted Column Compartments (TCCs) like G1316A/B/C. This change of internal valve positions has been introduced for the 1290 Infinity valve drive G1170A and the Flexible Cube G4227A but has not been relevant because no method transfer was needed between rather different modules.  

Both valves use two positions:
Modules                                           Valves                     Position 1   Position 2
G1316A/B/C                                    2pos/6port               1->2	           1->6
G7116B, G1170A, G4227A             2pos/6port               1->6	           1->2
G1316A/B/C                                    2pos/10port             1->2           1->10
G7116B, G1170A, G4227A            2pos/10port              1->10         1->2
Depending on the module type, different ports are connected by the same method parameter (valve position). If such valves were used e.g. for column selection and columns are connected to ports with same numbers in a new module, a different column may be used by a transferred method. This is displayed correctly in the user interface but may not be expected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

If your methods rely on valve positions, please verify that they are using correct connections. When transferring methods between different module categories (e.g. G1316C vs. G7116B), please either change your method parameters or corresponding connections to ports.

KPR#:149925  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11 SP1

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

Error dialog and error logbook entry for TCCs G1316A/B/C


When loading a method in OpenLab CDS EZChrom edition A.04.06, which includes any Thermostatted Column Compartment G1316A/B/C using LC and CE drivers A.02.11, an error dialog may be shown along with a log book entry "Error in RCNet_RCMethodUI::ReturnRequestResponse : There is an error in XML document (0, 0).". This error message has no impact and can be ignored.

Temporary Solution:

Ignore this error message

Fix Information:

This issues has been fixed with driver A.02.12.

KPR#:149929  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11 SP1

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

Control UI for G1316C does not work when using the Instrument Control Framework ICF in client/server setups.


In a client/server scenario, where the server has driver A.02.10 and the Client has been upgraded to A.02.11 SP1, the control user interface of the module dashboard a window may appear with the message that the settings are being read and stays unchanged.

Temporary Solution:

Close this dialog using "Cancel". For switching on the thermostat, use command "Switch on/off" from the context menu of the dashboard.

Fix Information:

This issue has been fixed with driver release A.02.12.

KPR#:149930  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

Changing control settings like switching on/off the Column Compartment Thermostat or Leak Detection in the instrument control UI does not work


Two possibilities are available for switching on or off the thermostat of a column compartment
1. The Instrument Control User Interface (click "Control" in the context menu of the TCC). Then select Thermostat On or Off.
2. "Switch On" or "Switch Off" function in context menu.

Option 1 does not work with driver A.02.11. Switching between on and off does not switch the thermostat.

The same applies also to the settings for "Leak Detection".

Temporary Solution:

For switching the thermostat of the column compartment on or off, use Switch On or Off from the module dashboard context menu (option 2 above).
The leak detection settings can still be changed using the Instant Pilot.

Fix Information:

This issue has been fixed in driver release A.02.12.

KPR#:149943  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.12

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

Import/export functionality in Column Assignment dialog of MCT has been removed


Importing of column information via Column Assignment dialog would overwrite existing tags. In most cases, this would not be the expected behavior. Expected behavior would be to import such information only for columns without or with empty tags.

Temporary Solution:

Column information import has been removed for driver A.02.12 in order to avoid issues. Do not use this functionality for driver A.02.11.

Fix Information:


KPR#:149962  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.13

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

No comments can be entered for virtual tags


Column information can be either stored on Column tags (recommended), in a column database (if supported by a CDS, e.g. OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07 SR2) or temporarily on the instrument mainboard (as a virtual tag). Not all possible information may be supported outside the driver. For example, column comments cannot be stored on the mainboard.

Previous drivers allowed entering comments or importing them from the ChemStation database but this information was not persisted for virtual tags.

Temporary Solution:

Do not try using comments for virtual tags, as they will not be saved.

Fix Information:

Since driver A.02.14, the comment field is no longer editable if no physical tag is present.

KPR#:149976  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.13

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

Column information may get lost within VTCs during auto-configuration in some cases


A VTC allows handling of column information within clustered column thermostats or columns outside the system. This information is stored on column tags, on the system (mainboards) and - if applicable - in the ChemStation column database. Information for columns, which are either installed in column thermostats G1316C or outside the system may be reset during an auto-configuration. This is because modules configured in the VTC have changed their order.

Temporary Solution:

Re-order modules in the VTC configuration to the previous one after doing an auto-configuration.

Fix Information:

Fixed in LC and CE driver A.02.14

KPR#:149977  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.14

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

Last injection date and injection counters are not updated in VTC in some cases


A VTC allows handling of column information within clustered column thermostats or columns outside the system. This information is stored on column tags, on the system (mainboards) and - if applicable - in the ChemStation column database. Information for columns, which are either installed in column thermostats G1316C or outside the system may not be updated correctly.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:149978  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.14

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

Valve-Thermostat-Cluster time table can be edited in read-only mode


Chromatographic Data Systems (CDS) can temporarily set access to driver functions to read-only. By mistake, the time table of valve-thermostat clusters (VTC) is editable. This may cause issues for the CDS.

Temporary Solution:

Do not edit the VTC time table in read-only mode.

Fix Information:

This has been fixed in driver A.02.14.

KPR#:149985  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.15

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

Maximum column void volume is 50 mL


Import of column information with a void volume larger than 50 mL from the OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition column database may fail because of a numeric limit in the driver.

Temporary Solution:

Avoid values larger than 50 mL. As a workaround, try to write void volume information e.g. to the comment field.

Fix Information:

This shall be fixed with an upcoming driver release.

KPR#:149998  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.15

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

Auto configuration fails when changing the valve type in an MCT for an existing valve thermostat cluster


Auto configuration fails when changing the valve type in an MCT (Multi Column Thermostat) G7116A/B for an existing VTC (valve thermostat cluster). 
When trying to configure the valve thermostat cluster an unhandled exception is displayed.

Temporary Solution:

Do an auto configuration without clustering the modules, start the CDS and close it again, then do a second auto configuration and set up the VTC cluster as desired.

Fix Information:

This has been fixed with driver version A.02.16.

KPR#:272678  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.17

Keyword: ColumnComp Driver

One-line Description:

G1316C does not recognize 800 bar Quick Change Valve Heads configured in LabAdvisor


The driver of G1316C Agilent 1200 Series Thermostatted Column Compartment is unable to recognize 800 bar Quick Change Valve Heads that have been configured in LabAdvisor. 

Temporary Solution:

When configuring a 800 bar Quick Change Valve Head in a G1316C Agilent 1200 Series Thermostatted Column Compartment, use the built-in driver function only to manually configure the Valve Head. 

With the Valve Head installed, perform an auto-configuration. Start up your data system and connect to the instrument. Right-click on the dashboard tile of the G1316C and access the "Modify" > "Valve type..." function. Choose the correct valve type from the list and follow the instructions to modify the tag information on the device manually. Power down your device and install the 800 bar Valve Head. Perform an auto-configuration, connect to the instrument with your data system and verify that the proper Valve Head is displayed in the G1316C Dashboard tile.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1609  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.03.02

Keyword: Companion

One-line Description:

Companion fails to run blank run for valved/ALS injections


Create a run table that uses valid locations and some that use 'blank' as the injection location (a valid choice in Companion).
The runs associated with this location fail to run with a pop-up:
'Vial range must be in range 1-32'.
This also happened for an ALS method.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in Revision B.04.01.

KPR#:117721  Product:OpenLAB  Shared Services  A.02.02

Keyword: Control Panel

One-line Description:

Exception when login in OpenLab Control Panel. ECM does not display all the subfolders when browsing for Project Path during project creation; exception displayed


When the user creates projects, the standard procedure is to browse to the folder Location when selecting the Project Path. However, there are more than 100 sub-folders, it is not possible to set the project path correctly, because when browsing, the ECM window displays only the first 100 folders.
The following exception is displayed: "Agilent.OpenLab.SharedServices.SharedServicesInternalException: The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters..."
An exception is also displayed when logging in OpenLab Control Panel: "Agilent.OpenLab.SharedServices.SharedServicesInternalException: The incoming request has too many parameters..."

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The fix is OpenLAB Shared Services (OLSS) 2.1 Hotfix 4 and is distributed with the CDS.

OpenLAB Shared Services 2.1 Hotfix4 is included with C.01.07 SR4 (Disk1) and is installed. Resolved in C.01.08.


KPR#:217841  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3,C.01.09,C.01.07 SR4

Keyword: Control Panel

One-line Description:

Unable to configure multiple instruments with the same name in different locations (on the same AIC)


On the same AIC, created an instrument in 2 different locations with the same instrument name.  The first instrument can be configured as expected. The second instrument starts to configure, but the module configuration box never shows up. No errors are shown in software or operating system. 

Temporary Solution:

Do not configure 2 instruments on the same AIC with the same name on 2 different locations.

Fix Information:


KPR#:283789  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: Control Panel

One-line Description:

Create new instrument causes error "System.Net.Sockets.SocketException.." 


When creating a new instrument, the following dialog box is displayed: "An error prevented creating the instrument". The error text is:

System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found
 at System.Net.Dns.GetAddrInfo(String name)
 at System.Net.Dns.InternalGetHostByName(String hostName, Boolean includeIPv6)
 at System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(String hostNameOrAddress)
at Agilent.OpenLab.Communication.NetworkLocation.get_HostEntry()
 at Agilent.OpenLab.Communication.NetworkLocation.get_IsLocal()
 at Agilent.OpenLab.UI.Instruments.ViewModel.InstrumentEditor.IsLocal(InstrumentController controller)
 at Agilent.OpenLab.UI.Instruments.ViewModel.InstrumentEditor.GetInstrumentControllers(Connection connection, InstrumentApplicationViewModel application)
 at Agilent.OpenLab.UI.Instruments.ViewModel.InstrumentEditor..ctor(InstrumentLocationCollection parentLocation)
 at Agilent.OpenLab.UI.Instruments.Commands.Actions.CreateInstrumentAction.ExecuteAction(InstrumentLocationCollection parameter)

This is caused by an instrument controller that has a Network Status of "Not resolved".

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1905  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Custom Fields

One-line Description:

Default value for a custom field is not cleared


The custom field default text is still displayed, even after the text has been deleted from the method and the method is aved.
This happens in the following situation:
A sequence contains methods with custom fields and the fields have been viewed from the sequence table. Then the method is modified, by making a text field mandatory and removing the default value.
VIewing the filed values again shows that the field is labeled as mandatory, but the default text is still listed.

Temporary Solution:

The method printout shows the correct setup.
To clear the values without rewriting the sequence change the value type from text to numeric and back.

Fix Information:

No fix available.

KPR#:2106  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF02

Keyword: Custom Fields

One-line Description:

Custom Fields can disappear after acquisition


When custom fields are viewed from the sequence table of a stored result set, the values for the custom fields might be lost.
This can occur when the master method used to create this result set has been modified since acquisition resulting in a different set of custom fields.

Temporary Solution:

Viewing the current Custom Field values from the menu will not change the entries. Viewing the current Custom Field values from the sequence table leads to this issue.
The original value of the custom fields can be retrieved from earlier revisions in backend storage.

Fix planned as Hotfix 05 for revision C.01.06.

Fix Information:

Fixed in revision C.01.07.SR2

KPR#:105305  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Custom Fields

One-line Description:

Ability to store results in sample or compound custom fields


Custom Fields functionality doesn’t allow reporting any dynamic values (e.g. spectral purity results). Custom Fields are required to be set up before acquisition/reprocessing and their values remain static during the whole workflow which is not useable.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix 1.

The Method’s Run Time Checklist will be extended by an additional entry to run a macro command to modify custom fields values during data analysis shortly before reporting. 

KPR#:980  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.02.01 SR2

Keyword: Custom Reports

One-line Description:

Relative Retention Time solution does not work for uncalibrated peaks


The Relative Retention Time solution available on the Agilent web site in the FAQ section only works for calibrated peaks.
So does the solution that has been implemented in C.01.04 and Intelligent Reporting.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1995  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Custom Reports

One-line Description:

FIltering syntax has changed


In OpenLAB CDS A.02.01 expressions can be used for filtering. As a result of this new feature filtering for values has to use expressions as well. If the values are entered as plain numbers, the report will print an error:

An error occured during local report processing.
An error has occured during report processing.
The processing of FilterExpression for the table 'OLIR_Table_XX' cannot be performed. Cannot compare data of types System.Int32 and System.String. Please check the data type returned by the FilterExpression.

Temporary Solution:

The correct syntax for A.01.05 and older for filtering peaks was:
=Peak_RetentionTime     >    1
when peaks with a retention time above one minute should be displayed.

In A.02.01and higher the syntax needs to be:
=Peak_RetentionTime     >    =1

Fix Information:

Existing report templates written with the old syntax will show up correctly in new software. 
No fix required.

KPR#:2012  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Custom Reports

One-line Description:

Calibration Levels and the corresponding amounts might not match in Intelligent Reporting


If a multi-level calibration is recalibrated at the beginning of a sequence and later, only some of the levels are recalibrated, the Intelligent Reporting calibration report may associate the values and the levels incorrectly.

Temporary Solution:

Classic Calibration reports report the correct values.

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.05 SP1.
Fixed in C.01.06 Hotfix 03.
Fixed in C.01.07

KPR#:471016  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 2

Keyword: Custom Reports

One-line Description:

Sample order number change in C.01.10


The sample order number is a sample field which can be used in Intelligent Reporting to reflect the number of samples as submitted in the sequence table. The sample order value for each replicated injection of a sample would have the same value.
This field can be used to save report variable with unique key value or report aggregate (list of values) by category.

In C.01.10, this field value was unexpectedly changed and cannot be used for the purposes described above.

Temporary Solution:

Other fields such as the sample vial number, sample name or sample description can be used to flag and categorize the replicated injections. 
This requires a template modification.

Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in C.01.10 update 04.

KPR#:602877  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: Custom Reports

One-line Description:

Topology report considers real instruments only


Data Analysis only instruments or instruments that are operated in off-line mode only do not get reported in the topology report.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

A design change is considered for a future release of OpenLab ChemStation.

KPR#:149820  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.02

Keyword: DAD/MWD Driver

One-line Description:

In localized CDS for ELSD detector G4218A no signal data is shown or stored


On a localized chromatograpy data system the driver for ELSD detector throws an exception and fails to show or store the detector's signal data. On an English system the ELSD driver's operation is not affected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

For a localized (e.g. Chinese, Japanese...) system a patch for the ELSD driver is made available.

KPR#:149830  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  

Keyword: DAD/MWD Driver

One-line Description:

High load on CAN may cause "Spectra runbuffer overflow" entries and a loss of spectra


If LAN is connected not to LC module generating most data (i.e. to Pump in spite of DAD's presence) then interconnecting CAN connection between modules might get overloaded. Potential consecutive loss of spectra may be observed and is flagged as "Spectra runbuffer overflow" in logbook and on report.

Temporary Solution:

Installation documentation for LC HW states that the LAN access should be in the module with the highest workload, i.e. by DAD/MWD - FLD - VWD - RID - Pump - ALS (in this order) and independent whether it is a 1100 - 1200 - 1290 - 1260 system.

Fix Information:


KPR#:149837  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.05

Keyword: DAD/MWD Driver

One-line Description:

Autobalace executed although in Sequence table set to "OFF"


1) A method XYZ.M is saved with following DAD settings: Autobalance -> Prerun
2) A sequence table is saved using the method XYZ.M and AutoBalace set to "OFF"
3) The sequence gets started and although AutoBalace set to "OFF" it is executed.

Temporary Solution:

still under investigation

Fix Information:


KPR#:149851  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.07

Keyword: DAD/MWD Driver

One-line Description:

Occasional shift in retention times for G1315A/B or G1365A/B


Occasionally some early data points (with negative time stamp) may occur that have not been handled correctly. Some slight deviation / jitter of retention times compared to similar runs may happen.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

A patch for RC.Net Driver A.02.05 or A.02.06 is available: A.02.05 [SP1], respectively A.02.06 [SP1]

KPR#:150000  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11

Keyword: DAD/MWD Driver

One-line Description:

Retention times may be slightly too high for DAD data acquisition rates below 1 Hz


If very low data acquisition rates are used for the DAD, these frequencies are rounded in the driver and chromatographic data system. Affected data rates are 0.3125 Hz (rounded to 0.31 Hz, corresponding to 16 seconds response time) and 0.625 Hz (rounded to 0.62 Hz, corresponding to 8 seconds response time).

Data acquisition rates are used by the data analysis for calculating the time values from the data point counter (e.g. at 2 Hz, the next data point comes 0.5 seconds later). Because of the rounding, the real module frequency is higher by 0.8% than what is shown in the UI/report and retention times are increased by the same factor. The effect increases with the run time, e.g. a peak coming at 10 minutes would be displayed at 10:05 minutes.

This issue has been introduced with LC driver A.02.11 in 2015. It affects all DADs regardless of the CDS. The issue only becomes visible when comparing measurements run with affected drivers and non-affected drivers, but not e.g. between calibration and quantitation runs with the same software.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This has been fixed with driver version A.02.16.

KPR#:149949  Product:    A.02.12

Keyword: Dashboard

One-line Description:

Module stays offline after a configuration change using the "Modify" function


If method resolution occurs due to a configuration change, after applying a modify function and the user did not accept this resolution within one minute, the module goes offline.

Temporary Solution:

Either accept the resolution within one minute or restart the CDS (Chromatographic Data System).

Fix Information:


KPR#:1578  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.01

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Reprocessing copy starting as a background window.


When using "Reprocessing Copy" from the view menu, it may happen that the reprocessing session is hidden behind the Online session.

Temporary Solution:

You can minimize the online session to access the Reprocessing Session

Fix Information:


KPR#:1639  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.02

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Data System will not "Autoscale" a TCD data file to the correct peak


Data analysis will not "Autoscale" a TCD data file.
AUTOSCALE autoscales to the first (smallest) peak. 

NOTE, there is no solvent, first peak at 0.798 minutes is very small, software identifies peak 4 at 2.158 minutes as the solvent.

Temporary Solution:

Full Scale works correctly.

Use Ranges can be made to work correctly.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1652  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Y-axis labeled incorrectly when loading GC signals acquired with MSD ChemStation


When loading GC-signals acquired with the MSD ChemStation, the Y-axis is labeled: mAu. This should be pA.

The signal units are read directly from the rawdata file ""
which are written by the acquiring software.

The acquiring software shows that mAU was written.
In order to be correct this, it must be fixed by the acquiring SW.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1654  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03 SP1

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

ChemStation B.04.03 [54] will not "Autoscale" the TCD data file


There is no solvent peak and the first peak is very small so the software identifies the wrong peak as the solvent.  The Chromatogram is not autoscaled correctly.

Temporary Solution:

Full Scale works correctly.

Use Ranges can be made to work correctly.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1785  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

C.01.05: no longer possible to print reports directly from the DA.M in Recalculate Last Result mode


Beginning with C.01.05, the Last Result Mode was converted to the “read-only/review” mode which means it was no longer possible to generate a report after changing the DA.M.  The C.01.05 release introduced the possibility of saving the DA.M changes to a master method.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This workflow has been added back in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1796  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Report template not found when reprocessing with a master method


When a result set is analyzed with a master method, i.e a method from the method path, it will use a report template from the result set.
The template name is taken from the method. Since the template is not copied to the result set automatically, no report will be created.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

That is the intended workflow. Users who intend to use master methods might want to use report templates that are not part of the result set.
The results of the analysis with different methods can be compared in a common template in the Review mode.

KPR#:1843  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.04.03 LC DSP

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Snapshot runs cannot be integrated manually


Under specific circumstances it is not possible to integrate a snapshot run manually. The manual integration buttons are greyed out and the menu is also greyed out.
This issue occurs if a sequence container is loaded while the snapshot is taken in off-line ChemStation.

Temporary Solution:

The recommended workflow is:
- Double-click the single run node
- Take the snapshot

If you are in a situation where you encounter this issue:

- Double-click the single run node
- Double-click the run with file name SNAPSHOT.D

The manual integration events are available, then.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.04.

KPR#:1863  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

ChemStation CDS client appears to freeze after hiding a save as dialog


The following problem affects OpenLAB CDS Client (ChemStation) rev.  C.01.03 or higher.
The following workflow lead to a situation where a ChemStation terminal server client session appears to be frozen, where it is not:

Whenever downloading a result set from OpenLAB ECM to OpenLAB CDS ChemStation a warning message pops up in case where the same result set is already stored on disk.
A message pops up informing the user to save result set with a different name, as it does already exist on the client.
After pressing o.k., the SAVE AS dialog comes up and then it may jump behind the ChemStation window to become invisible.

This happens when either clicking the ChemStation window while the Save As dialog is open or if the previous info box got committed by a double-click. The second click brings the ChemStation window to the foreground.

While the 'save as ' dialog is waiting for a user's input the ChemStation appears to be frozen during the ECM download operation. Even pressing the ALT+TAB keys does not allow accessing the SAVE AS dialog.

Temporary Solution:

If the ChemStation windows was not maximized users could move the foreground window aside and regain access to the 'save as' dialog. 

If the ChemStation window was maximized: 
  - open the Windows task manager on the CDS client
  - Select the current instrument under the applications tab 
  - Press the SWITCH TO button

This brings the SAVE as dialog back to the foreground.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1879  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Sample parameters for sequence runs are not copied to a self-assembled result set


When a self -assembled result set is created, Multiplier and Dilution factor and sample amounts are not copied to the new result set.
This is the intended behavior. Self-assembled result sets can contain also single runs. Therefore, the sequence table cells cannot be populated anyway. The creation of these virtual sequences is supposed to simulate a result set without a history.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No change planned.

KPR#:1884  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Relative Retention Time calculation differs from the EP definition.


ChemStation's Relative RetentionTime_EP calculation uses a formula different from the EP definition.

The formula should be  (RT-t0) / (RT(ref)-t0)

ChemStation calculates it as:  (RT-t0) / RT(ref)

Temporary Solution:

This issue is resolved with Hotfix 06 for C.01.04 and Hotfix 06 for C.01.05.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1897  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Japanese ChemStation: Intelligent report template settings are not getting saved


In Japanese version the intelligent report setting selected from Specify Report option is not getting saved. It becomes blank after each single run, the intelligent report has to be selected again under "Specify Report" tab after each single run analysis.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:1975  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

AIA export/import for MS-data does not work


AIA-export of MS-Data with default parameter settings fails (with 'invalid paramter' error).

Once default parameters of AIA-export for MS-data are modified, later AIA-import of these previously exported MS-data fails (with 'can't get the variables from the AIA file').

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:1980  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Selection of signals does not work in Japanese ChemStation


The dropdown menu that allows selection of one signal in multi-signal data does not work in Japanese ChemStation.
When a signal is selected, an error occurs (parameter3, the name given was not found) and the software becomes unresponsive.

Temporary Solution:

Hotfix 01 for revision C.01.06 addresses this problem.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1999  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Negative spike can appear in some zoom range


The smoothing algorithm in the display can cause artifacts for some curves in certain zoom ranges.
Chromatograms acquired with a low data rate are likely to be affected.

Temporary Solution:

Disable the smoothing algorithm:

1. Create a backup copy of the file C:\Windows\ChemStation.ini 
2. Open the file C:\Windows\ChemStation.ini with notepad.exe 
3. Add the following text "GGL_GDIP=0"(without the double quotes) in the section called [PCS] 

Fix Information:

No fix planned

KPR#:2000  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Plate number and Resolution of negative peaks is not calculated


In OLCDS Chemstation plate numbers and resolution are not calculated for negative peaks .
This is done intentionally.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Evaluation of negative peaks has been added functionality in ChemStation C.01.07 SR2 for the interactive tool and the extended performance report.

KPR#:2010  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

IR Sequence Summary Report is always created


A classic sequence summary report is omitted when the Sequence or the run time checklist of all methods has Data Analysis disabled.
An IR sequence summary report will always be created, as soon as a sequence.acaml file is present in the sequence container. In this case the report will only contain acquisition information.

Temporary Solution:

If no report is required, do not select the option in the Sequence Outout tab.

Fix Information:

No change planned

KPR#:2049  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Calibration time stamps may differ by a few seconds


Due to internal update calls there may be more than one internal entry for one calibration update event. This results in time stamps on reports that may differ by up to five seconds. 
This is problematic in custom reports where results are grouped by or referenced to one calibration.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS C.01.07 SR2.
Resolved in OpenLAB CDS C.01.07 SR1.

KPR#:2101  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Bracketing calibrations are not  performed when runs other than samples are used in a sequence


The documented procedure to run a sequence with bracketing involves only the calibration runs in the first sequence line(s) and the samples that are bracketed in the defined intervals.
Users that want to include blanks and control runs outside of the bracket have two undocumented options:

1)  Separated methods
After the line(s) that define the bracket there can be blanks, calibration runs and control samples with a different acquisition method. The running sequence will execute those runs first, followed by the run with the bracketing method. 
The update of the methods with the most current calibration method can be done from data analysis view.
This option works as expected.

2) Dummy Calibration runs
The other option was to have the same acquisition method all over the sequence. All the additional blanks and controls are disguised as calibration runs with RF set to No Update. Also those dummy runs are executed first. The disadvantage here is that a Control needs to be evaluated manually. 

This second option does not work as expected in C.01.06 and C.01.07. When a bracket calibration should be executed, the software switches to Replace calibration. It is documented in the run log.

Note: Easy Sequence does not support this workflow.

Temporary Solution:

The second option can still be realized, but the sequence table must be written differently.
It must be written in its rolled-out state. That is to say that every singe injection needs to be scheduled by its own line in the sequence table. The entries in the fields inj/location must be 1.
The Interval column is not used.
The cells for the RF Update must be set to Bracket.

Fix Information:

Resolved in revision OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06 Hotfix03.
Resolved in revision OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2151  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

6890 GC data acquired with ChemStation B.04.03 cannot be loaded with ChemStation C.01.07


B.04.03 allowed bad target mass strings to be put in the sample.mac and migration to sample.xml throws exception:
"Caught System.FormatException, mscorlib,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 inUpdateChromRegWithRefDataFilePaths= Input string was not in correct format".

Strange character is shown in the vial location.

Temporary Solution:

Addressed with Hotfix 01 for ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

Fix Information:

Fixed in revision C.01.07 SR3.

KPR#:2161  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1 HF01

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Display of fraction annotation in chromatogram depends on the signal options


The fraction annotations in the purify task are only displayed for the multi chromatogram settings Separate and Full Scale. The green frames are not displayed for the other combinations. 
This affects the chromatogram window in Data Analysis view and the function "Print Selected Window". The annotations in classic reports are printed into the chromatograms.

Temporary Solution:

Addressed with Hotfix 01 for ChemStation C.01.07 SR2

Fix Information:

Fixed in ChemStation C.01.07 SR3.

KPR#:2171  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Fractions in MSD traces are only annotated for the first signal


Fraction annotations are only drawn in Data Analysis view for fractions that are triggered from the MSD1 signal. A fraction that is triggered from the other available traces is not annotated on the screen.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision C.01.07 SR3.

KPR#:89199  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Cannot read Spectra (*UV) files from OpenLab CDS 2.x


Generated some DAD signals plus UV data in OpenLab CDS 2.3 and converted to ChemStation format. The UV data could not be read in the data analysis view.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 1.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10.

KPR#:89262  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Reprocessing in online session automatically paused after third (3rd) line


A few online sequences were edited during acquisition. The edited sequences were reprocessed in the Data Analysis View and gets automatically paused after the third line. Seems every reprocessing in the online instance gets paused after the 3rd line.

There is no data loss is involved; data can be reprocessed in the offline copy.

Temporary Solution:

Switch to a Reprocessing copy or restart on-line ChemStation.

Fix Information:


KPR#:117028  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Data Analysis remains busy when trying to generate a report


A datafile was created with the G7161A prep pump.
Loaded this datafile in Data Analysis and checked all pump specific instrument curves.  When printing this data file to screen, the chemstation remains busy for about 40 minutes.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:119120  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

ChemStation stopped working after deleting UIB signal in Data Analysis


In Data Analysis Purify window, click on the icon "Delete object from Chromatography display". 
From the signal dropdown box, select UIB1 B, Analog In and then click with the mouse cursor on the signal in the displayed chromatogram. 

At the bottom left line in ChemStation there was a red cross displayed with a text "Parameter 3: A value is outside the legal range".  Since then, no signal in chromatogram of any other detector could be displayed, the chromatogram was simply empty. 

When clicking inside the empty chromatogram for UIB again, ChemStation crashed. 

*The issue is also reproducible in offline session. 
 * Open the provided data file in offline ChemStation. 
 * Go to Purify and click on icon "Delete object from Chromatography display". 
 * From the signal dropdown box select UIB B, Analog In (last signal). 
 * Click inside the chromatogram twice and the crash occurs.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix 1.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:124571  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Data Analysis remains busy when trying to generate a report


A datafile was created with the G7161A prep pump.
Loaded this datafile in Data Analysis and checked all pump specific instrument curves.  When printing this data file to screen, the chemstation remains busy for about 40 minutes.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix 1.

KPR#:156495  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Pressure signal is not shown when "high pressure" is selected in Data Analysis


From Data Analysis, open the acquired data and check "high pressure" in the instrument curve tab.  The is no pressure signal shown. 
Also, in the method editing page, the QuatPump pressure signal shows "25ms (bar)", which is not correct; it should be "pressure (bar)".

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:176783  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Macro error prevents 2DLC DA plugin from loading and EIC extraction fails when Instrument Curves loaded


In an LC/MS system, load a 2DLC data file in Data Analysis.  A second data analysis tab named '2D-LC Viewer' should be available but is not shown. This prevents EIC extraction when Instruments Curves are also loaded.   The is not reproducible with LC alone.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 and OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.08 Update 2.

KPR#:242519  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Cannot view Isoabsorbance Plot for DAD2, DAD3 detector


In case more than one DAD detector is used, it is not possible to select the Isoplot for the different DAD detectors.

Temporary Solution:

1.) Backup your DAD1.UV signal
2.) Rename DAD2.UV or higher to DAD1.UV
3.) Open the Isoabsorbance Plot in OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition to view the signal

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.09 Update 1

KPR#:262772  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition    C.01.07 SR2,C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

G7117 detector data does support calculated purity threshold function with rev. C.01.07


Some detector drivers (e.g. G7117, G7115) provide data may not be properly handled by the peak purity function of ChemStation C.01.07 and earlier. The "calculated threshold" or "fixed threshold" may not be used. Instead the peak controlled spectral threshold will be used for calculation and shown in the user interface and the report..

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed with C.01.08

KPR#:274472  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Loading data takes 20 times longer


Loading data from B.04.03 takes 20 times longer when compared to C.01.08.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. 

KPR#:292505  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Split peak on MS data generates error message stating "NO peak detected"


No peak detected when using split peak and trying to generate a report using classic report with MS Data.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. 

KPR#:295747  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Fraction Data from classic cluster configurations cannot be loaded


Fraction Data from classic cluster configurations cannot be loaded.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. 

KPR#:300364  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

ChemMain crashes when reprocessing with method containing huge number of events in audit trail


By design, the older integration events are not deleted from the method.  When there are a huge number of manual integration events saved in the method by making run by run adjustments will cause the ChemMain crash during reprocessing.

Temporary Solution:

The recommended workflow is to store the manual integration events with the data.

Fix Information:

Method cleanup macro added to the UCL included in C.01.10 Update 3 for methods containing huge number of events in the method audit trail.  The macro creates a backup of older manual integration method audit trail entries and deletes them to decrease the method history table size.  

KPR#:318693  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

RX files missing in the resultsets acquired with MS instrument


Writing acaml files to "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Agilent Technologies\ can sporadically fail. Hence it is recommended to add this path to the Anti Virus exclusion list. 

Temporary Solution:

Add "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Agilent Technologies\ to Anti Virus exclusion list. 

Fix Information:


KPR#:359503  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10,C.01.10 Update 1

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

ChemStation crash during delay calibration if instrument name is too long


If the instrument module name is too long, then ChemStation may crash at startup. ChemStation could be running slowly and could crash during delay calibration.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:385216  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

ADFExport for ChemStation result may contain invalid instrument description


An export of ChemStation sequence data in the Allotrope Data Format (ADFExport) for OpenLab CDS ChemStation may not correctly describe the original instrument, if the result set was manually assembled from individual data files that were acquired by different instruments. 

The original instruments of all individual data files except the first are not included in the resulting data description. 

As a workaround, avoid ADFExport of self-assembled results sets or make sure the first selected data file was acquired with the desired instrument. 

It is recommended to only assemble data files into a new result set that were acquired with the same instrument. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:408053  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Character missing in signal label when loading data imported from OpenLab CDS 2.x


When OpenLab CDS 2.x raw data is loaded in Chemstation, the signal name is missing the first character.

For example:
"Wavelength" is shown as "avelength"
"Sig" is shown as "ig"

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 7.

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:472767  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Macro Verftest.mcx for Verftest will not run on AIC instrument 10


The verftest for instrument 10 offline data analysis will not run the test.  The other 9 instrument verftest completed without any problem.

Temporary Solution:

The  purpose of the mentioned test it to  verify the correct installation of  the entire Data Analysis chain.  The test does not need  to be repeated on  every instrument, but only once per  instrument technique (GC, LC, CE, ..), if applicable.

Fix Information:


KPR#:599531  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Column length value in the report has the wrong value


The column length displayed in the report printed from the data analysis integration interface is incorrect.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:679265  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09 Update 01

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

System suitability not calculated for some peaks when using tail tangent skim timed event.


System suitability not calculated for some peaks when using tail tangent skim timed event. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 7.

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:715384  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Un-zooming chromatogram does not go back to the defined scale settings


If a fixed response range is set, un-zooming does not go back to the scale settings defined in the graphical options.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

KPR#:732976  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

CP Parsing error when using Recalibrate from Quantitation icon in the System Diagram


In an LC ChemStation, recalibration in the Method and Run Control View does not work.  Right-mouse click on the Quantitation icon in the system diagram opens a context menu that offers “Recalibrate…”. Choosing this menu item causes a CP parsing error on ChemStation’s message line.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

KPR#:810089  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11 Update 01

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

LTS 01.11 Chinese version: "Not a string" error shown during DAD1A signals overlay


In LTS 01.11 Chinese version, "Not a string" error is shown during DAD1A signals overlay.

Temporary Solution:

Point patch 2 for revision LTS 01.11 Update 01 is available on request,

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 02.

KPR#:955269  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10,LTS 01.11

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Newer Peak codes are not correctly rendered by File Export


Newer Peak codes are not correctly rendered by File Export and show as ‘?’ character in exported CSV file.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 02.

KPR#:964199  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Checkbox for ISTD Compound Group remains checked


Unchecking the compound group name checkbox and then reopening the compound group window, the box remains checked. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 02.

KPR#:1093764  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Chromatogram zoom-level is not kept the same when switching between single and all signals


Chromatogram zoom-level is not kept the same when switching from single signal integration results back to multiple signals in “All loaded Signals” mode. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 04.

KPR#:1097299  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 1,LTS 01.11

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Data Analysis method information modification date shown as 0:00:00 AM on the 1st of January 1970


When switching between classic reporting and intelligent reporting, an invalid method modification time stamp is shown in the reporting block of Data Analysis Method Information. The data analysis method modification date is shown as "0:00:00 AM on the 1st of January 1970" (depending on the time zone settings, the time reported can vary) on the intelligent report.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 04.

KPR#:1101901  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 1,LTS 01.11

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Data Analysis method modification data is shown as 0:00:00 AM on the 1st of January 1970


Under specific circumstances, when switching between classic reporting and intelligent reporting, the data analysis method modification data is shown as "0:00:00 AM on the 1st of January 1970" (depending on the time zone settings the time reported can vary) on the intelligent report.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1106583  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11 Update 03

Keyword: Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Completed single runs do not show in sample navigation table when configured to be saved in a subdirectory 


When a subdirectory is specified for the data file in “Sample Info”, the completed single runs do not show in sample navigation table.  The following error message “Cannot write to the log file specified" occurs when selecting the data in the ChemStation Explorer view.

Temporary Solution:

Delete acquiring.txt in .D folder of completed runs.
Use Windows explorer and search for acquiring.txt

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 04.

KPR#:1845  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: Data Analysis , Programming

One-line Description:

Garbage characters can appear in English LCMS reports


Some sample parameters from LCMS data files (like e.g. Operator Name) are not printed properly. Instead unreadable text appears, like a mix of Chinese and Japanese characters. Those parameters are incorrectly extracted from the files. 
If the data file also contains DAD traces, the sample parameters are taken from there. 
There is still the risk that other applications access the incorrect values from the LCMS objects.

Temporary Solution:

Fix planned for C.01.03.

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.04.

KPR#:1575  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.01

Keyword: Documentation

One-line Description:

HTML Help requires Internet Explorer revision or higher


The HTML Help requires Internet Explorer Rev. or higher.
If a lower IE revision is used, it is possible that executing the 
'Reference' button on the top of the Help screen gives an 
error message: '...a Script Error ...'

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:2018  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Documentation

One-line Description:

M8301-96025 Japanese references manual has wrong formula for PeakValleyRatio


In the Japanese manual (M8301-96025)  the formula for the Peak/Valley ratio on page 37 is wrong:

H1 = H2, Peak valley ratio = H1/Hv (this is wrong. It should be H2/Hv)
H1 < H2, Peak valley ratio = H1/Hv

This is a misprint in the manual. The formula is used correctly in the software.

Temporary Solution:

For the correct formula please consult the reference manual in the ENU folder.
The formula und graphics can be found  on page 37.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2190  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Documentation

One-line Description:

Insufficient description of regression coefficient in the OpenLAB CDS ChemStation reference manual


The OpenLAB CDS ChemStation reference manual states:  "The correlation coefficient is the square root of the regression coefficient and gives a measure of the fit of the calibration curve between the data points."  
The term regression coefficient is not correct in this context and should be replaced by coefficient of determination, known as r square.

Temporary Solution:

The calculation of the correlation coefficient r is formally described in chapter "Evaluating System Suitability" and shall be used instead of the verbal description.

Fix Information:

This will be corrected in a later issue of the reference manual.

KPR#:101356  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06,C.01.07

Keyword: Documentation

One-line Description:

Peak Model Retention Time used but not saved or documented


For system suitability calculations, the ChemStation uses the true peak width at various heights and a retention time evaluated by a peak modelling algorithm.

The retention time that is visible in all reports is the integrator RT. This value is used for peak identification (chapter 3) and in recalibration.

The peak model algorithm considers the peak shape and is more suitable for the calculation of peak performance parameters. The value is exclusively displayed in the Interactive Peak Performance tool. The Peak Model's Apex may vary slightly to the Integrator's RT and is displayed in the interactive peak performance tool user interface.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:139546  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  From Teamtrack,C.01.05,C.01.07,C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Documentation

One-line Description:

Wrong description about “Correlation coefficient” in Reference Manual


Definition of “Correlation coefficient” should be "A correlation coefficient is displayed with the graphic of the calibration curve. The correlation coefficient is the square root of the coefficient of determination when liner fitting by least squares method, and gives a measure of the fit of the calibration curve between the data points." and not "A correlation coefficient is displayed with the graphic of the calibration curve. The correlation coefficient is the square root of the regression coefficient and gives a measure of the fit of the calibration curve between the data points." as indicated in the CDS_CS-references manual.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09

KPR#:194088  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Documentation

One-line Description:

ChemMain.exe crash and the LCMS instrument window closes automatically


Online instrument window is automatically closing after the first run of the sequence.

Temporary Solution:

When you see rendering artifacts such as ChemMain.exe crashing in an application, try turning off hardware acceleration. If the artifact disappears, the problem might be with your video driver. The disable hardware acceleration option is a DWORD value that is either 0 or 1. A value of 1 disables hardware acceleration. 

From the Registry Editor, go to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\xxx.Graphics

The DisableHWAcceleration needs a DWORD value of 1 to turn off the hardware acceleration.

This information has been added to the user documentation.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 User Documentation.

KPR#:311116  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Documentation

One-line Description:

OpenLab Chemstation 1.10 Release notes sets incorrect Allotrope expectations


In the OpenLab CDS Chemstation Edition Release Notes under ADFExport Plug-in is a ADFExport revision, product numbers and an expected release date mentioned. This information is misleading and should be ignored.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:410634  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 1

Keyword: Documentation

One-line Description:

ChemMain stopped working and other instabilities due to Adobe Acrobat Reader and updates pushed by Adobe


Only the Adobe Acrobat Reader Classic track is supported by ChemStation and runs in a 'sandbox' protected mode with the option of no automatic updates.  Adobe Acrobat Reader Continuous track is not supported as it pushes updates on a regular basis which will interfere with ChemStation operation and result in ChemMain failures.  

The following error: "There is a problem with Adobe Acrobat/Reader. If it is running, please exit and try again. (523:523)" or "...(507:507)" occurs if Adobe Acrobat Reader settings are not configured for ChemStation or by a virus checker.  

There are installations of Acrobat Reader versions that push automatic updates and need to be uninstalled.  

To prevent Adobe from reaching out to the Web, there are other notification channels and messages that need to be disabled.  These settings are ON by default at installation and must be changed manually.

Also, some AntiVirus applications have an issue with adobe reader in our setup and exclusions are needed.

In Windows Application event log, the faulting module names for Adobe Acrobat Reader are: AcroPDFImpl.dll_unloaded and AcroPDFImpl.dll.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 3.  Adobe Acrobat Reader recommended updates to improve ChemStation stability included in documentation.

KPR#:434199  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: Documentation

One-line Description:

After Any Data Modification is selected – not all restrictions are listed in Help


The following functionally are disabled when “After any data modification” (full data tracking) is selected in the ChemStation Administration Tool:

• Load Signal
• Manual Integration when overlaid signals come from different result sets
• Reprocessing Copy menu
• Snapshot (present in Offline mode only) menu
• Save report files to local disk

The following are missing from Help:
• Reprocessing Copy menu
• Snapshot (present in Offline mode only) menu
• Save report files to local disk

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:721701  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: Documentation

One-line Description:

Automation Interface documentation updates were not included for LTS 01.11


The C.01.10 version of the Automation Interface documentation was released with LTS 01.11.239.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

KPR#:1917  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.01

Keyword: Easy Sequence

One-line Description:

Easy Sequence: Running back table headspace seq, select front table, add sample name, click back table and select cell causes seq to hang


Submitted a sequence via Easy Sequence.

If the sequence table is opened during a running sequence and the user clicks on a cell and clicks ok, there is a lock placed on the selected sequence line.  The system now waits when it reaches the line where the cell was selected.  The headspace doesn't put a vial in the oven and remains ‘waiting’. The Chemstation never continues past the locked vial.

The system must be aborted.  The error is not cleared until the chemstation is shutdown and restarted and the GC and headspace hardware are power cycled.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:2014  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF02

Keyword: Easy Sequence

One-line Description:

Error message  when Blank with Vial is entered in Easy Sequence Setup


When a blank is defined in the Calibration tab of the Easy Sequence Setup, it will result in an error, if a vial location is specified.
 Error Object reference not set to an instance of an object 
The template cannot be saved. Blank without injection can be used without an error.
The same problem occurs for control samples.

Temporary Solution:

Leave the vial location empty. and save the template. In the Easy Sequence tab use Fill samples to populate the sequence. Enter a vial number in this screen.

Fix Information:


KPR#:2082  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Easy Sequence

One-line Description:

Vial values not accepted for 96 well plate tray in Easy Sequence Setup


Valid vial values not accepted for a LC instrument with 96 well plate tray in Easy Sequence Setup.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07.

KPR#:516688  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: Easy Sequence

One-line Description:

Easy Sequence is not added to the Run Queue when resources are insufficient


Easy Sequence is not added to Run Queue when resources are insufficient. There is no message indicating what resources are insufficient.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:1611  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.02

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Path definition in OpenLab Control Panel is not used in ChemStation


The storage path that is entered in the control panel is not supposed to be the default storage location in ChemStation.
The storage path is related to EZChrom CDS projects.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:1659  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.04.02

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

The storage path for files in ECM is user-specific


The LCDF storage path for saving methods to ECM is user specific.A user that logs on to ECM from different instruments will always save to "his" path by default.
While this is the intended behaviour, it can be confusing. Method developers would prefer a workflow that makes the path instrument specific.

Temporary Solution:

Check the folder path before uploading methods.
Consider including the instrument name in the folder name.

Fix Information:

Fix considered for a future revision.

KPR#:1667  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.01

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Cannot switch current ECM authentication to a different ECM server


On a stand alone installation, the ECM authentication mode has been set.  Due to a hardware problem (or something else), the current ECM authentication mode must be switched to a different ECM server with a different account.
When the user tries to change the ECM authentication to a different ECM server and enters the new hostname, the administrator cannot be selected. The user is back on the previously configured ECM system.

Temporary Solution:

A workaround is to set authentication mode to none and then go to the new ECM server.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1672  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.02

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

it is not possible to remove AIC from networked workstation


If a workstation is removed from a networked system, the AIC remains in OpenLAB Shared Services and cannot be removed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1794  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

ECM user licenses not released when user is changed in OLCDS ChemStation


A user change in ChemStation does not trigger the release of ECM user licenses. The system could run out of licenses.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in C.01.05 Hotfix 02.
Fixed in C.01.04 Hotfix 05.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1814  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

In file information of a datafile the Operator name shows as "Disconnected"


The Acquisition Operator name in the file information of Datafile shows as " Disconnected" when a user change is performed right before an injection.

Temporary Solution:

In IR templates the Submission Operator can be reported.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1818  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Submitting multiple sequences to queue, the User token in upload path is resolved to current user - not to submit user


When submitting multiple sequences to the sequence queue, each sequence data path containing the <user name> token will be resolved to the currently logged in user.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS C.01.07 SR2.
When submitting multiple sequences to the sequence queue, each sequence data path containing the <user name> token will be resolved to the user that submitted the sequences.

KPR#:1833  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

In Sequence Parameters dialog a missing backslash of remote data path needs to be corrected.


By OpenLAB ChemStation Edition C.01.04 the requirement for ECM's remote data path (LCDF) became more strict than before. If for editing the Sequence Parameters dialog is opened, and a backslash at the LCDF's begin is missing, the builtin check of this dialog-box will demand a manual correction by the user. This can happen especially once loading a sequence template file from an earlier version of OpenLAB ChemStation Edition.

The later release of OpenLAB ChemStation Edition (like e.g. C.01.05) will tolerate and correct the missing leading backslash at ECM's remote datat path (LCDF) in Sequence Parameters dialog automatically.

Execution of sequences by OpenLAB ChemStaation Edition is not affected. I.e. sequence templates do NOT have to be corrected, neither for sequence execution nor for sequence reprocessing.

Temporary Solution:

Leaving the opened Sequence Parameters Dialog by OK is interdicted until all parameters are in valid ranges. This now for OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.04 requires the remote data path (LCDF) for ECM to start with a leading backslash. If at some sequence template (e.g. from an earlier version of OpenLab ChemStation Edition) this character was missing, it now has to be inserted. Only then the Sequnece Parameters dialog can be successfully closed and left with OK-button.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1844  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Single runs in self-assembled data sets cannot be integrated


When runs from outside are added to a result set (self-assembled data set), these runs cannot be manually integrated in a compliant workflow.
The ECM conditions are "Upload after every modification". As this additional run is not part of the original result set, it cannot be uploaded as a new version of the sequence. Therefore no modification is allowed.

Temporary Solution:

Migrate the self-assembled data set to a self-assembled result set. This will be uploaded as version 1 of a new result set.

Fix Information:

This is the intended behaviour. No change planned.

KPR#:1856  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Instrument access rights are not enforced after user change


OpenLAB Shared Services allows setting access privileges per user and instrument.
Users without access rights cannot start an instrument. During a user change it is, however, possible for a user without the privilege to log on to an open session.

Temporary Solution:

This issue is resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.03 Hotfix 09, C.01.04 Hotfix 06 and C.01.05 Hotfix 04.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1867  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Incomplete Result Set package (sc.ssizip) was sent to ECM: versions do not contain the data files


Incomplete Result Set package (sc.ssizip) was sent to ECM. The incomplete ssizip package is caused by a specific character in the method name (e.g. DLX-ENANTIOMERIC-33℃.M). The degree symbol (℃) in the method name causes the Dynazip compression tool to fail and stop, resulting in an incomplete package uploaded to OpenLAB ECM. 

As long as the ChemStation is not closed, the local copy was available and was reprocessed to create additional versions.  Each of these versions also was missing data since the compression failed again on the special character.  The option "Cleanup Data on Shutdown" was selected, so the local copy of the data was also deleted when shutting down the ChemStation.  In such a case, the data was lost and can't be recovered.

The following error was observed:  DynaZip UnZIP Error: Error creating output file.

Temporary Solution:

Special character usage in file names must be avoided.  Refer to the Concepts Manual.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1873  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Instrument access rights are not enforced after user change


OpenLAB Shared Services allows setting access privileges per user and instrument.
Users without access rights cannot start an instrument. During a user change it is, however, possible for a user without the privilege to log on to an open session.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.03 Hotfix 09 and C.01.05 Hotfix 04.
The issue will be resolved in the next minor revision following C.01.05.

KPR#:1893  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

OLCDS Chemstation - DynaZip Zip error in ECM Queue management


ECM queue management shows an entry “Unable to upload <~~XXX.D.SSizip> The system cannot find the file specified.(error -27) and when clicked process queue getting DynaZip Zip error”.

Temporary Solution:

The Dynazip error is a consequence of something else that went wrong first. Typically trying to upload a result where the path either does not exist, or exceeds the maximum path length. Avoid these situations.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1901  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF03

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Result Sets with a % in the folder name cannot be uploaded to backend storage


Unique folder names must not contain the % character. The upload to Data Store fails with a message "Connection to Remote Storage is broken"

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1912  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03 HF09

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

ECM upload may fail with warning:  Could not read VCS insformation for 'C:\Chem32\1\VcsCache\


Under some rare circumstances the upload of result sets to ECM may fail with error message 
         "Could not read Vcs information for 'C:\Chem32\1\VcsCache\ShouldBeHidden\<file identifier> .

This error can be observed in cases where the file got uploaded successfully, but the upload command file did not get deleted.
The system generated deletion of a file may happen if the file is currently accessed by another process or the PC is shutdown unexpectedly. 

Real-time protection and on-access scanning anti-virus software is the most likely cause for this unexpected file access.

Temporary Solution:

The likelihood of this error can be reduced by introducing controlled shutdown procedures for Workstations and Acquisition Controllers and by excluding the \\chem32 installation directory from "on-access" virus scanning - as generally recommended for OpenLAB CDS ChemStation.
Virus scanning should be done on a scheduled basis while the OpenLAB CDS ChemStation application is closed.

Fix Information:

There is currently no design change planned.

KPR#:1925  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

incomplete versions of result sets are uploaded to the back end storage.


Certain situations are possible where incomplete versions of result sets are uploaded to the backend storage. This affects all ChemStation versions with ECM or Data Store.
 These situations are triggered by the way that online and offline versions of the same instrument are aligned. A workflow is likely to provoke such a situation, when the same result set is loaded in both sessions at the same time.

Temporary Solution:

Avoid situations that trigger a forced upload. Save all methods, sequences and manual integrations, both in offline and online, before closing either session.
Or in other words: Don't close one of the sessions, while the upload barrel in either of the sessions is still yellow.

Hotfix 08 for CHemStation C.01.05 addresses this problem.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1939  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

File permissions set incorrectly after backup on OpenLAB Secure Workstation


Under certain conditions a situation can occur where the file permissions are not applied correctly after a backup of a Secure WorkStation.
The following scenario leads to a situation where non-admin users can delete files:

After a disk failure the system was restored from an image of the operating system. The OpenLAB CDS Secure ChemStation Workstation has been reinstalled, the folder structure for Data Store is created manually. After that the backup from Data Store is restored.
In that case the permissions for the files is not propagated properly.

Temporary Solution:

A script is available on disk 2 of the OpenLAB installation media.
Script and documentation to apply the correct file permissions are located in the Support\Tools folder.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1987  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF06

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

ECM data path status in ChemStation C.01.05 (41) HF6 is not always updated correctly


Subject: ECM data path status in ChemStation C.01.05 (41) HF6

The workflow on the installed Networked Workstation system is the following:

The data acquisition is running on the ChemStation workstation. This means that the displayed status of the ECM data path is irrelevant for this. 
Then once the sequence is ready and the data file is completed the connection to the ECM-server is re-established and the data transfer will start.  
As we know, the upload of the data to ECM is working without issue so it can be concluded from this that all is working correctly in the background.  It is just the UI that isn’t being updated correctly.

Temporary Solution:

The validity of the measured data is not at risk by this update problem!  The status update also does not cause any kind of data loss.

Fix Information:

No timeframe is currently available for any code change to address the status issue.

KPR#:1992  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

ChemStation with no access to any menu or icon.


Distributed System C.01.06 plus ECM 3.4.1
ChemStation with no access to any menu or icon. A different window remains open behind current ChemStation and user cannot access it.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.06 HF01.
Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:1997  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

ECM path not recognized in preferences after upgrade


After an upgrade of the OpenLAB CDS software it is recommended to check the server path in the preferences (transfer settings).
There have been cases where the LCDF path was not recognized.  An error tool tip stated: 
" is not a valid target path.
although the path in the dialog was valid.

Temporary Solution:

Re-enter the path and OK the dialog.

Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:2004  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Sequence name using special characters does not upload to ECM


In Preferences, special characters are used in the sequence name pattern, for example  ECM-seq3#$%19-19-15.
Run the sequence.

The sequence completes and can be seen in tree view in chemstation.  The sequence does not upload to ECM and remains in the queue.

Temporary Solution:

Special characters cannot be used in the sequence name.

Fix Information:

No Fix Planned.

KPR#:2019  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Wrong take over message can be displayed in a Distributed System when a user had online and offline session


When in a Distributed System one user is launching an online and the corresponding offline session and a second user is taking over the online session, the takeover message for the first user might name the wrong user depending on the system usage rate

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:2050  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

The Upload path can edited for a running sequence


When a running sequence is paused, it is possible to access the Sequence Parameters and make changes to the upload path to Data Store or ECM.
The changes are not accepted, but the user receives no feedback.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in C.01.06 HF 03
Fixed in C.01.07 SR1. 
The sequence path of a paused sequence is greyed out in the Sequence Parameters.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2058  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Sequence not uploaded to the correct location in backend after user change


When the user changes during a sequence run and the upload path contains the user name, the upload path will change as well. The complete result set will upload to the path corresponding to the last user. The paths in reports of earlier runs will not be correct.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in C.01.07 SR1. The name of that user will be used that submitted the sequence.

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.07 SR1. The name of the user that submitted the sequence will be used in the path location.

KPR#:2076  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Queue maintenance after shutdown could conflict with short inactivity lockout


The maintenance of the upload queue (delete after shutdown, waiting for uploads) could take more than 1 minute. A short inactivity lockout can lead to a conflict. The result can be an incomplete shutdown and/or remaining orphan files in the queue.

Temporary Solution:

Increase the inactivity lockout time to 10 min.

Fix Information:

Resolved with C.01.06 HF03.
Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2094  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Runs in a sequence with bracketing can be accessed too early


While a sequence is still acquiring, the runs in progress are not yet accessible in data analysis view. The lock on the active run is lifted, when data analysis is finished. 
This is not true for runs in sequences with bracketing. Samples inside a calibration bracket can be loaded and e.g. manually integrated, before they are ready for processing. There is no mechanism in place to react on the delayed analysis that is used with bracketing.

Temporary Solution:

No change planned. Activating Results Audit Trail will create a record of the manual integration.

Fix Information:

No change planned.

KPR#:2113  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Sequence/single runs manually uploaded to ECM still shows the asterisk


The asterisk will not be removed if the data is manually uploaded by using right-click save data.  This action does not use the queue to upload data and is not recommended as it can easily create versions that are out of sync.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:2115  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 SP1 HF02

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Number of function arguments is invalid when loading data from backend


After the installation of the C.01.05 SP1 HF2,
the following error pops up when trying to download data from data back-end (DA View -> ECM/DS -> Load Data...):
Data Store Error
<< Number of function arguments is invalid >>
occurred in Function VC_IsChemStoreMigration Code 41328
Please check your Data Store connection.

Temporary Solution:

The message box can be closed and the loaded data can be processed as usual.

Fix Information:

Resolved in C.01.05 SP1 HF3.

KPR#:2127  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Files names  containing special characters are scrambled after downloading SSIZIP from Data Store / ECM


File names containing special characters are internaly renamed during creatiion of the SSIZIP archive. Examples are ü, ß, ñ, æ from the character set of certain languages.
A method with such a name can be created, saved, used in acquisitions and in sequence reprocessing without problems. A result set containing the method will upload to the back end storage correctly.
After a download it shows that the exotic characters in the file name have been replaced by another character form extended ASCII set.

Temporary Solution:

Use file names containing only characters from  the 26 standard character set

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2135  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Shortutl.mac needs modification to show the ECM path


Shortutl.mac needs modification to show the ECM path

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:2155  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF03

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Notification for data not uploaded to database backend not clear


Result sets and single runs get marked with a green icon once the upload to the database backend has been triggered. When the connection to the database backend is lost or broken, the user is notified that single runs and sequences are waiting in the upload queue by a small lightning bolt in right hand corner.  Users easily missed this notification that there are runs waiting in the queue.   Users would assume the transfer occurred because they see the green icon.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.  

An Asterisk is now added to the green icon and indicates a pending transfer of data (result sets and single runs).  This feedback is shown in the Data Tree and the Navigation Table.

KPR#:2162  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Path Preference issue with C.01.07 SR2 and ECM LCDF-applied role


For an ECM user assigned LCDF-based access, the following is noted from an OLCDS instrument session:  unable to assign Path Preference in Sequence Parameters.
Error:   "Transfer settings are not correct. No permissions to write to ECM path" indicated with OLCDS/ECM integration for ECM -> Preferences

The same user added to the system-wide ECM role does not exhibit this behavior.
This issue has not been noted on a base C.01.07 installation and is specific to C.01.07 SR2.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in C.01.07 SR2 HF01

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR3.

KPR#:2174  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Sequence upload to ECM leaves an incomplete progress bar, ECM Uploading in Process


There have been cases where the progress bar for an upload to ECM did not disappear after the upload was complete. This holds up the progress of the online session. 
The root cause is a bottleneck in the processing of internal messages. The risk for this situation increases with the size of the sequence and the complexity of reports.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision C.01.07 SR3

KPR#:123515  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

"Error 41092 occurred" in the system activity logs


"Error 41092 occurred" can be found in the activity log which usually happens when the sequence upload hangs and it is necessary to do a force shutdown.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:135793  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

LCDF applied role prevents download


Roles applied at the LCDF location level, as opposed to the system level, prevents selection of LCDF and files when using ECM -> Load Data from ChemStation Data Analysis. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:161869  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

ECM Uploading in Process dialog box does not close in offline session after Resultset is uploaded to ECM


From the Offline session, while the resultset is being uploaded to ECM, another resultset is loaded from the ChemStation tree view and the ChemStation hangs. The “ECM Uploading in Process” dialog box does not close after Resultset is uploaded to ECM. No other operations in ChemStation can be done and it must be shutdown and restarted. The resultset does upload correctly. 

Temporary Solution:

While the updated resultset is being uploaded to ECM, do not load another resultset from the ChemStation tree view . Wait for the upload to ECM to complete before loading another resultset in the tree view. 

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix 1.

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 1.

KPR#:166923  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Error occurred after clicking on Save Report Template on ECM tab


In the Report layout view, click on ECM Tab -> click on Save Report Template.

Error message is displayed after clicking on Save Report Template button.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 01.

KPR#:193594  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

No “Connection Error” message displayed if "save data in ECM" function is performed while ECM is disconnected


The "save data to ECM" functionality is selected.  When the ECM connection is lost and data cannot be uploaded to ECM, there is no "Connection error" message provided to the user.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09
and resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 2

KPR#:263762  Product:OpenLabMasterInstaller  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Not able to configure ECM data path in ChemStation C.01.09 with ECM 3.6 as backend


With the CDS ChemStation C.01.09 installer the ECMAPI Wizard of ECM 3.5 is included. Before installing CDS ChemStation C.01.09 with a ECM 3.6 backend, install the ECMAPI of ECM 3.6 as described in the ECM installation Guide of ECM 3.6. The correct ECMAPI Wizard should be on the ECM 3.6 media.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Run the ECM 3.6 ECMAPI Wizard before installation of C.01.09 against ECM 3.6. 
In the ECM Installation Guide of ECM 3.6 it is documented which ECM API is needed and how to install it. 

KPR#:321577  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

If data exceeds the maximum size it cannot be uploaded to ECM


ChemStation has a 4GB file size limitation on the creation of the container file (ssizip). The SSIZIP functionality used by ECM-client does not have a 4GB limitation. 

Temporary Solution:

break up the sequence into smaller parts

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.09 Update 2 and C.01.10 Update 2

KPR#:524634  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

ECM forced upload dialog box always shown even after result set was loaded


ECM forced upload dialog box always shown even after result set was loaded.  The message is misleading.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 02.

KPR#:527213  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

ECM Chemstation XML Filterpack is failing to filter ssizips when instrument includes fraction collector


The ECM Chemstation XML Filterpack is failing to filter ssizips (result.xml) from a workstation configured with an instrument including a fraction collector.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation C.01.10 Update 5.

KPR#:541911  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Logon to OpenLab Control Panel and unlock ChemStation is slow with ECM 3.6 storage


The logon times to the OpenLab Control panel and the time to unlock a ChemStation instance can be very slow. This is the case when an ECM 3.6 storage backend is used.

Temporary Solution:

Manually add the required registry entries that can be provided by your Agilent support team.

Fix Information:


KPR#:570626  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 4

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Enhanced SSIZIP file modification detection


If a SSIZIP file was modified outside of ChemStation it is not obviously detected as such.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The software releases C.01.10 Update 5 and LTS 01.11 introduce a new mechanism to notify users upon loading result sets that got modified outside of the OpenLab ChemStation application.

KPR#:716634  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 5

Keyword: ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Exception of type 'System Out of Memory Exception' when data > 550Mb uploaded to ECM at SSIZip checksum generation


In C.01.10 Update 5, an exception of type 'System Out of Memory Exception' occurs when data > 550Mb is uploaded to ECM at SSIZip checksum generation.

This issue occurs for large data files when the checksum is calculated, because the contents of entire file are read into memory. This causes System Out of Memory Exception.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 7.

This issue is resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:149823  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.02

Keyword: ELSD Driver

One-line Description:

ELSD G4218A can not handle change of Sample Time during run


With Rc.Net driver internal filters of ELSD G4218A get confused by change of "Sample Time" during run.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

fixed with LC Drivers A.02.03

KPR#:149825  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.03 SP1

Keyword: ELSD Driver

One-line Description:

The ELSD method cannot be called by a right-click from the context menu


In the method and run control view the ELSD has its own dashboard item. Unlike other modules in an RC.Net configuration the instrument setup is not available by right-clicking on it.

Temporary Solution:

Use the instrument menu to have access to all modules, including the ELSD.

Fix Information:

No fix available.

KPR#:149856  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.08

Keyword: ELSD Driver

One-line Description:

Runtime of a G4218A ELSD cannot be changed during a run


The runtime of a G4218A ELSD cannot be changed explicitly during a run. However there are software mechanisms which implicitly change a run time, e.g. the function "ignore missing vessel" of an autosampler normally stops the run after some seconds if no vessel is present. In case of an G4218A ELSD this does not work and the run uses the full specified run time.

Temporary Solution:

A single run may be stopped manually.

Fix Information:


KPR#:149862  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.08

Keyword: FLD Driver

One-line Description:

FLD G1321 Scan ranges and threshold under certain conditions not available


Scan ranges and threshold under certain conditions not available.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Solved with LC & CE Drivers A.02.08 SP1

KPR#:1608  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

FetchCPVar Cannot Talk to Application Error


Start up Chemstation, but no instrument or sampling diagrams are shown.  
FetchCPVar Cannot Talk to Application Error occurs.

Systems use 7683 ALS.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision B.04.03 DSP1.

KPR#:1628  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

FetchCPVar Cannot Talk to Application Error


Open an online session, initial or any subsequent try. This results in a benign pop-up error:  'FetchCPVar cannot talk to application'.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in B.04.03 DSP1 [54].

KPR#:1630  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

Column compensation cannot be started from the Data System with 68xx RC.NET


Column compensation (comp) cannot be started from the Data System with 68xx RC.NET

Temporary Solution:

Column compenstation must be started via the GC keyboard.

Fix Information:

No Fix Planned.

KPR#:1683  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.02

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

OpenLab CDS, C.01.02, 7820A run continues when STOP on 7820A is pressed


A manual injection is done and if the STOP on the 7820A front panel is selected, the GC stops (and resets the initial GC settings) but the chemstation continues.

When the STOP button is pushed on the 7820A, the "current logbook" reports the end of run correctly, and reports the system is running data analysis but does not go into Data Analysis right away.

If this is a 30 minute run, and the STOP button is pressed on the 7820A after 10 minutes, AND YOU WAIT 20 more minutes until the Chemstation gets to the end of the run, a report is generated.  

The system appears to hang up waiting on the expected run time.

Temporary Solution:

Workaround is to use STOP run from the software.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1868  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

After switching the injection source from front to back it is no longer possible to change the counter part of the Prefix/Counter naming scheme


After executing a number of runs and then switching the injection source from front to back or vice versa it is no longer possible to change the counter part of the Prefix/Counter naming scheme. Even if you type a new counter, the next injections will always start with counter 000001.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision C.01.05 Hotfix05.

KPR#:1887  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

After switching the injection source from front to back it is no longer possible to change the counter part of the Prefix/Counter naming scheme


After executing a number of runs and then switching the injection source from front to back or vice versa it is no longer possible to change the counter part of the Prefix/Counter naming scheme. Even if you type a new counter, the next injections will always start with counter 000001.

Temporary Solution:

Resolved in revision C.01.04 Hotfix06 and C.01.05 Hotfix05.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1986  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

GC Back injector only used, the sequence specified volume is ignored and the method setting is used


The injection volume specified in the sequence table is ignored when only the back injector is used.  It is not possible to override the injection volume specified in method when using the back injector.  The report for the back injector will include the injection volume that was specified in the sequence table which is not correct.

Temporary Solution:

In sequences with only back injections set the injection mode to dual simulaneous. The execution of the sequence will not change, but the volume override will be accepted.

Fix Information:

This issue has been resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.06 Hotfix 02.

KPR#:2066  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF09

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

Wrong Error Message Used When GC Method Download Fails


In the early sequence start phase, when the method cannot be downloaded to the instrument due to any reason a misleading error may occur, titled “Current Logbook File xxxxxxxxx.LOG” with the body “RUN.LOG file already opened”. It should report "Attempt to download method to GC failed" instead.

Temporary Solution:

Fix the Upload Problem Root Cause and Reboot the AIC

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2103  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF09

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

Instrument session continues to run in background after session is closed


When an instrument session is closed, the ChemMain.exe process continues to run in the background when an instrument connection isn't made or lost. This can lead to multiple ChemMain.exe processes running at the same time causing performance issues.

Temporary Solution:

Close the ChemMain.exe process using Task Manager.

Fix Information:

Fixed beginning in GC Driver version A.02.05.024.

KPR#:205926  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

ChemMain stopped working during running sequence; 'Out of Memory' in acquisition logs


ChemMain will stop working during a sequence even in idle state for GC and HS.   There are many 'OutofMemory' exceptions in the acquisition logs. This can happen even after rebooting the AIC after 3 days. 

Reported on GC Driver B.01.03.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:260731  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

Unexpected abort of a sequence with GC dual injection


If a sequence is running and the unfinished result set gets opened in data analysis, an unexpected sequence abort can occur when working with a GC with dual injection.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.10

KPR#:368024  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

Event table not in chronological order, not all events executed


When adding events to the event table, the items are displayed in 'string' order, not in order of time of the event.

The result is that certain events are not executed during analysis.

6.4 – V2 ON
8.4 – V1 ON
8.84 – V1 OFF
13.05 – V1 ON
14.7 – V1 OFF
20 – V2 ON

13.05 – V1 ON
14.7 – V1 OFF
20 – V2 ON
6.4 – V2 ON
8.4 – V1 ON
8.84 – V1 OFF

In this case, the last three events (with a time less than then 20 minutes of event 3) are not executed.

This issue was introduced with GC drivers rev 3.1.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:380477  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

Reports generated based on snapshot data do not contain column information


GC column information is not available on reports generated by taking a snapshot of the current run.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. Update 3.

KPR#:453813  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

Overlapped injection enabled for a dual sequence run is not handled correctly for back injection


When overlapped injection is enabled and a dual simultaneous injection sequence is run, the sequence engine does not detect that the injection location of the first run is different than the injection location of the second run. It therefore does not handle the back injection correctly and may report an exception and no status because there are no values for it. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 7.

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:502630  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

GC sample diagram shows red vials for successfully completed injections


The sequence ran successfully with no errors in the log but the vials are red in the GC sample diagram. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 4

KPR#:514410  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

Headspace not ready condition hold up non-HS injections invalidly


Headspace readiness is unchecked but the headspace not ready condition holds up non-HS injections. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:534214  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

Failed to create instance! error message when launching GC


Dashboard is not created when GC instrument is launched.

Temporary Solution:

Close the pop-up window and continue. This is a cosmetic issue.

Fix Information:

Resolved in GC Driver Revision 3.5.132 (SR1).
Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:540016  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

Run queue will show Front injector on Pending runs when method actually uses back


The GC has front and back injectors.  The sequence was setup with only the Back injector, but the Run queue will show Front on the pending runs which can mislead the user to believe the wrong injection source is being used.  

The currently running sample will show the correct back location.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:583491  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

Detector signal name change causes recalibrate


Create a calibrated method with a GC signal from the 3rd and/or 4th detector using GC Driver DSA 3.1. 

Update to a later version of the GC Driver DSA (e.g., 3.2-3.5). The trace names of the signals change from “Aux Signal” and “4th Signal” in 3.1 to “Aux Det #1 Signal” and “Aux Det #2 Signal” in later GC Driver DSA versions. 

This trace name change (by the DSA) renders the calibration table entries for those signals unusable.

Temporary Solution:

Rename the the signal description in signal details.

Fix Information:


KPR#:593325  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

Misleading warning is displayed if the barcode reader writes the barcode in sample name field


Misleading warning is displayed if the barcode reader writes the barcode in sample name field.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:677663  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

Resource Library dialog is not working correctly


User is unable to add a Custom Resource to the Resource Library.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in GC Driver 3.8.218. 

KPR#:711328  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

Method Resolution Wizard does not work when loading 6890 or 6850 methods to other GC Types


The following error is reported when loading 6890 or 6850 methods to other GC types:

Instrument parameters from a different GC type cannot be loaded.
Please enter them directly in Instrument Method Editing Dialog.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 7.

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

This fix also requires GC Driver 3.8.218.  The Method Resolution Wizard functionality available beginning with GC Driver 3.8.218.

KPR#:736317  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: GC ACQ

One-line Description:

'Parsing Error' on ChemStation taskbar after resolving method


'Parsing Error' on ChemStation taskbar after resolving method.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.
This fix also requires GC Driver 3.8.218. 

KPR#:1966  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: GC ACQ , SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence stops for no apparent reason


When data is acquired on instruments with independent time regimes, conflicting run states can be interpreted as the end of the sequence. The sequence log will show a normal sequence finished entry although more runs were expected to follow.
If the sampler continues the sequence on its own, the remaining runs are acquired as single runs.

Temporary Solution:

Combine the sequence runs and all single runs that are supposed to be part of it into a self-assembled result set for analysis and storage purposes.

Fix Information:

Resolved in revision C.01.06

KPR#:375261  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: GC Autosampler

One-line Description:

Pause/Retry after ALS error re-numbers locations can abort sequence with HSS


After ALS error Pause/Retry can add additional line and re-number vial locations. Missing vials can be reported as complete. If the re-numbered line is followed by HS locations sequence can abort.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 3.

KPR#:150035  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.17

Keyword: Globalization

One-line Description:

Content of localized Online Help texts may not be complete (Japanese, Chinese and Portuguese version)


The version of the Online Help published with LC driver version A.02.17 SI32 has some incomplete pages when using the Japanese, Chinese or Portuguese version. This results in texts where keywords like module names are missing in the continuous text.

Temporary Solution:

Temporary workaround: The English help files are not affected. They can be browsed manually and used for reference.

Fix Information:

The issue will be fixed with the release of driver A.02.18.

KPR#:150072  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.18

Keyword: Globalization

One-line Description:

Flow Modulator requires regional settings in English


The Flow Modulator dashboard requires the regional settings in english. If the regional settings are set to German, the values set in the method graphical interface are multiplied by a factor of 100 and 1000, respectively. This  results in incorrect split ratios and dilution factors.

Temporary Solution:

This issue can be circumvented by setting the system language to English (US).

Fix Information:

Fixed with driver version A.02.19.

KPR#:149973  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.14

Keyword: Globalization,Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Pressure range settings may seem to change when using unit psi


If the pressure unit psi is used for minimum or maximum pressure, the value seems to change if the setting is stored on the instrument (usually a pump module) after re-opening the user interface. This is due to a rounding of numbers, as values are internally always stored in unit bar.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:90  Product:Headspace Driver Software  G292xAA  B.01.01

Keyword: Headspace

One-line Description:

Methods Must be Stored on the C Drive


The headspace sampler will run a method, but it will not run a sequence if the methods are saved to a location other than C:\ 
This defect affects all headspace hardware models running with B.0x.0x series headspace Sampler Software.

Temporary Solution:

The C Drive must be selected.

Fix Information:

Point patch available for B.04.03 SP1 [87].

This is fixed in C.01.04 OpenLab CDS.

KPR#:164  Product:Headspace Driver Software  G2922AA  B.01.01

Keyword: Headspace

One-line Description:

Injection Volume is reported as 0 uL or blank in report for headspace


Request to report the real loop volume in the data report whatever an uncalibrated or calibrated loop is installed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The problem was fixed in B.01.07. The injection volume shown in the analysis report changes along with the loop size configured in 7697 Configuration , and independent with the injection volume input in the sequence table.

KPR#:171  Product:Headspace Driver Software  RC.Net  B.01.07

Keyword: Headspace

One-line Description:

ChemStation crashes on start-up if the headspace is in an error state


The ChemStation crashes on start-up if the headspace is in an error state.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The problem was fixed in B.01.08

KPR#:179  Product:Headspace Driver Software  G2924AA  B.01.07.2

Keyword: Headspace

One-line Description:

7697A temperature(Oven,loop and Tr line) loaded with  the method parameters of line 1 after the end of the sequence.


Customer uses the cool method for the last line of the sequence.
They want to automatically lower the temperature after end of sequence.
7697A temperature(Oven,loop and Tr line) loaded with  the method parameters of line 1 after the end of the sequence.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in Headspace driver B.01.07.03

KPR#:699742  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: Help

One-line Description:

OpenLab Control Panel help launches in English 


The OpenLab Control Panel help will launch in English if the page is called from the on-line help welcome page.

Temporary Solution:

Launch the Control Panel on-line help directly from the Control panel menu bar or press F1 to show the on-line help in Chinese or Japanese, respectively. 

Fix Information:

Planned to be fixed in the next minor release.

KPR#:717784  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: Help

One-line Description:

ChemStation Online Help needs updated to include the changes in USP 2022


ChemStation Online Help needs updated to include the changes in USP 2022.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

KPR#:1618  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.02

Keyword: Initialization

One-line Description:

Sporadically launch of an online session will not proceed


Sporadically the launch of an online session will not proceed in a networked setup.

Temporary Solution:

Launch the online session a second time. The second attempt usually works.

Fix Information:

No fix planned

KPR#:1869  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF03

Keyword: Initialization

One-line Description:

ChemStation does not initialize when system paths are not accessible


During startup the paths for data files, master methods and sequence templates are initialized. When one of these paths is not accessible (because it was pointing to a USB stick or a network location) the software does not initialize correctly.

Temporary Solution:

Use only local paths. Especially the data path must not be on the network to avoid corrupted data during acquisition.
In case the above situation has happened, edit configuration of the instrument in control panel and set a local path.

Chemstation does not support networked file sharing.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1898  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Initialization

One-line Description:

Software does not initialize properly when the last method used, was located on an unaccessible drive


The ChemStation attempts to load the method that has been active when the last session was closed.
If such a method was located on a network drive or a USB device and this drive is not connected during startup, the session will not initialize properly.

Temporary Solution:

Enable the missing path by re-attaching the external drive.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1959  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  N/A

Keyword: Initialization

One-line Description:

Running processes can prevent instruments from being deleted


Instruments can be deleted in OpenLAB Control Panel although there might be processes still acessing the instrument folder. The open processes or file access operations can interfere with the delete process. This can cause problems when another instrument is added.

Temporary Solution:

The cleanest way to remove an instrument is after a reboot.
On an AIC an administrator needs to check whether there are still processes running in the task manager that belong to this instrument. Stop these processes before deleting an instrument.

Fix Information:


KPR#:2023  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Initialization

One-line Description:

Misssing GC license message even though system has enough GC licenses


It has been observed that a misleading message about missing licenses can appear, when instrument sessions are taken over in a distributed system.
There are enough licenses and the transfer of the session works, but a message box claims that not eough licenses are available.

Temporary Solution:

Accept the message box with either Cancel or OK. The session takeover will proceed.

Fix Information:


KPR#:2032  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Initialization

One-line Description:

Misleading message about missing license during session takeover


Cases have been observed where a misleading message has popped up during a session takeover. The message claimed that the system ran out of instrument licenses. The number of active licenses did, however, match the open sessions.

Temporary Solution:

OK the message box. The session takeover will proceed.

Fix Information:


KPR#:2100  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: Initialization

One-line Description:

“Autostart Macro failed, error #999 occurred”


“Autostart Macro failed, error #999 occurred” error message when starting ChemStation. It is not possible to successfully start an offline or online session.

Temporary Solution:

With most autostart errors the situation can be resolved by removing the configuration files in the instrument folder.
In the instrument folder (Chem32\X\) there are subfolders for DATA, METHODS, etc...
There are also single files that store recent activities for a faster startup. 
Rename those single files. Typically there is a Config.reg, Conf_Off.reg, and other files with the extensions config, mth or xml. Rename them by adding the extension   .old.
The files are rebuild after the next successful start of a session.

In at least one case incomplete entries were found in the ChemStationPerInstrumentSettings.config file.

Do not rename or delete other files or folders.

Be aware that for LC applications the config.reg file contains the information for the columns. On systems without column tags the column data has to be entered manually. More complex entries about hardware configurations (LC module clusters) are written to the file RapidControlInstrumentConfig.xml. It can save time to leave these two files untouched first and rename only the others.

There have been other cases, where user specific files were corrupted. The files in question are called user.config and are stored in the application data. (AppData\local\\Agilent_Technologies\...\userconfig).
On a workstation these files are user specific, while on an AIC they are instrument specific. They can be renamed to user.old as well. This results in a reset of some settings like the columns visible in a sequence table.

Fix Information:

For future revisions it is planned to provide a better error message at startup. A self-repair of the initialization files is not possible.

KPR#:2158  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Initialization

One-line Description:

A configuration change to one of the DA-only  instruments causes configuration panel to pop-up every session start


The configuration of DA-only instruments contains the option to use or not use Intelligent Reporting and also AddOns like spectra analysis.
Changing the default can lead to the situation that the configuration panel pops up at every start of a session. The panel offers the configuration of instrument hardware like a 35900 ADC or an ELSD detector. The dialog can be cancelled or accepted and the offline session will start normally. The dialog will, however, pop up again at the start of the next session.

Temporary Solution:

Add the configurable module to the list of selected modules..

Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:89201  Product:    C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: Initialization

One-line Description:

"Autostart Macro failed, error #999 occurred"


"Autostart Macro failed, error #999 occurred" error message when starting ChemStation. It is not possible to successfully start an offline or online session.

Temporary Solution:

With most autostart errors the situation can be resolved by removing the configuration files in the instrument folder.
In the instrument folder (Chem32\X\) there are subfolders for DATA, METHODS, etc...
There are also single files that store recent activities for a faster startup. 
Rename those single files. Typically there is a Config.reg, Conf_Off.reg, and other files with the extensions config, mth or xml. Rename them by adding the extension   .old.
The files are rebuild after the next successful start of a session.

In at least one case incomplete entries were found in the ChemStationPerInstrumentSettings.config file.

Do not rename or delete other files or folders.

Be aware that for LC applications the config.reg file contains the information for the columns. On systems without column tags the column data has to be entered manually. More complex entries about hardware configurations (LC module clusters) are written to the file RapidControlInstrumentConfig.xml. It can save time to leave these two files untouched first and rename only the others.

There have been other cases, where user specific files were corrupted. The files in question are called user.config and are stored in the application data. (AppData\local\\Agilent_Technologies\...\userconfig).
On a workstation these files are user specific, while on an AIC they are instrument specific. They can be renamed to user.old as well. This results in a reset of some settings like the columns visible in a sequence table.

Fix Information:

For future revisions it is planned to provide a better error message at startup. A self-repair of the initialization files is not possible.

KPR#:131104  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Initialization

One-line Description:

AutoStart Macro error on start up when using min/max dimensions within the SampleContainerDevice


The ChemStation does not start and shows AutoStart Macro error if the provided SampleContainerDevice contains information about the min/max dimensions of container locations. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4.

KPR#:147982  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Initialization

One-line Description:

Offline MS ChemStation hangs during startup


The Offline MS ChemStation hangs during startup when loading the pid2.mac macro.

Temporary Solution:

When an empty macro is put in place, the software starts. The pid2.mac macro can be loaded manually after startup.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09.

KPR#:393124  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Initialization

One-line Description:

Corrupt Sample Containers cannot be deleted from the Sample Container database


WalkUp Failed to launch ChemStation when Corrupt Sample Containers are present.  Corrupt Sample Containers cannot be deleted from the Sample Container database. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 3 and documented in help

KPR#:22  Product:OpenLAB Data Store  OpenLAB Data Store  A.01.01

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

FTP protocol is enabled by default on OpenLAB Data Store A.01.02 systems


When OpenLAB Data Store A.01.02 is installed, any user configured in OpenLAB Shared Services for Instrument operation has the possibility to authenticate to the Data Store File system with their credentials. OpenLAB CDS makes sure that file uploads are maintained by the audit trail of Data Store. Users can also upload files via FTP connection directly to Data Store (without OpenLAB CDS). With the FTP connection enabled, it is possible to bypass the Data Store versioning features and overwrite existing files in Data Store without any audit trail notification.

Temporary Solution:

To disable Data Store FTP server "ftp.enabled" parameter in C:\Program Files (x86)\Agilent Technologies\OpenLAB Data Store\tomcat\shared\classes\ should be set to "false".

Fix Information:

FTP and FTPS  Upload are supported with OpenLAB Data Store A.02.02 or later

KPR#:42  Product:OpenLAB Data Store  OpenLAB Data Store  A.02.02

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

OpenLAB Control Panel does not open after upgrading Windows Server 2008 R2 to Windows Server 2012 R2


OpenLAB Control Panel does not open after upgrading Windows Server 2008 R2 to Windows Server 2012 R2.
The following error message is shown "Could not load type 'System.Runtime.Diagnostics.ITraceSourceStringProvider' from assembly 'System.ServiceModel.Internals, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf385ad364e35"

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Affected revision(s): OpenLAB CDS A.02.02

Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5.2 needs to be applied to fix the issue

KPR#:45  Product:OpenLAB Data Store  OpenLAB Data Store  A.02.01

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Not possible to uninstal DataStore in a Secure WorkStation after doing a repair


In a Secure WorkStation, after trying a repair installation from the Maintenance section of the DVD, it won't be possible to uninstall the application. It will fail during the Data Store uninstallation.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Affected revision(s): Secure WorkStation for OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition Rev C.01.06 and C.01.07

Repair installation from the DVD is not supported for OpenLAB Data Store. Repair installation needs to be started from the Start | All programs menu. if the Repain has already been performed using the DVD, follow the procedure below to unstall the application

1. Check on the installed system if DSInstLoader.exe exists under – <InstallLocation>\OpenLABCDSBackup\ol-dsbackup\DataStore\Server\DSInstLoader.exe  (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Agilent Technologies\OpenLABCDSBackup\ol-dsbackup\DataStore\Server\DSInstLoader.exe)

2. If this does not exist, then create the folder –  <InstallLocation>\OpenLABCDSBackup\ol-dsbackup\DataStore\Server. 

3. Mount ‘ol-ds’ disk and locate folder – ‘DataStore\Server’ and copy the following files from this location to the folder created in Step #2
    • Agilent.OpenLab.DataStore.InstallerSupport.dll
    • DSInstLoader.exe
    • InstallerSupport.dll
    • Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll
    • OpenLabDataStore.dll

4. Run the Uninstall wizard

KPR#:1627  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.02

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

AIC ports not opened for 7890A acquisition


It was not possible to run any 7890A from either the client or AIC. It was discovered that communication ports were not opened upon installation of the AIC version of C.01.02. 

file "Exceptions.AgtChemRCNetAdapter.Online"

Temporary Solution:

Manually create and open a port.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1885  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Software upgrades from a share will not work


The ChemStation cannot be upgraded from a server location. 
That is, opening a shared folder \\myshare\myfolder from the Windows Command Line and running the setup.bat from there will result in a failed upgrade. The registration of instrument controllers will fail and the IQT Report does not pass.

Temporary Solution:

For installations over the network the share has to be mapped on the PC that is to be updated. Upgrades from the DVDs or a local copy (e.g. as created from the Installation tab of the Master Installer) will work as well.

Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:1938  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

An error occured after clicking the 'Configure Instrument' Button twice


The configuration of the first instrument on a new installation can take longer than expected. 
When the configure instrument button is pressed, seemingly nothing happens. The button is not disabled either, so it can be pressed a second time.
This creates a conflict resulting in an error message: InvalidOperationException.

Temporary Solution:

Accept the message, restart the Control Panel and repqat the attempt. The configuration screen will come up.

Fix Information:


KPR#:2130  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Secure Workstation:  User is not prompted to change password on first log in


During the installation, the Data Store server is automatically activated with internal authentication and a default user will be created
with password.  On first login, the system does not prompt the user to change the password before proceeding any further.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:120427  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Wrong OpenLAB Shared Services database type installed when selecting PostgreSQL with C.01.07 SR3 


When deploying the OpenLAB Shared Services Server and selecting PostgreSQL as the database, Firebird database type is installed instead of PostgreSQL. 

This issue only affects the installation of the OpenLAB Shared Services Server version 2.1 shipping with OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR3. The other database types, Microsoft SQL server and Oracle, are not affected. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4.

KPR#:173564  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Installer wrongly detects the presence of OpenLAB Data Analysis


While upgrading the OpenLab Shared Services Server (v2.1), the installer stopped because it wrongly detected OpenLab Data Analysis.  OpenLab Data Analysis can't be installed on the OpenLab Shared Services Server.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09

KPR#:176707  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Warning message “The installed OpenLAB software is incomplete” or “Repair is not possible as no complete topology” 


If the installation is done by Admin User A and then after the reboot Admin User B logs in and selects the on "OpenLAB Additional Software and Drivers" or "Repair OpenLAB CDS", the installer shows a prompt for incomplete topology and does not proceed. 

Temporary Solution:

See OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition-095

a)	 Update the ChemStation using the original Admin user (User A) who did the initial installation. 


b)  Using Admin User B, manually install “Agilent OpenLAB CDS Control Panel Help” component by double-click on MSI located at \Disk1\OLSS\<SupportedOLSSFolder>\Agilent OpenLAB CDS Control Panel Help.msi and proceed with the installation.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.09 in combination with OpenLAB Control Panel 2.3.

If upgrading or extending an installation connected to a Shared Services Server 2.2 it is required that the installation is performed by the same administrator who did the initial installation.

KPR#:193962  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Error occurred for OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Drivers shows red in status during upgrade via DVD


The upgrade installation continues but shows that an error occurred at the OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Drivers activity.  Click on the “Error Occurred” field to view the ChemStation_Drivers_Upgrade log file.  According to the log file, both the LC and GC instrument drivers were installed correctly.  However, to complete installation of Parts Finder, a Restart was required.  Once the PC is restarted, Parts Finder upgrade is completed.  The ChemStation will operate correctly.

Temporary Solution:

Restart the PC to complete installation.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10.

KPR#:224734  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Cannot access GC configure instrument in Control panel after upgrading from C.01.08


After the upgrade, in Control Panel, select Configure instrument and the following message is displayed:

The instrument type Agilent 7890 GC System can no longer be used to set up new instruments.  Please re-configure the instrument to use Agilent GC System or Agilent GC Core System (VL) type.

It is not possible to reconfigure the instrument.

Temporary Solution:


Read the IP addresses from ChemStation.ini file

Adding a headspace sampler  is possible from within the Method and Run Control View:  Instrument > Instrument configuration

Fix Information:


KPR#:243280  Product:    A.04.09

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Error occurred for OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Drivers shows red in status during upgrade via DVD


The upgrade installation continues but shows that an error occurred at the OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Drivers activity.  Click on the “Error Occurred” field to view the ChemStation_Drivers_Upgrade log file.  According to the log file, both the LC and GC instrument drivers were installed correctly.  However, to complete installation of Parts Finder, a Restart was required.  Once the PC is restarted, Parts Finder upgrade is completed.  The ChemStation will operate correctly.

Temporary Solution:

Restart the PC to complete installation.

Fix Information:


KPR#:298255  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

AIC Installation from DVD is not supported


The AIC installation and/or Upgrade from the DVD fails

Temporary Solution:

Install from the USB Media or from a central network share.

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 3

KPR#:318797  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Japanese Installation of ChemStation after the OpenLab CDS 2.4 product fails


The installation of ChemStation after the OpenLab CDS 2.4 product failed in registering the privileges needed for the ChemStation at the ChemStation application registration step.

OpenLab Shared Services does not accept privileges with the same name from different products, even when they are in different groups. The Japanese translation of “Manual Integration" of ChemStation and “Do Manual Integration” from OpenLab CDS 2.4 are the exact same string in Japanese.  

English and Chinese systems do not have this issue. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 1

KPR#:366738  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Fail to Register Instrument Controller


After successfully running the register instrument controller from  installer and rebooting the system the instrument controller fails to configure. Rebooting again also did not help.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. Update 3.

KPR#:372511  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 1

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

With C.01.10 Update 1, it is no longer possible to disconnect from a running instrument session and a launching failed error occurs


After installing C.01.10 Update 1 on the AIC, it is no longer possible to disconnect from a running ChemStation session.  A dialog box stating “Unable to close session while Run or Sequence in progress” is shown when closing the ChemStation application. 
With C.01.10 Update 01 installed, the instrument launching command is missing the parameter “ /RemoteController”.   
A launching failed message “Value cannot be null.  Parameter name: Command line argument of ChemMain process is empty” is shown when starting instrument.  Click OK on the error message and the instrument session will complete start-up.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 2

KPR#:384350  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Install will fail if user name contains a #


The install splash screen will come up but become unresponsive when the User name contains a # in the name.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. Update 3 documentation.

KPR#:414556  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 2

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Installaton of AIC fails due to security policies with internal default CSI user password length of 12 characters


The installation of an ChemStation AIC can fail due to security policies if they require a password length of more than 12 characters for the internal default CSI user.

Temporary Solution:

Don't use the default CSIUsers with password generator, use a customized users.xml with customized passwords. For to use custom passwords enter them in plain text in an additional user property called : Password="<custom password>" 
example: <user UserName="CSIUser0" Password="XYZ" />

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 3, the password length for the default CSIUsers is increased to the length of 20.

KPR#:416759  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

Use of pain text passwords for CSI users unclear


The use of plain text passwords for CSI users is not well explained.
The passwords where encrypted in the Logs\Install Log directory and there was no possibility to leave them unencrypted.

Temporary Solution:

To use custom passwords enter them in plain text in an additional user property  called : Password="<custom password>"
example:  <user UserName="CSIUser0"  Password="XYZ" />

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 3 with updated example file including explanation

KPR#:470764  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

For disabling TLS 1.0 on AIC's with Server 2016, SQL with high availability DB is needed


On an AIC on Windows 2016 Server, if TLS 1.0 gets disabled, it is not possible to launch/configure instruments on AIC or client and AIC software throws exceptions. 
Note: This would not be observed on an OS Windows 2019 server.

Temporary Solution:

As a workaround it is possible to install Microsoft SQL Express with Management Studio in Windows authentication mode, and do some configuration steps of SQL and the RDS service. 
Add the "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE" to the SQL Server administrators and give it later the server role "dbcreator" with Management Studio. Create a folder for the database and give "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE" full control.
Enable TCP/IP for the SQL instance and configure port 1433 for IPALL. 
In the Server Manager navigate to Remote Desktop Services/Overview. Right click on RD Connection Broker and select "Configure High Availability". Under configuration type select "Dedicated database server". In the configuration the qualified DNS name, connection string and the database folder mentioned above. 
Then the IISCrypto tool can be used to unconfigure TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 and keep TLS 1.2 configured. Restart to apply the settings. 

Fix Information:

There is no fix from ChemStation side possible.  Microsoft Windows Server 2016 OS does not come with an identification database ( called WID )
which supports TLS1.2

KPR#:674125  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

System preparation step sometimes hangs at the Tcp Port Sharing and Activation step


During System Preparation, the Tcp Port Sharing and Activation remains in a running status without completing.

Temporary Solution:

Cancel the system preparation step and re-start the installation. A message is shown to reboot the machine. After rebooting and restarting the installation, it completes.

Fix Information:


KPR#:698383  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

System Preparation Tool:  Check Pending Reboot step fails even after rebooting computer


During the System Preparation Tool (SPT) step, the 'Check Pending Reboot' status fails even after rebooting the computer multiple times. 

This happens often with Windows 11 operating system.

Temporary Solution:

The “Check Pending Reboot” can be ignored if all updates have been installed.

Fix Information:


KPR#:758423  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 6

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

C.01.10 Site Preparation Tool fails the Microsoft Hyper-V check


Technical note documents that Hyper-V is a supported virtual machine but fails the C.01.10 ‘classic’ Site Preparation Tool check.

Temporary Solution:

Refer to the following technical note 5994-3609EN, Virtualizing OpenLab CDS Client/Server Systems which supersedes the classic Site Prep Tool report.  Hyper-V as a virtual machine is supported if the machine has the required resources.

Fix Information:


KPR#:785114  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: Installation

One-line Description:

GPO "turn on script execution" prevents AIC registration


During installation of an AIC multiple powershell scripts are used. They set the required execution policy automatically. However in case a GPO or local policy is defined the script execution does fail. It does even fail if the policy defines an unrestricted execution policy.

Temporary Solution:

Set the GPO:
path: "Local Computer Policy/Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Windows PowerShell",
setting: "Turn on Script Execution".
to Undefined.

Set the local group policy editor
User Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows Components - Windows PowerShell - Turn on Script Execution
to undefined.
During operation of the system both settings can be reverted. Be aware that during the first restart after installation these settings are still required, as some finalizing PowerShell script are running.

Fix Information:


KPR#:2121  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1 HF01

Keyword: Installation , 35900 Control

One-line Description:

35900E ADC-instrument cannot be configured with RC.Net driver after reinstalling the OpenLAB CDS application


The 35900E cannot be configured with the RC.Net driver if the OpenLAB CDS application is uninstalled and reinstalled.

Temporary Solution:

If the OpenLAB CDS application needs to be reinstalled, additional drivers such as the Agilent 35000E RC.Net driver must be uninstalled first using the add/remove programs from Windows Control Panel.  
The Agilent 35900E RC.Net driver will need to be reinstalled after completing the OpenLAB CDS installation.

Fix Information:


KPR#:2045  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Installation , Initialization

One-line Description:

Error during Secure Workstation installation


During installation of secure Workstation a network connection must be present.
Otherwise an installation error occurs during the step Data Store activation. The installation proceeds, but the Data Store database cannot be synchronized, and access to the Data Store web insterface fails with the message:

This page could not be rendered:

Temporary Solution:

Connect network before starting the installation. The connection can be to the house network or to a running chromatograph with a fitting IP address.
After the system is installed and configured Data Store will run without network connection.

Fix Information:

No fix planned. Documentation has been updated.

KPR#:1534  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.04.02 Hotfix-2

Keyword: Integration

One-line Description:

User is not asked to save manual integration events when manual events are stored in the method


When in the Integration Events Table the option "Method Manual Events" is enabled, the ChemStation assumes the default for storing manual integration events is the method.
When the user manually integrates the runs with this setting, he will not get asked whether he wants to save them when he changes the method. In order to trigger this he would have to first select "update manual events of method" from the Integration menu.
This behavior differs from the situation when the events are stored in the data file: In that case, the user always gets asked when switching to the next data file without any additional activity from the user.
This defect implies that it could easily happen that the events are not stored. When working with OpenLAB Option, the manual events do not get uploaded to ECM.

Temporary Solution:

Traceability is nevertheless given, since the events are described in the data file log, and the report is in the report history.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1744  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Integration

One-line Description:

Misleading display of tangent peak width


The annotation of the tangent peak width in the performance tool is done by highlighting the part the baseline defined by the intersection with the tangents. It has been considered as misleading, because the drawing suggests that the tangent width is the length of the baseline segment. The mathematical truth is the projection of the segment on the time axis. This is what the tool calculates.

Temporary Solution:

The calculation is done correctly. 
All other peaks widths are drawn as horizontal lines. Only the tangent width is drawn following the baseline  which better describes how the tangent width is constructed.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1838  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Integration

One-line Description:

GC compound peaks might be labelled as solvent peaks


The integrator algorithm annotates many compound peaks with Peak Code S, which should only be given to solvent peaks.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned

KPR#:1854  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Integration

One-line Description:

Background subtraction does not work on chromatograms with manual events


When background subtraction is executed on a chromatogram that contains manual integration events, the application becomes non-responsive.

Temporary Solution:

In the Preferences deselect the option to integrate files after loading.
Integrating the files interactively does work.

Fixed in C.01.05 HF05

Fix Information:


KPR#:1921  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03 HF09

Keyword: Integration

One-line Description:

Manual integration changes need actively to be saved, when the method contains stored events.


Manual integrations can be saved with the data file. They can also be saved with the method.
The events from the method are applied when the checkbox for Method Manual Events is ticked in Integration Events.
When this box is ticked, the user is not asked to save the events to either method or data file. Once a new data file is loaded, the manual events are discarded.

Temporary Solution:

Save manual events to either the method or the data file before proceeding to the next data file. This is consistent behaviour since many revisions and will not be changed.

Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:1932  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03 HF09

Keyword: Integration

One-line Description:

Manual integration may become slow when Results Audit Trail is switched on


Manual integration may become slow, if many calibrated peaks are not found in the chromatogram and the Results Audit Trail is switched on. This behavior is especially pronounced in distributed ChemStation systems.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:2095  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF02

Keyword: Integration

One-line Description:

Baseline not shown in IR report when baseline end too near signal end


When the baseline end for a peak is at the end of the signal the baseline for the peak may not be displayed.

Temporary Solution:

Setting integration event to move the peak end more then 0.05 min before the end of the run will allow the baseline to display.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:2120  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Integration

One-line Description:

Foley-Dorsey Plate calculation formula uses incorrect asymmetry factor


The Foley-Dorsey calculation of plates in the ChemStation uses the formula
N =41.7(tR/w0.1)2/(A/B+1.25)
tR = Peak retention time
w0.1 = peak width at 10% of the peak height
A = front part of the w0.1
B= tail part of w0.1
so that w0.1 = A + B

It turns out that the original publication by Foley and Dorsey uses a factor B/A in the denominator.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2128  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF02

Keyword: Integration

One-line Description:

Adjacent featureless peaks might be reported with the same retention time.


When two peaks are adjacent and neither of the peaks has a real apex, they might be reported with identical retention times.
This happens for example by manually splitting a peak in a monotonic section. Such a peak will be reported with the retention time of the edge of a peak.

Temporary Solution:

The integration event Area Sum Slice is the preferred tool for this situation.

Fix Information:

Resolved in revision C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2150  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1 HF01

Keyword: Integration

One-line Description:

User privileges are not properly transferred to the offline session


When the offline session is started from inside the offline (menu View > Reprocessing Copy), the privileges for the user are sometimes not executed properly. For example a user without the privilege to Edit Integration Events has been able to make changes to the integration events of a loaded method.

Launching the Offline session from desktop shortcuts or from the OpenLAB Control Panel transferred the user privileges properly.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:182387  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Integration

One-line Description:

Unexpected baseline and peak integration when using GC demo data file 


When using the first GC demo file with def_GC.M, the peak at 2.331 min baseline is drawn incorrectly.  The peak area seems to match where the baseline is drawn.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09.

KPR#:193315  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Integration

One-line Description:

Integrator timed event: Split peak can cause integrate to show a misleading error message box


When the Split Peak timed event happens to be at the very front edge of a peak start,
it can cause an error message on the message line or logbook or show an error message box 
when the edit integration user interface is open.  The error message is: "Could not integrate signal.  Probably too many peaks found!  Please adjust integration events for less sensitivity ".  There are critical times when the Split Peak timed event can cause the integrator to return a misleading error message.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10.

KPR#:283472  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: Integration

One-line Description:

Manual integration events not available with ECM connection and µ in data file name


When a data file name (*.D) folder has a µ in the name and the Client Service profile OlssEcm is selected in the ChemStation Administration tool, the integration toolbar icons are grayed out and inactive.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. 

KPR#:454723  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Integration

One-line Description:

Number format of Area% column in integration results is set back to default when selecting a row in the table


In the Data Analysis view/integration task, the integration results for the current chromatogram is displayed using an EdTab window. The formatting of the table was modified using macros to get digits behind the decimal point for Area%. This can be done with the following command:

SetTabText _config[3],"BigIntRes",6,"Format","%8.4f"

In C.01.09 and earlier this works without issue. In C.01.10 the format is reverted back to default any time a row in the integration results table is selected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 4

KPR#:1035284  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11 Update 02

Keyword: Integration

One-line Description:

Area% values are not immediately updated on screen when manual integration is done


Area% values are not immediately displayed on the integration result table user interface when manual integration is done.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 03.

KPR#:385410  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 2

Keyword: Localization

One-line Description:

Some Japanese or Chinese character are replaced by "_" in the data file name


The data file name can not correctly show every Japanese or Chinese character which contained in sample name. some are replaced by "_"

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in ChemStation C.01.10 Update 3

KPR#:398646  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09,C.01.10,C.01.08 Update 02 Point Patch 1

Keyword: Localization

One-line Description:

ChemStation Admin Tool settings have been changed when no modification was done; Translation issue


Launching an online instrument without modifying the ChemStation Administration Tool, will show in the activity log that the "ChemStation Administration Tool settings have been changed since last launch of instrument" which is incorrect.  The problem is a mistranslation of the English version.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The translation of the English version was corrected and integrated into OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 3.

KPR#:693289  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: Localization

One-line Description:

Truncation: improve to show the error icon for target mass out of range in Sample Information dialog


Truncation: improve to show the error icon for target mass out of range in Sample Information dialog

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 02.

KPR#:1668  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: Localization (Japanese)

One-line Description:

Japanese characters from saved pdf report are garbled when copied and pasted to another application


Japanese characters from a saved ChemStation .pdf report are garbled when copied and pasted to another application (e.g. Notepad, Word, Paint, etc.).

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix is planned for this issue.

KPR#:2164  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1 HF01

Keyword: Localization (Japanese)

One-line Description:

Data file name has Japanese character if data system create data file


In sequence mode, Latin characters are used to distinguish Front and Back injectors.  Single run are using Japanese Characters.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision C.01.07 SR3

KPR#:277791  Product:OpenLAB - CDS2  Intelligent Reporting  2.4

Keyword: Localization,Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Composite group saved with special character in the name


In Intelligent Reporting, composite groups can be saved to facilitate further report design.

These composite groups are saved in the data backend with the name the user typed in the reporting editor.
Such composite group name must not contain any special character when using OpenLab CDS ECM 3.x as data backend. 

In the case special character are used, the composite groups will not be visible in the report editor.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Composite groups must be renamed without any special character.

KPR#:803  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.03.01

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

Only 20000 lines are kept in the sequence log


Only 20000 lines are kept in the sequence log. When more lines have to be added, the oldest lines are overwritten.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1637  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.01.01

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

'Method not downloaded to device' message when PAL is present


Configure 7697A to 7890A. Close and reopen session and configure a PAL, as well.

With the headspace (HS) method still loaded, Run Method to the still cabled device. This runs, but logs message to the logbook:
'G3382AA    1 Method not downloaded to the device, because>  12:12:53 03/18/11
   0 1da9 4d838485    0
G3382AA    1  the settings are not compatible with the de>  12:12:53 03/18/11
   0 1da9 4d838485    0
G3382AA    1 vice configuration.                            12:12:53 03/18/11
  67 41e2 4d838485    0
Method       Instrument running sample Vial 1 (front)       12:12:53 03/18/11
   0 1da7 4d83848f    0
7697A      1 Sequence Started                               12:13:03 03/18/11'

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1889  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

User log off is not recorded in the logbook


A user log on is documented in a logbook with user name and time. A log off is not recorded.

Temporary Solution:

The information is available in the ECM log.

Fix Information:

No fix planned

KPR#:2039  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

Unresolved controllers interrupt status updates and system activity logs


In networked environments OpenLAB Control Panel provides a Lab-At-A-Glance view, displaying the status for instruments from more than one instrument controller (AICs and Networked Workstations).
In cases where an instrument controller does not actively communicate with OpenLAB Shared Services, it will disturb also functions for the other controllers.
A controller that is switched off, or does not get its name resolved for other reasons can cause the following issues for instrument further down the list:
- the activity log will not receive entries for active controllers
- the status of instruments of active controllers will not be updated

Temporary Solution:

Addressed with HF 01 for OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.05 SP1.
Addressed with C.01.07 SR1
Addressed with HF 03  for OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.06

Fix Information:

Resolved in C.01.07 SR2

KPR#:2140  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

OpenLAB Control Panel activity log and current log book are missing entries for GC Back injector


The OpenLAB Control Panel activity log and current log book are missing entries for the GC Back injector.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07 SR3.

KPR#:2146  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

System activity log shows a failed user change as a successful login (private session lock)


A user that does not have the permission to "Unlock any locked UI" is not allowed to enter a privately locked session.

When the user tries and is refused access, this occurs in two steps:
First:  User credentials are checked by Shared Services. The user's account is updated with the permissions currently owned.
Second: Lacking the required permission to unlock, the user is denied access and the session remains locked.

Only the first step is written to the Activity Log which is successful, leaving the impression that the user successfully logged into the session.
The same would happen, if the user were denied access for the specific instrument.

Temporary Solution:

Addressed in Hotfix 05 for OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

Fix Information:

Resolved in revision OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2179  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF04

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

Differences between Offline Instrument Logbook and OLCP Activity log after connectivity loss to ECM


Entries are missing in the OpenLAB Control Panel Logbook in the following situation:

-	A previously connected Offline instrument is loosing the ECM connection
> Perform any action that would trigger an upload to ECM (e.g. reprocess a result set)
-	Upload to ECM will fail due to missing connectivity
-	Re-connecting the ECM 

In such a situation some of the steps are only displayed in the instrument log of the offline instrument but not in the OLCP activity log. The first transfer to ECM causes the problem which appears in the management queue. Even after reconnection to ECM-server the problem is still present as long as the user does not change.
The problem can be avoided when the logged in user in ChemStation again logs in using the "Change User" feature in ChemStation.

Temporary Solution:

Addressed in Hotfix 06 for OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

Fix Information:

Resolved in revision OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2

KPR#:241458  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05,C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

Incorrect run logbook information about unauthorized integration parameter change 


If a user with no privilege to modify integration parameters tries to modify these parameters she/he cannot do it. If the user did not exit the integration event panel before closing the Chemstation data analysis and then opens the data file logbook, it may show an incorrect entry that this user has (successfully) changed the integration parameters. Saving the method now will also result in an incorrect entry in the logbook indicating that integration parameter have been changed by this unauthorized user - which is not correct.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10.

KPR#:256761  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

ChemMain aborted when printing instrument logbook


When the ChemStation is launched in the Data Analysis view, the instrument logbook gets corrupted. Printing the instrument logbook in the Method & Run Control view (using View->Logbook->Print Logbook) crashes the ChemStation. In the logbook viewer all entries before the startup disappear.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 1.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10.

KPR#:281314  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1,C.01.07 SR2,C.01.07 SR3,C.01.08,C.01.09,C.01.10

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

Internal server error after long query 


An "Internal server error - timeout expired" error message can happen when running system activity log queries with user and/or description filter. The problem will be fixed in one of the next releases. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 3

KPR#:300470  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

Entry in logbook appears multiple times for one parameter change


During the run (method or sequence), open the Setup Instrument Method dialog from Instrument menu and changed one parameter (e.g.: auto balance disabled by DAD). After the OK, the change was n+1 times presented in the logbook (n is the number of the modules in LC).

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 1

KPR#:300963  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

"stop by user" in sequence log will not affect data integrity


"stop by user" in sequence log will not affect data integrity

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:303382  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

User selection "Stop" for ALS error, it is not logged in sequence log


When an ALS error occurs, if " stop" is selected in Manage Rules and Alerts,  the selection is not logged in the sequence log. 

If the user selects "Skip" or "Retry", it is logged correctly.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 1

KPR#:370213  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09 Update 01

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

Unwanted log entries: Method not found: 'Void Agilent.Windows.Forms.SampleContainerControls


Unwanted log entries: Method not found: 'Void Agilent.Windows.Forms.SampleContainerControls

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2.

KPR#:432950  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

Valve switch information missing in logbook


The logbook viewer does not display correctly if logbook entries contain '>' characters.  In the logbook file format, only a limited number of characters are available for the message text.   When the ‘>’ character is added to longer entries, the valve switch information gets truncated.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 7.

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:570794  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 4

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

Logbook viewer does not display correctly if logbook entries contain the '>' character


When the viewer updates to show the new event, the '>' character is missing. When the viewer is closed and reopened, it does not separate the events correctly anymore.

The logic that does the detection and concatenation was not correct in the logbook component as well as in the user interface.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 7.

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

KPR#:726331  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Logbook

One-line Description:

File accessed at same time by both online and offline sessions result in a Logbook File error


File accessed at the same time by both online and offline sessions result in a Logbook File error: Could not open report file C:\Programdata\Agilent Technologies\ChemStation\1\Temp\~LBKPRNT1.TMP file.  

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 7.

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

KPR#:1353  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.04.01 SP1

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

GC Offline Data Analyisis checks for ALS location when loading method


7890 or 6890 Offline session checks for the ALS location when loading a method or processing a sequence.  The dialog box, 'resetting to Manual injection' is diplayed after loading a method with dual injectors to a GC chemstation that only has a back injector or on the same GC but you just removed one of the autosamplers.  This should not occur in offline data analysis.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.06.

KPR#:1473  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.04.02 SP1

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

CTC portion of method printout does not include overlap settings


CTC portion of the method printout does not include the Setup Injector Overlap settings.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1624  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03 GC DSP

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

Undefined symbol: PrDARep error displayed when selecting Export e-Method


An error occurs when selecting “Export e-method”.  The error that is displayed on the bottom left side of software is “Undefined symbol: PrDARep”.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1643  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.04.03

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

Open GC edit parameters and close it without changes; method modification flag is set


Saved a method.  Open the GC edit parameters to review a setpoint and made no changes or changed the view.  Selected OK and the method modification flag indicates a change was made.  No changes were made.

This does not occur with the Classic Driver.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1650  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03 GC DSP

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

Headspace or PAL Sampler sequence with methods saved to a location other than C:\ does not run


Save method on D drive, and start sequence with headspace or PAL Sampler.
    GC stays in "Prep Run".
    headspace and PAL Samplers do not work.

Headspace or PAL Sampler sequence does not start when method is saved to the D drive

This defect affects all of the B.0x.0x series headspace and PAL Sampler software.

It is possible to run a method.

Temporary Solution:

Workaround is save and use methods from the C:\ drive.

Fix Information:

Point patch available for B.04.03 SP1 [87]

Patch has been tested with:

G2181BA ChemStore rev. B.04.02 SP2
G2183BA Security Pack   rev. B.04.02 SP2
Headspace Control Software B.01.02.1

KPR#:1663  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  A.09.01

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

No information around handling for special characters


ChemStation online/offline handles special characters in the following way:

(1) The (dot) '.' is accepted when entered once at the end of the name. However, more than one ‘.’ at the end of the file name is not accepted.

(2) The following characters are not accepted but there is no error message: '*' and '?'. This could be because they are wildcard characters, but an error message is encountered when trying to accept '%', '<', '>', '+', '=' and ',' as special characters.

Details will be outlined in the ChemStation Manual.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1710  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.02

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

Cannot transfer an English method to a Japanese or Chinese ChemStation and vice versa


It is not possible to take a method from a ChemStation running one language and move it to a ChemStation running a different language (English -> Japanese, for instance) without visiting this user interface and checking / fixing any values.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1748  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

Add/Removal of 7697 HS from 7890 does not show a change occurred; not displayed in Method Load options; method not shown as modified


Removed the HS in Control Panel. Open online session and select Compare at method download. The HS is not seen as a module. Method Load Options Compare does not include the HS as a module or detect any difference in the methods.  Download to instrument and no method resolution occurs. The method is not marked as modified, though the Instr.log shows the configuration changes.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1846  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

[DEL] key in time tables does not work


Rows in a time table for an LC method need to be removed by clicking the Remove button in the user interface.
Highlighting a line and pressing the delete key on the keyboard removes the line from the display, but it is still in the method.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:2021  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.04.03SP2

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

ACQ.txt file contains Column(s) information that does not match actual column used and leads to confusion


The ACQ.txt file found in the data directory includes a Column(s) section at the bottom of the file and this does not match the column information in the GC section.

Temporary Solution:

Print the method from the Method menu > print method and the column info at the bottom is no longer included.

Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:2131  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

Secure File IO enabled blocks Export eMethod... and Import eMethod: 'Invalid File Path'


Select to Export eMethod... Export to the default path C:\CHEM32\3\METHODS\<method name>.emeth.
Get: 'Error Occurred: Invalid File Path', though this path is the default specified in Preferences.
This error also occurs with import eMethod.

Temporary Solution:

Import and Export eMethods are not available with Secure File IO enabled.

Fix Information:


KPR#:2138  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1 HF01

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

G7167B dual needle: injector program set from context menu is not visible in Instrument method setup


injector program set from context menu is not visible in the Instrument method setup.

Temporary Solution:

Addressed with Hotfix 05 for ChemStation C.01.06

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2168  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

Method modification date in classic reports is the sequence acquisition date


The method modification date that is printed in classic reports is the date the master method is copied into the result set folder, thereby becoming a sequence method.
The reason is that this copy event is included in the method audit trail which is part of the method. Therefore it can be argued that this time stamp makes sense.
The date is not as useful as the last interactive method change, The IR reports have time stamps for the last change to acquisition parameters and the last change to data analysis parameters.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

In OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.07 SR3 this will be changed. The copy event will still be logged in the audit trail, but the event will not update the modification time stamp in classic reports.

KPR#:2177  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 SP1 HF03

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

Method listing from [View Method] contains parameters from method loaded in Method Run Control


In Data Analysis the settings of a loaded method can be viewed from the menu Method > View Method.  
All the parameters of the instrument are listed correctly.  The method history and the runtime checklist are correct.  But the injection source and injection location are from the method loaded in Method and Run Control.
Printing the method from Method & RunControl view will provide consistent results, if the instrument configuration has not been changed since acquisition.
The exact proceedings during an injection cannot be reproduced by looking at a method printout.  They depend also on the plumbing and the hardware configuration. A GC front injector could be mounted in the back position. Two autosamplers in an LC stack cannot be addressed individually and both of them will inject.

Temporary Solution:

For GC the injection location (front or back) can be expressed as text in the data file name.
The sample info is also a convenient place to store the injection details.

Addressed in Hotfix 05 for C.01.05 SP1 and Hotfix 06 for C.01.06 by omitting the section about the injection source altogether.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:2181  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

G4218A method parameters cannot saved when SecureFileIO is enabled


The Admin guide did not include as a limitation that the G4218A method parameters cannot be saved when SecureFileIO is enabled.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:123270  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05,C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

Method listing from [View Method] contains parameters from method loaded in Method Run Control 


In Data Analysis the settings of a loaded method can be viewed from the menu Method > View Method.  
All the parameters of the instrument are listed correctly.  The method history and the runtime checklist are correct.  But the injection source and injection location are from the method loaded in Method and Run Control.
Printing the method from Method & RunControl view will provide consistent results, if the instrument configuration has not been changed since acquisition.
The exact proceedings during an injection cannot be reproduced by looking at a method printout.  They depend also on the plumbing and the hardware configuration. A GC front injector could be mounted in the back position. Two autosamplers in an LC stack cannot be addressed individually and both of them will inject.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix 1.

KPR#:141882  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

6850, 6890 with PAL or headsapce: method not saved and logbook shows 'Checksum error: uncontrolled method modification'


68xx with Headspace, PAL instrument method updates are not saved even though the command line will show that the method was saved.  If SAVE AS new method is selected, headspace/PAL instrument setpoint changes are saved. 

6850, 6890 with PAL3, PALxt, and/or 7697: logbook shows 'Checksum error: uncontrolled method modification'

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix 1.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:197219  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

C.01.09 method loaded on C.01.08 session gives many error messages (due to Custom Commands feature added in C.01.09)


"Missing argument in method/sequence file for command PRERUNNAME field 1" error occurs when loading a C.01.09 method to C.01.08.  This is due to the new custom command feature for the info.mth file in the method which stores the runtime checklist added in C.01.09.  The C.01.09 method is not loadable in C.01.08 without error messages even without custom commands.  Therefore, a mixed setup of a cluster with AICs on C.01.08 and C.01.09 sharing the same methods will show these errors.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:297466  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

report incorrectly shows method modified after generating an LCMS classic report with an old method


Reprocessing MSD data from C.01.07 with LCMS qualitative report (classic) causes a method changed flag to be set when a report is generated. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 4

KPR#:408346  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

Method resolution unclear for DAD after reconfiguration


After a re-configuration of the instrument via Auto-Configuration the order of the two DADs were swapped. Since the order after an Auto-Configuration is not deterministic, DAD1 became DAD2 and DAD2 became DAD1.  

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:489525  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

Changing state of Enable SamplePrep Program does not set dirty method flag


Create Resource layout and SamplePrep method and save it.  Reopen method edit and check or uncheck to Enable Sample Prep Program and select OK. This change is seen as pending in method audit trail, but no method modified flag is set on the menu bar (with an asterisk).

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue cannot be reproduced in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:717061  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

Graphical range option for signal display of the method is not loaded correctly and defaults to autoscale at method reload


When loading a method in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11, the signal options display range is always set to autoscale.  Values entered in “Use Ranges” in “Signal Options…” will not be saved in the method. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

KPR#:725145  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

No Negative Nozzle voltage with AJS Source


When running a negative Nozzle voltage method with an AJS Source on a G6130B, G6150B, or G6135B SQ.   The Negative Nozzle voltage doesn't turn on.

Temporary Solution:

Workaround: Both Positive and Negative Nozzle voltage values need to be present in the in methods.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1958  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

"AgilentAddOnMSDeconvolution" license is requested although it is not configured


There have been cases where a configured LCMS instrument demanded a license for  "AgilentAddOnMSDeconvolution" although the LCMSD BioAnalysis Tools were not configured.
In those cases they have been configured, but the state of the check box did not properly reveal this configuration.

Temporary Solution:

To disable the BioAnalysis tools enter the configuration for this instrument in OpenLAB Control Panel. Select and immediately de/select the check box for LCMSD BioAnalysis Tools. Then OK the Configure Instrument screen.

Fix Information:

Resolved in ChemStation C.01.07 SR3

KPR#:142695  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

No ability do fast polarity switching on G6125B LC/MSD


The G6125B LC/MSD can do polarity switching at 300ms.   The software doesn't  allow user(s) to do fast polarity switching. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 1. 

KPR#:156401  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

LC/MS Peptide tools incompatibility


We have observed some issues with the peptide tool, part of the LC/MS Bioanalysis tools.

 - Loading files higher than a certain threshold (60 kb observed) will lead to ChemStation crash.
 - Changing the mass of a fragment, or any other peptide fragment parameter will not change the results.

Temporary Solution:

Please contact your local Agilent Technologies support representative.

Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in C.01.07 SR4 HF1 and C.01.08 Update 02.

KPR#:156987  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

Value for Polarity Switch Delay was not updated if user presses "Enter" key


The value for Polarity Switch Delay which is set in the Advance "Set Up MSD Signals" window was not updated if user presses the "Enter" key.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 01.

KPR#:157119  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

LC/MSD ChemStation terminates during run


In C.01.08, intermittently the LC/MSD ChemStation terminates during run.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 01.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09.

KPR#:158433  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

Printout from LCMS method does not include the MSD model


The LC/MS method printout does not include the MSD model number.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 01.

KPR#:162667  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

C.01.08: NIST Library searches are not automatically loaded; NIST Library search is not possible


In C.01.08, NIST Library searches are not automatically loaded. NIST Library search is not possible.

The process terminates with error 
File i/o failed in file: c:\users\public\documents\ChemStation\<instrument number like 1>\temp\SPC.MSP
The specified register does not exist.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 01.

KPR#:162907  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

NIST Library search stopped working


It is not possible to do a NIST library search in revision C.01.08. 

The process terminates with error 

File i/o failed in file: c:\users\public\documents\ChemStation\<instrument number like 1>\temp\SPC.MSP

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 01.

KPR#:168054  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

NIST library searches are not automatically loaded


The NIST library searches are not automatically loaded.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 01. 

KPR#:170285  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

C.01.08 ChemStation crashes when loading a method with 10 or more SIM ions


When loading a method containing 10 or more SIM ions in the acquisition parameters, the ChemStation will become unresponsive leading to its unexpected closure.  This issue affects all Single Quad models.

Temporary Solution:

Point patch available for C.01.08 Update 1. Contact Product Support.

Methods containing less than 10 SIM ions in the acquisition parameters can be used.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 2.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09

KPR#:189566  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

Delay Sensor Correction in Delay Evaluation is incorrect


The Delay Sensor Correction in Delay Evaluation is incorrect.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 2.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09.

KPR#:218911  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

RMS Signal-to-Noise specification should be 100:1 on the report for ES-API source


The RMS Signal-to-Noise specification should be 100:1 on the report for ES-API source. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 1. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. 

KPR#:234463  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

List Content of MS Spectra Window produces Parameter 1 Invalid in type or name


List Content of MS Spectra Window produces Parameter 1 Invalid in type or name. Expect <Register>

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 1. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. 

KPR#:258401  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

Extracting ion chromatograms from TIC can lead to an unresponsive ChemStation


Extracting ion chromatograms from TIC can lead to an unresponsive ChemStation.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.09 Update 2 [161].
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.10.

KPR#:276189  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

Walkup rejects any injection volume as invalid with G2258A dual-loop autosampler


All injection volumes are refused by the ChemStation with Walkup as invalid. This prevents any sample from being submitted to the WalkUp queue.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. 

KPR#:297893  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

Sample Purity Options dialog becomes read-only when ASR File Generator is installed


Starting with ChemStation C.01.08, and in C.01.09 - once the ASR File Generator was installed - the user was no longer able to edit or save any of the settings in the Sample Purity Options dialog. This led to numerous defective behaviors including the inability to change the charge carriers used in Data Analysis.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:298455  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

Chemstation hangs when calling classic LCMSQual report preview from the Sample Table's context menu


Chemstation hangs when calling classic LCMSQual report preview from the Sample Table's context menu. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. 

KPR#:370173  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

Crash occurs when DAD or MWD is configured and WalkUp user submits sample with wavelength at lower or upper end


Crash occurs when DAD or MWD is configured and WalkUp user submits sample with wavelength at lower (190) or upper end (640).

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 1. 

KPR#:375369  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

Vial location column missing on classic report with FIA


FIA vial locations are missing in Classic report and are not displayed in Data Analysis “Show FIA Table” if the MSD in not configured.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. Update 3.

KPR#:480544  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

Error extracting MS spectra: "There are not enough points in the object to do the operation"


With certain MS data it can happen that ChemStation gets unusable when extracting MS spectra, and gives the error message:  "There are not enough points in the object to do the operation"

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 4

KPR#:499793  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 4

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

If the tune name is too long, it is not correctly presented on classic report


If the tune file name (or the full path of tune file) is too long, it is not correctly presented on the classic report. The outcome does not depend on the type of output (pdf, real printer).

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:638529  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

LCMS spectrum not visible in 'write data to CSV" box


In File->Export File->CSV ->Spectrum 
LCMS spectrum is not visible although it's selected in DA.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:654884  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

LCMS Chemstation hangs when noise intervals are outside of the chromatogram range


The OutOfMemory exception occurs if the noise interval is outside the valid range.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:722644  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

Target masses greater than 18,000 can't be entered in the Sample Entry User Interface


Target masses greater than 18,000 can't be entered in the Sample Entry User Interface.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

KPR#:724794  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09,C.01.10

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

Permission missing to control UV Spectra Library deletion


Permission to control UV Spectra Library operations and deletion is needed.  Any user is able to delete a Library.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

KPR#:740710  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

EIC extracted signal of Abundance greater than 999.9 cannot be calibrated


The EIC extracted signal of Abundance greater than 999.9 cannot be calibrated.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

KPR#:755236  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

Walkup: Intermittently, an unexpected exception is thrown when submitting a sample


Intermittently, an unexpected exception is thrown when submitting a sample.

The following error is shown:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8004022A): Fatal: messed up message handling.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

KPR#:1074256  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

MSD spectra plot Yaxis label and unit are misleading


The label on the MSD spectra plot shows misleading axis label and unit.  The label says "Abundance”, but it is "Relative Abundance in % of Max".

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1675  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: MSD Control

One-line Description:

Automated Delay Calibration of the MS signal for Fraction Collection is not supported in the RC.Net environment


Automated Delay Calibration of the MS signal for Fraction Collection is not supported in the  RC.Net environment.  In the Classic Environment, Automated Delay Calibration of the MS signal for Fraction Collection is supported and accessible through the Diagnosis View from the Maintenance | Fraction Collector ... | Delay Volume Calibration ... menu item.

Temporary Solution:

To perform a Delay Calibration of the MS signal for Fraction Collection, configure the system to operate in the Classic Environment.  This may require setting some LC Modules into "emulation mode" to be recognized in the Classic Environment.  Once the Delay Calibration(s) is/are completed, make note of the Delay Calibration value(s) and revert the system to RC.Net environment if so desired.

For systems that cannot be reverted to operate in the Classic Environment to perform Delay Calibration, please contact Agilent support for assistance.

Fix Information:

Delay Volume Calibration Wizard is introduced in OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.07 SR3

KPR#:1686  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: MSD Control

One-line Description:

MSD Tune View will awlays load ATUNES.TUN if tune file loading is cancelled


In MSD Tune View, it is possible to manually load a tune file from the File | Load MSD Tune File... menu item.  If the "Cancel" button is clicked in the subsequent Dialog Box, the tune file ATUNES.TUN will be loaded, regardless of what tune file was previously loaded.  The loaded tune file is displayed in a drop-down box below the menu bar.

Temporary Solution:

In the event that the tune file loading process is cancelled as in the Problem Description, please ensure that the desired tune file is subsequently loaded in MSD Tune View.  Note that this problem does not impact data acquistion, as each unique data acquistion method will load the tune file that is specified as part of the method.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1730  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: MSD Control

One-line Description:

LC/MS may remain in a run state after Method/Sequence termination due to an HPLC hardware error


After the HPLC experiences a hardware error (such as a liquid leak), the acquistion method/sequence will terminate.  However, the LC/MS  may remain in a run state.

Temporary Solution:

If the LC/MS remains in a run state after the HPLC experiences a hardware error, the ChemStation software must be closed and re-openned.  This will reset the LC/MS status to ready and bring it out of the run state.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1910  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04 HF03

Keyword: MSD Control

One-line Description:

A missing vial in the sampler can cause the MSD to be non responsive


A missing vial in the sampler can cause a situation where the system end up in a state where it does not respond to input. The ChemStation session needs to be terminated.

Temporary Solution:

This is addressed in Hotfix06 for C.01.04.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1916  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: MSD Control

One-line Description:

Automated LC/MS Delay Time Calibration does not work with Preparative Fraction Collector (G1364B) using RC.NET drivers


Automated LC/MS Delay Time Calibration does not work with Preparative Fraction Collector (G1364B) using RC.NET drivers.  The Analytical Fraction Collector (G1364C) can perform the LC/MS Delay Time Calibration using RC.NET drivers.

Temporary Solution:

If supported by the configured HPLC modules, perform the MS Delay Time Calibration for G1364B using Classic Drivers.  Otherwise, the MS Delay Time can be calculated manually by following Service Note G1368-003A.

Fix Information:

This issue has been resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.06.

KPR#:2001  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF05

Keyword: MSD Control

One-line Description:

LC/MS selection valve delay time set at 4.0 minutes cause intermittently no signals in the MS


LC/MS selection valve delay time set at 4.0 minutes cause intermittent no signals in MS.

With 3.8 or 4.1 on delay time with LC/MS selection valve the system works normal.

Temporary Solution:

Fix available in C.01.06 HF2

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:120188  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: MSD Control

One-line Description:

"Instrument Error occurred":  FIA run does not complete when “Edit FIA Series” Dialog box is open


The LC/MSD goes into an error state with error message, "Instrument Error occurred" when the “Edit FIA Series” dialog box remains open during the FIA run.  The run does not complete.

Temporary Solution:

The FIA run completes without error when "Edit FIA Series" Dialog box is not open during the FIA run.

Fix Information:


KPR#:213171  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: MSD Control

One-line Description:

Logbook error when saving LC/MS method


Using automated purification software and saving a LC/MS method can lead to an error int the log file:
In Command TabHdrVal in macro EPC_WriteEPCMthFile
at line 4536 in file C:\A2PREP_INSTALL\CORE\A_EPC.MCX
Error 17921 occurred:
Parameter 2: The table was not found.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.10

KPR#:280527  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: MSD Control

One-line Description:

Sequence hangs from Method Scouting Wizard A.02.09 generated campaigns/sequences


Sequence hangs from Method Scouting Wizard A.02.09 generated campaigns/sequences.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 1.

KPR#:286295  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: MSD Control

One-line Description:

LC-MS system goes not ready and aborts the sequence and queued sequences with method Instrument nRdy timeout occurred


LC-MS system goes not ready and then the sequence stops with the following error:

Method Instrument nRdy Timeout occurred
Method Method aborted

The MSD is in the yellow state and all LC modules are green.  The MSD remains in the not ready state too long and the currently running sequence is aborted and the next sequences in the queue are also aborted.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 1.

KPR#:339648  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: MSD Control

One-line Description:

ChemStation MSD driver remains in NRDY forever and aborts the currently running sequence


An uncontrollable flicker in in MSD zone temperatures for unknown reasons, causing the FW to show the NRDY state. The ChemStation MSD driver is written such that it requires a stabilized state. ChemStation MSD driver remains in NRDY forever and aborts the currently running sequence and all next sequences in the queue.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed In C.01.10 Update 2 and C.01.09 Update 2

KPR#:348537  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 1

Keyword: MSD Control

One-line Description:

Not applicable MSD warning “NozzleVolt/VCharge is not active” in MSD Dashboard


On every MSD method load the warning “NozzleVolt/VCharge is not active” appeared in MSD Dashboard even when it is not applicable. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Partially resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 3.
Fixed in C.01.10 Update 4.

KPR#:357697  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: MSD Control

One-line Description:

Internal error occurs when switching MS divert valve in MSD user interface


Internal error occurs when switching MS divert valve in MSD graphical user interface on G6150B LC/SQ.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1911  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Navigation Pane

One-line Description:

Loading result sets or methods with long names causes errors


Loading a result set or a method with names longer than 44 characters can cause stack corruption.

Temporary Solution:

Addressed in Hotfix06 for C.01.04
Addressed in Hotfix07 for C.01.05

Fix Information:

Fix planned.

KPR#:1752  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Navigation Table

One-line Description:

Changing the sample type in a sequence with cyclic calibration corrupts the sequence structure


When a sequence has been run with cyclic calibration, it is not possible to change the sample type for the calibration runs to Sample.
When this is done and the sequence is reprocessed, the sequence structure is corrupted. The sequence cannot be loaded in the Navigatio Table. The Navigation Table will not be usable and the ChemStation has to be closed and reopened.
In Cyclic calibrations the structure of the sequence, the order of runs and the file naming depend very much on the sequence table setup. Later changes will cause conflicts.

Temporary Solution:

To reconstruct the original sequence the batch file needs to be removed from the sequence folder. Clear the Navigation Table and load the individual runs from the file menu. Then create a new result set from the runs using the functionality from the Sequence menu.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1836  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Navigation Table

One-line Description:

Date Time entries can be incorrect for aborted fraction collection runs


The column Date Time in a Navigation Table for single runs can have incorrect entries, if the run has been aborted conditions like "No valid next position".
Aborted runs do not contain the file that stores the acquisition time. The time stamp in the Navigation Table and reports is taken from the last correct run state from the instrument.
The situation has not been observed for runs that have been aborted by user interaction or hardware errors.

Temporary Solution:

Make sure to not exceed the range of available vials.
Use time date tokens for the data file name.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1865  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Navigation Table

One-line Description:

For back injection samples, the Acq. Method column of the Navigation Table incorrectly displays the analysis method


This problem occurs when using dual injection with two different methods for back and front injection. In this case for back injection samples, the Acq. Method column of the Navigation Table incorrectly displays the analysis method. Please note that this is a display problem only, ChemStation uses the correct method.

In the reports, the methods are correctly displayed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1878  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF03

Keyword: Navigation Table

One-line Description:

Autofilter function is not implemented


A right-mouse-click on the header of a column in the Navigation Table produces a context menu. Selecting the option "Show Auto Filter Row" will turn the UI in a rectangle crossed with red lines.

Temporary Solution:

How to restore the UI:
The Navigation Table is still there and functional. Aim a right-mouse-click to where the column header would be. When the context menu pops up, select "Hide Auto Filter Row".
Exit the online or offline session where the problem occured. 
Go the folder on your hard disk where the ChemStation is installed and open the subfolder with the instrument number. So, for instrument 3 you would navigate to Chem32\3\ and locate the files config.reg and conf_off.reg for the online and offline session respectively. Delete these files.
Be aware that these files contain some custom information like the configured LC columns, classic custom report styles and other information that needs to be added again.

Fix Information:

Implemented in C.01.06.
An overlaid row appears where sample name, method names and sample types can be entered to filter the navigation table interactively.

KPR#:2143  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1 HF01

Keyword: Navigation Table

One-line Description:

Reprocessing of old (C.01.05 or earlier) result sets might skip runs from the Navigation Table


In C.01.06 the Sequence Table acquires and reprocesses in a "rolled-out" state. This means that cyclic recalibrations and replicate injections are resolved as one sequence line per injection.
It has been found that sequences from revisions of C.01.05 and older are migrated incorrectly, when they are written in a certain way.
When replicates have been defined in the old sequence as consecutive sequence lines (one sequence line per injection), they are not reprocessed properly. One or more runs might be missing from the navigation table, although they are still part of the result set and they are listed in the sequence table.
The sequence contains runs that are identical, but appear in separate lines.  They do not need to be rolled-out. They already are. But when the migration takes place, they are assigned file names that would match a situation when a roll-out has been performed. These assigned file names do not occur in the result set and are therefore skipped.

Three identical samples in a row, submitted as 3 injections from vial xxx in one line would be named:
xxx0101.d,    xxx0102.d,    xxx0103.d
That is what the sequence engine would assign as names.
Three identical samples injected from vial xxx submitted as three lines would be named:
xxx0101.d,    xxx0201.d,    xxx0301.d

During reprocessing only the data file with the name xxx0101.d would be found. The two additional injections would be lost.

Temporary Solution:

The easiest way to avoid or repair this situation is making the replicate runs distinguishable from one another.
Make a modification to a parameter that is not required. For example add a counter to the sample info in the sequence table. Save the sequence table and reprocess again. The sequence info would be a good place to add a note for documentation.

Fix Information:

Fixed in revision C.01.07 SR3.

KPR#:1612  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.02

Keyword: Output

One-line Description:

Printing fails if printer name exceeds 100 characters


Printing fails without error message, when the length of printer name plus port name exceeds 100 characters. For a TCP/IP port the printer name should not exceed 87 characters.

Temporary Solution:

Use a shorter printer name.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1855  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Output

One-line Description:

Unable to perform "XML Export" with the tenth instrument on an Agilent Instrument Controller (AIC)


"XML Export" feature is not working for instrument10 as it does not upload the results according to the upload destination defined in [PCS,10]. The files are uploaded in the upload destination defined in [PCS,1].

Temporary Solution:

Fixed with C.01.03 HF09.
Fixed with C.01.04 HF06.
Fixed with C.01.05 HF04.

Fix Information:

Fix planned

KPR#:506719  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR4,C.01.10,C.01.10 Update 3,C.01.10 Update 4

Keyword: Output

One-line Description:

Chemstation spectra CSV extraction not properly rounding the decimal places


The Chemstation spectra CSV extraction not properly rounding the decimal places. After about 65 wavelength points, a rounding error comes up.

Temporary Solution:

Manually adjust the CSV with rounding the wavelengths and save before import to ACE.

Fix Information:


KPR#:516136  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Output

One-line Description:

Format for XML export of location changed


The location tag in the XML export file changed from 
"Vial X".

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:946408  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 4

Keyword: Output

One-line Description:

Print out of CM search results has the wrong message stating that there is no search result. But there are results found and printed.


From CM Content Browser, do a search with any keyword, and then print out the webpage. The printout report will have the message indicating that "There is no search result. A problem occurred while retrieving search results. Please try your search again". But this is not the case, there are results found.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:392755  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  3.2

Keyword: Performance

One-line Description:

Usage of "Next location" does not work as expected when using multiple Recovery Collectors in a cluster


When using a define Recovery position together with the Recovery location setting"Next location" in a purification system with multiple Recovery collectors, the setting will not behave as expected. 

For example, when the initial recovery position of a G7166A has been set to "2-8", the system will fill up locations "2-9", "2-10" and "2-11" and then - since all recovery locations on that module are filled - the system will start at the other module with "2-8" and not at "2-1" as would be expected. 

Temporary Solution:

Not applicable

Fix Information:

Fixed in LC & CE Drivers 3.2

KPR#:1617  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.02

Keyword: Programming

One-line Description:

AIC can experience communication loss if Application Experience service is running


The likelihood of an irrecoverable communication loss between instrument, AIC and OLSS will increase, when the Application Experience service is running on the AIC.

Temporary Solution:

To increase stability of communication it is recommended to disable the Aero look on the AIC, install the SP1 for Windows Server 2008 R2 and disable the Application Experience Service 
See also:

Fix Information:


KPR#:1761  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03 SP1

Keyword: Programming

One-line Description:

The command "macro " cannot be used to select *.mac files


Occasionally the command MACRO that is used to select and load macro files from disk is not working properly.
In some casesonly *.mcx files could be loaded, but no *.mac files. There have been other cases where typing MACRO from the command line caused the ChemStation program to terminate.

Temporary Solution:

Use the command with the extended syntax. Rather than selecting the file from a dialog box, use the full path of the macro in the syntax.
macro shutdown.mac
macro U:\Addons\mymacro.mac

Fix Information:

No fix planned on the B revisions.

KPR#:2025  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Programming

One-line Description:

The csv export of tables results in an error


The function Export to CSV for internal tables results in the error "Number of function arguments is invalid"

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS C.01.07 SR2.
Fixed in C.01.07 SR1 HF01.
Fixed in C.01.06 HF03.

KPR#:89227  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Programming

One-line Description:

Acq-svc.log shows: permission denied in VC_CopyOneDataFiel line 1678 code 41084 at copy


1. In the sequence output, Classic reporting was checked with sequence summary report to pdf.

In svc-viewer (acquisition.svclog), after each sequence line an error is displayed:

Permission denied in VC_CopyOneDataFiel line 1678 code 41084 at copy

2. During the upload of the finished sequence several times a box pops up (ECM upload: Waiting for Report)

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

The Cache paths were shorten beginning in C.01.08. 

KPR#:91024  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06,C.01.07,C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Programming

One-line Description:

Instrument driver error crashes ChemStation


A instrument driver error can cause a crash in the ChemStation if IRCControlBasicStates::GetBasicStateInfos() returns array-items with null-values instead of valid error messages. Although this is a driver defect (null values are not allowed), the ChemStation should handle this situation more reliable and not crash.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:370835  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09 Update 01

Keyword: Programming

One-line Description:

Long annotation text cannot be read using .Net libraries for register access


Long annotation text cannot be read using .Net libraries for register access.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2.

KPR#:371551  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: Programming

One-line Description:

"CoreAddCmd redefining Alert!" error displayed during instrument launch


"CoreAddCmd redefining Alert!" error displayed during instrument launch.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. 

KPR#:371555  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: Programming

One-line Description:

"Empty list" problem in Show dialog for Chinese and Japan Systems


Chinese and Japanese ChemStation have stop working if the text “Empty list” (CHN: 空列表, JPN: 空 リスト) in Show dialog is clicked. The text “Empty list” is shown if you click on one of the following texts: 
•	“DDE Hot Link Variables” (CHN: DDE热连接变量, JPN: DDE ホット リンク変数),
•	“Labels” (CHN: 标签 , JPN: ラベル), or
•	“Local Variables” (CHN: 本地变量 , JPN: ローカル変数).

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10.

KPR#:371556  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: Programming

One-line Description:

Inconsistent handling of illegal characters in file names


Inconsistent handling of illegal characters in file names

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. 

KPR#:1049557  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: Programming

One-line Description:

Apache HTTP Server version 2.4.x vulnerabilities


Apache HTTP Server version 2.4.x vulnerabilities

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

OpenLab Reverse Proxy Update 05 addresses vulnerability issues found in Apache HTTP Server versions 2.4.0 to 2.4.61.  This update installs the Apache HTTP Server version 2.4.62 and supersedes the previous updates.

OpenLab Reverse Proxy Update 04 contains Apache Reverse Proxy 2.4.59 and fixes all Apache vulnerabilities up to release 2.4.58.  This update is included in the OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 04 Package.

OpenLab Reverse Proxy Update 03 contains Apache Reverse Proxy 2.4.58 and fixes all Apache vulnerabilities up to release 2.4.57.  This update is included in the OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 03 Package.

KPR#:1094956  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Programming

One-line Description:

Microsoft XML parser updated to address vulnerabilities


Vulnerability found in Microsoft DCOM XML Parsing msxml3.dll in window\system32 as XML Core Services.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 04.

XML parser vulnerability resolved. LIMs XML-worklist import updated to Microsoft XML parser 6.0.

KPR#:1097996  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11 Update 03

Keyword: Programming

One-line Description:

ChemStation hangs after starting notepad using ExecNoWait


ChemStation macros use the CP command ExecNoWait to start other applications, e.g. Notepad to show a text file. The implementation of the ExecNoWait command calls a Windows SDK function to wait until the started application finishes its initialization that does not work reliably in newer versions of Windows.  This function may not return until the started application is closed. Until then ChemStation appears to be hung up.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 04.

The implementation of ExecNoWait does not wait anymore until the started application finishes its initialization. 
This waiting may be necessary, if after the start the initiation of a DDE connection is intended. If issues show up in such a scenario a new optional parameter of ExecNoWait can be used to specify the time (in seconds) how long ExecNoWait shall wait for the completion of the initialization, e.g.:

ExecNoWait "Notepad.exe", 1, 1

waits maximum a second for the completion of the initialization.

ExecNoWait "Notepad.exe", 1, -1

waits infinitely  for the completion of the initialization. This is the previous behavior of ExecNoWait.

KPR#:149819  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.01

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Pump overpressure: impossible to turn off pump via UI


In cases where the pump runs into an overpressure situation the user wants to turn off the pump as fast as possible, e.g. by clicking the ON/Off button of the UI.
However, the overpressure is interpreted as an not ready condition and button changes to "make device ready" and by clicking it, the pump won't turn off.

Temporary Solution:

The user needs to right-click the UI, go to control, select PUMP OFF and press o.k.

Fix Information:

Resolved in revision A.02.02 SP1

KPR#:149838  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.05

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Misrepresentation of Bottlefillings in Dashboad of PumpValveCluster


When a Valve is configured for Channel A in PVC the visual presentations of the BottleFillings of ChannelB, ChannelC and ChannelD are wrong.
It will not show the BottleFillings of the corresponding Channel but the BottleFilling of Channel A Valve Pos 2 etc.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Will be fixed with the Rc.NET Drivers Rev . A.02.06

KPR#:149840  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.05

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Solvent compositions during run do sometimes not sum up to 100%


In some cases, the real-time display for solvent compositions shown by the pump panel during a run may not sum up to 100% but to a percentage slightly higher or lower.
This is because the user interface updates solvent compositions indepently per channel, i.e. channel A may still read 50% while channel B has already increased to 50.1%.
This is a display issue, not a gradient formation issue. The gradient sent to and formed by the pump is correct, so the virtual display in the user interface has no relevance for chromatographic measurement results.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:149845  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.07

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

PumpValveCluster with ISET - Solvent composition: resulting %A is wrong (at 1 line in timetable)


1. Working with a G4220A pump with ISET enabled.
2. The emulated pump was: G1312B no mixer.
3. Set up a timetable.
4. Added a G1160A valve into the system.
5. Reconfigured the instrument and setup a pump-valve-cluster.
6. During startup selected "Save instrument settings in new method".
7. Enabled ISET and selected G1311A pump this time.

-> the timetable of previous configuration still exists, but on one line "95.1%A and 5%B" is displayed instead of "95%A, 5%B

Temporary Solution:

Select Method -> New Method

Fix Information:

Solved with RC.Net A.02.07

KPR#:149868  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.08 SP1

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Blend Assist : Timetable not persisted properly


When configuring a G4204A Quat Pump with Blend Assist a value in the timetable is not "send" to the instrument properly. 
At least when opening the method UI again, the set value is not shown any longer but 0 % again.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

solved with the LC & CE Drivers A.02.09

KPR#:149879  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.06

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Unused solvents are handled differently for 1100/1200 Series/1260 Infinity vs. 1290 Infinity/Infinity II pumps


The time table of a pump allows the definition of a gradient table. Section "Solvents" allows setting, which solvents shall be used. Disabling a solvent by unchecking it in the solvent section is implemented differently depending on the module type.

A: Modules with firmware revision A, e.g. 1100/1200 Series and 1260 Infinity pumps. If a solvent is disabled, its contribution to the solvent composition will be set to zero and the contribution of channel A will increase accordingly. This is not displayed in the gradient table or report. The intended use of the checkbox is a temporary change of the composition for flushing solvent channels. Do not disable solvents during method runs.

B/D: Modules with firmware revision B or D, e.g. 1290 Infinity/Infinity II pumps and 1260 Infinity II pumps. If a solvent is disabled, this changes the solvent composition outside method runs (e.g. for flushing) and the start condition of the gradient. It does not change solvent conditions for any other lines in the gradient table. The gradient table is fully valid.

This different implementation also needs to be considered when transferring methods from previous to new pumps.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is caused by different firmware interfaces of revision A vs. revisions B/D. This cannot be changed without negative side effects for existing methods. Therefore, no driver fix will be provided. All new pumps are using the better implementation B.

KPR#:149881  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.09 SP1

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Prep-pump cluster stays not ready after restarting OL ChemStation (reconnect)


Prep-pump cluster stays not ready after restarting OL ChemStation (reconnect) while modules were still on.

Temporary Solution:

Switch prep pumps off and on again.

Fix Information:


KPR#:149885  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.09

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

The 1290 Quaternary Pump G4204A is specified for a maximum flow rate of 5 ml/min


The 1290 Quaternary Pump G4204A is specified for a maximum flow rate of 5 ml/min. The user interface allows setting a flow rate of up to 10 ml/min as a method parameter and for purging. Using a flow rate above 5 ml/min is not recommended and the pump may not meet performance specifications in this range. Agilent may not allow flow rates above 5 ml/min for future software/driver/firmware revisions.

Temporary Solution:

Use of maximum flow rate of 5 ml/min.

Fix Information:


KPR#:149895  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.10

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Purge function has been improved for Preparative Pump Clusters


For drivers before A.02.12, all pumps in a preparative pump cluster were flushed through the purge valve in channel A. As a consequence solvent e.g. from channel B could enter the flow path of channel A potentially causing issues.

Temporary Solution:

not applicable

Fix Information:

If a composition is set for purging, multiple channels can be purged at the same time. Since driver A.02.12, purge valve A is still open whenever any pump within the cluster is purged. In addition, purge valves of all other channels, which have a composition to the purge flow, will open as well, such that solvent can leave through the corresponding valve. All purge valve outlets must be connected to waste lines.

KPR#:149909  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Solvent type may change during a method transfer from 1290 Infinity/II Quaternary Pumps G4204A or G7104A to 1290 Infinity/II Binary Pumps G4220A/B or G7120A


When transferring a method from 1290 Infinity/II Quaternary Pumps G4204A or G7104A to 1290 Infinity/II Binary Pumps G4220A/B or G7120A, the solvent type may change, e.g. from Acetonitrile to generic aqueous.

Temporary Solution:

Verify solvent type after method transfer.

Fix Information:

Fixed with driver release A.02.11 SP1.

KPR#:149928  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.09

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Recorded Acquisition Method has Incorrect Pump Parameters


Due to a memory leak in the Agilent LC Pump Driver an overflow occurred over time. This overflow led to a method with default parameters being reported in the data files instead of the actual method.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue has been fixed with the LC driver version A.02.10

KPR#:149938  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Implementation of seal wash behavior has been improved for G4220A/B and G4204A


If seal wash run mode was "When pump is on" and the pump was off and Seal Wash Option was either "Single wash" or "Periodic", the seal wash was on. Additionally, when Seal Wash Run Mode was "Off" and Seal Wash Option was either "Single wash" or "Periodic", the seal wash was on.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The implementation has been simplified and improved for driver release A.02.12. as follows:
If the seal wash run mode is off, seal wash is always off. If it is on, it is always on. If seal wash run mode is "On when pump is on", seal wash is off, when the pump is off.

KPR#:149950  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.12 SP1

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Warning "No matching ISET solvent combination" for G4220A/B pump as emulated pump


If pumps G4220A/B without a mixer shall be emulated by G7120A, a warning "No matching ISET solvent combination could be found..." is displayed in section ISET > Model parameter > Manually set ISET solvent model and only solvent model "generic" is available.

Temporary Solution:

Choose solvent model "Generic". This uses the correct solvent model defined for the emulating pump G7120A.

Fix Information:


KPR#:149951  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.12

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Using the OpenLAB CDS EZChrom edition feature "Extend run" will disable ISET features in the 1290 pumps


When changing the run time of the currently ongoing run by "Extend Run" in EZChrom will disable ISET features in the pumps as the calculated gradient in the pump using ISET depends on the timetable. This may result in an unexpected or wrong gradient.

Temporary Solution:

Do not use "Extend run" if ISET is active.

Fix Information:


KPR#:149986  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.15

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Seal wash for Preparative Pump G1361A or Preparative Pump Cluster is displayed as "off" even when it's on


Seal wash for Preparative Pump G1361A or Preparative Pump Cluster is displayed as "off" even when it's on

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Shall be fixed with an upcoming release.

KPR#:149989  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.11 SP1

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Wrong purge flow and duration shown in prepare pump dialog depending on regional settings


Some regional settings (e.g. German) interchange the digit grouping symbol with the decimal symbol, i.e. 1,234.56 in English is 1.234,56 in German. The prepare pump dialog for 1290 Infinity and 1290 Infinity II pumps (G4204A, G4220A, G7104A, G7120A) does not apply this logic correctly and displays e.g. a value 0.500 min read from the instrument as 500 min.

Temporary Solution:

As a workaround, correct the value manually, e.g. to 0,5 min (half a minute), then the correct value will be sent to the instrument.

Fix Information:

This has been fixed with driver A.02.15

KPR#:149992  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.15

Keyword: Pump Driver

One-line Description:

Shutdown recovery does not work for Preparative Pump Clusters in a Multi-Controller environment


When multiple controllers are connected to a system with a Preparative Pump Cluster and one controller triggers a Shutdown, then that shutdown state cannot be recovered from the other controller.

Temporary Solution:

Either use the controller that initially caused the Shutdown to recover or disconnect that controller from the system and use any other controller to recover from the shutdown state.

Fix Information:


KPR#:397976  Product:OpenLAB - CDS2  Intelligent Reporting  2.4

Keyword: Report Generation

One-line Description:

Reporting matrix not correctly exported to csv report output


Reporting matrix snippet contain multiple column or row headers. 

If this type of data can be exported to excel, CSV export of matrices will result of a misleading cell alignment due to the mentioned header configuration. 
Opening the csv file in excel will show cell content not belonging to the proper column.

Temporary Solution:

If use of matrix, all formats excluding csv format should be used for report output.
If csv report output is needed, a table should be used to export results.

Fix Information:

This will be fix in a future release by adding new matrix snippet.

KPR#:25  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.04

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Intelligent Reporting : Last displayed digits might be cut off, in cases where the number is zero


If the number formatting scheme "1234.000" is used, the selected number of digits is not shown in case the last digit is zero. 
A number such as 1.340 will be displayed as 1.34, which does not contain the same information as initially intended.

This issue affects also the rounding mechanism used for peak labels.

Temporary Solution:

The formatting scheme "1,234.000" can be used as this scheme is not affected by the defect.

For chromatogram labeling (e.g. retention time), the expression 
can be copied to the expression editor of the peak label.

The FORMATNUMBER command is not available in the expression editor, but still a valid and supported command. 
It can also be applied to other data fields containing numbers.

Fix Information:

Issue fixed in OpenLAB CDS 2.1

KPR#:40  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.03

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Missing named peaks are reported in Intelligent Reporting for all the channels or signals


Missing named peaks are reported for all channels, even if the peak identification table lists only a single channel for this named peak (compound).
By design named peaks (compounds) are linked to a peak result in the XML file. If no peak is found the named peak has no link to a signal and is reported as 'not found' in any of the signals.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLAB CDS 2.1 see comment:

KPR#:42  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.07

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

The Fixed Text field in IR Templates does not accept Chinese characters


Input any Chinese character to the item "text" of Special objects,  will disappear after entering.

Temporary Solution:

The direct input does not work. As a workaround, access the value of the field via Properties. Then open the fx dialog.
Use the syntax
="Whatever text you like @#$%"

Local language characters can be entered in place of the text inside the quotes.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB revision A.02.01.

KPR#:45  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.06

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

After installation of LC Dissolution AddOn the Report Template Editor is no longer functional


The installation of the LC Dissolution AddOn broke functionality in the Report Template Editor. No new templates can be created, no existing templates can be modified in OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.05..

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed with C.01.05 SP1

KPR#:50  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.07 HF01

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Intelligent Reporting - Spaces are stripped from filters when they are saved


This information is relevant only for Intelligent Reporter template edition on OpenLAB CDS A.02.01 and A.02.02, ChemStation or EZChrom Edition.

The filters using a space in a string expression will appear stripped when the report template is closed and reopened. The filter itself will be still functional, but will not appear correct any longer. This is just a a wrong display of the expression in the report editor.

When editing a report template, and, using a space in a text filter expression such as : Compound_Name = "Compound 1" 
When the report template is saved, closed and then reopened, the expression will appear as following: Compound_Name = "Compound1" 

This expression will not be displayed correctly in the editor, but will be still functional with the correct "Compound 1 " expression filter when generating a report.

Temporary Solution:

Do not copy and paste the related filter without a space into another filter expression

Fix Information:

The corresponding filter expression fix is part of the OpenLAB CDS A.02.02 Service Release 2

Wait for this Service Release: 
OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition A.02.02 SR2. Once available, install the software service release.
OpenLAB CDS EZChrom Edition A.02.02 SR2. Once available, install the software service release.

KPR#:51  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.09

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

.NET Framework 4.6.1 update not recommended for OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07 SR2


The .NET Framework 4.6.1 can affect the Intelligent Reporter editor functionality on OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition, C.01.07 SR2 release.

The reporting item properties may not be accessible in the template editor.

This does not affect the report generation. All report templates that were previously edited before installation of the .NET framework windows update will remain functional.

Temporary Solution:

The windows update installation of the .NET framework 4.6.1 can be temporary blocked by following the procedure:
If the update was already installed, refer to Microsoft Support Page to find which of the Microsoft Windows updates needs to be uninstalled.

Fix Information:

Compatibility fix with the .NET Framework 4.6.1 will be communicated in a separated note

KPR#:54  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.04

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Mean summary calculation with report parameters in Intelligent Reporting on OpenLAB CDS A.01.04


This affects OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition rev. C.01.04 and OpenLAB CDS EZChrom Edition rev. A.04.04.

Summary mean calculation would lead to error when using a report template having a report parameter calculation in a table column.

Temporary Solution:

When a column table calculation require a report parameter. 
Do not use the the summary calculation functionality to compute the mean. 
This mean summary can be computed by using an aggregator. Save the column expression using an aggregator or a category aggregator (such as "Sample_Name" in the category). Then use the function average to compute the mean of the aggregator in a separate text reporting item.

Fix Information:

This is fixed in all OpenLAB CDS revisions greater than A.01.04

KPR#:56  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.05

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Error seen in Intelligent Report header (#error) if any related data field is used in an expression


This note is about Intelligent Reporting template design

In the reporting editor, the report header could not used related injection data information such as "Sequence Name", "Sample name", "Vial location", or any information or results that are contained in the data file.
If the drag and drop functionality is used to placed one of this information inside the report template header, the editor will show that this is not allowed. But if a text field is added and edited with an expression like "=Sequence_Name". The report generated from this template will lead to an error message during the report generation.

Temporary Solution:

Such information cannot be displayed in any report header

Fix Information:

Will be announced in a separate note when this functionality will be available

KPR#:58  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.06

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Intelligent Reporting - Stacked Chromatograms do not display the time axis in reports


If a chromatogram display is set to show multiple chromatograms in a stacked display, the time axis is no longer displayed.  

Due to the 3D perspective effect that the sacked mode induces, the time axis is no longer displayed.

Temporary Solution:

The time can be displayed on the peak level by using the peak label functionality.

Fix Information:


KPR#:59  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.06

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Intelligent Reporting - Square brackets cannot be used in filter expressions


Intelligent reporting use Visual Basic expression in the report template edition. This note is related to the limitations of this language expressions. 
When a reporting item is filtered on a specific expression such as  Sample_Name like "Standard [1]", the filter will provide the desired effect to hide or show this specific sample name.
All expression using text condition with "[1]" will not be functional.

Temporary Solution:

Replace the all square brackets "[]" by round brackets "()".

Fix Information:


KPR#:60  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  N/A

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Cannot calculate summary statistics on columns containing variable or aggregator


When using variable or aggregator in a table column of a report template. It would not be possible to compute a summary calculation of the list of value in this column. 
The summary calculation results, such Standard deviation, or sum for example, will appear like "NaN".
This is a limitation of the Microsoft report renderer working underneath Intelligent Reporting to generate a report in OpenLAB Rev. A , ChemStation edition or EZChrom edition.

Temporary Solution:

To compute a summary calculation of a column using variable or aggregator, the table summary calculation functionality cannot be used. To be able to compute these summary calculations, a temporary solution is as following:
1. Save the value entered in the column value as an aggregator (Go to the "column properties", click on the expression editor "fx" in the "value" tab, and then on "Save Expression Result As")
2. Select "Aggregator", and type the name of the desired "Calculation Aggregator Name"
3. Click "ok" in all properties dialogs
4. Insert a single text field below the table from the report items tree
5. In the text field value expression, in the field tree, select the "variable" node, and click on "aggregator"
6. In this "aggregator", select the aggregator previously created, and select the summary calculation that would need to be computed (sum, avg, stdev, ...)
7. Select both report items, the single text box, and the table used, and click-right on the two selected items to select the "group" option
8. Once the group created, click-right on the frame surrounding the two report items grouped, and select properties
9. In the group properties, make sure to use the same "group repeat" than the table group repeat value (for example : Compound_Name), and validate all properties dialog
10. In the table "Peaks and Repeating" tab, for the table repeat option, select "None"

Fix Information:

This limitation is due to the Microsoft renderer. 
A new renderer is used in OpenLAB CDS 2.1, and this limitation is not observed.

KPR#:63  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.07

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

The sorting option of MS spectra report item in Intelligent Reporting is not functional


The sorting option in the MS spectra report report item is not functional. 
If for example the different spectra are wished to be sorted by ascending retention time, this will not be possible by editing the filter option of the MS spectra report item.

Temporary Solution:

Group the MS spectra report item, and use the sorting option from the group.
1. select the MS spectra report item in the Intelligent reporting template editor
2. Right-click, and select "Group" 
3. Select this group, and go to the group properties
4. Edit the sorting option

Fix Information:

This limitation of the MS Spectra report item is fixed in OpenLAB CDS 2.1

KPR#:620  Product:RTE  RTE  A.02.07

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Error message when adding a chromatogram to a report template


The following defect may affect the report template editor of OpenLAB CDS installations on Windows XP operating systems:

Whenever adding a chromatogram to a template or loading or applying a template with chromatograms, the following error message is shown:

Could not load file or assembly 'Agilent.ChromPlot.Infrastructure, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=26d0ba2f646bead1' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Install all updates from Windows Update for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 on Windows XP Service Pack 3 and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 , in particular the security update 2518864 (MS11-044). 
Visit to download and install the mentioned updates.

KPR#:621  Product:RTE  RTE  A.02.07

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Internal grouping of tables and usage of calculation variables cannot be applied at the same time


Internal grouping of tables and usage of calculation variables cannot be applied at the same time.

In cases where the table contains an expression that is saved as a calculation variable it is not possible to define a table internal group. Whenever you setup a group it is not saved and not applied.

In cases where a grouped table gets extended by column that defines a new expression saved as a calculation variable, the expression is not calculated and the variable is not saved when previewing the report.

Temporary Solution:

In order to apply statistical calculations (average, standard deviation, RSD, etc.) on calculated results, the results need to be stored in an array rather than a single variable.
Consult the report template editor on-line on how to use category aggregators to define a result array.

Fix Information:

There is currently no fix planned.

KPR#:622  Product:RTE  RTE  A.02.01 M3

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Summary Calculations cannot be applied to table columns containing calculation variables


Enhanced calculations often require storing results in variables to be used in further calculations.
If a table contains a calculation expression with previously defined variables, the statistical summary calculations on the column return "NaN".

Temporary Solution:

In order to calculate statistics on table columns including calculation expressions with variables, the results of this line-by-line calculation need to be stored in an array for further processing.
Consult the on-line help for the usage of "category aggregator" to set-up such an array.

Fix Information:

There is currently no fix planned.

KPR#:623  Product:RTE  RTE  A.02.07

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Adding a template description to a previously erased and saved description field causes a KeyNotFoundException


Whenever a template description gets deleted from the template properties dialog a new description can't be entered if the template has been saved with the empty description field.

The user will see an error message:

--- System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException ---
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)

Temporary Solution:

It is recommended to have the template description field always being populated with text.

Fix Information:

There is currently no fix planned.

KPR#:627  Product:RTE  RTE  A.02.04

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Customized composite groups should have a unique name


Whenever naming a customized composite groups with the name of an existing, pre-defined snipped, the composite group name cannot not be deleted from the tree view.
The composite group itself is deleted, but name remains under the composite group fields.

Temporary Solution:

Use an individual and unique name for a customized compound group.

Fix Information:

There is currently no fix planned.

KPR#:662  Product:OpenLAB ECM Intelligent Reporter  G4635AA  A.02.03

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Filter definition does not always allow usage of OR operators


The usage of OR operators in report filter conditions is only allowed when combining several different report parameters to one filter expression.
In cases where a report parameter may fulfill multiple filter conditions (e.g. Instrument Name = Instrument A or Instrument B), the report template editor does not allow using an OR operator.

This is a limitation due to the definition of the operators available for filtering in report rendering (Microsoft Reporting Services).  In particular, there is no "OR" at all.

Temporary Solution:

The exception is the "IN" operator, which allows a FilterExpression to be compared against a list of FilterValues. 
The desired filtering may also be achieved by using wildcards (*) in combination with a CONTAINS condition.
For number, the usage of > and < conditions could be used to achieve the desired filtering.

For external report parameters (e.g. filtering for multiple sample types) the following JOIN statement could be used in the expression editor of the filter:
[=Join(Report_Parameter_0, " ").Contains(Sample_Type   1)    = True]   =  "True"

Fix Information:

There is currently no fix possible.

KPR#:668  Product:OpenLAB ECM Intelligent Reporter  G4635AA  A.02.03

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Reporting time format does not offer an option of (dd/mm/yyyy and time)


The various time stamp formats offered by the Report Template Editor does not offer the combination of dd/mm/yyyy plus time stamp.

Temporary Solution:

The format of the time stamps can be modified by using Microsoft Business Intelligence Studio or simple a text editor, like Microsoft Notepad.

- open the report temaplte file (*.RDL)
- search the string "toString"
- Modify the following section like
      ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")</Value>
 to e.g.
     ToString("dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss")</Value>

- save the RDL file and validate the changes.

Note:  The Report Template Editor cannot interpret the time stamp format correctly and will show an error filed in the editor window.  However, the time stamp format is correctly applied on the reports.

Fix Information:

RTE Support of the (dd/mm/yyyy and time) time stamp format is considered for a future relaese.

KPR#:385844  Product:OpenLAB - CDS2  Intelligent Reporting  2.4

Keyword: Report Template Design

One-line Description:

Reporting method information snippets are duplicated in summary report outputs


When a method information report item is used in a sequence summary or cross sequence summary report template, such as Acquisition method information or Data Analysis method information snippets, the method description will be duplicated in the report printout as many times as there are injections selected for the report generation.

This is due to a group repeat configuration embedded in the reporting snippet. 
This snippet will repeat based on method ID, which is different for each injection, even if the method name and version is identical at each injection.

Temporary Solution:

This internal grouping can be removed in the rdl file using a text editor.

Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS v2.6.

KPR#:36  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.07

Keyword: Report Templates

One-line Description:

Min and Max column summary calculations report GMT and not local time for date fields


Times stamps reported as part of a summary calculation, e.g. minimum or maximum of all time stamps in a table column, are reported in GMT time rather than your local time. The column values are reported in local time.

This defect is caused by a missing SYSTEM.TIMEZONE.CURRENTTIMEZONE.TOLOCALTIME(...) conversion in the .rdl template file.

Temporary Solution:

The missing function can be inserted into the template file using a text editor. This is only a temporary solution as the manual edits are overwritten by further table edits.

Fix Information:

A fix is planned for the next release of the Report Template Editor component of OpenLAB CDS.

KPR#:37  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.06

Keyword: Report Templates

One-line Description:

Only Main peaks for a compound are shown in Intelligent Report.


Calibration tables can have entries where the same compound has peaks on more than one signal. For LC-UV detectors typically only the peak with the highest response is used for calculation of amounts. These peaks are of  type Main. The remaining peaks are either of type Qualifier or Ignore.
In revision C.01.05 the Intelligent Report does not display peaks of type Ignore.

Temporary Solution:

Use classic reports or set the peaks of type Ignore to be of type Qualifier. The quantitative results are not changed by applying by this temporary fix.

Fixed in C.01.05 SP1

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.06

KPR#:39  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  N/A

Keyword: Report Templates

One-line Description:

The report date is printed incorrectly in the Agilent supplied intelligent reports


The report date in the footer of the Agilent built-in intelligent reports incorrectly applies a conversion of the current time when a report is printed. The report time in the footer is entered as = String. Format("Printed: {0}", SYSTEM.TIIMEZONE.CURRENTTIMEZONE.TOLOCALTIME(Execution Time)). 
This is not a problem when displaying/previewing the report but only when printing the report.

Temporary Solution:

Modify the report templates to have the footer time to be =String.Format("Printed: {0}",(ExecutionTime))

Fix Information:

The built-in templates are corrected in OpenLAB CDS rev. A.02.01.

KPR#:43  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.06

Keyword: Report Templates

One-line Description:

The template fields "SignalToNoise_EP" and "SignalToNoise6Sigma" do not work in Japanese version


Error message “An error occurred during report rendering. The report cannot be reprocessed….”  is displayed when a user previews an IR template after adding parameters "SignalToNoise_EP" and "SignalToNoise6Sigma" in Japanese version.

Temporary Solution:

This is addressed in ChemStation C.01.05 SP1

Fix Information:

Fixed in ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:44  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.06

Keyword: Report Templates

One-line Description:

The Chinese and Japanese templates for the Extended Performance Report need updating


The template ExtendedPerformance.rdl in Japanese and Chinese language are missing some updates in ChemStation C.01.05. The start/end conditions of LC instruments are not displayed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

An updated template will be part of C.01.05 SP1. Users who have changed the default template in the meantime and saved it under the same name, should save it under a new name before they upgrade the software.

KPR#:47  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  2.0

Keyword: Report Templates

One-line Description:

Center of triangular calibration point labels do not represent the measured value


The calibration curve plot offers 2 kind of triangular point labels. Unlike other applications the measured value is not represented by the center of the triangle but the the top corner or the bottom corner of the triangle, respectively.

Temporary Solution:

Consider using other point labels, like dot, rectangle or cross.

Fix Information:

For backward compatibility reasons the design of these markers will not be changed.

KPR#:48  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  2.0

Keyword: Report Templates

One-line Description:

XLS export of intelligent reporter templates generate hidden rows


When exporting an intelligent report to a XLS file format, the empty space on the report template gets transformed to line of zero height. 
This has no impact on XLS files used for data transfer to e.g. a LIMS system

Temporary Solution:

When opening the XLS file with an application like Microsoft Excel, the row height can be auto-adjusted by selecting the entire spreadsheet and double-clicking the split line between row indicator 1 and 2.

Fix Information:

There is currently no fix planned.

KPR#:57  Product:OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  OpenLAB Intelligent Reporting  A.01.07

Keyword: Report Templates

One-line Description:

The subtract blank feature used in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation does not match with the Intelligent Reporting report generated


When a subtract blank run from other runs is used in ChemStation, this subtracted signals will not be appear in the reports generated with Intelligent Reporting.
The not subtracted signals will be reported.

Temporary Solution:

For ChemStation, use the Classic report templates.

Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in Intelligent Reporting for OpenLAB CDS 2.1

KPR#:658  Product:OpenLAB ECM Intelligent Reporter  G4635AA  A.02.04

Keyword: Report Templates

One-line Description:

Customized chromatogram or axis lables may not display correclty


The correct syntax for using the and "&" function requires a blank space in front and behind the ampersand sign.
Example: An expression like 
=FieldName&”Response” needs to be written like 
=FieldName & ”Response”
if it is used as a label in a chromatogram plot.

Expressions like  =Str(FieldName)&”Response” are not supported in reporting service and it results in an  “#Error” in preview.

Temporary Solution:

Use a blank space in front and behind the ampersand sign.

Fix Information:

There is currently no fix planned.

KPR#:117645  Product:    A.01.10

Keyword: Report Templates

One-line Description:

Migration of templates from C.01.04 to C.01.07 SR2 - Aggregator with category corruption - 


The aggregators with category are variables that can be declared in a report template for further calculations in the report.

These variables are strangely disappearing in the case they were declared inside a group, and when migrating the template from C.01.04 to C.01.07. 
This is due to a report template corruption during the migration process.

Temporary Solution:

To successfully migrate the report template, the group used where the aggregators were declared can be ungrouped in the original template and in the initial ChemStation release, then migrated to the newest ChemStation release. And finally in the editor, the group can be recreated after migration of the template.

Fix Information:

It will be fixed for all ChemStation releases starting from C.01.07 SR4.

KPR#:362808  Product:    A.01.12 Update 2

Keyword: Report Templates

One-line Description:

Using a variable expression in conditional formatting


This issue affects report design in the conditional formatting property dialog. When using a variable expression in the conditional formatting statement, the ChemStation may close unexpectedly.

This occurs because the report template expression checker is not able to evaluate the result of the variable.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed in OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.10 and future versions.

KPR#:383434  Product:    5.0.0

Keyword: Report Templates

One-line Description:

Export to excel does not export the report header logo


In OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.10 and OpenLab CDS v2.1, the report services performing report generation have been changed. 
As the previously used rendering engine was no longer supported, this had been changed to another rendering engine. This change implies different behaviors in certain areas with positive or negative impacts on the report outputs.

This issue relates to report export to excel. In OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.09 and previous revisions, the report header logo was exported to the excel file. With the new rendering engine, the logo will no longer be exported.

To export the report logo to the different excel sheets, the logo must be placed at the beginning of the report body. 
As page breaks trigger new excel sheets in the exported file, a logo must also be placed after any report page break to place a logo on the corresponding excel sheet.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:401975  Product:    5.0.0

Keyword: Report Templates

One-line Description:

Report template containing multi-line expressions fail to generate printout


In OpenLab ChemStation C.01.09 Intelligent Reporting editor and earlier CDS versions, it was possible to create new lines in the expressions to have better syntax overview with multi-lines.

Expression like:
=If(Compound_Amount > 0,True,False)

Could be written as following:
=If(Compound_Amount > 0

In OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.10, reporting expression capabilities were improved to support additional visual basic expressions.
Unfortunately, the expression above would not be understood during report generation using this new report rendering service, as in visual basic such expressions should be written as following:

=If(Compound_Amount > 0,

Or using the character "_" to define anew line:

=If(Compound_Amount > 0 _
    ,True _

See Microsoft article - Statements in Visual Basic:

Report template migration using multi-line expressions must be therefore attentively investigated. If the report was successfully generating reports before the revisions mentioned above, end of statement errors during report generation would be a symptom a report contains untranslated multi-line expression :

"Message: error BC30198: ')' expected" : When the parenthesis are placed in different lines.
 "'If' operator requires either two or three operands."

Temporary Solution:

The multi-line expression should be corrected to comply with Microsoft Visual Basic statements rules.

Fix Information:

This issue is be resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 3.

However, It is recommended to correct multi-line expressions in order to insure better future CDS migration.

KPR#:1305  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.03.01

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Group sum results are not exported to the result.xml


The group results in the normalized percent report are not exported to the result.xml, see attached JPG file. 

This problem occurs in 7890 or 68xx.

Temporary Solution:

Individual amounts and group membership are part of the acaml file. Including the sum as a separate item would be redundant information.

Fix Information:

No change planned.

KPR#:1572  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.01

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Batch mode does not allow usage of intelligent reports


If user works in batch mode and the batch method is setup to use intelligent reports, this selection is ignored, even if the batch options are set to use the batch method s report settings.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

There is no plan to fix this issue in future.

KPR#:1579  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.01

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Report Templates newly added to a Result Set do not appear in the list of available templates


When you add more than one report template to a result set, only the seletcted template in the browse dialog will be visible in the Specify Report list box under Report Templates or Report Templates for calibration samples

Temporary Solution:

After closing and reopening the Specify Report menu, all Report Templates added to the result set are visible.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1582  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.01

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Mismatch in drawing of peak performance between Classic Report and Intelligent Report


The peak performance drawing in the Classic Reporting and in the Intelligent Reporting are slightly different. Thisi is only a graphical representation and this is not affecting the performance

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1619  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.02

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Intelligent Reports do not contain ECM specific information in Review mode


ECM specific fields like path, server, operator or version number are not printed in the Intelligent Report templates in the Review mode.

Temporary Solution:

Print the report from the Data Analysis view.

Fix Information:

Resolved in ChemStation C.01.07 SR3

KPR#:1634  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03 GC DSP

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

B.04.03 DSP1 [54] Data Analysis, Graphics, response range does not work


B.04.03, data analysis, load a data signal  (demo\100FID20 for example) and select Graphics. Select Use Ranges and set the time range to 0 to 6 minutes and the response range to 0 to 100 pA for example, then OK.  Time scale works (6 minutes) but the response range does not work.

Temporary Solution:

Even though this is a single chromatogram, in Multi Chromatogram, LAYOUT select separated, and SCALE, select All the same scale and it works.

Fix Information:

 Fixed in revision B.04.03 SP1.

KPR#:1673  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

CSV, DIF, and EMF files are not generated for some Classic report styles


The CSV, DIF, and EMF files are not generated for some Classic report styles:
CSV and DIF files are not created for Library Search and Performance related report styles.
For the Extended Performance report style, also the EMF report is not created.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

It is not planned to fix this issue.

KPR#:1703  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

ChemMain.exe can crash when a long file path is used


The file path in ChemStation has a hard coded limit of 256 characters.
In an ECM environment there are also hidden characters added to ensure unique file naming. As a consequence the complete lenth for <Installation Folder Name> + <Unique Folder Name> + <Sample Folder Prefix> + <Target Filename for Sample Reports> must not exceed a length of 175 characters.
Since revisions C.01.06 HF04 and C.01.07 SR1 also the data file names within a sequence can be composed from tokens.

Temporary Solution:

Make sure that the path length of a report from  -->  C:\Chem32\... to  ...pdf  <-- does not exceed 175 characters.

Fix Information:

No fix available.

KPR#:1705  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Chinese/Japanese characters cannot be searched in the Report Viewer


The report viewer that was introduced with C.01.03 allows searching for text within a report.
Chinese and Japanese characters, however, cannot be searched.

Temporary Solution:

No fix available.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1722  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Tangent peak width not correctly evaluated.


The peak performance parameters have been modified in ChemStation revision B.04.03 to provide better peak width evaluation for chromatograms with high data rates.
This new algorithm sometimes fails to find the correct inflection points. As a result peak width at baseline (tangent peak widths) can be reported incorrectly. Consequently parameters calculated based on this peak width (tangent resolution and tangent plates) are incorrect as well.

Temporary Solution:

A patch for B.04.03 is available on request.

Fix Information:

Fixed in revision B.04.03 SP1.

KPR#:1751  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

eSignature data file privilege is missing from the ChemStation lab manager, analyst, and operator roles


ChemStation / Data Store integration:  the "eSignature data file" privilege is missing from the ChemStation lab manager, ChemStation analyst, and ChemStation operator roles.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1754  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

The structure of the reports to file has changed


The structure of the reports in xls, csv and dif format has changed.
New columns have been introduced to hold additional information provided since C.01.04.

Temporary Solution:

Users who perform their own spreadsheet calculations based on those reports need to be aware that the order and content of columns is different.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1756  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03 SP1

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

CP3: Number format error in: %d when printing report to screen in Data Analysis


Completed a single run and a report was printed to screen.

Loaded a different method in DA
Select Report > Print Report
No report is printed to screen
Error shown in left hand corner: CP3: Number format error in: %d

Temporary Solution:

The problem was resolved by doing a clean uninstall and new installation.

Fix Information:

Not reproducible.

KPR#:1778  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03 SP1

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

'Number Format error' in Sequence log file after printing report to screen


An error message appears when a report  is printed to screen on computers that have not been rebooted for more than 24 days.

Temporary Solution:

For the OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.03 a hotfix 06 is available.
For the OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.04 a hotfix 04 is available.

Fix Information:

Fixed in B.04.03 SP2. Fixed in C.01.05.

KPR#:1779  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.01.03

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Peaks are calculated by area only or height only in a report


It is not possible to report area for one peak and height for another peak in one report.  It is one selection for all compounds.
Need to be able to select height or area for each compound.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1786  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

A Sequence Summary Report after Partial Sequence reports all the runs of the full sequence


In IR Sequence Summary reports always the full sequence is reported, even in partial sequence.
Classic SSR reacts on the selection of partial sequence.

Temporary Solution:

To have only a subset of the sequence in the IR use the Review mode or create a self-assembled result set.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1821  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Classic detailed report does not show calibration curves after encountering a compound with invalid calib curve


The calibration user interface shows the calibration curve of compounds.  But on the detailed report, the printing of the calibration curves is stopped when one compound with an invalid calibration curve is encountered.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1823  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Default column information report shows incorrect GC column information and labels


The built-in reporting snippet "Samples > Column Info" of intelligent reporting of OpenLAB CDS shows inaccurate units and lables.
The inner diameter unit is printed as milimeters, where it should be micrometers.
The column lenght unit is printed as milimeters where it should be meters. 
The lable for Inner diameter, Inventory number does not match the classical report.

Temporary Solution:

Use report template editor to modify the settings of the report items inide the Column info snippet

Inner diameter:  Change the value definition from 
=FORMATNUMBER(First(Injection_ColumnDiameter),2,True,False,False) & " mm"
=FORMATNUMBER(First(Injection_ColumnDiameter),2,True,False,False) & " um"
in order to replace mm by um.

Column length:   Change the value definition from 
=FormatNumber(First(Injection_ColumnLength),1,0,0,0) & " " & First(Injection_ColumnLengthUnit)
=FormatNumber(First(Injection_ColumnLength),1,0,0,0) & " " & "m"
in order to replace mm by m.

The columns void time can be added as an individual reporting parameter (Fields > Injection >  ColumnVoidTime)

Fix Information:

There is currently no fix planned.

KPR#:1839  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

File corruption may cause sequence runs appearing as single runs


Under specific circumstance sequence runs may appear as single runs on OpenLAB CDS Intelligent Reports. Sequence related information does not appear on the report and multi-injections appear as single injections.
The sequence context of an analysis run is stored in <sequence name>.b file inside the result set. In case of a file corruption the .b file is incomplete and the affected run gets a sample.acaml result file attached that indicates the run as a single run.

Temporary Solution:

To prevent file corruption:
- Exclude the \chem32 from active virus protection
- Check the computer harddisk for errors and repair/replace the disk in case of errors.

To correct the mentioned error:
- delete the sample.acaml file inside the .D folder of the affected run
- reprocess the sequence to re-generate a consistent .B file.

Fix Information:

With introduction of rev. C.01.05 of OpenLAB CDS ChemStation it is sufficient to reprocess the sequence in order to re-generate a consistent .B file and to replace the sample.acaml result file by a sequence.acaml result file.
With C.01.03 HF07 installed, it is sufficient to reprocess the sequence in order to re-generate a consistent .B file and to replace the sample.acaml result file by a sequence.acaml result file. HF 07 does not actively prevent file corruption.

KPR#:1850  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Calibration curve plot shows only the order of the calibration level but not it's label.


The calibration curve plot of Intelligent Report shows only the order of the calibration level but not it's label.
OpenLAB CDS ChemStation allows users to label calibration levels independent of the order of concentration or creation.

E.g. if a user labels the calibration levels like 5, 10, 60 the calibration curve plot shows 1, 2, and 3 where it should read 1., 2., 3..  The label of the calibration level cannot be displayed.

If you label your calibration your levels like 1,2,3, n+1, .... you are not affected by this defect.

Temporary Solution:

For the time geeing it is recommended to use the amount of the calibrated compound as a calibration level label in the curve plot.
The user defined calibration level label can be reported along with the quantification results of the calibration runs.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06. 
The fix only affects data acquired with Rev. C.01.06 or higher.

KPR#:1875  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

"ISTD and Reference Not Found " and "Reference compound(s) not found" printed on ESTD report when peak summing activated


The warnings

"ISTD and Reference Not Found " and
"Reference compound(s) not found" 

are printed on a classic ESTD report when a peak summing region has been activated in the calibration.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No Fix planned

KPR#:1881  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF05

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Multiplier in method cannot be smaller than 0.0001


In the quantitation settings of a method it is possible to enter values for multipliers and dilutions that are below 0.0001 (1 E-4).  Such a value is accepted and used in calculations. It is, however, not possible to access the quantitation settings after that. The tab does not open.

Temporary Solution:

Set multiplier and dilution in sequence tables and reprocess, or
use Multiplier and Dilution of 0.001 to achieve a net factor of 1 E-6.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:1883  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Peak Summing, Use Reference does not work for Norm% report


The quantitation type Norm% does not provide correct results for peak summing sections.
This is the case when the summed sections are referenced to a calibrated compound.
All other quantitation types calculate correctly. Peak Summing with a fixed response factor works as well.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in Hotfix 06 for C.01.05.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1895  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Some reports end without the *** End of Report ***


Some reports are generated where the segment *** End of Report ***  was missing on the paper printouts and on PDF documents. 
The page counter (page X of X) indicates that no more pages are expected. No information is missing, but it looks like an abrupt stop and users feel something _might_ be missing.

Temporary Solution:

That was an intended behavior in an attempt to save paper.
If the report would result in a last page that only contained the line *** End of Report *** , the whole page would not be printed.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1900  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

"Result Set Templates" group window is unavailable while selecting the IR report template


After loading result sets in data analysis view, it might not be possible to select/specify the IR report template and to print the report for a certain method.
This happens when the method in the result set has been copied inside the Windows Explorer. In this cases it is not labeled as a sequence method.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Use the various tools from inside the ChemStation to make sequence methods from master methods.

KPR#:1907  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04 HF05

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Some method parameters are reported with a limited number of digits


When adding the Method Information section to an IR report the calibration amounts and response factors are displayed with a precision of 3 digits. If the value is less than 0.0005. it is then reported as 0.000.

Modification of the report template is not effective, because the rounding takes place during acaml creation.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1909  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Peak width cannot be reported in Intelligent Reports (Chinese ChemStation only)


The values for the four possible peak widths cannot be reported in Intelligent Reports on Chinese ChemStations..
The report is not created and an error message is displayed: “An error occurred during report rendering. The report cannot be reprocessed….”

Temporary Solution:

Resolved in Hotfix06 for C.01.04.

Fix Information:

Resolved in C.01.05

KPR#:1913  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03 HF06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Injection volume and instrument name are not reported in case of aborted data acquisition


In case of aborted data acquisition, the injection volume and instrument name do not appear on classical and intelligent reports of OpenLAB CDS ChemStation. The chromatogram may appear incomplete and the results a not suitable for approval.
Run log files and sequence logfiles do not show any error events, if the run is aborted by a power failure, termination of application processes or shutdown of the PC.

Temporary Solution:

In case of an aborted acquisition run, consider the affected run results to be rejected.

In general:
- Ensure a robust power supply, implement UPS solutions in case of repeated power failures
- Do not enforce a remote shut down of the PC or AIC while acquisition is in progress
- Do not unplug power cables of PC or instrument modules while acquisition is in progress
- Do not use the "Abort" function while acquisition is in progress. Use the "Pause Sequence" function to let the current run finish or use the "stop run" function to trigger a controlled end of an analysis

Fix Information:

The storage of injection volume and instrument name will be improved in a future revision of OpenLAB CDS.

KPR#:1922  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Manipulation of chromatograms has no effect on Intelligent Reports


Manipulation of chromatograms in Data Analysis like annotations or subtraction is not available in Intelligent Reporting.
Use classic reporting to see a manipulated chromatogram in printed reports.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1930  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Width of the integration line is not an element in IR template editor


The parameter Peak Width Base has been misinterpreted as the width of the integration line.
Peak Width Base is the peak width at half height, calculated by basic approximation. This is the width that the classic report styles display.
For the baseline length in minutes use the expression:  Peak End Time - Peak Begin Time.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1950  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Intelligent Report does not print the 6890 oven ramp


When selecting the method information in an Intelligent Report template, the temperature program is not visible in the report for the 6890 GC.

Temporary Solution:

Addressed in Hotfix 09 for C.01.05 in combination with 68xx driver version 6.25 (GC Driver revision A.02.05)

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06 in combination with 68xx driver version 6.25 (GC Driver revision A.02.05).

It is not possible to reprocess data to display the oven ramp if it was previously acquired with a 68xx driver older than 6.23.

KPR#:1961  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Datastore/ECM path under sequence parameters is not reported in sequence template printout


The remote data path defined under sequence parameters is not displayed in sequence template printout.

Temporary Solution:

Resolved in C.01.05 SP1

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:1965  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Norm% calculation normalizes per channel


A Norm% classic report does the normalization of amounts per channel under the following conditions:

The calibration table is set to calculate signals separately and
the results are sorted by retention time.

For a GC with column splitter and two detectors the sum of all amount contributions will be 200%.
While this outcome might be useful in certain scenarios, it is not the intended result.

Temporary Solution:

Use Intelligent Reporting or set the classic report to sort by signal.
Note that a multiplier of 0.5 does NOT provide a correct calculation.

This issue is addressed in Hotfix 01 for revision C.01.06

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:1972  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF08

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

The y axis for ISTD calibration curves is always displayed as height


On Chinese and Japanese Chemstation classic reports the calibration curves are labelled incorrectly.
The y-axis for an ISTD curve based on Area is shown as Height.

Temporary Solution:

Addressed in Hotfix 09 for C.01.05.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1974  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Cannot change the Report Name for the Signal in the Classic Sequence Summary Report


Select Sequence Parameters\Sequence Output and change the report names for both Signal 1 and Signal 2. Select OK.  Save and reopen. Signal 1 was not updated to the new report name and was changed back to the default GLPrptF.txt.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:1983  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Summed Peak reports adds ISTD amounts to the Total Amount


Classic reports with ISTD calculation have an amount sum :"Total without ISTD(s)".
If the calibration table contains summed peak segments, the summing is done incorrectly in the report. The total does include the ISTD amounts.

In Intelligent Report templates, the user is free to define which amounts are summed up.

Temporary Solution:

This is addressed in Hotfix 01 for C.01.06.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:1985  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Missing parameters on reports, if files were acquired with a packed column


A packed GC column is defined without column dimensions. This leads to a division by zero, when resolution per meter is calculated in performance reports.
The current error handling skips the section about resolution completely.

Temporary Solution:

Use the Interactive Peak Performance tool from the Integration task bar to see the resolutions calculated for various peak widths.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:2017  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Barcode option 'Write Barcode to Sample Name' does not write if back injection


The barcode is not written into the sample name cell in the sequence table for the back injection.  The sample name is only written to the front injection.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06 HF03.
Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07.

KPR#:2044  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Data files are named odd or even when using the same data file Prefix in Sequence Parameters


In the Sequence parameters, using the same data file Prefix for the Prefix/Counter for a front and back sequence, the data file name ends with even numbers or odd numbers.

Temporary Solution:

In the Sequence parameters, do not use the same data file PREFIX for the back and front signal for the sequence.

Fix Information:

No Fix Planned in C.01.05.  A new Name Pattern is available in C.01.06 Hotfix03 and C.01.07 SR1 that can be used to specify data file names.

KPR#:2051  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF01

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Intelligent Reporting: The fields for Sample_OrderNumber cannot be used to group replicates


Since the introduction of the new sequence table in C.01.06 a sequence is executed as a worklist where every injection is represented by a single line. As a result the Sample_OrderNumber and the Sample_AcquisitionOrder Number now both increment with every injection. Before C.01.06 the Sample_OrderNumber was not incrementing for runs of a multiple injection and could identify multiple injections from the same vial in reports.

Reports relying on this feature (e.g. by averaging all amounts from replicate injections) no longer provided the desired outcome.

Temporary Solution:

Users can group multiple runs by sample name, vial number, sample description or custom field. This will also allow identifying replicates from different vials

Addressed in C.01.07 SR1
Addressed with HF 03 for OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.06

To minimize the effect on report template in customers" hands the issue was resolved by introducing a new field SAMPLE_NUMBEROFINJECTIONS. This field can be used to identify samples that have been scheduled in a single line of a sequence table.

Fix Information:

The help menu contains a reference to the behaviour of the fields Sample_OrderNumber and the Sample_AcquisitionOrder Number.

KPR#:2052  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

LCMS Qualitative Classic Report. EIC signals missing in some Data files


In LCMS Qualitative Classic Report only one of several EICs is displayed on reports for some data files.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in C.01.07 SR1
Fixed in C.01.06 HF 03.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2062  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Using GC back injector, ISTD 2 - 8 are not included in report when Dual Simultaneous checkbox is unchecked


When the GC Back injector is used and the sequence mode DUAL injection is turned off / unchecked (which is the default), only ISTD 1 is included in the report.   All other ISTDs are still taken from the method.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06 Hotfix03.
Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2063  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Sample and compound specific custom fields are listed in the sequence but not in reports


In C.01.06, when runing sequences with the back injector with GC6890,  the sample and compound specific custom fields are listed in the sequence but are not reported in Intelligent Report or the Classic report.  

When the sequence is run using a method with front injector, all the custom fields are reported in Intelligent Report and Classic report.

Temporary Solution:

Use method with front injector.

Fix Information:

Adressed  with Hotfix 03 for C.01.06.

KPR#:2064  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

ChemStation shuts down when Report viewer cleans up temp files


Temporary files such as ~Prvw12345678.pdf are not deleted and remain in the Temp / Temporary folder that could cause the ChemStation to shutdown or close abruptly.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:2080  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

The theoretical plates per meter are reported as plates per mm


The interactive Peak Performance tool provides various calculation for theoretical plates per column and plates per meter.
The results plates per meter are wrong by a factor 1/1000. Or in other words: The reported value would be correct for plates per mm.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed In HF03 for ChemStation C.01.06.

Fix Information:

Fix planned for ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2085  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF03

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

C.01.06 HF03: Classic Extended Performance report is missing information


After updating OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.06 to HotFix 03 the classic Extenden Performance report might be missing s complete section for every compound.
This affects runs that have been acquired without column information. The last line that is printed is :
Efficiency: Plates per ..

Temporary Solution:

Under development

Fix Information:

C.01.06 Hotfix 04 planned.

KPR#:2086  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Incorrect method modification date shown on IR reports


In IR templates the field Injection_Acq Method Modified Date does not report the last modification of the acquisition method. It reports the last modification of the sequence method. That is the same information as Injection_DA Method Modified Date, which is also available in the template editor.

Temporary Solution:

Recalculating the sequence with the master method corrects the modification date.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2088  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Data files are named odd or even when using the same data file Prefix in Sequence Parameters


In the Sequence parameters, using the same data file Prefix for the Prefix/Counter for a front and back sequence, the data file name ends with even numbers or odd numbers.

Temporary Solution:

In the Sequence parameters, do not use the same data file PREFIX for the back and front signal for the sequence.

Fix Information:

A new Name Pattern is available in C.01.06 Hotfix03 and C.01.07 SR1 that can be used to specify data file names.

KPR#:2089  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

The sample information that is input in three lines is displayed in one line in C.01.06


If three lines of sample information are entered in the sequence table the information appears in a single line and not in three separate lines

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

is fixed in C.01.07[27]

KPR#:2093  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF10 (SP1)

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Sample Type "Blank" is reported as "2"


The SampleType Blank has been introduced for LC in C.01.04. The printout of sequence tables does not translate the internal code number to plain text.
Both the Print Sequence... function and the classic Sequence Summary Report print the number 2 for Sample Type Blank.

The other sample types are reported as Sample, Calib and Ctrl Samp respectively.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2111  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04 HF07

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Session freezes generating Intelligent Report During Sequence Acquisition


A ChemStation session running on an AIC may freeze during generation of an Intelligent Report

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2119  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Single Peak's Peak area is different from Total area for classical built in report


In some situations OpenLAB CDS "internally" may calculate with more digits than visible on the GUI or listed on the final report. In some cases the number of digit for rounding a final total may even defer from the digit of those during previous operations. As a result the real sum of the visible single numbers on a report may differ from the result shown at the end. This could even result in a difference between e.g. the area “sum” of a single value (one peak only) and it´s “total”. This is not a OpenCDS ChemStation malfunction but a mathematical effect that may occur in every software that internally calculates more exactly than visible on a GUI or report for more convenient readability. This effect is typically limited on the very last digit. 

10.123507893450 + 
10.000569993551 = 

If only 5 digits are displayed (cut off after the 5th digit) this would result in:

If the result would be rounded a the 6th digit but the summands only at the 12th but all values are shown with 5 digits it would even be:

A further issue is the fact that computers internally use binary formats for numbers which have to be transferred to decimal values. This brings some additionals issues (google for: Floating Point Numbers, Mantissa, Exponents, IEEE 754) which cannot be fixed in the ChemStation.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No Fix planned

KPR#:2132  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

490 micro GC column information is not available for Plates per Meter or Peak Performance calculations


The 490 micro GC column information is not available for Plates per Meter or Peak Performance calculations.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:2134  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1 HF01

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Intelligent Report snippet for instrument module: 35900 reports incorrectly 'Auto Sampler'


When I include the instrument module info as a snippet in an Intelligent report, the 35900 reports that its type is ‘Auto Sampler’.
'A/D Interface' would be more accurate.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:2152  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Classic Report area% calculation can provide incorrect results


The calculation in Area percent and height percent reports might be incorrect. The total sum of the response percent values do not add up to 100%. 

This occurs under the following conditions:
 - There is more than one signal.
 - In at least one of the signals no peaks are found.
 - The report setting specifies that peak results are sorted by retention time.

If the above conditions are met a value of 2 is subtracted from the total sum of areas and heights for every signal without peaks. This reduced sum is used in the calculation of the percent values. In the case of one single peak, or of few, small peaks, even the area( height) percent value of a single peak can be higher than 100%.

Intelligent Reports calculate the values correctly.

Temporary Solution:

The correct calculation can be viewed in Review mode of the OpenLAB ChemStation.
By loading only the signal with peaks a correct classic report can be generated.

Fix Information:

Fix planned.

KPR#:2167  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2 HF01

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Column information missing for G7116B Multi Column Thermostat


The column information from runs collected on a 1290 Infinity II Multicolumn Thermostat is not stored with the data file and does not appear on reports.

Temporary Solution:

Addressed with Hotfix 01 for OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.07 SR2

Fix Information:

Fix planned for OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.07 SR3

KPR#:2169  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2 HF01

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Column information is not printed, if the Column Description is empty


The IR element that reports the column information is not printed at all, if the Column Description is empty. In this case the printing of the complete element is suppressed. No length or diameter is printed.

Temporary Solution:

Enter some text in the description field of the column before acquisition.

Fix Information:

Fixes in C.01.07 SR3

KPR#:2170  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Operator name is reported as disconnected or blank in both classic and IR reports


The issue occurs when user names with a length exceeding 29 characters are used. This can occur with domain user authentication where the Full User Name is used. The long name exceeds an internal limit and the error handling resolves this incorrectly by storing the name "Disconnected" or no name at all.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in C.01.07 SR1.
The fix will truncate a name exceeding 29 characters by displaying the first 27 characters, followed by two dots, indicating a truncation.

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.07 SR3.
The fix will truncate a name exceeding 29 characters by displaying the first 27 characters, followed by two dots, indicating a truncation.

KPR#:2173  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2 HF01

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Sequence reprocessing updates and rounds the numeric sample parameters


With a sample in ChemStation four numeric parameters have been stored: Multiplier, Dilution, Sample Amount and ISTD amount.
In revision before C.01.06 the values have been limited to six significant digits. Considering the reproducibility of injections this precision has been sufficient.
Since C.01.06 the new sequence table allows entering up to twelve digits for numerical parameters. There are, however, still  situations, where rounding takes place. Depending on the value entered the value will be stored rounded to 6-8 significant digits.

Temporary Solution:

Choose a meaningful unit for the parameters.

Fix Information:

Results in classic reports are presented with a fixed precision. The values in classic report will always be rounded.
A fix for the sake of IR reports is planned.

KPR#:2184  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Preprocessing Results stuck in the upload queue will not match what is in Content Management


Upload to Content Management is pending due to a network outage.  Modify one Resultset and reprocess it and the report will show the version and modified flag.  If the report is previewed again, it will show previous version and no modification is mentioned.  In the way, it is possible to print many different reports for the same version which will not match what is available in the Content Management.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:2185  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Sequence Method audit trail is missing entries for some runs


The sequence method audit trail will capture all the method changes during data acquisition.  For some sequences, the sequence method audit trail is missing entries for some runs.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:89195  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

C.01.06: Sim by Target masses show wrong targeted masses on first injection only


Install ChemStation C.01.06 >> Configure with LCMS >>> Create a method with Sim signal and Toggle on "Sim on target mass"

From Run Control Menu >>> Sample info >>> enter the targeted masses.  Start the system.

Sample is finished, but the report printout shows the wrong targeted masses – different from those entered in the " target masses" of the Sample Info.

This defect happens only on the very first run after installing the software. After the first injection, Sim on Target masses behaves normally.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:102753  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Preprocessing Results stuck in the upload queue will not match what is in Content Management


Upload to Content Management is pending due to a network outage.  Modify one Resultset and reprocess it and the report will show the version and modified flag.  If the report is previewed again, it will show previous version and no modification is mentioned.  In the way, it is possible to print many different reports for the same version which will not match what is available in the Content Management.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:114422  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Significant figure limit for compound group amount values in calibration table


The number formatting rules seem to be fixed to 5 significant figures, Precision 3 and a maximum of 7 digits.

- For values <1, the formatting changes to scientific and the 5 significant digits can be used.

- For numbers > 1 and < 9, the Precision = 3 overrules the significant digits rule.

The number formatting rules for the group amount value are not controlled by the calibration table options dialog

Temporary Solution:

Define the group amount in the calibration table for one component assigned to the group and keep it 0 for all others of the same group.

Workaround 2:
Multiply by 1000 and change the unit. Or divide the result by 1000.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:115779  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition    C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

G1364E cluster: Fraction report is mixed; the first fraction is from recovery


The report between fraction and recovery within the fraction table of the report are mixed.  Only the first fraction is from recovery and there are missing recovery entries.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix1.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:117643  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Report "print to file" of subtracted chromatogram fails


Subtracted chromatograms can be used to replace the chromatogram which is used for reporting. This interactive operation works fine, but generating any classic report using the subtracted chromatogram failed with a macro error, which happens when accessing the data directory.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4.

KPR#:123241  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Use another sequence method to preview report won't generate new Central storage version


Another sequence method was used to generate a new report.  The report does not show the version information as 'modified after loading' that the method parameters were changed.  The version remains the same.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:126672  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Self-assembled Result set, incorrectly lists (F) when the injection was originally done with the Back injector


Sequence finished using dual simultaneous injection (front and back). Now create a new result set (self-assembled) from the original finished sequence only for the back-detector signals.
The result set was created but the sequence table of the result set incorrectly displays (F) for the injector when it should be (B).
The classic report incorrectly lists (F) when the injection was originally done with the Back injector.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09

KPR#:130917  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Printing 2 report files causes flickering of screen and no access to ChemStation


When using the report viewer toolbar from Adobe reader to print the report
can end in an endless loop flipping between the Adobe reader printer dialog (with setup) and the report viewer and the main ChemStation application window.

Temporary Solution:

The loop cannot be stopped by clicking in the ChemStation nor report-viewer nor "Adobe reader print dialog".  It can only be stopped when clicking into any other application.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09.

KPR#:131124  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Blank Subtraction changes the sample name in the Classic report


After subtracting a trace from the current open data, the classic report displays the sample name of the subtracted data.

Temporary Solution:

Workaround is the go to the menu bar and select the icon, "Load Signal(s) of a Data File and overlay with current signals" instead of doing the overlay in the navigation table.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:149972  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.13

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Columns are not reported correctly when switching valves


If valves are switched before or after a run using advanced options, the column is not reported correctly.

Temporary Solution:

use standard valve switching without advanced options

Fix Information:

This has been fixed in LC driver A.02.14

KPR#:150046  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.02

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Not acquired signal A (VWD) leads to a "Manual Control" entry in the Result Set Audit Trail


When signal A of an VWD is not acquired (according to the method settings), a "Manual Control" entry is reported in the Result Set Audit Trail.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This is fixed with driver version A.02.19.

KPR#:151390  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Labeled peaks of a mass spectrum are shown with red peak integration lines when printed


When labeling the peaks of a mass spectrum, there are no integration lines shown on the screen. When printing the selected window, however, all the labeled peaks are shown with red peak integration lines drawn in. Although useful for cinematographic peaks, it is annoying for printing mass spectra. This issue was introduced in C.01.07 SR3.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 01 and C.01.09.

KPR#:160573  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

 ASTM -Long-Term Noise Calculation is not done


The Short-term noise calculation works but as soon as the Noise Range exceeds 60 min (Long-time noise), the calculation is not done and the report shows "-" in classical, or 0 and -1. in intelligent Report.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09

KPR#:165636  Product:    A.02.19

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

FCC: When switching Fraction Collectors during a run in an asymmetrical setup, unexpected fractions might be collected and reported


When having a Fraction Collector Cluster (FCC) with different delay volumes between the detector and the Fraction Collectors (FC) and it is switched from one Fraction Collector to another during a run, the following behavior can be observed:
Due to the different delay volumes, every FC has another delay time and thus its own timeline. When switching from one FC to another, timelines are also switched, which can lead to the effect that a certain time span is run through either twice or not at all. This depends on the different delay volumes. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

When working with Fraction Collector Clusters it should be taken care to use exactly the same delay volumes between the detector and all FCs (symmetric structure).

KPR#:180068  Product:    C.01.06

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

In generating report the injection number of a seqLine replicate can be wrong or missing


This applies only for sequences:
when generating reports via reprocessing the injection number is always correct meaning the same as shown in the sample navigation table.
But on taking a single run into a new seq result set, or taking a nth injection to a new result set OR editing the seq table such that the injection number line gets reassigned, then the regenerate report shows an incorrect injection number which was that from the acquisition (which for single runs is empty)

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09

KPR#:187755  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2,C.01.08,C.01.09

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

3D stack overlay does not report the correct time


The correct time is not reported when there is a signal delay for the MSD signals and the signals are shown in '3D' Signal Overlay.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:187890  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Error message appears when adding Report Styles or removing Report Styles


With Intelligent Reporting disabled, go to the Report Layout View and load a report template and select File>Add to Report Styles or File>Remove a Report Styles", then click OK.

The following error message appears on the bottom of the offline user interface:

File Input/output Failed: C:\Program Files (x86)\Agilent Technologies\ChemStation\CORE\REPSTYLES.REG

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 2.

KPR#:188182  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Interactive PeakPerformance efficiency result is too low


The PeakPerformance calculated value is too low if you do a run without any information about the used column.  If you then try afterwards to calculate the plates per meter by entering the column length, the value will be 1000 times too low. 

Temporary Solution:

The column length must be entered upfront to calculate the column plate numbers.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10.

KPR#:202614  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Waters Alliance working directory no longer ChemStation’s CORE folder causes issues


After editing the instrument method of a Waters Alliance system (found with Waters Alliance drivers 6.2.2 and an instrument containing the 2695 Alliance mainframe and a Waters DP based 'triple' detector (2489, 2998, 2414)), the Sequence Summary Reports (both IR and Classic) might not work correctly.
Additionally, if switching on the Instrument Dashboard after method editing, it won’t show up, and an exception will be reported in the ChemStation status.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 2.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09.

KPR#:203100  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Waters Alliance: error when loading IR template


The following error is shown when loading an IR template:

Error in IRPreview:  Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Waters Instruments\Log ....  Code 999

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 2.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09.

KPR#:267383  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Operator name is "Disconnected" during unlocking ChemStation


When unlocking the ChemStation, after entering credentials and confirming it with OK, the current user is first logged out and the new logged in (even if this is the same user re-logging in). Ideally there is only a very short time window between "log out" and "log in" during which the current user is "Disconnected". If the network conditions and server responsiveness are good, this window is less than 1 second but in heavily busy environments it might be several, sometimes up to 20-30, seconds. When a raw data signal is initialized exactly during this time window, the "Disconnected" name is written into the signal's header (on the report).

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:277843  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08,C.01.09

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Unnecessary calibration warnings appear if report is generated a second time


The first time the report is generated, it shows only one Calibration Warning - Warning : Invalid calibration curve. If the report is generated a second time, it shows 2 Calibration warnings including the message "Calibration warnings (see calibration table listing)".

Only one calibration warning should appear when printing.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:291121  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Printing time is 1 second different in the exported report from in the printed report


The print footer time is when the report begins printing. There is one pass to render it to the printer (this is time #1) and when it also goes to the .pdf file, it has its own start time (#2).

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:293854  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07,C.01.08,C.01.09

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Missing Signal Descriptions for LCMS Signals on Intelligent Reports


In the chromatogram displayed in Data Analysis for a MS signal, the signal description is displayed as: "MSD1 TIC, MS File, Pos Scan, MM-APCI, Frag: 70, "Scan" ". The same signal displayed on an Intelligent Report will only display as: "MSD1 TIC, MS File". 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. Update 3.

KPR#:300787  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06,C.01.07,C.01.08,C.01.09

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Calibration Curve last modified date may appear with ambiguous date format 


Data acquired with OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.06 and higher may show an ambiguous date formatting for the calibration curve modification time stamp using intelligent reports. Day and month are switched. It only affects long and short date formats set as: "dd-MM-yyyy". 

1.) If the day is between 1st and 12th AND if system's long date format is set as "dd-MM-yyyy" an incorrect calibration modified date will be seen in the report generated as part of sequence run as well on reprocessing the sequence.

2.) If the day is between 1st and 12th AND if system's Short date format is set as "dd-MM-yyyy" an incorrect calibration modified date will be seen in the report generated from DA view -> Print report 

Other time stamps are not affected. 

Temporary Solution:

Print a copy of this KPR and keep it with your validation binder in order to explain the deviation in an audit situation.

Fix Information:

This defect is fixed in OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.10 and C.01.09 Update 2.
The fix only applies to data acquired or reprocessed after installation of the fix. Reports generated on data processed with a previous or unpatched version of ChemStation will still show this defect.

KPR#:301635  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Separator date may change in OpenLAb CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.10 for customized OS date formatting


This issue relates to operating systems with non-default regional date separator, e.g English OS display language with German date formatting. The day/month separator of time stamps shown in intelligent reports may change after upgrading to OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.10. Depending on the regional settings a different separator is used. The display order of month, followed by day does not get changed,  e.g. 4/22/2019  is now displayed as 4.22.2019

You are NOT affected by this potential problem if:
- You use default US English regional settings.
- Your PC systems settings are adjusted to you current location, but the decimal delimiter got enforced to a dot (as described in the installation manual).
- You are using a new intelligent report template. In OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.10 a default time stamp format according to ISO 8601 got introduced.
- If your report templates use a customized format string to strictly enforce your local date and time format.

Temporary Solution:

- Consider updating the intelligent report templates to make use of ISO 8601 format 
- Set up the regional settings in accordance to the installation manual 
- Use format commands to enforce a specific time stamp format independent of the operating system PC settings: =String.Format("{0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss (zzzz)}", First(Injection_LastModifiedDate))
See also Microsoft documentation:

Fix Information:


KPR#:302286  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06,C.01.07,C.01.08,C.01.09,C.01.10

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Recalibration date is incorrect on IR using ExtendedPerformance.rdl


Data acquired with OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.06 and higher may show an ambiguous date formatting for the calibration curve modification time stamp using intelligent reports. Day and month are switched. It only affects long and short date formats set as: "dd-MM-yyyy". 

 1.) If the day is between 1st and 12th AND if system's long date format is set as "dd-MM-yyyy" an incorrect calibration modified date will be seen in the report generated as part of sequence run as well on reprocessing the sequence. 

 2.) If the day is between 1st and 12th AND if system's Short date format is set as "dd-MM-yyyy" an incorrect calibration modified date will be seen in the report generated from DA view -> Print report 

 Other time stamps are not affected. 

Temporary Solution:

Print a copy of this KPR and keep it with your validation binder in order to explain the deviation in an audit situation. 

Fix Information:

This defect is fixed in OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.10 and C.01.09 Update 2. 
The fix only applies to data acquired or reprocessed after installation of the fix. Reports generated on data processed with a previous or unpatched version of ChemStation will still show this defect. 

KPR#:342383  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09 Update 01

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Analytical Studio Reviewer show duplicate peaks on report


Analytical Studio Reviewer show duplicates of the same peak spectra on the report since the TargetMass Table in ChromRes contains all masses twice. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2. 

KPR#:359409  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Intelligent Report extended sequence report missing units in acq method listing


The Intelligent Report extended sequence report is missing units in the acquisition method listing.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 2.

KPR#:361138  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Intelligent Report lacks data in the Advanced Run Information


Intelligent report missing the NAME column and the UNITS in the "Advanced Run Information" section of the report.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation Update 2.

KPR#:371553  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Garbage: Error message for File name length of Classic Report template


When trying to load the classic report template with a name with over 40 characters, the warning message includes garbage character.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. 

KPR#:376839  Product:    C.01.10 Update 02

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

PDF extraction failing


PDF extraction can be used to extract metadata from a CDS printout for example to import injection results into another system, such as a LIMS or OpenLab ECM XT.

If newer extraction technology used for example in OpenLab ECM XT can extract the PDF metadata to import the results in the data backend, other systems may not be able to extract the information.

Note, extraction is possible only using standard or PDF/A-1 formats. Secured PDF information will not be extracted, due to privilege restriction.
Format selection is available in the reporting editor, under report properties.

Temporary Solution:

Adjust the extraction method.

Fix Information:


KPR#:419459  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09,C.01.09 Update 2,C.01.10 Update 2

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Fraction location label is not flexible in C.01.09 and C.01.10


The fraction annotations are not visible because the fraction annotation algorithm was not considering the current applied Signal scaling.

Temporary Solution:

Workaround: refer to the fraction result table to find the start and end time of the fractions.  The FC tray can also be shown on the report to visualize the fraction locations.

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 4

KPR#:421132  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Blank subtraction: chromatogram issue in IR


When performing a blank subtraction, the chromatogram reported on the Intelligent report still shows the original signal (before the blank subtraction) while the results are related to the blank-subtracted chromatogram.

The IR generated report is not as consistent as the classic report (where both the signal plot and result table are related to the blank-subtracted chromatogram)

In addition:
- the IR does not provide a way to show a warning about the signal manipulation performed after loading the data file like the Classic report

- the peak baselines (integration) are wrongly displayed (the integration lines are referring to the subtracted chromatogram

- with the current ChemStation features set, there is no way have in the IR the blank-subtracted chromatogram plot

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:467325  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Custom report created in C.01.04 is loaded on C.01.10 has all audit trail entries with current date and time


When a custom report created in C.01.04 is loaded in C.01.10, the date time stamp on audit trail entries is updated to current time for all entries.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 4

KPR#:476514  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Unable to print sample description and Lims ID for IR when Load Signal


In C.01.10 Update3 when using "Load signal" after logoff and relaunch offline Chemstation, IR report will not generate sample description and Lims ID.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 4

KPR#:495250  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09 Update 01,C.01.10 Update 2

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Reported injection time follows time zone and daylight saving setting and reports wrong time


The reports show the injection times in local time in accordance to the current time zone settings.

The IR reports actually show the UTC off-set and this is the complete and accurate information. 

Logfile entries are not recorded in UTC format but in the local time.

The OpenLab ChemStation is local time centric. As long as the data is viewed, and reports are regenerated in the same time zone where the data originated from, then all dates on reports are matching.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:499383  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Report item becomes uneditable in Intelligent Reporting editor


This issue relates to report edition in Intelligent Reporting from OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.10.

Report items having too many nested composite groups may become uneditable. Composite groups are used to group, filter and sort data in the report template. 
When a table is contained inside nested groups, the report item will become uneditable with more than 3 nested groups. The 1st group will then appear empty (without all the remaining groups and table). Report generation will continue to be successfully report content, but the report item edition would not be possible unless the group are removed. 
For single text field, a maximum number of 5 nested groups would be possible before this issue occurs.

Additionally, reports edited in previous release than C.01.10 may not be editable after migration to C.01.10.

Temporary Solution:

To be able to edit the report items, the nested groups would need to be reduced.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:508000  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 4

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

UV spectra data from CDS2 does not work in IR reporting of spectra when loaded in ChemStation


UV spectra data was acquired using OpenLab CDS.  Loading the data in ChemStation and print an IR report which contains the RTE element: Spectra - "Spectra Plot All Peaks", then “No Spectra available” message is displayed on the report.  However, the spectra is available in the data.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation C.01.10 Update 5.

KPR#:538317  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

IR report error when loading template that includes composite group


IR report error when loading template that includes composite group

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:568535  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3,C.01.10 Update 4

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

XLSX sequence summary file creation crashes for IR template when large batch is processed


XLSX sequence summary file creation crashes for IR template when large batch is processed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:610844  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Sample amount value in IR-report not updated after change in quantitation settings


The sample amount in the report is not tally with the sample amount value in the sequence table after updating the value in Quantitation settings under "Specify Report".

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

A fix is provided in C.01.10 Update 6 and LTS 01.11.

KPR#:695912  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Sequence ACAML has fraction result from a previous run


Sequence acaml data has fraction information from a previous run.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 7.

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11. 

Report printing gets aborted in case of an error.

KPR#:728830  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 4

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

"Print Sequence Template" does not work when the barcode option "On barcode mismatch don’t inject" is selected in Sequence Parameters


In Sequence Parameters, the “Use in Sequence” in the “Bar code reader” section is selected with the barcode option "On barcode mismatch don’t inject".

In Sequence >Print Sequence Template select the "Sequence Parameters" as part of sequence to be printed and press Print.  The sequence template printout is not generated and the ChemStation reports the error: “System Error: Access on a WINDOWS resource (#19198) failed.”

Temporary Solution:

Workaround is to use the “old style” sequence printout by adding PrintSeqOldLayout=1 in the [PCS] section of the chemstation.ini.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 7.
Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

KPR#:747935  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

The xml result file is not correctly formatted if the "Add fraction table and ticks" option is enabled in "Specify report"


The xml result file is not correctly formatted if the "Add fraction table and ticks" option is enabled in "Specify report" for data without fraction results.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

KPR#:751862  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Incorrect Title of Fraction List in classic report


The Fraction List in the classic report does not always specify the detector that was used to correct the fraction's Start/End time.  The initial report generated after acquisition might not show the reference detector used for fraction annotations. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

KPR#:752405  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 7

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Incorrect Title of Fraction List in classic report


The Fraction List in the classic report does not always specify the detector that was used to correct the fraction's Start/End time.  The initial report generated after acquisition might not show the reference detector used for fraction annotations. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:776923  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Topology report missing server, client, and instrument information


The topology report is missing information due to Windows Defender preventing the generation/update of the analytics.json file.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:788216  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

LIMSID fields are missing in XML exported result for back injection


LIMSID fields are missing in the result.xml for GC back injection samples.

Temporary Solution:

For new integration to LIMS, use the sequence.acaml file for exporting the results to LIMS or store the LIMS ID in a custom field.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:794750  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3,LTS 01.11

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

LC slave module reports the host firmware revision


G7116A slave module will report the host firmware revision and not the actual module firmware revision.  This host firmware revision is also saved in the sequence.acaml file.  The actual firmware of the slave LC module is visible with Lab Advisor. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:801193  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11,LTS 01.11 Update 01

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Missing compounds are not reported when using the IR report snippet "not-found compounds"


When using the report snippet "not-found compounds" in your Intelligent Report template, the report does not list the mentioned compounds at all. This defect affects software version C.01.10 including updates 1 through 7 as well as version LTS 01.11 w/o Update 1.

It is caused by the report item "Compound_ExpectedSignal" being empty. This report item is used in a built-in filter condition, to avoid that missing compounds get reported as many times as there are signals defined in the method.  User designed result tables with filter conditions based on e.g. expected retention times are not affected and missing compounds are reported.

If the mentioned snippet was used in an older release as a template for writing a different kind peak result table, the filter condition might be unnecessary.  However, it still may affect the peak results table after a software upgrade.

Temporary Solution:

In order to report the  "not-found compounds"  delete the current filter based on the filed "Compound_ExpectedSignal".  In case of a single-signal method, the missing compounds are reported only once.

In case of multi-signal methods you can suppress the redundant reporting of missing compounds by filter for compounds where the expected retention  time is > 0.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 02.

A point patch for rev. C.01.10 Update 7 is available on request,

KPR#:1039479  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10,LTS 01.11

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

MS Spectra snippet no longer has option to report average peak spectra via Intelligent Reporter


MS Spectra snippet no longer has option to report apex or average spectra from each peak via IR in C.01.10 and LTS 01.11.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 03.

KPR#:1073881  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11 Update 03

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

Wrong detector (MSD) reported as first detector in Purify Task and classic report


The Purify user interface shows by default the fraction list relative to the first detector (the one with the largest delay). The same applies to the fraction list in the classic report. In some cases, depending on the fraction results, the first detector is not determined correctly.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1111356  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: Reports

One-line Description:

No longer possible to copy text from pdf reports generated in Review, Report, Print Report


Printing to a PDF printer is technically possible, but the design of this function is optimized for printing high quality hard copies of text and signal data. OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 introduced significant improvements in printing of signal graphics by converting the entire page to a graphic of the same resolution as configured for the physical printer. Therefore, it is not possible to select and copy text from such a PDF document.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The recommended way to generate PDF reports is either by automated processing or by using the “save as PDF” function.

KPR#:1840  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: Reports , 1100 Control , 1200 Control , 7890A Control

One-line Description:

Instrument communication error may cause incorrect injection time stamp on subsequent run


The first injection time of a run acquired after a permanent instrument error  (power failure, communication failure or leak).
may appear as the injection time of the previously interrupted run.

Temporary Solution:

In order to prevent such inconsistent injection time stamp it is recommended to re-start the ChemStation application after a  permanent communication error, network failure or instrument failure.

Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.03 HF08 and C.01.05 HF07.

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1837  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Reports , Custom Fields

One-line Description:

Empty Custom Fields are not printed in Intelligent Report


If the content of a Custom Fields is empty this Custom Field will not appear in an IR at all.

Temporary Solution:

Use default values during CF setup.

Fix Information:

No fix Planned

KPR#:2065  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: Reports , ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Report Upload from Review View fails with error


When a report that has been generated in Review view is uploaded to backend storage (ECM or Data Store), an error is generated:
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object" occured in function IR_ExportDocumentToECM Code 200.

This problem has been introduced with C.01.07 SR1

Temporary Solution:

A point patch is available on request.

Fix Information:


KPR#:2112  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: Reports , ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Error 16420 occurred while printing a report


While printing a report  the following error is displayed:

Error 16420 occurred in Command ObjHdrText$ in macro PageFileHeader$
... in file ... REPORT.MCX:
Item doesn't exist

This is the result of a chain of events that began when a single run was started from the front panel of the analytical instrument. In that case some data files are treated incorrectly when uploaded to the backend storage (ECM or Data Store). When the files are downloaded and printed they are incomplete and the above error occured.

Temporary Solution:

Start runs from the software only. Locking the instrument keyboards will help.
Fixed in C.01.05 SP1 HF03.

Fix Information:

Resolved in revision OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2040  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Reports , Localization

One-line Description:

Peak Purity Report in Chinese Version Wrongly use Peak Number as Peak's Retention time


In Chinese ChemStations a wrong assignment of elements occurs in classic reports with purity (for example Short+Spectrum).
The purity section for every peak is missing the info about the retention time. The peak number is instead formatted like the time in minutes.

The correct text in non-Chinese reports reads:
Purity results peak 5 at 1.973 min 

In the Chinese version it appears as 
Peak at 5.000 min         (accordingly translated)

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in C.01.06 HF03.
Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2125  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1 HF01

Keyword: Reports , MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

Peak Performance calculations are off when data points are not equidistant


ChemStation B.04.03 (and OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.03) introduced a new algorithm for the calculation of peak performance parameters. The algorithm assumes that the data rate is constant across the signal. 
LCMS data with SIM groups that are not overlapping will cause a problem, becasue the data points are not at regular intervals across the whole chromatograms. There will be gaps without data points.
In these cases the peak tangents are calculated incorrectly. 

The peaks drawn in the classic performance report and the interactive peak performance tool show obvious issues:
The peaks are not centered at the reported retention time. 
The horizontal lines for peaks width and the vertical line for height do not match the peak outline.
The tangents are obviously wrong. Depending on the peak integration the tangents and peak height might not be on the report at all.

The algorithm used in ChemStation B.04.02 and earlier did also have a problem with this kind of data, but it has not been that obvious. The tangent calculations were still incorrect

Temporary Solution:

Define SIM groups across the whole chromatogram in the acquisition method. The time segments for the SIM groups should overlap.
For existing old data use the signal details to load only the time segment described by one SIM group.

Fix Information:

Resolved in revision OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:1715  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03

Keyword: Reports , SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence Summary Report does not do statistics when the first compound is not present


When the first compound in a calibration table is not found, the sequence summary report does not perform any statistics for all the other compounds.

Temporary Solution:

Reporocess with a method that does not have this compound in the calibration table, or with a method that uses a manual integration event at the expected retention time.

Fix Information:

Fix planned for C.01.04. Fixed in revision B.04.03 SP1.

KPR#:2145  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Reports , SEQ

One-line Description:

Incorrect Sample location reported for bracketing


Sequence that are run with bracketing calibrations have sometimes the vial location wrong in IR reports.
The first sample after a calibration bracket might repeat the location of the standard.
The classic sequence summary report gets it right.  This is caused by a timing issue. Reprocessing the sequence will result in correct IR reports.

Temporary Solution:

Reprocess the result set.

Addressed in HF05 for ChemStation C.01.06

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.07 SR2

KPR#:228201  Product:    A.01.11

Keyword: Reports - IR

One-line Description:

Spectra cannot be reported in Intelligent Reporting with MS profile data


Spectra from MS profile storage in LC/MS cannot be reported in Intelligent Reporting. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue will be fixed in OpenLab CDS ChemStation Editon C.01.10.

KPR#:245690  Product:    A.01.12

Keyword: Reports - IR

One-line Description:

Report generation hanging when the report template has a custom scaling


This issue concerns reports including a custom chromatogram plot scaling. This has been observed only intermittently with some data. Depending on how the data points are distributed, the report rendering service may enter into an infinite calculation loop.

In such cases, the report generation process would hang on the system when generating the report. 
The memory as well as the CPU consumptions would then raise significantly, until the report fails to be generated.

Temporary Solution:

As this is data related, for such affected data, changing the custom scaling can help.
For example if a custom Y-scaling from -2% to 5% fails to generate the injection report, changing the values to -1% to 6% can potentially work.

Fix Information:

This is fixed in OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.09 Update 01.

KPR#:131756  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: Retention Time Locking

One-line Description:

Update Master Method from Data Analysis view does not update RTL calibration


From Data Analysis, completed the setup of the retention time locking calibration by entering all RTL pressures and retention times for the 5 runs in the sequence method. Save the method. Select to 'Update Master method'. This states that 'This will copy all data analysis parameters from the sequence method 'MDL.M' to the master method 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\ChemStation\1\Method\MDL.M'
Load the master method in Method & Run Control view and select RTLock\Edit RTL Calbration... but it is empty, no RTL data has been copied. Select (Re)Lock current method... and pop-up reads 'This method does not have a valid RTL calibration file associated with it, perform 'New RTL Calibration' first.' Method Audit Trail states that the Data Analysis parameters were copied from the sequence method which did not happen.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:345843  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Retention Time Locking

One-line Description:

Calculated Pressure for Relock is not updated automatically for the 6890 in C.01.10


Setup the 5 different methods to create the pressure - retention time calibration for retention time locking the method. Created a new RTL calibration and entered the retention times for C15 with the pressure. After saving the method, tried to relock the method. The calculation of the new pressure works, but updating the method generates a series of messages. 
The first indicates: Reading method <method name> (I) Can't fine 6890 setpoints file IQ1.MTH, will not be able to update method. The second indicates; Update method (I) Problem updating method file. Both copies of pressure setpoint not found, method not changed. The third indicates: Update method (I) Problem updating method, method not changed. Please update manually with 29.82 psi. (Which was the calculated value for the new pressure.)

Temporary Solution:

Enter the calculated re-lock pressure manually into the software.

Fix Information:

Resolved In OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 1.

KPR#:207007  Product:    ECM XT v2.3

Keyword: Roles and Privileges

One-line Description:

Users can delete their own data without deletion permission via web client


Users who have only "read" and "write" permission (Edit content of project) in OpenLab CDS 2.3 with content management can delete their own generated data via content managment web client. 

Temporary Solution:

For workstation plus and client/server system, we recommend restricting user access to content management client by removing the permission "Access content using web client" from the users.

Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS v2.4 and OpenLab CDS v2.3 Update 05. 

KPR#:976277  Product:    ECM XT 2.5 Update 05

Keyword: Roles and Privileges

One-line Description:

Users added to a domain group can't access content management


After an OpenLab system is moved to a new domain, users that are added to domain groups can't access content management.
The alfreso.log file shows the error
[] User authenticated but failed to sync with user registry com.agilent.datastore.olss.service.ServerDownException: Not Found {"error":"The object was not found.","errorCode":"ObjectNotFound"}
This will be the case if the old domain is no longer available.

Temporary Solution:

As a workaround, manually cleanup the table ExternalUsers of the OLSharedServices database. Remove all entries for users of the old domain.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1851  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.04.03 SP1

Keyword: Run Control

One-line Description:

Unexpected shifts in the Online Plot


Artifacts have been observed in the Online Plot for instruments with more than one module. 
These artifacts appear as inserted straight segments inside one of the observed traces. As a results traces may appear shifted from one injection the the next. Aside from the shift these insertions are not obvious.
The situation can occur when at least one module in the plot region has an RC.Net driver and the other has not. Examples are LC stacks or the 7100 CE in combination with an MSD, a 35900 or and ELSD.
The raw data are correct.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in C.01.05 Hotfix 03.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1857  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Run Control

One-line Description:

In Chinese and Japanese versions the counter function in sample info dialog is not incrementing when the start button is used.


In Chinese and Japanese versions the counter function in sample name  is not incremented, when the run is started through the start button (classical LC methods only).

A warning is displayed that a file with this name already exists. When the warning is ignored, the existing data file is overwritten.

Temporary Solution:

Start the single run from the RunControl menu, or use the F5 key, or convert to RC.Net drivers.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1918  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03 HF08

Keyword: Run Control

One-line Description:

Instrument not ready time out message box may block other dialog boxes


In cases where an acquisition run does not start due to an 'instrument not ready' condition, the not ready time out starts to count down the 10 minutes not ready time out.
In case of a single sample run a message box is displayed on the screen, when the time out occurs. However, this message box might be hidden behind an open sequence table or  a session lock window.
The sequence table cannot be closed or the session can't get unlocked until the 'not ready' time out message gets acknowledged. 

Note: This message box is not shown in case of sequence runs, but the software turns right  into error state after 10 minutes.

Temporary Solution:

In cases where the sequence table cannot be closed or the session can't be unlocked, the windows in the foreground should be moved aside to verify the absence of other message dialogs waiting in the background for an input.

Re-occurring instrument not ready time messages can be caused by defective, or by insufficiently maintained hardware, or by inadequate method settings. These potential causes need to be corrected.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1919  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Run Control

One-line Description:

Single runs do not turn to 'Not Ready time out' automatically and OpenLAB Control panel shows 'running' status


In cases  where a single run does not start due to a instrument not ready time out, the status in OpenLAB Control Panel does not change back to "Not Ready" until the "time out" message gets acknowledged on the CDS client or workstation.
This problem is not observed in case of pending sequences as timed out sequences change the state automatically without user interaction.

Temporary Solution:

If you face this issue on a regular base, it is recommended to utilize single line sequences as an equivalent to single runs.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1920  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: Run Control

One-line Description:

ChemStation Shutdown may not update instrument status in OpenLAB Control Panel


The following defect was observed with OpenLAB CDS ChemStation rev. C.01.03:
Whenever saving a write-protected method during shutdown of ChemStation,  the instrument status does not get updated in the OpenLAB Control Panel.  The Instrument appears as 'idle', although it is not connected.

Temporary Solution:

The instrument status will be refreshed when restarting the isntrument.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation rev. C.01.06.

KPR#:1927  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Run Control

One-line Description:

Systems under heavy load can miss raw data inside the data folder


Systems that are under heavy load (e.g. AIC with many acquisition sequences) might lose raw data like ch, uv or acqres.reg files.
It is caused by multiple Run commands and happens on instruments with RC.Net drivers.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed with HF08 for C.01.05

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:2024  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Run Control

One-line Description:

Submission of single runs to the queue blocks the queue


It has been observed that the Online ChemStation becomes unresponsive, if several single runs are submitted to the queue in quick succession.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved with revision A.02.10 of LC/CE drivers.

KPR#:2047  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: Run Control

One-line Description:

Queuing a modified sequence cannot be undone


When a sequence is added to the run queue, the content of the sequence table can be modified. If after such a modification the user wants to revert to the previous step (template selection) a pop-up dialog will ask whether the changes can be discarded. OK will bring the user back to the template selection, but Cancel will make the Online session unresponsive.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in C.01.07 SR1.
FIxed in C.01.06 HF 03.

Fix Information:

Resolved in C.01.07 SR2

KPR#:2056  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Run Control

One-line Description:

Fraction preview does not work for UIB II as peak detector


The fraction preview does not work for signals acquired with a G1390B (UIB II) as peak detector.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in C.01.07 SR1
Fixed in C.01.06 HF 03.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2075  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Run Control

One-line Description:

Japanese ChemStation: The Sequence Table cannot be evoked from the sequence context menu


The sequence context menu cannot be used to display the sequence table. This happens due to a localization defect on the Japanese ChemStation.

Temporary Solution:

Call the sequence table from the Sequence menu

Fix Information:

Resolved in revision C.01.06 HF03.
Fix planned for C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:139793  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  - SBM,From Teamtrack

Keyword: Run Control

One-line Description:

Using double quotes in the sample name for signal runs will not run with no error


System will accept a Sample Name enclosed in double quotes but will not run and there is no information provided why it will not run.

Temporary Solution:

Use the "queue method" function to submit single injections to the run queue.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1936  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF06

Keyword: Run Control , SEQ

One-line Description:

Only sequences from the default sequence path can be used in a queue plan


Sequence Templates that are not in the default path but in a subfolder ot it cannot be used in the queue planner.
The queue plan accepts the templates and lists them inside their subfolders, but the queue plan cannot be submitted.

Temporary Solution:

Queue the sequences without the help of the queue planner, or avoid the use of  subfolders.

Fix Information:


KPR#:444022  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  3.2

Keyword: Sampler Configuration

One-line Description:

Issues when re-configuring capillaries in Dual Loop and High Performance Autosamplers


Dual Loop Autosamplers (G2258A)
A Dual-loop sampler will remain offline after updates to the Syringe, Front or Back Seat Capillary volumes, Lower or Upper Loop Capillary volumes are done in instrument configuration. 

High Performance Autosamplers (G1367A/B/C/D/E, G1368A, G1377A, G4226A, G5667A)
Any of the affected High-Performance samplers will remain offline will installing Syringes or Seat Capillaries with different volumes than originally configured.

Temporary Solution:

There is no temporary fix available. 

Fix Information:

A fix is planned

KPR#:149821  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.02

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Control of Tray illumination missing for G1329B & G4303A


RC.Net driver for high performance autosampler does not present possibility to switch on or off tray illumination of G1329B or G4303A.

Temporary Solution:

On ChemStation's command line enter:
print SendModule$(LALS,"LGHT 1")
to switch on sampler's illumination and
print SendModule$(LALS,"LGHT 0")
to switch it off.

In ChemStation the use of a configuration with 'Cassic' drivers might also be an option.

Fix Information:

fixed in A.02.02 SP1

KPR#:149822  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.02

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Parameter mismatch for custom-defined Well Plates


The parameters that were offered to define customized well plates did not intuitively match the dimensions of a well plate.
It was not possible to define whether a plate contains wells or vials.
This could also lead to errors in the injected volume.

Temporary Solution:

No temporary fix available.

Fix Information:

fixed in A.02.02 SP1

KPR#:149824  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.02 SP1

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Control of Tray illumination missing for new G1329A


New G1329A ALS contain a tray illumination now. RC.Net driver for standard autosampler does not present possibility to switch on or off tray illumination of these new G1329A ALS.

Temporary Solution:

Check if G1329A is a new one and already has tray illumination.

On ChemStation's command line manually enter:
print SendModule$(LALS,"LGHT 1")
to switch on sampler's illumination and
print SendModule$(LALS,"LGHT 0")
to switch it off.

In ChemStation the use of a configuration with 'Classic' drivers might also be an option.

Fix Information:

fixed with LC Drivers A.02.03

KPR#:149826  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.02 SP1

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Control of tray illumination missing for G1329A/B & G4303A in Japanese and Chinese ChemStation


The following problem occurs in Japanese and Chinese ChemStation only:

RC.Net drivers for Agilent 1260 Infinity Standard Autosampler G1329A/B or Agilent 1260 Infinity SFC Standard Autosampler G4303A do not provide any possibility - neither on ChemStation's menu nor on sampler's context menu - to switch on or off tray illumination inside G1329A/B or G4303A.

Control of Agilent 1260 Infinity Standard Autosampler G1329B by 'classic' drivers of ChemStation is not affected.

Agilent 1260 Infinity SFC Standard Autosampler G4303A requires the RC.Net Driver. No 'classic' driver for it exists.

Temporary Solution:

On ChemStation's command line enter:
print SendModule$(LALS,"LGHT 1")
to switch on sampler's illumination and:
print SendModule$(LALS,"LGHT 0")
to switch it off.

Fix Information:

The issue will be solved in driver version A.02.03.

KPR#:149827  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.02 SP1

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Larger injection volume with 90 ul head may be incorrectly displayed after injection


With G1329A/B, a 90 ul head installed, and a large injection volume specified the RC.Net Drivers may display an irregular injection volume after the injection. Nevertheless the volume, which got injected, correctly represents the method's setpoint. It is a problem affecting only the presentation after the injection cycle. Neither the injected volume itself nor the display during the injection cycle are affected. For the duration of the injection cycle itself the correct injection volume is shown, and injected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue has been fixed with driver release A.02.04.

KPR#:149831  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

LC driver starts run with ALS Chiller turned off


Using the RC.NET Drivers to control the Autosampler Chiller the systems is injecting with the Autosampler Chiller turned off. This is a different behavior compared to the legacy Rapid Control drivers for EZChrom which forced an ON of the Autosampler Chiller.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue has been fixed with driver release A.02.01 SP1.

KPR#:149841  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.04

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

ICF A.01.04 - No method download, if method contains pretreatment/injector program steps.


Methods including pretreatment/injector steps are not downloaded to the instrument, prior to a run.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The defect is fixed with the Driver Release A.02.06

In relation to the Instrument Control Framework, a PointPatch is available.
Please contact your Agilent Support Team.

KPR#:149843  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.05

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Injection specific injection volumes may get propagated to following injections


The following LC driver specific issue has been reported for OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.03 and driver version A.02.05:

When overwriting the default injection volume defined in the method by an injection volume specified in the sequence table of OpenLAB CDS, non-integer formatted values (e.g. 0.8 ul,  2.4 ul,...) may get propagated to all following injections. If the injection specific injection volume is an integer value (1,2,3, ... ) this defect does not occur. 

The applied injection volume appears on classical as well as on intelligent reports.

Temporary Solution:

This defect does not affect workflows that do not include injection specific injection volumes. 

When using injection specific injection volumes it is recommended to write the default injection volume to each sequence line (e.g. by using the sequence fill down wizard) and modify the injection volume for those injections where a non-default values should be used.

Fix Information:

This defect is fixed LC/CE driver version A.02.06 introduced with OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.04.  

This driver version can also be installed on top of OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01 with HF05 or later.
The driver and hot fix installation packages are available for download on

KPR#:149844  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.07

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Dua Loop Sampler: ACQ method shows wrong loop with overlap injection


Pre Cond.: Overlapped injection wit overfill by factor with a DL with different loop sizes for upper and lower loop
Consequence: due FW automatism it happens that we will report the wrong loop and the wrong injection volume

Wrong injection volume reported in the case of 2 different loops
(does not make sense in the application).
A logbook entry: 
"Warning: Used injection volume can be different then specified in the method due to different loop size."

Temporary Solution:

no fix

Fix Information:


KPR#:149847  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.07

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Bouncing menu


This happens only if the user manually configures a thermostat along to his already set up sampler in the LC stack.
In this case the revision, serial number and type of the thermostat is not properly propagated to the internal configuration within the LC driver during the DownloadConfigSettings call.
That caused a ping pong situation where the CDS sends the complete configuration to the driver which detects the differences due to the incorrect internal configuration propagation and therefore triggers a new configchanged event. 
To fix this issue, the driver needs to propagate the serial number, revision and type of the manual configured thermostat to the actual configuration after a DownloadConfigSettings.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition - SP2 for LC RC.Net Driver A.02.05 and A.02.06

KPR#:149850  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.06

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Wrong Inj Volume with German settings


The firmware command was not formatted in a correct way on a German system.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition - SP2 for LC RC.Net Driver A.02.05 and A.02.06

KPR#:149852  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.01.04

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

the "edit Wellplate type" could not work in OpenLab ChemStation Edition Japanese .


Within the 'Edit Wellplate' dialog a wrong property was used to validate the wellplate name. This led to an invisible error that prevented the saving of the new definition.
The validation checks if the name only contains ASCII characters. Depending on this the saving of wellplate definitions was only possible on English systems was possible because the property used for the validation is localized and contains non-ASCII characters.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition - SP2 for LC RC.Net Driver A.02.05 and A.02.06

KPR#:149855  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.07

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Wrong Injection Volume using overlapped injection and setting InjVol in sequence table


If an injection volume has been set in the method when using overlapped injection and this volume shall be overwritten by an injection volume in the sequence table, this only works for the first injection. Subsequent injections use the method parameter.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Solved in LC & CE Drivers A.02.08 SP1

KPR#:149863  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.07

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Carry over with dual Loop Sampler: Injection cleaning: Rinse volume not set in Firmware


The application chemists working with preparative LC (MSD) are struggling with carry over from the dual loop sampler G2258A needle from several months now. 
The carry over is about 10 % as can be seen in the next injection chromatogram. 
For example: After washing the needle, the blue dye of the delay time calibrant is still visible on the needle and in the next run. So, injection cleaning does not seem to work. 
ChemStation C.01.05.036 HF1 and drivers A.02.07 have been used.

Was found that the firmware command for rinse volume in injection cleaning is not sent to firmware, so it remains to its default value of zero.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Solved with LC & CE Drivers A.02.08 SP1

KPR#:149880  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.06 SP1

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

For overlapped injections in vial samplers G1313A and G1329A/B, injection volumes and sample locations are not updated synchronously in the status UI


For overlapped injections in vial samplers G1313A and G1329A/B, injection volumes and sample locations are not updated synchronously in the status UI. This means that the second sample of an overlapped injection is drawn up already and the UI displays the injection volume of that sample but still the location of the sample which is currently being analyzed is shown

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

With LC driver A.02.10 the UI displays injection volume and sample location of the sample currrently being analyzed.

KPR#:149940  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.12

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

In OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07 and below, vial positions larger than 50 are not allowed for Vialsamplers G7129A/B


In OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07 and below, vial positions larger than 50 are not allowed for Vialsamplers G7129A/B

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue has been fixed in CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07 SR1 HF1.

KPR#:149941  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.12

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Description in user interface has been improved for Smart Overlap and Overlapped injections


For the Multisamplers G7167A/B and  the Vialsamplers G7129A/B, the description for Smart Overlap and Overlapped Injections has been changed in the user interface from

"Enable Smart Overlap/Overlapped Injection After Period of Time <x> min" 


"Enable Smart Overlap/Overlapped Injection: Draw next sample <x> minutes after injection"

The functionality has not been changed.

Temporary Solution:

not applicable

Fix Information:

not applicable

KPR#:149948  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.12

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

How to handle configuration changes in EZChrom and OpenLAB 2.0


In case of configuration changes like using different multisampler drawer types, changing seat capillaries or doing firmware upgrades, these are sometimes not reflected properly when using OpenLAB CDS EZChrom A.04.05, A.04.06 and OpenLAB 2.0 resulting in potential instrument control problems, e.g. modules staying offline or an abortion of a sequence.

Temporary Solution:

As a workaround, OpenLAB CDS EZChrom/OpenLAB 2.0 has to be closed after modifying the instrument configuration using this functionality of the status dashboard. Then, the instrument auto-configuration has to be repeated using the OpenLAB Control Panel.

Fix Information:

Has been fixed in EZChrom A.04.07. and OpenLAB 2.1

KPR#:149954  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.12

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Older versions of ChemStation cannot handle trays in Vialsamplers G7129A/B with cartesian coordinates


Older versions of OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition (C.01.04 and below) cannot handle vial trays in vial samplers G7129A/B with cartesian coordinates, i.e. wellplate like formats A1.

Temporary Solution:

For such ChemStation versions, please use so-called classic trays with continuously numbered plates (1 to 50 and 51 to 100). These are dedicated plates which can be ordered as G7129-68210 Drawer-Kit 100 x 2ml Vials Classic.

Fix Information:

This issue is fixed for ChemStation C.01.05 and above.

KPR#:149990  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.14

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

G1329A Autosampler tray types are not updated in Thermo Chromeleon


In Thermo Chromeleon software with "Agilent Drivers for Thermo Chromeleon", the tray type is not updated if a tray of a G1329A Autosampler is replaced and if an external tray is configured.

Temporary Solution:

Close the Thermo Chromeleon console. Start the Chromeleon configuration manager. Re-configure the system and manually add the external tray of the autosampler.

Fix Information:

This has been fixed with LC & CE Drivers A.02.15., which will be made available through an upcoming "Agilent Drivers for Thermo Chromeleon" release.

KPR#:149999  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.14

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Sampling diagram has been removed for Infinity II samplers


For previous versions of samplers OpenLAB CDS ChemStation and EZChrom Edition showed a sampling diagram. For Infinity II samplers this functionality has been replaced by the sample entry. 
If the sampling diagram is opened, an empty window is displayed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Use sample entry functionality.

KPR#:150004  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.14

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Do not use instructions Inject, Valve and Remote in injector programs in case of overlapped injections


When using instructions Inject, Valve with parameter "Main Start" or Remote with parameter "Start" in combination with overlapped injections, this may cause a second run start during the initial run. This may result in runs with infinite run times; the dashboard indicates that modules would have completed a run but actually the run continues. Also, several samples may be injected during the same run. 

In the special case of a customer using an injector program which is not intended for the use with overlapped injection, this may result in the injection of a second sample during the same run.

Temporary Solution:

Do not use instructions Inject, Valve and Remote in injector programs in case of overlapped injections

Fix Information:

Since LC driver A.02.16, the combination of these commands with overlapped injections is no longer possible. Runs with such methods will not be started. This may also stop a sequence with such a method.

KPR#:150005  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.15

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Do not change injection method parameters during overlapped injection


Overlapped injection means, that the next sample (injection 2) has already been drawn during the analysis of the current sample (injection 1). It may be possible to change injection parameters like the injection volume or sample location during a run. As the injection of a sample is done by switching the injection valve, changed injection parameters do not affect the injection of a sample, which has been drawn already.

1. The first injection injects 5  sample
2. During this run, 5 µl of the next sample are drawn per overlapped injection
3. The user changes the injection volume to 2 µl
4. After completion of run 1, the second injection is done with 5 µl (which is the sample volume in the needle/sample loop)

However, an injection volume of 2 µl may be reported for the second run, as the method has been changed before the start of this run.

Temporary Solution:

Changing method parameters during the run always carries a risk, as this may interfere with the current instrument status or ongoing chromatography, e.g. changing a gradient composition or flow rate. Use such functionality with care. Avoid using this functionality during overlapped injection. Agilent OpenLAB CDSs allow restricting the access to this feature (change during run) depending on the user role. This restriction is recommended for standard users.

Fix Information:

Driver A.02.16 and sampler firmware D.07.13 prohibit the change of injection parameters during an overlapped injection by aborting that run.

KPR#:150009  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.16

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Under special circumstances, wrong injection volumes may be reported for ChemStation sequences of overlapped injections by the Multisampler


This may be seen when Multisamplers G7167A/B or G5668A are used in overlapped injection mode in ChemStation sequences. If the injection volume (e.g. 2 µl) is set in the sequence table (line 1) and the subsequent line (line 2) in the sequence table does not set a volume, that injection will use the volume of the method (e.g. 5 µl) in line 2, which is the correct behavior. However the report will show the sequence injection volume (2 µl) of line 1 for the method injection volume (5 µl) in line 2, which may be a different volume. If the third line does not set a volume in the sequence table either, the method injection volume has been changed by the sequence. i.e. 2 µl will be injected and reported, while 5 µl would have been the expected volume.

Temporary Solution:

Do not use G7167A, B or G5668A with overlapped injection in combination with a sequence table that sets the injection volume in ChemStation. Either set the injection volume in the method or in all lines of the sequence table.

Fix Information:

This has been fixed in driver version A.02.16.

KPR#:150014  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.16

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

When a method specifies a wash position, that is physically not available, the method will not be sent to the instrument


If a method is used, that specifies a wash position, which is actually physically not available in the current tray configuration (e.g. no tray inserted, tray inserted with different positions or no well-plate assigned), the complete method is NOT sent to the instrument and only a logbook entry is made. 
No error message occurs telling the application/user, that the method was NOT sent to the instrument. When starting a new analysis, this is executed with the previously used method. 

Please consider that the following samplers are NOT affected by this issue: G7167A/B, G5668, G7129A/B, G7157A and G4767A .

Temporary Solution:

Please make sure that the wash position specified in the method is physically available, so that the method can be sent successfully to the instrument.

Fix Information:

This issue will be fixed with driver version A.02.17.

KPR#:350975  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.18-SR1

Keyword: Sampler Driver

One-line Description:

Sampler goes offline in rare cases during run


Affected modules are: G7129A/B/C, G7157A, G7167A/B, G4767A and G5668A.
If the cooler/thermostat is controlled in the method ("Variable temperature mode (method parameter)"), the sampler goes offline in rare cases (depends on timing) with driver version A.02.19. 

Temporary Solution:

Use temperature mode "Constant temperature mode (control setting)".

Fix Information:

The defect is fixed with driver version 3.2.

KPR#:187313  Product:    A.02.19

Keyword: Sampler Method

One-line Description:

Method download fails when cooler is controlled in method


Affected modules are: G7167A/B, G7129A/B/C, G7157A and G4767A with Sampler Cooler installed.
If the cooler is controlled in the method ("Variable temperature mode (method parameter)"), the method download fails with driver version A.02.19. 

This applies only to modules with Sample Cooler (Option #100) installed. Modules with InfinityLab Sample Thermostat (Option #101) installed, are NOT affected. 

Temporary Solution:

Use a driver version prior to A.02.19 or temperature mode "Constant temperature mode (control setting)". 

Fix Information:

The defect is fixed with driver version A.02.19 SR1.

KPR#:778  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.03.01

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Change of sample type during sequence acquisition is ignored


If you change the sample type of a run (that has not yet been executed) of a running sequence, the change in sample type will be ignored.

Temporary Solution:

Change the sample type after the sequence has been completed and reprocess the sequence data.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1514  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.04.03

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

The path to a data file has a limited length


The current path that points to files inside a data folder has a limit of 260 characters.
With a data file name of 18 characters (16 + .d) and the known files inside a data folder the effective length of a data path, including the container name cannot exceed 170 characters.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned

KPR#:1604  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

HeadSpace sequence method will not load when it follows a Valve sequence


The valid vial range is determined by the injection source of the loaded method, not the method in the sequence.

As soon as the HS sequence loads, it fails with:
Invalid location found in FRONT sequence, line 1
There may be others
The Valve method has reloaded which is invalid for this HS sequence

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Ed. C.01.06.

KPR#:1648  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence parameter subdirectory overwrites sample info parameters during run


The sequence parameters (i.e subdirectory, file name, vial location and sample name) overwrites the sample info screen with sequence parameter information during the sequence run only.  

The Sample Info screen goes back to its original settings once the sequence finishes.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1670  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Queue Planner will not run PAL Autosampler sequences that follow a valve


The Queue Planner will not run sequences using methods with different injection sources such as PAL Autosampler and valve.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1725  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sample statistics are not done, when the first compond in the calibration table is not detected.


If the first calibrated compound is not found in the first sample run of a sequence, no sample statistics will be performed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision  B.04.03 SP1.

KPR#:1787  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.01

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

78xx: Sequence stops when pushing the GC STOP key during sequence


Pushing the stop key at the GC keyboard will stop the current run and generate a report but does not continue to the next line in the sequence.  

This occurs beginning on ChemStation version B.04.01 SP1.

In revisions B.03.01 - B.04.01, pushing the stop key at the GC Keyboard would stop the current run and generate a report and continue to the next line in the sequence.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB C.01.06 for 78xx.

KPR#:1822  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence parameters: Changes to Fraction start location ignored


Sequence parameters: Changes to Fraction start location was ignored.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1824  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

After upgrade, Sequence modified flag is set even if no changes are made before reprocessing


Sequence modified flag is activated even if no changes are made before reprocessing for a dual method sequence

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1847  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

C.01.03: Opening the back sequence table, click on a cell, make no changes, and select OK causes headspace sequence to stop


If the sequence table is opened during a running sequence and the user clicks on a cell in the sequence line without making a change and clicks OK, there is a lock placed on the selected sequence line.  The system now waits when it reaches the line where the cell was selected.  The headspace doesn't put a vial in the oven and remains ‘waiting’. The Chemstation never continues past the locked sequence line.

The sequence must be stopped manually or aborted.  The error is not cleared until the chemstation is shutdown and restarted and the GC and headspace hardware are power cycled.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Set up a method on the back injector, B.M
2. Set up a sequence using that method, B.S vials 1-10
3. Start the sequence and wait until the first vial starts processing.
4. Open the sequence and click a cell in the BACK table until you can edit it. (Don't make any changes)
5. Switch to the FRONT sequence table, edit the sample name of the blank line and hit OK

The system is now locked up when it reaches the line on the headspace that was locked.  The system should be waiting for the run to start, but the headspace will say "Waiting".

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in C.01.03 HF08.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1849  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.01

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Opening the back sequence table, click on a cell, make no changes, and select OK causes headspace sequence to stop


If the sequence table is opened during a running sequence and the user clicks on a cell in the sequence line without making a change and clicks OK, there is a lock placed on the selected sequence line.  The system now waits when it reaches the line where the cell was selected.  The headspace doesn't put a vial in the oven and remains ‘waiting’. The Chemstation never continues past the locked sequence line.

The sequence must be stopped manually or aborted.  The error is not cleared until the chemstation is shutdown and restarted and the GC and headspace hardware are power cycled.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Set up a method on the back injector, B.M
2. Set up a sequence using that method, B.S vials 1-10
3. Start the sequence and wait until the first vial starts processing.
4. Open the sequence and click a cell in the BACK table until you can edit it. (Don't make any changes)
5. Switch to the FRONT sequence table, edit the sample name of the blank line and hit OK

The system is now locked up when it reaches the line on the headspace that was locked.  The system should be waiting for the run to start, but the headspace will say "Waiting".

Temporary Solution:

Fix available beginning in:

C.01.05 HF06 (OpenLAB CDS CS KPR: 1871)
C.01.04 HF06 (OpenLAB CDS CS KPR: 1871)
C.01.03 HF08 (OpenLAB CDS CS KPR: 1847)

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1858  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Queue Sequence will not run sequences with different injection sources


Running a 7820 with a 7693 ALS and 7697 headspace.  It is possible to run a strictly ALS and a strictly headspace sequence.  When Queue Sequence is used to run a sequence with an ALS method and then a sequence with a headspace method, the chemstation shows an error about an invalid vial number and will not run.

Running C.01.05 OpenLab and B.01.04 HS control software.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1859  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

No new lines can be added to running sequence when Unique Folder is set to Off


While a sequence is running or paused it is not possible to append new runs, when the Unique Folder option is disabled. Lines can be appended to the sequence table, but it is not possible to select a method. The reason is that the method path points to the folder for the sequence templates.

Temporary Solution:

Use Unique Folder On    or
Stop the running sequence, add lines and continue as partial sequence    or
Copy a suitable method in the Sequence Folder.

This issue is resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.05 HF04.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1862  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

C.01.04 Custom Field Values cleared for back sequence table


In C.01.04, when custom field values are entered from the custom field button within the back sequence table the values are cleared on exiting the dialog.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This defect is fixed in rev. C.01.05 or higher.

KPR#:1864  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Method of front injector incorrectly used for Data Analysis of the back injections when vial conflict occurs


If a GC sequence table defines dual simultaneous runs, the DA of the back injections should be always executed with the method defined by the back injector’s table. When a vial conflict occurs (not in the first sequence line, but in one the following lines), the successive back injections are analyzed with the front injector’s method.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1870  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.04.02

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Well Plate locations are not accepted in offline sequences


In offline sessions of an LC/LCMS ChemStation the sequence table offers by default only the vial range 1-100. It does not accept well plate location like P2-C7.
In order to setup an offline sequence with WPS locations you have to go to the Menu: Instrument>Plate Configuration ....  In the upper left corner you select " Use Wellplate Tray" .

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1871  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Opening the back sequence table, click on a cell, make no changes, and select OK causes headspace sequence to hang


If the sequence table is opened during a running sequence and the user clicks on a cell in the sequence line without making a change and clicks OK, there is a lock placed on the selected sequence line.  The system now waits when it reaches the line where the cell was selected.  The headspace doesn't put a vial in the oven and remains ‘waiting’. The Chemstation never continues past the locked sequence line.

The sequence must be stopped manually or aborted.  The error is not cleared until the chemstation is shutdown and restarted and the GC and headspace hardware are power cycled.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Set up a method on the back injector, B.M
2. Set up a sequence using that method, B.S vials 1-10
3. Start the sequence and wait until the first vial starts processing.
4. Open the sequence and click a cell in the BACK table until you can edit it. (Don't make any changes)
5. Switch to the FRONT sequence table, edit the sample name of the blank line and hit OK

The system is now locked up when it reaches the line on the headspace that was locked.  The system should be waiting for the run to start, but the headspace will say "Waiting".

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in Hotfix 06 for C.01.04 and Hotfix 06 for C.01.05

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:1872  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

No new lines can be added to running sequence when Unique Folder is set to Off


While a sequence is running or paused it is not possible to append new runs, when the Unique Folder option is disabled. Lines can be appended to the sequence table, but it is not possible to select a method. The reason is that the method path points to the folder for the sequence templates.

Temporary Solution:

Use Unique Folder On    or
Stop the running sequence, add lines and continue as partial sequence    or
Copy a suitable method in the Sequence Folder.

Fix Information:

This issue is resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.05 HF04.
The issue will be resolved in the next minor revision.

KPR#:1880  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04 HF02

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Editing of a running online sequence can lock the table cells


It is not possible to edit cells in the sequence table for runs that already have been executed. That is the intended behavior. 
WIth a headspace sampler the editing is also prohibited for cells some runs ahead. This can lead to a situation where seemingly no cells can be edited at all, even for runs that are not yet injected. The selection focus is stuck in row 1.

Temporary Solution:

If you seem to be stuck in the first row, going directly to row 10 or so might not work. Instead select a cell in row 2, then in row 3 and so on, until the focus is released.

Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:1882  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF03

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

With UFC off, sequences will halt the queue


When a sequence with Unique Folder Off (no result set) is acquiring into a subfolder containing data, a warning message will pop up:  "Subdirectory contains already data...." 
When such a sequence is added to the run queue, the warning will pop up at submission, and when the sequence actually arrives at the top of the queue. At this point the dialog box will halt the queue until it is acknowledged.

Temporary Solution:

Use result sets or acquire sequences only in separate subfolders.

Fix Information:

No fix planned.
In the time between submission of the sequence and its execution the situation might have changed. The operator that acknowledged the warning the first time might not accept the second warning.

KPR#:1888  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Selected data path in sequence template is not remembered.


During startup of the software, the most recently used sequence is loaded. Sometime an error message comes up prompting to create subdirectory even after it is already created.
This happens in the following situation:
-the sequence loaded specifies a data subdirectory
-there is more than one data path, but the subdirectory does not exist in the default data path.

Temporary Solution:

Close the dialog with Cancel.

Fix Information:

Fixed in revision C.01.05

KPR#:1915  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence subdirectory not working with unique folder creation OFF for GC


After this first acquisition the used subfolder is no longer listed in the drop down list. When you enter the name of an existing folder, it is not accepted and the sequence is acquired into the data path directly.

Temporary Solution:

The issue is resolved in Hotfix 05 for C.01.05.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1931  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Data files from different sequences can end up in one result set


A situation can occur, where sequence data that should be stored in their own result set can appear in an existing result set, possible overwriting existing data.
The following procedure caused this:
Open the Partial Sequence... dialog and select an existing result set for partial acquisition. The sample selection screen appears. Close this screen by using the x button in the upper right corner or by pressing the Esc key.
This does not properly clean up the process. The next sequence that will be queued will end up in the existing result set that has been selected earlier.

Temporary Solution:

Use the Cancel button to exit the partial sequence dialog when no action is intended.

If the existing and the new sequence have no file names in common, the runs can be divided into two result sets by means of the Create New Result Set... function in the Data Analysis view.
Systems with backend storage allow access to all data files and restoration of the separate result sets can by done manually.
On systems with no versioning and identical file names the newer runs will overwrite the existing runs.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1934  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

CSV sequence import does not validate vial positions


The sample positions of a sequence table are not validated against the hardware configuration, when the sequence is imported as csv file.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:1937  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

The icon for barcode reader does not get active after a sequence is finished


When a sequence runs, the icon in the sequence table  to start barcode reading becomes inactive.
It does, however, not become active again, when the sequence is finished.

Temporary Solution:

Close and open the sequence table.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1940  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Changing the sample type in a running sequence does not activate the Apply button


Normally edits to a running sequences will cause the sequence to pause when the edited line is reached. The edits need to be validated by opening and closing the sequence table.
In C.01.06 an Apply button has been introduced.
Changing the sample type from Sample to Blank does not activate the Apply button.

Temporary Solution:

Change the type from Sample to Calibration. This will activate the Apply button. 
Then change the field to Blank and then apply the change.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1951  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Queue Sequence will not run sequences with different injection sources


Queue Sequence looks at the loaded method to run and will not run methods with varying injection sources. It looks only at .S files.

Temporary Solution:

Queue Planner does not look at the loaded method and can queue up all types of existing sequences (.s, .es) with varying injection sources.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1954  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF04

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

GC/G1888 headspace data is missing or partially missing with ChemStation C.01.05 with HotFix installed (Hotfix 01 – 08)


When using OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.05 (HotFix 01 – 08) with GC/G1888 headspace, the sequence will acquire data for the first run but the rest of the runs are missing data.  In some sequences, data is partially missing from the datafile.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

A fix is provided in headspace software revision B.01.06.

KPR#:1955  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Paste function in Sequence Table does not support Datafile names


Copying sequence table content from e.g. Excel and pasting into the sequence table UI does not fill the cells in the Datafile column.

Temporary Solution:

This is the intended behavior. It is implemented to avoid conflicting or illegal file names.
Empty entries will be interpreted according to the file naming scheme of the sequence. They can also be overwritten manually.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1976  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Methods from different paths are not accepted in Sequences


The browse functionality in the sequence table allows selecting methods from more than one method path. The sequence can, however, not be run.
An error message states that a method cannot be found in the current sequence path

Temporary Solution:

Copy methods to one of the paths, e.g. by loading from one path and Save Method As... into the other path.
Hotfix 02 for C.01.06 addresses this problem.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:1978  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Fill Down wizard increment logic is inverse for 100 vial plates


The sequence fill down wizard, and the append line wizards offer the option to increment vials according to a pattern.
The patterns are vertical columns, horizontal rows and two meandering options. These pattern selections have been designed for well plates.
Sample trays that do not specify the location through columns and rows (e.g. the 100 vial tray of a G1329A) do not follow the pattern. They can still be used, but the pattern reacts differently. 
The vertical pattern will increment inside a row, like 1, 11, 21, 32.,...
The horizontal pattern will increment in columns, like 1,2,3,4,...

Temporary Solution:

If the result was not the expected one, use the Undo function of the sequence table and try the other options. The logic that is used is correctly diplayed.

Fix Information:

No fix planned

KPR#:1979  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequences do not execute all runs when they contain Calibration runs for 10 levels


When a sequence contains Calibration runs assigned to multiples of exactly 10 levels, it will not execute all runs. It will instead finish after ten or fewer runs.
This applies to acquisition of the sequence and to reprocessing.

Temporary Solution:

Add a calibration run to the sequence with a level 11 for the same method. The calibration table does not need the corresponding level.
Addressed with Hotfix 02 for C.01.06.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:1982  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Fraction collection location in the sequence table vanishes


All entries for a fraction collection location (except “Next location”) vanish from the sequence table after clicking OK.
They are still valid (meaning:.the collector does use the correct vessel).

Temporary Solution:

Addressed in Hotfix02 for ChemStation C.01.06

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:1988  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF08

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Client session frozen if user clicks "start" on paused sequence instead of "resume" for a paused sequence


Having a paused sequence, if user unlock its chemStation session, it is possible to click START button (it should be grayed-out) instead of RESUME button. At that moment, client sessions seems to be frozen and the only solution is to contact computer administrator to kill the process from the AIC server and start instrument online session again.

Temporary Solution:

Only use "resume" if you have a paused sequence.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:1991  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Printing Sequence table with old layout shows front injector but actual injector is on back


GC with back injector edited sequence table, the printed sequence old type report will show front inlets table in mistake.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:1998  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence has a Blank Option in Part of the Methods to Run in the Sequence Parameter Dialog


In the [Part of the Methods to Run] dropdown list in the [Sequence Parameters] the list contains a null option in addition to the expected [Acquisition Only] and [Accpording to the Runtime Checklist] options

Temporary Solution:

Selecting one of the valid options and saving the sequence corrects the behavior.

Fix Information:

No fix planned

KPR#:2002  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Entry of Numeric Sample Parameters is Not Allowed for Injections of Sample Type Calibration


For runs with the sample type calibration the following columns can not be used to enter information:
Sample Amount, Multiplier, Dilution, Data File Name, ISTD1-8.

If e.g the sample amount is entered while the run is labeled as Sample, and later the type is changed to calibration, the sample amount cell is cleared.
While technically the Sample Amount is not meaningful for a calibration run, some customers used this cell to store numeric values.
Data File name was never accessible for Calibration runs to avoid conflicts for cyclic calibrations.
The other numeric parameters are also not meaningful for calibration, especially the ISTD amounts. A Multiplier for calibrated compounds is available in the calibration table per compound.

Temporary Solution:

The sample amount can be introduced through sequence input. A csv file with values for sample type and sample amount could be used to populate the cells correctly. Other numeric values of interest can be stored in Custom Fields.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07 and C.01.06 HF03  for the parameter sample amount.

KPR#:2006  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF01

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Message The sequence is already running unbalanced Front/Back injector runs, therefore all remaining runs must be on the ‘Front’ Injector Location. appears


Sequences created in earlier revisions(pre C.01.06) can exhibit different behavior and can pop a message box, which is not an error but will result in the system running the sequence samples in a different order than the customer is used too.

The exact text of the box is as follows:

The sequence is already running unbalanced Front/Back injector runs, therefore all remaining runs must be on the ‘Front’ Injector Location.

To resolve the issues:
Select the injector location column of all remaining sequence lines and type the letter ‘F’ to correct this.

Different behavior in Sequence with dual towers and C.01.06.  Message Sequence is already running unbalanced Front/Back

Temporary Solution:

Inserting a blank run at different points can correct this new behavior.

Fix Information:


KPR#:2007  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

C.01.06 and higher: Sequence template changes are not saved to the \Sequence directory when ‘Unique Folder Creation Off’ is used


Beginning with C.01.06, it is not possible to save changes to a running or completed sequence when using the Unique Folder Creation OFF workflow.  At the completion of the sequence, the original sequence template will not reflect the inserted samples since the original sequence file from the Chem32\1\Sequence folder is automatically reloaded and the changes are cleared.

Temporary Solution:

Use Unique Folder Creation ON which automatically saves any changes to the sequence along with all methods used and all data acquired during the sequence inside the result set stored in the Data directory. The original sequence template is unchanged in the Sequence folder.

Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:2008  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Cannot append a sequence line using copy, paste or append to a sequence running back injector only samples for GC


It is not possible to append a front or back sample to a back only turret sequence (no tray) if using copy, paste or append to add the lines. Selecting OK and Apply do not work; only Cancel releases sequence table.

Temporary Solution:

Use the filldown wizard to add sequence lines.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06 Hotfix03.
Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07.

KPR#:2015  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

C.01.07 Vial range shown as invalid (even though they are valid) when appending sequence lines (no tray used)


Depending on what turret is selected first or is currently running, appending sequence lines to the other turret can show a red X next to the sample location indicating the vial range is invalid.

Temporary Solution:

The error message can be ignored.  Select OK and the new sequence lines are accepted.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR1.

KPR#:2016  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

C.01.07: GC back turret location (no Tray) flagged as invalid in the Filldown Wizard


It is not possible to use the filldown wizard to add lines to the sequence table for the back injector. The vial is shown to be invalid even though it is valid.

Temporary Solution:

Use Copy and Paste to add sequence lines.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR1.

KPR#:2026  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

The Sample Entry Properties do not retain a selected data path


The Sample Entry allows the selection of data paths, if more than one is set up in the preferences.The selected path is not retained and the data are stored in the default data path.

Temporary Solution:

Save the Sample List as a Sequence Template. Change the path in the Sequence Parameters of the template. It can also be modified, while the template is queued.

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.07 SR1.

KPR#:2028  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

“Write barcode to Sample name” does not update the Sample Name in the Sequence table during editing


In Sequence Parameters, select "Barcode reader - Use in sequence" checkbox and select the “Write barcode to sample name” option from combo box.

While the sequence is running samples, the Sample Name field of each line is not updated from the barcode reader. 

If the dialog is cancelled and opened again, the correct values from barcode reader are shown. The sequence table does not get updated while the sequence is running. But the Sample Name values are updated in the background in the _Sequence register.

If other changes are made and Ok is selected, the barcode reader values will be lost.

Temporary Solution:

If the dialog is cancelled and opened again, the correct values from barcode reader are shown.

Fix Information:

Resolved in C.01.06 HF03.
Resolved in C.01.07 SR1.

KPR#:2030  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

C.01.07: Data file name overwritten and changed to OnlineEdited.D when updating sequence table


The data file name is changed/overwritten to OnlineEdited.D if an update is made in the sequence table, such as adding a sample name. The sequence was started and the sequence line was already there.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR1.

KPR#:2031  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF05

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Incorrect message "Sequence is in use by online Session"


A sequence that is currently acquiring in online must not be modified in the offline session. The mechanism is sometimes not properly synchronized. When this happens, a user is also prevented from saving a template that is currently not used for acquisition.

Temporary Solution:

Wait for the online sequence to finish.
Resolved in C.01.06 HF 03
Resolved in C.01.07 SR1

Fix Information:

Resolved in C.01.07 SR2

KPR#:2034  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence table locks if a dialog box is about to open  while current run is completing.


The Sequence table is edited while the current run is finishing.  If the audit trail (in C.01.07) or any other dialog box is about to open at this point in time, the sequence table locks up and all the buttons gray out.  The sequence cannot complete and Task Manager must be used to close ChemStation.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06 Hotfix03.
Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07.

KPR#:2035  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Headspace sequence will not stop or pause from the ChemStation menu


Select Stop Run/Inject/Sequence from the ChemStation menu or from the Sampling Diagram. This shows yellow 'Sequence Stopping//Data Acquisition' but the headspace sequence continues running.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No Fix planned.
The headspace (G1888 or 7697) cannot be stopped or paused from the ChemStation menu. It can/must be paused from the headspace (HS) Status bar ‘Pause Sequence’.

KPR#:2036  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

C,01.06: Samples added to running sequence are named OnlineEdited<counter>.D


When a new sequence line is added during a running sequence, the sequence table will set the data file name to OnlineEdited<counter>.D. The name does not correspond to the usual sample naming schema.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:2037  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Number of samples "Done" count is incorrect under "Hide/show sample information" table


The number of done runs in a sequence is displayed incorrectly.

Temporary Solution:

The progress of the sequence can be viewed in the sequence table.

Fix Information:

Fixed in ChemStation C.01.07.
Fixed in HF03 for ChemStation C.01.06.

KPR#:2048  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

The maximum calibration level of 99 is not enforced


In the sequence table a calibration level with three digits can be entered. The maximum level for calibrations is 99. Entering higher numbers results in an error, but the sequence table does not perform a consistency check.

Temporary Solution:

Do not enter level numbers >99

Fix Information:

Fixed in revision C.01.07 SR2 by not allowing Cal. Level >99 in the sequence table.

KPR#:2054  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

GC Data File naming is limited by the currently loaded method


The sequence parameters allow the specification of separate file name patterns for front and back injections. The currently loaded instrument method limits the available slots. Both pattern slots are only available when the currently loaded method is set for DUAL injections. In all other cases only front or only back name patterns can be defined.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06 Hotfix03.
Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR1.

KPR#:2055  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence rollout no longer possible, after closing first instance


When two sessions are started and the first one is closed, the sequence rollout does no longer work on the remaining session. 
It is not possible to reprocess a sequence or use the sequence preview. Sometimes the session displays an error: Assertion failed.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in C.01.07 SR1
Fixed in C.01.06 HF 03.

Fix Information:


KPR#:2057  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Editing a sequence table during acquisition can cause the software to become unresponsive


Applying a sequence modification during acquisition can cause the system to become unresponsive. This can happen, when the change is submitted at the same time when method parameters are downloaded to the instrument hardware.

The situation has been improved for some situations by implementing a 3 minute time-out.

Temporary Solution:

Wait 3 minutes for the software to accept input again.
Fixed in C.01.07 SR1

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2070  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

C.01.07: GC back turret location (no Tray) flagged as invalid in the Filldown Wizard


It is not possible to use the filldown wizard to add lines to the sequence table for the back injector. The vial is shown to be invalid even though it is valid.

Temporary Solution:

Use Copy and Paste to add sequence lines.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR1.

KPR#:2071  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Data file name overwritten and changed to OnlineEdited.D when updating sequence table


The data file name is changed/overwritten to OnlineEdited.D if an update is made in the sequence table, such as adding a sample name. The sequence was started and the sequence line was already there.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06 Hotfix03.
Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR 1.

A third file naming option has been introduced that defines the file name right before the injection.

KPR#:2074  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Cannot append a sequence line using copy, paste or append to a sequence running back injector only samples for GC


It is not possible to append a front or back sample to a back only turret sequence (no tray) if using copy, paste or append to add the lines. Selecting OK and Apply do not work; only Cancel releases sequence table.

Temporary Solution:

Use the filldown wizard to add sequence lines.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06 Hotfix03.
Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07.

KPR#:2079  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF02

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Resume button for a paused sequence is not active


A sequence that is modified during acquisition will pause as soon as it reaches a modified run. To confirm the modifications and avoid the pause the user can press Apply or OK. OK will close the sequence table.
If the Cancel button is pressed, the modifications were not discarded and the sequence did pause, but the resume button was not activated.

Temporary Solution:

Once the sequence is stuck in Paused state, open the Sequence Table dialog and do some valid change and press Apply or OK button. The sequence will resume with the next run.

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.06 HF03.

KPR#:2081  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF02

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Start position for fraction collection in sequence table is ignored


When the starting location for fraction collection in a sequence table is entered, this is not recognized as a modification. When the sequence is run, the changes in this field are ignored. Typically the default location (1-P1-A-01) is used. The save dialog does not come up.

Temporary Solution:

Use OK or Apply instead of Run or make another modification that triggers the save dialog (e.g setting an unused Multiplier to 1),

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.06 HF03.

KPR#:2083  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF03

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

The Undo function does not undo changes made in dropdown cells


The sequence table has an Undo function that can be used to undo the most recent change to a cell in the sequence table.
It does not cover changes made to a cell with a dropdown menu.
That includes
Method Name
Injection Source
Sample Type
Update RT
Update RF
Autobalance (for LC)

Temporary Solution:

No fix on C.01.06

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.07 SR1.

KPR#:2084  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

ChemStation hangs at the end of a run


While the sequence is running select "Queue Sequence..." and step through the Sequence Table to the Sequence Parameter dialog.  Click on Next in the Sequence Parameter Dialog when the acquisition is almost ready.

While the sequence is rolled out for submission ChemStation sporadically hangs up.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2087  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

ChemStation hangs at the end of a run


While the sequence is running select "Queue Sequence..." and step through the Sequence Table to the Sequence Parameter dialog.  Click on Next in the Sequence Parameter Dialog when the acquisition is almost ready.

While the sequence is rolled out for submission ChemStation sporadically hangs up.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in revision C.01.07 SR1 Hotfix01.

KPR#:2090  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Adding lines to sequence table for Dual GC injection are in the wrong order


For a dual injection sequence, adding lines to sequence table are in the wrong order.

Temporary Solution:

Addressed with Hotfix 05 for ChemStation C.01.06.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2091  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF03

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Duplicating the currently running sequence line can lead to overwriting of data files


The option to use tokens for data file naming in sequence can lead to a situation where data files are overwritten.
The following procedure lead to a situation where a file name had been used twice:

The sequence was paused, the line for the run that just finished was still active.
This line was now copied (Ctrl-C) and pasted into the exact same line. This modification was the applied and the sequence was resumed.
Pasting on the current line resulting in inserting a new line. The current run was pushed down and was executed again, taking its file name with it.
The first injection after Resume wrote into the existing data folder and the original file content was overwritten.

Temporary Solution:

Use the "Insert Line" function to create an empty line and paste on this new line.

Fixed in C.01.06 HF05. Pasting on the current line is no longer possible.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.07. Pasting on the current line is no longer possible.

KPR#:2096  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence stopped for unknown reason; Error 41300 occurred: invalid path shown in logfile


Sequence stopped for unknown reason; Error 41300 occurred: invalid path shown in logfile

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2097  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Incrementing locations does not work well for some samplers


The fill down wizard in the sequence table allows several options to increment location numbers:
Vertical columns, horizintal rows, and vertical or horizontal meandering.
For some samplers like headspace or PAL-3 the incrementation does not correspond well to the graphics for the four options.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix available.

KPR#:2105  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF10 (SP1)

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence hangs


While the sequence hangs, the headspace continues the sequence and triggers an AdHoc/Remote run that does not create a data folder. Further runs are not executing correctly and fail.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:2107  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Copy/paste of  rows in sequence table fails, when sample information contains line breaks


Copying and pasting of a row in the sequence table will fail, when the cell for the Sample Information contains line breaks.
Pasting a row with two breaks (= 3 lines) will have the following result:
Three rows are inserted. The first row contains the first line of the info text as the Sample Information. The other two rows are empty and an error message pops up.
"Paste operation could not be performed at some places because of data mismatch in the list."

Temporary Solution:

Possible ways to work around the issue:

Insert a new line and copy the cells source line without selecting the Sample Information cell. Then copy the content of the sample Information cell separately.
Use the New Lines Wizard to insert or append a row. This feature can handle line breaks, because it does not use the clipboard.

Addressed with Hotfix 05 for ChemStation C.01.06.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2109  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Print sequence template does not show correct parameter for Data file naming


For the Data file naming pattern, the print sequence template does not give the correct setting. It shows prefix counter even if "data file naimg " is selected in sequence parameters.
The sequence information reported in classic sequence summary does not give the correct setting either.

Temporary Solution:

Resolved in Hotfix  05 for C.01.06

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2114  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1 HF01

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Result Set name pattern with trailing or leading blank causes issues; sequence does not start


When trying to start a sequence, the following is shown:  Error writing temporary file while saving to file: C:\\Chem32\\1\\Data\\2015\\DEC\\120115\\120115 \\Methods.Reg (Disk full?) in SeqX_UpdateMethods line 3601 code 16271 at SaveObj

Temporary Solution:

Avoid trailing or leading blanks in Result Set name patterns.

Fix Information:

 Resolved in revision OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2117  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Unable to edit the sequence table while the sequence is running in localized versions.


In Chinese and Japanese versions a running sequence cannot be edited, when a classic LC instrument is configured and the sequence is started via the Start button in the UI.

Temporary Solution:

Start the Sequence via the Run Control menu.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2129  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF02

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence hangs, instrument remains in postrun


When the sequence is running, open the "Change User" dialog box and and leave it open. Sequence will hang up when a run has finished and the next injection is starting.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2141  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sample Overlapped injections not possible with a GC back injector


It is not possible to do overlapped sample injections with a GC back injector.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06 Hotfix 05.
Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2144  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Intermittently, sequence aborts after multiple successful runs without errors


After multiple successful runs, the ChemStation aborts the sequence without any error message in the sequence or run logbook.
The last injection is not in visible in the Data Analysis view.

Temporary Solution:

Addressed with Hotfix 04 for ChemStation C.01.05 SP1.
Addressed with Hotfix 05 for ChemStation C.01.06.
Addressed with Hotfix 01 for ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

Fix Information:

Resolved in revision C.01.07 SR3.

KPR#:2154  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Option to Clear Calibration Curve in Sequences does not work for multiple Calibration runs


A new method setting has been introduced that clears the history of the calibration table. The interactive part of resetting the responses and retention time works as described.
There is also a setting where the first calibration run in a sequence clears the calibration history for all levels.
There is a defect that the calibration curve is cleared for all calibration runs following the first occurrence until the first sample injection.
If there is more than one level in the calibration table, the result is not the one described in the help.

A Replace setting in a sequence table would also clear the history, but one level will be updated at a time. The calibration curves will be composed of new and historic data points, and they will always have the same number of levels.
The new method setting clears all levels and will fill them with values as the calibration runs are executed. So a calibration curve will evolve during a sequence from being level 1 to a level 2, level 3, etc curve. The levels that are not yet populated with new values will be ignored.

The defect is that the curves are cleared with every calibration run, so that after the last calibration the curves are all Level 1 curves. Only the last level is active, which might result in an invalid curve.

Temporary Solution:

The missing levels need to be manually recalibrated from the Data Analysis view. (menu Calibration > Recalibrate..., Replace.
Save the sequence method afterwards and recalculate the samples.

Fix Information:

Fix planned

KPR#:2165  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Partial sequence does not support run-to-run relations


Some sequence functions are not supported by Partial Sequence. This affects Overlap injections, pre-fetch vial and similar high throughput features..

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:2166  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Nested Data folders in Preferences conflict with sequence subdirectories


In the Sequence Parameters users can select one of the data paths configured in the preferences plus one level of subdirectories.
If more than one data path is configured and one path is inside one other path, the following can happen during sequence setup:
The parser for the data path will stop at the first match of the configured paths. If a longer path was intended to be used, the additional subfolders are dropped.

Example: The following paths are configured

The user edits the sequence parameters, selects X:\data\1\survey\ as a path and February as a subdirectory. The Subfolder February is created in the expected location.
The sequence will, however, store X:\data\1\ as a path and Survey as the subdirectory.  This can be seen when the sequence parameters are checked, and this will be the path that is used for acquisition.

Temporary Solution:

Resolved with Hotfix01 for C.01.07 SR2

Fix Information:

Resolved in Revision C.01.07 SR3

KPR#:2176  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Dual injection GC bracketing sequence uses incorrect method for quantitation and reports


GC sequence with dual injection and bracketing on both injectors gives incorrect results.  The closing bracket data analysis is using the incorrect ( back injector method ) to quantify the front bracket samples.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:2180  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06 HF05

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Copy paste operations do not work as expected for locked sequence lines


Run a GC Dual autosampler sequence with Front and Back injector. Pause immediately after two runs are completed. Open the sequence table.  Select both front and back sequence lines that already completed running and select copy and then paste.  Only one line is added to sequence table

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:2189  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF09

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Chemmain.exe crashed unexpectedly during sequence


From the acqusition.svclog file in the Temp folder, sometimes there is a "connection is not open" error. Then at the end of the injection, the sequence log always has: "CP Macro Error in saving the ACQ method parameters “.  The windows log recorded ".NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.5420 - Fatal Execution Engine Error ". An error window appears, then chemstation online session disappears.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

An incorrect pdf printer on the AIC was the problem.

KPR#:100307  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

ChemMain has stopped working, crashed when trying to read barcodes for > 100 samples


Set up a sequence of 150 lines and select all lines to read barcodes which results in 'ChemMain has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Please close the program. Close the program.'  The ChemStation will disappear after selecting close program.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:121987  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Data is not saved for PAL3 Barcoded vials; Barcodes are not written to sample name when specified


Vials are barcoded for PAL3. Software shows pop-up 'RUN.LOG file already opened' after the first injection. This is followed by 'File/Path Error - could not save method' after subsequent runs.
Logbook shows 'Error occurred in PostAcq macro in the call to SaveAcqRes'

No barcodes are written to the sample name. 

This failure does not happen when the barcodes matched the sample name and sequence specified 'Inject anyway on mismatch'.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4.

KPR#:127744  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Write Barcode to Sample Name fails and the sequence does not continue


If the barcode reader option “Write barcode to sample name” is selected in the sequence parameters, the sequence does not continue.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4.

KPR#:135530  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Partial Sequence fails to initialize if the default data folder is not selected


Partial sequence does not initialize when data path is not the default one used for the initial sequence and in combination with a subdirectory and Unique Folder Creation set to "OFF".

Error - initialization of sequence failed

Partial sequence works when using the default data path.

Temporary Solution:

Let the additional data path point to the subfolder in the preferences instead of the sequence parameters.
Switch to Unique Folder Creation on.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:141775  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06,C.01.07,C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sample type specified in the sequence table as 'control' but it is reported as 'sample'


The sequence is run using the GC back injector.  The sample type was specified in the sequence table as 'control' but it is reported as 'sample'. When using the front injector, the sample type is correct. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.06 Hotfix03 and C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:145403  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Performance becomes very slow after deleting sequence lines in which an injection volume value was added


The system performance becomes very slow after deleting sequence lines in which an injection volume value was added.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09

KPR#:148739  Product:    - SBM,From Teamtrack

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Modified sequence needs to be saved


A sequence that is modified while it is active needs to be saved manually. If that does not happen, it will halt the queue. No other queue item will be processed until the changes in the sequence file are saved.

Temporary Solution:

That is the intended behavior. Changes need to be saved. This will not happen silently.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09

KPR#:150620  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2,C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Partial Sequence fails to initialize if the default data folder is not selected


Partial sequence does not initialize when data path is not the default one used for the initial sequence and in combination with a subdirectory and Unique Folder Creation set to "OFF". 

 Error - initialization of sequence failed 

 Partial sequence works when using the default data path. 

Temporary Solution:

Let the additional data path point to the subfolder in the preferences instead of the sequence parameters. 
Switch to Unique Folder Creation on. 

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix 1.

KPR#:160318  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Not ready timeout within sequence parameters no longer available


The "not ready timeout" function was removed from the sequence parameters dialog.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:161847  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

sequence template editing using copy and paste of large sequence tables takes too long


Beginning in C.01.07 SR2, sequence template editing using copy and paste or deleting a line of large sequence tables takes too long.  The sequence "revalidate" each sequence line to check for issues slowing down software. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix 1 and OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 2

KPR#:163945  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2,C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Opening large sequence table takes too long


Beginning in C.01.07 SR2, when opening a large sequence table, the sequence "revalidates" each sequence line to check for issues.  The software becomes very slow and difficult to use. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix 1.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 2.

KPR#:176251  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

User can delete pending samples in run queue when multi selection is done


On a C.01.08 standalone system with enabled secure File IO on and ECM 3.5 back end on Win10,64 Rev. 1703.

If an online running instrument has an active queue with some methods and sequences a user with the privileges "CS operator" and "Instrument user" can log in and add a pause in front of the sequence.This will pause the queue. User can now delete pending samples in run queue by using the "Delete selection" function when multiple items are selected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:182210  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Run Queue will abort if sequence uses different method with custom fields


The Run Queue will abort if the sequence uses a different method with custom fields.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:187826  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence Template (ChemStation\1\Sequence) does not match sequence that was saved with data set


While the sequence is running, the “Save Sequence Template” is available from the Sequence menu dropdown to save the Sequence Template, which is confusing to users since it does not save the Sequence Template.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

When a sequence is running, modifications made to the Sequence Template are saved automatically in the result set sequence file.

The “Save Sequence Template” available from the Sequence menu dropdown is now grayed out.

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09

KPR#:200061  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Reprocessing very large result set fails to upload to Content Management (CM) with error message 


Reprocessing very large (1500 runs) result set, upload to CM fails and goes to upload queue with error message "The number of entries is 65535 or greater. Consider setting the UseZip64WhenSaving property ... 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10.

KPR#:202056  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Renaming a sample name in Sequence Table does not update the sample name in File Information


After renaming a sample name in the Sequence Table, the sample name is not updated in File Information for all detector signals in the Signal list box except for the first detector signal.

This issue is limited to the user interface and does not affect reports used for result approval. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10.

KPR#:206905  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Running sequence aborts while scheduling another sequence


While the sequence was running, scheduled additional sequences. The running sequence suddenly stopped and showed an error in run.log:

CP Macro ======================================== 18:38:10 06/26/18
70 41e0 5b326bf2 0
CP Macro In Command CFSeq2DF in macro CF_TransferCFsT> 18:38:10 06/26/18
70 41e0 5b326bf2 0
CP Macro oDatafile 18:38:10 06/26/18
70 41e0 5b326bf2 0
CP Macro at line 101 in file C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\A> 18:38:10 06/26/18
70 41e0 5b326bf2 0
70 41e0 5b326bf2 0
CP Macro \SIG_METHOD.MCX 18:38:10 06/26/18
70 41e0 5b326bf2 0
CP Macro Error 999 occurred: 18:38:10 06/26/18
70 41e0 5b326bf3 0
CP Macro Exception in command 'CFSeq2DF' occurred! 18:38:11 06/26/18
70 41e0 5b326bf3 0
CP Macro ======================================== 18:38:11 06/26/18

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 2.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09.

KPR#:222874  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Pipe character "|" is removed from sequence table fields


When entering a pipe character "|" in the sample name or sample description field of the sequence table it will be converted to a Space character when leaving the edit field.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.09 Update 1 and C.01.10

KPR#:250899  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Not able to print the report to the screen and to a file at the same time during a sequence run


If print report to the screen and to a file is selected and a sequence run is acquired, only the file will be generated. In this case no report will be printed to the screen. 
The suppression of print previews is done for performance improvements in client/server environments.

Temporary Solution:

In order to allow both reporting channels simultaneously the ChemStation.ini file needs to be modified by adding following key:


This change MUST NOT  be applied to AICs due to the increased load of the RDP session resulting from repeated screen updates. 
If you experience performance and stability issues with plenty of open report preview windows open on a workstation, it is suggested to remove the modification from the ChemStation.ini  file.

Fix Information:

There is no design change planned.

KPR#:295239  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence Table cannot be closed after clearing errors


A sequence was created for one sampler type.  After loading this sequence, a different sampler type was selected with different sample positions, the sequence table showed several errors.

After deleting the rows containing the errors using the "Delete Lines", it is not possible to close the sequence table.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.10 Update 1

KPR#:341079  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence won't abort with the mismatch barcode vial containing calibration samples


In Sequence parameters, enable barcode reader, check "On mismatch, don't inject".  When the mismatch barcode vial is detected for a Calibration sample type, it does not abort the sequence.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in C.01.10 Update 1

KPR#:341084  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

No overlap observed between sequential front injection and back injection


The first vial is the front injection location and the second vial is on the back-injection location.  Running a sequence using an overlap method, there is no overlapped observed between the front autosampler and the back autosampler.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:351385  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Reprocessing very large result set fails to upload to Content Management (CM) with error message 


Reprocessing very large (1500 runs) result set, upload to CM fails and goes to upload queue with error message "The number of entries is 65535 or greater. Consider setting the UseZip64WhenSaving property ... 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 and Update 2 for C.01.09.

KPR#:360927  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Run queue injection location does not match sequence table of pending runs when dual blank run is the first run


The runs under a sequence in the run queue display are populated when the sequence is submitted. For a dual injection sequence (GC with two injectors) that has a run with blank location in back and front, the list of runs is not generated correctly.

The Injection location of pending runs does not match the sequence table when a dual injection blank run is the first run.

The run queue does not represent the correct vials until it is in the running or completed status. Note, the GC Status shows correctly which vials will be injected.

This is a display issue only. The hardware injects the correct vials and the sequence completes as expected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.10 Update 3

KPR#:370254  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08,C.01.10

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Manual integration done on the Front data are showing up in the RUN.log for the back data file after reprocessing


After acquiring a two-channel GC sequence, the data set will contain separate folders for the two signals, for example 001F0101.D and 002B0101.D. Each data file contains an audit trail in the Run.Log file. Changes to each injection, for example manual integrations, are correctly stored in the appropriate Run.Log. However, when the sequence is reprocessed (menu > sequence > start reprocessing), the manual integration done on the front data file are showing up in the RUN.log for the back data file.  

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. Update 3.

KPR#:371040  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Deadlock when closing Sequence Table user interface


Deadlock can occur when closing Sequence Table user interface.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 1. 

KPR#:371069  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Post-Sequence command was active, not executed


In the sequence parameter dialog is a check box that allows to enable the execution of a custom command and a control to select or setup the custom command to be executed. If the xml representation of the custom command (display name + execution string + xml tags) is longer than 300 characters, the command will not be executed even if execution is selected. The user gets no information that this has happened in logbook or report.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. 

KPR#:375252  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence table that contains a Manual injection with blank vial location aborts sequence 'due to an error'


From the sequence table for any method, select Manual Injection Source and leave the vial location empty. The sequence aborts. Logbook shows 'x.S terminated due to an error'.

If a value is entered in the vial location, the sequence waits for Start button press.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:388820  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Fraction collector start field is not populated using a CSV imported sequence 


When importing a csv file to generate a sequence it is done without an error, but the fraction collector start field is not populated (it still just states "Next location"). 

Also, the wellplate assignment is lost when a new sequence is created. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 3.

KPR#:388823  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Fraction collector start field is not populated using a CSV imported sequence


When importing a csv file to generate a sequence it is done without an error, but the fraction collector start field is not populated (it still just states "Next location").

Also, the wellplate assignment is lost when a new sequence is created.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09 Update 2.

KPR#:484053  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Screen refresh issue in the sequence table, far right columns show dark gray wipe over when edited


When the sequence table is scrolled to the right, the fixed, first 2 columns stay visible.  By setting focus with a mouse click in any cell such as data file, then a dark gray wipe over the screen to the bottom of the table happens.

Temporary Solution:

The recommend workflow is to use the column chooser to hide all the sequence table columns that are not relevant. In most of the cases, the scrollbar can be avoided and the table can be filled in more efficiently. 

Fix Information:


KPR#:665860  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Unable to 'View Original Sequence' using data acquired from an earlier software revision


The following error is shown in command line when selecting “Sequence - Sequence Audit Trail - View Original Sequence” using data acquired in earlier software revision:

Couldn't start job!
above 'BeginJob' execution error can be ignored, recovery will occur now

View Original Sequence works with sequences acquired with C.01.10, but it is not possible to see the original sequence with data acquired with C.01.09 or C.01.07 SR2. 

Temporary Solution:

The .START file can be renamed to .S and the initial sequence can be loaded. However, this workaround won't work with Secure File I/O enabled. 

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:789186  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11 Update 01

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

ChemStation freezes if user clicks on start sequence button instead of resume when sequence is paused


Start Sequence Button is not disabled when the sequence is paused.  Selecting the Start Sequence Button when the sequence is paused submits a new sequence to the run queue.  The sequence remains paused and the validation of the second sequence seems to be paused too. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 02.

KPR#:1035810  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11 Update 02

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Run Queue user interface does not correctly update when a running sequence is modified


When a running sequence is modified, no change notification is received by the run queue user interface. The run queue does not update according to the change.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 03.

KPR#:1048772  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07,LTS 01.11

Keyword: SEQ

One-line Description:

Sequence Parameters not in ACAML file if sequence crashes


If the sequence crashes during the first run, the Sequence Parameters/Sequence Comments are not stored in the ACAML file.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 03.

KPR#:1996  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: SEQ , ACQ

One-line Description:

A missing vial error in an LC system with two samplers can be irrecoverable


An LC system with two autosamplers can be configured, but it is vulnerable to missing vial errors. Rules and Alerts on such an instrument cannot be configured to handle a missing vial in a sequence. The sequence stays in a RUN state but does not continue.

Temporary Solution:

Abort the sequence and restart the online session.
Be extra careful to have all the required vials in place.

Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:2098  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: SEQ , Custom Fields

One-line Description:

Custom Field values can be accessed during acquisition of a sequence.


It has been observed that the custom field dialog in a sequence is accessible for runs that have already been acquired. This si not the intended bahaviour.
During acquisition the sequence lines that have already finished should not be editable. They are locked. The tables for the corresponding custom fileds are not locked and can be edited. 
These modification are, however, not pertained. The user assumes that the modifications are accepted, but they are not.

Temporary Solution:

Apply the modified values during a reprocessing step.

Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:1973  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Spectra Analysis

One-line Description:

Overlaid spectra are not properly displayed


The window that displays overlaid spectra does not work accurately in normalized display mode. The maximum points of the individual spectra are not at the same level.

Temporary Solution:

Addressed in hotfix 09 for C.01.05.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:2069  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Spectra Analysis

One-line Description:

Incorrect message: No spectra available in data file


The interactive spectral analysis of spectra fails under certain conditions.
If more than 9 traces (chromatograms and instrument curves together) are loaded and only the chromatogram is selected from the combo box, the spectra are not correlated with the chromatogram.
Using the Select Spectrum tool results in an error message: No spectra available in data file!

Temporary Solution:

Reduce the number of instrument curves from the Report menu or select "All Loaded SIgnals" from the combo box.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2156  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: Spectra Analysis

One-line Description:

Data points of UV spectra can carry inaccurate wavelength values


It can happen that data with UV spectra do not load into the Isoabsorbance plot .
The cause have been several rounding steps in the data transfer from hardware to software. Typically the difference is small for the starting wavelength, but can accumulate  for the end wavelength.
For example a spectrum with the expected range
 from 200 to 400 with step 2 nm
can result in values...
from 199.95 to 394.95 with step 1.95 nm. 
Since the end value is calculated by start value + step wdth * steps, the small difference of 0.05 nm is applied one hundred times.

While the total difference might still seem small, it can lead to the situation that the Isoabsorbance Plot will not open.

Temporary Solution:

Addressed in Hotfix 01 for ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.
The fix will provide correct raw data. It does not fix the problem that inaccurate data are not accepted in the Isoabsorbance Plot.

Fix Information:

Fixed in revision C.01.07 SR3.

KPR#:343647  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Spectra Analysis

One-line Description:

Load Signal dialog fails to load spectra because of case sensitive name comparison


When OpenLab CDS 2.x exported UV spectra is loaded into ChemStation, the Load Signal dialog in ChemStation fails to load the .UV spectra file due to case sensitive string comparison.  

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

A fix for this problem is implemented in C.01.10 Update 3 but it does not resolve all problems in this area. 

KPR#:406883  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: Spectra Analysis

One-line Description:

No Spectra within peak available when OpenLab CDS 2.x exported UV spectra is loaded into ChemStation


When exported OpenLab CDS 2.x data is loaded into ChemStation, the spectra .UV file is not usable and shows up with nonsense spectra or at times with no spectra found at all.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue is fixed in OpenLab CDS 2.6.

KPR#:117797  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  - SBM,From Teamtrack

Keyword: Uitilities

One-line Description:

No sample name for imported  AIA


Imported AIA to OpenLAB CDS Chemstation C.0106 and C.0107, the report does not show the sample name.  For MT Chemstaion B version, it works fine for same AIA file.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09

KPR#:158465  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: Uitilities

One-line Description:

RegisterCS.bat is not working with C.01.08 default path


While running registerCS.bat, no registration in OpenLAB Shared Services will happen. 

You will receive following message in command prompt: ‘C:\Program’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

The reason for this behavior is that the new installation path for the ChemStation now contains spaces 
C:\Program Files (x86) 
which was not the case before 

Temporary Solution:

To fix this issue, you have to modify registerCS.bat manually. 

Use Notepad to edit the RegisterCS.bat file. 

1.   On computers with User Access Control enabled, you will need to open Notepad as an Administrator by right-clicking on the Notepad program and select Run as Administrator.  

If you do not Run as Administrator, you will not be able to save your changes.

2.     From Notepad, navigate to the RegisterCS.bat file found under C:\Program Files (x86)\Agilent Technologies\ChemStation\CORE.

3.     Edit the last line by adding two quotation mark characters ( “ ) as in the example below: 
Change     %~dp0\RegisterCSData.exe     to    "%~dp0\RegisterCSData.exe"
The last line appears like this:
"%~dp0\RegisterCSData.exe" /URL=%LOGON_URL% /User=%LOGON_USER% /Password=%LOGON_PASSWORD% /Add %AIC_MODE%
4.     Save RegisterCS.bat file.  

5.     Run the registerCS.bat file to register the new PC name.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 1.

KPR#:731  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.02.01 SR2

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Error Fetching CP Variable observed sometimes when starting the chemstation


Occasionally, when the ChemStation is started or shutdown, these errors are observed:

 “FetchCPVar  Cannot talk to Application”

 “Error Fetching CP Variable   _GUIFInjUpperVial”

 “Error Fetching CP Variable   _GUIBInjLowerVial”

  “Error Fetching CP Variable  _GUIBInjUpperVial”

Temporary Solution:

It seems to be some timing issue during startup when the Sampling and Instrument diagrams are enabled in the software.

The workaround is to turn off all sampling diagrams and instrument diagrams in all 3 views of Method&Run Control, and then shut down and re-start the Chemstation.

It should be possible to turn the views back on after startup.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1574  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.01

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

OpenLAB Control Panel does not prevent connecting to an instrument already  in use


With "Fast User Switching" enabled in Microsoft Windows, a user B can connect to an instrument started by user A in a different user session.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fast User Switching must be disabled in Microsoft Windows.

KPR#:1577  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.01

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Slow performances observed while loading datafiles when a networked  printer is not accessible


When a networked printer set a default printer is not responding, the ChemStation user interface may become slow when loading datafilles or when changing the scaling mode.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1583  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.01

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Additional information about the [ChemStation:Sequence][Save Sequence] privilege


When the "Save Sequence" privilege is granted to a user, this user will be able to create and save Sequence Template(s) or Easy Sequence Template(s). 

Without this privilege, the "Save Sequence" and "Save Sequence As..." menus will be greyed out. In addition, the "Easy Sequence Setup" tab will not be visible. 
It is also intended that users will be able to use the "Save Easy Sequence", "Save Easy Sequence as..." and  "Save and Add to Queue" buttons from within the Easy Sequence tab.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.06.

KPR#:1644  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

PAL Sampling diagram always shows 'Vial Status: Normal' for every vial


The tooltip over any circle (vial) in the CTC PAL Sampler Sampling Diagram reads ‘Vial Status: Normal’, no matter what its real status is.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1674  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.02

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Graphic artifacts/software crashes caused by graphic settings


Several problems have been observed on various ChemStation revisions that were the result of one common cause: Video settings that were adjusted for best appearance can cause graphic artifacts and can even cause the ChemStation software to crash.

Temporary Solution:

Adjust the display settings for best performance rather than for best appearance. This will free resources and prevent video artifacts from anti-aliasing or filtering attempts by the video driver.

The procedures below refer to Windows Classic screens and Control Panel in Classic View.

The following steps are recommended depending on the operating system:

Windows XP

1) Go to Start > Control Panel > System. On the Advanced Tab press the settings button in the Performance section. Under Visual Effects select "Adjust for best performance". Press the OK button.
2) Go to Start > Control Panel > Display. On the Settings tab press the Advanced button. On the Troubleshooting tab set the slider for Hardware acceleration to None. Press the OK button.

Windows Vista and Windows 7

1) Go to Start > Control Panel > System. Select Advanced system settings. On the Advanced Tab ress the Settings... button in the Performance section. Under Visual Effects select "Adjust for best performance". Press the OK button.
2) Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools. Select Services. Right click on the Desktop Window Manager Session Manager. In the context menu select Properties. Stop the service. Set the startup type to Disabled. This disables the Aero-Glass look.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1682  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.03

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

7890A, 7820A missing sampling diagram when only a rear injector is installed


7890A, 7820A has an injector on the back.  The sampling diagram is not shown when there is only a back injector (no front injector or tray).

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

 Fixed in revision B.04.03 SP1.

KPR#:1745  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Finish Queue Sequence Help is hidden behind dialog


Create a native sequence table; select RunControl\Queue Sequence... and walk through the sequence dialogs to get to the 'Finish Queue Sequence' dialog. Select Help from the button. Help opens but is hidden behind all the windows and will not come in front of the Finish Queue Sequence dialog.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1746  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Sampling diagram for 68xx Classic driver appears, but if selected and reselected, disappears; also when switching betw Meth&Run and DA


Connect to a 68xx Classic driver instrument. The old sampling diagram is correctly displayed in the top to bottom column. Select View\Sampling diagram to make it go away, then select again to make it reappear. Only the column reappears. The turret or tray display is not shown again in that session.

If the user starts the ChemStation in online the sample turret and run start button are shown in Method and run control. But after the user goes to Data Analysis and back to Method and Run Control the turret picture and start button disappear.

Temporary Solution:

Close and reopen the chemstation session and the turret displays again.

The RC.NET driver does not have this problem.  The user can use the RC.NET driver.  Record the IP address, delete the 68xx GC and then add it back again using the RC.NET driver.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1764  Product:ChemStation  ChemStation (G2070BA)  B.04.01

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Run-time error ‘282’: No foreign application responded to a DDE initiate


Run-time error ‘282’: No foreign application responded to a DDE initiate

Temporary Solution:

It seems to be some timing issue during startup when the Sampling and Instrument diagrams are enabled in the software.

The workaround is to turn off all sampling diagrams and instrument diagrams in all 3 views of Method&Run Control, and then shut down and re-start the Chemstation.

It should be possible to turn the views back on after startup.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1815  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

OLCDS Chemstation - No warning before taking over session for DA (data analysis only) instruments.


For DA (data analysis) only instruments, While taking over the session, no warning message pops up. This creates problems the session is lost in the middle of work.

Temporary Solution:

C.01.04 HF05
C.01.05 HF03
The fix adds the user that owns an offline session to the instrument overview in control panel. Now it is evident that an offline (or DA only) session is in use.

Fix Information:

Fixed in C.01.06.

KPR#:1852  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Display of connected user is not updated after user switch


When a user change is performed from the User menu in the ChemStation, the connected user is not correctly updated in the Control Panel. Changing the user from the Control Panel worked.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in C.01.03 HF 09
Fixed in C.01.04 HF 05
Fixed in C.01.05 HF 03

Fix Information:

Fix planned for revision C.01.06.

KPR#:1874  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04 HF04

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Takeover without privilege can result in a locked session


What happens in the following situation in a distributed system?

User Ted leaves a ChemStation session open and locks it privately.
User Todd launches the same instrument on his client. . He has the privilege for session takeover, but lacks the privilege to break a session lock. The latter is required to log on to a privately locked session.

Ted's session is terminated on his client.
Todd's session starts with the logon dialog. His privileges do not allow him to actually logon. The session on his screen is locked. He cannot disconnect from it nor return it to Ted.

Temporary Solution:

Ted can actively take back his session. Even without the privileges for Takeover and Break Lock. Since Todd never logged in, Ted is still the owner of the session and can take it back on his client. He might need to wait two minutes after Todd's takeover attempt.

Fix Information:

This behaviour is the intended outcome for this combination of privileges.

KPR#:1877  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.03

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

OpenLAB CDS client: Scrambled user interface after unlocking locked Windows session


Distributed OpenLAB CDS ChemStation systems may suffer from the graphics following problems on the client side:

After unlocking a Windows a lock on the client PC, the maximized ChemStation windows gets shifted by appr. 5x5 pixels to the right and the bottom of the screen. In this situation the update of the ChemStation remote application window does not result in satisfying graphics:

-   Zoom function of ChemStation does not show the rectangle you would use to define the zoomed are. Zooming is still working well
-  Letters of peak annotations and axis annotations are incomplete
-  Chromatogram and baseline might be incomplete
and more.

This problem does not occur if the ChemStation window was not maximized at the time when the Windows client PC was locked. It it also not reproducible if the Windows task bar is set to "auto-hide"
The problem is triggered by re-drawing the Windows task bar after un-hiding it or after un-locking a locked Windows client.

Temporary Solution:

The problem can be prevented by manual adjusting the remote ChemStation window to the screen size, rather than maximizing the window.
If the problem occurs, the content of the remote application window can be easily refreshed by minimizing and then maximizing the affected window.

Note:  This solution does not apply to KPR#: 1768 of the OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition product.

Fix Information:

There is currently no fix avaibale.

KPR#:1886  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Several dialogs are not usable with screen resolutions higher than 100%


When the screen resolution is increased to a setting higher than 100% several dialog boxes are missing information, text is truncated and some buttons are not accessible.

Temporary Solution:

Leave the settings at 100%

Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:1947  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Zoom range of chromatogram is not used when a new file is selected.


When a zoom range is selected on a file, the scroll bars allow to move across the full time range of a chromatogram while the zoom is kept.
When another file is selected, the current zoom window is applied, but the scroll bars are no longer active.

Temporary Solution:

Maximize the view and zoom in again for every file.
Fixed In C.01.05 SP1.

Fix Information:


KPR#:1981  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Pasting selected cells into a sequence table omits empty cells


The sequence table supports copy and paste from inside the sequence table and from outside sources. When a selection of cells is pasted and one or more cells have no content, the empty cells will be collapsed. So the intended assignment does not match the rows.

Name1                                                      Name1
Name2                                                      Name2
                             will be pasted as        Name3
Name3                                                      Name4


In this example 6 cells are copied, but only 4 are pasted.

Temporary Solution:

Addressed in Hotfix 01 for C.01.06

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:1984  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Chinese/Japanese ChemStations: Scrollbars in Partial Sequence Dialog not fully functional


The Partial Sequence dialog in Chinese or Japanese ChemStations has a limitation. The Scrollbars do not allow scrolling all the way down, so some of the lines in a sequence cannot be selected.

Temporary Solution:

This issue is resolved in OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.07 SR1 and in HF 03  for OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.06.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2005  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05 HF09

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Browse method button unavailable in offline sequence table


It has been observed that no Browse option was available in the method column in the sequence table. This happened once after an additional method path has been added in preferences. While the option was present in online, it was missing in offline.

Temporary Solution:

Delete the file Conf_off.reg from the instrument folder, while both sessions are closed.

Fix Information:

No fix planned

KPR#:2033  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.06

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

With Unique Folder OFF a running sequence cannot be loaded in Data Analysis view


A sequence currently being acquired shows in the Navigation tree as (in progress).
Result sets can be loaded by double clicking the item in the navigation tree. The runs that are already finished will load in the navigation table.
Sequences that are acquired with the Unique folder Off setting (non-result sets) are not always loading that way.

Temporary Solution:

Load the data files from the menu one by one (File > Load Signal...)
Collapse and expand the data path node in the navigation tree. This might need to be repeated after another run finished.

Fix Information:

Fixed in ChemStation C.01.07.

KPR#:2043  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

For single runs, the vial is not displayed in white in the sampling diagram


For single runs, the vial specified in the Sample Info dialog box is not displayed in white color in the sampling diagram before starting the run.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:2060  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Sequence Parameters grayed out in LC sequence context menu


During sequence acquisition the context menu does not allow access to Sequence Parameters... 
The Parameters can be viewed from the Sequence menu. 

The intended behaviour is that the Parameters can be viewed, but not edited during acquisition.

Temporary Solution:

Use the Sequence menu.

Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:2153  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Zooming out of the active window can set the focus to the negative time range


Using the zoom out function is supposed to set the view back to the state before the last zoom in.
It can happen that a view without a chromatographic signal appears, because the section of the time axis is before the start of the run, in the negative time range.

This happens after one or several zoom in steps, when the zoom rectangle is dragged all the way to the right border of the time range. Zooming out (by double clicking or by using the icon) will result in a view with the focus outside of the signal range. One or more zoom out actions will finally result in the full signal, as specified in the Signal Options.

Temporary Solution:

Avoid touching the right border of the signal view when zooming in.

Fix Information:

Fix planned

KPR#:2182  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Start and abort buttons on the override GC start dialog box are available when session is locked


Even though the ChemStation is locked, the start and abort buttons on the override GC start dialog box are available.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR3.

KPR#:105359  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Sample Entry User Interface does not update MultiSampler Layout


Changes applied to the "wellplate assignment" within the Sample Entry User Interface is not transferred to the actual autosampler layout. The configuration is only "read" and does not "write" back. 

ADDITIONALLY: Invalid drawer combinations (e.g. 1H drawer with 6-vial tray) can be configured – the Wellplate Assignment tool reports the incompatibility.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:106507  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Create instrument shortcuts missing Chinese and Japanese systems


There is no "create shortcuts" icon for the instrument in Agilent Control Panel of C.01.07 SR3 in Chinese and Japanese systems.  English systems are not affected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4.

KPR#:128630  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  - SBM,From Teamtrack

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Injection info not available and Sample "Location" or "Sampling Diagram" are not updated when running an FIA Method


When an LC/MS FIA method is running, it is difficult to determine how many injections have been made, and how many injections remain.  The Vial position information is updated in the ALS graphical user interface, but the Sample "Location" field and "Sampling Diagram" graphical user interface are not updated.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:130832  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

After time based lock, ChemStation hangs when trying to unlock


Under specific circumstances such as a deployment with Citrix in combination with ECM, a locked ChemStation instance cannot be unlocked. The login window does not disappear and the login process hangs.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4.
Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

The login dialog is no longer based on .NET framework and has been replaced by a new dialog based on Windows SDK functions.  

KPR#:132001  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

After time based lock, ChemStation hangs when trying to unlock 


Under specific circumstances such as a deployment with Citrix in combination with ECM, a locked ChemStation instance cannot be unlocked. The login window does not disappear and the login process hangs. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4. 
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08. 

The login dialog is no longer based on .NET framework and has been replaced by a new dialog based on Windows SDK functions. 

KPR#:135644  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Sample diagram for G1329B is blank when system is configured as type LCMS


The sampling diagram doesn't populate with vial locations on a LCMS system.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:140355  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3 Point Patch 02

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

“The target path is invalid” error message is displayed when no privilege to upload files to ECM


If there is no privilege to upload files to ECM, the error message displayed,  “The target path is invalid” is incorrect.

The error message should be "Missing required privileges".

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10.

KPR#:146183  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Locked sessions appear unresponsive when minimized and cannot be accessed, must end processes


When all the ChemStation sessions are minimized and locked, the login screen does not always show up on the screen and the user cannot unlock the session and the sessions stay minimized.  The sessions appear unresponsive and frozen and cannot be accessed.

Right-click on the minimized session can result in a chemmain.exe crash.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:148467  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3,C.01.08,C.01.07 SR4

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

ChemStation crashes when locking or unlocking session with ECM authentication in C.01.07 SR3, SR4, C.01.08 


ChemStation crashes when locking or unlocking session with ECM authentication.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix 1.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 1.

KPR#:149082  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Frequent ChemMain.exe crash or hang when unlocking sessions that were minimized in Windows Taskbar


The show desktop icon (AKA "minimize all windows") button was used to minimize all Chemstation sessions to find the session to unlock from the taskbar.  Right-clicking to open a session or clicking to open a session frequently caused chemmain.exe crash or unresponsive session.  Also, can happen after mouse click for method editing, sequence running or stopping or method saving.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix 1.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:149911  Product:LC and CE Drivers  RC 1200.NET  A.02.09

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Time table graph of UV Detector ends before run time of system


If no explicit stop time has been set for a detector with time table entries defined, the time table graph in OpenLab CDS Chemstation Edition may not show all of the time table entries. This is a display issue only. Measurements are carried out correctly as defined.

Temporary Solution:

Define a stop time in the method UI of the module whose time table entries are not shown correctly in the Time table graph. Setting a stop time will extend the display's time range and the information will be displayed correctly.

Fix Information:

No fix planned. 

KPR#:150246  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Sample Entry User Interface: Injection volume shows warning after updating location


A sequence was created with two lines in ChemStation on a specific sampler layout.  The layout of the sampler was changed in such a way that the previously chosen locations no longer exist. When opening the sequence template in the Sample Entry User Interface, the locations are transferred into VOID locations and the injection volume shows a warning as well.  The locations are now fixed in the sample entry user interface, the injections volumes stay with the warning.

Temporary Solution:

In order to remove the warning, the injection volume must be re-typed.

Fix Information:


KPR#:160280  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3,C.01.07 SR4

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

ChemStation crashes when locking or unlocking session with ECM authentication in C.01.07 SR3, SR4


ChemStation crashes when locking or unlocking session with ECM authentication.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 01.

KPR#:168139  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3,C.01.07 SR4

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Locked sessions appear unresponsive when minimized and cannot be accessed, must end processes


When all the ChemStation sessions are minimized and locked, the login screen does not always show up on the screen and the user cannot unlock the session and the sessions stay minimized. The sessions appear unresponsive and frozen and cannot be accessed. 

 Right-click on the minimized session can result in a chemmain.exe crash. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix 1.

KPR#:168367  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Dashboard Buttons disabled when starting a run with Edit Integration Events UI open


When a run or sequence is started with the Edit Integration Events user interface open, the Pause/Stop buttons will not be enabled.  

Temporary Solution:

Restart ChemStation to enable the buttons.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 03.

KPR#:168842  Product:    ECM XT v2.3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

PDFs Which Include Localized Characters Can Appear Garbled in Web UI Previews


PDFs containing localized characters can appear garbled when viewed through the Web UI preview screens.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The PDFs can be downloaded and viewed through any PDF reader application.  They will show up correctly.

KPR#:178249  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Method used during reprocessing changed for no reason


If the Calibration Table is open and accidentally edited during reprocessing (or there is a switch to the integration task before reprocessing), the change in the calibration table will immediately affect the successive data analysis runs.  The results will be wrong.

Temporary Solution:

Do not touch the keyboard during reprocessing or switch to the integration task before reprocessing the sequence.  

Reprocess the sequence and the results will be correct.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09

KPR#:180338  Product:    ECM XT v2.3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

First time login to the Content Management Web UI can take up to 60s


After a reboot of the server or a restart of the services, login in to the Content Management Web UI can take up to 60 seconds. This is mainly caused by the Access Control List and permissions checks on repository objects required to build the dashboard.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned for this issue.

KPR#:196708  Product:    C.01.08 Update 01

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Deadlock occurs when dialog box is open while sequence is finishing


In case the open dialog box stays open while the sequence is finishing this will lead to a deadlock situation, resulting in inactive menu items.

Temporary Solution:

Avoid the open dialog box during finishing of the sequence.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09
and resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 2

KPR#:298860  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.09

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Sample Name is not displayed on the 8890 display


The sample name is not displayed on the 8890 display.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in GC driver version 3.2.183 included in C.01.10 Update 3 media.

KPR#:303876  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Data displayed in sequence table is not consistent with navigation table


The sequence table on line 10 shows "OnlineEdited-010" data file but there is no OnlineEdited-010.D in the result set folder. Therefore, this line is not shown in the navigation table in ChemStation. This missing .D folder also causes a mismatch in the navigation table.

Temporary Solution:

Rename the . B file and re-create a new result.

Fix Information:


KPR#:307134  Product:    ECM XT v2.3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Pagination disappears when search returns more than 250 results 


The pagination on the search results page disappears when more that 250 hits are found.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

The Search User Interface as been redesigned in version 2.4, pagination is no longer displayed. User needs to keep scrolling down to see the search results

KPR#:348531  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Sample Operator shown on reports doesn't show up in user interface


The report shows two different operators:
•	the sample operator, which is the user that was logged in when a sequence or sample was submitted.
•	the acq operator, which is the user that is logged in when a sequence or sample is executed.

The user currently logged in is always visible in the user interface, but the sample operator is not shown in the user interface. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 1.  The sample operator will be shown in the run queue.

KPR#:413147  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 2

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Graphical controls which visualize the sampler and fraction collector bed-layout in an LC instrument environment need update


Graphical controls which visualize the sampler and fraction collector bed-layout in an LC instrument environment need updated to newer versions which contain performance and usability fixes.

The Status Dashboard was updated.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10. Update 3.

KPR#:445628  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 2

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

GC Sampling Diagram does not display on load


GC Sampling diagram does not automatically load when an instrument session is launched if it had been selected in the View menu when that instrument's previous online session closed. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:487484  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Cosmetic changes in the edit integration events UI


Some elements in the edit integration events UI where where not always seen as obviously active and editable. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Cosmetic changes in the edit integration events UI where made to improve usability in C.01.10 Update 4

KPR#:490394  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10 Update 3

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Resizing chromatogram window does continuous resize jumps even after let go of the mouse


When clicking the border to adjust the size of the chromatogram or spectra window with the mouse and drag it to a new position, the draw window starts jumping in size and doing continuous redraws until you let go of the mouse button.

Temporary Solution:

Disable the Windows feature "show window contents while dragging" in the Windows performance options dialog.

Fix Information:


KPR#:554961  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Adobe Reader 2020 "sign in" dialog causes ChemStation to become unresponsive when left open


Adobe Reader 2020 "sign in" dialog causes ChemStation to become unresponsive when left open.

Temporary Solution:

Close the Adobe Reader 2020 "sign in" dialog.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11.

KPR#:740714  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Instrument status dashboard missing important information about the module


In the instrument status dashboard, important information is cut off in a tool tip if an instrument error or warning situation occurs for an instrument module in a combined instrument.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab ChemStation LTS 01.11 Update 01.

KPR#:799726  Product:OpenLAB - CDS2  Acquisition  CDS 2.7

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

LC module reports the host firmware revision


G7116A module will report the host firmware revision and not the actual module firmware revision.  This host firmware revision is also saved in the sequence.acaml file.  The actual firmware of the LC module is visible with Lab Advisor. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

This issue got resolved in OpenLab CDS v2.8.

KPR#:993485  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Overlay of the pressure curve displays mAu when it should be bar


Overlay of the pressure curve displays mAu when it should be bar

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:2041  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: User Interface , 7890A Control

One-line Description:

Unprivileged users can change instrument setpoints using the "GC Instrument Diagram"


This privilege “Modify Instrument Method” allows a user to modify parameters of an instrument such as flow or temperature. 
Without this privilege a user can only view instrument parameters, but cannot change them. While menu access to instrument parameters is locked for unprivileged users, the GC Instrument Diagram is unprotected and users can modify instrument parameters.
This issue affects 7820 and 7890 Series GC's.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in C.01.06 Hotfix03.
Note: this issue is not addressed in C.01.07 SR1.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:58  Product:OpenLAB Data Store  OpenLAB Data Store  2.0

Keyword: User Interface , Audit Trail

One-line Description:

Activity Log not displayed in web browser when using Chrome 5.1


Google Chrome version 51.0.2704.63(64-bit) will not display the Activity log in Data Store Browser

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Update Chrome to 51.0.2704.103 or newer

KPR#:1688  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  B.04.01

Keyword: User Interface , Data Analysis

One-line Description:

Preferences set in offline overwrite online Preferences and vice versa


Preferences set in offline overwrite online Preferences and vice versa

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1957  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: User Interface , ECM Integration

One-line Description:

Local files are not stored securely with ChemStation Edition


When loading data from a central storage (OpenLAB ECM or OpenLAB Data Store), the user is offered the possibility to define the download location for the file version he is downloading when an different version of the file is present on the computer. A windows explorer window is allowing the user to browse the files on the AIC computer. With this browse dialog, the user may inadvertently move or delete files.

Temporary Solution:

Ensure users are trained to ensure all file revisions are stored to OpenLAB ECM or OpenLAB Data Store.

Fix Information:

Service Release 2 for OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07 will include secure local file storage called Secure File IO. This will be available in January 2016.

KPR#:1763  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: User Interface , SEQ , ACQ , ECM Integration

One-line Description:

In Sequence Parameters dialog a missing backslash of remote data path needs to be corrected.


By OpenLAB ChemStation Edition C.01.04 the requirement for ECM's remote data path (LCDF) became more strict than before. If for editing the Sequence Parameters dialog is opened, and a backslash at the LCDF's begin is missing, the builtin check of this dialog-box will demand a manual correction by the user. This can happen especially once loading a sequence template file from an earlier version of OpenLAB ChemStation Edition.

The later release of OpenLAB ChemStation Edition (like e.g. C.01.05) will tolerate and correct the missing leading backslash at ECM's remote datat path (LCDF) in Sequence Parameters dialog automatically.

Execution of sequences by OpenLAB ChemStaation Edition is not affected. I.e. sequence templates do NOT have to be corrected, neither for sequence execution nor for sequence reprocessing.

Temporary Solution:

Leaving the opened Sequence Parameters Dialog by OK is interdicted until all parameters are in valid ranges. This now for OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.04 requires the remote data path (LCDF) for ECM to start with a leading backslash. If at some sequence template (e.g. from an earlier version of OpenLab ChemStation Edition) this character was missing, it now has to be inserted. Only then the Sequnece Parameters dialog can be successfully closed and left with OK-button.

Fix Information:


KPR#:2157  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

Manual integration tool is still accessible after a user change


When chromatograms are integrated manually, the mouse cursor is changed into a task-specific tool, like e.g. Draw Baseline or Split Peak. When the current user is changed, this tool is still active and can repeatedly be applied by the new user, even if this new user does not have the privilege to manually integrate.
He will not be able to select any of the other manual options, and he loses the active one as soon as the cursor changes.

All the manual integration steps will be assigned to the new user in the result audit trail.

Temporary Solution:

After the current user is finished with manual integration he should save the changes and use the select cursor (white arrow) to leave the manual mode.

Addressed in Hotfix 04 for ChemStation C.01.05 SP1.
Addressed in Hotfix 06 for ChemStation C.01.06.

Fix Information:

Resolved in revision C.01.07 SR3

KPR#:2163  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

Removal of "Edit integration events" permission will not disable access to the "Specific Event For Signal"


For some settings after removing the "Edit integration events" permission, the user can still modify the timed events in the lower table while the "Initial Events For All Signals" are set to inactive.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS C.01.05 SP1 HF04.

Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB ChemStation C.01.07 SR3

KPR#:2172  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

"User"s and Group's Role Assignment  Report" will not display users with group but no roles assignment


If a user has been assigned a group but no roles, the user will not be displayed on the "User"s and Group's Role Assignment  Report" in the OpenLAB Control Panel..

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in revision C.01.07 SR2 with OpenLAB Control Panel 2.1

KPR#:2183  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

Missing ChemStation privileges when connected to OpenLAB Server 2.1 with OpenLAB CDS 2.1


There are missing ChemStation privileges for Networked Chinese Chemstation connected to OpenLAB Server 2.1 with OpenLAB CDS 2.1.  It is not possible to edit method or switch view in Networked Chinese ChemStation running in mixed mode with OpenLAB CDS 2.1 system.  There is no issue for English system.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:115034  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

Users with only the view and run instrument privilege can take over the online/offline used by other user


Users with only the view and run instrument privilege can take over the online/offline session used by other user. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:116731  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

User can switch to DA-view when method change flag is set and run queue is paused 


The system allows the user to switch to Data Analysis view when method change flag is set and run queue is paused.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4 Hotfix 1.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08.

KPR#:120340  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07,C.01.07 SR1

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

C.01.07 SR1 User can delete pending samples in run queue that is paused when multi selection is done


If an online running instrument has an active queue with some methods and sequences, a user with the privileges "CS operator" and "Instrument user" can log in and add a pause in front of the sequence.This will pause the queue. User can now delete pending samples in run queue by using the "Delete selection" function when multiple items are selected.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10.

KPR#:123269  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

Missing privileges for NWS chemstation connected to OpenLAB 2.1 server with OpenLAB CDS 2.1


There are missing ChemStation privileges for Networked Chinese Chemstation connected to OpenLAB Server 2.1 with OpenLAB CDS 2.1.  It is not possible to edit method or switch view in Networked Chinese ChemStation running in mixed mode with OpenLAB CDS 2.1 system.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4.

KPR#:130664  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

Lock and Unlock during running sequence may lead to deadlock / user permission loss


The mechanism of synchronizing user privileges during method loading/storing and accessing a sequence table editor may lead to a deadlock, resulting in inactive menu items.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Fixed in OpenLAB CDS Chemstation C.01.07 SR3

KPR#:146287  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

User without save method changes privilege can save changes to the method


User role setup that consists of Project, Instrument and Administrative.  The user does not have "Save Method changes" privilege under Chemstation Method. Thus, the method is disabled – which is correct behavior. But if the user has placed the mouse on the "Method" menu of "Method and Run Control" panel for about 2 seconds, the save method button is enabled. During this time, if the user selects the "Save method" or "Save method as", the method can be saved.

This issue affects the following OpenLab CDS ChemStation version(s):  C.01.07, C.01.07 SR1, SR2, SR3, SR4 and C.01.08.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR4.
Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 1.

KPR#:146402  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

User without save method changes privilege can save changes to the method


User role setup that consists of Project, Instrument and Administrative. The user does not have "Save Method changes" privilege under Chemstation Method. Thus, the method is disabled – which is correct behavior. But if the user has placed the mouse on the "Method" menu of "Method and Run Control" panel for about 2 seconds, the save method button is enabled. During this time, if the user selects the "Save method" or "Save method as", the method can be saved. 

 This issue affects the following OpenLab CDS ChemStation version(s): C.01.07, C.01.07 SR1, SR2, SR3, SR4 and C.01.08. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.08 Update 1.

KPR#:165817  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

User with more privileges cannot preview report without saving method than a User with less privilege


A User with method modification and modify report privileges cannot preview report without saving method.  But a User with modify report privilege can preview and print report without saving the method.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10

KPR#:187099  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07 SR2,C.01.07 SR3

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

Exception to "Edit Calibration Table" privileges 


Certain ChemStation privileges allow for specific exceptions.
The "Edit Calibration Table" privilege is not mandatory in order to update the expected retention time values of the calibration table. These values can also be updated by sequence acquisition or processing without the need to access the calibration directly.  It allows for adjustments in case of small retention time shifts due to column aging or length adjustment.

Temporary Solution:

The interactive update of retention time window adjustment gets recorded in the method audit trail, if activated.
Implement a procedural control to check the method audit trail if an interactive adjustment of the retention time is not wanted.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.09

KPR#:381733  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.08,C.01.09,C.01.10

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

Orphan Property ID leading to sync failure


The application has a job to clean obsolete property values in the database (Prop Cleaner Job) and one to synchronize users from LDAP to the Content Management (User Sync Job). 

The Orphan Property ID issue occurs when the Prop Cleaner Job runs at the same time as (or within close time proximity of) the User Sync Job, resulting in deletion of property values that should not have been deleted and causing dangling references inside the database that prevents the application from doing further user synchronizations. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLab CDS ChemStation C.01.10 Update 3. 

Before installing C.01.10 update 3 on the Secure ChemStation, verify that you don’t have Orphan IDs using the Orphan ID Repair Tool. The repair tool can be downloaded from

KPR#:801721  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.10

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

User without specific Project Group access can see the name of the Project Group


Limiting access to different project groups is done by breaking the inheritance from the Projects group.  

A user that does not have specific Project Group access can still see the name of the “Project Group” in Content Management.  The project groups will be seen by all users, but the individual projects can only be accessed by the user that has permissions to do so.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:971357  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  LTS 01.11

Keyword: User Privileges

One-line Description:

Upgrades from earlier versions to LTS will fail if the System Administrator Role is renamed or removed


If the System Administrator role is renamed or deleted on a Workstation 
with authentication enabled, the upgrade will fail at the ‘Agilent OpenLab Shared Services’ step. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1902  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.05

Keyword: Utilities

One-line Description:

The "Import worklist" feature does not work when Chinese characters are present


The XML import feature cannot be used when Chinese characters are use in the Worklist.xml file. Examples are sample names or method names in Chinese text.
This is independent of the language of the Operating system or the ChemStation localization.

Temporary Solution:

Addressed in Hotfix 09 for C.01.05.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition C.01.07.

KPR#:1990  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.01

Keyword: Utilities

One-line Description:

Error message when selecting "Print Report" for an AIA imported file, report not shown


AIA files can be imported into ChemStation.  The signal is displayed and can be integrated.  However, when selecting print report (using either classic report or intelligent report), an error message is shown: Method Directory not created - bad path name.  The report is not generated.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No fix planned.

KPR#:2046  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Utilities

One-line Description:

Zoom level is lost when overlaid UV and MSD data are copied


When MSD chromatograms are overlaid with UV chromatograms and copied to clipboard, the zoom range of the UV chromatogram is lost. It returns to full scale.

Temporary Solution:

Fixed in C.01.07 SR1
FIxed in C.01.06 HF 03.

Fix Information:

Resolved in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation C.01.07 SR2.

KPR#:2124  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.07

Keyword: Utilities

One-line Description:

No sample  name for imported  AIA


Imported AIA to OpenLAB CDS Chemstation C.0106 and C.0107, the report does not show the sample name,For MT Chemstaion B version, it works fine for same AIA file

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1616  Product:OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition  M83xx  C.01.04

Keyword: Utilities , Spectra Analysis , MSD Analysis

One-line Description:

Shortcut to ChemStation Real-Time Display not included in OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition program group


A shortcut to the ChemStation Real-Time Display is not included in the OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition program group.  However, the Real-Time Display can still be accessed at:


Temporary Solution:

Manually create a shortcut pointing to


to access the ChemStation Real-Time Display

Fix Information:

To be resolved in a subsequent OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition release